#Rahu Dasha
subir-astrologer · 2 years
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auspiciousyogas · 2 years
ज्योतिष शास्त्र में राहु की स्थिति दसवें घर में/Rahu in Tenth House अनुकूल मानी जाती है। कुछ आचार्यों का मानना है की यहां स्थिति राहु (सर्प) के सिर पर रखी मणि की भांति शोभायमान होता है। यहां बैठा राहु व्यक्ति की आगे बढ़ने और नई चीजों में हाथ आजमाने की क्षमता को भी विकसित करने वाला होता है। राहु का प्रभाव व्यक्ति की कुंडली में एक खास स्थान रखता है। राहु जहां भी होगा अपने फलों को वहां के अनुसार देने की कोशिश करेगा। कुंडली का दशम भाव हमारे कर्म क्षेत्र का स्थान होगा।
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sangrientx · 3 months
why did i deactivate my old tumblr 😔
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astroera987 · 8 months
Explore Moon Mahadasha And Rahu Antardasha
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In the cosmic dance of Vedic astrology, the Moon Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha create a celestial symphony, each note echoing with unique energies. Let's embark on this mystical journey, unraveling the cosmic insights and influences that accompany these celestial phenomena.
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starzalign · 9 months
As soon as my sade sati ends(which I’m so incredibly happy for😭) my boyfriends starts….imma pray for him
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amtalchemy · 9 months
Tapped into some old obsessive, fantasy-based energies lately connected to my Rahu in Chitra of Libra and then realized Ketu-Mars-Rahu dasha recently started
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cosmicpuzzle · 3 months
Random Astro Notes
Mercury in 7th house- spouse may be either very well educated or may have faced breaks in education.
Venus in 9th house will spend a lot on college education.
Saturn in 2nd will delay marriage and starting a family especially retrograde.
Virgo on 4th cusp will want a neat and tidy home. They may also have a bookshelf at home
Cancer shows where your family interferes. Example Cancer in 12th family influences your spiritual life, in 7th your marriage etc.
A benefic planet in 10th causes Amala yoga.
Planets in trine to a karaka influences them heavily. Example, if Ketu is in 5th or 9th to Venus, then spouse has Ketu traits.
Mars in 5th will lose heavily in speculation due to their inability to curb revenge trades.
Rahu Dasha-Mercury bhukti can make one choose computer related education.
Mars-Moon aspects , mother could be a Aries Moon.
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moonchild033 · 1 month
Astro Observations -3 ✨
Here we go with Part-3!!! 😍🤩
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
Note: All obs here are for D1 chart if I didn't mention the chart name specifically, for divisional charts I've given 'in D4, D9' specification. 💛
Mercury Mahadasha (Major planetary period)- Everybody talking about having relationships during Venus Mahadasha but Mercury mahadasha and having mercury-venus conjunction or mercury-rahu conjunction in chart leads to multiple relationships and heartbreaks 😭😐
Ketu Mahadasha- At the end of 7 years, you'll be a whole different person lmaooo, truly more humbled than saturn mahadasha imo. 🙃😂
Mars-Mercury conjunction in D4 chart- Endless cycle of buying and selling lands/any properties. You'll benefit from this but the pattern of buying and then selling can be seen frequently. 😄😇
Mars-Rahu conjunction - Your own perfectionist tendencies will cause restlessness to you and those around you. If one of your parents has this, good luck, they might be finding faults on every little thing you do. 😬☹
Sun-Ketu conjunction - If you rush through things, it would not end up good for you, slow and steady wins the race is the lesson you would be forced to learn. 🤧
Water risings - Keep some secrets to yourself, showing 100% authenticity will only bring controversies to you. You'll see that ppl who appeared non-judgemental will start distancing themselves or grow judgemental towards you once you spill all the tea. It's because most ppl with this rising can have some WTF kinda secrets 😶
Venus-Ketu conjunction - If you like Electrical, Electronics related subjects, feel free to pursue that, you'll shine like the brightest star. 🤩
Aries moons (Esp. Aswini moons)- Golden child vibes. Your siblings can be more chaotic than you. You could be someone who lives by the rules set by your parents until you become independent. More like, this is not a placement of rebellious or chaotic children, they don't even talk back to their parents sometimes.☺
Mars/Sun/Jupiter in conjunction with 1H lord- This is funny but you'll get a second chance or a time period to escape from your mistakes. Watch out! They won't get caught/framed or struck in any problem that easily.🤫
Venus-Rahu conjunction - Burnt or blackened skin somewhere (house placement can tell the possible body part) and sensitive skin can also be an issue.😷
If Venus placement is present after Jupiter's placement- please save some money for retirement age. These people can have good earnings but fail to save for later. Ex. Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Leo, Venus is present AFTER Jupiter. 💯
Mars-Ketu conjunction in Women - Very sharp tongue and cordial relationship with your spouse could be affected because of this. The catch is the effects are reduced when the spouse's profession is in healthcare, law or if he's spiritually inclined.💛
Rahu & Saturn Mahadasha- Individuals undergoing these dashas respectively should NOT marry each other during this time. Rahu MD person may feel pulled down by Saturn MD person as their inclinations will be different.😌
Taurus risings in D9= Never breaks their promises. They would be putting their heart and soul to maintain their word and can be burdened with loads of family responsibilities solely resting on their shoulders. They can be the ONLY breadwinners in the family or the one who earns more.🖤
Placements who change their jobs/source of income frequently:
Mercury in 2H/Taurus
Mercury in conjunction with 2H lord
2H & 3H lord in conjunction
Venus/Jupiter/2H lord in Gemini
(This can also mean that they like to explore and get bored of monotonous works or have too many interests/talents and end up being confused in what to choose, so they jump from one to another)💯👀
Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Vedic Astrology Through The Planets: Part 2
I had to split that post into 2 because Tumblr has a limit on how many links you can insert within one post :////
Jupiter & Notoriety 💀
Jupiter vs Moon
The Dark Side of Jupiter
Jupiter Dominant Women & Daddy Issues
Jupiter as amatyakaraka
The Curse of Limitless Expansion: Jupiter's Shadow
Jupiter's Boundlessness
Jupiter & Rahu: Ditzy Humor
Jupiter & Mars give good advice
Why does Jupiter represent the husband
Jupiter dasha advice
Jupiter vs Venus Daddy Issues
A shitpost about Jupiter's generosity lmao
Jupiter Influence Among Popstars
The Strictness of Saturn
Saturnian Women: Bad Girls To Trad Girls
Saturnians who love Animals
Saturn pt 3: Stoicism & Spirituality
How to survive Saturn dasha
Saturn MD and Shawshank
Saturn and empathy
Saturn advice
Saturn dasha advice from anon
Saturn x Ketu romance
Rahu & Ketu: Abuse & Addiction
Nodal Influence and Isolation
Rahu & Ketu: The Mystery of Being
Dating a Nodal Man
Remedies for Nodal People
Ketu & Detachment
Shatabhisha & The Rahuvian Urge To Lie
Nodal Urge To Be Different People??
Rahu: Obsession & Stalking
Nodal Urge To Rebrand
Rahuvian Fashion & Style
Rahuvian Fashion part 2
Nodal-Yang Dynamics
Rahuvians and the entertainment industry
Rahuvians and acting
Moon conjunct Ketu relationship dynamics
Rahu vs Ketu spirituality
astrologers are Rahuvian?
Nodal struggles in relationships
Rahu meme
Rahu vs Ketu addiction
Rahuvians are internet famous?
Jungkook is a Ketu stereotype?
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bouquetface · 4 days
Predicting when you will meet your spouse & marry:
WARNING: I am new to the topic of Dasha periods. This is based on patterns I have observed in people’s chart. Take it as entertainment.
This method uses vedic astrology. You can calculate which dasha period you are in on various free sites. To generate the image below, I used astroseek.
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Step 1:
You should check for the mahadasha that rules over the ages 20-30s. The mahadasha does NOT need to be Saturn or Rahu. That is just what it was for the example above. Everyone will have different Mahadasha’s ruling over there 20-30s. Focus on the bhukti of the mahadasha. This will show what is being activated.
❣️ You are likely to meet a partner:
When bhukti is a planet that rules your 7th H or
When bhukti is a planet that is placed in your 7th H or
When bhukti is a planet that aspects your 7th H Ruler
❣️ You are likely to get married:
When bhukti is Venus or
When bhukti is Jupiter or
When bhukti is a planet that rules your 7th or is in your 7th or aspects your 7th house ruler.
[One thing I’ve noticed is all the charts that married in the venus bhukti have remained together. While those married during the period where the bhukti was an aspecting planet did not. Despite, the aspect being considered positive such as trine & sextile. This is not advice telling you only get married in venus bhukti. This is just an interesting observation I found in the few charts I was able to check.]
ONE MORE THING: Bhukti planets repeat. Sometimes venus isn’t activating romantic love rather it love for family, friends, yourself. In can activate other Venus topics such as beauty & aesthetics. The themes of the natal house that Venus sits in will be activated too.
❣️ You are likely to have the first child:
When bhukti is Moon
When bhukti is the planet that rules your 5th House or
When bhukti is the planet placed in the 5th House or
When bhukti is a planet that aspects your 5th H ruler
Person 1:
She met her spouse during Mahadasha Saturn/ bhukti Mercury period. This activated her natal mercury which is in 7th House of marriage.
She married during Saturn/Venus period. Her natal venus does not aspect 7th H or 7th H ruler. However, Venus always represents love in everyone's charts.
She had her first child during Saturn/Moon period. Her natal moon does not aspect 5th H or 5th H ruler. However, Moon always represents mothers/nurturer.
Person 2:
Met her husband during Jupiter/Ketu period. She has natal ketu in 7th house.
They married during her Jupiter/Venus period. Venus has no connection to her 7th H, however venus symbolizes love in everyone's chart.
First child during Jupiter/Venus. Natal venus is in 11th - it has always been her dream to be a mother.
Second child during Jupiter/Sun. In natal, her sun conjuncts her 5th H ruler.
Person 3:
She was married during Moon/Venus period. Venus has no connection to her 7th H, however venus symbolizes love in everyone's chart.
She had her first child during Mars/Mars period. Her scorpio 5th H is traditionally ruled by Mars.
She had her 2nd child during Mars/Jupiter period. Her natal 5th H ruler, Mars, trines her Aries Jupiter.
Her 3rd child was born during Rahu/rahu period. Her natal rahu is in 9th H pisces. The 3rd child is represented by 9th H.
Person 4:
She met her spouse during Venus/Venus period. Venus doesnt aspect her 7th house. However, venus represents love in everyone’s chart.
She married during her Venus/Mars period. Her natal Mars is in first house trines her 7th H ruler.
She had her first two children during Venus/Rahu period. Her natal rahu is in the 5th House.
Person 5:
She met and married her first husband in Saturn/Rahu period. Her natal Rahu sextiles her 7th H Ruler.
They did not have children.
Person 6:
She had her child during Saturn/Ketu period. In natal, her ketu opposites her 5th H ruler.
She married the year after when she was in Saturn/Venus period.
Person 7:
She married during Mercury/Venus period. In natal, venus is conjunct her 7th House ruler.
She had her kid during Mercury/Venus period. However, Venus shows no connection to her 5th House.
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subir-astrologer · 9 months
In my astrology practice I have noticed that if Rahu signify the 6th, 8th and 12th house in any form THEN RAHU MAHADASA CREATE GREAT PROBLEM FOR A PERSON GOING THRU HEALTH ISSUE. I have noticed that the doctors cannot easily diagnose the illness and because of that the person experience much sufferings. Simplest of simple diagnose will baffled the doctor and they cannot conclude at first go.
Pregnant women also suffer much if she is also going thru Rahu mahadasa during her delivery time. It is always advised to take extra precautions for such ladies. I saw more C-section or cesarean delivery for women having rahu mahadasa during her delivery time. It’s because the doctor will suddenly find some anomalies which they didn’t notice before and so they are compelled to take instant decision on C-section.
People should take an extra effort to take care of their health during this rahu mahadasa. This doesnot mean that you can be reluctant on health care in other mahadasa lol….
But on a serious note as we know that rahu is a greedy in nature and loves materialistic pleasure, so it will generally drag the person to experience the pleasure though it may harm his health because all it know is to experience and enjoy the pleasure, during its ruling period.
Once a person understand this then he can have a check on his life style and save himself from creating self-created health issues.
This is an observation in general noticed by me and it may differ from person to person as other planets in the horoscope in not taken into consideration.
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Astro observations part 8
🌼Planets in 12H indicate loss of material & gain of spiritual , unconscious needs & instincts. Planets in 6th include the source & the type of debts you owe and the cause of your pain & imbalance too.
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🌼For Foreign travel & settlement , check 12H Lord & his association with 4H/Lord. 12 H Lord & sign in D9. Mostly 12H dasha will be active.
🌼Uttarabhadraprada Nakshatra natives have chosen to go through a spiritual penance in their inner lives. They have to fight the war between their higher & lower nature and to integrate them.
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🌼Unlike the periods of the planets , the importance of the zodiacal sign in which Rahu is found at birth is overshadowed by the importance of the house in which he is placed.
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🌼If the 11th Lord is posited in the 4th house , the native attains gain from mother , education, land , property , house , emotional healing etc.
🌼 Life is good & peaceful when you can accept the both beautiful & challenging energies that make up your chart. Everything ultimately will work for your best if you take up responsibility for your spiritual, emotional, mental & physical life.
And you are worth it Darling 🌼❤️🌼
DM for reading
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username-1121 · 1 month
The Rise and Fall of Career Success in Vedic Astrology
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I just watched D Angelo Wallace’s video on Katy Perry’s downfall in her music career. I found it so interesting and wanted to know whether we could see this decline present in her chart. Which is why we’ll be discussing music artists who suddenly rise to fame, as well as the indicators of one’s decline in their career and why some are able to sustain this fame for such a long time.
Note: I’ll only be discussing the D1 and D9 charts, as well as using the Vimshottri Dasha systems. If anyone who’s more qualified or has a valid opinion regarding my research, please don’t hesitate to comment, I’m always open to learning more :)
✨So what causes the rise and fall of someone’s success? ✨
To make a long story short, the answer is simply “Mahadashas”.
A lot of people have fame indicators as well as very favourable yogas in their charts but many won’t ever run through the favourable Dasha in order to experience these fruits in this life time. Or they may run through it too early or late in their life.
- The dignity of your Mahadasha/Antardasha planet is SO important. If the planet isn’t strong or atleast well aspected then you won’t be able to reap the full benefits of that planet.
- The D9 chart is extremely important, if the mahadasha is well placed in the D1 but not in D9 then we can see a rapid decline in one’s career.
Exhibit A: Katy Perry
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Katy Perry is currently experiencing a massive decline in her music career. Why is that? During her peak in the 2010s, Katy was running her Saturn Mahadasha which was in great condition in her chart :
- Exalted in her D1 chart
- But also well aspected by benefics.
- Saturn is also a yogakaraka planet for her D1 libra lagna.
If we look at her D9 chart her Saturn still maintains it’s strength:
-Saturn is in Taurus (Venusian sign)
- Saturn Conjunct Moon
- The ruler Venus in its own sign
As we can see she had an extremely favourable Saturn, she was destined to achieve some sort of recognition and success during that mahadasha. Especially in Venusian pursuits.
In 2014 she entered her Mercury mahadasha. Many will tell you that after 2015 her career took a sharp decline. If we look at her Mercury in her D1 chart we see that Mercury is indeed in a favourable sign. Although it is negatively aspected by Saturn it is still receiving good aspects from other beneficial planets. Saturn is still considered favourable in her chart so why was the decline in her career so tremendous?
Once we look at the D9 chart we notice how Mercury:
- Is Debilitated in Pisces.
- The ruler Jupiter is conjunct Ketu
This shows us how Katy Perry needs to focus more on improving her Spiritual life rather than just the material world. Which is why her art is no longer connecting with the masses the same way it did during her Saturn mahadasha.
I would argue to say that the only reason why everyone is so aware of her decline is because she’s currently in her Rahu antardasha. She unfortunately has eyes on her but not in the way she would like. As we can see Rahu can indeed bring “fame” but its not always in our favour.
But what about the artists receiving this sudden rise to fame?📈✨
Exhibit B: Charli XCX
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Charli XCX has been a well known artist for the past decade. She had her popular song “Boomclap” reach the charts in 2014, but ever since then a lot of people would say that she kind of flew under the radar since then. So what’s the reason for her sudden success?
She is currently in her Rahu mahadasha which she entered in 2013. If we look at her D1 chart Rahu is in Sag:
- the ruler Jupiter in Leo.
- Rahu is aspected by many benefics.
But once we look at the D9 chart we see that:
- Rahu is exalted in Taurus,
- with the ruler Venus exalted in Pisces
So this period is bound to be beneficial for her especially in her creative endeavours.
She rose to sudden fame when she was in her Rahu Mahadasha and Rahu Antardahsa in 2014. But then things went silent until late 2023 when she entered her Ketu antardasha which is exalted in her D9 chart.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she continues to remain successful during her Venus antardasha due to her Venus being exalted in the D9.
Let’s take a quick look at Sabrina Carpenter who’s also been receiving some traction.
Exhibit C: Sabrina Carpenter
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She had previously (2004 - mid 2024) been in her Saturn Mahadasha, Saturn is neutral in her D1:
- Saturn in Aries aspected by Ketu and Mars
If we look at her D9 chart:
- Saturn is in Leo but still very much conjuncted by Ketu
As we can see the planet Saturn is not strong in her chart. Saturn is also well known for being a planet that reinforces obstacles, so the fact that it doesn’t have many benefic influences helping Sabrina ease into the process is very much seen in her career. Due to this Sabrina was less likely to get early/easy success. As we can see in this mahadasha she faced many delays, challenges and late success. Saturn is not denying any success but rather delaying it.
Sabrina has 5 studio albums and 24 singles. As we can see she had been releasing music for a very long time but hadn’t gained any traction. So what changed?
Sabrina’s career rose to success when she entered her Jupiter antardasha, if we look at her chart:
- Jupiter is well placed in its own sign Pisces, in both the D1 and D9, which is considered Vargottama which is extremely powerful in astrology. In Sabrina’s case it is yielding positive results.
However will Sabrina sustain this success?
Sabrina had recently (last month actually) entered her Mercury Mahadasha which she will remain in for the next 17 years.
I personally think that Sabrina’s career might have a subtle decline and remain neutral. She won’t continually get the same attention like we’ve seen in the past few months. Of course she will still have a huge following and have people interested in her music, but it won’t be as “huge” as the era she’s currently in.
Mercury is heavily aspected by malefics and isn’t making any impressive moves in her D9 as well. She might currently be in her “peak” and the public might slowly start to divert their attention elsewhere.
Then again Saturn is known to give you success (after hard work) which reaches great heights and sustains for a very long time, so I could be very much mistaken.
But who knows, that’s just based on what I’m seeing, I haven’t done a full on analysis but I would love to know what your thoughts are on this prediction👀
And what about those who remain successful for a long time?
So we’ve discussed what allows massive success in a Mahadasha. We’ve also discussed why some people who’ve previously experienced massive success but have a sudden fall from grace, well others experience a sudden rise and why it took them so long.
But I wanted to check this same techniques with other celebrities who manage to sustain their relevance and success for long periods of time.
When we see celebrities like Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Rihanna etc. who manage to remain relevant and still achieve success in their endeavours it’s usually because they’re experiencing a long Mahadasha which is well placed in both their D1 and D9.
And if they do change mahadashas, that usually means that the dasha planet is still benefic in their charts therefore the success pronlongs itself.
✨Bonus observation✨
I read this article by Shankar Bhattachrjee, where he discusses this technique when checking for successful Mahadasha periods.
And he mentions how even numbered Mahadashas are more successful periods compared to the odd numbered Mahadashas.
So for example: if you were born in a Saturn mahadasha, that’s your 1st Dasha (one being an odd number) so if this mahadasha prolongs for a long time then you’re more likely to experience a very a hard and challenging period in your life.
Once you reach the 2nd Dasha (two being an even number) in this example it would be Mercury, things during this Dasha are more likely to be more successful and beneficial during this time period.
And this continues on, so Dasha 1, 3, 5 tend to be harder compared to 2,4,6 Dashas.
So if you’re currently in your 3rd Dasha then you’re more likely to face hardships and struggle in your life.
Please read the article down below, he really does explore this in greater detail and more nuance.
But I found this to be very accurate especially studying all the charts I mentioned above, as well as other celebrities. Of course there will be one or two exceptions but I found this technique to be almost 90% accurate. I also found this very accurate when studying the charts of people that I know in my personal life.
I notice that celebrities tend to almost always shoot to stardom/success during their even numbered Dasha, and will sometimes decline in their success during odd numbered Dasha. I saw this present in Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Beyoncé, etc. who are all currently having a decline in their career because they’re in their odd numbered dashas.
Of course if the planet is well placed in the D1 and D9, and your birth chart has a promise of success then things will manifest differently.
Eg: Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande, both rose to fame during their 3rd Dasha but they of course have multiple beneficial yogas in their charts and are going through a beneficial Dasha according to their respective charts. So they are the exception :)
If you haven’t you should check out more of his blogs on the website, he has some incredibly accurate and interesting astrological insights :)
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Heard an interesting tidbit from a Vedic community today, that while Rahu represents mental anguish, Ketu represents physical suffering. That exacerbates in the respective Mahadasha.
It makes complete sense, given the order of the Nakshatras. Jupiter comes after Rahu, healing mental anguish through enlightenment and new hope and perspective. Venus comes after Ketu, healing physical anguish through rejuvenation.
It is very difficult, I can attest as someone going through the Ketu dasha now myself and having health issues out of nowhere that I never had before, but it also gives hope. Rahu and Ketu are the dispensers of our negative karmas, so when their respective periods end, there is hope for healing, in whichever way it is meant to come for each of us.
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astromancy-divinare · 3 months
When you’ll get married depends entirely on your Vimshottari Dasha period
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Vimshottari Dashas consist of planetary periods in a person's life that are ruled by one planet for several years. This is considered the Main Period and it’s called Mahadasha.
Main planetary period = Mahadasha
Within that main period there are 9 sub-periods featuring the 7 traditional planets including Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (the South Node).
Sub-planetary periods = Antardasha
You will get married during the Mahadasha (main period) or the Antardasha (sub-period) of the following:
7th house lord in sidereal natal chart
7th house lord in D9 Navamsa chart
Planets in 7th house of sidereal natal chart
Planets in 7th house of D9 Navamsa chart
Upapada Lagna lord (I have a post on how to find your Upapada Lagna)
Darakaraka planet (Planet with the lowest degree in your sidereal natal chart)
How to find your Dashas:
Go to Astro-Seek.com, scroll down and click on Sidereal Astrology on the front page.
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Then click on Vimshottari Dasha Periods.
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After filling in your date of birth, time of birth, location of birth, select Moon’s Nakshatra.
*You should ALSO check your Dasha period under Ascendant’s Nakshatra!
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After clicking Calculate Dasha you’ll see this:
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Real life example:
My Moon’s Nakshatra based Dasha period when I got married for the first time:
Jupiter Mahadasha / Saturn Antardasha
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Jupiter is in the 7th house in my Navamsa chart
Saturn is the lord of my Aquarius 7th house in my sidereal natal chart
My Ascendant’s Nakshatra based Dasha period when I got married for the first time:
Rahu Mahadasha / Jupiter Antardasha
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Rahu is the co-lord of my Aquarius 7th house in my sidereal natal chart (because in Vedic astrology Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Rahu)
Jupiter is in the 7th house in my Navamsa chart
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leoprincess777 · 2 months
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I discovered a method that helps to see if you're meant to marry *that one* person specifically.
If you have marriage yogas in your chart and dashas are triggering marriage transits in the next few years, this will help you see if it's that one.
How to know if you met your spouse?
1. Check your MD/AD at the time you met, then check their MD/AD.
2. Look at your 7H and L7. *Both* of you need to be running the dashas of each other's 7H/L7 (primarily) DK (secondarily)
Example: You are running Venus - Jup and they are running Moon - Rahu
You have 7H cancer (moon ruled)
They have 7H taurus (venus)
This is the first and most important step. then you can go further and check rest of the connections with ADs, connections w L7 and DK
Keep in mind your chart needs to be promising marriage and you should be able to see them in your chart, and see yourself in their chart.
(post from my twt)
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