#Rastro beloved
majorproblems77 · 6 months
For your consideration;
Sky is only sleepy, because he loves cuddles.
And he always had a cuddle buddy to sleep with.
So he goes to bed early and sleep in late.
I am considering...
And I love it
In fact....
I slipped... Whoops
"Is he sleeping again?" Warriors asked as he sat beside Time, fire crackling beside them. Night had fallen and the camp had long since quietened down as the group were preparing to rest for the night.
"I think so." The old man smiled as he remained as still as possible. The skyloftian had settled on his shoulder and was soundly sleeping.. The small wood carving in his hand limply hanging from his hand.
Warriors smiled gently while shaking his head. As he reached over to take the carving and the small carving knife from the Skyloftian's hands.
"You know. This is probably the latest I've seen him here. He's normally gone to bed by now."
"Well. He's been asleep on my shoulder for..." Time paused looking up at the Sky. "Two hours and twenty-seven minutes."
"Considering you're still in plate armour, thats pretty impressive. Let me get him off you and into his bedroll so you can get some rest."
"No.... No... Don... go..." Sky's voice sounded sleepy in protest. as his hands attempted to grab at Time. Finding The captain's scarf instead. "Dont... leave me." The man in question looked down at the man in his arms eyebrows raised and worry stitched into his forehead.
Time let out a groan as he stood tall. stretching his legs. Looking towards the skyloftian as he swung his arm around. Trying to regain feeling. "That. Sounds like a dream."
"It does." The captain paused. Looking down as the Skyloftian shifted below him. Sky wrapped his arms around the Captain's neck. As he nuzzled his head into the Scarf. "uhh... this is new?"
"Not new." A new voice as the Two men turned around. A flash of blue and black as Wild approached them. "Sky's a hugger." The champion smiled as he approached from the woods. The champion looked at Warriors. Then down to the side. "Let's just say that I'll take your watch tonight Captain." He looked back at the two men. "Sky won't let you go. So you might as well rest while he's giving you the opportunity."
"Nope." The champion pointed to the Skyloftian's bedroll. "You go there. If you try to leave him down now He'll wake up and won't sleep for the rest of the night."
"How do you know?"
"Experience. And its too far to ordonan from here to make it in a day if we leave at our normal time."
"Wild It's my watch I really should..."
"You can take partial watch from besides him, but he need's someone close by." Wild smiled, "And anyway, I'd hate to have to set the sailor on you for upsetting him. Or Twilight for making us late to his home which I might add he's been waiting to get to for weeks now."
The captain looked down at the skyloftian, and sighed. Walking over to the skyloftians Bedroll and placing him down on it, being mindful to not jostle him too much.
Time chuckled. As he also went over. Helping the captain settle the Skyloftian down. "I can stay with him if it makes you uncomfortable. I know you dont like being... Confined."
"If I can do it in the war, I can do it with Sky now." The captain leant his arm down, allowing the Skyloftian to curl around it.
Time chuckled again. "Alright. But let me know." The older man patted his shoulder and stood up. Walking away.
Warriors ended up remaining by Sky's side all night. Sleeping sat upright his arm grabbed by the younger man.
When the sun filtered through the trees the following morning. The captain awoke with a groan as he rolled his neck. He sat up and after hearing the rustling of fabric saw a blanket had been placed over him.
"Hey captain..." A soft voice from behind him made him turn around. The Skyloftian stood a few feet away from him. A mug in his hands.
Sky was fully dressed, he looked like He'd been up for a while. The sailcloth draped over his shoulders. finished his approach to the captain and handed him the mug.
Sky knew he drank coffee?
Silence fell between the pair as The captain took a few cautious sips. It was perfect.
"Thank you for last night... You didn't have to do that."
"It's no bother." The captain said gently as he stood. Rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms one at a time. So he could keep a hand on the mug.
"No really. I know you dont like being forced to remain still. You didn't have to do that." The skyloftian shifted nervously as he looked down.
"It's alright."
"It's just I've always got Mia or Zelda at home I'm never alone and since We've been on this quest it takes me so long to get to sleep when I'm alone cause it reminds me of my journey and how it...." Sky began to move his hands rapidly as he spoke rapidly.
"...reminds me of how I lost my best friend saving another i didn't feel alone cause Fi was always by my side and it made me feel safe and I do feel safe around you guys and all but I just..."
"Sky." He tried again.
Sky continued to ramble. His hands twitched nervously as he bunched the sailcloth between his fingers.
The skyloftian stopped, freezing in place.
"It's alright. We are brothers. You need to just ask."
"If you say you're sorry, I'll set Wind on you."
"I'm sorry..." Sky spoke so softly as he ripped his hands together. Thinking the Captain hadn't heard him.
The captain raised his eyebrows before raising a hand to his mouth. Sky's eyes widened as he shook his head. and waved his hands in front of him frantically. "You dont need to do that."
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lolabearwrites · 6 months
AWW THANK YOU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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fables-flicker · 10 months
Did Link just go face to face with Hylia after bitching about being the hero?
Awkward? Maybe?
Also yes Zelda, that does sound weird but right lol
Yes! It's Hylia....Lmao I didn't think about it that way XD
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mxgnusopus · 1 year
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disclaimer : oc basado en el juego GENSHIN IMPACT, los siguientes son hc pertinentes a su historia y/o desarrollo.
⭒ She sings the Aria of Sorrows, everyone in Fontaine knew her voice: the Opera's prodigy, our beloved Mademoiselle that make the gods cry with her magnificent symphony.
DUSEK, Marina. 18 y.o, ANEMO VISION, catalyst. The Aria of Sorrows.
Proveniente de Fontaine, Marina siempre demostró destreza innata en la ópera, superando el talento de su padre. La favorita de Lady Furina, aquella que adora escuchar en sus tiempos libres: los aplausos siempre resuenan con fervor cada que su acto acaba.
Cabello rubio, vestido azul marino, y una diadema adorna su cabeza. Su visión cuelga de su pecho, más no la porta como orgullo: es sólo un penoso recuerdo, el cómo la obtuvo no es más que la tragedia misma incrustada en su memoria.
Su madre desapareció, sin dejar rastro alguno: ella buscó, y buscó, su padre casi agota la fortuna de la familia por encontrarla, más: nada.
El día qué, finalmente, Lord Neuvillette pidió el cese de la búsqueda, Lord Dusek organizó un funeral con pesar. Tras la celebración, ella entonó una de tantas Arias favoritas de su madre.
Al finalizar: la visión se manifestó sobre el ataúd de la presunta fallecida, y ella, que sólo atisbó a Lady Furina por una respuesta, sólo recibió una mirada de confusión, para luego: nada, nuevamente.
Ahí, nació el Magnus Opus de Marina: Aria of Sorrows. La melodía de la tristeza.
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mysde-chan-18 · 3 years
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Aquí hay un nuevo personaje :D
ahora su historia:
Es hija de Lucifer,el primer demonio creado su hermana mayor era una chica bastante curiosa y aventurera se solía meter en muchos problemas de niña,cuando creció tuvo que enfrentarse a su gemela mayor para ver quien obtendría el puesto de reina de los demonios. Su hermana mayor ganó,Azazel perdió su ojo derecho en el combate aún así ella nunca le guardo rencor a su hermana por alguna razón,su hermana un día desapareció sin dejar rastro por ende Azazel tuvo que tomar el cargo de reina. Años después se enteró que su hermana mayor fue asesinada y que ella tenía una hija,su reacción no fue muy buena,sufrió mucho pues quería en exceso a su hermana,desde ese día no volvió a ser la misma en la actualidad sigue gobernando y es considerada alguien bastante bella e inteligente,sin embargo en lo más profundo de su corazón sigue extrañando demasiado a su querida hermana. Hiroko
Here's a new character :D
now her story:
She is the daughter of Lucifer, the first demon created her older sister was a very curious and adventurous girl, she used to get into many problems as a child, when she grew up she had to face her older twin to see who would get the position of queen of demons. Her older sister won, Azazel lost her right eye in combat yet she never held a grudge against her sister for some reason, her sister one day disappeared without a trace, therefore Azazel had to take over as queen. Years later she found out that her older sister was murdered and that she had a daughter, her reaction was not very good, she suffered a lot because she loved her sister excessively, since that day she has not been the same again today she continues to rule and is considered someone quite beautiful and intelligent, yet deep in her heart she still misses her beloved sister too much. Hiroko
Datos curiosos:
-Su diseño en otras variantes es exactamente el mismo,solo cambia un poco las paletas de colores
-Se lleva bastante bien con su sobrina Rachel Magne(hija de su hermana Hiroko)y quiere mucho a Sara que según Azazel es su nieta
-Ella no envejece al ser un demonio
-La suelo emparejar con Dust! Sans por qué...sí lol
Fun facts:
-Her design in other variants is exactly the same, just change the color palettes a little
-She gets along quite well with his niece Rachel Magne (daughter of his sister Hiroko) and loves Sara very much, who according to Azazel is his granddaughter
-She does not age by being a demon
-I usually pair her with Dust! Sans why ... yeah lol
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fleurdujardin · 5 years
A short tragic love story
She smells the fresh coffee. Soon she realizes that the light is on even though the sun comes through the window. The bread is still in the toaster and the butter waits patiently on the counter. She goes down the remaining steps with her bare feet and walks down the hall to the front door. The bicycle is not there, nor is his corduroy coat that he used almost every day during the winter. The pair of keys that belonged to him are still hanging on the wall. She takes one last look at the kitchen, hoping to find some sign among the shelves: a note, a clue, a trace. She puts her hands to her face and sobs, yanks open the door, and sells out. She broke the quarantine to search for her beloved.
Ella huele el café recién hecho. Se da cuenta de que la luz está encendida a pesar de que el sol entra por la ventana. El pan sigue en la tostadora y la mantequilla espera pacientemente en la barra. Baja los escalones restantes con sus pies descalzos y atraviesa el pasillo hasta la puerta de la entrada. No está la bicicleta, ni tampoco su abrigo de pana que usaba casi diario, durante el invierno. El par de llaves que le pertenece a él sigue colgado en la pared. Le da un último vistazo a la cocina esperando encontrar alguna señal entre los estantes: una nota, una pista, un rastro. Se lleva sus manos a la cara y lanza un sollozo. Acerca su mano a la perilla, abre la puerta de un tirón y sale a la calle. Rompió la cuarentena para buscar a su amado.
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noplanwithavan · 8 years
It was all getting a bit much a month ago, thoughts narrowed towards jacking it all in. Homeschooling was becoming a joyless chore for all concerned, I lit the touch paper on a spiralling communication saga by losing our one and only phone, and then, to top it all off, the camera packed up. But, in the words of the late great David Bowie, we’ve turned to face the strain, and I can now crow about the “ch..ch..cha..changes..”
We’re back in Spain, but are still basking in the warmth of the shadow Morocco cast over us. Under the glare of its hard-baked light, Europe looks somehow different now. The contrasts and privileges we enjoy more sharply illuminated. When we first began this trip it felt like a rugged, adventurous existence. I would get twitchy if water was running low, clothes were unwashed, or the preferred supermarket chain didn’t present itself. Now I can honestly say none of these things are remotely problematic. Because at a fundamental level stuff works, and the consumer will always be fed; choked full with choice.
Perhaps we can thank Dorris for our change in fortunes. After a lifetime of chasing the perfect storm, serendipity finally shone on Marcus. He checked a surf website and found a post advising surfers that the coast of Morocco was the best place in the Atlantic to ride the effects of Storm Dorris. Which is precisely where we’d landed - in the coastal village of Immsouane. There followed an excitable babble - phrases like “longest right hand point break” cropped up. Much of it was unintelligible, but the overall effect was clear to the girls and I. For once, Dad was ahead of the curve.
We spent the best part of a week, enjoying the camaraderie of the van community here and revelling in how laid back the town felt compared to much of Morocco. No-one hassled us, and the only enterprising ploy was a man in a high-vis vest who appeared each morning, ruffled the girls hair, and charged us 50p to camp by the beach. Until this point it had been uncharacteristically cold (-2 degrees overnight in the desert), but the sun was now out in force. We made a conscious decision to lay off on the schooling for a bit, resolving that we’d rather not do it all than face a daily battle. Marcus surfed each day, while the girls and I made the most of the warmth to eat out for breakfast and make picnics to take to the beach.
Continuing South we passed the Argan groves and Banana plantations around Agadir, threading our way through terraced valleys to the “Valley of the Vans” in Tafraoute. Looking back now I miss those days of driving in Morocco. With few fast roads, and even fewer motorways, the whole experience is an assault on the senses. Those ceaseless landscapes the girls have begun reflecting in their drawings. Symmetrical sand dunes and date palm trees with scaly hides. Outside the window it is vast and timeless; life pressing in upon you from every direction. Towns with dirt roads, and buildings that peter out, collapsing under the weight of exertion or the heat. Marcus recalls a quote from the film “Easy Rider”, a chant which he sings each time we stop. “Man is at the win-dow…man is at the win-dow.” For there is always a man at the window. Even if you are utterly remote and can’t possibly conceive how there could be.. there is. I take advantage of the fact that no-one wants to deal with me, craning past my shoulder in search of “the husband”. It’s a blessed relief after France, Spain and Portugal where I did all the talking. “He wants to speak to you,” I helpfully inform my beloved, stepping back in deference as the usual patter begins. He takes it well, but it can grate. Having pulled over at one point, he leans out the van door grappling to find the switch so we can charge the laptop. Lulu is firing questions from the back, Elsie needs a poo, and just then a man appears, on cue, asking Marcus if wants to buy some of his wares. “I’m sorry, but I’m just trying to sort out MY stuff,” I hear him say with an exasperated sigh. “I can’t sort YOU out too!”
The flip side of such attentive ingenuity becomes plain to see when we arrive in Tafraoute. Set in the bowl of a valley is a stunning prehistoric scene, speckled with motorhomes. It’s not quite the young, happening destination we had been led to expect - more a waiting ground for those escaping a European winter. In response to this steady drip feed of well-off pensioners, a whole local industry has sprung up. We pull in and every 5 minutes someone appears at the door offering a service. There is a bread man, a water man, a woman who will wash your clothes, another asking if we’ll come to her house for dinner, a recycling boy, even a spray paint man who will decorate your vehicle with a camel and a desert scene. It gives Marcus an idea and he gets the girls to set up a stall outside our van trying to sell back to the Moroccans. But despite their best efforts, and new found knowledge of bartering, Elsie and Lulu fail to shift any of the “precious crystals”, (aka worthless quartz) they have been hoarding. We strike lucky with a solar panel guy who does a side line in car batteries. Finally a chance to stock up on a spare leisure battery. After all there’s only so much of a lukewarm fridge one can take. For the first time in months the freezer compartment springs to life and we have ice in our G+T. Bliss!
We left Morocco two weeks ago, and in that time we’ve now travelled all the way north to Andorra. From the dry heat to the snowy slopes. We stopped off along the way to meet some friends of Marcus’s in Madrid. As a city break it was a real highlight. Even though the girls were clearly more impressed by Museo Reina Sofia’s glass-fronted lift than the Picasso painting “Guernica” we had so looked forward to showcasing. Parking for free in a carpark in Valdebernardo, just a few hundred metres from the underground, we would spill out of the van each morning and ride the metro into the city centre. It was a trip down memory lane for Marcus, and one we teased him about mercilessly. Seventeen years ago he had lived here for some months with his Spanish girlfriend Marta. The girls were fascinated to learn they would meet her, asking searing questions like, “Did you used to kiss her?” Elsie became so attached to the idea of impressing this former flame, she even insisted on packing and carrying a special bag for the occasion. “My Marta Bag,” she proudly declared, sifting through her Magpie treasures. It was lovely to meet both Marta, her boyfriend Juan, and another artist friend Sean Mackaoui. We were hosted and chaperoned, and it felt good to wander the city, the scruffy unpretentious Rastro market, the spit and sawdust bars where you can get a pick me up of Vermouth. But most of all it was uplifting to be among such welcoming people. You can be a very self-contained unit at times on the road, and such companionship was warmly welcomed.  
We swung out East for another “people-stop” soon after - via the hanging houses of Cuenca and on to Xátiva, near Valencia. It was a detour, but “The Osmans” are well worth it. Another family, in a similar position to us, whom we met at the start of our trip, they are now entering unchartered territory. Having ditched the campervan and bought a house. Most people might complain if you descended on them 3 days after moving in, but Laura, Jay, Dolly and Nancy aren’t the type to let that get in the way. I’m struck by how at ease we feel with them, having only met them a few times. It feels like a shared bond, and we’re so excited by this new life they are building. The girls get on famously, starting a swap shop of toys and clothes, while Marcus and I take comfort from their kind advice and support on the whole issue of homeschooling. They’re just a bit more animated than we are. And Jay does a great singalong on the Ukele to make learning more fun. We leave fired up and inspired, and in truth things have been going a lot better.
On the way to the Pyrenees we spent a few nights camping by the thermal crystal clear waters of Montanejos. Lying on your back watching the tear-stained gorge above, pine trees swaying in greeting. Wild swimming in 25 degree water does not come much better than this. And I’m struck by how happy we all are. It is not in those worthy, grand Spanish towns, but here in the wilderness that we find our rhythm. We laugh a lot, share jokes and feel united once again. And none of it, not the need to change a gas bottle, or get wifi, or even the fact that we now have 3 phones but none of them work, gets us down. Because I really think Morocco taught us something - to be happy with what we have, and what we are.
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majorproblems77 · 10 months
What is a blorbo?
(Yes, this is open ask to rant about your blorbo)
So a blorbo is something you just obsess over until everyone is like okay we understand and then you do it more cause you love them
Sky, is my blorbo
Rest below line to save feeds
I love him
He is wonderful in every way, sweet innocent skyloftian child. He is wonderful he is cosey he is eepy and he is just a mood honestly
Like if you dont like sky im sorry but you is lying (jk but)
Who wouldnt love the sleepy boy innocent sweet blorbo beloved
He's eepy, it is in the game, you sit on a stool he naps to regain health
so he nap He killed a literal god he naps again
He is so lovely and we dont deserve the innocent blorbo in the world, he deserves everything ever and I love him and I just yes.
He takes up a lot of my waking thoughts
You've no idea how much seeing this cheered me up, thanks :)
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majorproblems77 · 9 months
A thought occurred to me.
Sky is a knight. He trains every day. He slep a lot, but he trains every day.
And he went toe to toe with Demise, after slapping his sleepwalking bum down like three times.
My point of this. He a strong boi. Which tells me he’s as ripped and strong as Twilight?
Is Blorbo ripped under his clothes and the game just denied us seeing?
OOOHHH a good question, and While I do have a take on this I've gotta be careful how I word it to avoid spoilers. You got me researching things, (And mass comparisons cause I live in kilograms but I know my American friends don't. So I've got both! :D)
So, Here we go :D
Sky is strong, he's very strong, but he's not as ripped as say Twi. He's lived at high altitudes his whole life and trains on the daily, eats pumpkins on the regular alongside what I can only assume is actually quite a healthy lifestyle. But I wouldn't say he's on Twi's level. Twilight is by a long shot the strongest of the links.
He's not a ranch hand like Twilight or say Time. He's not lifting masses of weights on the daily. He's training with a sword that's actually pretty light in comparison.
I did research for this
So taking the master sword as a Longsword blade, from my rough research into the blade. And assuming that Sky always trained with a Longsword. (I don't know about the goddess blade, but I'm working on the master sword dimensions.)
An average longsword weighs approx 1.5kg, (3.3 pounds) - or about a bag and a half of sugar. Which would be heavy, to begin with, but if you lifted that same weight for years without changing it, it would become really easy to lift. Like how if you lift your work or school bag all year it's easy to lift after a while.
After a while it's second nature, it just becomes an extension of yourself.
Sound like anyone? Who can swing a sword like it's nothing??
Whereas in comparison, Twilight works as a wrangler. He wrangles goats. Goats are a little heavier than that. Lets say about (65 - 100kg (between 140 - 220 pounds). Using the midpoint at about 80kg, or 176 pounds. (Or in terms of bags of sugar, 65 - 100 bags) As i couldn't find any information about Ordonian goats but did find information about goats. LOTS OF GOATS
Goats are just heavier. By a bunch.
Man I rambled a tad there
Basically, No, Sky isn't ripped. He's just got one hell of an adrenaline rush. You could even say he was fuelled by spite and hate, the determination to save Zelda and destroy the guy that caused him all the pain in the first place and became superhuman for a while before what I can only assume is crashing so damn hard he slept for several weeks.
But thats all I can say, I don't want to give away spoilers. Spoilers are bad. We ain't here for that.
This was an interesting thing to look into this Friday night, thanks for the ask! :D
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Do you have any pets???
I do! I've got two very lovely cats. They are wonderful and I love them
Here have pictures! :D
Sorcha, my beloved girly
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And my big fluffy boy, Bennie
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majorproblems77 · 9 months
Has anyone asked you about your Truth and Trust WIP?
They have not!
Truth and trust is , at current, another curse reveal type of fic, but I've got a lot of kinks to work through first. I'm using it as a way to put more descriptions into my writing. And not lead through fully with conversations.
Here's a snippit.
Sky did enjoy this little family that Hylia had blessed him with. Even if the circumstances were less than ideal. The emotions he felt about this group were real. He cared about them and would do anything for them.  He sat a little off to the side of the group, the master sword was laid next to him on the ground, balancing on its holster as he periodically inspected the blade for damages, not that he would find any. The blade hummed with a small glow its chimes creating a melody in his head. This was how they communicated now. Words were never spoken, only the sweet tones of a harp filled his ears. This melody, he knew was meant to soothe him, send him to rest. Normally it was just because he was exhausted, not having the stamina of the other heroes took a toll on his body when they walked for hours across the era’s. But this felt different. Like it wanted to show him something. He felt his head dropping, the gentle strum of a harp ringing in his ears as he tipped over to the side.
I think im doing a pretty good job so far!
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majorproblems77 · 8 months
👾 💘 🐳
For the ask game!
👾 As of right now, OOT, MAinly cause i feel really lost while playing it most of the time. Maybe its just where I've not played very much of it or something but right now i just don't know where im going!
💘 GrooZeLink, they mean a lot to me. I love the three of them as a little group its very cute. But gotta mention Raviloli too, they are very cute!
🐳To be honest I'd be a hylian, (Not very exciting i know.) But i kinda enjoy the vibes they give.
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majorproblems77 · 9 months
8+1 sky and the chain?
Oooh yes!
So this is my take on the 5 + 1 thing i see all over, So its 8 times The chain takes care of Sky. And 1 time He cares for them.
I dont have many words on this one, it's mainly storyboarding but I do have chapter titles. So you may have those
There's potential for a chapter 0 of sorts which gives an overview maybe like a campfire story based after chapter 9 which then allowed me to lead back.
Altitude sickness (Twilight)
Nightmares (Legend)
Combat drills ( Warriors)
Pumpkin soup (Wild)
Love language (Time)
Little Secrets (Four)
Tired feet, Tired eyes (Wind)
Fairy magic (Hyrule)
Night watch (Sky)
The idea is fluff and whump all together, which i think would be fun, Its also going to be a way for me to explore all of the chain members a little closely, as i don't often write a few of them.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Game; you are the simp, specifically for Sky, your Blorbo. I love your passion for him, it makes me all warm and fuzzy.
Which is absolutely fair I am the same with my blorbo.
I love this omg
Yay for warm and fuzzies! That brings me joy :D
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
How are you doing? Life treating you well? Get enough sleep? Drink water? Eat today?
Hey Rastro!
Life's been an... adventure. But I'm okay. Finally free from a major assignment and have some time off uni now before I go back for the exam season.
Defo slept today. I've spent most of the afternoon alternating between TP and napping. As I've pulled a couple all nighters this week it was well needed I tell ya. Apart from the fact that I need to go to bed bed now and I ain't tired lmao
I've had food. I've had water. So im good on those fronts.
Wbu? How you been? Self care check for you too!
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
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