#and Wilder is a year younger than Jack
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
*Erica and Raine living in the same apartment in college*
Erica, texting Raine: Raine there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? Erica: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry Erica: Raine Erica: Raine Raine: Raine is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
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silverstagspirit · 2 years
Where have you been?
The start of a new series. Where Yuu has finally come home after a year in Twisted Wonderland and reunites with thier family. But things don't go back to normal though, people become suspicious about where they've been because they won't tell.
Warnings: None.
A/N: I'm still new to writing stories, this Yuu is intended to be GN but I apologize if I make any mistakes. This Yuu has an older brother, a mom and a dad. I don't know how to write younger siblings so I didn't include one.
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Gif by WiffleGif
Yuu had made many friends in Twisted Wonderland. Their fighting spirit never ceases in their quest to get home. They had earned the respect of others and discovered amazing things on the way. Their fighting finally paid off when one day, the mirror announced that it had found a way home for them. At long last, they would see their family again.
"We'll find a way to keep in touch right?"
"I'm sure we'll figure something out. You go back to your world Yuu. Take care of yourself."
"Thanks Ace."
"You know you mean a lot to us Prefect. We respect your decision to leave and we'll never forget you. I wish you the best."
"Thank you too Jack."
"Bye minion. The Great Grim gives his praises to his most useful henchman."
"Goodbye Grim. Remember to study well."
With thier last words to them said and done, they stepped through the portal.
Stepping through the portal, their senses were lit up with a myriad of different colors before they felt themselves moving at breakneck speed. They were going so fast, yet they couldn't will themselves to scream. But then, just as fast as it started, it stopped. Yuu opened their eyes to find themselves in front of a large mirror in an old, abandoned house. They got up and looked around. The house looked as decrepit as Ramshackle when they first arrived in Twisted Wonderland. Albeit much smaller, more like a log cabin.
Going outside, they were met with the sight of a forest all around them. There was a path leading from the porch to somewhere covered in foliage. After clearing the thick brush with their bare hands, they uncovered another path. This one is leading much farther than before. Following the path down the hill eventually led them to a road. Not wanting to go back to the cabin, they made the decision to follow the road and hope it would lead them somewhere where they could get help. The thought had crossed their mind earlier that maybe it wasn't the right place. In that case, they made a mental note to remember their way back to the cabin if things got hairy.
Yuu walked for many hours. Their feet began to hurt. The mirror had replaced their NRC uniform with some other plain pair of clothes and a scarf. They were given some type of gum boots as shoes. which were convenient for when they were trekking through the brush, but now they were getting hot and uncomfortable the more they walked. They were grateful for the scarf, though, as well as the long sleeved outfit. There was quite a strong breeze blowing that made them shiver. The scarf also doubled as a way to keep prying eyes off of the scar on their neck left behind after Riddle's overblot.
It was after this thought that they came across a river near the road. With big rocks surrounding each side that made quite the photogenic spot. Yuu was utterly exhausted at this point, so they saw no harm in taking a small rest. They lurched their way to the river's edge with renewed motivation. Remembering a wilderness survival technique from their brother, they made sure to stay away from the still water that might be stagnant. Yuu made sure they didn't drink too much water because they did not look forward to having to pee in the bush if they didn't find a town soon. They even took off their boots and socks to dip their feet in the water.
Sometime later, they dried off, put their shoes back on, and continued on their way. It was all going fine until later they noticed something. It was starting to get dark, which made Yuu fidget nervously. It spelled bad news to be caught in the dark at a time like this. Thinking this, they quickened their pace. All the walking eventually led them to a street sign. The sign had many names on it, but there was one that stood out to them. The name of their town. There was a fork in the road with three ways to choose from. So they set off in that direction.
After about 5 minutes of walking, they were met with the sight of their town. They felt a huge wave of relief, knowing that this was the place. Remembering the way to their house, they continued their journey. It was now dark at this point. Down the hill and through the familiar roads they went. Some cars drove by, but they didn't need to flag them down at this point, for they knew where to go. There were no people out during this time of night. They were all in their homes. Making the atmosphere even more tense when they got to their street. They could see their house from here. They were almost there. Yuu crossed the road and walked up to their home.
The lights were still on, and they could hear people talking. The weight of the fact that they were finally here after half an entire year was now settling in. And they began to panic silently. What do they say? What will they say? After some breathing techniques learned from Vil, they stepped up to the door. They couldn't find their voice to speak yet, so they knocked three times. No answer. So they knocked again. A bit louder this time. This time, they heard something: footsteps coming up to the door. Yuu held their breath when the door began to open.
"Hello. Can I help yo-
The glass their mother had been holding was now shattered and forgotten on the ground as she stared at them. Yuu couldn't make eye contact, but they knew she was shocked speechless. The commotion caused two more sets of footsteps to approach.
"Honey, what is i-
Their father and their brother appeared behind their mom and stopped dead in their tracks. They had the same looks on their faces as their mom. They kept staring at them as though they were an impossible thing. There was a moment of complete silence as they stared at them.
"...um...hi, I-
All of them ran towards Yuu at once. They hugged them like they would disapear if they didn't hold tight enough. They were all crying. Yuu stood there frozen. They themselves began tearing up. Then, for the first time since Twisted Wonderland. They let the tears roll down. They cried in their family's embrace and let the stress out. They could hear their parents mumbling words to them. However, they didn't have the energy to decipher it. They kept crying into their mother's shoulder, tears soiling her blouse. They eventually cried themselves to sleep, and their dad took them to their bedroom, the bedroom they had not slept in for months, and lay them on thier bed. They stayed with them for a while until they, too, had to go to bed.
Yuu was finally home.
Meanwhile, in Twisted Wonderland, the boys were already beginning to feel Yuu's absence. Even those who claimed they didn't care had a small pain in their chest when they were not there. It was during these moments when they wondered if they would ever see Yuu again...
And if there was a way for Yuu to come back.
Taglist: @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer @naughtybodypillow
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earth-18104 · 1 month
Young super heroes
Since I already made a list of characters for the X-Kids, might as well make one for other Young super-heroes groups. In my universe, Earth-18104, things are almost the same as the original universe, this includes the heroes, but I changed some things based on their ages to fit in my universe and make more sense.
This is list main goal is just to help me keep track of everyone’s ages while I write :P Here is the list of students of the Xavier's Intitute.
• The Power Pack.
The first group of young superheroes, outside the X-Men, was the Power Pack, the siblings Alex (12), Julie (10), Jack (8) and Kate Power (6). In 2009, while their parents were trying a new efficient source of power, the Anti-Matter Engine, the siblings encountered an alien that claimed that his some planet was destroyed by the same energy source their parents had found. Before his death, the alien passed his abilities to the children. 
After that, the Power Siblings became the Power Pack and went on different adventures as superheroes, while their parents remained clueless about their powers for the next years. The original members were just Alex as Zero-G, Julie as Lightspeed, Jack as Counterweight and Kate as Energizer.
In 2016, with the opening of the Future Foundation, Reed Richards’ new group of heroes, the Power Siblings split to different teams. Alex (19), Jack (15) and Kate (12) joined Richards and his “students”, while Julie (17) went along with the Runaways. 
In 2022, since the original Power Pack were all adults at this point, a new team was formed by Valeria Richards (15) as Brainstorm, Lunella Lafayette (11) and Devil Dinosaur, Jo-Venn and N’Kalla Grimm (11); and Jack Powers (25) and Franklin Richards (18) as their mentors. 
*Franklin Richards is older than his comic counterpart. The Infinity Gaulent Arc also happened in this universe and last six years, between 2004-2006. Franklin was one of the people turned into dust by Thanos, so he is also younger than he should be. N’Kalla and Jo-Venn are Ben Grimm and Alicia Reis adopted children.
• The Runaways.
In 2012, a group of teenagers, children of a group of super villains known as The Pride, discovered their parents’ evil plans and decided to escape together and frame their parents of murder. The “team” was formed by:
•  Alex Wilder (16), the leader, a big fan of superheroes.
• Nico Minoru (16), whose parents were dark wizards. She then became the holder of the Staff of One.
• Karolina Dean (16), whose parents were aliens exiled from their home planet, so she had her powers suppressed by a special bracelet.
• Chase Stein (17), the “brawn” of the team, who later gained the telepathic link to Old Lace, Gertrude’s dinosaur.
• Gertrude Yorkes (16), a smart and cynical girl, whose parents were time travellers and had genetically engineered a dinosaur, Old Lace, to share a telepathic link to her.
• Molly Hayes (11), the youngest of the group, also a fan of superheroes, who possessed super strength.
As time passed, the team lost some members and gained new, such as: the cyborg Victor Mancha; a skurll war prince named Xavin; Klara Prast, a girl coming from the past; Rufus the Cat and others.
*I thought the X-Men were weird, but the Runaways win this one.
• Young Avengers.
While the students of Academy X were facing the events after M-Day, a new group of superheroes was born. Nathaniel Richards (16) travelled back in time and ended up stuck in 2014. With so many tragedies happening in the last years, and knowing what future was coming, Nathaniel used Vision’s plan to recruit the next generation of Avengers to create the Young Avengers, looking for members that could replace the original Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
• Kate Bishop / Hawkeye II (18), was not what he was looking for initially, but with her stubbornness, she became an important member and then later the leader.
• Jonas Vision was created by Nathaniel using Vision’s old body, to assist him in his mission.
• Eli Bradley / Patriot (16), the grandson of Isaiah Bradley, the “Black Captain America”, received the original Shield and became part of the team.
• Theodore Altman / Hulkling (16), the unknown son of the Skrull princess Anelle and Mar-Vell, had the abilities to shape-shift since a young age, and decided to join the team to use his powers to be a hero. Years later, Teddy assumed the throne of the Skrulls and Kree alongside his husband, Wiccan. 
• Billy Kaplan / Wiccan and Tommy Shepherd / Speed (16) are the reincarnations of Wanda Maximoff’s sons, that had been created using the magic of the Darkhold, before being erased from reality. Billy and Tommy reincarnated in different families, but kept the same appearances as the ‘originals”, as well the abilities they never manifested.
• Cassie Lang / Stinger (14), is the daughter of Ant-Man II. Since she was a child, Cassie wanted to be a hero like her father, so when she saw the opportunity to join a team of Avengers, she went along, even if she wasn't invited at first.
The Young Avengers were not accepted by the older heroes, but they continued their journey as crime fighters for years, facing different types of dangers together. In 2015, during the events of Kang’s Dinasty, they were among the many, many heroes that went to fight the tyrant, and Nataniel had to face his alternative self.
In 2016, during the Skrull Invasion, the Young Avengers helped defend New York and its civilians. They were invited by Henry Pym to join his new Avengers Academy in 2017, but mainly declined, but in the same year, the events of Young Avengers: Children's Crusade, not long after.
In 2019, the original team split up, Nathaniel (21) went to stay with the Richards/Storm in the Baxter Building and joined the Future Foundation with Jonas, Cassie (19) and Eli (21) went to Avengers Academy. While Kate (23) became leader of the West Coast Avengers, she was still part of the team with Billy, Teddy and Tommy (21). But they also had new members for the new team: 
• America Chavez (18), who had the abilities of teleportation, and soon became leader of this new team.
• The reincarnation of God of Mischief, Loki and his underworld “servant” Leah, a witch.
• Noh-Varr / Marvel Boy (21), a Kree Warrior that fallen on Earth and became a hero under Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau’s tutelage. 
• David Alleyne / Prodigy (20), super genius, he was a former student at Academy X, but lost his powers after M-Day.
• Aña Corazón / Araña (15), one of the many ‘spider-people’ of New York, she joined the team on her free time. 
• Doreen Green / Squirrel Girl (21), a girl with the ability to communicate with squirrels, she has been trying to be a superhero since a very young age.
*I know that later Nate Richards / Iron Lad disappears and Jonas dies, but in this universe they stay. Nate is adopted by the FF and Jonas kinda becomes part of the family, and also Viv Vision is his sister too🙂
*Loki stays as a hero, he just grows normally like any kid, and him and Leah live together in New Asgard or somewhere else. In the comics, Aña and Doreen never joined the YA. Tommy and Billy also treat Viv, Vin and Jonas as siblings.
• Future Foundation.
Not really a team of superheroes, but more an agency to fund scientists and young genius that had potential, Reed Richards hoped that these individuals could plan a better future for the planet if he helped them and kept them in the right path. 
In 2016, the first members of the foundation were Richards himself, Susan Storm, Peter Parker, the reformed Dr. Olivia Octavius OC, Alex Powers (19) and his younger siblings Jack (15) and Kate (12), and the android Dragon Man. The younger members were: Valeria Richards / Brainstorm (9), Franklin Richards / Power House (12), the Moloids Tong, Turg, Mik and Korr, Bentley 23 (10), the Morlocks Artie Maddicks (20) and Dorian Leech (19).
Later, new members joined the Foundation, like Leech and Artie’s old friend, Takeshi Matsuya / Wiz-Kid (16), in 2017; Hunter Creed / Rescue (13) OC in 2019; Nathaniel Richards (21) and Jonas Vision in the same year;and Lunella Lafayette (10) in 2021, with Devil Dinosaur, of course.
*The Future Foundation is not a school or something like that, it is more like a program, if you show potential for science and other things related, Richards finances your project.
*Artie and Leech are older here, since the Massacre of the Morlocks happened in 1997, them and Wiz-Kid, were victims of the Snap, so they're is six years youngers than they should be, same thing to Franklin. Hunter Creed is one of my favorite OCs, he's just there :)
• Avengers Academy.
Following Norman Osborn’s plan of forming a new team of heroes, right after Dark Reign in 2016, the Avengers decided to open a place to train children with superpowers and protect them from the world, and so prevent them from losing control and becoming villains. So Henry Pym founded the Avengers Academy, a program similar to the Initiative.
Alongside Pym and other Avengers, Alex Powers (20), Julie Powers (19), Claudette and Nicolle St. Croix (27) were also instructor for the students. In 2017, the first year of the school, the students were:
• Humberto Lopez / Reptil (16), who has the ability to turn into different reptiles.
• Jeanne Foucault / Finesse (16), has the ability to master any skill. 
• Ken Mack / Mettle (17), suffered a transformation that gave him super strength and durability.
• Brandon Sharpe / Striker (17) who can manipulate and generate electricity.
• Mad Berry / Veil (17) is able to transform her body into gases.
• Jennifer Takeda / Hazmat (17), her unique biology can produce deadly substances.
The next year, the program received good results, so the school expanded and received new students: Aña Corazón / Araña (14), Jack Powers / Mass Master (17), Kate Powers / Energizer (15), Takeshi Matsuya / Wiz Kid (17), Joaquín Torres / Falcon II (14), Victor Alvarez / Power Man II (14), Ava Ayala / White Tiger (17), Kevin Masterson / Thunderstrike (16), Juston Seyfert / Sentinel (14), Michiko Musashi / Turbo (16), Jonhathon Gallo / Ricochet (18), Jimmy Santini / Batwing (14) and Emery Schaub / Butterball (15).
In 2019, Alani Ryan / Loa (18), Shela Sexton / Escapade (16) also joined the school, and after that, Brielle Brooks / Bloodline and Rebecca Marchand (18), in 2020, and in 2022, Norman Harold Osborn / Red Goblin (10) also joined.
• The Champions.
After their debut as superheroes, Kamala Khan, known as Ms. Marvel (17), the Nova Cadet  Sam Alexander, (15), and the new Spider-Man Miles Morales (16), started to accompany the Avengers on their missions, but soon became disillusioned by their behavior, believing they were not doing enough for the people. In 2021, Kamala Khan then formed a new team and became their leader. The first members, besides the original trio, were:
• Amadeus Cho (21), a young super genius that had suffered an accident with Gamma Radiation and became the new Totally Awesome Hulk, and later was called Brawn. His twin sister Maddy Cho sometimes joined the team as support.
• Hunter Creed / Rescue (15) OC, son of the villain Sabretooth, also a genius and former student at Jean Grey School, he helped with technology and equipments.
• Viv Vision, daughter of Vision, she is a sintezoide that helped the team with technology and to keep track of different events around the world in case the Champions need to help outside the country.
• Riri Williams / Iron Heart (16), a very intelligent girl who created her own equipments based on Iron Man’s armor.
The first team also had a young version of Scott Summers that travelled from another timeline, but he soon went back to the past and his actions created a different timeline. Later the team started operating globally, and new members joined:
• Nadya Pym / Wasp (19), Henry Pym’s lost daughter that has been raised in the Red Room since birth, she was brought to New York by Janet van Dyne, joined the team and took her place as the Wasp.
• Fernanda Rodriguez / The Locust (17), a young vigilante that inherited the tittle and armor of Red Locust from her family, to protect people in need.
• Victor Alvarez / Power Man II (19), student from the Avengers Academy, he gained super strength after absorbing the life force of the 107 people who were killed in a protest against Norman Osborn.
• Joaquín Torres / Falcon II (18), also a student from the Avengers Academy, he had suffered a transformation after being kidnapped by the Son of the Serpent and gained wings, becoming a hero working under Sam Wilson’s tutelage. 
• Rayshaun Lucas / Patriot II (17), Sam Wilson’s apprentice, he gained his own shield and has been training to be a hero one day.
• Qureshi Gupta / Pinpoint (14), who has the power to create portals, he became a superhero by himself back on his hometown.
• Abigail Boylen / Cloud 9 (17), a young human girl that once came in contact with an alien gas that gave her the ability to fly. At first, she was not interested in becoming a hero, but accepted being part of the team.
• Lana Baumgartner / Bombshell (19) was born with the capacity to create explosions and has been acting as a solo hero since she was young.
• Amka Aliyak / Snowguard (17), who gained the ability to turn into different animals after rescuing the Inua spirit, Sila.
At some point, Riri, the Cho twins, Nadya and Hunter helped Viv fix and reprogram her late brother Vincent Vision and bring him back, and later he became an honorary member of the team. One day, in 2023, during a mission, Viv went haywire and exploded, destroying Kamala Khan’s school and causing the authorities to pass a new Law, the Underage Superhuman Wellfire Act, that prohibited any individual under the age of 21 from acting as a superhero without supervision.
Kamala was outraged and promised that the Champions would keep fighting. Then, more members kept joining the team: Cindy Moon / Silk (23), Kareem / Red Dagger (19), Anã Corazón / Araña (18), Tiana Toomes / Starling (18), Lunella Lafayette (12) and Devil Dinosaur, Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider (19), David Alleyne / Prodigy (24), Valeria Richards / Brainstorm (16), Jo-Venn and N’Kalla Grimm (12), Sooraya Qadir / Dust (24) and Gabby Kinney / Honey Badger (13).
• Strange Academy.
In order to train new sorcerers, Doctor Stephen Strange opened his Strange Academy with the help of other powerful individuals, like Nico Minoru and Doctor Vodoo, accepting to teach any child with the abilities for mysticism and magic.
Some of the student, all with different abilities, were: the twins Iric and Alvi Brorson (15); Doyle (15), the son of the terrific Dormammu; a frost giant called Guslag (14) sent to the school by Loki; Emily Bright (15) who was born with the ability to control magic; Zoe Laveau (16), a young lady from a long lineage of female magicians; Despair (16) or Dessy, daughter of the demon S’ym; Germán Aguilar (15), who can create animal projections; Calvin Morse (14) that was later possessed by Mister Misery; and Shaylee Moonpeddle (15), a half-fairy young girl, and others.
• The Next Avengers.
Other possible future heroes, working solo or as members of these famous teams, are: 
• Mayday Parker, who becomes Spider-Girl in 2024, she was born in 2009.
• Kaelynn Alexander, Sam Alexander’s sister and daughter of a Nova, born in 2009.
• Eleanor “Ellie” Camacho, Deadpool’s daughter, possible mutant who hadn’t activated her powers yet, born in 2009.
• Davey Maddox, Multiple Man’s son, born in 2009.
• Dylan Brock and Sleeper, sons of Eddie Brock, Anne Weying and Venom, born in 2011.
• Norman Harold Osborn / Red Goblin, Harry’s Osborn’s son, current student at Avengers Academy, born in 2012.
• Danielle Cage, daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, born in 2015.
• William Nelson, Tigra’s son, born in 2016.
• Gerald Drew, Jessica Drew’s son, future hero named Black Mamba, born in 2016.
• Shogo Lee, Jubilee’s adopted son, who has the ability to turn into a dragon, born in 2019.
• Benjamin “Benny” Parker, Mayday Parker’s younger brother, born in 2019.
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potatohater · 9 months
Daniel Atlas never smiles, but Jack Wilder is here to make him
Fandom: Now you see me
Characters: Daniel Atlas & Jack Wilder
Word count: 481
I’M BACK BABY‼️‼️ sorry was kinda just drowning in school work and shit; rewatched Now You See Me movies s few days ago and AS I SHOULD decided to take the matter into my own hands and write something since there was only one fanfic I found☠️ feels weird to acc write the idea you have in you mind ifykyk; anyway it’s probably gonna have 3,5 likes so here we go:)
Also @awkwardlyflustered I decided to write something ab these two too, so since the fandom is drop dead you can check this one out
“No way you are ticklish!?” Jack grinned after poking older man’s stomach a few times causing him to squirm away
“Don’t touch me. Do you hear me?” Daniel said, eyes nervously running all around the room, looking for something to protect him
Jack just smiled wider, not fully believing that one of the most stoic man he knows falls under umbrella of such silly things as being ticklish. His other hand grabbed Atlas’s arm in order to keep him in place while other rapidly vibrated into his stomach
Loud chuckle escaped Daniel’s mouth as he hided his smile behind his palm, other hand trying to fight younger man
“Yohou– stop it” he squirmed harder, trying to bite his cheek to look more serious than he actually was. Jack’s hand traveled from his stomach to his underarm, making him squeak. Curly haired man quickly pulled his hands back from the mouth and Jack, protecting his weak spot, eyes filled with fear and sparkling with unexpected childlessness, making him look younger a few years
The next thing that Daniel felt were 10 fingers under his arms, making him fall on his back and trying his best not to make any noises. His eyes were crinkled with playfulness, while his mouth tried to show that he doesn’t find it funny at all
“Come on man, you know you want to laugh” Wilder’s mouth melted into the biggest smile the other one had seen ever. Something in his eyes were so pure, like a kid getting the toy he wanted for Christmas
Anyway Daniel thought that sooner or later he will laugh, so letting everything go he let his voice fill the room. His laughter unlike him was very bright, almost bubbly. He wasn’t the type of person to laugh out loud, even during casual nights he only allowed himself to grin or chuckle (if the joke was really great). Partly because of his insecurities about how he might sound, partly because he already had an image of a socially awkward guy who wants to look serious. In the end it didn’t matter because right now he was laughing his head off in what seemed, months
“Ah-ha! There it is” Jack’s hands warmed in Daniel’s underarms. He could see small, almost invisible wrinkles around older man’s eyes from laughing, the thought of never seeing him actually laugh only hit him now. With that he spend a few more seconds rubbing his knuckles into Atlas’s higher ribs until he let the poor man go
“If yohou are—”
“I’m not gonna tell anyone” Jack chuckled, seeing Daniel’s messy hair even more messy when the shy smile still shined on his lips
“You should really smile and laugh more you know? Or you can become a second version of Grinch” younger man said, patting Daniel’s chest and getting out of the room before he could get him back
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Candice Patton Faceclaim
Nola Bradshaw (Until Dawn OC). Beth’s best friend, Nola didn’t really want to go to the lodge however ended up going because there was the promise of a great library. When tragedy strikes, Nola is obviously devastated. A year later, when she’s unexpectedly invited back by Josh, she almost declines. He promises that it’ll be everything they need to keep the twins’ memories alive though, that things will be better this time. And she believes him. Until once again all hell breaks loose. Until she finds herself face-to-face with monsters that she never though existed.
Georgette Fox (Titans OC). Oldest daughter of Lucius Fox, Georgette isn’t really into technology like her dad is - or like her little brother seems to be growing into. She grew up with Dick and Donna, grew up exploring the city and generally getting into trouble with them from time-to-time. At the age of fifteen Georgette figures out the link between Bruce and Batman, and finds herself learning more about medicine to help patch up her friends. She moves to Detroit with Dick in the hopes of helping him working through the trauma of his past, and works as a GP nearby.
Eden Glass (The Naturals OC). Natural liar Eden spent her life always playing a part, always being someone else until she finds herself at the scene of a crime and brought in for questioning. No one really suspects her, or the lie she’s built around herself, but they do recognise her talent. She’s essentially the pre-trial of the Naturals and as the decision is made to create a team of people like her, she works with the other adults to help them figure out just how to work as a team without getting themselves into too much trouble.
Rhiannon Healy (X-Men OC). Mutant Rhiannon always tried her best to hide her powers, to keep a low profile. But, when her best friend Remy gets in a fight and is unable to use his own powers to protect himself, Rhiannon steps in. Using her empath skills she floors his assailant and runs off terrified of what she’s done. Weeks later, tired of being alone, of hiding, she goes back to find Remy, only to see that he is once again in a fight; and this time there’s a man with claws coming out of his hands to contend with.
Elodie ‘El’ Klecko, A.K.A Spiced Rum ‘Spice’ (Kingsman OC). Despite her ‘Butter wouldn’t melt’ appearance, Elodie is the weapons expert for Statesman. Not only is she skilled in using most weapons, she can make a weapon out of pretty much anything – something that becomes a running joke between her and Whiskey. She is close to the other agents, and intrigued when the Kingsman come to them, eager to learn how they function – or did before Doomsday Protocols were followed.
Alden Pickering (Mortal Engines OC). An engineer who works alongside Anna Fang, Alden is surprised when they are joined by Hester and Tom. Initially she has her doubts about them – because turning up out of the blue isn’t cause for concern to some others, apparently. But soon she learns that there is far more to the two strangers than she first thought, and finds herself going on an adventure that she never could have imagined.
Aaliyah Silva (A Discovery of Witches OC). Vampire Aaliyah works in the lab with the other vampires and is determined to do something that might just make life easier for creatures. But, as Matthew starts getting caught up with witches and the council appear to be determined to do something drastic, she finds herself wondering if all the danger is really worth it. A romantic at heart, however, she knows the easy answer to that: 100%.
Wren Templeton (Now You See Me OC). Stagehand Wren loved working behind the scenes, loved the thrill of seeing behind the curtain and helping bring big tricks to life on the stage. It was how she met Henley, how she started working with her, and how she ended up getting caught in the middle of the biggest heist going. And how she ends up meeting one Jack Wilder.
Blaire Younger (Timeless OC). Marine Blaire never thought that going on medical leave would end with her being given a new job. She didn’t realise that she’d be paired with Wyatt Logan to protect historians and scientists as they tried to go about travelling through time, and yet despite initial reservations, she found herself loving the new life that she has.
0 notes
brassandblue · 2 years
🗣👋 for Nelson & Jack? Or really any of mine with yours XD fire away
Cara don't tell me to fire away, you know what happens!!!!!
Arthur & Bertie-
Kingston tour!!! Shenanigans! Boys having fun!!!!
Little!Bertie and Arthur, finished with whatever serious things they were supposed to be doing, and SOMEONE (Arthur) wants to show the young King all the best secret passageways in the palace! (Not sure which palace, you pick!)
A bittersweet but ultimately happy reunion with Bertie and Arthur in Marianne's cellar--with Albert having been afraid Arthur was lost, and Arthur having been afraid Albert was captured or dead. The boys deserve good moments to help them get through that awful AU. <3
Goodsir & Bertie-
SmolKing!Bertie & Goodsir as a royal physician! Firmly when Bertie is little because it would be super adorable, and,
Perhaps a thread when they're older and Harry and Albert have become lifelong friends? <3 Like sure Harry is 25 years older(ish) but I think it would be sweet!
Immortal!Goodsir and any Albert of your choosing!!!
Blanky & Francis-
Immortal lads! Reuniting! In any era, but I do love the thought of Thomas nearly punching Francis (and opting to go for a hug instead) but honestly whatever suits your fancy!!
The boys in their younger, wilder days!
Thomas getting a visit from Francis while he's recovering from the amputation, like, presumably right before he has the meeting where he announces he's going to quit drinking. Or around that time. (Spoiler alert: He's already forgiven you, brother. <3 )
Arthur & Francis-
Nation!Arthur coming clean to Francis about his identity. He's not just a lieutenant who seems close to Sir John (like Lt. Gore) and he's definitely not Sir John's son!! He's also not Admiral Kirkland's relative but, is actually just that guy. (Also he can confirm, Tuunbaq is bad, bad news, no there's nothing they can do, if Lady Silence can't help them, they're f u c k e d.)
Nation!Arthur also interacting with Francis earlier on! Arthur is a massive engineering nerd, please tell him about magnets.
(He will also try to advise Sir John to let go of animosity outside the expedition and reconcile with Crozier, and will end up in conflict with John himself. "When did your vanity become of greater importance than taking every precaution for the lives of your men?! Is this even about Crozier at all?" God can you imagine??? But obviously in private and between decades-long friends.)
Human!Arthur interacting with Francis and later, the transfer to Terror & coming clean to Francis about....................being Sir John's son, whoops. Sad Irish Dad, meet Gloomy English Son.
Nation!Arthur, having gone on the expedition, many many years later helping to reunite Crozier with the other immortal Cold Boys. <3
Goodsir + ANY one of your boys- Bodysnatching and/or murder! A variation of this might very well start with Hickey's mysterious death following Irving's murder. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Weird how that happened.
Nelson and Jack! Jack keeping Nelson entertained while Arthur is engaged in a meeting at his estate he can't easily get away from.
Jack and Moriarty, Jack and Moriarty, Jack and Moriarty, Jack and Moria--
There are more but I will spare you from another volley. > > For now.
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deannaroxannewrites · 3 years
Tropetember Day 9 - Historical (Regency, Ancient Greece/Rome, Prehistory etc.) / Modern / Futuristic AU
Mr Hotchner, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance (Regency AU)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader (dresses, mention of becoming an old maid)
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: General Audiences
TW: None
AN: Day 9 of @tropetember. Yet another Hotch story that could be expanded into a small series. Not sure how effective it is a Regency piece? Any feedback would be much appreciated.
A widower with a good fortune and a son moves into the nearby great estate. Will that be any concern of yours?
Find this story on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 1.5k
When Jane Austen observed that a young man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, she was not incorrect. The question is whether all of those criteria needed to be met for similar conclusions to be made of men in similar circumstances.
Mr Hotchner, whilst in possession of good fortune, could no longer be classed as young, being in his mid-thirties. To further complicate matters, he was a widower and had a child from his first match.
When the inhabitants of the surrounding area became acquainted with the details of the new owner of the neighbouring great estate, they too were unsure. Some claimed he would be past his prime, grief would likely have ruined him, left crags upon his face and aged him beyond his years. Others, notably those with unwed daughters, argued that a mother figure for his son and match for himself would only increase the happiness and imagined handsomeness of the fine gentleman due to enter the parish.
As it is in most cases, neither party was entirely correct. On his arrival into the county, he was noted to be a handsome man, but he never smiled. He was charming and generous, but rarely spoke unless questioned. He may be improved by feminine influence, but did not seem to be in the market for such.
Whilst you were aware of the excitement of the new neighbour, you chose not involve yourself in the fray. At nearly 29, your future as an old maid had been declared by the villagers for many years. You were lucky that your younger brother was set to inherit your fathers modest estate upon his passing. You knew your brother would continue to look after you, and in return you did what you could to help your family in the day to day.
You had been so disconnected from the gossip, that it came as a surprise when your father notified you that the family had been invited to the estate for dinner and cards. Mr Hotchner was hosting one of his friends, Sir David Rossi, and it was apparently at his suggestion that the event was conceived.
As usual before an engagement, you select a nice dress, a new one you had been treated to a few weeks earlier, made of fine fabrics and with lace trim. Your maid, Sarah, had helped you style your hair and by the end of it, even you would agree that you looked pretty. You’d never be a beauty, but you were looking your best in the spring of your late bloom.
The carriage ride to the estate was quiet. Your brother mainly discussed business with your father as your mother and yourself admired the countryside. This admiration only grew as you entered the estate’s gardens. They were spectacular. A balanced combination of wilderness and cultivation.
Pulling up, you all clambered from the carriage and were led into the house by one of the servants. Inside, a modest party of the foremost members of the neighbourhood were gathered and you greeted them as you entered. It was not until around 5 minutes later that Mr Hotchner and his friend entered.
He was very handsome, something the slightly severe expression on his face could not hide. You could not help but watch as he slowly made his way around the room. He had a very authoritative presence, but not in an arrogant or rude way. It seemed more that he was aware of his role and status.
It was not long until it was your turn to be introduced to him. You curtsied and shyly met his eyes as you rose back to full height. For the first time in many years, you felt your breath catch slightly.
Your eyes were drawn away from Mr Hotchner’s as Sir David was also introduced to you. He was older than his companion, with a well maintained beard and a gentle grin resting on his features. He was also effortlessly charming but in a more extroverted manner than his friend.
You conversed with the pair for a while, polite conversation you make with new acquaintances about how they are enjoying the area and settling and such. It is not until dinner is called that you’re reluctantly separated. Good conversationalists were sorely lacking in this part of the world and you were already looking forward to getting to know them.
Dinner was a tasty and lively affair, with many laughs and much conversation. Afterwards the gentlemen separate off to have their whisky, leaving the women to gossip and you to nip out to answer the call of nature.
On your way back, you are met with an unexpected sight.
At the bottom of the main staircase stands a young boy in a dressing gown, stuffed toy in hand. Seeing that he looks upset, you slowly approach him and smile gently.
“Hello” you greet him. “Are you well?” you ask the little boy, not wanting to crowd him but unsure why he is upset.
He shakes his head shyly and his eyes stay trained on the floor. It breaks your heart a little.
Bobbing down, you pull a handkerchief from the hidden pocket in your dress to gently wipe his tears. Once they’re cleared away, you introduce yourself to him.
He reaches out a hand as his manners kick. “I’m Jack Hotchner. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
His voice isn’t full bodied but it’s a good start.
“Well, what a polite young gentleman.” He smiles at you for the compliment and holds himself a little taller. “Where might you be heading this late at night.”
“I," he pauses, "I want to see my father.”
You nod your head.
“Of course young sir” you give a theatrical bow to offer your hand to him which makes him giggle as he takes hold, “follow me.”
You head down to the room you saw the men head into and knock gently, hearing Mr Hotchner call for you to enter.
Gently pushing the door, you answer his questioning expression. “I found someone in the entrance hall who wished to see you.” He looks concerned until he spots his son’s head peeking around you. His face breaks out into a large smile which makes him appear far more youthful than you would have guessed. Sir David’s tales of him being a heartbreaker may not be as exaggerated as you first believed.
He greets the young boy, taking his hands as he lowers himself to his son’s level to ask what is wrong. On discovery of Jack having had a nightmare, he brings him into the room, thanking you for looking after him and releasing you to head back to the ladies.
Your mother immediately corners you upon your return and you do your best to divert her by claiming to have been appreciating the art decorating the corridors. It is not necessarily a lie, the house itself is beautiful enough itself to be considered such, but you doubt Mr Hotchner would appreciate you sharing his son’s nightmares with people who are strangers to him.
You do not have to distract your mother for long thankfully, as the gentlemen soon return and card tables are drawn up. There are slightly too many people for everyone to play so you offer to sit out and take a seat on a nearby settee with one of the books from the shelves. You are slightly surprised when a small body, now dressed in his father’s suit jacket, settles on the cushion next to you.
As you entertain the young Hotchner, you are unaware of the discussion taking place across the room.
“She seems good with him,” observes Sir David, deliberately keeping his voice down and pretending to contemplate his cards.
Mr Hotchner shoots him a withering glance before allowing, “she does. In general, she seems like a lovely woman. I am glad we have made her acquaintance.”
Sir David hums as his gaze drifts back to you, now teaching the young boy some sort of clapping game. “You know, I would be rather upset with you if you were not to throw a ball before I am to leave for London.”
“I believe you are meddling again Sir David,” Mr Hotchner plays a card as he continues, “but I will speak to the staff tomorrow about organising one.”
“You will be expected to dance, since you are hosting.”
Despite not normally being one to give into his friends' schemes, Mr Hotchner nods, eyes once again fixed on you.
“I’m sure I can find someone suitable,” he says and at that moment your eyes meet his. Yes, he thinks, he is sure you will dance as beautifully as you smile.
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isolawildest · 4 years
molly’s book club #2
the little house on the prairie series, by laura ingalls wilder (30-ish/12/2020)
this series has a stakehold on such a huge part of my heart. this series has been with me since i was nine or ten, but perhaps even younger. these books, full of stories of a young, spirited and brave girl from wisconsin made me believe that i could be like the characters within these books too, as free and wild as the horses almanzo raised, as good and loyal as jack the french bulldog. perhaps more of a mary than laura, but hey. these books taught me a lot about dealing with my emotions and how to behave in situations i had yet to experience. i could always remember ma’s advice, or imagine mary chastising me for swinging my legs whilst sitting on a too-tall chair.
this series is one of my most cherished possessions. in addition to the full box set of these books, i also have the whole tv series. these books have stuck with me since i read them for the first time, and they are incredibly near and dear to my heart. i have definitely read the later books of the series a lot more than the earlier ones. not necessarily because i prefer them, but because i think i find them a little more relatable to me right now. this series taught me to love history just that little bit more, and is the basis and capstone of all my farming knowledge.
i reread the end of this series, as i had a particular scene stuck in my head, and i needed to reread it as to find it. instead of just reading all the chapters titled ‘christmas’, i ended up reading from a little ways into little town on the prarie after skimming through the long winter. i stayed up until 4 am reading until the knife scene in these happy golden years, and then waking up later that morning and reading until the end of the first four years. 
the little house on the prarie series reminds you to look out for the little things, as they won’t always be around. it teaches you life lessons, and is overall just an incredible series that i will continue to go back to for the rest of my life. and for that, thank you, laura ingalls wilder :’)
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megabucks85 · 4 years
Christmas with The Terror Cast (Part 6)
This final entry highlights two period pieces about exceptional artists immortalized by their work.
All Is True (2018)
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As someone not well-informed of the life of Shakespeare, I’m not entirely sure how much is true of All Is True. I didn’t attempt any fact-checking after seeing it. But, frankly, that was because I didn’t want to. I enjoyed the film too much. It’s structured like a play, carefully staged without much camera movement within each scene. Coupled with an ensemble of some of the greatest thespians of our time, it’s nothing short of a treat in 2020 or any year for that matter. There’s one particular scene between Kenneth Branagh and Ian McKellen that’s one of the greatest exchanges between two performers that I’ve ever watched.
I do think this film fits well into holiday viewing. Centered on Shakespeare’s homecoming in a time when a prolonged patriarchal absence wasn’t uncommon, the brilliant playwright learns that the image of his family that’s lived in his mind was one of his own creation. Quite simply, it wasn’t true. As the truth of recent events unfolds in one scene after another, he’s forced to come to terms with the reality of who those he cares for most really are.
Featured Terror Actor: Jack Colgrave Hirst
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Source: Shutterstock.com
JCH portrays Tom Quiney, the eventual husband of Shakespeare’s younger daughter. He’s devilishly charming in a way we don’t get to see in The Terror (not that he wasn’t excellent in the series – just a different type of role). It’s a fun performance, and he and Kathryn Wilder, who plays Judith Shakespeare, are so talented that they’re able to hold their own opposite their legendary costars. One great moment after their wedding has the two preparing for their first night together…well, supposed first night. When Judith undresses Tom, JCH’s arm appears to get caught in the sleeve, and both actors start laughing as he’s forced to eventually yank his trapped arm out of the nightshirt. It’s great because even though that probably wasn’t supposed to happen, the actors manage to go with it and maintain their chemistry with each other.
 To Walk Invisible (2016)
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Nothing says Christmas like family dysfunction, am I right? Joking aside, this is certainly apparent, but the film, of course, is about so much more. Set between 1845 and 1848, the plot focuses on the three sisters as they create and publish their renowned masterpieces while struggling with an aging father and self-destructive brother. The character development is wonderful in that we’re not just dealing with the three good sisters and their naughty brother. Rather, each member of the family is wrestling with their own demons and able to approach one another with empathy and compassion even if ultimately unable to help. I was particularly drawn to Chloe Pirrie’s performance as Emily Brontë. A few pieces have been written about her character traits, leading many to believe she may have had Asperger’s or autism. Chloe Pirrie certainly expresses traits of these and perhaps also of selective mutism. But, she conveys this with such realism that we’re able to acknowledge the obsessive behavior but not define her character by it.
Overall, I was first introduced to this film two years ago, and absolutely fell in love with it. This is a must-see, and why not over the holidays.
Featured Terror Actor: Adam Nagaitis
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It’s impossible to mention this film’s phenomenal character development without discussing Adam Nagaitis as Branwell Brontë. A lesser actor would’ve made him completely despicable. But Nagaitis’s performance is so nuanced, that we understand the demons plaguing his character, the burden of needing to be so much more than he believes he can be, all the while surrounded by the genius of his sisters. He strives for greatness but can only linger in their shadows. I don’t necessarily think this frustration is linked to sexism but rather is tied to an era which required men to take their place as heads of the family, a place that, quite simply, Branwell couldn’t reach.
The film ends poignantly with a modern-day sequence that closes on the painting of the three Brontë sisters, now visible to all, created by Branwell, who brushed himself out, deeming himself unworthy of recognition.
Featured Terror Actor: David Walmsley
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Photo credit goes to @blazingadam​ once again. 
Fear not! I did not forget about David Walmsley’s appearance in this film. He plays Joe Leyland, an artist and confidante of Branwell’s. Put very rudimentarily, he’s the Tozer to Branwell’s Hickey. This is the third role (well, second at the time) that he’s had with Nagaitis, and there definitely seems to be a bond between the two actors that make them work so well together.
Now, I’m probably getting slightly off-topic, and Walmsley’s enjoyable in this film, but I do think he’s far too handsome and talented to remain in the best friend role. His performances in The Terror and In the Flesh are indicative of the range he has, and I look forward to continuing to see more of these nuanced, complex roles down the road.
This concludes my list of holiday films with The Terror cast. I hope anyone that sees this finds the list enjoyable and gives a few of these a watch if they haven’t already. Happy holidays!
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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ahsokadrabbles · 5 years
𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [dan torrance x reader]
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request: Dan receiving head for the first time since becoming sober! -thank you so much for the request, love! this was my first time writing smut so please bear with me! <3 warnings: smut, age gaps, mentions of alcoholism
pretty please send imagine requests for dan here!
You met Dan a month into his sobriety. Throughout those first few months, you tried your best to be patient and helpful even though you couldn't really understand what he was going through. You were a lot younger than him and lacked experience in the world of drinking away your feelings. You had only ever gotten drunk a few times and out of those few times it was illegally and at some wild high school party. You didn't even like getting drunk, you just wanted to fit in.
When Dan drank, he drank with a much darker purpose than just wanting to fit in. He drank to drown all his demons and all his shine and he did it with cheap whiskey. Not that it worked, he was still haunted by what had happened to him at the Overlook, but it at least dulled the pain. Dan's father was also an alcoholic and even though he died when Dan was young, he still managed to go down the same dark path. Dan didn't just get sober for himself, he got sober for his father who never got to. Deep down he knew that Jack Torrance was a good man and that monsters always favored good men. Even though you couldn't understand what Dan was going through to its full extent, you vowed to stick with him no matter what. Now, the two of you were celebrating one year of his sobriety.
With the help of Dan's best friend, Billy, and the rest of their support group, you were able to throw your boyfriend a surprise party. "What do you think, Danny?" You asked as you leaned your head against the man's shoulder. The two of you were stood off to the side, quietly watching the rest of the group members eat and chat among themselves. "It was very thoughtful of you, baby girl," Dan replied before placing a kiss onto the crown of your head. "I couldn't have done this without you, you know that?" You blushed and shook your head. "I didn't have anything to do with it, you made yourself better. I just threw you a party." You laughed, running your hand down his chest. "Are you kidding? If I didn't have you around I wouldn't be able to keep my head on my shoulders." Dan replied. Your phone chimed in your hand, grabbing your attention away from Dan. "I think it's time for cake!" You cheered, pulling him back towards the rest of the group by his hand. Dan was having a great day. Not only was he a year sober, but he was also surrounded by the people who meant the most to him. The day could be sealed up like a present with a big red bow and left at that, but he did have a little something else in mind.
The two of you had been a couple for a while now and had a great sex life. It was far from vanilla, but there were a few things the two of you hadn't tried, one of those things being you giving him head. You were fairly inexperienced when you met Dan, but you were willing to try anything. The one thing you had steered clear from to put it plain and simple was sucking him off. You were terrified that you'd do it all wrong and that sex with him would be awkward forever. Dan told you that you had nothing to fear and that you were one of the best lays he had ever had, but you were still so shy. 
Earlier that morning you had promised to do anything to make today special and Dan knew exactly what he wanted.
"Do you like your cake?" You asked, snuggling deeper into Dan's lap. 
"Yes, ma'am." He replied, swiping his thumb across your lip to collect a bit of icing.
"That's great! I tried to follow your mom's recipe to a T."
Dan half-listened as you rambled on about how you couldn't believe he had his mother's old recipe book lying around. He was more focused on your mouth and tongue wrapped around your icing coated fork.
"Babe," He stated softly as he shifted his eyes around the room.
"Could we go?" 
You pouted, which only drove him wilder, and caressed his shoulder.
"Is something wrong, Danny?" You innocently asked.
"Everything is perfect, babe, I promise. I just had something in mind for us tonight and-"
"Oh fuck." Dan thought.
He was popping a boner in front of his entire support group. You shifted on his lap and your face fell when you finally felt what he was talking about.
"Danny!" You snickered, covering your mouth as you laughed.
"Shh, can we just get out of here?" He pleaded, desperate to take you back to his apartment.
"Billy, we have to go home. Can you clean up for me please?" You asked, standing up from Danny's lap.
"No problem, I'll catch you two later," Billy said.
You were already headed out the door with Dan following you out like a drooling mess when Billy called out to him.
"Congrats, Dan!" He added, but his friend was already running for the door.
You and Dan had successfully made it back to his apartment with no one catching what was happening in his pants, thank god. 
"You okay?" You asked, still giggling about the whole situation.
"Uh-huh," He grunted before nearly throwing himself on top of you to kiss you.
"That dress works wonders." He said between kisses before shoving his hand straight up said dress.
"God, do I just want to tear it right off of you."
"Danny!" You stammered, pushing your body as close to his as you could get.
"Can you do something for me, pumpkin?" Dan asked, his breath fanning down your neck.
"Anything for you." You whispered, your breath getting caught in your throat as he kissed your neck.
"Can you give me head?"
The dreaded H word. He could see the nervousness in your eyes and he felt the way your muscles tensed against him.
"I don't want to ruin your day-"
"You won't, I trust you." He cut off, pulling you towards the bed before you could even continue your protest.
Dan sat down on the edge of the bed and you crawled on top of him, planting a hickey onto his neck. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his flannel before you finally pushed it off his shoulders and went for the t-shirt underneath. You sat back to admire your work once you got him completely topless, grinding against him as you did so. 
"You're perfect." You said hoarsely, rocking yourself even harder against his lap.
"Fuck," Dan groaned as his head fell off to the side.
"Get down on your knees." He ordered, pushing you down into the floor.
You unzipped his pants and let him shake them down around his ankles while you gawked at his bulge. 
"You're sure about this?" You faltered, hesitantly palming him through his boxers.
"Hun, I'm going to bust already if you don't put that pretty little mouth of yours to work soon," Dan growled.
You were used to him being bossy in the bedroom, but this was a little different. He needed you so bad. You liked that.
You tugged off his underwear and let his cock spring out against his stomach.
"Jesus, Danny," You groaned, licking a long stripe up his length.
He moaned as one of his hands gripped the sheets and the other grabbed a handful of your hair.
"Just like that, princess." He encouraged.
You got enough confidence to take everything in your mouth which was quite the challenge. You were already choking and he hadn't even started pushing you down yet. You bobbed your head and slowly worked in a bit of tongue to swirl around which drove him wild. You peered up for a moment to see Dan with his head completely tilted back and jaw went slack. He was a moaning mess at your touch. When he noticed you had stopped, he forced your head back down.
"Almost there. Keep it up, baby." Dan huffed as he tangled his hand further into your hair.
"Such a good girl."
You had gotten a bit teary-eyed, not in a bad way, as his length hit the back of your throat. As much as you liked playing princess and not having to lift a finger in the bedroom, you didn't mind this in the least. You felt like an idiot for waiting so long. You liked making Danny feel good and not the mention that the view from down there was pretty damn great.
"Ah, fuck!" Dan moaned as he came straight into your mouth without warning.
You were caught a little off guard, but you maintained your cool and swallowed. You wiped the corner of your mouth as you shakily stood back up.
"Are you alive up there?" You teased, knees still trembling below you and threatening to cave in.
"All I know is that's the closest I've ever been to heaven." He chuckled, wiping sweat from his brow.
You crept up into bed beside him and tucked yourself beneath his strong arm. 
"Baby, you're better than the best whiskey money can buy." 
Dan rolled over and pinned you to the bed with a kiss as his hands fumbled with the zipper on the back of your dress.
"I think I'm going to have to return the favor." His words fanned against your skin as his lips skimmed the slope between your neck and shoulder.
"It's your day, what do you want to do?" You asked as you held his face in your hands.
"Get wasted on you," Dan said with a sly smile before putting his head between your thighs.
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dnd-vigilante · 4 years
Tawny Jack
Tawny Jack is dark skinned with messy, frizzy black hair that often stands on end and frequently contains twigs, leaves, or bird feathers. Tends to wear subdued colors like brown, black, or dark green. Responding to “Tawny”, “Jack”, or “Tawny Jack” others viewing Tawny Jack are not sure whether they are male or female and when asked directly they respond with something along the lines of “you can’t tell?” or “you must not have very good vision then,” but never gives a direct answer. Tawny Jack was born to parents who made a living as trappers and hunters for a village. As such, they spent most of their time in the wilderness, only coming into the village with their parents to trade for goods and any village gatherings that required everyone be in attendance, such as when an Envoy of the Forgotten passed through the area.
They showed an interest in how the natural world functioned from a very young age. They spent much of their free time trying discover why things worked the way they did.Exploring the deeper places of the jungle that most if not all of the villagers never entered. They once found an ancient silver coin with a stylized owl on one side and a blank silver face on the other. (Once a day you may flip the coin, heads you roll a natural 20, tails it does nothing. This can be used on ability checks or an attack roll. Old item of Owlbert’s.)
They met a man named Ignatius who held compatible, though not identical, ideas about the natural world. More reserved than their new friend, Tawny Jack actively encouraged Ignatius’ flamboyant personality as a way to vicariously express themselves without having to do it themselves. This encouragement eventually led to a confrontation with the village elders after trying to convince the town to value innovation as a natural part of being a sentient being rather than just mindlessly listening to the Envoys and being “encouraged” to leave the village with Ignatius.
One night during their travel the two friends ran into some trouble on the road. Fleeing the danger they ran into the jungle where they were rescued by an interesting creature. He called himself Lightsong, and claimed to be a creature older than time. Speaking with Lightsong, Tawny realized the world needed help, the Daemons and Terrors were not of this world and needed to be stopped. Lightsong advised Tawny Jack to follow the path of Nature, for it is, as they suspected for years, the soul of the world. Gifted by Lightsong with armor and a sword formed from ironwood, Tawny Jack gained a sense of power that day. The very day a mark of silvery light appeared on the back of their left hand. Soon after gaining their powers, Tawny Jack realizes that the bits of feather that frequently adorned their hair were now actually growing from their scalp and were all of the same tan and white variety(tawny owl).
Mount Variant - Guard Drake
The Shrine of Esso appears to be a breeding ground for these magical creatures. Perhaps through the magic of the shrine they appear to be smarter than the average Guard Drake. They have become accustomed to dealing with people and are willing to be trained. You spend several years training the Guard Drake and forming a bond with it, allowing you to use it as a mount in your adventures.
Tawny’s Log
Rather than returning to Eastcliff, and having no desire to go exploring after the traumatic events of the fall of Noh Weir, Tawny makes their home near the dragonshrine of Esso. Remembering the blue guard drakes and thinking that they would make a wonderful complement to their newfound penchant for riding down enemies on wooden elk back, Tawny decides to spend their time over the next few years raising a drake from the egg and training it as a mount.
“The battle for Noh Weir was rough. I had a wall fall on me. Not to mention that other weird place we were all transported to. I have never seen so many daemons in my life. Others of the group seem to want to go out into the world exploring and hunting, but I don’t think I can quite bring myself to do that… I think I need a break from all the slaughter and violence. Some time to myself and to reignite my light if you will. After we split up with the promise to meet again at the shrine of Esso in four years time I went straight there with Thelonius and built a small hut in the jungle not far from the shrine itself. If I remember correctly, those drakes were pretty interesting. I wonder if I can make friends?”
Tawny has several moments of inspiration during this time.
The first happens soon after they manage to trade an egg from the drakes for copious amounts of food. Tawny spends several days meditating over the egg and picking apart the spell they use to summon their paladin mount, binding the drake to them while it is still in its infancy.
“Good news, bad news time. Yes, the drakes can be reasoned with. No, the adults will not let me pet them. I think I need more bandages. Regardless, I have managed to persuade them to part with a single egg and I could not be happier. The branch and vine elk was neat, but a living, breathing friend will be way better. I’ve been spending the last few days with the egg tucked under my shirt to keep it warm. Since I can’t really move around too much while the egg is there I’ve been thinking a lot. I know, shocker, but the meditation seems to help. Both with coming to terms with the violence that happened and in my ideas about this little lizard here. I swear I can almost feel it within the shell.”
Another instance of clarity occurs when the young drake manages to gore itself on a tree branch in the jungle while Tawny had been running alongside it in armor. Why not make armor for the drake? Tawny took the time to slowly craft leather armor from crocodiles alongside the saddle and other tack they were already designing. Feeding the crocodile meat to the drake of course.
“AHHHHHHHH!!!! Chompy hurt himself! ….why am I writing down a scream that happened hours ago? He’s fine now. Good thing my healing seems to work on him just as well as it does on my friends and I. I need to find a way to prevent this from happening so easily again. I don’t get hurt nearly as often as he seems to. Ow. I just smacked myself in the forehead. Remember not to do that so hard. I was wearing my armor while the two of us were running in the jungle. Maybe I should make Chompy some armor? I could probably use the hide from all the crocodiles and Chompy sure wouldn’t mind the extra meat. He’s been growing like crazy recently.”
The final brilliant insight that Tawny has occurs in the final year of the downtime period. While practicing riding one day the drake made a sharp turn when is saw a small crocodile it wanted to snack upon. Tawny slipped from the saddle, caught their foot in the reins, and was subsequently dragged for a few dozen yards while the drake chased after the crocodile. How to put this ability to drag people to use? Tawny began to experiment with their thornwhip cantrip and after much trial and error was able to create a thornless variety that stuck around after the initial casting and could be used to lasso passing objects and creatures. (Ranged attack to hit with the “lasso” and then a grapple check)
“So this is kind of embarrassing, but also awesome! Embarrassing part is that I fell off of Chompy. I thought I was past that point in his training, but nooooooo, he had to go after the baby crocodile he saw sunning itself. Maybe I should have gone a little easier on the amount of crocodile meat I fed him when he was younger? My foot was caught in the reins and dragged me along the ground for a bit before the silly bastard caught his crocodile. While that was uncomfortable, it did give me an idea. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to grab things with a looped rope. It kinda works and once it does I want to try doing it while riding Chompy. I wonder if I can catch things with my thorn whip spell too?”
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bing-fucker · 4 years
Chase brings his kids fishing bc that's a Dad Thing to do and imagine his surprise when he accidentally reels in a whole ass merman with a bright green tail and hair. Didn't know they lived in lakes, but this one sure does. (His ex-wife thinks the kids are just making up a story when she goes to pick them up and meets Chase's new boyfriend with bright green hair)
I've never had a dad so I honestly assumed dads taking their kids fishing was just a thing in TV shows, but I'm gonna trust you on this, kitten-
Grayson is the canon name of his younger son, while Trey is said (by the wiki) to maybe be the name of Chase's older son. Trey is eight, Grayson is five. Also I adore that Chase canonically calls his kids "sweetie" and so now he has a million and one sweet nicknames for his kids and you all can suffer-
Warnings: Fishing accidents, mentions of blood, light monster fucking, merman anatomy that I made up on the fly. As always, ask me to add any necessary warnings!
Chase was always grateful to get to spend time with his kids. Being away from them was one of the hardest things Chase had ever had to deal with. But luckily, it was summer break and Stacy was feeling generous. Chase had a whole two weeks with the kids before he had to give them back, and they were just as excited as Chase was. So Chase did exactly what he'd always wanted to do with his own dad- he rented a cabin out in the countryside by a lake, and he brought the kids.
They'd been there for three days and, for being raised by their spoil-prone mother (it was adorable, really. Stacy loved spoiling the boys in the best ways), Grayson and Trey were beyond overjoyed about the cabin. The presence of wifi probably helped that, but Chase liked to think that it was because they took after him and his wilderness exploring ways.
Breakfast went (mostly) beautifully, even though it was about two hours earlier than the boys were used to getting up. But Chase was determined. If they wanted to get good enough fish to be able to have them for dinner, they needed to start early! So Chase and the boys were up, dressed, lunches packed, and in the boat by six AM. Grayson was more sleepy than Trey was, but that was understandable since he was only five. Chase smiled softly as Grayson leaned sleepily against him. Grayson had been too sleepy to eat, so Chase had packed an egg sandwich for the little boy for when he got hungry soon.
"Daddy!" Trey exclaimed, looking over his shoulder at Chase. "Daddy, daddy, something's pulling!" Chase smiled and set his fishing pole to the side, carefully shifting Grayson to make the little one sit up properly.
"Okay, little bear," Chase said, crouching behind Trey and guiding his hands on the reel. "Remember, you have to reel for a bit, then give it some slack. Can you do that?"
"I got it, daddy!" Trey declared proudly, dancing in place as he reeled in a surprisingly big trout. "Whoa! Daddy look!"
"Whoa!" Chase gasped, looking at the fish and pulling Trey into a hug. "That's incredible, bud!" Trey giggled and snuggled into Chase's chest, giggling more as Grayson sleepily tried to join the hug.
"Daddy, how do we get the fishy off the hook?" Grayson asked sleepily.
"Well," Chase said, setting the boys to the side and carefully gripping the rod between his knees. "Trey has done really good in that the fishy has the hook in his lip, see?"
"How is that good, daddy?" Grayson asked, more alert now as he watched Chase's hands.
"Well, the fishy isn't that hurt yet," Chase explained, carefully removing the hook and setting the fish into the cooler he brought. "See, that way he stays alive until we need him!"
"Can we let him go, daddy?" Trey asked, looking at the trout. "I think he's cute. I don't wanna eat him!"
"I don't wanna eat him either!" Grayson protested, looking at Chase with the biggest puppy dog eyes alongside his brother. It really was incredible how the boys managed to look so much like their mother with dark skin and curly hair and big, bright blue eyes.
"You two, I swear," Chase laughed, shaking his head fondly. "Okay, my sweetie-pies. We can let him go." Chase kissed both of their foreheads before carefully lifting the fish out of the cooler and threw it back into the water.
And that was that for the next six hours. Chase and the boys didn't catch another thing, and Chase had pretty much given up. The boys were currently playing in the water with all fishing hooks safely in the boat so they didn't risk getting hurt. They were having fun, luckily, and didn't seem to mind that Chase had dragged them out early for seemingly nothing.
"Daddy!" Trey called, swimming back to the boat slow enough that he didn't lose Grayson. Chase grinned and lifted both boys into the boat once they were close enough, wrapping their towels around them.
"Daddy, we're hungry," Grayson declared, sitting next to Trey.
"Really? You are?" Chase replied, pulling out the lunches he packed for the boys. "Then it is a very good thing I packed these, hm?"
"I want peanut butter and jelly!" Trey said, bouncing in his seat. "With potato crisps in it!"
"Well, you can certainly put your crisps in it," Chase said, handing Trey his back. "I didn't want them to get soggy!" It wasn't true peanut butter. Since Stacy found Grayson's allergy a few years back, all tree nut products had been eliminated from both Brody households with a vengeance. Instead, it was sunflower seed butter. But Trey liked to call it peanut butter anyway.
"Roast beast!" Grayson cheered, reaching for his back.
"Roast beef," Chase corrected patiently. Chase was pretty sure Grayson picked up calling it roast beast from The Grinch. He didn't mind it, but Stacy said the other moms at Grayson's school could be vicious, so correcting him it was.
"Roast beef," Grayson repeated, joining his brother in slowly and neatly arranging his lunch on his lap. Chase shook his head fondly, watching his boys for a minute before grabbing his fishing pole and preparing it quickly before casting.
"Daddy, we saw something in the water," Trey said, trading one of his potato crisps for one of Grayson's barbecue ones.
"Did you?" Chase asked, looking back at the boys as he waited for something catch.
"Mhm!" Trey hummed. "It was pretty and shiny!"
"Yeah? What color was it?" Chase asked, grunting softly as something pulled on his pole strong.
"Green!" Trey replied. "It was bright green and blue and super shiny! Was it a fishy?"
"Well, it might've been," Chase grunted, pulling on the pole strongly. "But most fish around these parts aren't very brightly colored."
"It was a mermaid!" Grayson declared.
"No way! Mermaids live in the ocean!" Trey replied.
"Nuh-uh! They just live underwater! They can live in lakes!"
"No they can't!"
"It was a mermaid!"
"It wasn't!"
"It was a mermaid!"
Chase yelped as he suddenly pulled out something large and glittering bright green and blue. Chase yelped again when he fell back against the boat as it landed on his chest, looking down at him. It was... a man. With bright green hair and bright blue eyes and pale, powder blue skin as he looked down at Chase. Large gills slit his sides and his skin faded into glittering blue and green scales at his waist.
"Actually, boys," Chase said, laughing weakly. "I think it's a merman."
"Whoa!" Trey and Grayson exclaimed in unison.
"You hooked me!" The merman exclaimed, lifting his tail and showing off a large tear in his fin, dark red with blood.
"Oh, shi- shoot!" Chase replied squirming a bit to get out from under the merman. "Uh. I-I have a first aid kit with sewing stuff at the house, is it- can I- is it okay to take you there?"
"I suppose," the merman replied, glaring at Chase skeptically. Chase nodded and carefully helped the merman shift so he was fully in the boat.
"Uh. I-it's kinda lucky that the hook went full-way through, so we don't have to pull it out," Chase said awkwardly, taking the hook off the line and putting it in his tackle box before starting the boat up again and turning it towards the cabin.
The boat ride was surprisingly pleasant, given that the merman was probably still mad at Chase. Trey and Grayson were ecstatically curious, and the merman answered all their questions patiently. Chase gratefully docked the boat and tied it off.
"Boys, run ahead and fill the big bathtub in the master bathroom with water," he said. Trey and Grayson nodded and took off running for the nearby cabin. Chase carefully put one foot in the boat and kept the other on the dock, carefully lifting the merman up bridal style.
"Thank you," The merman said, looping his arms around Chase's shoulders and blushing faintly. Chase blushed as well, getting out of the boat and holding the merman close.
"I-I'm really sorry I hooked you," Chase said quietly.
"It's okay," the merman said. "I know it was an accident. I'm Jack."
"Nice to meet you, Jack, I'm Chase," Chase said, carrying the merman up to the cabin. "My boys are Trey and Grayson. Trey is the older one, he's eight. Grayson is younger at five."
"They're beautiful," Jack replied, smiling softly. "You and your wife must be very proud."
"Ex-wife," Chase corrected. "But we are very proud, yeah. They're brilliant boys." Chase carefully carried Jack through the cabin and up to the bathtub in the master bedroom.
"Here we go," Chase said, carefully setting Jack in the tub. "I'll be right back." He left to the kitchen to get the first aid kit.
"Daddy, he's pretty," Grayson said when he saw Chase. The boys were both on the floor, trying to clean up the water and blood Jack had dripped.
"He's very pretty, yes," Chase agreed absentmindedly.
"Are you gonna marry him now?" Trey asked.
Chase looked up so quickly he hit his head on the door of the cabinet. "What!?"
"In the fairytales, the fisherman always marries the mermaid! Or the prince does! And you're a king, so you have to!"
"Wha- I am not a king," Chase said for lack of a better reply.
"But mommy says we're her little princes, so that means you're a king!"
"But he's a merman, not a mermaid! So he can't marry daddy!" Grayson replied.
"Yes, he can, stupid!"
"Trey, don't call your brother stupid!"
"But you said that the mermaid has to marry the fisherman and prince!"
"But two boys can get married, so a merman can still marry the fisherman and prince!"
"Boys, stop! I'm not gonna marry Jack!" Chase exclaimed, face burning as he stomped back to the bathroom. Trey and Grayson both shrugged and turned back to their task.
"So. Marriage?" Jack asked, quirking an eyebrow at Chase when he entered the bathroom. Chase blushed more and sat down next to Jack's tail, carefully getting to work sewing it up.
"They read a lot of fairytales," Chase said sheepishly.
"It's adorable," Jack said, laughing and fluttering his eyelashes at Chase.
Chase blushed and looked back at Jack's tail. The rest of the time was silent and Chase practically ran from the room when he was finished.
For the next three days, Chase and the boys fell into a sort of routine with Jack. They brought him three meals a day, occasionally sat and talked with him, and otherwise went about their adventures by the lake.
After the boys were asleep, Chase carefully knocked before entering the bathroom on the night of the third day Jack had been with them. Jack had explained his tail needed a few more weeks to heal before he thought he could safely go back into the lake, so Chase had rented out the cabin for a while longer to stay with him. Of course, the boys would still need to go back to Stacy at the end of the week, but that didn't stop them from enjoying spending time with Jack.
"Hey," Chase said, smiling at Jack as he entered. "I was gonna shower, is that okay?"
"Yeah, go ahead," Jack replied, resting his head on the lip of the bathtub. The bathroom was huge- the whole cabin was huge, really. But the bathtub was right across from the separate shower. Chase had been using the downstairs bathroom for the past couple of days, but he really needed to shower now.
Chase grinned awkwardly and turned his back to Jack as he stripped and started the shower, barely waiting for the water to warm up before he climbed in and closed the glass door, internally cursing that the glass wasn't even warped or frosted to hide his body. Chase was by no means insecure about his body. He was muscular and he knew it- he took great pains to be that way, in fact. But there was a difference between showing his chest off at the gym and to friends, and in having a merman you've known for three days see your entire body as you wash. Chase could definitely feel Jack's eyes on him. He didn't even have to glance over at Jack to know that the merman was blatantly watching him wash himself. But Chase made the decision to ignore the feeling Jack's eyes on him- and the way his cock was quickly hardening at said feeling.
Chase was almost grateful when he climbed out of the shower, except that he'd forgotten a towel and now he didn't even have the illusion of the shower door to pretend Jack wasn't looking at him. Chase cleared his throat awkwardly, looking away from Jack's blatant staring at his cock.
"Are you large for a human?" Jack asked.
Chase squeaked, blushing brightly. "Jack! Jaysus! You don't just ask a dude that!"
"I'm curious," Jack said, frowning curiously. "Please tell me?"
"I-" Chase blushed and ran a hand through his hair anxiously, walking closer to Jack. "I'm a bit above average, yeah, but not by much."
"Can I touch it?" Jack asked, leaning closer.
"Can yo- What!?" Chase exclaumed, blushing somehow brighter and staring down at Jack in shock.
"Please?" Jack asked, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Jack, you know what that means, right?"
"Well, duh," Jack replied, rolling his eyes. "It's like sex or foreplay. Please?"
"I-I guess," Chase consented, carefully climbing into the tub with Jack once the merman made room.
Jack quickly shifted around to be next to Chase, resting his head on the human's shoulder. Chase's breath hitched as Jack wrapped a webbed hand around his cock, slowly stroking him. Chase moaned softly, gripping the edge of the bathtub tightly.
"Fuck, Jack," Chase moaned, licking his lips and looking at the merman. Jack bit his lip and slowly guided one of Chase's hands to a slit in the scales. Chase leaned down and kissed Jack passionately, gently rubbing Jack's slit. Jack moaned into the kiss, pulling away and panting.
"Chase," he whined, arching his back. Chase carefully slipped his fingers into the slit, moaning as Jack's hand tightened around his cock in shock. Jack pressed his forehead against Chase's, moaning and rocking into his fingers.
"There's something hard in there," Chase said softly, thrusting into Jack's hand.
"Th-that's my cock," Jack explained, kissing Chase deeply. Chase moaned into the kiss and pulled his fingers out as Jack's cock slowly emerged, the merman rutting against Chase's thigh weakly.
"Chase," Jack breathed, pulling away from the kiss. "I want you to fuck me~"
"Yes," Chase moaned eagerly, rolling over on top of Jack. Jack pulled his hand away from Chase's cock, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
"D-do I put it in-?"
"Yes," Jack replied, whimpering desperately as Chase slowly pushed his cock into his slit.
"Oh, fuck," Chase moaned, gripping Jack's hips tightly and straddling his tail for stability as he slowly started rolling his hips.
"Hah~ Chase~" Jack moaned, thrusting his cock up against Chase's stomach weakly.
"Relax, baby," Chase breathed, thrusting in and out of Jack quickly. "Fuck, you feel so good, baby. So perfect~"
"Harder, Chase~" Jack moaned, gripping Chase's hair tightly and pulling him down. Chase leaned down willingly, moaning as Jack kissed down his throat. Chase groaned and sped up his thrusts wincing briefly as Jack dug claws into his shoulders.
"God, Jack, I'm not gonna last much longer," Chase moaned, pressing his forehead against Jack's shoulder.
"Do it," Jack moaned, draging his claws down Chase's back. "Fill me, Chase, let me feel you, please~"
"Oh, fuck," Chase moaned loudly as he thrust deep inside of Jack and came. Jack gasped, biting deep enough into Chase's neck to draw blood as he came at the same time.
Chase pulled put of Jack, flopping to the side when the merman released him. He lifted a hand to his neck, wincing slightly at the pain.
"Fuck, dude," Chase laughed breathily, wincing at the press of the tub against his back. "You did a number on me, huh?"
"Sorry," Jack apologized, resting his head on Chase's chest. "It's something merrow do." He carefully touched Chase's neck. "It's a claim mark. My way of saying you're mine."
"Oh." Chase laughed weakly. "Should I give you one, too?"
"If you'd like," Jack replied. Chase hummed and leaned down, latching onto Jack's throat and sucking a dark mark into it.
"Yeah, that'll work," Jack breathed, his still exposed cock jumping at the sensation.
"Yeah?" Chase laughed. "That feel good?"
"I think you should do it again, just to make sure." Neither of them got much sleep that night.
At the end of the week, Chase had managed to find a wheelchair and carefully covered Jack's tail, settling the merman on the front porch so he could say goodbye to the boys properly. He was wearing one of Chase's shirts to hide his gills.
"Hey, Stacy," Chase greeted when Stacy got out of the car. Chase blinked slightly. He thought Stacy hated box braids because of how long they took, but there she was.
"Hey, Chase," she replied, smiling softly. "You look a bit beat up."
"Yeah, took a few tumbles playing ball with the boys," Chase laughed, glad that Stacy couldn't see the rest of the marks Jack had left. It was unsurprisingly easy to get bruised on a bathtub. "You look beautiful. Should I be giving a guy the talk about not hurting you?"
"Ha, no," Stacy replied. "New job, I wanted to look my best."
"Oh! Congrats, that's awesome," Chase replied, nodding. "The boys will be down in a minute, Grayson is still packing."
"That's okay, I'm good to stay for a bit," Stacy replied, smiling faintly. "And who's your friend?"
"Oh!" Chase grinned. "Jack, this is Stacy, the boys' mom. Stacy, this is my boyfriend, Jack."
"It's nice to meet you, Jack," Stacy said, grinning and shaking Jack's hand.
"Mommy!" Trey and Grayson yelled, running down the stairs with their backpacks.
"Mommy, mommy, daddy took us fishing!" Trey exclaimed. "And I got a big fish! But we let it go!"
"Really?" Stacy gasped. "That's amazing, little bear! Does that mean I can send you out to find dinner now?"
"Mhm!" Trey hummed cheerfully. "I'll be a man, like daddy! But better, because daddy sucks at fishing."
"That I do," Chase agreed, sharing a look with Jack.
"Mommy, mommy, guess what!" Grayson sound, bouncing until Stacy picked him up.
"What, cutiepie?"
"Jack is a merman!!" Grayson declared.
"Really? Is he?" Stacy replied, humoring the little boy. Grayson nodded and Stacy laughed, setting him down. "Okay, baby. Say goodbye to your daddy, grandma's waiting for us for dinner."
Both boys quickly said goodbye to Chase and Jack before following their mom to the car. Stacy waved goodbye cheerfully and Chase returned it before turning to Jack.
"So. What should we do now?" he asked.
Jack looked at Chase with a smirk. "Oh, I have a few ideas~"
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thecartoonuniverse · 6 years
Sad about Adventure Time Ending and Looking for Something else to Watch?
Or just want to know about the new cartoons series coming up later this year or in 2019? Well, here’s a list! Let me just say we have a lot to look forward to...
The Dragon Prince (September 14th, Netflix):
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The Dragon Prince is an epic fantasy series by the head writer and director of Avatar: the Last Airbender. In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources. But when human mages create a seventh kind of magic, Dark Magic — they begin capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients. This sparks a catastrophic war between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms. Three kids from opposite sides of the conflict — two human princes, and the elven assassin who was sent to kill them — discover a secret that could change everything. They decide to join forces and go on an epic journey that may be their only hope of ending the war, and restoring peace to both their worlds.
Hilda (September 21st, Netflix):
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Hilda follows the journey of a fearless blue-haired girl as she travels from her home in a vast magical wilderness full of elves and giants to the bustling city of Trolberg, where she makes new friends and discovers mysterious creatures who are stranger –and sometimes more dangerous– than she ever expected. Based on graphic novels by Luke Pearson, who storyboarded for Adventure Time.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (November 16th, Netflix):
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is the story of an orphan named Adora, who leaves behind her former life in the evil Horde when she discovers a magic sword that transforms her into the mythical warrior princess She-Ra. Along the way, she finds a new family in the Rebellion as she unites a group of magical princesses in the ultimate fight against evil.
3 Below (December 21, Netflix):
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3 Below will focus on two royal teenage aliens and their bodyguard who flee a surprise takeover of their home planet by an evil dictator and crash land in Arcadia. Now on the run from intergalactic bounty hunters, they struggle to blend in and adapt to the bizarre world of high school all the while attempting to repair their ship so they can return and defend their home planet.
Care Bears: Unlock the Magic (Boomerang): 
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Care Bears: Unlock the Magic sends the Care Bears on the road for the first time, exploring never-before-seen areas surrounding Care-a-lot called The Silver Lining.
Owl House (Disney Channel):
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Owl House is a horror-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage human girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to the Demon Realm. There she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and an adorably tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.
Amphibia (Disney Channel):
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The show tells the story of Anne Boonchuy, a self-centered 13-year-old who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.
101 Dalmatian Street (Disney Channel): 
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101 Dalmatian Street is inspired by Dodie Smith's 1956 novel and Walt Disney's 1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians. But it is has been updated and moved to contemporary London. It depicts the adventures of eldest Dalmatian siblings Dylan and Dolly, parents Doug and Delilah, and ninety-seven younger puppies, all with names beginning with "D", who live all by themselves at the titular address.
Infinity Train (Cartoon Network):
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Infinity Train is about an intelligent, albeit frustrated, girl named Tulip who—for reasons unknown—is trapped on a train full of infinite worlds. Accompanied by conjoined robots Glad-One and Sad-One, Tulip is determined to solve the mystery of the train and find her way home. 
Victor and Valentino (Cartoon Network):
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In the small quiet town of Monte Macabre, two total opposite half-brothers search about the town for adventure and find strange and supernatural happenings with the help of their supernatural grandmother.
Thundercats Roar! (Cartoon Network):
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Staying true to the premise of the original series, Lion-O and the ThunderCats — Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Wilykat, and Wilykit — barely escape the sudden destruction of their home world, Thundera, only to crash land on the mysterious and exotic planet of Third Earth. Lion-O, the newly appointed Lord of the ThunderCats, attempts to lead the team as they make this planet their new home. A bizarre host of creatures and villains stand in their way, including the evil Mumm-Ra, Third Earth’s wicked ruler who will let nothing, including the ThunderCats, stop his tyrannical reign over the planet. 
Villainous (Cartoon Network Latin America):
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Villainous is the story of Black Hat Org., run by Black Hat and his team of three less-villainous aides. Black Hat is trying to sell various evil inventions created by Dr. Flug and desperate to achieve his evil aspirations. However, things usually end up going wrong for him as the brilliant innovations tend to have small and often comical flaws. Has already been airing Orientation Videos and Shorts on YouTube for a while, but a pilot will be aired soon, with a full series hopefully to follow.
Golpea Duro ¡Hara! (Cartoon Network Latin America):
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Golpea Duro Hara! (Hit Hard Hara!) is the story of Hara, the only female fighter in the world, and together with her friend Tesu, she fights against the discrimination suffered by the brutal men who populate the planet. But Hara has a hidden side: a vicious transformation that frustrates her plans!
Glitch Techs (Nickelodeon):
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Glitch Techs is an adventure-comedy following two newly recruited kids as they battle video game monsters that come to life in the real world.
High Guardian Spice (Crunchyroll):
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In High Guardian Spice, the lives of four fierce girls, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme and Parsley, converge at High Guardian Academy, the one place where they can stumble towards adulthood while becoming the heroes they’ve always admired. As they master the ways of battle and sorcery, our foursome form allegiances and comical kinships, uncover legacies and betrayals, and discover their true identities while preparing to protect the world from an ominous unknown threat.
Carmen Sandiego (Netflix):
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In the upcoming animated series produced by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Carmen Sandiego is back and ready for a new crop of international capers packed with thrilling adventure and intrigue. This fresh take presents an intimate look into Carmen's past where viewers will not only follow her escapades but also learn WHO in the world is Carmen Sandiego and WHY she became a super thief.
Seis Manos (Netflix):
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Set in Mexico in the 1970’s era, Seis Manos centers on three orphaned martial arts warriors who join forces with a DEA agent and a Mexican Federal to battle for justice after their beloved mentor is murdered on the streets of their tiny border town.
Last Kids on Earth (Netflix):
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The Last Kids on Earth follows 13-year-old Jack Sullivan and a band of suburban middle schoolers who live in a decked-out tree house, play video games, gorge themselves on candy, and battle zombies in the aftermath of the monster apocalypse. It’s a hilarious series filled with wisecracking kids, crazy gadgets, a lifetime supply of zombies and giant-sized monsters.
Twelve Forever (Netflix):
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The series centers on 12-year-old Reggie, whose desire to remain a child is so powerful it creates a fantasy world in which she never has to grow up. She’s joined by her friends Todd and Esther, who visit this amazing world to live out their superhero fantasies and escape the responsibilities of impending adulthood.   
Wizards (Netflix):
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Wizards brings together the three disparate worlds of trolls, aliens and wizards who have found themselves drawn to Arcadia. The final chapter of the Tales of Arcadia culminates in an apocalyptic battle for the control of magic that will ultimately determine the fate of these supernatural worlds that have now converged.
Young Justice: Outsiders (January 4th, DC Universe):
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Young Justice: Outsiders is the third season of Young Justice. The backdrop for the season is described as being one that will touch on "all corners of the DC universe," and that certainly seems to be the case considering the sheer number of bad guys discussed and shown in the trailer. The team will be tasked with stopping a metahuman trafficking ring, as well as dealing with the "intergalactic arms race for control of these super--powered youths." You can also count on new heroes Arrowette, Spoiler, and Thirteen joining in the fight.
gen:Lock (January 2019, Rooster Teeth):
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In gen:LOCK, Earth’s last free society is on the losing side of a global war, and recruits a diverse team of young pilots to control the next generation of mecha—giant, weaponized robot bodies. These daring recruits will find, however, that their newfound abilities come at no small cost. As Chase leaves behind his life as a fighter pilot to become the first candidate for the program, he finds his endurance, as well as his very identity, will be tested beyond anything he ever imagined.
Undone (Amazon):
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Undone is a half-hour animated dramedy that explores the elastic nature of reality through its central character, Alma. After getting into a near-fatal car accident, Alma discovers she has a new relationship with time and uses this ability to find out the truth about her father’s death.
Close Enough (TBS):
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Close Enough is a surreal take on transitioning from 20-something to 30-something. The show centers on a married couple juggling such everyday challenges as parenthood, friendship, ham theft, stripper clowns and choosing the right daycare. Was supposed to air in 2017 or 2018, but no word of a release date yet, so I assume it will be in 2019.
Hero High (February 14th, ???):
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Not many details are known about this show, but it will be a Legend of Zelda high school parody. Source
Long Gone Gulch (Internet):
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Two screwups, Snag and Rawhide, find themselves bestowed as the new Sheriff’s of a strange world adrift in an ever moving dust cloud. Long Gone Gulch holds the inhabitants of myths, urban legends and folklore from around the world. They travel through the land when they are needed and encountering all manner of adventures along the way.
Hazbin Hotel (???):
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Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven. While most of Hell mocks her goal, her devoted partner Vaggie, and their first test subject, adult film-star Angel Dust, stick by her side. When a powerful entity known as the "Radio Demon" reaches out to Charlie to assist in her endeavors, her crazy dream is given a chance to become a reality.
Gorillaz (Internet):
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A ten-episode show based off of the fictional band. Might not be happening apparently.
Solar Opposites (TBS):
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Solar Opposites follows a family of aliens who leave their planet and settle in suburban America.
And that about covers it! Let me know if I missed any of the big ones!
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Into My Web (Chapter 1)
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New story, who dis? :')
Most of you knew this was coming, but I’ll explain anyway for those that don’t. My one-shot Princess has been one of my most popular requests and I really wanted to do more with it. But instead of continuing it, I wanted to use it as inspiration to make a new multichapter fic. Now if you’ve read the one-shot, the flashback of this one might seem familiar to you, but please don't skip it because I’ve changed a lot and it’s the only that part that seems similar.
The one-shot was obviously fast-paced since it had to be done in one chapter, and this one will be slower paced. They won't fuck in the first chapter, it's not very realistic in context with Daryl if you think about it, but when you write one-shots, sometimes you gotta push things along loool.
So I used Princess for inspiration to make a new OC. The way she and Daryl are with each other is heavily influenced by my own one-shot. I hope you enjoy this, if you're like me and you love the whole ‘they hate each other first’ trope, then take a fucking seat and enjoy the ride lolololol.
Won't be canon, just so you guys know.
The name of this fic was inspired by a song (surprise surprise), its; Into my Web by The Used.
Maybe I will be the only one who could leave her.
Should I lie and just pretend that I couldn't kill her?
Maybe I can just pretend,
As she flies into my web.
Arabella’s eyes rolled around behind her closed eyelids as she slept. Just as she always did when she was asleep, she dreamt of better times. Moments in her life that were full of laughter and fun. She had wanted for nothing in her younger years, her family well off and spoiling her rotten. She never took for granted the life she had lead and she certainly fucking missed it now. When she slept she could immerse herself back into that world. The one full of people who cared, full of lavish parties and dinners. A time when things were simpler and there most certainly wasn't any dead people roaming the earth.
She groaned to herself when she felt someone shaking her shoulder and her blue eyes fluttered open, landing on Daryl fucking Dixon of all people as he stood over her with his trademark scowl. When he saw her wake, he retracted his hand like she had burnt him with a simple touch and she squinted at him. Rubbing her sleepy eyes as her brain tried to catch back up with her and remember where she was. In a prison.
“The fuck you want Dixon?” she asked harshly, glaring up at his form that she could just make out with the darkness of the cell.
“Ya got five minutes to get yer ass outta bed and downstairs, ‘fore I leave ya behind princess,” he spat before turning on his heel and leaving swiftly. She sneered after his retreating form as she sat up with a yawn and stretched her sore limbs out. The 22-year-old felt like she was about 75 with the way her body ached.
She really didn't know why Daryl hated her so much other than the fact she used to have money. Ever since his group, now her group, stumbled onto the farm after Carl had been shot, the gruff redneck just hated her on sight. She had joined the farm just before Rick and his band of misfits. She was in the area for business, tagging along with her dad to keep up his image of a southern family man, despite the fact the two barely ever spoke. The world went to shit and she was the only one to get out of there alive. After walking around, somehow surviving the wilderness for who knows how long, she had found herself at Hershel's farm. Dehydrated, starved, and a gnarly cut on her arm she didn’t even remember doing.
She would always be indebted to the man she considered her adoptive father, the man that took her in and cared for her more than her own real father had ever done. When Rick's group arrived, she had helped tend to Carl, and she had tried to get to know the rest of the group as much as she could since they seemed intent on sticking around. Apart from Shane, she knew right off the bat the man had a few screws loose and she didn't believe his bullshit about Otis either. She couldn't say she was too surprised when Rick had announced he had to kill him because Shane was going to kill him first. She couldn't say she cared much either.
But Daryl fucking Dixon, what a fucking dick. The moment he first laid eyes on her, she had smiled politely, but he scowled at her like he wished she would burst into flames. She paid no mind at first, mainly because he looked at everyone that way, including his own group which was a strange thing indeed. She figured he couldn't be a bad man, not with how he was out looking for Carols daughter and even injured himself in the process. But with each passing day on the farm, she seemed to be the only one he couldn't stand to be around. She tried to change it at first, wondering if he actually took the time to talk to her he would realise she wasn't some asshole. But when she did try talking to him he would promptly tell her to leave him the fuck alone, and in the end, she gave up.
She couldn't remember just when the nickname princess appeared, but it was there just the same. It wasn't said sweetly like he thought she was a beautiful Disney princess. He spat the word like venom, making it clear he thought she was some prissy bitch. Things only got worse after Beth, in all her innocent sweetness, had sat around the campfire and gushed about her to the rest of the group. How they had the heiress to Jack Daniels living at the farm with them. She went on to tell them all the stories she had told her about fancy parties and dinners she had to attend. Sure she had embellished them a little to sound fancier, because she had told them only to Beth, and when she looked at her with her big hopeful eyes, she wanted to tell her whatever she wanted to hear to make her happy. She hoped her innocence would never fade from this world, it was needed in the darkness.
She had no clue Beth had told everyone else until the next day when Andrea said something to her. She had been mortified, she didn't really want anyone else to know. Yes, she was the heiress to the whiskey company, it had been in her family for generations. Yes, she did have a lot of money, money that in her wild teen years was spent on booze and drugs as she tried to cope with her life. From the outside people thought she had the perfect life, and in some respects she did. She wasn't going hungry, she had a huge roof over her head and if she wanted something, all she had to do was buy it. But all she ever wanted was to feel cared about by her parents, not dumped off on nannies every day and to be left to fend for herself. They hadn't even noticed her spiralling as a teenager until she got arrested at 18. And instead of her parents wondering why their seemingly perfect southern baby girl had done this, they had made her feel like a failure for letting the family down and embarrassing them. Her father had even threatened not to give her the company when it was time unless she cleaned up her act, and they shipped her off to a rehab facility.
After Beth's wonderful stories, Daryl seemed to hate her even more. Instead of not talking to her at all, he would give her cheap digs here and there about her being an uppity bitch who would die on her own. She never felt the need to argue with him about the fact she spent a lot of the time after the world fell apart on her own, how she hadn't been with the Greene’s long. Hershel had made out like she had been there from the start and Arabella couldn't find it in her to say otherwise. It wasn't until the prison when she actually started arguing back with the redneck asshole. He had been shocked at first when she told him to go fuck himself with one of his bolts, actually speechless that the girl who always just seemed to lay there and take his bullshit had the cheek to say something like that to him. The look on his face was the best thing she had ever witnessed and ever since that day, she had no issue with arguing with him whenever he opened his stupid fucking mouth. She liked to say shit just to get under his skin, like the day before when Rick had asked the pair to go on a run together. She loathed that stupid redneck and his stupid attitude. He assumed she was a preppy princess who had rich parents and a horse that shit rainbows, but he knew nothing about her at all. He was just a judgemental dickface in her opinion and if he wanted a war, she would damn well give him one.
Mostly the group seemed to try and keep them apart, knowing the animosity was there even if they didn't fully understand it. But when it came to runs, Rick needed them to pair up and do it together because they were two of the strongest they had, they never came back empty-handed. He just hated breaking it to them every time they were supposed to go out there together, knowing what was about to happen when he did.
She glared at Daryl from across the table and he glared right back. If looks could kill they’d both be walkers by now. She wasn’t even paying attention to what Rick was saying as she was too busy trying to send telepathic insults to the asshole sat opposite her, and she was quite certain he was doing the same. They were both staring at each other, too stubborn to look away first, until Rick slammed his hands down onto the table. Arabella and Daryl jumped and snapped their heads towards Rick.
“What the fuck Rick?!” Daryl barked.
“You’re like a pair of school kids. I’ve been talking to you both for about ten minutes and I bet you didn’t hear a damn thing I said!” Rick scolded. She bit her lip and felt a little bad, she knew this between her and Daryl was getting on Ricks last nerve, and he was right, she had no clue what the fuck he was talking about.
“I’m sorry Rick. Whatever you need, we’ll do it,” she smiled at him, always one to help out no matter what it was.
“I want you to both go on a run for some clothes, it's getting warmer now and we need stuff for everyone,” he sighed, he just knew what was coming, it happened every time.
“Hell nah! I ain’t goin’ with this dumb bitch. She’ll just get me killed!” Daryl yelled, earning a dirty look from her.
“Shut your mouth asshole, you can’t even take one for the fucking team? Selfish prick,” she spat, knowing how to push his buttons, she had learnt in her time of standing up for herself just what to say that really got under his skin and would cause a reaction. He stood up that fast that his chair fell over.
“What d’ya just say to me, ya fuckin’ whore?!” he roared. She just sat there smirking smugly at him, knowing she worked him up.
“That’s enough!” Rick bellowed, causing them both to look at him sheepishly.
“You better deal with these issues and put them aside. We’re in the middle of a damn apocalypse for crying out loud, grow up!” with that he stood up and left the room, she and Daryl feeling like naughty children after a telling off. They’d be going, they always did, and around in circles they went.
Daryl sat in the driver's seat of the truck near the gates waiting on miss fucking uppity. If he had it his way he would be out there already and would have left her prissy ass in the dust, but he knew Rick would kill him. The only good thing about these runs was the fact Rick would put him in charge every time, it was the only chance he got to order her around and she had no choice but to listen. She could take care of herself, that he could reluctantly admit. Not to her though, just to himself. At first, he had thought she was a spoilt little princess who had never lifted a finger in her fucking life. But after the farm, she quickly proved to be pretty competent in the new world and it had shocked him a little. Beth had told him at one point how she had been out there on her own for a while and he hadn't believed it at first, not until he saw her actually taking out walkers like she’d done it a million times before. Still, she was a stuck up bitch and he fucking hated her.
He watched as she walked casually across the yard to the truck, taking her sweet time like he wasn't waiting on her and he knew she was doing it on purpose. His hands clenched around the steering wheel as he glared at her through the window of the truck, gritting his teeth. She had that look about her, one that screamed stupid dumb blonde, and before the world went to shit he probably would have taken her home and gave her a good fuck until she couldn't walk. Unless Merle got to her first. She was hardly a model, she wasn't stick thin, she had some curves in all the right places. But it was her face that always got to him. With her wide doe-like eyes and her plump lips, it just pissed him off more. The pretty rich girl. She wouldn't have given him the time of day before all of this and he knew that. She would have looked at him the way the rest of the rich folk did, with disgust and judgement in their stupid eyes.
When Arabella hopped into the truck, she shot him a glance, perturbed by the fact he hadn't shouted at her for taking her time. She just settled down in the seat though as he started the truck. He got like this sometimes and it always weirded her out. Most of the time he would spend his time shouting at her, berating her for every little thing she did wrong or just being a prick about her past at every chance he got. But other times he would remain silent, not talking to her or even looking her way at all. And although she should have enjoyed that silence, it bothered her even more than him calling her a stuck up bitch.
She was always quiet though when he was like this, like she somehow understood he needed space and for some reason, she allowed him that. It often confused Daryl why she didn't run her mouth off like usual when he was quiet. Why she would just sit there and leave him to it. He presumed it was because she didn’t want to fucking deal with him unless they were fighting. The ride there was thick with tension as the silence drowned them both but neither made the move to speak, and before long they had arrived. Daryl was agitated as always when he was around her and Arabella was just plain fed up by this point. She hopped out of the truck, knife in hand and a gun strapped to her side. She knew better than to use it unless it was an emergency though, so she hoped it would stay there.
They moved to the shop front by the door and Daryl knocked on the glass, his bow at the ready as they listened. There were the telltale signs of groans and they glanced to each other.
“Sounds like only a few,” she muttered, earning a grunt and nod in response. Despite how much they fought and disliked each other, they worked well as a team on these runs. With only each other to have their backs, for a brief moment they would shove their issues aside to make sure they were both safe. Daryl opened the door and it didn't take long for the pair to dispatch the walkers. Then they made quick work of packing up the empty duffels they had brought with them full of summer clothes for the group.
Arabella picked up a pretty black sundress and looked at it forlornly. When was the last time she had been able to wear something pretty? Instead of mud-stained jeans and an ill-fitting tank that felt like it was 2 sizes too small. She sighed to herself, hoping she would be the one to keep this. Maybe she would just stuff it in her own backpack and no one would be any wiser.
“S’wrong princess? Sad ‘cause it ain’t Gucci?” she heard Daryl sneer from behind her. She should have known his pensive silence wouldn’t last long, it never did.
“Surprised you know what Gucci is Dixon, didn't think they had that where you were from,” she spat back, shooting him a glare. He squinted, his right eye twitching in annoyance as he looked at her, resisting the urge to throttle her tiny little neck. She just stomped past him, giving him a little shove that didn't move him an inch as she made her way back outside.
They got all that they could so they made their way back to the prison, the silence once again uncomfortable. But this time she welcomed it. It was easy to forget how much he irritated her when he opened his stupid fucking mouth and she was growing tired of it. She was sick of the day to day battle of just being around him. She just wanted a day with no fighting. When they got back, Rick was waiting for them as she hopped out of the truck, grabbing the duffels full of women's clothes that she had packed. Ricks face lit up seeing the bags stuffed full as Daryl joined her.
“That's great you guys, I knew you would come through, you always do,” Rick grinned at them.
“No problem boss man, anything to help the fam out,” she snorted, grabbing her bags and tossing them over her shoulders carelessly. She was about to head inside when Rick started talking again.
“Before you go, I wanted to talk to you both about something,” he said, making the pair eye him warily. They didn't know what it would be but they had a feeling they wouldn't like it. He went over to near one of the tables outside and grabbed a bag, tossing it with a thud near Daryl's feet.
Daryl looked at it before looking back to Rick who just gestured to it. Daryl huffed, crouching as he unzipped the bag, getting out a small crossbow. He stood up, inspecting it as Arabella looked at it, unsure why she had to be here for this if Rick was giving Daryl a gift.
“It’s in good condition, damn near new. Too small for me though,” Daryl said gruffly, glancing to Rick.
“I know, that's why I thought that you wouldn't be the one to use it,” he said giving him a pointed look. Arabella blinked as the pieces clicked into place but before she could speak up, Daryl beat her to it.
“Fuck no!! Like hell I’m teachin’ her to use a damn bow!” he yelled, looking thoroughly offended at the mere notion of it. Arabella glared at him and rolled her eyes and Rick heaved a sigh.
“Look Daryl, I know you two have your issues, but we could use another hunter. We need more food. You told me yourself before now how light on her feet she is,” Rick protested, making Arabella’s eyes widen a fraction in shock as she looked to the hunter. She was shocked that something akin to a compliment had ever left his mouth about her.
“I don't give a damn if the bitch can fly, I ain't teachin’ her how to use the damn thing,” Daryl sneered, his anger flaring that Rick had just fucking said that right in front of her. She saw Ricks face fall and she hated it, Rick was a good man and he was trying his best here to keep shit together.
“It’s fine Rick, I’ll teach myself,” she smiled wearily at him. He looked relieved yet somewhat guilty, no doubt over Daryl being such a dick about the whole thing. Daryl stuffed the bow back in the bag and tossed it to her harshly, making her stumble as she caught it with how heavy it was. He didn't look sorry in the least though. She just shot Rick one last look before heading off inside.
“The hell was that about Daryl? She's a nice girl. Don't you think it's about time you got your head outta your ass about her past?” Rick frowned, looking at him like he was scolding a child. The whole thing set a fire inside Daryl as he fought to keep himself in check.
“Ya don't know shit, so how about ya keep ya damn nose out,” he snapped, harsher than he meant to but Rick didn't act surprised.
“This is for the group Daryl, we need this,” Rick sighed, looking at him imploringly.
“Fuck the group, I don't owe ya shit. Ya left Merle on that roof to rot, so I’ll be damned if I start bowin’ down to ya now,” Daryl sneered before storming off. Rick shook his head with a sigh. This Daryl wasn't who he had grown to love like a brother, this was the old Daryl, the one he hadn't seen in a very long time. He hadn't even mentioned the whole Merle incident in so long. He didn't know why he was behaving this way all of a sudden but he didn't like it.
Daryl fumed as he made his way inside. Like fuck he was teaching that uppity bitch to use a bow so she could come with him. Deep down he knew Rick was right, they could use another hunter in the group. But the thought of her in his space like that, out in the woods there with him, it got under his skin way too much. When he was out hunting, that was his time and his alone. A chance to escape from the family he had grown to care about without wanting to. Time to just be himself. He always felt at peace out there and he wasn't about to let that bitch ruin that for him, to take the only fucking thing he had left. Over my cold dead fuckin’ body...
This one’s so weird for me now already. I miss Flames. 
:( Anyone else miss Merle? looooool
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag @keeperofwonderlandus @jodiereedus22 @easnuppa @fand0m-fiend @txladyj-blog @walkingdead-dixon
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writeyouin · 5 years
ITS QUANTUM ANON BACK FOR MORE....I'd love to see a scenario in which Jack and the reader have a scary movie night and the reader can barely handle it, the damn movies are incredibly scary and she gets clingy when she's scared. Jack is very amused. (sounds cliché but it's me when I watch scary movies ok) Scared cuddles and dog videos of calming ensue. (also if you could please put in a tag somewhere or a little quick post saying you got this n tumblr didn't eat it that would be appreciated
Jack Joyce X Reader – Hold Me
A/N – I will never in my life apologise for making Will a meme-loving fuck. I have a big sister, so I know exactly how to be a younger pain in the ass.
Warnings – None
Rating – T
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Life as you knew it had been completely changed since the incident between the Joyce brothers and Paul Serene. Although Monarch Solutions wasn’t as big of a threat as it had been before, Jack and Will still worried about what remained of it. You knew they were also concerned about the threat it posed to Will’s research, and more importantly, to you because of your affiliation with the brothers; maybe if you and Jack weren’t romantically involved, there wouldn’t be a problem, but that wasn’t the case.
Since the brothers needed to protect what remained of Will’s research, in case Monarch got any shifty ideas again, the pair moved into the old community pool building. It wasn’t long after that that Jack asked you to move in with them. Although you would have rather continued your regular life in your previous apartment, you knew it would tear Jack apart to have to watch over Will’s research and you; to spare him any worry, you agreed to stay with the pair.
To be fair, life wasn’t so bad in the dilapidated pool building. Will and Jack respected your boundaries, and even turned one of the old changing rooms into your own personal bedroom; it didn’t go unnoticed by you how much prettier your room was than their shared one which had previously housed Beth Wilder. Every little thing the pair did for you made you love them all the more, Jack romantically, and Will as a little brother.
Despite their efforts however, it was still hard for you to think of the old building as a home instead of a hide-out. You knew you were bad at hiding your emotions, but you hoped that neither of the pair would notice quite how much you missed living a normal life. Jack of course, noticed everything where you were concerned, and that brought you to your current predicament. With Halloween coming up, Jack thought he could bring the holiday to you, since he didn’t dare take you to it; with so many costumes and chaos, it would be all too easy for Monarch to pull some kind of dirty trick he couldn’t protect you from. As such, he’d just offered you a date night, filled with all kinds of the grotesque horror films he loved so much.
He was being sweet. You knew he was, and yet you wished he would stop it and return to being his usual sardonic self; whenever he was overly sweet, you knew it was because he was worried about you and didn’t want you to catch on.
“What do you say?” Jack asked, drawing you out of your reverie.
He looked so apologetically awkward that you had to smile. How could he so suddenly switch from the slick smart-talker you knew so well to someone as insecure as Will? When Jack was being this sincere, you knew you didn’t have the heart to say no to him. Yet, you also wanted him to think you were braver than you felt, which would never happen if he saw how you were during horror films. In all the years of your friendship, you had always managed to avoid the film genre Jack loved so much, claiming horror films were far too overrated, when really you were just too scared to watch them.
Now, in the relationship you had craved for so long, Jack appeared almost bashful in offering to share this piece of himself with you.
“You know what,” Jack said at your lack of a response, “You’re probably right. Horrors are overrated anyway. We don’t have to-”
“I’d love to,” You blurted, sparing Jack any hurt feelings.
His face lit up brighter than any Jack-o-lantern ever could, evidently proud at having cheered you up. “Yeah? I’ll get the movies and meet you at the projector. It’ll be just you, me, and good ol’ Charles ‘Chucky’ Monroe.”
“Great,” You grinned, then once Jack was out of earshot, “Just perfect.”
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You sat rigidly on one end of the two-seater sofa while Jack set up an old film projector so it would play the movies on the entire wall the two of you faced, like a cinema would.
“So, which do you want to start with?” He asked distractedly.
“There’s just so much choice,” You answered mechanically.
“I know, isn’t it great? How about the Grudge, or maybe Saw? I bet you can find a few things in Saw that Will would probably invent himself, if he could. God knows he hates people enough to want to torture them.”
Neither choice really appealed to you, but you didn’t want to spend the next month imagining Will as a murderous sociopath, so you opted for the Grudge, whatever that was.
Not even twenty minutes into the film and you were already terrified by the evil ghost creature that haunted the screen, or in your case the wall. Every so often you would subconsciously reach out for Jack, then snap your hand back, afraid that if you let him hold you, he would feel how badly you were trembling.
You froze at the sound of heavy footsteps, though you quickly realised they were not coming from the speakers in front of you; it had to be Will, returning from the town. He came up the stairs where you and Jack were, lugging a heavy bag of shopping onto the counter behind you.
“What’s going on here?” Will asked, dropping the bag with a thud.
“Horror night,” Jack answered curtly, annoyed by Will’s sudden arrival.
“Huh, cool. The Grudge? Good choice. Not as good as Saw though,” He said a little too wistfully. “Okay, I’m in, scooch over.”
Will forced himself between you and Jack, further cramping the two-seater.
“You’re right,” Will nodded, missing the point that he wasn’t invited. “(Y/N), do you mind? There’s a chair over there small enough for you.”
“HEY! No way. (Y/N) stay, he’s gonna leave now.”
“(Y/N) stay?” Will repeated disgustedly. “(S)he’s not a dog Jack, and why do I have to go anyway? You’re the one that forgot to invite me.”
“I didn’t forget. This is a date you idiot! Get out!”
“IDIOT? At least I’m not an ingrate. You could have told me beforehand.”
“YOU KNOW I CAN’T VIBE CHECK. Then again neither can you, because you didn’t even pick a romantic horror.”
Jack threw up his arms exasperatedly, “What does that even mean?”
“Films like this are all scare. In a horror like The Boy however, there is a romantic subplot. In this essay I will-”
Jack grabbed Will in a headlock, pulling him up and dragging him to the staircase. Will flailed uselessly, trying to hit Jack’s arms. Finally, Jack pushed him away, nearly tripping him down the stairs, “Out, Will!”
Will grumbled as he stomped down the stairs, “I just came out to have a good time, and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
On his way back to you, Jack shook his head disbelievingly, “Sorry (Y/N).”
“It’s alright,” You laughed, glad that the commotion allowed you to miss around ten minutes of the on-screen horror.
“Hey, this is your first time seeing the Grudge, right?”
You nodded.
“Don’t worry then, I’ll go back so you don’t miss anything.”
Dying inside a little bit, you gave Jack a quick thumbs up. As promised, Jack rewound the film, picking up where you’d left off before Will had come back. Although you longed to isolate yourself on one side of the sofa again, Jack held up his arm for you to sit under. You smiled meekly, laying against him, somewhat comforted when his arm wrapped over your side.
You thought the film had been scary before, yet with each passing minute further horrors were introduced, each worse than the last. Jack was glad you couldn’t see his face as he held back gales of laughter at your fear of the film. More often than not, he would look down to find you squeezing your eyes shut, and gripping tightly to his thigh, barely holding back whimpers.
When the film started, he had no idea you were so scared of horrors. The idea you were petrified of a ghost story and too afraid to tell him was hilarious. You had literally survived Monarch’s terror attack by his side, yet somehow the evil work of on-screen fiction was scaring you more than previous real-life encounters.
By the end of the film, you couldn’t even look at the screen anymore. You were clinging onto Jack as if your life depended on it, burying your face against his chest to avoid looking. Finally, it was over, and although you clearly couldn’t handle another film, Jack couldn’t resist poking fun at you.
“A real masterpiece,” He said, stroking your arms. “I mean, did you see the detail when the Grudge tore that woman’s jaw off? Just a quick snap and it was gone.”
You cringed, peeking up at Jack so you didn’t have to reimagine the gore in the madness of your mind.
“And what about the part with the kid in the bathtub? That is some good film making right there. Oh, but listen to me rambling on, what was your favourite part of the film?”
You desperately wanted to continue clinging onto Jack and tell him that the only watchable part of the film was the credits which were slowly rolling onwards. Instead, you mumbled agreement about the torn jaw to shut him up. You reminded yourself how excited he had been to share this with you and managed a weak smile that didn’t reflect what you felt on the inside at all.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Jack grinned, having entirely too much fun. “So, what should we watch next? I’ll even let you choose again.”
“I couldn’t possibly,” You squeaked, your throat going dry.
“You’re right, I could see your excitement there. The clear winner is the Grudge Two.”
You shivered involuntarily. Taking the opportunity to scare you further, Jack leaned forward, blowing lightly against your neck. You screamed, jumping up from the sofa and scratting at your neck frantically. Jack fell about laughing at the sight, having the time of his life.
You couldn’t help tearing up a little bit. You weren’t usually so sensitive, but the film had drained you of any usual resilience. You folded your arms, hugging yourself quietly and as suddenly as he had started, Jack stopped laughing, though he was still smiling when he enveloped you in a strong hug.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know,” You whispered in a small voice.
“Hey, did it really scare you that badly?”
You nodded shakily, reminding Jack of when he was barely a teenager and he’d just seen his first horror film; at the time, he was so scared that he spent an hour throwing up before bed.
He stroked your arms soothingly, resting his head on top of yours. “Would a night of dog videos help?”
“Can we watch Turner and Hooch?” You mumbled.
Jack kissed the top of your head, “Every Halloween from now on.”
“Alright, come on, we’ll go get Turner and Hooch.”
“And Will?” You asked, risking a smile.
Jack groaned, “Will, really?”
“He really likes Turner and Hooch.”
Jack rolled his eyes and heaved a dramatic sigh, “Fine. Will can come too, but he’s sitting on the floor.”
You giggled, “Okay, sure, we’ll see how long that lasts.”
“I mean it,” he grinned mischievously, picking you up bridal style. “He has to stay on the floor, so I can hug my beautiful partner all night long.”
You pecked Jack’s lips, thankful that he was so understanding, “I love you.”
“Happy Halloween (Y/N).”
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