saeriibon · 1 year
copy-pasting monster oc lore bits under the cut for safe keeping...
name in katakana (ala wikia style): ライモンド・ハーシェル
September 15th, 1972 - Born at the Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, California.
May 28th, 1989 - Graduates from high school early and moves to Munich, Bavaria, Germany to pursue a fine arts apprenticeship with a professor (who is also an extended family member) at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München.
Early Fall, 1989 - Changes legal name to 'Raimund Herschel.' Previous legal name is unknown, though purportedly sounds similar.
Mid Summer, 1994 - Parents die in a car crash. Raimund visits America briefly to identify the bodies.
October 3rd, 1994 - Raimund pushes a man into the way of an oncoming train. No witnesses saw the act in progress, and victim coincidentally had a suicide note kept hidden in their apartment. Raimund narrowly misses getting convicted.
September 14th, 1996 - Body of the curator overseeing a potential exhibition featuring Raimund's work is discovered. Raimund is almost convicted due to speculation of foul-play and past history with the police, but had an alibi at the time of the murder. Unbeknownst to all, the curator was a part of an underground bank that Johan headed and fell victim to the massacre following its disbandment.
Fall, 1996 - Raimund pushes a second victim off a train platform. There was one witness who also did not report the crime to the police. (This witness may or may not be Johan shhhhh)
Mid Winter, 1997 - Raimund briefly meets Johan at the Alte Pinakothek. They speak for hours, though what was discussed is unknown.
December 31st, 1997 - Raimund pushes a third victim off a train platform. There were no witnesses.
September 2nd, 1997 - An attempt is made on Raimund's life (presumably by Roberto).
September 4th, 1997 - The fire during Schuwald's book donation occurs.
September 6th, 1997 -  A missing persons report is filed by his mentor, as Raimund disappears to dig further into the mystery surrounding The Nameless Monster.
??? - guhhhhhh idk lol. insert events where he can interact with the main cast or something
*timeline subject to change whenever i feel like it. wanted to keep a lot ambiguous on purpose
Physical Traits
A very small portion of his extended family is German, but they keep in close contact
Polyglot (English = Native, German = Full Professional Proficiency, Japanese = Limited Working Proficiency)
Has a slight accent when speaking German that he’s very self-conscious about. Doesn’t like it when people try speaking English to him because of the fact.
Picks up skills quickly
Not very physically fit, but pushes himself past his limits anyways
Has double incision scars from top surgery
Psychological Traits
Low empathy
Would be classified as a pleasure killer were it not for the fact he feels nothing when he kills someone
People watching
PC games (particularly real-time strategy games, sims, and point-and-click adventure games)
Water features (fountains, rivers, lakes, the ocean especially)
Being left alone for long periods of time
Getting charcoal on his hands
Ringing phones
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full name: Jebron Jack Perphyra
Nicknames: Bron, JJ, Jack
Date of birth: November 12th, 1979
Gender: Cis-male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood status: half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: Elven and Caucasian (some egyptian through his great grandmother)
Nationality: New Zealand
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: yew wood, phoenix feather and 8 ¼ inches
Animagus: Tiger
Quidditch: chaser
Prefect: yes
Head boy: yes
Clubs: no
Faceclaim: Child - Sprouse Twins, Teen - Asher Angel and Adult - Jack Quaid
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Height: 5’7
Hair color: light brown
Hair style:
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Eye color: light green
Skin tone: fair and tan
Scars: no
Modifications: no
Distinguishing marks: none so far but in his 6th year when he’s in America, he gets a chameleon tattoo to wrap around his leg and a dragon tattoo to wrap around his arms, with the head resting on his shoulder
Clothing style:
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Accessories: a ring he hassled Raimund out of on his 11th birthday
What’s in their pockets?
A pen
What’s in their school bag?
Sketch book
Text books
Parchment paper
Voice claim: 
Young - Asher Angel
Older - Jack Quaid
Languages understood: English, Elvish, Danish and Russian
Languages spoken: English, Elvish, Danish and Russian
Speech and/or language disorder: a slight lisp when he talking Elvish since the words aren’t pronounced how they are spelt
Color: Green
Food: Blueberry waffles with strawberries and chocolate in the pockets, also syrup has to be drizzled on top. Not too much syrup or he refuses to eat it
Weather: Cloudy
Books: It, goosebumps
Hobbies: Drawing, hanging out with his favorite uncles (Alvar and Raimund), figuring out lacrosse and American football
Music: He went to America one time for 2 weeks and is now hooked on rap music
Dislikes: Ron Weasley, no particular reason, he’s just annoying and he doesn’t like cats
Father: Anatoly Perphyra
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Mother: Ashley Lestrange
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Twin brother: Sinncere Perphyra
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Pet(s): A bloodhound named, Sniffer and a pit bull named, tigger
S/O: Jimena Gallardo @endlessly-cursed
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Children: tbd
Draco Malfoy
Theo Nott
Blaise Zabini
Anthony Goldstein
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Dotta Rowle (in the picture above with Sinncere)
(Let me know if you want your ocs to be friends with either of the twins)
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Anthony Goldstein
His accent comes out strong when he’s talking fast which makes it even more hard to understand
Went on a 2 week trip to muggle America during the summer with Sinncere, Draco, Blaise and Theo because of a bet with Antonin and Thorfinn, saying they couldn’t last 2 weeks
First one to have a magical occurrence which was flooding the house with plants
Tries to hide his accent
Got 2 dogs to one up Sinncere
Loves his brother more than anything…but he will make sure that he one ups Sinncere every time
Both equally smart, Jebron is book smart and Sinncere is street smart
Favorite uncles = Alvar and Raimund
Prefers maternal grandparents
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opera-ghosts · 2 years
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Here a picture of the German tenor Fritz Schrödter (1855-1924).
Fritz Schrödter studied at the conservatories in Düsseldorf and Köln. He began his career as an operetta tenor in Northern Germany. During a guest engagement at the Friedrich-Wilhelmstädtisches Theater in Berlin, he was heard by Johann Strauß, who arranged an engagement for him at the National Theater in Budapest in 1876. He sang operetta in Vienna in 1877 and then went to Prague for training in the operatic repertory. He made his operatic debut in 1879 at the German Theater in Prague. Schrödter was a guest at Covent Garden in 1884 and joined the Vienna Hofoper in 1886. He would remain a member of that company until 1915. He was the father-in-law of the great Czech bass Vilém Heš (Wilhelm Hesch).
When he made guest appearance at the Friedrich-Wilhelmstädtischen Theater in Berlin , Johann Strauss heard him and provided in 1876 for him an engagement at the National Theatre of Budapest. In 1877 he came as an operetta tenor of the Ring-Theater in Vienna , then he studied under Kapellmeister Stoltz in Prague . His debut as an opera singer took place in 1879 at the German Theatre in Prague . Here he remained till 1886 and appeared among other things as Don Ottavio in ‘’Don of Giovanni’’, Duke in ‘’Rigoletto’’, Enzo in ‘’La Gioconda’’ of Ponchielli and as David in "Meistersingern". In 1884 he made guest appearance at the Covent Garden in London under Hans Richter. In 1886 he was engaged by the Vienna Court Opera; In Vienna he appeared as Buffo tenor, but also in the lyric tenor roles. Here he sang in three opera premieres of Karl Goldmark: on 19. 11. 1886 in ‘’Merlin’’, on 21. 3. 1896 in "Das Heimchen am Herd", on 2. 1. 1900 in "Ein Wintermärchen", on 6. 2. 1912 in "Die verschenkte Frau" by Eugene d'Albert, also in 1889 in the première of Weber’s "Die drei Pintos". In Vienna he also sang the role of Tonio in ‘’La Fille du régiment’’ of Donizetti, Turiddu in ‘’Cavalleria Rusticana’’, the title roles in ‘’Fra Diavolo’’ of Auber and ‘’Alessandro Stradella’’ of Flotow, Canio in ‘’Pagliacci’’, Assad in Goldmark’s  "Königin von Saba" and Peter Ivanov in  "Zar und Zimmermann"  by Lortzing. Till 1915 he remained a member of the Vienna Opera. In 1884 he made guest appearance at the German Theatre in Prague, in 1890 at the Opera House of Brünn, in 1901 at the Court Opera in Munich (as David in "Meistersingern"), in 1911 at the Opera House in Cologne (as an Iron Stone in "Fledermaus"). In the 1898-1900 seasons he appeared in the festival of Wiesbaden . On 15. 1. 1916 he sang at the Vienna Raimund Theatre in the premiere of the operetta "Das Dreimäderlhaus" by H. Berté. He was at the same time a highly respected concert singer; thus he performed in Vienna in the premiere of "Das klagende Lied" by Gustav Mahler (17. 2. 1901). He lived after his retirement as a pedagogue in Vienna ; he was the father-in-law of bass Wilhelm Hesch (1860-1908).
His repertory was enormous: although he is often considered the predecessor of Arthur Preuss as Vienna's luxury comprimario, and justly so (his most famous role being David in Meistersinger), he was much more than that. In his 29 years at the Vienna Hofoper, he sang Canio 126 times, Wilhelm Meister 103 times, Rodolfo 62 times, Manrico 37 times, Lenskij 21 times, Don Ottavio 27 times, Jeník 77 times, Eisenstein 111 times, Max 68 times, Erik 47 times (but only 7 times Steuermann), José 11 times, Turiddu 86 times; but of course, also many comprimario parts: David 69 times, Peter Iwanow 39 times, Walther von der Vogelweide 86 times. All in all, however, he sang way more leading than supporting parts.
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r-rook-studio · 2 years
#City23: 1st Week of February
Crossposted to Cohost
I've written about my #City23 projects here and on Tumblr. You can check out my last post. I still have two #City23 projects I'm working on: a fantastical version of Nottingham during the high middle ages and a contemporary fictional city in Maine called Cape Crescent.
As noted in that end-of-Janaury post, I spent most of January (minus a break) working on the area around Nottingham's Bar Gate and Cape Crescent's "main street": Pine State Highway. That was a bit of a struggle since I felt like I was filling in "gaps" for a city that hadn't been sufficiently sketched out yet, but did give me a sense of what the locals in both cities are like.
For February '23 in Nottingham, I'm focusing on Nottingham Castle. While Nottingham was not anywhere near the size of London at this time, the castle, a royal residence, meant that the city was far more cosmopolitan than one might expect, with large French, English, and Jewish communities. The castle isn't just a physical space, it's a symbol of the sheriff's authority as the royal appointee. Thus it's the headquarters of a sizable faction and a base of its power.
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This week, I started with the outer bailey, and I think I may camp out a bit. The first line of yards, gardens, and buildings within the castle's outermost wall, the bailey is the home and workplace of many common folks in the sheriff's service. I started with a random guard-generator, including what after-effects from last night are distracting the guard:
Distractions from Last Night
None: Attentive
Gambling debts
Caught cheating in love or at cards
Unrequited infatuation
Family disputes
Lost a brawl, wants revenge
I also started work on the castle's large outer stables and kennel (because I'm in charge, I've decided there's a separate royal stable and kennel further into the castle). My Robin Hobb fandom is showing through. This gave me three NPCs in quick succession: Kado the stable boy, his best friend (and likely crush) Nin who assists in the kennel, and the late stable master and kennel master Warinfried. Kado and Nin have some arcane talents (including some that haven't occurred in Sherwood), and Warinfried's body was buried in the tunnels below the castle without removing the necromantic ring he stole from the sheriff. This could be why folks in the outer bailey's brewery have reported seeing signs of a ghost. If Warinfried is haunting the castle now, who knows what he might do to revenge himself on Kado, who murdered him, or Nin, who Kado was trying to protect? I've also name-dropped Wainfried's patron, Raimund, the castle's steward/seneschal and a son of the sheriff, who I'd love to develop a bit more.
So far, the castle is a lot of Norman and Breton dudes, so over this next week, I'd like to diversify the population a bit.
Cape Crescent
In Cape Crescent, I wanted to begin digging into two explicitly hostile factions: the cult-like Grove and the loosely Pentex-inspired Ghost Bay Foundation. Over the past week, I've worked on Pine State Realty, a mid-sized real estate agency near the middle of town that doubles as an administrative front for Ghost Bay Foundation. Over the past week, I've identified three NPCs who work there:
Ramji Davindran dropped out of grad school to come work in Cape Crescent and discover why his sister disappeared. He covered his tracks well, and so far the only person I've found who knows about his real purpose is...
Cornelia Richards, the office manager, isn't supposed to know much about the Ghost Bay Foundation or the realty's real purpose but knows almost all of it. She may even know more than...
Ted Cliff, the "owner" of the real estate agency and a Ghost Bay administrator, is supposed to know way more than he's actually figured out about the employees he keeps around to create a more compelling front.
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gasthausnostalgie · 18 days
Old Vienna
Anno 1911
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Das Café Schwarzenberg in früherer Zeit...
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Es ist ein Kaffeehaus an der Ringstraße im 1. Wiener Gemeindebezirk Innere Stadt und befindet sich am Kärntner Ring 17 gegenüber dem Schwarzenbergplatz.
Das Cafe wurde von Raimund Hochleitner 1863 als Kaffeehaus Hochleitner eröffnet.
Nach mehreren Eigentümerwechseln erhielt es 1902 durch den neuen Besitzer Josef Menschl die Bezeichnung Café Schwarzenberg.
Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen bekannten Wiener Kaffeehäusern zählten Künstler und Literaten nicht zur Stammklientel.
Eine Besonderheit ist die original erhaltene Einrichtung vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Das Café galt stets als Treffpunkt für Persönlichkeiten aus der Wirtschaft. Einer der berühmtesten Stammgäste war der Architekt Josef Hoffmann, ein Mitbegründer der Wiener Werkstätte. Bei seinen Kaffeehausbesuchen entstanden viele seiner Entwürfe.
Während der Besatzungszeit nach 1945 nutzte die Rote Armee die Räumlichkeiten für Veranstaltungen. Die Stadt Wien entschloss sich 1979, das Haus praktisch insolvente Lokal zu übernehmen und durch die Wigast führen zu lassen. Seit 2008 wird es von der Vivatis Gruppe betrieben, welche die Wigast übernahm.
Das Café wurde ab Februar 1980 renoviert und in der Folge als Altwiener Konzertcafé wieder eröffnet.
Das Schwarzenberg wird sowohl von Wienern als auch von Touristen frequentiert.
Neben kulturellen Veranstaltungen wie Lesungen, Ausstellungen und Konzertabenden gibt es an mehreren Tagen der Woche abendliche Kaffeehausmusik.
Während der Wiener Ballsaison bietet das Café Schwarzenberg als eines von wenigen Cafés ein frühmorgendliches Katerfrühstück an, bei dem sich das Ballpublikum nach Ballbesuch (meist gegen vier Uhr früh) mit einem kleinen Gulasch und einem Seidl Bier für den beginnenden Tag stärken kann.
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Christmas Fairytale Vote 2019 | Round 1 - Part 1
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The Vote is over. Princess Maleen and About the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was move on to Round 2.
How it works As mentioned on my youtube channel, I want to translate a fairytale adaptations for Christmas but I cannot decide on which one because there are so many. Usually I would do one poll but youtube only allows for five options, so this will be done in rounds. In the first round, the two movies with the most votes per part will move to the next round where they will be set against the other parts winners. In round 2, a winner and a second place of different parts of round 1 compete against one another. The winner of each poll moves on to the final round where the Christmas Fairytale Movie I will translate 2019 will be decided on. Overall you will be able to choose your winner out of 15 movies.
The Contestants
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Prinzessin Maleen [Princess Maleen]
According to her father's will, Princess Maleen is supposed to marry Baron Raimund. For seven years, she is imprisoned in a tower but she cannot forget her true love, Landgrave Konrad. Finally freed, Maleen finds a devasted land, and her father is dead. During her travels, Maleen also come to Konrad's estate. There the wedding to the extraordinary ugly Walpurga is being prepared.
With Cleo von Adelsheim, Peter Foyse, Paula Paul, Lucas Reiber, Mariella Ahrens, Konrad Hochgruber and more
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Jorinde und Joringel [Jorinde and Joringel]
Jorinde and Joringel dream of a future together. But since Joringel only works as servant on Jorinde's father's court, he thinks him to be a wastrel and varmint. He wants something better for his daughter. When he forbids them to marry, the lovers flee. The only safe way for the searching parents leads through the enchanted forest. It has been avoided by the people for many years.
With Llewellyn Reichmann, Jonas Nay, Mika Seidel, Katja Flint, Uwe Kockisch, Naomi Krauss, Veit Stübner and more.
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Das singende, klingende Bäumchen [The Singing Ringing Tree]
The beautiful princess must grow up without her mother. Her father loves her but his loves consists of keeping her away from the real life and all challenges. Often alone with her self, the princess grows up to be an arrogant and cold-hearted young woman. When her father wants to marry her off, she declines. She wants to own the singing ringing tree. But she does not know that it only rings with true love.
With Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Lucas Prisor, Christel Bodenstein, Steffi Kühnert, Heinz Hoenig, Oli Bigalke, Gro Swantje Kohlhof and more.
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Vom Fischer und seiner Frau [The Fisherman and His Wife]
A fisherman lives with his wife Ilsebill in an old tub by the sea. One day, the fisherman catches a halibut who is an enchanted prince and lets him free again. Ilsebill asks her husband if he did not wish for anything in exchange for the fish's freedom. Again and again she demands of her husband to aks the halibut for bigger and bigger things.
With Katharina Schüttler, Fabian Busch, Jan Fedder, Peter Heinrich Brix, Leander Lichti, Rudolf Kowalski, Patrick Heyn, Catrin Striebeck und Alexander Simon.
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Von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen [About the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was]
Potter's son Michel just cannot fear, not even a little bit. He sets out into the world, to learn to fear. Princess Elisabeth lives with her father, The King, in a makeshift tent city. The King's castle is occupies by ghosts. That is why The King promised his daughter to the person who can end the haunting of the castle. But so far all contestants failed.
With Tim Oliver Schultz, Isolda Dychauk, Milan Peschel, Heiner Lauterbach, Michael Kessler, Rick Kavanian, Anna Thalbach and more.
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cjeid · 3 years
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Ang bandang Eraserheads ay isang tanyag na banda dito sa Pilipinas na nabuo noong dekada 1990. Binubuo ng nila Ely Buendia ang punong bokalista at ang ritmong gitarista, Buddy Zabala ang bahista at bokalista, Marcus Adoro ang punong gitarista at isa ring bokalista, Raimund Marasigan ang drummer at bokalista. Ang mga dati namang miyembro ay sina Kris Gorra-Dancel na pumalit kay ely noong umalis ng banda at Jazz Nicolas ang sesyonista sa dalawang reunion. Pinoy Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop Music,Reggae, at Synth Rock ang uri ng kanta na kanilang tinitugtog. E-Heads ang kadalasang tawag sa taga-hanga nila. Sinasabi rin na ang bandang ito ang nagbukas ng pintuan para sa iba pang banda ng Pilipinas tulad ng Rivermaya, Parokya ni Edgar, at Yano upang magtagumpay rin. At kahit na hindi na sila aktibo nitong mga nakaraang taon ay nanatili naman ang kasakitan ng kanilang mga kanta. Tulad ng kanilang kantang “Ang Huling El Bimbo” namga  taon na ang nakalipas simula ng ito ay nilabas ay nakakatanggap pa rin ito ng parangal. Tulad na lang noong nakaraang taon, nakatanggap ito ng parangal bilang Asian Viewer’s Choice Award. Hanggang ngayon, kilala pa rin ang grupo bilang pinakamagaling na banda sa Pilipinas. Taon-taon rin ay lalong nadadagan ang kanilang taga-hanga.
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krakowergroup · 6 years
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Featuring Music From The Fixx, Kim Widle and Many More, With Score by Composer Harold Faltermeyer
(October 12, 2018 – Los Angeles, CA) – Varèse Sarabande will release for the first time ever on CD, FLETCH – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack on October 12, 2018. On the same day Varèse Sarabande will release FLETCH – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack on vinyl LP. The FLETCH soundtrack dives right into the 80’s with stalwarts like The Fixx and Kim Wilde. “Bit By Bit (Theme From FLETCH)” performed by Stephanie Mills and “Fletch, Get Outta Town” performed by Dan Hartman highlight the soundtrack which includes the score from composer Harold Faltermeyer (BEVERLY HILLS COP, TOP GUN).
Cleverly disguised as a crime drama, FLETCH is the classic 1985 comedy starring Chevy Chase at the height of his SNL fame as Irwin M. "Fletch" Fletcher. Changing identity more often than his underwear, Fletch is an investigative reporter working on a racy drug expose when he is given an outlandish proposition. To assassinate a strange businessman (Tim Matheson) who wants to be killed so his wife will inherit more insurance.
The wily Fletch senses a scam, and soon he's up to his byline in frame-ups, murder, police corruption and forbidden romance. It'll be the story of the year, if he can stay alive to meet his deadline! This box office hit led to the sequel FLETCH LIVES.
Bit By Bit (Theme From “Fletch”) (Performed by Stephanie Mills) (3:38)
Fletch, Get Outta Town (Performed by Dan Hartman) (4:11)
Running For Love (Performed by John Farnham) (2:54)
Name Of The Game (Performed by Dan Hartman) (6:02)
Fletch Theme (Performed by Harold Faltermeyer) (3:48)
A Letter To Both Sides (Performed by The Fixx) (3:20)
Is It Over (Performed by Kim Wilde) (3:52)
Diggin’ In (Performed by Harold Faltermeyer) (2:44)
Exotic Skates (Performed by Harold Faltermeyer) (3:00)
Running For Love (Instrumental) (Performed by Harold Faltermeyer) (2:44)
Varèse Sarabande will release for the fist time ever on CD, FLETCH – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack on October 12, 2018. On the same day Varèse Sarabande will release FLETCH – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack on vinyl LP.
# # #
For more information contact The Krakower Group:
@KrakowerGroup on Twitter & Instagram
Born October 1952 in Munich, Germany, Harold Faltermeyer was raised in a countryside neighborhood just outside the city. The family played music as a part of daily life. His Grandfather was a gifted violinist, Grandmother had a beautiful classical Alto soprano singing voice and Harold’s Father Hugo played excellent piano. While Harold studied music at Munich’s prestigious, Hochschule fuer Musik full time, he also worked at the Deutsche Grammophon recording studio as a volunteer technician. He learned sound engineering, and was also honing his skills in electronic music, programming synthesizers, composing, arranging and conducting. This dedication paid off with his first big break – working as right-hand-man to Giorgio Moroder, producer of Donna Summer and pioneer of the Disco Movement.
Harold worked for nearly two years in Giorgio’s famous Musicland Studio in Munich before he got the chance to write songs for Donna Summer’s new album Bad Girls in 1979. Hot Stuff is still one of the all time Disco classics. Then, while working with Moroder in Los Angeles on American Gigolo, Harold met movie producers Jerry Bruckheimer and the late Don Simpson. In 1983 they offered Harold the opportunity to compose the music for their new feature Thief of Hearts. Soon after that, he was hired for Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun and Beverly Hills Cop II. From 1985-1992 he wrote the music to several more successful movies – Fletch, Running Man, Fletch Lives, Fatal Beauty, Tango &Cash and Kuffs. Collectively these movies garnered 5 Grammy nominations, 2 Golden Globe Nominations and one Academy Award nomination.
Harold won two Grammys and several awards abroad. The theme from Beverly Hills Cop – AXEL F. was covered by various groups around the world. In 2005, two decades after its origin, the Crazy Frog version of AXEL F. became the biggest selling ring tone to date. The CD release of that version also hit the English charts and went straight to # 1, being one of the top selling single CDs in 2005.
In 1989 after the birth of his first child, Harold moved from Los Angeles back to Germany to raise a family but kept working in his Munich based Red Deer Studios. He produced the highly successful Pet Shop Boys album Behavior there in 1990. In 1991 he and his wife were blessed with twins. During 1992-1997 he spent the majority of his time in Munich working on several Euro Movies, TV Series and developing new artists. In 1997 Harold met Austria’s multi-platinum seller Rainhard Fendrich with whom he composed and produced a trilogy of very successful albums and also a musical – Wake Up, which had its premiere
September 2002 in Vienna’s famous Raimund Theatre. The musical played through January 2004 and had more than 300 performances with a total of 320,000 visitors. In 2006, Harold scored a chart-topping video game Two Worlds, and then turned his focus back to developing new artists for the European market from 2007 to 2008. In 2009, with all 3 children fully grown, the time was right to come back to Hollywood. First project up was John Stalberg’s debut feature High School (August 2009) staring Adrien Brody and Michael Chiklis. He then got the nod from director Kevin Smith and produced the music for Cop Out for Warner Brothers starring Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan, released in 2010.
Founded in 1978, Varèse Sarabande is the most prolific producer of film music in the world, releasing the highest quality soundtracks from the world’s greatest composers. From current box office hits and top television series to the classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Varèse Sarabande’s catalog includes albums from practically every composer in every era, covering all of film history; from Bernard Herrmann, Alex North and Jerry Goldsmith to Alexandre Desplat, Michael Giacchino and Brian Tyler.
Varèse Sarabande releases deluxe and expanded editions of special soundtracks for the film music aficionado. The Varèse Vintage imprint specializes in releasing new and re-issued albums by classic pop, jazz and country artists. Varèse Sarabande Records is distributed by Universal Music Group.
Follow:  twitter.com/varesesarabande
Watch:  youtube.com/varesesarabande
Listen: open.spotify.com/user/varesesarabanderecords
Like:  facebook.com/varesesarabanderecords
Buy:  varesesarabande.com
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mitchbattros · 6 years
Researchers Uncover Additional Evidence For Massive Solar Storms
Our planet is constantly being bombarded by cosmic particles. However, at times the stream of particles is particularly strong when a solar storm sweeps past. Solar storms are made up of high-energy particles unleashed from the sun by explosions on the star's surface.
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For the past 70 years, researchers have studied these solar storms by direct instrumental observations, which has led to an understanding of how they can pose a risk to the electrical grid, various communication systems, satellites and air traffic. Two examples of severe solar storms in modern times that caused extensive power cuts took place in Quebec, Canada (1989) and Malmö, Sweden (2003). Now, an increasing amount of research indicates that solar storms can be even more powerful than measurements have shown so far via direct observations. The researchers behind the new, international study led by researchers from Lund University have used drilled samples of ice, or ice cores, to find clues about previous solar storms. The cores come from Greenland and contain ice formed over the past about 100,000 years. The material contains evidence of a very powerful solar storm that occurred in 660 BCE. "If that solar storm had occurred today, it could have had severe effects on our high-tech society," says Raimund Muscheler, professor of geology at Lund University. The new study means that a third known case of a massive solar storm dating back in time has been discovered via indirect observations in nature's own archive. Raimund Muscheler also took part in research that confirmed the existence of two other massive solar storms, using both ice cores and the annual growth rings of old trees. These storms took place in 775 and 994 CE. Raimund Muscheler points out that, even though these massive solar storms are rare, the new discovery shows that they are a naturally recurring effect of solar activity. "That's why we must increase society's protection again solar storms," he says. Today's risk assessment is largely based on direct observations made over the past 70 years, but Raimund Muscheler suggests that there is a need for a reassessment in view of the three massive solar storms that have now been discovered. He argues that there is a need for greater awareness of the possibility of very strong solar storms and the vulnerability of our society. "Our research suggests that the risks are currently underestimated. We need to be better prepared," concludes Raimund Muscheler. Read the full article
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Jeffrey Mora of Food Fleet, a brand that makes mobile food service solutions.Some stats:Product: Mobile food service solutions.Revenue/mo: $1,500,000Started: February 2012Location: Los AngelesFounders: 2Employees: 6Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?I started my career at the world-famous Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles Apprenticing under Certified Master Chef Raimund Hofmeister.Since then I have worked in more than 22 countries around the world working for some of the world’s finest chefs from Cas Spijkers, 2 Michelin star Restaurant De Swann Hotel in Oisterwijk, to Paul Prudhomme's K-Paul's Louisiana kitchen. I was on the 92 and 96 US Culinary Olympic Teams.I have been involved in all aspects of the foodservice industry. My main focus has always been on healthy sustainable foods; working in every aspect of the business from fine dining to airport foodservice and food manufacturing. I personally took care of the Los Angeles Lakers Foodservice providing all meal periods for the team in the season for 8 years including the 3-year title run with two world titles receiving two championship rings for my efforts.My passion is volunteering for Environmental and other health-related causes. I helped coordinate one of the first sustainable dinners in 1998 with the Earth Pledge Foundation in NY, I served on the boards of American Ocean Campaign, Oceana, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and currently serves on the Boards of Jean Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society ,The Green Sports Alliance Food advisory board the Pioneers of Sustainability and the Carbon Underground.My partner and I started Food Fleet in 2012 to help mom and pop mobile food vendors work within a corporate environment. Since then Food Fleet has secured a National Contract with Sodexo, has multiple contracts with Levy Restaurants, Guckenheimer and others, providing services for Convention Centers, NASCAR, PGA, Concerts, Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, MLB All-Star Week and more.We also provide design and build services as well as food manufacturing and consulting for a number of large scale companies.Food Fleet’s growth Year after year has been at an at over 30 %. From 2017-2018 we had an unprecedented 160% growth spurt. With a team of 6, including my partner and I, we managed over 20 million in sales for our clients. As an example. We took over a convention center 3 years ago managing their food truck business. For their largest event of the year, we were up 53% over the previous year. I honestly would have to equate some of that success to the under-reporting of sales by the previous operator. But the following year we were up 19% from that figure and again close to that this year. That is due in large part to our understanding of transaction times, menu mix, the equipment in each truck or pop up and other factors.What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?We started the food truck business in 2012.We kept finding it very difficult to find locations to operate. We had a booker that we used to find our locations but fell short and we let her go. I took over our booking and found that most people did not want to book just one truck, not only that they were upset that most of the time the trucks didn’t show up or were late.After a few calls, I started saying I was with the Food Truck Alliance and had as many trucks as they wanted. I knew I could because my partner Rudy was working most events every night and establishing a relationship with the owners of a large number of trucks. I did this to ensure we would be part of the mix, as well as make a little extra money booking the other trucks. What I learned is that most truck owners while passionate at what they did, had little to no experience working in a structured corporate environment. What we also did differently then most lots/events and companies booking trucks at the time was, if they didn't make money we didn't collect a commission.I then put my 35 years of Food Service experience to work helping them with everything from food safety to insurance. We learned the real need was not only helping the trucks but providing a turnkey service for the corporations.This was a game-changer for us, we were really struggling financially. Developing this service helped keep us afloat. At a certain point the services we provided far outweighed the need to continue to operate the truck financially. My partner and I decided to seek out contracts for locations to operate at. We secured with a lot of time, effort and energy, our first contract with the Navy to put trucks on bases. This was the launching point for us. We then used that to leverage other types of accounts from Universities to B&I, hospitals, and casinos.Take us through the process of designing and launching the business.My partner and I were fortunate enough to bring back a former employee that worked for us when we were pretty much-doing catering and events with the truck. She was well organized and very detail-oriented. This enabled us to help further develop the systems we started using into a more formal approach…We also decided there and then we would not be charging a membership fee to the trucks to belong to Food Fleet. We felt it was a conflict of interest to have the trucks pay us to belong. We would be beholden to them and not our clients.From there we then developed a vetting system that covered all the essentials of what we required for them to meet our client's needs. The principles included first and foremost food safety, then transaction times. Those two were key factors. We did not want it to take long for people to get their food. We then added over 50 more. The other major key was the insurance piece. Most trucks only carry the min required. And little to no one carried workman's comp. Most of our clients required a 5 million umbrella and WC.We were lucky once again to find Burnie Tappel the President of Cobbs Allen Insurance Burnie is a third-generation Lloyds of London insurer that only dealt with risk management. They were experts in Oil and Gas and risk Management. He liked the challenge of trying to insurance us nationally for what we were trying to do. He was able to help us find a policy that met our client's needs. We were then able to offer the clients a larger pool in which to choose.Having them to help us understand liability and indemnity issues along with a lot of other contractual obligations that would need to be met was critical. They have been a key part of our growth and a partner we couldn't do without.Once we had the basics secured, all three of us set out to accomplish different tasks. Carly worked on the website and booking platform we were going to use. Rudy worked on Logistics as well as local regulatory compliance issues operating in multiple states. I worked on the vetting systems, insurance piece and securing the contracts.I will tell you were ran more than we walked and had to clean up and fix more things along the way. We still are.Our financial model was a simple one, don't spend money we don't have or will have. We didn't take out a loan or even credit cards, We only used debit cards. Only 2 years ago did we get Credit cards and within the last 6 months got a second one. I understand the term other people's money but we didn't look to borrow or bring in investors. Not that we were not sure of what we had or what we were doing, we needed to understand better what we had and what we were doing. The model that we started with has changed and evolved many times over the years. Honestly, we didn't want to be beholden to anyone.Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?While there were others doing what we were doing, I noticed early on what the key difference was. Others were in the booking / Broker business, and the tech business. Most if not all of them were not in the hospitality business.This is the key factor. Being in the business for 35 years I understood what our customers and clients really wanted and needed. I knew how to come up with solutions for their problems. We were in the hospitality business, were in customer service. It's what this business really is.Working on trucks and understanding how to operate then for many years really helped us. Understanding how to use my experience, and being able to relate that to our clients made the difference. I came to find out more than anything that even to this day no one really understands the business and more importantly they don’t want to.Our first real call for consulting along with design and build came from my old Olympic team manager. He was the Sr VP of food and beverage for Pinnacle entertainment at that time. They operated 19 casinos.He also had been the Corporate chef for Disney, opened Epcot, Sr VP at Darden for Red Lobster, CEO of the California Culinary Academy, worked in a leadership role at Levy Restaurants. He called me because he had no understanding at all of the food truck business and needed help. He is one of the most brilliant talented people in the hospitality business and he called me for help.I realized more and more that this was the norm. Most thought in the traditional manner of Brick and Mortar, when it came to start-up costs, daily costs P&L. it is not the same at all and that where most go wrong. For lack of a better word, I was able to crack the code and translate it into language they could understand. More importantly, they did not want to have to deal with the trucks or the owners. They were happy to have someone else do it for them that they knew understood what they wanted and needed.We provide world-class customer service. The highest quality mobile food solutions for events and catering were professional and respond to all inquiries by the end of the day no matter what. We pick up the phone and talk to people to connect with them, as well as better understand their needs.Our employees are not allowed to text or email clients or vendors until they have spoken to them and established a relationship with them. All our staff comes from the hospitality business they aren't salespeople or tech people, they all have worked in restaurants, B&I, hotels, etc. How can we truly help our clients when we don't understand their business. We fully understand their financial models and requirements.We then expanded into Design and Build food Manufacturing and consulting. Due to my background, network and expertise we were able to grow our business exponentially. When we got on the phone with clients they not only understood that we knew what we were talking about. They had trust in us to take care of their needs no matter what. Of course a lot of things we had some limited experience in the beginning. But I knew if we said, we could deliver we would. More often than not, my team has to hold me back from bringing in more business.How are you doing today and what does the future look like?I have to assume everyone exaggerates and embellishes here a bit. But the truth is the future looks bright. We are tightening up all our standard operating procedures and our quality assurance specs along with our policies. Since every client is different this is a constantly changing and evolving area that we work on weekly. Implementing new policies and procedures goes along with that. Things come up all the time that we address and add into our policies and proceduresWe have been preparing for a large expansion for the past year and are working toward taking that next step. We are not the same as any other business.We have a number of different models and services based strictly on each client and location account. No two of our client's contracts are alike, so we have to be able to adapt to their individual needs.This makes having the same margins a bit more difficult. Our model is scalable and can be done globally and we are working toward that goal.Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?Start with a partner that has your back, this is step one. My partner is the most loyal honest person I have ever met. I am lucky to call him my friend and partner.We both have struggled financially and emotionally through this whole process. We both have ebbed and followed when one of us was going through a rough patch the other picked up the slack no questions asked. Then bring in a team of caring and passionate people that love this business and understand what it means to be in it. This will help you avoid a lot of mistakes.When you find the right person to vest them in with benchmarks and goals. It was the best decision my partner and I made. Now we have a core team where each of us has finally developed into our roles and each complement the others skill set. That doesn't happen too often.While we have made a few mistakes they were all short term ones. For example, taking an account that we felt was going to do well financially and it failed miserably and quickly. That comes back to one of the lessons. We do learn by our mistakes. At this point, we have pretty much seen it all. We can tell our clients what the pitfalls are as well as the pinch points. Lost money made money hired the wrong web developer, hired the right one small little things. Dumb luck, being at the right place at the right time.That honestly has been one of our biggest assets.What platform/tools do you use for your business?We have tried a number of them and currently, our VP of Ops found us a platform that we use. She has been able to make it work for us till now.We will have our own tech platform within 60 days. This will be a game-changer. Our business is so unique we have tried to find third party solutions but nothing that has worked for our needs.We have spent 2 years searching for a solution and finally decided to do it ourselves. This is once again where dumb luck and being in the right place at the right time comes into play. I found our builder, Freshin Up while having a bowl of Ramen in the Tokyo airport. We were at the counter eating and talking to the guy next to us, and it came out what he did. We continued to talk until my flight was leaving. He was heading to Thailand and I just came from there. We connected when we got home. I sent him the specs of what we needed, and they were the only company that truly understood our needs. They got what we were trying to accomplish and had a team that we're able to think the way we did.What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?Both my partner and I were fortunate to be around the great Phil Jackson on a daily basis. He was more than me. That being said, Phil was an inspiration, along with countless other mentors and friends.They have been way more influential to me than any book or podcast. Chefs and Coaches are in many ways exactly alike. They both lead a team of people. They both have to train, coach, mentor, listen, care, and teach.They are only as good as their weakest link. Chefs also say we are only as good as our last meal. They succeed and fail daily, learn from it and move on. Chefs, coaches, and players all have good and bad days, when you go home at the end of the shift or game it's over. Tomorrow is another day you get to prove yourself again. It’s great.When I was an apprentice there was a banquet chef named Jimmy Wong. Jimmy was the finest banquet chef I have ever known. The Century Plaza where I trained served on average 3,000 meals a day in banquets. It was the flagship of the Westin hotel. The Corporate chef brought Jimmy to the hotel when it opened as one of his anchors. Jimmy was from Hong Kong by way of Vancouver Jimmy was a legend, to say the least. Every Chef that wanted to be an executive chef for Westin had to come through Jimmy's station, if he did not give them the thumbs up they never were promoted. Were talking about some of the most iconic chefs of the day. All thinking they knew more than him and wondering why they had to have his approval. Most learned quickly that they were not in his league and couldn't keep up.The corporate chef knew the real money in every hotel came from banquets without that they would fail and lose money. Banqueting supported most of the specialty and fine dining restaurants in the hotel. If the chef didn't get that then they were out. Jimmy was fearless doing 1000 breakfast and 1000 lunches or more by himself almost every day. When I first started at the hotel they had me in one of the restaurants. Every day when I came to work I would clock in and go and say hello to Jimmy, then go to work. The others always said Jimmy is a hard ass, he won't show you anything, he is old school send you to go get something, then make the sauce while you were gone. I was not going to let that happen to me, I realized it was more often times the lack of respect they paid him. I found out Jimmy's routine every morning like clockwork he would show up at 5:50 am set up his station, then clock in at 6 am and go get a cup of coffee and sit for 10 minutes to figure out his day. At 10 am he would take lunch no matter how busy. I would come in and watch how he set up, draw diagrams of where the pots and pans went and what he would do to get ready.On my first day working at Jimmy's station, I came in at 5 am and set up the station. When he walked in at 5:50 it was ready to go. He smiled from ear to ear, he checked it and then clocked and invited me to go have coffee with him. Needless to say, he taught me everything I know about large events. This comes back to another lesson I learned from him. If he didn't respect someone or thought they were a shitty cook, he would call them a shoemaker. One day I asked Jimmy why. He said because they stopped learning and caring about being a good cook or chef. If you stopped caring and learning about cooking you were done with that, then you might as well become a shoemaker since your not going to be a cook anymore. Lesson don't rest on your laurels or past always be willing to keep learning. You will never know it all. The real joy is learning something new.I have been going to MIT for the last year to recruit as well as learn. Nothing has made me happier than to have the ability to be around such brilliant creative minds. The future of everything is there. I am lucky to have the opportunity to take advantage of it.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?Do what you say you’re going to do. Never apologize unless you have a solution to the issue. Otherwise, it's just an empty apology.No one wants to hear that unless you can follow that up with what you're going to do to fix the reason you're apologizing for.My father taught me two important lessons that I live my life by. “Be nice to everybody, give them the shirt off your back, but if they fuck you, hang them by their balls.” That is simple direct and to the point.“Pick the hill you want to die on.” That means is that battle worth going down for, or do you let it go and move on. There are a great number of them that you will say that's the hill, but make sure it is for something your willing to lose it all for.Only care what your friends and family think the rest doesn't matter. Never let others drag you down. Try and lead whenever possible, following leads to mediocrity, and zero creativity.Always look at the whole chessboard and think 5 years ahead, Certain things you need narrow focus on, but someone has to think long term and strategy. If you cant you will get passed by very quickly. There is always someone that is going to try and copy you or take it to the next level. It's the nature of all things, stay ahead of them by being an innovator and not a follower. Be willing to go all in, and not worry about failing. I throw 100 things at the wall, and from that, I really do get a few amazing ideas.Just because it didn't work at that time doesn't mean it wasn’t a good idea.Be willing to hear everyone out on any crazy idea they have. That what changes the world.If you can figure out how to make money and do the right thing, there is nothing better.You will be a lot happier and create a more sustainable business.If you work and care about what you do, the money will come, it always does.Always hire people that are smarter than you, and you won't have to work as hard.Always bring a gift with you to give to whoever your meeting, and make it personal from you. Not something generic. If you make something special, then make it for them, it shows you care.Lastly, “have fun, laugh a lot, enjoy what you do” otherwise why bother. If I can't have a good time doing it the chances are others won't as well.Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?Were always looking to hire when the right person comes along. We want talent creative innovative people that want to have fun enjoy life be a part of the greatest industry in the world. I tend to go to MIT and try and talk kids out of going to work for investment bankers, private equity, etc. Bringing food always helps at the job fair.Where can we go to learn more?Your local post office wall, or the Cook county correctional facilityWebsite www.foodfleet.comFacebookInstagramIf you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.For more interviews, check out r/starter_story - I post new stories there daily.Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/what-to-do-in-boppard-germany/germany/
What to Do in Boppard, Germany
01 of 08
Follow the Loop in the River
Raimund Linke/Getty Images
Boppard is centered on the Rhine and easily identified by its proximity to nearby Bopparder Hamm, the large loop in the river. The word Hamm comes from the Latin hamus, which means “hook” – fitting for such a dramatic u-turn.
Trek up to Vierseenblick (Four-Lake View) for segmented views of the river that make it look like four separate lakes. You can hike to the viewpoint or take a chairlift (April to September) for an easy 20-minute ride over vineyards than forest. From here you can also see (and plot a visit) to castles Burg Liebenstein and Burg Sterrenberg. Or cruise the Rhine for an ideal view of this UNESCO site.
Back in town, take an after dinner stroll of Rheinallee, a pedestrian promenade along the water bordered by boat docks, chic cafes, and cozy wine taverns.
02 of 08
Get Medieval at the Castle
GettyImages / Jon Boyes
Boppard's Electorial Castle (or Alte Burg, “Old Castle”) is one of the few along the Middle Rhine that has never been destroyed. Visitors can explore its full 13th century majesty right along the water's edge in the center of town.
This is unusual as most castles were placed high away from the townsfolk on the highest hilltops. But this castle's placement was intention as its placement on the river allowed it to extract tolls on every boat and good that passed by on the Rhine.
The castle extended and morphed throughout its history. During the French Revolution, Boppard Castle was used a a hospital and during the 19th century it acted as a prison. In the 20th century, the west wing housed the police station.
Today, its grace has been restored with extensive renovations taking place between 2009 to 2015. The Thonet Museum, honoring famous Boppard son and furniture maker Michael Thonet, is housed in the castle as well as the Boppard Museum.
03 of 08
Go Wine Wandering
Hans-Peter Merten / Getty Images
Surround yourself with the prized product of the region – wine. The Romans started growing wine here about 2,000 years ago and it has been perfected to an art form. The valley's geography is ideal for vineyards with a sunny south-facing incline.
The vineyards of Boppard Hamm are the largest in the Middle Rhine valley, divided into different areas known as Elfenlay and Weingrube and Mandelstein. Workers are constantly perfecting the vines, but visitors can simply enjoy walking along the grounds and sampling everything from riesling to müller-thurgau to pinot noir – produced right here. If you prefer to drink with a guide, Boppard Tourism offers vineyard tours with tastings.
Return to the city of Boppard to sample more wines from the area in the cozy atmosphere of a wine tavern, like Weinhaus Heilig Grab, Boppard’s oldest wine tavern dating back over 200 years. Or if you arrive at the end of September, the wine harvest begins and a wine festival celebrates the haul.
04 of 08
Admire Roman Ruins
The Roman influence isn't just found in the wine, but in preserved ruins. The best example of this is the Roman Fortress. This is one of the best-preserved Roman fortresses in Europe.
Römer-Kastell (or Römerpark), just south of Marktplatz, is an archaeological site with original 4th-century Roman ruins. There are 28 semi-circular towers and walls that still stand nine meters high. Though the site is a shadow of itself as stronghold (the walls were once 3 meters thick), visitors can picture the place as it once was with a wall panel that depicts the original Roman town of Bodobrica.
Continue to 5 of 8 below.
05 of 08
Walk the Town Wall
Ursula Sander/Getty Images
Despite the development of the city, great care has been taken to maintain medieval elements. For example, many of the medieval town walls remain and are living pieces of the city. One of the town gates, Ebertor, has been transformed into a hotel.
These sections of the wall once separated the Altstadt (old town) from its expansions in the west (Niederstadt or “Lower Town”) and east (Oberstadt and “Upper Town”). Other elements, like Säuerlingsturm (tower), have been moved to make room for newer construction like the Hunsrückbahn (train).
06 of 08
Get Holy at the Church
Jon Boyes/Getty Images
The Church of St. Severus is a beautiful example of late Romanesque architecture. 13th-century Severuskirche was built on the site of Roman military baths and a 6th century Christian church. Its towers define the city skyline.
Restorations since the 1960s have left it in impressive shape. The church features a grand cross with a crowned Jesus from 1220. The organ was refinished, wall paintings were freshened and the interior was restored as recently as 2010. In an unusual move, the church was even modernized with the market square lowered to make it barrier-free.
Even if you don't enter the church, you can't ignore its presence. The church has five bells (all which have survived since the medieval ages) and they ring out across the town at 10:00 and 12:00.
St. Severus is a registered monument and was raised to a Basilica minor in February 2015 by Pope Francis.
07 of 08
Dine with the Locals
Consistently ranked the number one restaurant in Boppard, expect a boisterous local crowd and good German cooking at Severus Stube (Untere Marktstrasse 7). Everything from Schweinshaxe (pork knuckle) to Kasseler (smoked pork) is one the menu, ready to be washed down with bottles of local wine for a fair price.
The building is a classic in the heart of the city, half-timbered with outdoor seating on the narrow cobblestone street in the summer.
As this is a favorite with locals and tourists, reservations are recommended. While a little German is appreciated, staff is generally fluent in English and English menus are available.
08 of 08
Ride the Train Up, Up, Up
Hunsrückbahn is a picturesque railway runs among the trees and above the valleys and through the tunnels from Boppard to Emmelshausen. It is one of the steepest railways in Germany, and certainly one of the most scenic. On the six-kilometer climb between Boppard Hauptbahnhof to Boppard-Buchholz, the tracks climbs 336 meters. This charming stretch of rail has been designated a protected monument.
For those into a more active journey, take the Hunsrückbahn up the most unpleasant part of the hike to Buchholz or Emmelshausen and then amble down to Boppard. Hiking info and maps for the area (in German) can be found in this brochure.
Tickets can be purchased at the station or on the train. A single ticket can cost as little as 1.85 euros, but tarif depends on how far you ride the train. Though this rain line is operated by Rhenus Veniro , tickets for Rhineland-Palatinate and Schönes-Wochenende-Tickets (discount fares) are also valid on the Hunsrückbahn.
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fighting-club · 6 years
Tournoi mensuel par niveau 1 - mai 2018 - Raimund Men vs Jannik Renar
Ce combat s'est déroulé le dimanche 27 mai 2018 à 20:00 dans l'arène "Le ring" devant 2392 spectateurs.
Commentaire par notre envoyé spécial Cyril Karateman.
Jannik Renard a fait goûter les murs à la machoire de Raimund Mena.
Round 1 : remportée par Jannik Renard Effectivement il ne se passe pas grand chose dans cette première reprise que Jannik Renard remporte néanmoins avec un seul coup, une droite terrifiante à quelques secondes de la fin du round.
Round 2 : remportée par Jannik Renard Jannik Renard est vraiment le plus fort ce soir et dans cette deuxième reprise, il le prouve encore.
Round 3 : remportée par Jannik Renard De la confiture à la framboise ce Raimund Mena ! Jannik Renard ne va en faire qu'une bouchée ! Insensible aux bombes lancées par Raimund Mena, Jannik Renard, soutenu massivement par les 2392 spectateurs acquis à sa cause, continue le pressing.
Round 4 : remportée par Jannik Renard Au cours de la quatrième, Jannik Renard commence à s'énerver un peu. Devant 2392 spectateurs, Jannik Renard donne une leçon à Raimund Mena.
Round 5 : remportée par Jannik Renard Mais, à partir du cinquième round, Jannik Renard devient le patron. Ses coups aiguisés trouvent la cible à tous les coups alors que Raimund Mena rate laborieusement ses tentatives d'attaques.
Round 6 : remportée par Jannik Renard Alors que Raimund Mena prend progressivement le contrôle à la sixième reprises, Jannik Renard remporte brutalement le sixième round, en éprouvant son rival à plusieurs reprises notamment avec une série de crochets gauches et droits, et un terrible uppercut qui ébranle le tenant du titre.
Round 7 : remportée par Jannik Renard Raimund Mena prend un coup dans le foie dans cette septième reprise. Jannik Renard se retrouve par terre suite à une jolie droite de Raimund Mena. Mais il se relève aussitôt.
Round 8 : remportée par Jannik Renard Jannik Renard accentue son avantage, et dans les trois dernières reprises il paraît beaucoup plus frais que son jeune rival qu'il met plusieurs fois en difficulté notament avec une série de droite au début du huitième round.
Round 9 : remportée par Jannik Renard Il trouve néanmoins la force de toucher une nouvelle fois avec une droite qui expédie Raimund Mena au sol, dans les cordes.
Round 10 : remportée par Jannik Renard Le rythme se calme de nouveau par la suite, Jannik Renard montrant ses progrès défensifs tout en continuant à placer régulièrement sa gauche.
Round 11 : remportée par Jannik Renard Raimund Mena prend un coup de coude dans cette onzième reprise.
"Vous voyez pourquoi je ne l'aime pas ?" a dit Jannik Renard, aux journalistes, au sujet de Raimund Mena.
via Les tournois https://ift.tt/2KZhW9P
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stefanstranger · 7 years
PSConf EU Summary Day 1
This week I attended the PowerShell Conference EU in Hannover in Germany and it was one of the best PowerShell conferences I attended until now. It started with the Agenda Competition for which I created an VSCode extension.
How cool is that?
I attended the following sessions during the 3 days at the PSConfEU conference:
Title Speaker List Tracks List Description Opening Ceremony Tobias Weltner Automation Conference organizer Dr. Tobias Weltner kicks off the event and provides all delegates with last minute information and guidance. Keynote: State of the Union Jeffrey Snover PowerShell Team PowerShell inventor and Technical Fellow Jeffrey Snover gives an overview where the PowerShell ecosystem stands and what to expect next PowerShell Warm-Up: Quiz & Quirks Tobias Weltner PowerShell Start the day with an interactive code review session where we look at really stupid questions asked by true PowerShell experts. Would you have been able to solve these puzzles? Catch Me If You Can – PowerShell Red vs. Blue Will Schroeder Security Attackers love for PowerShell is now no longer a secret, with 2016 producing an explosion in offensive PowerShell toolsets. Unfortunately, the offensive community often fails to research or share relevant mitigations with their defensive counterparts. This leaves many defenders without the information they need to protect themselves and their networks from these attacks. This talk will demonstrate several commonly used malicious techniques and toolsets, including PowerPick (running PowerShell without powershell.exe), subversive PowerShell profiles and ps1xml’s, malicious ACL downgrades, and more. I will then cover current mitigations and/or detections for each offensive technique or tool, demonstrating how to best handle this new offensive reality. Offensive PowerShell isn’t unstoppable- come learn how to defend your network from the bad guys. Hell freezing over: PowerShell on Linux and GitHub Bartosz Bielawski Cross-Platform and Open Source PowerShell was always bound to the single operating system and for quite some time it was one of the core elements of Windows. It was hard to imagine it running on any other OS. Also, as a core element of Microsoft’s flagship it didn’t seem like a perfect candidate for an open source project. Last year both things changed. Join this session to see PowerShell running on Linux and to learn how important this change is to the entire PowerShell ecosystem. Learn how you can participate to make PowerShell better for everybody! Getting started with Windows Server Containers Flynn Bundy NanoServer and PowerShell as a Service In this session I want take the audience on the journey of why, what and how Windows Server Containers. This session will cover real life scenario’s that traditional teams run into and how to overcome these in a very modern agile approach. This session will contain numerous demo’s such as introducing the concept of Docker for Windows Server, Creating a highly available web application and some of the major advantages of virtual machines. This is aimed at people who may have little to no knowledge in Docker and or Containers on Nano Server. Auto-generated User Interfaces with Phosphor David Wilson PowerShell In this session we’ll be discussing a new PowerShell module project codenamed “Phosphor” which aims to provide desktop and web user interfaces generated from PowerShell modules. We’ll discuss the overall goals and approach with an early demo of what we’ve accomplished so far. We’ll also discuss how you can get involved in the code! The Release Pipeline in Practice Matt Hitchcock DSC and DevOps More Organizations are beginning to evaluate or make the move to DevOps as technology has made it more practical. Microsoft have released a Release Pipeline whitepaper and demo guide to get you set up in TFS, but what does it mean to actually implement this? In this session, Matt will walk through how he has helped a large Microsoft customer make the transition to Infra-as-Code for one of their core technologies. We will take a look at the timeline of events and activities that got us there, what a Release Pipeline actually looks like in practice with its supporting components and how it works together. More importantly, we will talk about the cultural resistance and challenges that were overcome along the way and what you might consider doing to get your organization over those same hurdles. Evening Event   Food Evening Event takes place at Hannover Zoo. Meeting point is the Zoo main entrance at 18:45h sharp (6:45pm). Do not forget to bring your badge. It is required to enter the Zoo. PowerShell Microservices: At the Service of DevOps Gael Colas DSC and DevOps We’ve seen in the last few years, how the traditional ‘IT Pros’ or Ops paradigm has shifted towards the practices previously embraced by the Devs only. But I believe Dev is the New Ops, so let’s explore how SOA and Microservices applied to PowerShell can help the ‘IT Pros’. In this session, after bootstrapping your Message Queue (MQ) knowledge and its use for Inter-Process Communication (IPC), we’ll introduce PSRabbitMQ, a module to interact with the message broker. Then we’ll take a deep dive into a demo of PowerShell Microservices communicating using JSON messages sent via a Message Queue. In the second demo, we’ll see a multi-node, multi-thread, cross-technology and cross-platform communications, with Python services using the Celery library being called, and calling PowerShell Services on distributed systems. Since PowerShell and .Net core are now open-source and the RabbitMQ .Net client will soon target .Net core, the tools and techniques demonstrated in this presentation may be a path to cross-platform PowerShell Microservices on Windows, Nano, Linux, and all sorts of containers! Start-NewEra -Repo PowerShell Ben Gelens Cross-Platform and Open Source Talk about OSS xPlat PS. Demo heavy. Based on my earlier session http://ift.tt/2jCZhYi but updated of course Scoping in Depth Bruce Payette PowerShell Team PowerShell scoping can be a complex beast. Find out the details of how scoping works in modules, scripts, closures and APIs Take your Automated Release Pipeline to the next level! Jan Egil Ring,Øyvind Kallstad DSC and DevOps Step up your automation game by implementing an automated release pipeline! In this talk we will see how we can leverage the Release Pipeline for more than just publishing modules to the PowerShell Gallery. We will demonstrate how you can manage infrastructure deployment, change management and decommission using Cloud Templates, Configuration Management, Source Control and Continuous Integration services. Ghosts of DSC past, present and Yet-to-come Bruce Payette PowerShell Team A journey through DSCÆs past, present and potential future: The lessons learned and how they could reshape future DSC features and functionality Mastering a complex DSC lab infrastructure û The story of the BMW Group DC deployment Jan-Hendrik Peters,Raimund Andree DSC and DevOps In a number of projects around DSC we wanted to focus on developing DSC Resources, DSC Configurations and testing this in a Multi-Pull Server scenario. Being able to rapidly deploy a lab specific to each with AD, PKI and DSC Pull Servers already deployed was a huge timesaver. This session will walk through the deployment process automated with AutomatedLab. We will also demo the result of a large DSC project to automate the configuration of domain controllers within this lab which covers DSC Partial Configurations on multiple DSC Pull Servers, automated creation of DSC Configurations and DSC Reporting. DevOps and the Harmonious Whole Kenneth Hansen PowerShell Team A perspective on how to implement DevOps in a way that will work across your organization Advanced PowerShell Module Development with Visual Studio Code David Wilson PowerShell Team In this session you’ll learn how to use the PowerShell extension for Visual Studio Code to write, test, and debug cross-platform PowerShell modules, even those containing C#-based cmdlets. Azure Automation – Advanced Runbook Design Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen Automation a session packed with ideas for runbook design patterns, best practices and other useful tips and tricks. Get inspired and learn how a PowerShell runbooks should be designed and structured JEA Deep Dive in 45 Minutes Aleksandar Nikolic Security Expect a fast-paced, demo-heavy session about Just Enough Administration (JEA), a new PowerShell security feature. Learn how to create boundaries for your users, and give them the minimal set of privileges they need to perform their tasks. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how to author, deploy, use, and audit a JEA including the improvements in the latest version of PowerShell. If you want PowerPoint slides, look for another session. PowerShell Present and Future Angel Calvo PowerShell Team Angel is General Product Manager at Microsoft for Azure Configuration Management and Automation. This includes PowerShell, DSC, OMS Automation and Configuration. So Angel is the perfect speaker to provide an update on Microsofts current and future plans for Windows, Linux and Azure, and the road ahead to make PowerShell the best tool for DevOps and to enable Artificial Intelligence for IT AMA – Ask Microsoft Anything Angel Calvo,Bruce Payette,David Wilson,Jeffrey Snover,Joey Aiello,Kenneth Hansen,Mark Gray PowerShell Team Bring your questions to the PowerShell team, and get first-hand answers
Here is my summary from some of the sessions I followed on the first day.
Session: Opening Ceremony
Tobias did a great job to feel us all welcome at the PSConfEu.
  And in the mean time an attendee sitting besides me installed my VSCode extension. Cool to see people use things I created.
Session: Keynote: State of the Union
Jeffrey Snover answered the question if “PowerShell was done?” His answer to this was Yes… and No. The new mission of PowerShell is now “Being the connector of the Hybrid Cloud”
Core PowerShell will be the connector for the Hybrid Cloud. Not Windows PowerShell. There is a difference between Windows PowerShell and Core PowerShell. Check Jeffrey’s reaction on this on twitter.
Jeffrey also mentioned VSCode and the PowerShell Extension which David Wilson developed. The reason according to Jeffrey why we developed VSCode and the VSCode Extension is that “we wanted a first class PowerShell editor on Linux” Check out the reactions on twitter.
Jeffrey also talked about Core PowerShell in Azure, like Cloud Command Shell. (PowerShell will be added soon besides Bash). DSC as Native Azure Configuration. That means a Common Windows & Linux LCM, Multiple LCM Instances, Native code LCM for lightweight environments and LCM as Library.
You can watch the complete Keynote on YouTube.
Session: PowerShell Warm-Up: Quiz & Quirks
Tobias got the crowd warmed-up with his Quiz & Quirks and of the quirks he showed was fixing Return Values.
#Fixing Return Values by Tobias Weltner Function Test-Something { $null = . { "I can leave behind whatever I want" get-service 'all goes to $null' } # Her I am declaring my ONLY return value # (just like any other scripting language) return 'true return value' }
You can watch the YouTube video here.
Session: Catch Me If You Can – PowerShell Red vs. Blue
Will Schroeder talked about how attackers are using PowerShell and it turns out they are turning away from PowerShell and now trying different ways to attack our systems.
You can watch the YouTube video here.
Session: Hell freezing over: PowerShell on Linux and GitHub
Bartek Bielawski and Daniel Both drove with me to Hannover and during our road-trip we had some great conversations about their sessions already.
  It was cool to see how you could use PowerShell on Linux and even use VSCode on Linux!
Session: Getting started with Windows Server Containers
Flynn Bundy walked us through the why, what and how Windows Server Containers and had some great demos.
He talked about which issues Containers can help solve.
Windows Updates
User Management
Unrequired Features
Configuration Drift
Configuration Management
Large Management Overhead
Unrequired Process
Image Size
Storage Issues
Start-Up Times
Definitively a session worth re-watching when published on the YouTube Channel of PSConfEU!
Session: Auto-generated User Interfaces with Phosphor
David Wilson showed Phosphor, which is a PowerShell module designed for generating user interfaces from PowerShell modules. Keep in mind that this project is to be considered a proof-of-concept and not a supported Microsoft product.
How does it work?
Host ASP.NET Core inside of PowerShell
HTML/JS UI exposed as static files
Talks to REST Service in PowerShell
UI generated based on responses from REST Service
Service supports multiple sessions, windows.
Future direction of Phosphor:
Generalize UI model
Create simple DSL for UI Authoring
Potentially support multiple front-ends
Native desktop (UI (WPF, GTK)
VS Code extension UI
Azure Portal
Help Viewer (and possibly editor?)
  You can download the code from Github and follow the build steps to manually install the module. The build script does not work according to David.
Here is an example when I used the following command:
show-module -Module  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
If you get below message when running redo the following steps:
cd src/Phosphor.Client npm install npm run tsc
Those steps fixed my initial issue.
Why is Phosphor such a cool project? This will help you create PowerShell-based user interfaces in any platform or UI framework. For more ideas check out the goals section on the Github Phosphor page.
And the cool thing of Phosphor is that is has a REST API you can call. Make sure you have started Phosphor and run the following commands:
#Load Module Import-Module .\src\Phosphor\Phosphor.psd1 #Start Phosphor Show-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management # calling phoshop REST API # Get Processes $SessionNumber = 1 $EndPoint = {http://localhost:5001/api/sessions/ {0}} -f $SessionNumber Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$EndPoint/modules/items/Process" -OutVariable Processes # Get Services Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$EndPoint/modules/items/Service" -OutVariable Services $Services.Items | Get-Member #Stopping Bits Service via Phoshor #Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:5001/run?command=Stop-Service¶ms=-InputObject=spooler&-OutVariable=service' #Get session info Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $EndPoint -OutVariable Session $Session | Get-Member $Session.model.modules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Nouns
Keep in mind this a Proof of Concepts and things are likely to change. David told me the REST API will have some changes too.
Let’s start contributing by cloning the repo and submit ideas to David.
Session: The Release Pipeline in Practice
Matt Hitchcock talked how to implement a Release Pipeline for DSC. One of the tips he had to implement Rollback into your DSC configurations is to first create an Absent Configuration in your DSC Configuration and change that later to Present. Great tip from Matt, which I’m going to implement in my DSC Configurations too.
Definitively as session to watch when published on the PSConfEU YouTube Channel.
Evening Event
The Evening Event took place at Hannover Zoo and offered a great way to network and have great conversations with many PowerShell minded people.
David with the PSConfEU Posse
This was a great ending of the first day of the PSConfEU. More info on the sessions in the next blog post.
PSConfEU webiste: http://www.psconf.eu/
Tobias Weltner Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/TobiasPSP
PSConfEU Github Repo: http://ift.tt/2qPQxx0
PSConfEU YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgrI58XiKnDDByjhRJs5fg
PSConfEU Agenda Competition: http://ift.tt/2qPV6Yi
VSCode-PSConfEU2017 Extension: http://ift.tt/2p9MrU3
Phosphor Github Repo: http://ift.tt/2ooEnNs
from Stefan Stranger's Weblog – Manage your IT Infrastructure http://ift.tt/2p9U6C3 via IFTTT
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fighting-club · 6 years
Tournoi mensuel par niveau 1 - mai 2018 - Laria Negr vs Raimund Men
Ce combat s'est déroulé le vendredi 25 mai 2018 à 20:00 dans l'arène "Le ring" devant 2072 spectateurs.
Commentaire par notre envoyé spécial Jacky Chany.
Laria Negri nous a fait la surprise de ne pas tenir le coup, mais quel beau spectacle !
Round 1 : remportée par Raimund Mena Et hop ! Raimund Mena remet une jolie droite. Laria Negri va avoir du mal à finir ce combat en entier.
Round 2 : remportée par Raimund Mena Raimund Mena donne un coup de coude énergiquement à Laria Negri qui fini dans le mur. Mais, après 2:30 dans la deuxième reprise, c'est Laria Negri qui encaisse un énorme crochet droit qui l'envoie s'effondrer au sol.
Round 3 : remportée par Raimund Mena Rien ne sert de courir Laria Negri, Raimund Mena aura le dessus quoique tu fasses !
Round 4 : remportée par Raimund Mena C'est dans la quatrième reprise que Raimund Mena commence à mettre le paquet.
Round 5 : remportée par Raimund Mena Laria Negri aura beau faire de son mieux, Raimund Mena continue sa danse fatidique.
Round 6 : remportée par Raimund Mena Au contraire, Raimund Mena touche de plus en plus souvent et de plus en plus brutalement. Sa marche en avant est à peine freiné par un avertissement reçu pour un coup un peu bas donné au sixième round.
Round 7 : remportée par Raimund Mena Raimund Mena est vraiment le plus fort ce soir et dans cette septième reprise, il le prouve encore.
Round 8 : remportée par Raimund Mena Opportuniste et très mobile latéralement, il a profité d'un engagement trop puissant de Laria Negri pour le toucher d'emblée férocement au menton.
Round 9 : remportée par Laria Negri Ne se contentant pas d'un succès aux points, il se rapproche pour durcir le combat et tenter de l'abréger.
Round 10 : remportée par Raimund Mena L'effet de surprise « pitbull » semble avoir fait son temps, mais il reste néanmoins un formidable engagement qui nous a fait lever une dizaine de fois dans ce combat titanesque. La dixième reprise est une rude bataille, Raimund Mena travaille au corps, à distance en direct, de près en crochets. Sur l'un deux un peu bas, Laria Negri roule au sol. Ignorant ensuite le gong, il continue à frapper le champion en titre devant un arbitre passif.
Round 11 : remportée par Raimund Mena Laria Negri a pris un départ très lent, ne se mettant vraiment en action qu'à partir du onzième round, lorsque son coin l'incite de plus en plus bruyamment à se rapprocher pour lui rentrer dedans.
C'est une fin tragique pour Laria Negri, mais une grande réussite pour Raimund Mena.
via Les tournois https://ift.tt/2Lxbk3I
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fighting-club · 7 years
Tournoi mensuel par niveau 12 - novembre 2017 - Catherine Ricc vs Raimund Men
Ce combat s'est déroulé le samedi 25 novembre 2017 à 20:00 dans l'arène "Le ring" devant 1771 spectateurs.
Commentaire par notre envoyé spécial Franky Balboa.
Catherine Ricci s'est incliné par arrêt de l'arbitre devant Raimund Mena.
Round 1 : remportée par Raimund Mena Travaillant avec son jab, dès le début du combat, Raimund Mena accumule les points alors que le public manifeste son mécontentement devant le manque d'action
Ce combat se termine par un KO de Catherine Ricci
De son côté, à son âge, Catherine Ricci ne voulait pas prendre de décision à chaud sur la suite de sa carrière : "Je suis fier et je ne dit pas que j'ai terminé ma carrière, mais je dit que ce soir j'ai perdu contre un meilleur guerrier".
via Les tournois http://ift.tt/2A4VREZ
0 notes
fighting-club · 7 years
Tournoi mensuel Wrestling - novembre 2017 - Erik Wul vs Raimund Men
Ce combat s'est déroulé le mardi 7 novembre 2017 à 20:00 dans l'arène "Le ring" devant 1695 spectateurs.
Commentaire par notre envoyé spécial Jean-Claude Tiramisous.
Repeindre les murs, oui, mais pas avec Raimund Mena. C'est pourtant ce qu'a fait Erik Wulf.
Round 1 : remportée par Erik Wulf Travaillant avec son jab, dès le début du combat, Erik Wulf accumule les points alors que le public manifeste son mécontentement devant le manque d'action
Round 2 : remportée par Erik Wulf Opportuniste et très mobile latéralement, il a profité d'un engagement trop puissant de Raimund Mena pour le toucher d'emblée habilement au menton.
Round 3 : remportée par Erik Wulf Il ne se passe pas grand chose de plus dans la reprise suivante, et des sifflets venus des tribunes commencent à se faire entendre.
Round 4 : remportée par Erik Wulf On sent bien que Raimund Mena n'en peux plus et que Erik Wulf a le dessus.
Round 5 : remportée par Erik Wulf Les 847 supporters de Raimund Mena vont repartir tête basse si ça continue. Ce combat reste intéressant puisque Erik Wulf a permis de prendre la mesure d'une approche rigide qu'un simple travail d'attente en contre suffit à éventer.
Round 6 : remportée par Erik Wulf La sixième reprise est une rude bataille, Erik Wulf travaille au corps, à distance en direct, de près en crochets. Sur l'un deux un peu bas, Raimund Mena roule au sol. Ignorant ensuite le gong, il continue à frapper le champion en titre devant un arbitre passif. Insensible aux bombes lancées par Raimund Mena, Erik Wulf, soutenu massivement par les 1695 spectateurs acquis à sa cause, continue le pressing.
Round 7 : remportée par Erik Wulf Au contraire, Erik Wulf touche de plus en plus souvent et de plus en plus énergiquement. Sa marche en avant est à peine freiné par un avertissement reçu pour un coup un peu bas donné au septième round. Il ne se passe pas grand chose de plus dans la reprise suivante, et des sifflets venus des tribunes commencent à se faire entendre.
Round 8 : remportée par Erik Wulf Raimund Mena vacille mais ne tombe pas, l'arbitre devrait stopper le combat mais ne le fait pas non plus... et le challenger touche à son tour violemment alors que Erik Wulf est clairement au bout de ses ressources.
Round 9 : remportée par Erik Wulf Au neuvième round, Raimund Mena envoie Erik Wulf dans les cordes avec une série au corps ponctué d'un uppercut à la tête. Erik Wulf continue cependant à travailler au corps, ce qui n'est pas passé inaperçu auprès des juges.
Round 10 : remportée par Erik Wulf Erik Wulf, jovial, sympathique et tatoué de fleurs sur la poitrine n'a pas laissé un round à son adversaire. Au cours de la dixième, Erik Wulf commence à s'énerver un peu.
Round 11 : remportée par Erik Wulf Raimund Mena a pris un départ très lent, ne se mettant vraiment en action qu'à partir du onzième round, lorsque son coin l'incite de plus en plus bruyamment à se rapprocher pour lui rentrer dedans. La reprise suivante voit les deux cogneurs à égalité, échanger coups pour coups avant que Erik Wulf ne décide de tourner dans l'ultime reprise, déclanchant les foudres des 1695 spectateurs et un début de bagarre entre des partisans du champion et le public.
Avant le combat, Raimund Mena avait dit : "Je veux l'affronter, je pense que nos styles donneront un grand combat et je suis certain de pouvoir le vaincre". Il n'aurait pas dût.
via Les tournois http://ift.tt/2iDmma1
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