#Raph gets close to this in ROTTMNT bc big boi but...
starsfic · 11 months
Random thought that led me to looking up the most dangerous turtle species
But...Draxum wanted soldiers.
Generally, the first sight of a turtle-human hybrid would be terrifying, not even adding ninja trained ones. But the turtles look soft and cute. Meanwhile, as I'm learning, there are some terrifying-looking turtles that can seriously injure humans. Not on purpose, usually these turtles bite humans on accident when going after different prey or if they feel like them or their territory is threatened, but look...
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If this? Crossed with a human? Came at me? I would run.
So now I'm rethinking the species I gave the boys.
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ghostlychaosfoil · 29 days
oc lore yap
warning its super long, this is mostly for me
So kirby and frida were mutated after the og boys were but they arent younger than them bc of their unmutanted turtles age. Kirby is a bit younger than raph (and hes not really build for big brothering) and I think frida is like aprils age. A year after Draxums lab was destroyed, he was in a semi stable living environment but was frankly bored. he managed to salvage some his mutagen notes from the ruins of his old lab. He used those notes and what he could still remeber to recreate a mutagen. He still had this obsession with creating mutants (sort of like how he was w his lil food mutant). He ended up making a stable and similar enough mutagen to his original design. He made about a bucketful. throughout this process, hugin and moonin are very skeptical and not super supportive of daxums spontaneous experiments. Draxum had stolen two different breeds of turtles from the local zoo to use for this experiment. one, a 3.5 year old yellow bellied slider(frida) and a 4 year old map turtle (kirby). He dropped those turtles into theat bucket of mutagen and to his (and hoogin and moonins) surprise it worked just fine. he now had two mutated turtle babies. Not soon after, his living conditions, which were bad already, got worse and he was unable to take care of his beloved children. He left the yellow bellied slider for big mama, who he knew always was looking for new warriors. Big mama did nit want the responsibility of two of them though. So draxum left the mao turtle somewhere else (idk where im still figuring that out hahdbd
At time the series takes place, he was encouraged by his caretaker to get a job (or repo is his caretaker?? im not 100%) so kirby gets a job working for repo mantis to do repo work. He definitely failed getting todds rv back before donnie and mikey attempted to. repo taught him to be tougher and how to be intimidating to better his repo skills. So it definitely plays into his personality later on.
movie period he was just living his life when the krang arrived. And he got krangified a little later in the krang invasion so he wasnt a krang zombie until about the point donnie was the spaceship. If he was krangified before the turtles were giving them trouble, he would have been utilized by the kraang like raph was. So in canon the main reason raph was with them and was different was because he was stronger than the other organisms on the earth. I dont think he really was thought of as anything else after they recovered the key. They didnt care about the turtles or anyone, they didn't truly believe they were a mayor threat until the space ship started going back into the prison dimension. Up until then their rebellion was amusement to the kraang. Ou im getting iff topic- Im saying I think the lraang would have brought all their strongest zombies to be close to them whether they be humans, animals, mutants, or yokai. Kirby, along with others would have been up there with raph if the kraang had more time. Kirby was kraangified abruptly and suddenly so he was in a state of shock and before he knew what had just happend, he was already kraangified. A bunch of kraang goo was launched at his face immediately blinding him and easily taking control of his body being that a bunch of kraang stuff already went in his eye.
in one of the qnas w ron corcillo, he said that he would to make a casey jr and casey focused spinoff series where they hunt KRAANG REMAINS. So its kind of canon that kraang did not fully disappear after the invasion. thats were I buikt off of. Kirby had so much kraang stuff in his body, that after the invasion, he was still kraangified just less strong. I would imagine his first encounter with the turtles would be with him being the hooded enemy. He would maybe be too strong the first time and get away. The turtles would obviously not be down witht this crazy kraang mutant running around so they would hunt him down. donnie would probably unkraagify him with techy tech that he probably composed, un hooding him in the process. Unkraangified he obviously does NOT trust these turtles. All he has seen of them was through the fuzzy krang memories of them trying to hurt him. That doesnt seem very trustworthy to him.
he doesnt go back to repo or whatever family he had after being unkraangified because he doesn't know where they are now, if they even survived the invasion, or if they even care about him anymore, given that he had been kraangified for so long after the invasion and nobody had come looking for him. The turtles come across him again (somewhere..?) where ever he is hiding out trying to get his strength back. He feels weaker than before but he is stronger than ever muscle wise (the kraang basically forcing hik to work out 24/7 for months) but mentally he is unwell. Its kind of a phantom pain kinda situation. Raph finds him o. one of his solo patrols (that he takes even though he doesn't love being alone for that long). Raph and him end up bonding over same trauma and shared interests.
-he roller blades😧😧
-his favorite color USED to be pink
-now he cant stand to look at pink
-regularly uses sarcasm but literally nobody can tell
-pretty good at manipulation if needed
-defaults to a tough guy persona but it really isnt suuper intimidating once he starts talking
-cannot read a clock
-really bad at crying, he wants too but it just doesnt work (his hypothesis was that the kraang stuff messed uo his tear glands but that was jot the case)
-overstimulated AF
-apologizing problem to people he respects
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torturedblue · 1 year
In honor of 5 years of ROTTMNT, I present: Things I would love to see in Rise season 3+ *inserts Fairly Odd Parents 'If I had one' meme*
Part one of a list of ideas the previous shows have done that I’d love to see their version of if we get any more seasons 🤞🏽 (Part 2)
The Pulverizer. Dude was hilarious in 2012 and to take it even further, the idea of Rise Donnie also having to be the one to deal with the guy honestly seems so funny. Hopefully their version would have a happier ending tho...
TigerClaw. Do I even need to explain? He's my favorite 2012 villain and honestly the coolest one and clearly the Rise guys would think so too with all their tiger quips lol. And it would be nice to have a really serious villain that’s also not Shredder/Kraang level dangerous but still more of a challenge for the turtles. Since Draxum joined the light side Big Mama’s really the only one left
Bebop and Rocksteady of course. 2012 and 2016 Bop & Rock are so funny I think they'd be even funnier in Rise considering it’s the funniest TMNT show
Spike. Rise Raph deserves a pet.
Usagi. Genuinely wondering how Rise would portray him—and with this Leo being so different than the 2003 and 2012 characters, if and how they might still become close friends. I’m now too much of a leosagi shipper fr, probably mainly because I just love their friendship in 2003, also I think bc he's always an adult in the 03 and 12 versions, plus they barley got to know each other in 12, so overall it’s just an idea that doesn’t really click with me. Not to mention l'm so damn asexual I think I just love to see such a good friendship satay that way. But considering how serious Usagi's character always is I'd like to see if they'd change that in Rise to match their style or keep him the same way. If he is more serious it’d be an interesting contrast to Rise Leo’s constant joking and silliness
A musical episode bc honestly come on they would've killed it. And they're all just too musical theatre to not indulge in it at least once. Especially the Broadway baby disaster twins
Dropping the "Rise of the" in the title since after the season 2 finale and movie they have officially… arisen. Since the whole point starting off was these turtles aren't as trained or shaped etc, now that they are it would be cool for them to officially become the TMNT again. Not to mention they finally said the name in the movie so it would really top it off
A cure for the ooze. Draxum presumably could make his own 'retromutagen' like in 2012 and it'd be interesting to see a plot where all these mutants around New York could actually get back to their normal lives if they wanted to. Especially since Draxum had his reformation arc he really should be undoing his mess lol.
A Raph and Donnie episode
A Raph and Mikey episode
Huh despite being leader and the oldest Raph really got the least amount of solo/duo episodes
How they met April bc we need the story around that. Gd we're just missing so much background context from the show getting cut short
How they found the lair. 2012's Lone Rat and Cubs was such an amazing episode and it was awesome seeing what it was like for them before finding a home. In 2003's first episode we also see them find their new permanent home, and having the same backstory for Rise Splinter and the boys could be so touching. Especially being on the run from Big Mama and Draxum. We caught that glimpse of him still in a Liu Jitsu costume as a rat and living in a box. I’d love to see between that point and whenever they moved in to their home. I also think it would be a good reminder of how much Splinter was really struggling both during childhood, while he was starring in those movie yet Sho was still trying to get him back into Hamato business, and then his time in captivity after
An explanation behind why Yoshi is called Splinter, we never got our explanation in Rise… or 2012 either now that I think about it. Even 2003's reason kind of felt like a stretch, even though it was a cute story behind Splinter's owner Yoshi losing his girlfriend. I can’t remember if Bayverse explained it and I haven’t seen the original show, but I think each version has had a different reason they give
Fungus Humongous. One of my favorite 2012 episodes that would be awesome translated to the Rise boys. We know Donnie's hallucinated fear could be beach balls and Mikey's would prob be the Gumbus or some kind of ghost. Raph's could be Mrs. Cuddles, although he did conquer that fear. I wonder what Leo's would be… I always found it interesting he didn't have any special fears like his bros. But there is something about Leo strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't have those irrational fears or gets scared easily, so seeing an episode where they could give him an advantage could be cool. Although, since this would be after the movie he could see Kraang, or him losing his family, and his insecurities with leadership would definitely be a realistic factor. It'd probably work well as another Halloween episode
Bishop; I think in the movie the fact that female Kraang stayed back was going to introduce him. I think a lot of people know him more famously from 2012 show ofc, but my favorite use of him was definitely 2003. Dude was unhinged and a whole ass machine and seeing the Rise boys face off against him would be so cool. Not to mention he gave us the 2003 Rat King episode, another one of my favorites
Spirit Quest type episode. They have such cool mystic powers and ninpo abilities and seeing them meditate and experimenting with them would be so cool. Not to mention the costumesssss I mean how bad ass would they look in some of the 2012 get ups
Turtles in space and the Triceratons. I've recently seen by other Rise fans that the triceratons might be been hinted to from a shot in the movie with a triceratops skull in the Kraang’s ship and apparently were being worked on by the creators. 2003 and 2012 each did these plots in different ways so I wonder if Rise would approach it as a season long thing or maybe just a fun arc. Either way these guys were made to go to space and seeing them freak out over actually getting to be like Jupiter Jim would be awesome. And again, getting to see their space outfits!
What kinda stuff do y’all wanna see from future seasons from rottmnt?
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yanteetle · 1 year
About that Ask I realized your opinion on Raph is kinda of true. I do however feel like most people don’t understand that 2012 Raph is actually very sweet sometimes. He’s like a burnt marshmallow but with with gooey sweetness on the inside. I don’t really think of him as a bad boy per se, but I do seem him being kind of like me which I also have a hard time getting my feelings out mainly because I too also grew up in a big family with siblings who I felt were getting all of the attention. I mean heck I had a older sister who acted just like Leo which annoyed the hell outta me. 😭✋
But I don’t blame my parents I do feel like they subconsciously put me to the side a lot since I was the middle child. Which is what I definitely see in 2012 Splinter, and Raph does point out to Leo of him being the favorite which is unfortunately true. People also say he is mean to mikey, yeah he’s tough on him but I feel he’s the most protective over him as well and people fail to see that and the many times he was genuinely caring and loving to him in front of everybody. I grew up with the 2003 and I would say he does kind of act like a bad boy but after watching 2012 Raph I knew I had a thing for burnt but squishy marshmallows, who have attitude. 😩💅
And I love Rise Raph so much I found him to be the biggest sweet heart, but if I had to choose I would choose 2012 Raph because he’s already stolen my heart and has got me hook line and sink! And that also goes for all the iteration of Raphael too!
-Anyway sorry for dumping this I had so much to share about this cause I thought it was a very interesting conversation you and @fried-milkfish were having! ❤️
As someone who loves burnt marshmallows, I can attest to your claims <33 Oh and the things you pointed about him and Mikey's Dynamic? YES. I know he's rough on Mikey but like cmon. They're family, and I personally think Raph being protective of Mikey when it counts really solidifies their bond together. They're close, but not in the conventional way one might expect, and I feel the Mikey-is-abused-by-his-brothers... either go too far with their hcs and accusations or simply hate their dynamic all together. It's mostly tough love, and although it's not as wholesome or sweet as Rottmnt, they ultimately still love and care for each other.
Oh, and the bit where you mentioned being overlooked bc of your big family? YES. I FEEL THAT SO MUCH AAA- as someone who's a glass child, this is all too familiar to me and I hope it gets better for you soon!
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rottmnt Minecraft hc because brainrot
Raph always makes the worlds. The others figure it’s some sort of “control freak big older brother” thing or w/ever
it’s actually because they play with keep inventory on bc they’re all prone to dying in really inconvenient places and losing all their stuff, leading to absolute misery. Mikey would forget if he made the world, and Donnie and Leo both have too much pride. So Raph does it, and they pretend it’s for him to keep their own pride
You’d probably think Mikey makes the best houses, considering what an artist he is. Maybe he would, but no one will ever know, because he spends his entire Minecraft experience in caves. “Mikey, please, it’s been three hours”
Yknow how the new caves literally just keep going further and deeper forever? Mikey just literally never leaves
it’ll be hours and the only reason you know he’s still playing is the occasional
tazzmarazz has made the achievement [Diamonds] or whatnot
that’s it
(razzmatazz was taken, so mikey improvised)
guy has literally never been to the nether
end who? who needs the end when there’s MORE DOWN
he has a pet axolotl in a bucket named LotlLove and he would die for him.
you could offer him a full set of netherite with any enchantments he wants if he just doesn’t jump down that ravine, and he wouldn’t even hear you because he’s already jumped down it
funnily enough, it’s for this reason that he’s the best at mgl water buckets
sometimes Donnie tries to beat him, leading to the following in chat:
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
Bootyyyshaker9000 fell from a high place
NeonLeon: lmao
Bootyyyshaker9000: SHUT UP
Donnie and Leo would probably beat the game in the first twenty minutes if they weren’t so focused on messing with each other
Donnie has had multiple mental breakdowns about redstone mechanics
he also hoards every block ever
sure, he’s probably never going to use six stacks of packed ice, but just in case!!
also if you touch any of his chests he Will Kill You
they’re all perfectly organized and he always knows where everything is
Leo, on the other hand, literally just throws all his crap into random chests
Donnie looks in there and nearly has a stroke because there’s 3 diamond, 16 sand, 10 gold nuggets, 5 buckets, another 29 sand in another slot, and a stack and a half of iron ingots all in the same chest
it’s a nightmare
Leo is forbidden to play without earbuds/headphones because every time he needs to get something from his chests it’s just a solid five minutes of
*chest open noise*
*chest close noise*
*chest open noise*
*chest close noise*
*chest open noise*
*chest open noise*
Sometimes he’ll just start randomly humming the Mission Impossible theme and that means he’s either collecting ten stacks of kelp or breaking into Donnie’s base to replace all his diamond blocks with light blue wool. No in between.
Minecraft is Ralph’s comfort game. He wears noise-cancelling headphones while he plays, so if you want to talk to him, you have to do it through game chat. He tries to help his brothers for like five minutes before realizing it’s a lost cause and going off by himself. he collects flowers, makes himself a house in a nice village, and just trades with them. He has a literal army of dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, and even a few parrots. He is truly living the best Minecraft experience. One time Leo went into Ralph’s village without realizing he had the raid effect, and started a raid in his village. The next thirty lines of the game screen chat was just Leo being spawn-killed by Raph repeatedly.
Splinter played once and he spent the entire time spinning in a ditch with his camera tilted to the sky.
April speed runs and actually beats the game, much to the awe of the other boys. She does have a bad habit of falling into the void, though.
they made Casey Jr (future Casey) play and he died in lava immediately and just decided to watch the others play instead. Having Casey choose to watch you is considered the highest honor.
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tangshcn · 5 years
I'D LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABT CARMEN'S SIBLINGS!! & what's her relationship w/ april, raph & mikey??? I just need more info abt this au pls..
Ok I'll answer this ask in two parts so here's the first, aka the deal w the other turtles in this au
Again, since this is "sainw but less a bit sucky"
Basic timeline:
Current rottmnt canon (2018)
Miscellaneous adventures where the turtles get allies (professor Honeycutt, the neutrinos, Casey, Leatherhead, Usagi, Traximus*) (2019-2023)
Trax'll be relevant later*
Dark armor gets completed and Shredder gains actual consciousness (2023)
Decade of foot takeover starts (2023-)
Foot clan takes Leo
Leo goes back to the lair to warn everyone
Capril happens
Splinter dies, Mikey loses his arm
Donnie gets his shell smashed, Raph loses his eye
Donnie transfers his consciousness to metalhead to transplant an artificial shell into his body w the help of P. Honeycutt
Raph steps down as leader
Leo takes leadership role
Donnie fiddles w ai's while recuperating
Honeycutt dies
April starts an underground resistance
Mikey adopts a cat bc god knows he needs the distraction
Leo briefly joins the foot as a mole, befriends Karai
Very brief Leo comma after his cover is blown :(
Capril marriage
Karai secretly sides w the resistance
Shadow Jones is born
Mikey wins the battle nexus, at some point
Resistance starts actually winning
The big fights to end the war happen, they win
The guys do a recon mission to make sure the foot is down for good (2033)
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The turtles get separated, Donnie makes it back almost at the planned time, Raph and Mikey show up together a day or two later after lying low, Leo is MIA
Two weeks later Leo shows up and the baby has a name and dad now
A couple of weeks after they get notice that Traximus (old ally and very close friend of Raph's) was killed in duty fighting his own war against the triceraton republic), Raph promised him once that if anything happened to him, them he would keep the fight until the end in his place. Raph leaves reluctantly to dimension x (2033)
Mikey starts dating Woody the pizza man, Angel takes over the purple dragons, April formally pursues a career in journalism, Donnie gets bored and starts a tech company, gets loaded (2034-2038)
The guys look into Big Mama's movements (she's started taking more and more humans into the nexus) (2039)
Mikey finds two kids huddled up in a cell, apparently sold by their parents as future nexus contestants in exchange of their own freedom (a human boy and a mutant baboon girl, both about 3-4) years old
Miles and Hana are adopted
Leo moves w his kiddos to Japan to look into the Hamato clan's history regarding keeping Shredder contained as well as rebuilding it, just in case (2040)
Karai asks Leo to look after her newborn while she takes the reins of what was left of the foot clan back, knowing very well that she has a target on her head, Nobuko gets adopted into the Hamato family, the foot becomes closer to a crime organization than a cult (2040)
Capril has an amicable divorce, remain great friends (2041)
Donnie realizes that the ai he created years ago is sentient and like 12 years old emotionally, nb icon Nagisa gets aknowledged as a Hamato (2041)
Raph comes back from dimension x, is very confused by the amount of nieces/nephews he has (2041)
Leo moves back to NYC as soon as things are stable enough back in Japan (2042)
Rasey and Sunapril happen (2042)
"Present day" for the au, everything is chill (2048)
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