#Ramchal Synagogue
hoshvilim · 8 years
Meet Akko
Akko offers the visitor exciting Jewish, Christian and Muslim historical sites as well as an amazing, oriental market and marine activities in the port. Much of the excitement is underground as one walks through underground crusader city as well as secret tunnels to the port. Add the Knights Halls, Okashi Art Museum, Turkish Bath, Templars’ Tunnel and Ramchal Synagogue to your bucket list. The Old City of Acre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
עַכּוֹ Akko (or Acco) in Hebrew and عكّا‎‎ Akka in Arabic, but was misnamed Acre by the crusaders who confused Akko with the Biblical city of Ekron. The Philistine god of Ekron was Beelzebub (Lord of the Flies) and indeed the crusaders renamed the Phoenician tower/lighthouse in the port of Akko –  “Tower of the Flies”. On my last visit my guide was a patriotic son of Akko who was very proud to lead us through centuries of history. Akko is fine for a family tour – children love it. The city also has plenty to offer if you prefer an in-depth tour.
The city originated in the Bronze period by Tel Akko, and was abandoned in the late Hellenistic period, when the new city moved closer to the sea.
Old Akko – an exciting excursion for adults and children
Old Acre Visitors’ Center
1 Weizmann St., Akko
Tel: 1-700-708020            04-9956706
Fax: 04-9919418               04-9913376
For tour reservations, please call:   04-9956707
Akko Panorama
My introduction to Akko begins with the panorama on Napoleon’s Hill. Why Napoleon? That’s simple, because Napoleon’s  unsuccessful siege of Ottoman Akko in 1799 was the turning point of Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt and Syria. It was one of Napoleon’s few defeats. The hill was also reused a brief period as a base for the siege of the Crusaders (1099).
In this panorama one can view the entire Haifa Bay with Mount Carmel in the background, modern roads and  a high-rise hotel.
The unfinished hotel seen in this video 0:05-0:10 has since been demolished.
  Napoleon’s Hill – best lookout in the city!
Napoleon’s Hill is the ancient Tel Akko on the north bank of the Na’aman (Belus) river. Today, the site is in ruins. The neighborhoods of the modern city of Akko  are located to the east and north of the Tel.  On the western foothills  is the city’s  soccer field.
  Port of Akko
Acre’s first port was presumably located along the lower section of the Na’aman River. During the Muslim Period under Sultan Muawiya the sea walls were fortified and a large shipyard was built here. Egyptian ruler Achmad Ibn-Tulun (868-884) annexed the Land of Israel renovated the Port of Acre and its fortifications. During Crusader rule, the port of Acre played a central role. Its naval ties to the West were founded on this port, which was essential to its very existence. However after the Ottoman conquest, use of the port declined and it only served as a marina for fishing boats. In the late 17th century, Daher el-Omar tried renovated and fortified the city only to have the port destroyed during the shelling of Acre by the British and Austrian navies in 1840, when the breakwater wall and the Tower of Flies were damaged.
Once you reach the Acre port you can take a boat excursion out to sea or a pleasant ride in a horse-drawn carriage. The port area is lined with restaurants and cafes.
  Walls of Akko
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Acco Walls – Napoleon’s Cannons – that never reached him.
Acco Walls: Dahar El Omar walls to the right and larger El Jazzar walls on the left
    Akko in Israeli Philately
Akko in Israeli Stamps
Akko in Israeli Stamps
Akko – Acre Meet Akko Akko offers the visitor exciting Jewish, Christian and Muslim historical sites as well as an amazing, oriental market and marine activities in the port.
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rickwhite · 2 years
Redeeming Mashiach
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There is a Yom Kippur prayer called Az Milifnei Vereshit that has been used in synagogues for centuries.
The piyyut (poem) can be found in volume two of the famous Machzor Kol Bo, it says:
“Then, prior to creation, �he established the Temple and Yinnon.
The Talpiot above from the beginning, �he prepared before any people or language.
He decided to let his presence reside there, �to guide the mistaken in straight paths.
If the wicked are reddened (by sin), �let them wash and be cleansed beforehand.
If (G-d’s) fierce wrath is incited, �the Holy One will not awaken his full rage.
So far, our wealth has depleted, �but our Rock has not touched us.
Our righteous Messiah has turned away from us [1]; we have acted foolishly and there is no one to justify us.
Our iniquities and the yoke of our transgressions he bears, and he is pierced [2] for our transgressions.
He carries our sins on his shoulder, �to find forgiveness for our iniquities.
By his wounds we are healed, �forever a new creation; the time of his creation. [3]
Bring him up from the circle [4]; �lift him out of Seir.
To summon us to the mount of Lebanon �a second time through Yinnon [5].”
1. He has been “torn” away from us (Israel). Someone or something (or both), a system etc has ripped Mashiach Tzidkenu away from his people.
2. “He has been desecrated because of our sins.” The Mashiach has become profaned because of our sins.
3. Create him anew❓Create the Mashiach anew❓it seems that everything we think we know about Mashiach has been lacking and wanting. We must reengage him again, like new.
4. Bring him (Mashiach) from the circle of the Nations (of the Gentiles). Mashiach is among the nations, in the Galut (exile) suffering along with the Jewish people and the Shekhinah. But where is he❓Raise him up from the nations, it’s time to bring him home ✡️ 🇮🇱.
5. “Lift him out of Seir.” Mt. Seir is synonymous with Mt Edom, Edom comes from Esav. From Edom came the Roman’s and they are connected. It’s like this: Esav = Seir/Edom = Rome = Christianity. This is how the Sages and the Kabbalist have explained it to us. So to answer the previous question of from where is he among the nations? Mashiach is imprisoned, bound with chains at the gates of Rome. The Ramchal explains that the “gates” refers to prison. He is imprisoned in Seir. Whose job is to release Mashiach from the Nations/Gentiles, well it’s all our jobs collectively but it is a huge mission of the Jews. We read about it here:
“Let my lord (Esav) pass on ahead of his servant (Yaakov), and I will lead on slowly, at the pace of the livestock that are ahead of me and at the pace of the children, until I come to my lord in Seir.”
~ (Genesis 33.14)
This has a been a slow process and hence why this last exile (the exile of Rome) has taken over 2000 years!
5. This whole ordeal has been part of the divine Providence of HaShem since the foundation of the world.
“…(see Genesis 22:7; Psalms 69:28)
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