brainlessbaguette · 8 months
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Linktober Day 29, Aquatic/Water
Sometimes I forget about how dark Twilight Princess actually gets. And then I remember their Zoras, where the very pretty queen was murdered to send a political message, all of the people in the domain were turned into one big ice cube, the pretty queen's son passes out from a lack of water miles away from his home, all while the Zora at lake Hylia are stranded downstream panicking over the decreasing water level. Thats some Game of Thrones level of dark drama in a children's game. I love it.
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carelessapples · 1 month
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queen rutela & prince ralis
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sidonisms · 8 months
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I feel like Ralis could intimidate Sidon in 0.2 seconds
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vidvana · 2 years
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I don't know. I... maybe? It's what... it's what he wanted. He just needed their energy. I don't know! I hope I didn't. But... maybe I...
Please, you have to believe me!"
You deserved this, Ralis.
For 11000 gold I could buy a house and feed a family of four, you know?
*text slightly altered
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midonamiqui · 1 year
Prompt one : Sentimental
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I tried, but the water was so difficult...
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mareenavee · 8 months
The World on Our Shoulders | Chapter 30: As It Was Before
11th of Sun’s Dawn 4E 202
"Teldryn!! Gods, where on Nirn have you been!? If it wasn’t you, I would’ve been half-worried you were dead somewhere out there!” Geldis shouted as the two of them filtered into the Netch, pockets filled with Crescius’s coin and cloaks covered in ash.
“Geldis!” Teldryn laughed, though it came out nervous. He hadn’t meant to worry the man, but his focus hadn’t been on writing home, to be perfectly fair. Things had gotten complicated quickly, and there was little else he could do but keep draining every ounce of Magicka he had, day in and day out until the problem was sorted. Geldis both would understand why and admonish him for it anyway, so he’d explain himself when things quieted down.
Teldryn looked around the Netch in surprise. There were so many patrons around the bar and crowding every table, it almost didn’t feel like the same tavern. Many of them stopped talking to eavesdrop. Teldryn scratched his chin through his scarf as Geldis shot out from behind the counter and grabbed his shoulders before closing him in a rough embrace. He clapped his back and almost knocked the air out of him. Teldryn steadied his friend’s shoulders. Geldis was, at least, grinning as he shook his head in disapproval. Nyenna scooted forward as a couple patrons filed away from them, looking on in unfiltered disgust at the interruption. Geldis startled as he noticed her in her dented armor.
“And Nyenna! Ah, you made it in one piece,” Geldis said. “Gods, but the guards couldn’t find a trace of either of you down in the mine. I was beside myself!”
Nyenna smiled and said, “You did tell me he does a fine job at keeping people safe.” She paused and glanced over her shoulder at him. “And that he did. I didn’t mean to keep him away this long.”
Teldryn felt his face flush, and was once again thankful for the helmet, broken as it was at the moment. Gods, if she would just — the entire cold shoulder situation would have been easier than —
Oh, curse this.
He cleared his throat. “We made it through just fine, Geldis. I meant to write. We’ve been at Tel Mithryn, recovering.”
Geldis shot him a worried glance. “Recovering from what, exactly?”
“We’d faced a bit of trouble after leaving the mine, which turned out to be connected to some kind of crypt,” Nyenna explained. “I got hurt along the way, is all. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, but we made it out.”
Geldis furrowed his eyebrows as she was speaking. The two of them probably looked like a sorry lot. Broken helmet, dented armor, road dust and inner turmoil. But sure. Made it out, alright. -> Read the Rest on AO3
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veiledbyart · 11 months
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Happy little family portrait as an artfight attack on @himesgarbagepile. There's definitely no emotional distance at all in this family nono.
Don’t use or repost my art without permission.
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borrowedtimeandspace · 7 months
will the doctor and zepheera ever meet the rest of the sprites like Rischa and scar and vel?
@neonthewrite and I haven't yet written those interactions in Borrowed Magic, but it would be inevitable that they'd take Bowman home for visits eventually. (Especially since it was sort of an accident that he ended up with them in the first place ^^; ) The Doctor and Zepheera would of course be interested in checking out Wellwood properly, and meet such important members of the community!
I jotted down a small prompt set in such a scenario called The Flight Home for G/T July '22; it doesn't go too deep into explorations of Wellwood or meaningful interactions since I wrote it without Neon and wanted to focus more on the slight scale difference between her sprites and my borrower. I had fun with it, and so far it's the one sneak peek into a Wellwood visit in the future.
You do remind me, though...
Way back when, Neon and I did write a short of a scenario in which Doc lands himself near Wellwood and doesn't run into Bowman first. No Zepheera around in that one to be a buffer between him and the new smols, either, so the first meetings are a bit different than in Borrowed Magic. Since they're not really related, maybe we'll post that short after the current story wraps up!
New chapter for Lost In Flight tonight! And here's a sneak peek of the as yet untitled prompt below the cut:
"Oh, oh no," Ara stammered out. She had fallen back in surprise and now sat with her hands over her eyes. Ralis had dropped to the ground and curled up with his wings stretched overhead. Looking like a plant wouldn't help in this situation, but he couldn't do anything else.
Rischa looked back at the man, though she couldn't retreat like the others. For some reason, her feet were frozen where they were.
“Oh!” The Doctor’s knee-jerk reaction was a wide grin at the sight of his discovery. People. Tiny little winged people hiding in a fern in the middle of the forest!
Now this was more like it!
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ego-osbourne · 2 years
Okay so I just 100% forgot to post these I guess, I’ll still count them as old art but these are quite recent
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A drawing for an art competition on the r/Skyrim Discord server (I got third place ayo)
It’s a drawing of one of the very nice loremasters there, he’s cool B)
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And then my main three Skyrim PCs! None of them inhabit the same universe and are Dragonborn in their own rights. Ego is my main PC.
Vasalis is a blind altmer/falmer mage, having been raised in caves by falmer before getting kicked out. He stumbles upon a giant and gets his ass handed to him, only to be saved by a group of Companions traveling by. This leads him to want to join the Companions to help other people, and he eventually does, being the first pure-mage in their ranks. Him and Vilkas grow close on their adventures.
Ego is a breton amnesiac with metal limbs and white eyes. They aren’t blind, but they’re very obviously not-of-this-world-looking. They play through the standard opening of the game, waking up with no memory of what happened previously in a cart, off to Helgen. On their adventures, they hide their face with a dragon priest mask (Volsung), stumble upon Nightcaller Temple and help out Erandur, half-join the Dawngard and help Serana, and then head to Solstheim to fight/liberate Miraak, which creates their group. Oh, they’re also a spellsword.
Veknar is a nord light-fighter who grew up in Morrowind, but after a drunken night, he finds himself across the border in Skyrim. Trying to head back to Morrowind, he decides to travel to Solstheim, finding out he’s Dragonborn there. He makes fast frenemies with Teldryn and Ralis, and the three have a grand time saving the world and grabbing its riches.
Disregarding what I put on the art Vasalis is probably the most well-meaning of the group, a Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral, probably. Ego probably falls anywhere on the Neutral scale, and Veknar is definitely either Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Evil. Money is his main goal.
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lecapalmeira · 2 months
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thorinoakenbutt · 10 months
I've been rolling Ralis around in my head ever since I decided to start conceptualizing theoretical DA4 protagonists, but I mean. BG3 is like a spiritual successor to Origins so I might as well throw Ralis into it.
Anyway ever since finding out today about [redacted] being a special familiar option, I've been having a lot of Thoughts about Ralis and Gale as a couple
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carelessapples · 2 months
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very small peek at a wip from tonight
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sidonisms · 8 months
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Thinking about Ilia, being shot with an arrow, kidnapped, battered, and abandoned without her memories and when she finally gets free and has a chance to escape to safety, she prioritizes getting help for a child she doesn't even know.
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wrathdraco · 1 year
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Kara and Ralis in those cel-shaded portraits series I was doing, but I wanted to spice up the lighting a little.
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norrtam · 10 months
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raliciel · 3 months
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