#Acco walls
melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Ring
This is what I imagen Ruben look like telling you to get your shit together and find the ring he gave you. 🤭🤭
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Summary - Ruben doesn't like it when reader takes off her wedding ring.
You and Ruben were the complete opposite. He was punctual, you were not. He was tidy, you were not. You were forgetful, he was not. But opposite attract, no?
It did most of the time in your relationship. However it came a day when you forgot something that Ruben just couldn't forgive. At the time you and Ruben had been happily married for five years. Your love was strong, building a life together that you both cherished. However, there was one recurring issue that tested your commitment to each other- Your habit of taking off your wedding ring.
Ruben couldn't understand why you would remove something so symbolic and precious to your relationship. He wore his ring with pride, always feeling connected to you no matter the distance. But you had a tendency to remove your Swarovski emerlad ring, placing it on tables, in drawers, or even misplacing it altogether.
One evening, as you were about to leave for a friend's birthday celebration, Ruben noticed your bare finger.
He sighed, annoyance evident on his face. "Y/N, why do you always take off your wedding ring?" Ruben asked, unable to hide his frustration any longer.
You turned to face him, slightly puzzled. "Ruben, it's just a habit. Sometimes I feel a bit restricted wearing it all the time."
"But it's more than a piece of jewelry," Ruben replied. "It symbolizes our commitment and love. It's a constant reminder of our vows to each other. And the fact that you have a husband waiting for you at home, for all who wishes to know."
Although amused by his jealous rage you realized how upset he was and felt a pang of guilt. You stepped forward hugging him, promising to be more mindful of keeping your ring on.
"Will you get it form me? I think I left it on my night stand."
"You think..." He muttered, but turned around to get it for you.
He came back minutes later, a stale look on his face.
"It's not there."
"No?" You scratched your head. "Must be in the kitchen then."
You went on to look for it yourself but ended up with nothing. You returned to Ruben in the hallway. He stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. "Did you find it?"
"No." You shied away, too embarrassed to meet his eyes. "I don't remember where I put it."
"Huh? What was that?"
You had mumbled the last part. Ruben pushed off the wall, cupping one hand to his ear, mocking you.
"I said I don't know where it is!" You exclaimed.
Ruben settled with a look that said "I told you so".
"Will you help me look for it, I'm already late for the party."
Ruben sighed but suggested that you'd retrace your steps
You ended up searching the house, room by room, recalling the places that you had been throughout the day. Ruben patiently checked drawers, cabinets, and even the most unexpected spots, hoping to stumble upon the ring.
Panicked, you turned to Ruben and said, "Ruben, I can't find my ring anywhere and I really have to go."
Ruben paused his searching, seeing the genuine panic in you. He contemplated insulting you again,  saying "I told you so". However somthing changed his mind last minute. "Okay, just go. I'll continue looking for it."
He nodded. "Tell Maya I said happy birthday and call me whenever you want me to come and pick you up."
You stumbled forward, into his embrace. "Thank you, I love you!"
Ruben made faces as you locked your arms around his neck, planting kisses on the corner of his lip, his cheek and on top of his eyelid.
"Yeah, yeah, just drive safe and call me if you need anything."
You left Ruben to do the searching, thinking all was fair in love and war. However as you spent the night partying with your friends, Ruben spent the night turning the house upside down, to no success at all. In the end he was exhausted, questioning why he hadn't held you more accountable for somthing he believed to be so important in a marriage. You came home that night, unaware of his growing resentment. However it all resurface the next day.
Ruben had been gone all day, training with his team. As the sun began to set, you entered your cozy kitchen, eager to prepare a delicious meal for your beloved husband. However, Ruben, still simmering from a recent argument, sat at the table with a stern expression on his face. Without uttering a word, he turned his attention to the phone in his hand, failing to greet you like he usually does by asking you to come sit in his lap.
Confusion washed over you. The silent treatment from Ruben was deafening, more painful than shouting matches. You tried to recall your earlier dispute, confused to where it had all gone wrong. I mean Ruben had been the one to let you attend your friends birthday party, insisiting he'd stay behind and keep searching for your ring himself. Had he regret his decision of doing that?
Desperate to bridge the growing chasm between you, you decided to swallow your pride and make amends. You approached the cupboards, reaching for the dinner plates on the top shelf. But as you stretched your fingers toward the stack, your petite frame failed to reach them. You hopped and groaned in a desperate attempt to get them, however to no use.
In that moment, seeing you struggle, Ruben's frustration began to fade, overridden by his inherent nature to protect and care for his wife. He quickly pushed aside his resentment and stood up. Without a word, he stepped behind you and effortlessly plucked the plates from the top shelf.
Your eyes widened in both surprise and relief as Ruben gently placed the plates on the counter beside you. In that moment, your physical distance evaporated, replaced by a tender connection only made possible by unspoken understanding.
Feeling a flicker of warmth in your heart, you turned to face Ruben, eyes brimming with gratitude. Ruben, unable to resist the unconditional love shining in your gaze, couldn't help but smile softly. Silence still hung in the air, but it was now infused with a newfound tenderness. It was as if you had silently communicated more in that single gesture than they could ever express with words. Still, you tried.
"I'm sorry, Ruben. I know how important this ring is to you," You whispered, eyes filled with tears.
Ruben's hands went to cup your face, raising your head to look at him. "Hey."
"Hey." You chuckled.
"I mean hey, this is what's important to me, not some piece of jewelry."
"But you said..."
He leand forward, pecking your lips, silencing you. "I know what I said and I was wrong."
"Oh Ruben." You fell into his embrace. "I promise I'll find the ring. I know I left it somewhere around the house."
He shook his head. " It's okay. You'll just have to buy a marker from now on."
You frowned "A marker, why?"
Ruben's thumb swiped across your cheek, his gaze looking deeply into your eyes. "So I can write "Mine" across your forhead whenever you go outside."
You laughed, he laughed. You truly deserved being made fun of.
The ring was gone for now, but the love you and Ruben had for each other remained unchanged.
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unlikelyjapan · 1 year
s2e4 rewatch notes
I'm a bit tired, please forgive the typos:
At the intro, we get a montage of the permits and files and drills, the sense of urgency - the furiousness of the work and notes begging Carmy for something (that was probably already set on his list in the last episode). I guess I stopped paying attention to the timelines - they're now 7 weeks out with no walls and we haven't really gotten into the meat of the series yet - meaning we don't really see Carmy flake the fuck out until 1 month from opening.
Sugar's "don't tell anyone - this is my problem" bit is so sad, watching her castigate herself for bringing another her/carmy/mikey/donna/their dad into the world. I also hate the way such a heavy moment was turned into such a "womp womp - wall fell" moment, as the situation (and Sugar) deserved a lot more gravitas.
But this is a show through the male lens. Richie feels vindicated that he "guessed it". Carmy doesn't know how to show his concern (and to be fair, she'd probably pummel him if he expressed anything in that moment), but the fact that he still lets his sister shoulder so much of the restaurants burdens alone through the rest of the series shows the level he disassociates from his family (even his only caring/loving family member) at every turn.
Marcus is such a good son - I hope in season 3 we get a (posthumous, I presume) look at who his mother was, what shaped his character, how his brother/father play a role (if any) in his current family dynamic etc.
The Chester + Marcus pairing is a magical talisman that protects the show from a deluge of male-on-male emotional evasion, jousting and toxic co-dependency. I don't care that Chester is about as believable as Claire as a character, mainline that shit into my veins.
I love that Carmy ensured that Marcus would have the identical experience he had when he staged in Copenhagen (as described in Fishes to Mikey) - this is in no way coincidental, he would have had to make plenty of arrangements/requests to Marie for things to play out that way. He wanted Marcus to see Copenhagen through the same magical lens he did, knowing Marcus needed the inspiration and a break from his own version of family strife.
The invisible cat (Coco), the looming presence of Marcus' mom on the viewers minds, and the bike scene are three great examples of things that feel foreboding (like the other shoe is going to drop on Marcus) but never actually amount to anything. Whether existential or hopeful, I like it.
"Do you know how to make Shisho Gelee?" - this is such a gentle test to see how insecure Marcus is in this environment. Passing him the recipe as he's googling was an awesome act of amnesty. It immediately brings out Marcus' curiosity in the next scenes - he's asking all the right questions and looks so joyful when Luca gives him concise answers.
The scenes played out to Otis Redding's "I've Been Loving You Too Long", starting with "You're tired - and you want to be free" playing as Marcus walks home. Temporarily free from the impending death of his mother at home after a long illness. Free from the constraints of the (up until now) low-level jobs Marcus' has held down in kitchens with minimal inspiration and nowhere to go. Free from loneliness? The next cut is Sydney interviewing staff, as if on cue.
The quenelle - the heavy-lovin' part of the song as Marcus' is immersed in his work with Luca, falling in love with the ritualization of his craft. Things in Marcus' life haven't exactly been going right, but this is a place of solace. He follows this up by calling his Mom - professing his love for his craft, as well as for her.
Sidebar: The minty snickers bar is almost a sexual release scene during the ballad. I get why so many folks were led down the road to hell that is Marcus x Luca fanfic, as weird as I think that is (no hate! do you!)
The song ends with the pastry dissection on the boat. This man found love/spiritual release in Copenhagen, just like Carmy. "Mission accomplished, I guess."
Fak saying "Dude! We're best friends, we don't tell secrets!" re: the alliance stuff. So....every dude at The Beef/Bear is his best friend, Sugar is Mommy, and Sydney (and Tina, for that matter) are ????
I feel like Fak may be the thing that continues to insulate The Beef/The Bear as a Berzatto clubhouse for wayward boys at this juncture, but I'm originally from Canada (and thus have been force-fed Matty Matheson a.k.a Fak-Light since the mid-aughts) so there's probably some bias creeping in here.
Luca started as a chef 14 years ago. If he entered the profession and competed against Carmy at the same level/experience as a high-school graduate, that makes him and Carmy in the rough age range of 29-32, adjusting for education sans A-levels in the UK. We can put away that screenrant article and die in peace now.
Mikey was "Really tight, but also really out of his fucking mind, and he wanted to open a bakery". Something something Berzatto parallels.
Luca says "I've got a younger sister, somewhere, yeah" after asking about Marcus' family. Luca's got a case of the family damage, the trouble in school, a past-tense case of the ferocious mopes - all the same watermarks as Carmy. Meanwhile, Marcus was just sharing his mothers prognosis, and speaks of his brother with no ill will (even though he doesn't appear to be in the caretaking position with his mom) - are they foreshadowing that Marcus' doesn't have the damage that makes a truly great/ritualized/masochistic chef in the long run?
Luca's may have learned more lessons in life than Carmy has (in part by being thwarted by Carmy) but the habits borne out of family evasion/searching for something else are so engrained with that backstory. Or maybe Marcus' represents the happier/new way of doing things, breaking the toxic cycle (more thoughts on this down the line).
Luca worked to keep up with Carmy after he came to a place of acceptance that he'd never be the best, and that ended up being enough for him. Maybe a blessing is that Marcus' gets to sidestep the whole toxic cycle and just absorb knowledge (from Luca, from Carmy, from Syd) - he's not in a running position, just like Tina.
But of course, we never worry about Tina - she's too self-possessed. Marcus is emotional and easily influenced, so I have a feeling his narrative could turn on a dime.
Luca says "At a certain stage, it becomes less about skill and more about being open....." In summary:
Marcus - Open, but I fear could easily become closed in the wrong environment/trauma.
Carmy - Closed, doesn't really understand how to open when not hiding behind the guise of the restaurant/Syd/emotional fabrications
Sydney - Wants open, but always closes instinctively for self-protection.
Natalie - Open, with the limited emotional tools she has at her disposal.
Richie - *learning* to open, but that's a long fucking road.
Tina - Open
"It helps to have good people around you, too" - see above. The Bear represents the inherent goodness of people, with familial history run roughshod over it.
Marcus asking "Was It worth it? The time you put in" quickly followed by Luca saying "I dunno....ask me tomorrow"
Isn't this the feeling of fecklessness that almost everyone has with their creative craft being converted to labor? There's been a lot of theories floating around that Carmy doesn't like cooking anymore/never liked cooking - could it just be the long-standing feeling of irrelevance when you've taken a deep-dive into your craft for so long that you can't see the forest (inspiration, caring for people) through the trees (red tape, skill level, trauma etc.)?
The man on the bike could also represent saving someone the way that Marcus can't save his mom - it alleviates some of the feelings of powerlessness, and the exchange of comfort in the hug a reciprocity he can no longer experience with her.
"Are you sure you want to get back on the bike?"
A bad thing happened, but the man feels compelled to keep moving - as Marcus said to Syd in S1 "just keep moving" - there are a bunch of metaphors for just proceeding with the restaurant here.
Syd is literally just being goofy and talking to Marcus like a friend when he first calls - I guess I imagined there being a little more heat/aloofness there on her behalf, but it's giving friend-zone. She wouldn't act so familiar if there was a crush, I don't feel its in her DNA....
Marcus sharing the nightmare about his mom's impending death with Sydney is huge (again, the other shoe dropping) - Sydney tries to give an empathetic response (she's not great at anything with a whiff of mortality to it, but she approaches the topic with optimism) and caps it off with a "ugghh - I miss you man" as a reassuring gesture - he's her friend and a great source of comfort.
He nods quietly, waits a beat, and says "I miss you too" - and you can tell the pregnant pause has let Syd know that there's gravity/consequences to her words. She diffuses with the freeze humor because what the hell else are you going to do once a guy tells you about his dying mom nightmare, you spurt out a casual "I miss you bro" and he responds back tenderly that he misses you too. Unenviable.
"Okay, goodnight dude" - Syd hangs up immediately. Oof. Everyone talks about Syd getting a love interest in season 3 to level the stakes with Carmy, but I want Marcus' to bag a hot expediter or something just so there's a bit of joy in his life without a crazy dramatic subplot ensuing.
The mild smile on Marcus' face is so peaceful when he masters the dessert. It's such a quiet satisfaction you can only get when you create things. What a nice way to end the episode.
Holy crap, this was far too long. If you stuck it out, thank you!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
Engineering sites where U.S. military personnel will soon begin constructing a humanitarian pier reportedly came under attack, the Israeli military and United Nations (U.N.) officials said Thursday, according to media reports.
“Various terrorist organizations” lobbed mortar rounds at efforts on the location laying the groundwork for the pier while U.N. officials were touring the area, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing the Israeli military. The U.N. officials retreated to secure spaces and no one was injured in the attack, but the incident underscored concerns about security for the roughly 1,000 U.S. troops involved in facilitating delivery of much-needed humanitarian supplies to Gaza.
“The incident in no way delays our efforts to establish the maritime corridor,” Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday, appearing to confirm the attack.
No U.S. troops were close to the area, he clarified. Construction efforts for the temporary pier and causeway have begun, he said, but those efforts were outside of mortar range.
“We’re aware of reports that a small number of mortars landed in the vicinity of the marshalling yard for humanitarian assistance that will eventually be the delivery site,” he said, but did not damage U.S. equipment. 
No organization immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, The Associated Press reported Thursday, citing U.N. officials as well as the Israeli military.
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flailingfrog · 1 year
Nikole and Kit: Will Reading
TW : BBU/BBU-adjacent setting, dehumanization, conditioned whumpee, mentioned character death as a central focus
So Nikole’s inheriting everything. There’s no way Nikole isn’t inheriting everything. She’s the only kid, her mom never particularly cared for any of her cousins, Dad’s been dead—Who else is it going to go to?
Don’t take her the wrong way: she’s obviously ruined inside from her mother dying. There’s a hole in her life now, a hole where used to sit a woman who could be depended upon to wear a stupid purple quilt coat with her pet in a stupid orange quilt coat sitting next to her at a formal fucking dinner, Mom… and that hole could be, if not filled, then at least stuffed with her mother’s formidable collection of assets. The house alone has to be worth, what, two mil? And she must be able to get something for the Platonic.
This is what Nikole’s thinking about as she waits to meet with her mother’s lawyer and read the will. Holly’s here, too, maybe getting one of those aforementioned quilt coats. There isn’t a good place for her to sit in here that Nikole doesn’t have to look at her, the walls cramped to make the waiting area more like a mini hallway than its own individual space, the plant at the end barely aiding in the illusion. If it was anyone else, maybe she’d be a bit nicer, but she can admit to herself that she is not the bigger person when it comes to Holly—Maybe it’s the way her and Mom could get going on about quilting, or her weird crochet projects—She crochets teeth, and not cute teeth like you might find on a sign advertising a dentist. Teeth that seem designed to disturb Nikole in specific—or the way she seems to think her tie dye crocs are an appropriate choice of shoe to wear to everything, including a will reading, or, honestly, one of a thousand other ‘quirks’ Nikole finds distasteful. She doesn’t like her. Sue her. She’s polite to her face and that’s what matters, right? She can’t decide what she’d prefer: Her next to her? Directly across? Anything but this barely in her eyesight thing she’s doing?
Judy opens the door leading to the offices, serving them both a smile warmer than the weather outside. “Sorry for the wait, ladies. You ready to get to business?”
It’s enough for Nikole to forget about Holly, at least for the moment. She picks her bag up from the chair next to her. “Whenever you are.”
She leads them down the hall, the same beige as every other room Nikole’s ever seen in this building. The sparseness of the halls, unpersonal look of the front office, doesn’t follow into Judy’s office, all bulky dark wood furniture covered in books and files, paintings of boats everywhere.
They all take their seats, Judy teasing the manila folder her mother’s will is in. Theatrics. “First of all,” she starts, eyes flicking to Nikole, “I’m very sorry for your loss.”
The hole in her threatens, for a brief moment, to swallow her. She smiles easily, swallows down it and all the agitation that threatens to flow out from it. It just wouldn’t do to get agitated. “Thank you.”
Judy nods, as if she’s done something important, and opens the envelope. Of course, Judy already knows what’s written there—She helped write it. “Now,” she begins, “Daphne’s will is a bit… unusual.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Holly’s face sets like she knows what Judy’s talking about, which isn’t fair considering Nikole certainly doesn’t.
“I need you to know, Nikole, I really did urge her against this, but she insisted the two of you were the most important people in her life and she needed you to get along.” Her face has been twisting into something as she keeps talking.
Nikole’s own face stays neutrally polite, even as the intense urge to shake her and demand she get to the point begins to overwhelm her.
Judy’s eyes search her face, only increasing the urge, but when she finds nothing, she sighs and passes the document to Nikole to read as she speaks. “Holly is receiving $25,000 from one of her savings accounts, you can see which one in the papers there. She’s also the executor and trustee of Paul and Kit’s… trust.”
Nikole can read all that well enough, granted in much more legal language, but she looks up at Judy regardless, attempting to maintain her same veneer of politeness. There’s a reason Judy hesitated, and she’ll be damned before she makes it justified. “The pets got a trust?” Sure, there’s other things making her insides sting, but none of the other ones are taking her money right now.
For the first time since they’ve entered the room, Holly speaks. “It’s not unusual for concerned owners to provide for their pets in the event of their death. And your mother loved those two very much.”
Nikole stares at her. “But fifty percent of what’s left after the house and your cut? That’s not right.”
“Well, Kit’s not exactly a dog. She’s got to be taken care of for a long ti—”
“Did you tell my mom about this?” It seems the kind of thoughtless, wholly destructive thing Holly would do.
“Your mother was worried about them. I gave her an option to protect them as best she could.”
Heat burns at her neck and face. Holly’s voice didn’t even waver. She really believes this inane shit. Nikole shuts her eyes, smiling tightly.
For a long second, there isn’t a single sound in the room.
Then, Judy says, “Your mother wanted you to care for them.”
She’d read that part. Frankly, she doesn’t want to. But the money… It kept coming back to the money, which, again, should’ve been hers in the first place.
Of course, Holly has to speak. She’s so gentle, like she doesn’t hate Nikole’s guts as much as she hates hers, as she says, “You don’t have to. I understand you’ve never liked her. I’m more than willing—“
And really, more than anything that’s what seals it. Because fuck Holly, and fuck the way she’s acting like she actually cares what Nikole might feel, especially when she knows it’s more about some stupid boxbabe than her.
“No, I’ll do it.” She turns to Judy with the most winning smile she can muster, but she must fall flat given the uncertainty that’s returned. Nothing she can do about that. “Who can deny a dead woman’s final wish?”
So Nikole guesses she has a pet Platonic now.
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dawndelion-winery · 1 year
In the bleak, cold morning, where the sun’s rays were blanketed by heavy clouds, a lonely figure stirs.
Ajax stares blankly at the wall in front of him.
“I had a dream last night. The moment we could be together was short. We weren’t far from each other.” He mutters, looking over at the framed picture of you on his bedside table.
How far have you drifted? He wonders, reaching out to hold the frame — he stops halfway.
Every single memory in his head.
Everything was filled with you.
He misses you.
He misses that, with you, he wasn’t Tartaglia, Childe, number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers — not even the Greatest Toy Salesman in All of Snezhnaya.
With you, he was Ajax. And only Ajax.
“I miss you, Acco.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“skirk would be utterly disappointed if she saw.” is the only response she has to her messenger’s report.
in the confines of the throne room, the sound of glass shattering is clearer than teyvat’s skies in the day.
you find yourself unable to move as she turns her head to you.
“are you proud of yourself, acco?” her voice reverberates around the room as the temperature falls.
“don’t pretend you don’t know anything.”
Ahahaha you're so funny, anon! Kaeya's tits really are juicy 😭😭😭
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madara-uchiha-rp · 8 months
21+ blog only, minors will be blocked. This blog has NSFW on here
Please no hate towards me or anyone else, I don't tolerate it and it can lead up to blocks
This is an rp account, nothing more, nothing less
If I don't answer your ask I might have been busy, please keep in mind I have a life outside of these digital walls :(
I wont answer any ask that contains any type of abuse, hate, or that's questionable.
This account is meant to have fun! :D
As of now, if there's any ask I get and I don't feel comfortable answering it, please don't pester me why I didn't.
Don't dm on why it takes me a bit to answer an ask one I work a job, two I'm in college, and three I do research on a character that I'm rp.
Although I don't mind alot of asks just be mindful that I can only do so much.
And a reminder, I made this rp blog to make users day. It makes me happy knowing I can make others happy that's just how I am as a person. Just remember I'm just a 21 year old women behind this blog, my dms are still open for anyone that don't feel comfortable sending an asks through the page or just want to get something off your chest I'll listen and give my best advice.
If I don't answer your asks the way you want it, just dm me or at least communicate what you wanted. I have alot to do, and this is just a side hobby.
If I get any more hate asks, you will be blocked, and I do screenshot the hate asks and put it on a file on my pc that acts like a blacklist. Sure, I'm nice, but I don't tolerate any hate towards anyone, including the ones I interact with.
About me post:
other rp accounts I run:
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imhereforscm · 2 years
"Two different worlds" Part 2
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: There's going to be a part 3 as you can guess😌
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"You know," Still smiling at you, he continued. "your beauty could find place in here."
Your lips quivered into a smile, flattered by his polite and pleasant compliment and you pursed your lips together, suppressing it. "That's polite of you to say... But I'm afraid I won't need any of your time." You couldn't get involved with him any longer. Your appreciation in humanity should remain equal and just. No favouritism.
"I respect that." The man smiled at you and nodded his head politely. "Have a well rest of your day." He said, before turning to walk away from you with a parting wave of his hand.
You wandered around the museum some more and after some time, you took your leave and exited the pyramid of glass, the sun having lowered significantly during your time in there, its rays hitting the Louvre's glass and diffusing at all angles.
The sky wasn't too dark, but you could depict the afternoon slowly and tantalisingly blending into evening.
The people still walking around you were fewer in comparison to the crowd that practically led you across the city a few hours ago.
You were curious to see how humans lived. Their habits and methods, as if straight from their own eyes. As if your eyes did not harbour stars in them.
And with that thought in mind, you decided instead of snapping your fingers and reaching your hotel, to walk with your own two feet to the nearest underground and from there, use the subway.
You wouldn't lie, it took you some time to find it, but you eventually did and that felt rewarding. Although, you did use your powers to deal with the technical subjects of the subway, the most part was by your efforts alone and it felt refreshing to not have everything on a silver plater for once.
In contradiction to the limited pedestrians in the city, down there, people were many and you were surprised at the rate of which you were being pushed around with.
You heard music and scanning your surroundings to spot its source, you spotted a man beside the wall of this strange underground tunnel, playing an instrument.
You searched through your memory, looking for the word this Earthly instrument was addressed by. 'Ac... Acco...' You scratched your head, putting a little more thought to it. 'Accordion!' You remembered.
Listening closely to the middle aged man's performance, you noticed a few tribulations from a certain point.
"Damn it, I should've practiced more." You heard him muttered to himself.
Keeping your hand low, you snapped your fingers and watched as the man braced himself, before giving the music piece another try. His face lit up, when he succeeded and feeling your heart swell with warmth, you took off towards the train again.
Making your way inside was proven to be much more tedious than you had imagined, given the mania of which people pushed each other with, in order to rush inside as soon as possible, but you still managed to find your way inside.
Squeezing your way between the crowd, you were not surprised to find no unoccupied seats left and so you compromised by grabbing onto the bus-strap hanging from the ceiling for the time being.
You sighed and felt someone's fingertip tapping your shoulder. Turning to face the person, your eyebrows rose in identification. The man from the museum was smiling down at you, motioning towards an empty seat with his hand.
"You can have mine."
"Oh, but that wouldn't be polite of me!" You were not human, so you didn't have an issue with exhaustion—unlike him—but you couldn't tell him that.
He shook his head and gently pried your hand from the bus-strap, before wrapping his own hand around it. "I was seated for too long, anyway."
You huffed out a nervous chuckle, looking down on your lap as you accepted the seat he so kindly offered you. "Thank you, really."
"No need for gratitude."
"It's always necessary to thank someone who's offering convenience!" You contradicted and your cheeks warmed up, when he chuckled, wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Alright, I accept your 'thank you', no need to get mad." His smile took on a flirtatious manner. "Although, you're cute when you furrowed your eyebrows like this."
"What are you saying?" You covered your cheeks with the palm of your hand, timidly peeking up at him.
"Your eyes are just so... Expressive..." He paused for a moment, staring deep into your eyes. "Has anyone ever painted them before?"
Your hand fell back onto your lap and you stared up at him in surprise. It wasn't your first time being complimented, but those were certainly words no one has used for you before. You opened your mouth to respond, but your voice arrived a few seconds later. "... No."
"What a shame." He tilted his head to the side, inspecting your features from a different angle, with a serious—though not stern—expression on his admittedly handsome face. "Would you let me paint you if I asked?"
His question took you by surprise, but you couldn't lie. You felt quite flattered. But was this lawful...? "Would you... Wish I'd accept?"
If it was a wish, it became your duty. "What is your name?"
"Well then." You smiled gently and nodded gracefully. "I accept."
The corners of Tauxolouve's lips rose into a content smile. "Thank you."
"No need for gratitude!" You mimicked some of his previous words and laughed along with him.
"It's always necessary to thank someone who's offering convenience!" He replied with his own impression of you and you were both grinning brightly, until you reached your destination.
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jasonp01 · 15 days
Small Steps, Big Dreams: Yang Fan Academy’s Nurturing Preschool Program
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At Yang Fan Academy, we see education as an ongoing adventure that stretches beyond traditional classroom walls. Our Afterschool Program is crafted to nurture curiosity, creativity, and personal growth, giving every student the tools they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. By blending stimulating activities with academic guidance, we offer a holistic experience that supports children long after the school day concludes.
Why Yang Fan Academy’s Afterschool Program is Unique- With so many afterschool programs available, it can be challenging for parents to determine which one is the right fit for their child. At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize the importance of theproviding a safe, caring environment that not only promotes learning but also encourages physical and social development. Our afterschool program is more than just supervision—it’s a space for students to grow, discover new interests, and build lasting friendships.
Choosing Yang Fan Academy means choosing a place that is dedicated to fostering your child’s full potential. With a personalized approach to education and a focus on individual development, we set the stage for success both in the classroom and beyond. Whether your child needs extra homework help, thrives on hands-on learning, or just wants to have fun while socializing, our program has something for everyone.
A Typical Day at Yang Fan Academy’s Afterschool Program- Each afternoon at Yang Fan Academy offers exciting opportunities for learning, play, and personal development. Our afterschool program is designed to strike the perfect balance between academic help, physical activity, and creative exploration. Here’s what your child can look forward to:
Homework Help and Academic Support After a long day at school, tackling homework can feel overwhelming. Our experienced educators are on hand to assist students, ensuring assignments are completed and fully understood. This not only reduces stress for both students and parents but also fosters a productive and enjoyable approach to homework time.
Exciting Enrichment Activities Learning should be engaging and fun, and at Yang Fan Academy, we offer a range of enrichment activities that ignite curiosity and a passion for discovery. From STEM projects that make science exciting to creative arts and crafts that encourage imagination, we help students explore their interests in a supportive and encouraging setting.
Physical Play and Exercise Keeping kids active is essential for their overall health. Our afterschool program includes structured physical activities, from team sports to free play, ensuring that students stay active, build fitness, and learn the value of teamwork—all while having a great time.
Social Development and Confidence Building Social interaction is a key element of our program. We encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, helping students build essential life skills. By creating a sense of community, Yang Fan Academy fosters an environment where kids grow in confidence and form meaningful connections with their peers.
Why Parents Choose Yang Fan Academy’s Afterschool Care- When selecting an afterschool program, parents look for a safe, structured, and engaging environment. At Yang Fan Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a secure and welcoming space where children can learn, play, and grow under the supervision of dedicated, caring staff.
Dedicated Educators and Mentors Our team is made up of passionate educators with years of experience in child development. They are committed to creating a positive environment where every child feels valued and inspired to reach their full potential.
Flexible Scheduling to Suit Your Family We know that every family’s schedule is different. That’s why our afterschool program offers flexible options to fit your needs. Whether you need care five days a week or just a few afternoons, Yang Fan Academy can accommodate your schedule.
Safe and Supportive Environment Your child’s safety is our priority. With small group sizes, personalized attention, and a focus on well-being, you can trust that your child will thrive in a secure and nurturing space.
Proven Results Families in the community trust Yang Fan Academy for high-quality afterschool care. Our reputation is built on years of success, helping students grow both academically and personally.
Benefits of Afterschool Programs for Your Child- High-quality afterschool programs, like the one at Yang Fan Academy, offer numerous benefits for children. Research shows that they positively impact academic performance, emotional development, and social skills. Here’s what your child gains by participating:
Improved Academic Performance: Ongoing support helps students keep up with their schoolwork and reinforces classroom learning through engaging activities.
Increased Confidence: As children try new activities and develop new skills, their confidence grows, helping them approach challenges with a positive mindset.
Enhanced Social Skills: Through structured peer interactions, children improve in cooperation, communication, and conflict resolution.
Physical Health: Regular exercise in a fun, supportive environment encourages healthy habits and gives children a chance to burn off energy.
Enroll in Yang Fan Academy’s Afterschool Program Today- At Yang Fan Academy, we believe that every child deserves a space where they can grow and thrive after school. Our program combines academic support, creative activities, and social development, making it the ideal choice for parents who want the best for their children.
Don’t miss this opportunity to help your child flourish both in school and life. Contact Yang Fan Academy today to learn more and secure your spot in one of the best afterschool programs around. Let your child embark on a journey of learning and fun—long after the school day ends!
Name :Yang Fan Academy
Address :4160 Hacienda Dr STE 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588, United States
Contact :+1 925-268-7798
Website : https://yfacademy.org/
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kartikaykumawat96 · 1 month
Exploring Valorant Episode 9 Act 2: New Features, Strategies, and How Smurf Accounts Can Elevate Your Gameplay
 Valorant continues to evolve with each new episode, and Episode 9 Act 2 is no exception. Riot Games has introduced exciting updates, balance changes, and new content to keep the competitive shooter fresh and engaging. In this blog, we'll delve into the key features of Valorant Episode 9 Act 2, offer strategies to make the most of the new content, and discuss how smurf accounts can help you elevate your gameplay. For those interested in purchasing high-quality Valorant smurf accounts, we'll also introduce a reliable source, ValorantSmurfShop.com, where you can find top-tier accounts to enhance your experience.
What’s New in Valorant Episode 9 Act 2?
1. New Agent: Doma
Episode 9 Act 2 introduces Doma, a highly anticipated new agent who brings unique abilities to the battlefield. As a duelist, Doma excels at engaging enemies head-on and creating opportunities for his team. His abilities include:
Flame Dash: Allows Doma to quickly dash through flames, dealing damage to enemies and creating a fiery path.
Inferno Wall: Summons a wall of flames that blocks vision and damages enemies who pass through it.
Fireball: Launches a fireball that explodes on impact, dealing area-of-effect damage and applying a burning effect to enemies.
Blazing Strike: His ultimate ability unleashes a powerful flame strike that causes massive damage in a large area, ideal for clearing out enemy positions.
Doma's abilities provide both offensive and defensive capabilities, making him a versatile choice for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles.
2. Map Updates
Episode 9 Act 2 features updates to several existing maps, including:
Bind: The introduction of new teleportation points and changes to the layout of key areas provide fresh strategies for both attackers and defenders.
Haven: Adjustments to the layout of bomb sites and defensive positions offer new tactical options and require a rethinking of traditional strategies.
These map updates aim to keep gameplay dynamic and encourage players to adapt to new scenarios.
3. Balance Changes
Riot Games has implemented various balance changes to ensure fair and competitive gameplay. These changes include:
Weapon Adjustments: Modifications to weapon stats and recoil patterns to fine-tune balance and encourage diverse weapon use.
Agent Tweaks: Adjustments to existing agents’ abilities to maintain game balance and ensure that no single agent dominates the meta.
Staying updated on these balance changes is crucial for adapting your strategies and maintaining a competitive edge.
4. New Skins and Cosmetic Items
Episode 9 Act 2 also introduces a fresh batch of skins and cosmetic items. The new skin line includes vibrant and visually striking designs that enhance the aesthetic appeal of your weapons. Players can also enjoy new sprays, player cards, and weapon charms that allow for personalized customization.
Strategies for Episode 9 Act 2
1. Master the New Agent
With the introduction of Doma, it’s essential to understand his abilities and how to leverage them effectively. Here are some tips:
Flame Dash: Use this ability to surprise enemies and quickly reposition. It can also be used to escape tight situations.
Inferno Wall: Deploy this ability to block sightlines and disrupt enemy strategies. It’s particularly effective when used to cover choke points or during bomb plant/defuse situations.
Fireball: Use this to flush out enemies from cover or to deal damage during skirmishes. It’s also useful for controlling areas of the map.
Blazing Strike: Save this ultimate ability for critical moments, such as clearing out multiple enemies or turning the tide of a round.
2. Adapt to Map Changes
Each map update brings new opportunities and challenges. Here’s how to adapt:
Explore New Routes: Take time to explore the updated areas of the maps to identify new routes and sightlines.
Adjust Strategies: Modify your strategies to account for changes in map layout and positioning. Consider new ways to approach bomb sites and defend key areas.
3. Stay Informed on Balance Changes
Regularly check the patch notes and update information to stay informed about balance changes. Adjust your weapon choices and agent strategies based on the latest updates to maintain effectiveness in matches.
4. Customize Your Loadout
Take advantage of the new skins and cosmetic items to personalize your experience. While cosmetics don’t impact gameplay, they can enhance your enjoyment and provide a sense of accomplishment.
How Smurf Accounts Can Enhance Your Gameplay
For those looking to elevate their gameplay experience, smurf accounts can be a valuable tool. Smurf accounts are secondary accounts used to play at lower ranks, allowing players to practice new strategies, refine their skills, or enjoy the game from a different perspective. Here’s how smurf accounts can benefit you:
1. Practice and Improve
Playing on a smurf account allows you to experiment with different agents, weapons, and strategies without the pressure of affecting your main account’s rank. This can be particularly useful for mastering new agents or refining your skills.
2. Experience Different Playstyles
Smurfing enables you to experience gameplay at various skill levels. This can help you understand different strategies and approaches used by players at different ranks, enhancing your overall gameplay.
3. Enjoy the Game from a Fresh Perspective
Starting over on a smurf account can reinvigorate your interest in the game, offering a fresh experience and the chance to enjoy the game’s progression system all over again.
Finding Quality Smurf Accounts
If you’re interested in purchasing high-quality Valorant smurf accounts, ValorantSmurfShop.com is a reliable source. Here’s why you should consider them:
Wide Selection: ValorantSmurfShop.com offers a range of smurf accounts with different ranks and features, allowing you to choose one that fits your needs.
Trusted Provider: The site provides secure transactions and reliable customer support, ensuring a smooth purchase experience.
Enhanced Experience: Purchasing a smurf account can give you access to higher ranks and advanced features, helping you enjoy the game from a new perspective.
Valorant Episode 9 Act 2 brings exciting updates, including a new agent, map changes, balance adjustments, and fresh cosmetic items. By mastering the new content and adapting your strategies, you can stay ahead in the competitive scene. Additionally, utilizing valorant ranked accounts from trusted sources like ValorantSmurfShop.com can enhance your gameplay and provide a new perspective on the game.
Whether you’re looking to explore new strategies, refine your skills, or simply enjoy a fresh experience, Episode 9 Act 2 offers plenty of opportunities for Valorant players. Embrace the changes, stay informed, and most importantly, have fun on the battlefield!
Happy gaming and may your aim be sharp and your strategies flawless!
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nawapon17 · 4 months
Great Wall Motor to close European headquarters, report says - CnEVPost
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marketinsight1234 · 6 months
Projector Screen Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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Projector Screen Market Size Was Valued at USD 45.2 Billion in 2022, and is Projected to Reach USD 53.46 Billion by 2030, Growing at a CAGR of 2.12% From 2023-2030.
The projector screen market has witnessed significant growth in recent years due to the increasing adoption of projectors in various sectors such as education, corporate, entertainment, and home theaters. With advancements in technology, projector screens have evolved to offer enhanced features such as high-definition display, motorized operation, and compatibility with different projector types. Moreover, the rising demand for large-screen displays for presentations, gaming, and immersive viewing experiences has fueled the expansion of the projector screen market globally. Key players in the market are continually innovating to cater to the diverse requirements of consumers and to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
Leading players involved in the Projector Screen Market include:
Da-Lite Screen Company (US), Stewart Filmscreen(US), Draper Inc. (US), Elite Screens, Inc. (US), ACCO Brands Corp. (US), Elite Screens Inc (US), Pyle US Sound Around Inc (US), Screen Innovations (US), Severtson Screens (US), Silver Ticket Products (US 
If You Have Any Query Projector Screen Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Projector Screen Market:
By Screen Type
Portable Screens
Wall/Ceiling Mounted Screens
Fixed Frame Screens
Electric/Motorized Screens
By Material
Matte White
Ambient Light Rejecting (ALR)
Tab Tensioned Fabrics
By End- User
Media and Entertainment
Healthcare, Government and Defence
Commercial, Personal
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Projector Screen market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Projector Screen market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Projector Screen market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Projector Screen market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Projector Screen Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
Acquire This Reports: -
About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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Maharashtra, India - 411038 (+1) 773 382 1049 +91 - 81800 - 96367
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timdcook4 · 1 year
And you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience, among whom we all also formerly conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. But God, being rich in mercy because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Therefore, remember that formerly you—the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Uncircumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands— remember that you were at that time without Christ, alienated from the citizenship of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups one and broke down the dividing wall of the partition by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might create the two into one new man, making peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having in Himself put to death the enmity. And He came and preached the good news of peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:1‭-‬22 LSB
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mylavenu99 · 1 year
The Power of Vastu-10 Vastu Tips For a New Home.
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The Vastu chart offers guidelines for the placement of different elements within a building, such as rooms, doors, windows, and furniture, in order to maintain balance, well-being, and success. This custom has been followed for many years and is still relevant to modern interior and architectural design.
The four directions are the cardinal directions on a VastuChart.The point where the two directions converge is called the ordinal or intercardinal point, and examples include SE, NE, NW, and SW. These guidelines are very important in Vastu Shastra since they contain both.
Tell us why these eight directions are important.
South East
This direction is under the control of Agni, the ruler of fire. Fire is the source of health.
This direction is under the control of the lord Indra. He offers prosperity and all of life's pleasures.
Yama, the god of death, is pointing in this direction. It is the origin of both prosperity and pleasure.
Varun, the Lord of Rains, is in charge of this heading. He bestows blessings in the shape of rains, joy, and money.
South West:
This path is under the jurisdiction of the god Niruti, who protects us from evil. It is the source of personality, demeanour, fatalities, and lifespan.
Kuber, the god of wealth, is in charge of this movement. It provides prosperity and fortune.
North West
Lord Vayu is in charge of this direction. It is the source of varying hostility, commerce, and friendship.
North East:
Lord Eeshan is in charge of this direction. It is where riches comes from.
Vastu Chart for Home
By following the guidelines in a vaastu chart, a person's or a place's surroundings can be made more positive and less negative. More abundance will attract you the more positive you become. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that a home's Vastu chart can offer its inhabitants success and wealth.
You and your loved ones live in a house. Always make an effort to protect them from any negative vibes. Once you have a house Vastu chart, you can be sure that your family, you, and your home will be shielded from the dark energies of the universe.
Each room in your home has a designated region, according to the Vastu shastra. You can arrange the rooms in accordance with the Vastu chart's principles and guidelines.
The southwest corner of your home is where your main bedroom should always reside, according to Vastu principles. If a bedroom is meant for a married pair, it must face south-west.
A kitchen should never be placed in the north-east, middle of the north, middle of the west, southwest, centre of the south, or in the centre of the house, according to Vastu.
dining room
The dining room should face either East, North, or West. The dining area must be spacious, comfortable, and friendly. The family head must sit facing east, while the other members may face north, west, or east.
Pooja's Room
It is important to thoroughly research the vaastu for the pooja room. The northeast is the best location for your pooja room. The northern quarter's pooja room will have a positive impact.
living room
Vastu demands that the furnishings in a living room be square or rectangle-shaped. It belongs in the west corner of the living room.
East is the best direction to use the loo. Early morning sun exposure is beneficial to your health.
Study Room
Any study area must have a northeast or northerly facing wall. The child must also face either east or north when studying.
The primary entrance direction is important for energy flow and harmony inside a home or building, according to Vastu principles. According to Vastu, the following are the ideal major entrance directions:
North: Denotes prosperity, success, and opportunity.
East: A representation of optimism, new beginnings, and spiritual development
encourages spiritual well-being, enlightenment, and pleasant energy in the northeast.
House colours according to vaastu
Vaastu-compliant paint hues for houses
Colours for the property should be chosen with the harmony of the tenants in mind. The energy flow of the house will be influenced by the colours. Typically, choosing vibrant colours like yellow, white, and green is advised. The hues here are as
The Home: 10 Vastu Tips
1.Open windows to let in fresh air.
2. Discard damaged items:
3. Keep toilet seats and bathroom doors closed:
4. Use sea salt to clean:
5. Eliminate the mess:
6. Cover dustbins and trash cans:
7. Clocks must be operational and situated correctly:
8. Maintain a clear and tidy main entrance area:
9. Makeover your living space:
10. Fix dripping faucets:
Page URL:https://www.bigproperty.in/blog/the-power-of-vastu-10-vastu-tips-for-a-new-home/
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shinguansg · 1 year
Maximizing Efficiency with an Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist Crane, and Gantry Crane
Wire rope hoist A wire rope hoist is a type of lifting equipment that utilizes wire rope to lift and move heavy loads. Wire rope hoists are commonly used in various industries such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation due to their advanced lifting capabilities, ease of load handling, and repeated duty cycles.
They are available in a variety of designs and functionalities, including basic hoist units for integration into plant and machinery, as well as lifting units for hazardous environments and spark resistance. Some of the leading manufacturers of wire rope hoists include Demag Cranes and Components, ACCO Material Handling Solutions, Yale, Harrington Hoists, and McMaster-Carr.
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Overhead traveling crane
An overhead traveling crane, also known as a bridge crane or suspended crane, is a type of crane that is used to lift and move heavy loads horizontally. It consists of a bridge that spans the width of the work area and moves along rails mounted on a runway beam. The hoist and trolley are mounted on the bridge and move along the length of the bridge to lift and transport the load. Overhead traveling cranes are commonly used in manufacturing, construction, and transportation industries for heavy-duty material handling operations.
Hoist crane
A hoist crane, also known as a chain hoist, is a type of crane that is used to lift and move heavy loads vertically. It consists of a hoist unit that is mounted on a frame or stationary structure and a chain or wire rope that is used to lift and lower the load. Hoist cranes are commonly used in industries such as automotive, construction, and logistics for material handling operations that require lifting and lowering of heavy loads.
Gantry crane
A gantry crane is a type of crane that is used to lift and move heavy loads horizontally and vertically. It consists of a bridge that spans the work area and is supported by two or more legs that run on rails or wheels. The hoist and trolley are mounted on the bridge and move along the length of the bridge to lift and transport the load.
Gantry cranes are commonly used in shipyards, construction sites, and manufacturing plants for material handling operations that require lifting and transporting heavy loads over a wide area.
In summary, each type of crane has its unique features and applications. Overhead traveling cranes are suitable for heavy-duty material handling operations that require horizontal movement of heavy loads. Hoist cranes are ideal for lifting and lowering heavy loads vertically. Gantry cranes are versatile and can be used for both horizontal and vertical movement of heavy loads over a wide area.
Jib crane Singapore Jib cranes are a popular type of lifting equipment used in Singapore. Shin Guan Singapore offers wall-mounted and pillar jib cranes, which have a load capacity of up to 2,000 kg and a slewing motion that can reach up to 300 degrees with a pillar jib and 270 degrees with a wall-mounted jib.
The cranes have multiple designs for jib arms based on customer requirements. Shin Guan also provides slewing jib cranes that are efficient for spot-loading activities, such as assembling and repairing pumps, valves, and motors.
Shin Guan Cranes offers Jib cranes that provide lifting in a single workstation for compact and easy installation. These cranes can be used as a small capacity cranes for workstation lifting systems for maintenance, assembly, or QC type of operation.
Overhead crane
Overhead cranes are another commonly used type of lifting equipment in Singapore. These cranes are installed on the ceiling or roof of a building and are used to lift and move heavy loads in a horizontal direction.
Overhead cranes are commonly used in manufacturing plants, warehouses, and construction sites.
Shin Guan Singapore provides a range of overhead cranes, including single-girder, double-girder, and underslung cranes.
These cranes have a load capacity of up to 10,000 kg and can be customized to meet specific customer requirements. The company also offers automated cranes that can be programmed to perform repetitive tasks, which can improve productivity and reduce labor costs.
Another company that provides overhead cranes in Singapore is Street Crane. They offer a range of overhead cranes, including single-girder, double-girder, and underslung cranes.
The company also provides automated cranes that can be programmed to perform specific tasks, such as material handling and assembly line operations.
Several other companies in Singapore provide overhead cranes, including Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems, Mitsubishi Electric Asia, and Demag Cranes & Components. These companies offer a range of cranes with different specifications and features, allowing customers to choose the crane that best suits their specific needs.
Overall, overhead cranes are an important type of lifting equipment used in Singapore, and several reputable companies provide these cranes to customers.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The wall-mounted zig zag wall shelves can be perfectly fitted on the walls of your house as well as office. The mahogany colour by definition is actually reddish-brown colour which will give an ablaze look. It is not just a simple colour but when hung on the wall, it will give a sophisticated look and will make any background look vibrant and eye-catchy and will give a unique touch to the wall. You can display various items like antiques, artificial or real plants with small pots for decoration, toys, a bunch of CDs and DVDs, pen stand, comics & magazines, and many other things. Get pleased with this wall shelves instantly after it is bought to its destination as it is easy to assemble with the help of screws and can be hung to your wall with less efforts, you can find a sheet guiding about its installation with this. Your wall will change into a contemporary one. Modify your interior in an easy way and instead of having some different storing kit and some presentable decorative items, you can just indtall this shelf by Acco & Deco which performs dual functions and will also glorify your interior and simple dull walls according to your preferences. 【ELEGANT DECOR】 This floating corner shelf keeps your room organized and clutter free by turning your room corner into elegant and useful storage space, great for storing your Photos, Potted Succulents, Plants, Collectibles, etc. 【VERSATILE SHELVING UNIT】Holds up to 20 kgs, perfect for adding additional shelving place in Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom, Living room, Office or Dorm Room. 【STURDY AND EASY TO INSTALL】 The real wood shelves are thick and solid, comes with the instruction and all hardware are included in the package, it’s super easy to put up! 【Customer First】Any issue about the product, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be glad to assist you. [ad_2]
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callilouv · 2 years
bro acco ruined me w highschooler dottore, it cant/ its noT LEAVING MY MIND
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