#Rationally I understand that my colleague is so self centered he cannot imagine someone being able to relate to /understand something
mona-liar · 2 years
Mmmh, actually i kind of regret giving in to the questioning of my colleague and coming out to him, he does not know how to deal with it normally :) yes I found your boyfriend drama annoying and you're clearly inable to distance yourself from anything involving yourself and/or your own feelings to at least attempt to view it from another person's perspective :) but honestly the fact that you basically refuse to speak to me about it now that you know I'm aro bc that surely means I'm completely unable to have sympathy for your situation is worse :)
#Rationally I understand that my colleague is so self centered he cannot imagine someone being able to relate to /understand something#Which they do not experience themselves - and therefore projects his own uselessness when it comes to helping anyone else#With their problems onto ME! kay I get it#And tbh I knew this before I gave in to his incessant questioning and so I should have known better#But I also told him I very specifically do not out myself to people bc I know it will affect their perception and relationship with me#Even if it has 0 relevance in relation to my behaviour and relationship with them#And they have no right to (potentially/unconsciously) judge my force and ability of judgement concerning literally everything#Bc of my sexual/romantic orientation and so I refuse to give them this opportunity#And yet he pulls this shit????#God I hate this and how his self centered ass treats our common colleague#Unfortunately I cannot rant to anyone irl about this bc for this I would have to out myself :)#Or potentially not. I'll have to see. Still. Fucker. It's not my fault and I should have known better but how the fuck dare he#push and push and push until I give in??? I'll have to believe he is just completely blind to these boundaries and discomfort#Bc if I begin to entertain the idea that he did it on purpose bc he feels himself entitled to this information I do not know#Whether I'll be able to remain professional with him for the next 2 months#Who am I kidding of course I will but I'll hate it the entire time :)))
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