#Raine is the oldest cousin and Erica is just a year younger than them
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
*Erica and Raine living in the same apartment in college*
Erica, texting Raine: Raine there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? Erica: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry Erica: Raine Erica: Raine Raine: Raine is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
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nyxiesilverfire · 7 years
If Everyone Survived
My Happily Ever After head canons where Voldemort basically didn't ever exist
Harry would be the oldest of four children. In age order it would go Harry James Potter (July 31 1980), Bailee Lily Potter (June 22 1981), Angel Stella Potter (January 9 1983), and Erin Lunas Potter (October 31 1984).
James tries to talk Lily out of making Severus Erin's godfather (suggesting Frank Longbottom as godfather instead) but Lily refuses. She explains that James' friends get to be a godfather to one of their children and she wants her childhood friend to be a godfather to one of their children.
Sirius would be Harry's godfather. Remus would be Bailee's godfather. Peter would be Angel's godfather. Severus would be Erin's godfather.
Bailee would've been in Ginny's year. Angel would've been two years behind her older sister. Erin would've been two years behind Angel.
They first meet the Weasleys on Platform Nine and Three Quarters when taking Harry to the Hogwarts Express. Harry needs a little bit of encouragement from Lily to introduce himself but after that it's pretty much all in his hands.
Severus is Potions Master at Hogwarts and is nicer to his students, though he does still play favorites with Slytherins. He's not as bitter but I like James and Lily as a couple so...he still lost Lily. So he’s still a kinda bitter.
Harry isn't famous. He isn't in mortal danger. There's no prophecy. Harry gets a normal childhood.
Lily and Petunia eventually reconcile, though never to the point of being overly friendly towards each other. Just to the point that they are willing to visit one another occasionally (like once a year on Christmas maybe).
Lily and Hermione get along quite well. Lily also gets along well with Hermione's parents.
Fred and George get to meet and learn from the Marauders. And they get to share the story of how they managed to get the map back from Filch. They even get expressed permission from the Map's creators to keep it for their school years (as long as they promise to pass it on to Harry before they leave Hogwarts). Fred and George still pass it on to Harry in Harry's third year because they have the map memorized.
Lily joins Mrs. Weasley in making sweaters for her family and her family's friends.
They meet Nymphadora through Sirius when Sirius invites Andromeda to bring her family to one of their gatherings with the Weasleys.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione alternate between their three houses throughout their summers. While they're with Hermione's parents Harry and Ron get to experience all the cool muggle stuff. And while they're at Ron's they get to hang out with all the Weasleys. And while they're with Harry they get to hang out with Harry's family.
Harry is an amazing older brother. The perfect combination of shitty teasing and supportive awesomeness.
Umbridge is still appointed as a teacher in fifth year once the Ministry decides that Remus is a “danger to his students and fellow staff.” The Marauders and Lily and everybody are ready to make an absolute stink at the Ministry on his behalf but he talks them out of it. The students (especially Fred and George and the Potter kids and Ron and Hermione) manage to get Umbridge kicked out of the school by the end of the year and then quickly drive out the sixth year replacements until Remus is reinstated as the DADA teacher. Then everyone suddenly calms down. The students also expose Umbridge for being an absolute bitch, especially to muggle-born students. Umbridge gets in trouble. This is mostly just because I am very attached to the Weasley twins crashing the OWLs with their fireworks.
James ships his kids (and his kids' friends and pretty much all the kids he spends extended time with) and it's really fucking cute because the kids don't actually know. It's a popular topic of conversation between the adults though. James and Sirius have been known to fight. They all end up making bets on who is going to end up with who.
The group reconciles with Severus, though for a while he and Sirius especially are still at odds, glaring at each other every time Lily isn't looking. Though in saying that it takes James and Peter a while to adjust to Severus being a part of the group too. Lily however is very firm in her insistence that there is nothing wrong with Severus and there's no reason to be mean to him.
Being the “best godfather” becomes a competition between the group. Especially Sirius and Severus since Sirius believes it's his job to be fun and spoil the kid while Severus believes he is a secondary source of guidance and has to be as good a role model as he can. Remus and Peter land somewhere closer to the middle of the two extreme views.
Sirius and Regulus reconcile as well (partially thanks to Severus oddly enough). Sirius remains quietly protective of his brother and the two don't ever quite interact but they become quite peaceful in each other's presences. And Sirius stops blaming Regulus for believing their parents' pure-blood supremacy shit.
Nymphadora loves entertaining everyone with her ability. Andromeda also has plenty of stories about the trouble Nymphadora's abilities have caused over the years.
Peter helps Lily cook dinner. And Peter is an amazing baker and makes boss ass sweets. He also makes the kids' birthday cakes every year. He can always be counted to have snacks and to be more than happy to share.
Remus is Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher at Hogwarts and stays there. Severus never leaks his secret and makes wolfsbane for him every month, even if he isn't at Hogwarts. (Severus and Remus become friends the fastest out of the Marauders).
Alice and Frank Longbottom visit pretty much every summer too. Harry and Neville were basically raised as cousins and are already friends when the two of them get to Hogwarts. Neville also has a little brother named Augustus Longbottom.
Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Lucius aren't nearly as extreme (though they still view Andromeda, Sirius, and eventually Regulus as well as blood traitors). That means that Draco isn't nearly as extreme. They all still hold their pure-blood supremacy views though. Draco's views start to change when “Uncle Regulus” is labeled a blood traitor out of next to nowhere (at least in his view). He also witnesses first hand the shit muggle-borns go through, and sees, and is forced to participate in, what amounts to torturing them. And it makes him sick to his stomach (that isn't until he's older though probably 16).
Lily is basically super mom. Four kids, a childish husband, her childish husband's childish friends, and Severus, as well as her kids' friends. SHE IS SUPER MOM. And she gets along really well with Mrs. Weasley and Mr. and Mrs. Granger.
Whenever Fred and George manage to piss off Hermione they run away screaming “Granger Danger! Granger Danger!”
Harry and Dudley are on speaking terms even though they aren't particularly close at all.
Nymphadora and Remus survive. Teddy has his parents and gets to grow up with them around. As well as his dad's friends. And his mom's friends.
Charlie and Nymphadora are inseparable besties and she visits him often to “check up on my nieces and nephews” aka the dragons Charlie looks after.
Charlie brings some of the nicer baby dragons home to the Burrow a couple of times. He tells Mrs. Weasley, “Hey, Ma. I just brought a couple of the kids. I hope that's alright.” Mrs. Weasley is like “Of course. Of course.” Charlie nods and walks away and then Mrs. Weasley is like, “Charlie! You don't have children!” And Charlie runs away, snickering. There are two dragons that he always brings (at least until they're too big to be able to come and then he drags his four siblings out to visit the two dragons) that are very fond of Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny. He also brings other dragons. There are a couple times where Mrs. Weasley is like “You didn't bring the dragons again, did you Charlie?” And he's like, “No of course not, Ma.” And then they hear something that sounds vaguely like an explosion and Charlie goes all pale and is like, “I'm, uh, I'm gonna go check that.” He hurries away before Mrs. Weasley can rant at him. He always gets lectured for bringing dragons home but Mrs. Weasley never makes him take the dragons back before he is leaving to return to Romania.
Ginny, Bailee, and Luna become very close while at school. Bailee is more than aware of Ginny's crush on Harry.
James, Sirius, Lily, and Peter start trying to set Remus up with Nymphadora in both very discreet ways and obnoxiously obvious ways.
Marlene is basically the Potter kids' aunt. She comes over a lot and is always down to have some fun.
Fabian and Gideon Prewett are very involved in the Weasley family. Fabian is closer to the younger kids (Fred, George, Ron and Ginny) while Gideon is closer to the older ones (Bill, Percy, and Charlie). They're not visiting often but they write almost weekly and they do visit when they can.
Charlie manages to find a dragon that likes Percy and that Percy likes. He then lets Percy name the dragon. The dragon is named Lux. When Lux gets too big to bring with him to the Burrow he has Percy come and visit.
Dumbledore probably still dies but much more peacefully, simply from being an old ass fucker.
Lily Luna, James Sirius, and Albus Severus get to know their grandparents.
Lily wins the most from their betting on the kids' futures with Remus coming in second (James and Sirius were pretty fucking wrong and never hear the end of it).
Bailee ends up with Seamus and has two kids named Aliyah Astral Finnigan and Raine Ever Finnigan. Dean is basically their uncle and lives with the family (OT3 here. Bailee, Dean, and Seamus. It's cute).
Angel is pretty fucking gay and lives happily with her classmate/wife Mary Thompson. They have an adopted son named Brandon Sun Potter-Thompson.
Erin ends up with a classmate called Samantha Jordan and has three kids named Matthew Cloud Potter, Sarah Snow Potter, and Erica Thunder Potter.
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