#Ralsei would be awkward af on a date
patchwork-crow-writes · 6 months
46 - Etiquette
You sit across the table from me, as prim and proper as can be. We talk about the weather, how school is going, wondering when the next fountain will open, and where.
The tray of cakes goes untouched... are you waiting for me to make the first move? I see you stare at me over the rim of your cup, and not for the first time I wonder what you really think of me.
Would you like a cake, I offer, handing you the platter. You take the top one without a word, as if hovering over them would be rude. Or did you notice my hands tremble, the quaver in my voice? Oh, how I wish you'd take a little more care, to notice all the small things I don't dare say to you!
I pick the chocolate loaf, and you watch quietly as I bite into it. I know it's your favourite, I can see the longing in your eyes. Would you ask me to share, or are you too greedy for that? It's all or nothing with you, and oh, how I want it all...
That we could cast aside this stifling spread, dispense with this stilted dance, and discuss the deepest desires of our hearts! For another instant with you, stolen away from prying eyes, I would give my entire kingdom! To strip myself of this role, the overly-polite princeling, and confess how I really feel, and the things I really want...!
...ah, but not for me such daring plays. Too brittle, too cossetted, to break this mold. All I can do here and now is offer you another cake, discuss the humdrum of our lives, and hope one day that we shall see each other as we really are, beneath the smart veneer this world demands of us.
The Dark Menagerie No. 46
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