#And tbh I knew this before I gave in to his incessant questioning and so I should have known better
astralaffairs · 4 years
put a ring on it 05 | philip hamilton
title: put a ring on it 05
pairing: philip hamilton x reader
words: 9.5k
warnings: another stupid cliffhanger, death mentions?, not much tbh
desc: You’ve never liked Philip Hamilton, and have always assumed the feeling has been mutual. But when you’re roped into pretending to be his girlfriend for a family reunion, you feel all your truths beginning to melt away, and find them instead taking form in his smile.
tags: @beepbeepstop @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens @exoticxchicken8 @assbuttstyles777 @superbarriobrothers @tf2germanvillain @ela-ena @abundant-stars @heytheredee-lilah @katierpblogg @thisshitfucks @celyndavies @quixoticallydelusional @sothisishappiness @ems-alexandra @yxseminx @sadhwstudent @aiifandomsunite @loonaynay @valleryhyde @lxncelot @checkurwindow @katierpblogg @alievans007@nyxie75 @ii-moonlight-ii @sothisishappiness @ems-alexandra @elegantbutedgy @maxi-ride @moose-on-the-l00se @itshaileyn @someinsanefangirl @theirishhufflepuff @golddiggs-x @drreamhugs @sillyteecup @notebookgirl30 @marvelouslyemily @checkurwindow @kmsmedine - lmk if u wanna b added
"Patsy, you've gotta help me. I'm freaking out."
You were slumped on the floor of the Hamiltons' bathroom by then, praying that no one would come and knock, ask to use it. To your relief, when you called, Patsy picked up the phone without hesitation - she'd been on alert, waiting for your SOS all weekend. However, the emergency call you were making didn't quite match the one she was expecting.
"Oh, god; what'd he do?" your roommate groaned from the other end of the line. "Am I gonna need to kick his ass the minute you two get back to town?"
"Shockingly, no," you mumbled, letting out a soft huff as your absent gaze fell to the green wall before you. "I... have a much different problem."
"What, did you fuck one of his cousins? Did the woman who offered to be your sugar mama a while back end up being his aunt?" Despite your state of panic, her words made you smile as you rolled your eyes. "Wait, holy shit, did you fuck him?"
You grimaced at her final question. While it didn't hit the mark, it was far too close to it for your comfort. "No, I absolutely did not."
"So what's the issue, then?"
"I... oh, god, you're definitely gonna make fun of me for this," you sighed, and Patsy didn't respond, instead waiting for you to continue. When you did, your voice was small, shaky. "I think I like him, Patsy. I really think I like him."
There was a skip.
"I'm sorry, is this some kind of a prank?"
"Patsy," you groaned, your head falling back against the bathroom wall, and she was quick to backtrack.
"No, no, I'm happy for you; don't get me wrong," she said quickly, pausing before she added, "I'm just surprised. What happened?"
"I don't even know. I just... he's really not the person I thought he was. So much of what I thought I knew about him was off base," you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. "How was I supposed to know he was secretly all caring and thoughtful? And he's so good with kids; god, it's adorable. Too much has changed this weekend; my head is spinning. I don't know what to do about it."
"Well, keep in mind that there's a reason he asked you to come home with him," she said matter-of-factly, and you furrowed your brow.
"What d'you mean?"
"Y/N," she sighed, "You two weren't friends. There was no world in which you would've agreed to be his cover story, but he still told his family he was dating you. You really don't think that was a little bit intentional?"
You scoffed. "Are you implying that he was projecting?"
"If the shoe fits."
"Patsy, it wasn't pointed; it was just convenient," you argued, pulling your knees into your chest, tucking the phone between your shoulder and your ear. "I'm his coworker. There are pictures of me and him together at work. I live far enough from the Hamiltons that it was easy to excuse the fact that I'd never met them."
"You're not his only coworker," Patsy replied, and you rolled your eyes at how certain she sounded.
"So who's to say I wasn't chosen at random?"
"Me. You spent years openly resenting him. You would've been the least convenient person in your office for him to pick," she pointed out, and you pursed your lips, playing absentmindedly with the edge of the shag carpet on the bathroom floor.
"I'm also the least insufferable," you replied. "Not to be anti-woman, or anything, but I don't have a single female coworker who I could spend a weekend with without going insane."
"Okay, so you can agree that he doesn't find you insufferable."
"That's a low, low bar."
"But don't you find it even a little bit weird?" You bit your lip at her words, and your brow was furrowed but your gaze empty. "Why would he need a fake girlfriend to begin with?"
That, however, made you wince. Even just hours before, you may not have known how to answer, but- "Actually, I have a hunch about that."
"Unfortunately." You resented the sound of your own voice shaking as you remembered the scene you'd just fled, and apparently, any respite the phone call provided from the sinking feeling in your stomach was long gone. "His ex is here. She's crazy pretty, and she's totally sweet, and she's obviously still into him. She's even my dream girl. I think he asked me here to make her jealous."
There was a pause on her end of the line; all you received was static as she let out a sigh. "See, I don't buy that."
"Why not? It'd make perfect sense," you said irately. "He seemed to really want me to meet her, and, God, you shoud've seen how excited he looked to see her."
"If she's a family friend, you shouldn't be surprised that they're still on good terms. Haven't you ever stayed friends with any of your exes?"
"Not like that." You swallowed hard; Patsy couldn't see it, but your eyes were sullen, downcast as you recalled the interaction. Jesus, you'd been so stupid to get attached to him; it hadn't even been three days. You really, really should've seen something like this coming. You'd long known Philip to be self-interested, why should this be any different?
But he'd had no one to perform for when he'd spent the whole afternoon with you coddling his niece and nephew. He couldn't prove anything to anyone by the fact that you'd woken up in his arms two mornings in a row. He had nowhere to invoke how protective he'd been as his family dragged you this way and that, interrogating you all the while.
You realized you'd let your call go silent for several moments too long. "I dunno. It's just too complicated. I don't know what to think of any of it."
When she sighed, you recoiled at the loud rush of static that came from your phone. "I know you're not gonna like hearing this, but you need to talk to him."
"How the hell am I supposed to talk to him about this?"
"Be upfront. I'm serious, Y/N; your reservations about what you're feeling are all just you self-sabotaging, and you well know it." Though she wasn't wrong, her words left you on edge - if you were upfront with him, you hadn't a single clue how he'd react. "I know you haven't let yourself fall for anyone since John, but-"
"Please don't bring him into this," you said, the words weary. Patsy had known you for years; she could hear the grief building in the back of your throat before you could swallow it. She paused before speaking, and when she did, her voice was much softer.
"Sorry. I really didn't mean to, but..." You braced yourself for her to continue, your jaw tight. "It's the truth. It's been years. Don't you think it's time for you to stop holding yourself back from living?"
Your sigh was heavy; you would've even chalked it up as being born somewhat of your dramatics if not for the despair you couldn't stop from building in your voice when you responded. "Maybe it is. But I'm not ready to get hurt." The words were almost a whisper, as tearful as any cry. "I... I didn't even like Philip until two days ago; who's to say this won't just pass in another two?"
"I can't make that call for you, love," she replied, tone sympathetic. "But, please, don't self-sabotage out of fear. You deserve so much better than that."
"But I am afraid," you said, and you drew in a shaky breath. "How could I not be?"
"You've been working past all your fears for years, now. Years. It's time to stop being afraid."
"I..." you started, but you trailed off, knowing that putting up a fight wouldn't get you anywhere from there. "Thanks, Patsy. I think that, for now, I just need to clear my head. I don't want to do anything I'll regret."
"Okay. Let me know if you need anything else. Love you, Y/N."
At that, you gave a watery smile. "Love you, too."
You didn't move from your spot on the floor until the incessant drone of the dial tone into your ear became unbearable.
It was only minutes later that, after you'd exited the bathroom, flushed the toilet and washed your hands for good measure despite not having used it, ran almost directly back into Philip. He was in the dining room, chatting with Maria when you found him - or, really, when he found you.
You were hesitant to approach the pair, but when Philip noticed you, you could see him cut himself off mid-sentence, muttering something more to her before he made his way across the room to you.
"Hey, Hamilton." You offered him a weak smile, and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Since when are we back to 'Hamilton,' hm?"
"Sorry. Just what I'm used to," you mumbled, and he raised an eyebrow.
You shrugged. "Old habits die hard, I guess."
"Alright, princess." He shook his head lightly, amusement written into his smile. "Where have you been? When I came in to find you, you weren't around."
Again, you shrugged. You were on edge, suddenly seeming to be at a complete loss for words. "I just ran to the bathroom. I'm back now," you said lamely, and he grinned.
"I can see that. You wanna come with me to get something to eat?"
You took a deep breath, trying your best to settle your fresh batch of nerves, and you nodded. "Yeah."
"Alright, let's go." He tipped his head toward the kitchen, and when you started in his direction, he reached over, looped an arm around your waist as he began to walk with you, but the sudden contact made your skin jump. You tensed in his hold, and he glanced over to you with a furrowed brow, concern written deep in his expression. "You okay?"
You exhaled shakily. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm just fine."
He pursed his lips. "You're sure?"
"Of course. Don't worry about it."
"Okay." He didn't seem convinced, though, as he looked her over once more. "Can we talk later? In private?"
You could feel your heart rate begin to pick up with the hesitance in his voice; your mouth was suddenly too dry to speak. You managed a tight smile and nodded; his expression didn't change. "So, dinner?"
The next hour was tense. You couldn't avoid Philip's skeptical, sidelong glances; you couldn't avoid how you shrunk away every time he came just inches too close for comfort.
The past few days had become comfortable, a difference you couldn't help but find pleasant, but it was a change so gradual you almost hadn't noticed — that is, until it came rushing toward you all at once. You were constantly on edge, and his concern only seemed to grow. You tried to relax, but your nerves wouldn't let you, not as you questioned every fleeting touch, every lopsided smile.
Within an hour, nearly all of the family had been herded back outside, something you didn't mind in the least — the overcrowded lawn gave you an easy excuse to ignore Philip, focusing your energy on his little cousins and siblings. (You and Eliza Jr. had established quite the rapport; she'd provided the imaginary tea and cookies and was now filling you in on all the real tea in her brunch circle, including the failed marriage between her Barbie and her stuffed crocodile. It'd been toxic for both of them, or so you were told.)
As hard as you tried to forget the unfortunate epiphany that afternoon had brought you to, it remained perpetually at the surface of your mind, coloring every one of your interactions with Philip. His concern appeared to be unavoidable, too.
"Hey, princess."
You jumped at the feeling of Philip's hand coming to rest on your shoulder, tearing you from your scintillating conversation with your new four-year-old (tea) drinking buddy. You glanced back at him with wide eyes, a hand on your chest as though to still the rapid thumping of your heart, and he stood there with an eyebrow raised.
"Jesus. You can't just scare me like that," you said, seemingly winded, and he only laughed.
"My sincerest apologies."
"Oh, I'm sure."
He swung a folding chair out from the table behind you, turning it so he could sit beside you, facing his little sister with a grin. "So, what have you and Y/N been talking about? Have you been spilling all the family secrets while I wasn't around to hear?"
She let out a huff, seemingly put-off by his appearing. "No, we've been talking about my drama."
You couldn't help but grin when she folded her arms, wearing a stubborn frown, and Philip turned to you with a brow raised. "And what drama might that be?"
"I've been persuaded to act as a divorce lawyer for a crocodile and a Barbie."
"Oh, really?"
You nodded your frank confirmation. "I'm responsible for dividing up the assets."
That coaxed a chuckle from him as he glanced to Eliza. "Seems like a big job. Why wasn't I offered the position?"
"'Cause you aren't as nice as Y/N," she said matter-of-factly, and your eyebrows shot up. "You can't be mean to them while they're going through a divorce."
"You heard her," you said, casting Philip a look of faux contempt. "You have to be gentle with their feelings."
"And I'm not good enough at that?" He raised an eyebrow, and although his smile was still light, your conversation still surface-level, the broader circumstances left a heavy undertone in his words that put you on edge. You forced a smile.
"I wouldn't know."
"No, he isn't good enough at it, Y/N," Eliza Jr. insisted, yanking you abruptly from beginning to overanalyze his words. "You can leave us alone, Pip. We've got it handled."
"You're just gonna send me away?" he asked incredulously. She shrugged, and he turned to you. "C'mon, back me up, here."
"Actually, you should stay," you agreed, but at the tension in your tone, he furrowed his brow. "I'm going to go inside for a little; I need something to drink." You turned to Eliza Jr. with a smile. "Is it alright if Philip holds down the fort for a while with the divorce? I give him my full endorsement."
She huffed, folding her arms. "Okay. But don't stay away too long; my Barbie needs you."
"Thanks, Eliza. He promises he won't let you down; don't you, Pip?"
Although you offered him a light smile, the skepticism in his gaze didn't dissipate. "Yeah, of course," he ultimately said, turning back to his sister. "So, fill me in. What tore their marriage apart?"
You couldn't help your soft smile at how serious he looked as Eliza handed him the plush crocodile, but when he shifted in his seat, you flinched, figured he was about to turn to see you standing there stating at him. When he didn't, you took a deep breath and continued back toward the house. You were struggling to keep your bearings. Keep it together, Y/N.
Unfortunately, you'd spent the weekend so focused on Philip (too focused on Philip) that you hadn't bothered to give the layout of the house a second glance. The minute you stepped inside, you were essentially wandering.
You greeted Philip's family (and non-family) members in passing on your way, struggling to connect names to faces and forgetting whether the man who asked where to find Philip was John Laurens or John Church. They asked you if you needed help finding something, but no, you assured them you were just making a run inside to retrieve something from your suitcase.
That was how you found yourself in a secluded little library off at the far end of the first floor. You sank into the cool leather couch with a sigh, glad to be able to finally catch your breath — you could still see the reunion just outside the window, though, and the thoughts that'd had your head spinning all day didn't care to subside.
You only realized you were looking for him after you found him, still seated with Eliza Jr., but it seemed Eliza Sr. had found a role in the divorce proceedings, and you laughed quietly to yourself.
"Enjoying yourself?"
You jumped at the gentle voice that came from the doorway off to your left. You'd thought you were alone, but when you turned, you found a woman walking in to join you who couldn't have been more than 45.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you said quickly, standing up with wide eyes. "I didn't mean to intrude; I just—"
"No, none of that," —she waved off your apology, the wine in her tall glass sloshing about— "Eliza and Alex don't care where you go in their house. Their kids are seven too many for them to give a damn what happens to their property. You could trash the place, and they'd blame William."
You weren't quite sure whether you should stay, though. You froze in the process of standing up, eyeing the woman warily. She laughed. "What I mean is, relax. Geez."
Her easy nonchalance was putting you more at ease, and when you sat back down, she joined you on the other side of the couch. A moment passed, and you were about to fill the silence, but she beat you to it.
"So, I don't recognize you, which must mean you're the girl Philip tricked into coming home with him for a weekend," she said matter-of-factly, taking a sip of her wine.
"I..." you started, trailing off as you processed her words, and when she raised her eyebrows, you said, "yeah, I guess that'd be me. I'm Y/N."
"Oh, I know who you are. Think I've seen you in a few photos, but after the first five niece-in-laws, they all started to look the same," she sighed, clearly expecting you to commiserate with her. You were still stuck on trying to figure her out before you said anything you shouldn't.
She bumped her elbow into yours. "Don't look so scared. I'm not saying I'm expecting you two to get married anytime soon," she assured you. "Philip's never been great with commitment, either. You're the only long-term relationship he's had since high school, y'know."
So her quip about Philip 'tricking you into coming home with him' really was just a joke. The tension in your shoulders eased.
"I mean, we're taking things slow. One day at a time," you said, plastering on a smile. You hesitated. "But I'm sorry, have we met?"
She laughed, took another sip of her drink, and as she shook her head, you weren't sure what to make of how entertaining she was finding your question.
"No, no, not yet," she said. "I'm Philip's Aunt Peggy, Eliza's sister. Probably should've covered that before ambushing you in the library, huh?"
"That's alright." Your smile was candid, then. "It's really nice to meet you; Philip's told me quite a bit about you."
She cocked a dubious eyebrow. "Should I be worried?"
"Not at all." She was still eyeing you skeptically as she swirled her wine glass. "He's told me all your travel stories — I hear you're the fun aunt. Can you confirm?"
She shrugged it off, but her smile was wide. "Ah, he's just saying that because I sent the Hamiltons desserts in bulk when I was abroad. I'm just funding his materialism."
"To be fair, if any of my aunts sent me that much candy, they'd be my favorites, too," you reasoned.
"Aw, I'm his favorite?"
"Don't tell the others."
She snickered. "No promises."
"Well, if you do, don't rat me out," you warned, but your smile was amused. "You didn't hear it here."
"Alright, alright, I'll give you a pass," she sighed, "but only 'cause you're my favorite of the girls he's dated. You didn't hear that here, either."
"Don't make that call just yet," you said skeptically. "You hardly know me."
"No, but I've heard about you," she said. "I can tell you're better for Philip than any of his exes were. Just take me at my word."
"Seriously?" She nodded, and you eyed her dubiously. "What about Henriette? As far as your family's concerned, she can do no wrong."
The sidelong glance Peggy gave you was amused, but you shifted in your seat as she took a sip of her wine. "You don't need to worry about Henriette." Your eyebrows shot up. "I mean, don't get me wrong, she's a sweet girl."
The thought didn't seem quite complete, though, and you waited for her to continue. "...but?"
"But, well... at the end of the day, she was bad for him, and that was that," Peggy said frankly. "I mean, he broke up with her for a reason."
"He broke up with her?" The disbelief was clear in your voice, but Peggy didn't pay it any mind. She just nodded.
"Philip was head over heels for that girl, once upon a time." She turned to you, and your unease must've been written more clearly across your face than you thought. She gave you a comforting smile, rested a hand on your knee. "Don't look so worried, please," she reiterated. "Their relationship was unhealthy. Philip gave her the world, but she always wanted more. It took a toll on him."
"And what makes you think I'm any better?" you asked skeptically.
"Because he doesn't think you're perfect."
You furrowed your brow. "What?"
"I promise, that's a good thing," she assured you, but you weren't so confident in her words. She looked entertained at how taken aback you clearly were. In what world was that 'good'? "The reason none of his other relationships lasted was because he saw the women with rose-colored glasses. And I don't blame him; it happens."
"So, he's thought everyone else he dated was perfect?"
She nodded sagely. "He realizes that there are drawbacks to your relationship, love. There are drawbacks to any relationship, of course."
"Well, yeah."
"But he can actually see them, with you. And he still wants you. Don't discount that." She sounded wholly confident in her argument, but you only pursed your lips.
After a moment, she added, "He has a bad record of putting girls on pedestals. But I think he sees you for what you are."
"Someone with a lot of drawbacks?" Your gaze was still disbelieving as you eyed her, but she laughed.
"Well, I suppose." She turned to you. "But someone that's still worth it."
"Oh. Well, that's good, I guess." Your voice was soft, and Peggy squeezed your shoulder affectionately.
"It's rare, too. He's lucky to have found you." You pursed your lips. "So he'd better treat you right, or I'll set him straight. Just call up old Aunt Peggy; I've got your back."
The severity in her tone made you laugh, and she cracked a smile at your reaction. "I'll keep it in mind," you quipped. She nodded approvingly, and your smile was soft as she drained the remainder of her wine from her glass. "Thanks, Peggy."
"My pleasure."
Your eyes had wandered back to the window as you spoke, finding Philip easily as he crossed the yard with Georges and his wife, Emilie. They were talking enthusiastically; what they were saying was beyond you, but he laughed as Georges gave him a playful shove, and Emilie rolled her eyes at whatever he said next.
You didn't quite realize how soft your gaze was as you watched him, but Peggy did.
Moments later, when Philip happened to glance in your direction, he looked surprised to see you sitting there, but he grinned when he met your eyes. He gave you a short, timid wave, and you nodded back in greeting, the corners of your lips upturned. However, the interaction just drew Georges's attention to where you'd hidden yourself away, and when he saw you, his greeting was far more dramatic, waving, gesturing for you to come back out, apparently shouting something at you from outside (without a care in the world about the fact that you couldn't hear him). You couldn't help but laugh outright, returning his wave, and Georges turned to Philip. Whatever he said when he nudged him just made Philip shake his head, apparently exasperated.
"Do you love him?"
"What?" You turned with a start; Peggy's voice snapped you out of your reverie, and you felt like a deer caught in headlights. "Oh, I, um– Well–" You cut yourself off as she raised a concerned eyebrow, and you blinked hard, forced a smile as you gathered your bearings. "I mean... yeah. Of course."
You swallowed hard; how nervous you were was clearly apparent, and Peggy rested a hand on your arm, wearing an apologetic smile. "Oh, lord, I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that," she said. "I just assumed, y'know, after two years together, you two would've said that by now." When you pursed your lips, she was quick to backtrack. "And not that you should've! It's perfectly alright that you haven't."
"No, no, I mean, we have, I just..." you trailed off, unsure exactly how to justify your reaction. Peggy's dark brow knit.
"Then what's got you so nervous to confirm it? You two aren't having problems, are you?"
"No," was all you said, but there wasn't much conviction in your tone. When you met Peggy's gaze, you were relieved to see that the look in her eye wasn't of skepticism but was instead of concern.
"That answer sounded like it came with stipulations, love."
"No, it didn't," you assured her, but she raised an eyebrow. A beat passed. You swallowed hard. "It's just... how do you know if you love someone?"
Peggy tilted her head to one side. "Have you never been in love before?"
"I mean, I have," you acquiesced, and when you didn't go on, she filled the silence.
"So don't you know what it feels like when you're in love, then?"
"It's just... been a while." Your gaze drifted down to the printed rug before the couch, focus suddenly on how the toes of your shoes sank into the plush fabric. Peggy rested a hand on your shoulder.
"Is everything alright?"
You swallowed hard, gave her a reassuring smile. "Yeah. Yeah, it is, really."
"You can talk to me, y'know. I won't go spilling your business to the family."
"Of course."
"Well," you started, turning away from Peggy, gaze unfocused, "I don't know how I feel about Philip, honestly."
"You're sure there's no issue between you two?"
"It's nothing he's done," you said softly, and after you swallowed hard, you finally admitted, "but... I'm a widow. I haven't been with anyone else since my late husband, and it's been years, now."
"You're a widow?" she repeated, and you nodded.
"We married young. But since he passed, I..." You shrugged, feeling tears welling in the corners of your eyes. As you wiped them away, you offered her a weak smile in an effort to ease how silly you were feeling. "I mean, that was my last serious relationship. It's been hard to figure out how to proceed from there."
"I'm so sorry," Peggy said softly, and the concerned look she wore was genuine. "Come here."
She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side where you sat, and you gave her a grateful smile. "You're sweet, but I'm fine, honestly. It's been so long. But it might've left me with just a little fear of attachment."
"You poor thing; I can't imagine," she said, rubbing your upper back comfortingly. "But it's alright that you feel like this; you shouldn't feel guilty about being slower to open up."
"I didn't say I felt guilty."
"Do you?"
A long moment passed in silence, and eventually, you said softly, "...I mean, honestly? Yeah. It sucks to not be able to figure out what it is I'm feeling. I… I can’t help but think Philip deserves better."
"We've all been there at one time or another. Don't beat yourself up."
"How did you know you loved your husband?" you asked, and she pursed her lips, thought on it for a moment.
"Well, I'm certainly no relationship expert, so take this with a grain of salt," she said, "but I've told quite a number of people I loved them in all my life, and it took me quite a few failed romances to figure out which ones were real."
"Then how did you decide what love actually was?" you asked hesitantly, and Peggy's gaze was absent, faraway, but her smile was tender.
"I realized I was in love when being with them meant more to me than my freedom," she said. "That's why they never lasted. I spent my twenties traveling the world, jumping from job to job and partner to partner."
"'Partner to partner'?" you interjected, an eyebrow raised.
She shrugged. "Partner, significant other, whatever you kids are calling it these days."
"We say boyfriend, usually."
She gave you an amused smile with that, though, turning to again meet your gaze. "Oh, no, you misunderstand me," she replied frankly. "They were rarely men."
"Oh!" Your eyebrows shot up. "Oh, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to assume—"
"That's just fine. No need to apologize." She shrugged, but she looked entertained at how panicked you were, immediately trying to backtrack. "But anyway, I was only willing to settle down with my husband when keeping my lifestyle would've meant losing him."
Your smile was soft. "That's sweet."
"Oh, is it?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "Well, good. I half expected you to think I was talking nonsense."
Her candid surprise made you laugh. "No, I appreciate it. It's been nice to have someone to talk to about all this."
"I'm glad." She nudged your arm lightly, wearing a small smile. "And I know you'll be fine. Take as much time as you need to figure it out; I have a feeling Philip will be there waiting for you in the end."
You didn't go back outside after that.
The weight of everything you'd just unloaded onto his aunt hit you like a freight train, and her words stuck with you. You were second-guessing everything that'd happened that weekend, replaying all the little things you took for granted: the enigmatic advice Georges had apparently given Philip when you first arrived at your office all those years ago; what his niece had heard him saying about you. His teasing comments, the stolen glances, the accidental, fleeting touches that lasted just a moment longer than they should've. It all added up to one larger picture that you weren't sure you wanted to see.
And your theory that you were there to make his ex jealous was blown wide open the minute you found out Philip had been the one to end things with Henriette. (No wonder she'd been trying to trudge up their old memories.)
You refused to think any further than that; you knew the conclusions you'd have to draw would make all this so much more real. And that thought scared you more than anything.
You were pacing the halls of the Hamiltons' first floor. The only reason you finally went upstairs was because one too many cousins had asked you where you were going — you’d been telling people you were headed up to get something from Philip’s room for nearly the past half hour.
That was how you found yourself seated on the end of Philip's bed, reeling from the afternoon's events.
You did retrieve something from your suitcase, ultimately. The deep-red, velveteen box was soft under your fingertips as you played with it anxiously, picking at the sides but never quite working up the nerve to open it. It wasn’t like it’d been that long since you opened it, either; it couldn’t have been more than a week, but this time, when you flicked it open, staring down at the gold band and its tiny diamond felt different.
What would John think if he could see you there?
Patsy was convinced he’d only want you to be happy, and that he wouldn’t mind who you were with. She’d tell you it was time to move on with your life. But did moving on have to mean leaving him behind?
And falling for someone else felt like abandonment of the worst kind. It felt like you were cheating on him, like you and he were falling out of love. As much as you still missed him, as much as you grieved for him, every day, the memory of what it felt like to be his slipped further away from your grasp.
You ran your fingers over the cold metal of the ring, and your hands shook as you slipped it onto your ring finger. For a fleeting moment, you could almost convince yourself that you were still somebody’s wife.
Light footsteps padded down the hall outside Philip’s room, and they were quiet enough that they didn’t snap you out of your reverie until the door’s hinges creaked. Your heart stopped.
And to your relief, the person who opened the door was just six-year-old William.
“Philip, are you…” He trailed off when he saw you on Philip’s bed, but he didn’t miss a beat. “Oh! Did you see Philip in here?”
“Hey, William,” you said, but your accompanying laugh held a hint of anxiety. “Philip isn’t up here; sorry. Last I saw him, he was out in the backyard.”
“Oh.” He blinked. “Can you help me find him? Daddy needs him, but I don’t wanna make him sad ‘cause I don’t know where Pip is. I think he’s hiding from us.”
“Yeah, sure; I’d love to help,” you answered, and your endeared smile was candid. His determination was almost making you forget about your ring entirely.
“Thank you.” He seemed more than ready to drag you out of Philip’s bedroom, watching you eagerly as you hesitated to stand and go with him. You’d hoped he’d go ahead and let you catch up with him momentarily, but he stood there and watched you expectantly where you sat on the bed, and you apparently had two options: take the ring off then and hope William didn’t realize it was a wedding ring, or wear it out and hope you can find a time to hide it discreetly. The only issue was that you had no pocket to leave it in.
“No problem; let’s go.” You ended up choosing the former. William’s eyes didn’t leave you as you popped the ring’s box back open, and when you heard him gasp, your miscalculation became obvious.
“Is that a wedding ring?” he asked, and your eyes widened.
“No! No, it… I mean yes, but—”
“When did you and Pip get married?” Oh, fuck. Your pulse was pushing into overdrive. “Why wasn’t I invited to the wedding? What about Mama and Pops?”
“We didn’t… we didn’t not invite you, but—”
“But I wasn’t there.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, stifling a groan when he wore a deep frown. “Did your parents come?”
“No, they—”
“Why didn’t you and Pip tell us?” he asked. “It was a special location.”
Special loca…? “Special occasion?”
“That’s what I said.” He wore a pout. “Well, now we’ve gotta go tell everyone, c’mon.”
He turned and started running, and you swallowed hard. Oh, shit.
“Wait, William, come back!” you called after him, and you scowled when he didn’t stop. You had to finish putting the ring away before you could start after him — going back out to his family with it would only spell disaster. “William?”
By the time you took the ring off, tucked its box back into your suitcase, it seemed he was out of earshot. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, he was nowhere to be found; he’d weaved between his family members’ legs until he was out of sight.
Well, you were certainly, thoroughly fucked.
You began to wade through the crowd in the kitchen, eyes darting around the floor for any sign of a retreating William, going through room after room to no avail, but your heart rate was steadily increasing with every moment you didn’t find him.
It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes until one of Philip’s family members approached you.
“Y/N?” Frances Laurens— no, Frances Henderson, who’d taken her husband’s name the previous summer, approached you from behind, and you spun around abruptly in surprise. “Hey, when were you going to tell us that you and Philip were engaged?”
Your throat tightened. “What?”
“William just told us.” She nudged you with a lopsided grin. “Congrats; welcome to the family.”
“Oh, no, there’s been a misunderstanding—”
“Wait, you’re getting married?” The William who interjected into your conversation was, unfortunately, not the one you were looking for. Instead, you followed the voice to find the younger Mulligan son standing with a beer.
“No, no, it’s not like… William just— well, not you William, William Hamilton—”
“Hey, William just told me you and Philip were finally getting married. What made you decide to tie the knot?” That was Georges, and your head jerked in his direction.
“Oh, thank god there’s going to be another woman at family dinners when he’s in town.” Angelica Hamilton approached from your left.
“Wait, what? Do you have a date for the wedding?” You hadn’t a clue which of the Lafayette sisters that was (well, you knew it wasn’t Henriette). “You better invite all of us. You might need a big venue to fit the whole family.”
Oh, god, you were in deep. It seemed William had managed to do quite a bit of damage without a whole lot of time.
“I need to talk to Philip,” you said, voice breathy. You knew you sounded winded, but his family all wore wide grins, patting you on the back or squeezing your shoulders — the Hamilton-Schuyler-Lafayette-Laurens-Mulligans were certainly a touchy-feely bunch.
“Yeah, where is your fiancé?” Georges asked, scanning the room.
“He’s not—”
“Hey, Philip!” It seemed he’d found him, yelling across the dining room, and Philip started toward you with his hands in his pockets, watching the crowd that’d formed around you curiously. “You ever planning on telling us you proposed? Or were you gonna wait till you had your firstborn, huh?”
Georges’s grin was wide as he shoved Philip affectionately, but Philip’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”
“William spilled everything. Congrats, you two,” Frances said, and when Philip met your eyes, you looked defeated.
“Oh, did he?”
“Relax, we’re all excited for you. No one’s mad that you hid it.” Apparently, you weren’t the only one who heard the tension in Philip’s voice as he glanced between you and Angelica warily, and she squeezed your upper arm with a smile. “It’s great news.”
“Yeah, no wonder you finally brought her home.” The Mulligan son— shit, his name was escaping you. Was it Wyatt? Winston? No, shit, what were you thinking? He was also William; how the hell did you forget—?
“I’m sorry, what exactly did Will tell you?” Philip asked hesitantly.
“He saw Y/N with the ring a little while ago. Not sure why you decided to hide such big news from us, but—”
“Right, can I have a word with my fiancée real quick?” He met your eyes with an urgent look, and you winced. “In private?”
“Oh, c’mon, it was an honest mistake; don’t be too hard on her,” Georges said. “Does it really matter? We were gonna find out anyway, so—”
“We’ll be back down in a bit.” Philip spoke through clenched teeth as he cut Georges off, walking toward you, and he grabbed you by the bicep, grip tight as he pulled you toward the doorway. Your breath caught when you stumbled forward. You were out of earshot before any of his family members could get another word in, and you struggled to keep pace with his long strides as he continued toward the staircase.
“Come on.” His voice was low when you reached the home’s entrance hall, and when he started upstairs to his room, you were quick to follow him. He locked the door behind you.
A moment passed in silence as he turned around to face you. The tension in the air was thicker than your ass.
He folded his arms.
“Care to explain why my entire family thinks we’re engaged?”
“It’s…” You rubbed your forehead as though it’d relieve your throbbing headache. “It was an accident. I swear it was; William just… he saw me with a ring, and he thought—”
“Why the hell did he think we were getting married? What’d you tell him?” Philip’s voice was rising as he spoke, and you had to swallow the lump building in your throat.
“I didn’t tell him we were engaged,” you defended. “I was just putting my ring back in its box, and he made an assumption. That’s it.”
“What ring?” he asked. “You aren’t wearing a ring. I haven’t seen you with a ring all fucking weekend. Are you fucking with me right now?”
“Of course not.” You huffed. “What, do you think I did this on purpose? That I wanted your family to think we were engaged?”
“I don’t know, did you?”
“No; why would I?”
“Oh, be honest, Y/N. You just agreed to come home with me this weekend so that you could fuck with me, didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry, do you really believe I’m just here to make your life harder? That I want to push you deeper into your stupid fucking lie?” you asked incredulously. “I came to cover for you. Because you told them we’d been together for two years.”
He scoffed. “Please, like you wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to mess with my personal life. Let’s face it; we both know you’ve never liked me.”
“We weren’t friends, but I’ve never had any sort of vendetta against you.” Your scowl deepened, and you shook your head in disbelief.
“You told me that you were the one person in our office who hated me. Word-for-word,” he retorted. “Did you do this to get back at me for using you as my fake girlfriend?”
“I don’t hate you.” He didn’t think that it was reasonable for your tone to be that defensive. “I've never hated you; I… I was just being dramatic. And even if I did have it out for you, I wouldn’t do this to your family.”
“Then why didn’t you tell William that we weren’t engaged?” he asked. “Hm? What the hell happened that my entire family managed to learn that you’d told him we were getting married in all of five minutes?”
“I tried to tell him we weren’t, but he was asking about the ring, and—”
“You should’ve told him it wasn’t an engagement ring!”
“I tried to! He asked if it was a wedding ring, though, and…” Your voice trailed off. The smallest shreds of a sob were building in your throat, and you were trying to speak through them, but your chest was tightening.
“And you didn’t set him straight?”
“It was a wedding ring, Philip. He stopped me before I could explain that we weren’t getting married, and by the time I could go after him, he was already downstairs. I lost him in the kitchen; I couldn’t stop him,” you said. “I swear, I tried to prevent this.”
A moment passed in silence. His gaze was absent, fixed on the floor, and he was shaking his head ever-so-slightly in disbelief.
“Why’d you have a wedding ring if you didn’t come here planning to fuck up my family life? If you didn’t wanna bury me further in this stupid lie I told to get my family off my back?” he asked. “Were you wearing the wedding ring?”
You nodded. “He came in, and I tried to hide it before coming downstairs, but—”
“Why the hell were you wearing a wedding ring?”
“I only put it on for a minute!”
“Why do you even have one? And why would you bring it home this weekend?”
“It’s…” Your jaw ached as you tried to keep yourself from crying. You blinked back the tears that stung the corners of your eyes and sat on the edge of his bed. You didn’t want him to see the old emotions that were breaking loose. “It’s old. I got it years ago.”
“What? Why?” The incredulity in his voice was making you cringe, and he threw his hands up in frustration. “What am I supposed to do with this, Y/N? You really expect me to believe that you wearing a wedding ring around my family was completely innocent? That you didn’t—?”
“I’m a widow, Philip.” You nearly had to shout to be loud enough to cut him off, and while he’d begun pacing in agitation, your words made him freeze.
He turned to you. “...You what?”
“I’m a widow,” you repeated softly, and his wide eyes met yours as he saw the tears building in them.
“I…” He started to reply, but his voice faltered. All the anger had been wiped from his expression, replaced quickly with surprise, apology, worry. “Shit, Y/N. I… fuck, I’m sorry, I had no idea.” His voice was quiet.
“Don’t be. You couldn’t have known.” You wiped at your left eye when the first tear rolled down your cheek. “It’s not like I ever talked about it.”
When he took a seat beside you on the bed, his hand came tentatively to cover yours. You drew in a shuddering breath. “Still. I’m sorry I… well, that I blew up like that. I didn’t mean to bring up your past like this; I—”
“It’s fine, Philip. Really.” You laced your fingers into his, squeezed his hand reassuringly. “No one expects a 26-year-old to be a widow. I don’t blame you.”
He nodded when you glanced up at him, and goosebumps ran up your arm when he swept his thumb over the back of your hand. “What was his name?” he asked quietly, and you pursed your lips.
“John.” You sniffled. “We met in high school, got married just after we graduated college.” Although you paused, he didn’t say anything, giving you room to pause, take a breath, and you knew that if you wanted to go on, he was there to listen. “We… god, we were so happy, for a while. I followed him to New York for college; I swore I’d never plan my life around a man, and I knew he wouldn’t ask me to, but I didn’t want to live without him. I was so sure that we wouldn’t break up, so I didn’t think we had anything to lose.”
Your voice was devolving into a croak as you went on, and you had to swallow your whimper when you came dangerously close to crying. He could hear your words breaking.
It caught you off guard when Philip wrapped an arm around your waist, pulled you into his side. The action was hesitant, and his grip on you was soft; he half expected you to recoil from his touch, but when you pulled closer, leaned against him, he held you close.
“He died almost two years after we graduated,” you murmured, cheek pressed against Philip’s shoulder. His shirt was damp from your slow, silent tears. “No one saw it coming. He was shot when someone broke into our house. It all happened in less than an hour, and then he was gone.”
Your voice broke altogether with your final few words. You could no longer keep down the sob in your throat, try as you might to keep speaking through it. You drew in a shuddering breath, but when you exhaled, you were crying audibly, tears flowing freely. “Shit, I… I didn’t mean to dump all of this onto you. You didn’t need to know all my…” —you hiccuped— “all my stupid fucking trauma, but—”
“Shh, relax. I’m not going anywhere,” he assured you, and the warmth rising in your chest wasn’t something you wanted to be able to explain when he turned toward you on the bed, wrapped his other arm around the back of your shoulders and pulled you into him. “C’mere. I’ve got you.”
As much as you were caught in your head, struggling to claw your way out of the memories you’d buried yourself in, you couldn’t have been more present in that moment. Philip smelled like the sun, like freshly-washed cotton, like lazy mornings after a long night of sleep; he smelled like something you couldn’t describe as anything other than warm.
And so you let yourself cry. You didn’t explain anything further; he wasn’t going to ask, didn’t need to know how you’d moved across the city within a week of John’s funeral to get away from everything that felt so painfully like him. He wasn’t going to pry. If you wanted to talk, wanted to tell him anything, needed someone who was just there to listen, that was your prerogative, and he wouldn’t try to force it. You were free to take your time, safe in his arms.
He rubbed your upper back, and your eyes fell shut.
“Thanks for being here,” you mumbled against the scratchy material of his button-down. “I… I’m sorry I made such a damn mess of your family life. I didn’t mean to; I swear, I—” You were cut off by a hiccup, a shuddering sob, and he held the side of your head against his chest, stroking your hair absentmindedly.
“It’s okay,” he whispered. “You did nothing wrong. I’m gonna be just fine, alright? It’s you I’m worried about.”
You wore a watery smile at his words. “You’re too nice. I… I fucked up, and you don’t have to pretend you’re alright with it.”
“I’m fine. Honest.” Only when your breathing evened out did he lean back, lift your chin to look at him. He offered you a small, lopsided smile. “So, I guess we’re gonna have to go back down there and tell my parents we’re engaged, huh?”
“I guess so.”
“Don’t look so sad, princess; this is supposed to be a celebration.” The guilt weighing on your shoulders must’ve been written across your face, and as he nudged you lightly, his words made you laugh.
“Mmh, we’ve really hit a relationship milestone, haven’t we?”
“Looks like it,” he said. “So, what’s the story? How’d I propose? Was it oh-so-touching, or did I butcher it ‘cause I was an emotional mess?”
“Well, you had a whole speech prepared,” you informed him, and he raised an amused eyebrow.
“I did?”
“You did.” You nodded. “Only problem was that when you got down on one knee, you were crying too hard to be able to actually get through it. You were just so moved by how beautiful I looked that night, and you couldn’t keep your feelings in check when you thought about spending the rest of your life with me.”
“You sound like you’ve really thought this out,” he said. “Don’t tell me you’ve been fantasizing about it. I know how incredible and attractive I am, but I didn’t think we were on that level yet.”
“Of course not. Don’t worry.” You couldn’t contain your entertained grin. “This was all Theo’s fantasy that she told me while you were ignoring her. She’s still really convinced it’ll happen, so I guess now you have an instruction manual for your engagement with her.”
That made him laugh outright. “When Theo and I get engaged?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Now you’re really talking nonsense.” He shook his head, but as he eyed your expression, the tear tracks on your face, his brow furrowed with concern. “...Are you alright, Y/N?”
You nodded, swallowed the lump in your throat. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” The calloused pad of his thumb ran over your cheek, wiped your tears away, and you found yourself staring. The look in his dark eyes was heavy; god, you could’ve drowned in it, and his eyes were watering, too, no doubt from watching you cry, from seeing how much pain you were in, how deep your grief ran.
He wished he could take that all away from you. If he could shoulder the burden for you, no matter how heavy, he’d have done it in a split second — even if you didn’t want him, even if you’d never look at him in the same way that he looked at you, he knew you, and he knew you didn’t deserve to suffer like this. He cleaned the smeared mascara from under your eyes with the end of his sleeve as though somehow, some way, that could alleviate your suffering.
And you couldn’t see all of that. But you saw how he looked at you. That much was unmistakable.
He held you as though, if he let go, you might break, and in that moment, part of you felt like you might. He’d never thought he’d really be holding you like that.
But there was so much care in his gentle gaze, although you had no way to know all that was going on beneath it. You felt safe, safer than you’d felt in a long time as he rubbed circles into the small of your back, shifting you onto his lap, and he was so close, his face just inches from yours. If you leaned forward just a little, you could kiss him.
And when your gaze trailed down to his lips, downturned in a concerned frown, as consumed in you as every other part of him, you did. You finally took the opportunity presented to you, and you didn’t intend to let yourself continue to squander it.
Sitting on his lap at the end of his bed, you kissed him.
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imgonnapanic · 4 years
Third gym squad with a theater kid s/o:
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Kuroo Tetsurou
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Tbh, he knew what he was signing up for when he started dating you.
He’s just not used to it, because he doesn’t have many extroverted friends who aren’t annoying pieces of-
I can envision you both going on the hub to watch pirated musicals. Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, you name it.
He loooves your singing voice, even if it’s your nervous purposely bad one.
You love the musicals that include allll the good stuff (trauma, death, tragedy, etc.)
Or the iconic ones. You can’t forget about those.
So you’re less-than-thrilled when your school chooses “Honk! The Musical” for this years play.
It’s a spin off of the ugly duckling that no one has heard of.
And when you come up to Kuroo sulking about this boring play you’re emotionally obliged to do, he can’t help but laugh a little.
But his laughter stops when he sees your eyes down at your shoes.
And then he shuts the fuck up because you’re actually upset.
After assuring that you will still be Broadway material even if you’re dressed up as a goose, you feel a little better.
In the two weeks leading up to auditions, Kuroo is starting to get caught humming “A Poultry Tale” at practice.
I mean, his Spotify feed went from Kendrick Lamar to Legally Blonde within one month of dating you, so cut the guy a break.
The day of auditions, you’re a bundle of nerves as you go over the dumb song again and again.
And Kuroo is like “calm down babe you’re gonna do great.”
That sure did a ton.
“Shut up Heather”
“Sorry Heather”
He’s also a bundle of nerves at practice, though. He just couldn’t let you see it.
By now, all of the Nekoma team knows you’re auditioning today, and the minute he walks in he just holds up a hand.
“They’re auditioning as we speak”
He’s not surprised when you get the lead.
He looks like the cat who ate the canary he’s a little amused when he figures out the lead is named “Ugly” but by now he has learned to keep it on the inside.
Your schedule is now jam packed, but that’s okay, because Nationals are also coming up for Kuroo and needs to put in some extra hours at the gym anyways.
You better believe two months later Kuroo is making his entire team buy a ticket.
Kuroo didn’t even get to see you on opening night because of dress rehearsals, but that’s okay.
He cleared his entire schedule that day and now has time to wallow in his own excitement and buy you some flowers.
He’s there with the squad team at 6PM sharp, dressed up, and trying to keep his dignity.
When you first walk on stage, the team snickers a little bit at your costume, but Kuroo was completely enraptured by your singing voice, your blocking, your makeup, everything.
This was much better than the demo CD that they had given you.
Afterwards, he gives you your flowers and is glued to your side for the rest of the night, babbling about how proud he was of you, and how talented you are, Nekoma team be damned.
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Tsukishima Kei
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Tsukki-poo already had a soft spot for the arts before he met you.
Not that he would tell anyone, ever.
When you started dating him though, it gave him an excuse to share his favorite soundtracks.
“you can hit that note, you know.”
*cue the arguing about how you aren’t Barbara Streisand*
When you two are walking through the hallway with him and you see the poster reading “Auditions for Karasuno High School’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ are open!” You start freaking out.
You love that movie! And Kei tolerates it!
Kei honestly thought you would be Ariel/Prince Eric when he first heard you singing “Part of Your World”
Like, you have the voice of a fucking lark. The directors have to be batshit crazy not to cast you.
In his humble opinion.
So he’s a bit taken aback when you get the role of Flounder, but he’s very proud anyways. Especially after you explain that there’s musical numbers that you’re in that aren’t in the movie.
He just hates your director for no reason now.
Practicing your lines with him in your free time becomes almost inevitable because you both have nothing else better to do.
And he can see how into it you are.
And let me just say that you are killing it.
Seriously. You have no problem getting into character, and Kei doesn’t say this much but-
It’s fucking adorable, okay? He has little goth moths in his stomach.
And he can’t wait to see the show, because then he can show you off.
That doesn’t mean he likes the other first years prying at your progress.
Hinata’s incessant questioning about theater anatomy and the memorization of your lines gets really annoying.
Even for someone with a normal temper like you-
“Yes it’s called the right wing. NOT wing spiker. Yes they’re off book. Now will you shut your trap already?”
Dress Rehearsals come, and you’re spinning around his room, face morphing from complete concentration to happy, go-lucky Flounder.
You, Kei, and Yamaguchi (your little third wheel-) all know the soundtrack pretty much up and down, left and right, backwards and inside out.
He still shivers remembering the time you just walked into his house not registering that Flounder’s makeup looks kind of scary up close-
All of his pride was sacrificed that day. All of it.
On the morning of opening night, Kei was walking you to the school, pretending to be bitchy about it being on a Saturday.
“C’mon, what am I supposed to do all day?”
As luck would have it, he’s stuck sitting next to one Hinata Shoyo. Lovely.
So he sat down next to him, and ignored him the whole show. I mean, it worked, he shut up after thirty seconds.
After the show, Kei has to wait a bit for you to take your makeup off, but when you come running out, he can’t hold back a tiny grin.
“That was good. I’m proud of you.”
And then he took you to dinner because singing makes a bad bleep hungry 😌
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Bokuto Kotarou
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Listen, you’re loud, Bokuto’s loud-
So basically you two are on a mission to not annoy Akaashi for as long as you can before inevitably getting yelled at for your affection and love and shit.
Now, both of you would love for this to be possible.
But the Frozen soundtrack makes it too difficult.
Especially when you can edit the lyrics just to piss off Konoha.
“Turn away and slAm the door *on Konoha”
“The wind is howling like the storm inside *of Konoha”
The possibilities are endless, really.
The game changer is when you two are belting out the song where Elsa and Anna are arguing.
And you accidentally hit the “I-i-I CANNNNT”
Akaashi is like for the love of GOD just audition for the play.
He quickly realizes that his suggestion was not a good idea.
Since guess what the musical is.
You’re auditioning as a joke, okay? You love Frozen, but this is a Fukurōdani Academy level play.
You didn’t expect to land the role of Olaf.
Your director sat you down and bluntly told you that he thought that you had the charisma and energy to be Olaf, but he knew that you were auditioning for a joke.
He needed you to be committed.
And hell yeah, you were gonna be committed.
At first, Bokuto was super proud of you! His s/o as a lead role? So impressive!
You even taught Bokuto your choreography for “In Summer”
He only retained half of it, but eh.
He’s a volleyball player. He tried.
As rehearsal times became longer and longer, Bokuto was a little upset at himself because he didn’t realize how committed you were until it hit him in the face.
Akaashi is there to get him out of his funk when you aren’t, though.
“They feel the same way when you need to be in the gym longer. It’s just a part of having a passion. Just utilize your time with them wisely.”
This bitch knows full well Bokuto doesn’t do ‘wise’ though, so he also sets to him a little more.
Dress rehearsals start, and Bokuto is always waiting for you to come out of the auditorium to ride the bus home.
You’re just bubbling over with stories about the magic of being on stage.
The lights, the microphones, the costumes, just talking about it makes you nostalgic already.
On opening night, Bokuto and Akaashi are there in the front row, going through the program.
“There’s y/n!!!!”
And you can’t see him because of the blinding spotlight, but you can hear Bokuto cheering for you after you finish “In Summer”
Afterwards he gives you a big hug, and you guys go home and watch Frozen.
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Akaashi Keiji
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When you start dating Akaashi in your second year at Fukurōdani, you’ve been on stage for the last ten years of your life.
Singing, acting, dancing, you love it all.
You’re even considering making it your career.
Akaashi doesn’t know much about theater at all, but he makes sure to do his research since it’s such a big part of your life.
The company you take acting classes with is having their winter show soon, and you couldn’t be happier when you figure out it’s ‘Into the Woods.’
Akaashi makes the mistake of asking the plot of the story.
“So basically there are these two infertile bakers with dead parents and there’s this witch that’s old and wrinkly and she comes to their house because fifty years ago the bakers dad stole her veggies and took the magic beans that made her look old and wrinkly-“
(A/n: this isn’t even half the plot)
He decides he’ll figure it out when he sees the play.
Akaashi knows that it’s a difficult one, though.
Sondheim doesn’t fuck around.
So you shouldn’t be beating yourself up about cracking on some of the high notes and screaming into your pillow.
He feels like an idiot every time you ask him to give you constructive criticism.
He doesn’t know what to say. “That was good” is obviously not what you want to hear.
When the date of your audition rolls around, he has early morning practice.
So he sends you a text saying how far you’ve come already and he’ll be proud even if you end up being a tree and break a leg (he’s very proud of that part. Theater lingo with Akaashi 101)
He’s very pleased to hear through your extremely fast and animated chattering that you killed it.
You were going to be Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
He’s still not sure how that correlates with infertile bakers, but he’ll go with it.
You also have a notoriously hard solo, “Giants in the sky.”
Akaashi is very impressed.
All you two do is practice that song, until Akaashi is half sure he could sing the song if he really gave an effort.
(He tries seriously one time. He can’t sing. To save his life. Sorry Keiji and RIP y/n’s ears.)
“Maybe you’re just not a soprano?”
“I’ll leave the limelight to you.”
Rehearsals always leave you drained. There are so many dance numbers in the play that you have to go over.
And songs, oh god, the songs are pieces of work.
But you wouldn’t trade it for the world, so Keiji stays close, and is endlessly supportive.
You sent him a picture of your Jack costume, and Keiji is like that is kind of adorable ngl-
He walks into the auditorium you’re performing in, and even he’s nervous to be in there. It’s huge.
But when you walk on the stage, and start belting, all the breath leaves his lungs.
Oh. Ohhhhhhh. He understands the plot now.
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ki1zai · 3 years
Honestly wrote this on a whim so I hope it’s decent :’D Kinda Proofread but it’s late so I’m sorry for any errors and plot holes, hope y’all have a nice day and remember to hydrate <3
Pairing : Frank Castle / Matt Murdock ( Fratt )
TWs : mention of shooting and guns ( nothing explicit )
CWs (?) : lots of cursing ( no surprises here tbh )
“What the hell...” Frank muttered, picking up a stray pistol he left on his dinner table and silently made his way to the front door. Someone had been pounding on the poor thing for a solid minute and it was clear they weren’t going to stop anytime soon. Frank was very annoyed. It was currently 2:30 am and he was having a very good dreamless slumber before getting rudely interrupted by whoever was on the flip side of his door. Ensuring the pistol had bullets and clicking it’s safety was off, Frank slowly unlocked his door.Swinging it open, Frank hastily positioned his pistol to where his visitors head seemed to be.
Eyes widening and hands fumbling when he realised the idiot who was banging his door of it’s hinges was none other than Matt Murdock; resident vigilante. Putting the safety back on, Frank did a quick scan of Matt. And it was an understatement to say that he was not looking so hot. ( aka mentally stable )
Fortunately, from what Frank could tell, there wasn’t any major physical damage. Ignoring the fact that the man looked a second away from breaking down, he actually looked quite good. ( considering the lack of bullet holes or stab wounds in him )
“You’re looking like hell Red, you good?” Frank asked, ignoring the blatant concern in his tone that he didn’t doubt Red identified. Frank couldn’t help but feel worried for Red, they have been working together a lot recently. Frank - who would deny it but Red would call him out immediately -cared about Matt. They were sorta friends so Frank had all the right to be concerned. ( not as much as he was though )
“Heh- not that I’d know,” There it was, the classic Matt Murdock Blind Joke. Frank was,safe to say, not impressed.
“What do you want Red? I have half a mind to shut my door in your face so you better make it quick,” Frank threatened. Choosing to ignore the fact that, that was an obvious lie. Watching as the smirk on Matt’s face grew,Frank was sure the bastard knew he was lying. ( however he does that Frank still doesn’t know. Despite Matt explaining it many times. “You’re heart stutters when you lie” “What the fuck does that mean?!” )
Matt only shrugged as a response.
“Can I come in?”
Now Frank actually wanted to shut true door on the guys face. You did not ,harass Frank Castle’s door at 2 in the morning without an explanation, and end up alive. Matt was lucky Frank wasn’t in the mood to clean up a dead devil.
“Again. What do you want Red. I’m not asking again.” Frank repeated, tone unwavering. He watched as Matt squirmed, pursing his lips. Frank was intrigued by the reaction to say the least. He wondered what was the situation that made Mr Matt Murdock this uncomfortable. After a beat of silence, Matt cleared his throat.
“I- uh- well- I just don’t want to be alone right now...”
Frank did not know what he was expecting but it...definitely wasn’t that. He was maybe anticipated Matt getting himself in more ninja or mob-boss trouble as his civilian self. Not whatever this was. Frank stood silently, looking at Matt as though he was expecting him to come out and say. ‘Haha, I’m kidding, I ended up on someone’s hitlist and need help’. Fortunately or not, he didn’t end up saying anything along those lines.
“Sorry this is stupid, I’ll go, forget this happened. Sorry again for bothering.” Matt turned his back to walk away. Now Frank was just worried all over again. Matt wasn’t one to trip on his words or excessively apologise. Which was what he was currently doing. Something was wrong with him and god forbid Frank throw him to the curb when he needed someone.
Frank circled Matt’s wrist and pulled him into his home. Shutting and locking the door behind him.
“Don’t be stupid Red, sit yourself on the couch I’ll get you something to drink.” Frank huffed, letting go of Matt’s writs in favour of heading towards the kitchen. Hearing the shuffling of Matt in his apartment, Frank got to making drinks for the both of them.
Frank poured a glass of coffee for himself; he doubted he would be getting any sleep any time soon. And a glass of room-temperature water for Matt. Frank has learned that ambient temperature of water was best for Matt if he was in one of his ‘moods’. Has something to do with his weird Houdini senses or something along those lines. ( Matt has also explained it multiple times - it was nothing along those lines )
Making his way to where Matt was, Frank raised an eyebrow at Matt sitting back straight and hands clasped together at the very edge of his couch.
“Don’t be scared to get comfy Red, the couch ain’t gonna eat you,” Frank chuckled. Furrowing his eyebrows when he saw the other flinch slightly at his voice. Matt was usually always in touch with his senses, being able to hear movement from blocks down if he tried to. The fact he couldn’t detect Frank moving beside him was worrying to say the least. What was more concerning was the fact that he seemed Matt didn’t even process what was said to him. If anything his posture turned more rigid. The fuck was up with him. Matt had never had a problem with making himself at home at Frank’s place. Besides the original awkward tension the first time he visited but even then he looked mostly relaxed.
“Red, relax no need to be a stranger. Here’s some water,” Frank held out the water, making sure his voice was softer than before when talking. After a beat, Matt seemed to hear his words and sagged against the couch. Okay something was definitely wrong with him.
Seeing as Matt made no movement to take the glass, Frank sat down beside Matt and, despite all better judgement, carefully picked up Matt’s hand and brought it up to the glass. Watching as Matt realised what was happening and softly thanked him. Frank grunted in response and moved to drink his coffee. Feeling the caffeinated drink do it’s job.
“So you gonna tell me what all this is about?” Frank asked, ensuring his voice seemed unbothered. He wouldn’t want Matt to feel uncomfortable.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Frank added quickly. Matt’s incessant fidgeting at the question was making Frank fidget. Matt gave him a soft smile which did not make Frank’s heart flutter. ( it did and Matt did in fact hear it ) After a few more moments of silence, Frank was ready to move on and prompt a more relaxed conversation. He stopped himself from saying anything when he noticed Matt taking a deep breath in.
“It’s...it’s just- my dad uh got shot today. I’m usually alright but I’m not sure everything is just... it’s too much today. I can’t trust my senses and i feel like I can’t trust myself - to be alone that is” Matt explains, his voice was soft. If Frank wasn’t right beside the man there was no way he was going to hear his entire explanation.
Frank looked at Matt, like really looked at him. Matt usually carried himself confidently, trusting his intelligence and skill to ensure he could achieve whatever he wanted to. Matt, although clearly having not the highest ego, was sure of himself. The Matt Frank was studying currently, the one who seemed as if they wanted to curl up and hide. Frank noticed Matt’s hands gripping the cup in his hands so tightly, Frank was glad he didn’t use one of his glass cups. This Matt was scared, not only that, but he was visibly vulnerable. This Matt looked as if the slightest tap would shatter him.
Frank wasn’t stupid. He knew what this meant. Matt trusted him, for a reason only god knows, to keep him safe. To not exploit his vulnerability and take advantage of him, using him when he was in a state that it was way to. Frank couldn’t wrap his head around it. If it were some variation of someone wanting to harm Matt, that Frank understood. That Frank could deal. However, this was personal, something that doesn’t allow Frank to help by shooting multiple guns. Frank didn’t get why May didn’t go to Karen or even that lawyer friend of his.
‘Can’t trust myself - to be alone’.
God, Matt really knew how to make a guy feel special that’s a certain.
Again, Frank isn’t stupid. He’s actually incredibly intelligent. He’s an excellent problem solver and his time in the Marine only helped trained his quick thinking skills. He prided himself on being able to get out of any sticky situation.
This was different though. Despite his impeccable problem solving skills. This was new territory. Frank was used to not being trusted, he expected it and was fine with it. Frank was not used to people willingly showing vulnerability to him. He wasn’t used to people thinking he was worthy to trust with the troubles that keep them awake at night. Besides his reputation didn’t do him any favours in looking like a empathetic guy.
Not to mention the fact that the person who is currently doing this is Matt Murdock. It wasn’t that Frank didn’t think Matt trusted him. Quite the opposite actually, Frank knew Matt trusted him with his life. Similarly, Frank shared the sentiment. They both trusted each other to watch the others back and to just be there for one another. They were there for each other when no one else was. Or more specifically when no one else wanted to be.
Long story short, they cared for each other. However, this was still new. They didn’t go to each other and spill their life traumas. Of corse they knew each other had their fair share of shit but it wasn’t a discussed topic between the two. They both understood each other and the fact that they did made them closer than sharing life sorrows would have . Not to mention Matt had never been one to willingly go to someone when I’m trouble. ( trouble that couldn’t be solved with fighting bad guys in a body tight devil suit that is. Actually even then he didn’t easily ask for help ) Despite not knowing what to do, Frank wasn’t going to mess this up. Not purposely at least .
“Do you what me to put on a movie?” Frank asked. Frank knew that Matt clearly wasn’t in the mood to have a deep trauma sharing session. He wasn’t in the right mind and he came to Frank to avoid thinking about it. So Frank was going to make sure they didn’t talk about it, unless Matt specifically said he wants to.
“Not like I’d be able to watch it,” Matt huffed out a laugh. Frank smiled slightly and picked up the remote to turn one on. They did this sometimes, after long missions and patching each other up. Frank would put on a movie, put it on low volume for Matt. Then they would just sit there with each other, winding down after a long day.
It didn’t exactly make any sense considering none of them end up paying attention to the movie. ( and considering one of them is blind and Frank didn’t even turn on those audio description things ) However it was their thing and it did work it calming them down.
It really shouldn’t, neither of them knew why it worked. Maybe it was the fact they were just there, together and alive.
Together, alive and safe.
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Cor with a Daughter HC
Hey guys, it’s ya girl, thechocoboos, here to deliver some Cor HC bc he’s great! 
In this scenario, that weird fucker Verstael makes female clones alongside the normal ones (so yes there are female MTs in this AU) and Cor steals one when he takes baby Prom away, so uh... It’s a mess, but it’s a cute mess.
So Cor was the one who stole baby Prompto away right? Right. So, turns out, Verstael made a female clone as well (that also means that in this au there are female MTs)
And guess what? Cor stole one of those too.
Just picture this: a scuffed up, young Cor Leonis on the run from the Empire with two little blond, freckled babies in his arms. I know. It’s cute.
Cor knew he was supposed to return both babies, but the second he looked into the girl’s cornflower blue eyes, he knew he couldn’t give her up
It hurt enough to give up the boy after getting so attached in only a few days, but when she looked into his eyes, he vowed he’d raise her as his own
She had been so calm, merely sucking on her thumb while her brother (what he could only assume was her brother) was wailing his adorable little head off
Even so, he saw the fear in her sparkling blue eyes and promised that she would never have to feel that fear again; Papa Cor was gonna raise her in a safe environment
And he did.
He turned baby Prompto over and had to watch as he was put in the foster system, but he quietly adopted the girl as his own with no one knowing where she came from save for Regis and Clarus
Everyone else? Well, he simply told them that she was the niece of a distant relative that was unable to care for her
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you!” or “Aw, look at you bein’ a big ole softee.” is what everyone said, and it was always followed by, “What’s her name???”
“Poppy.” she may be the same poppy from the actor au but who knows
Papa Cor raised Poppy well
He always gave her the best toys and always, always left work early so he could pick her up from daycare with a warm smile and all
He’d pick her right up in his arms, earning a cute bubble of laughter from her and he’d ask, “How was my little princess’s day?”
All the women in the area swooned (me too)
Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows
In the beginning, Cor was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a child, and he didn’t even have baby furniture for a week (not to mention his apartment wasn’t babyproofed either like y i k e s)
He only survived through the help of his elderly neighbor, Gertrude. She was the mother of four kids and had more grandkids than he could count
But she was always willing to help him. “It’s not often that I see a single dad tryin’ to make it on his own like this,” She told him a couple months after he adopted Poppy, “But it always warms my heart to see a young father trying so hard. Keep it up, young man.”
And he did.
He stuck through it--through the potty training, through the tears, tantrums, incessant babbles and the waking him up in the middle of the night
He stuck through it all and never regretted it
When Poppy said her first words, he practically shouted for joy and even called Regis and Clarus up and the day after? Oh man, the trainees were scared to see such a smile on Cor’s face (he actually went easy on them that day so it was pretty nice for them)
Cor kept pictures of her in his office and always had a small pic of her in his wallet and i swear to you, if he ever had the chance to bring her up in conversation, he would brag and brag away
Poppy really liked reading and wasn’t a big fan of athletics or fighting, much to Cor’s relief
He tried keeping her away from politics and such, didn’t want her questioning too much, ya know?
Still, he knew he’d have to teach her basic combat, just in case (plus he knew one day she’d start dating and he didn’t trust those teenage boys…)
And he did. And surprisingly, as much as Poppy hated it, she was really, really good at it
Cor figured her out-of-nowhere skills at combat were due to the Empire, but he was more relieved than not that she hated fighting; it gave him some reassurance that she wouldn’t ever abuse her skills
Although it wasn’t a big concern in the first place, his daughter was pretty damn soft-spoken and shy; she hated conflict and fighting more than most
Overall, she was a tame kid
She followed the rules, listened well, was a fantastic student… Honestly, Cor counted himself lucky that she was such a good kid
Although whenever he mentioned it to Clarus, Clarus would only chuckle and say, “Yeah, you raised her that way, Cor.”
It always seemed strange to him, that he--a gruff, tough soldier--could raise someone so sweet and shy, but there many more moments where all he felt was pride--pride for himself and pride for his daughter
Still, Poppy had her faults: she had too big of a heart for her own good
She was always trying to bring in hurt animals or asking if they could get a dog or a cat (Cor ended up relenting when she was 10; they ended up with an elderly cat named Haggus and Poppy swears he’s the kindest cat ever)
And then there was her trusting nature. She was incredibly trusting and understanding; Cor was terrified that she’d get taken advantage of one day (all though, deep down, he knew she wouldn’t. At the end of the day, she was a Leonis and he raised her to be reasonable and carry a healthy amount of suspicion)
Sometimes when she was still little, he would worry about her getting into some shit or something going wrong and when he did, it would bug him in the back of his mind until he went to pick her up from daycare (he always gave her tighter hugs on those days)
Cor raised Poppy as his own, but he also told her that she was, in fact, adopted when she was around 11. He didn’t want her to find out through someone else and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could avoid questions about her mom or the strange barcode tattoo (he always told her to keep the barcode covered, and he was always so firm about it that she never dared to do otherwise)
Of course, he didn’t tell her the entire truth. Yes, she was adopted, but he still stuck by the story that she was the niece of a distant relative and eventually, Poppy stopped asking
And as previously mentioned, Cor kept Poppy out of politics and the Citadel
Like, there were a few times when she went to balls or social events (and everyone would always coo over how cute she was) and sometimes Cor might take her to work with him (when she was young), but outside of that, she was never really in the Citadel, not even when Cor was training her
However, whenever she was there, she ended up being around Noctis
There weren’t very many kids there besides her and Noct--sometimes Iggy (maybe Gladio, but he was always with the adults), so they often ended up hanging out
She’d see Gladio around here and there, too, and was pretty curious about him, but Noctis was always super reluctant to go talk to Gladio (let’s face it, Gladdy was probably a dick as a kid and tried to act older than his actual age, so basically, no fun for Noct)
They’d giggle together and run around the Citadel, playing games and goofing off while the adults went around with their boring chatter
Despite how much fun they had, those few social events a year were the only times they saw each other and as they got older, Poppy was able to stay at home instead of attending
So then, they stopped seeing each other at all
Cor always felt a little bad whenever she would ask about Noctis, but he was determined to keep Poppy and work separate (something he was very good at doing)
Still, despite all of Cor’s attempts, Poppy and Noct ran into each other again in high school
They were pretty quick to befriend each other again after a few weeks of awkward small talk, and when Cor found out, he couldn’t help but feel a tad annoyed (I mean, he’d been trying to keep her away from politics and shit for years)
Of course, through Noct, Poppy got to know Ignis very well (he was often in the background of those damn social events when they were kids, so they knew each other existed for sure)
Ignis was fairly fond of Poppy. He always said that she might be a good influence on Noctis.
Gladio was aware of Poppy and she was aware of him, and tbh, they thought the other was pretty damn cute but they never really interacted beyond group outings that centered around Noct (tho they would become surprisingly close down the line)
And Prompto? It was a bit of a weird thing
In summary: their first meeting was weird as fuck
Noct was the first one to befriend Prom, and the first time they properly met, he was absolutely S H O O K
Prompto was so similar to Poppy. They had the same freckles, the same cornflower blue eyes, same shade of hair… They even seemed to have the same inflections in their voices
The longer Noct was around Prompto, the more similarities he saw between him and Poppy and tbh… it weirded him out
And theeen… Then, there was the day that Prompto and Poppy met
Noct offhandedly mentioned that Prompto would be joining them at the arcade, to which Poppy eagerly agreed. Noct had mentioned Prom quite a bit, so at that point she figured that she should meet him
“Oh! I found Prom!” Noct said later, nodding his head towards Prompto’s familiar silhouette, “Hey, Prom!”
Prompto turned around of course, beaming as he walked closer to them in the arcade, “Hey, Noct! And you’re Poppy, ri-” He froze when he saw her
Her mouth was open to speak, but she couldn’t help but freeze when she saw him only a few feet away
It was like looking at a weird, distorted version of herself
Noct kept glancing between them, “Shit, I didn’t realize how similar you guys were until now.”
Luckily, it broke whatever weird spell they were under
Prompto managed to laugh it off and they had a quick, very awkward introduction before moving onto the arcade
It was strange and surreal for both Poppy and Prompto, and honestly, at first? Awkward as hell
They didn’t talk much to each other and seemed to be avoiding one another as best they could
Poppy even ended up going home earlier than planned, giving Noctis an apologetic smile and saying something about how her dad wanted her to help him with some pie (Cor hated pie so it was a bald-faced lie)
That evening, Cor could tell something was up
“Thought you’d be out with the Prince until pretty late.”
Poppy tried to dismiss his statement with a shrug, but Cor’s steady gaze and open silence pushed her for more info. “Just wasn’t feeling it. Met another one of his friends and it was kinda weird, ya know? His name’s Prompto and he’s plenty nice enough but…”
It clicked into place, and with a stoic nod, Cor didn’t ask any more questions. Internally, however, he was beating himself up
He knew very well it was the same Prompto he stole from the Empire with Poppy and he knew something like this would happen with her hanging around the Prince so often
It was only a matter of time before she pieced together some kind of connection and honestly? Cor wasn’t sure what to do when she did
Luckily for Cor, it was a long time before that happened
In the meantime, however, Poppy and Prompto somehow got over their awkward avoidance of each other (it was defo thanks to Noctis)
They ended up clicking very well. They’d finish each other’s sentences, laugh at the same damn stuff, freak out at the same things, and they were absolutely fantastic at teaming up together
Simply put, they became best friends. Noctis and Ignis were surprised at how well they got along, especially after the rocky start to their friendship, but at that point, they were practically stuck at the hip
Cor was uneasy as hell when it came to Prompto
There were times when Poppy’s friends were over and he was strangely tense (although he would always tell Poppy it was just at surprise at seeing the Prince in his apartment with his advisor and bodyguard)
Still, it was only a year before Noct left for his marriage to Lunafreya that Prom and Poppy found out about their barcodes
They had been goofing around like normal before deciding to try their hand at making cheesecake in Poppy’s kitchen
She didn’t want to get her long sleeves dirty and rolled them up, figuring that Prompto wouldn’t notice her wrist in their goofing around
Unfortunately, there were a few minutes of comfortable silence when he did
And boy did he clam up
“Uh… Poppy, is that uh, a tattoo?”
Poppy freaked out about it of course, “Uh, no--it’s just one of those fake stick-on tattoos ya know?” She had tried to lie her way out of the situation
“Oh--that's, that’s cool…” He didn’t believe it completely, “But,” but he had to try, right? “I actually have a similar one! Haha,”
“You do?” The seriousness in her voice was enough to cut all humor out of the room
“Y-yeah,” and he showed her.
Poppy felt the closest to understanding her damn tattoo than she’d ever felt before
Neither of them knew what it meant, but they felt an intense sense of solidarity and there was an unspoken pact between them from then on
They never really spoke about it for a long time, and Poppy never asked Cor. She was almost too scared to; she didn’t know what it meant and didn’t want to break their small family apart trying to figure it out
When she finally did find out, she was worried that Cor secretly hated her and that she was an abomination
Of course, Cor ended that pretty quickly. She ended up having a breakdown one night, and it was all Cor could do not to break down with her
He knelt down to look her in the eyes, holding onto her hands with his own just like whenever she fell as a kid and he wanted to cheer her up
“Poppy, you’re my daughter. I took you from that place and raised you myself. The second I looked you in the eye, you had me wrapped around your little finger. I could never hate you, not for spilling my favorite beer or waking me up when you were little, and definitely not for where you came from. You’re my kid, Poppy, and nothing’s gonna change that.” He managed to give her a shaky smile and earn one from her too, wrapping her in a big, comforting hug and making all of her worries disappear
“I love you, dad.”
“Love you, too, kiddo.”
Look i just love this ok. Give Me Papa Cor or Give Me Death.
B/c I’m a slut for a happy ending: Poppy did go on that road trip with the bros but guess what?
Luna lived, Noctis lived, they both got married and had some cute kids
Poppy ended up in a relationship with Gladdy (he kind of fell in love with how cute and sweet she was, plus the fact that if she had to she would kick his ass--which she did on multiple occasions)
Cor became a grandpa and both loved and hated it. He also never stopped giving Gladio hell.
Prompto married a swell gal and had some kids. Auntie Poppy spoiled them rotten btw
Regis and Clarus were proud Grandpapas, Iris and Poppy got along really really well (Iris said that if Gladio didn’t marry Poppy then she would)
Ardyn lived and became a weird trash uncle who spoiled the family kids and no one knows where he got his fortune from
Anyways, everyone lived happily ever after
Hope you guys enjoyed and let me know if you want some more realistic plot hc!
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beepbeep-losers · 7 years
boys and a bathroom
part 2: party
College au. Modern au. Stan and Eddie room together and are friends with Mike. Ben rooms with Mike and is dating Beverly, who is in an apartment with Richie and Bill. They’re sophomores.
part 1 // part 3 // part 4
now on AO3
Pairing: Stenbrough
Side pairings: Reddie and Benverly
Warning: alcohol, uhhhhhhh not much else tbh. Eddie is a flirty drunk, Stan and Bill both blush a lot.
Length: 2.1k words
Stanley Uris may have been just a little tipsy. He and Eddie had showed up giggling at Mike’s door, Eddie waving goodbye to their Uber driver (who, he said, had been “so fucking cute”). Stan was certain he’d be dragging Eddie off of someone later that night.
Now, Stan and Eddie were dancing in Mike’s living room. There were at least fifteen people in the apartment already, and Mike’s roommate hadn’t even arrived with his friends yet. When Mike popped up next to them with their drinks, Eddie was busy grinding into Stan and Stan was laughing at him.
“Here, guys,” Mike said, grabbing their attention. They cheered and took their drinks. “It’s punch – I made it myself.”
The drink was fruity and sweet and Stan hummed his appreciation at not being given beer or something equally gross. He left Eddie on the dance floor to follow Mike back into the kitchen.
“How much did you two drink before you came?” Mike asked.
Stan blushed a little. “A few shots a piece, and a strawberita each.”
“Eddie is already gone,” Mike commented, watching Eddie dancing happily to the upbeat music. “I watered down his punch a little.”
Stan tried to force the permanent grin being tipsy gave him from his face before asking, “Did you water mine down?”
Mike was shaking his head “no” when four people walked into the kitchen.
“Did I hear something about watering shit down?” one of them said loudly. He had thick-rimmed glasses and a mess of curly black hair. “Fuck is that about?”
“Ignore him,” another guy said. This one was blond with kind eyes and a pretty redheaded girl at his side. “That’s Richie.”
“The Trashmouth?” Mike asked knowingly. The other guy nodded and Richie gushed.
“Awe, Benny-boy, you talk about me!”
“You’re Ben!” Stan blurted. “Mike’s roommate.” Shit, he probably sounded tipsy as fuck. He blushed again.
“Yeah, I am,” Ben said, reaching out to shake Stan’s hand. “This is Bev, and that’s Bill.”
Ben motioned to the boy on his other side who had dark brown hair that seemed to have an almost red tint, gorgeous blue eyes, and full lips. And fuck, was he tall. Stan averted his gaze, embarrassed at his own thoughts. Fiddling with the cup in his hands, he smiled at him.
“I’m Stanley.”
Bill took a long sip of his drink, standing beside Mike at the edge of the living room and not-so-discreetly taking peeks at Stan as he danced with Eddie and Richie. Richie kept reaching out to touch Eddie’s waist and Eddie would grin at him slyly. He was usually pretty smooth. Bill was kind of the unspoken leader of their group. He was a pretty confident person, he had a good head on his shoulders. He didn’t know what it was about Stanley Uris that made him unable to speak. He could usually talk to guys that he was interested in so easily!
Bill snorted a little when Stanley made a playful gagging face at Richie touching Eddie once again.
“He’d normally fuss at him for that,” Mike chuckled. “Eddie, I mean.”
Bill jumped, a little embarrassed at having been caught watching them. “Y-yeah?”
“He’s not one for being touched by strangers, unless he’s been drinking.”
“Are he and Stan not together?” Bill asked, trying to sound casual.
Mike gave him a little grin. “Oh, no, Stan is single.”
Before Bill could respond, Ben and Beverly came up, Beverly grabbing for Bill.
“Billlllll! Take shots with me! I can’t pull Richie away from that boy he found and I want a drinking buddy,” Bev pouted.
“F-fine,” Bill laughed, and reached out to touch Mike’s shoulder. “You w-wanna come?”
“Sure, I’ve been holding back to check on everybody else but fuck that,” Mike said with a chuckle, following Bill and Bev to the counter separating the kitchen and the living room.
Disposable shot glasses were scattered along the counter, amid bottles of liquor that varied from white rum to whiskey to vodka.
Bill grabbed three shot glasses a bottle of gold tequila that he knew was Beverly’s favorite. “This okay with you, Mike?”
“Fine with me. Good taste,” Mike commented.
Bill grinned. “Bev’s favorite.”
“Tequila is the most effective liquor,” Bev interjected. Bill was pretty sure that she was trying to sound witty, but since she had an alcohol-induced grin, she mostly came off as tipsy.
“Beverly Marsh how dare you orchestrate a group shot without me, you wretched bitch!”
Richie Tozier popped up behind Bev, throwing an arm around her shoulders. He was using what Bill thought was supposed to be his Englishman accent.
“How dare you abandon me for some cute piece of ass, Richie Tozier!”
“Hey! Is she talking about me?”
Eddie and Stanley were suddenly there, filling in the circle that had formed, and Eddie had asked the question to Stanley while tugging on the curly-headed man’s sleeve.
“She most certainly is, Eddie-kins!” Richie cooed, releasing Beverly to pinch Eddie’s cheek. Eddie promptly swatted his hand away, face red but lips pulled into a smile.
“As cute as your incessant flirting has been, can I please get a shot so that I become numb to it? Otherwise I may gag,” Stanley deadpanned. Bill laughed loudly despite himself and everyone turned to him. He felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he turned quickly to get more shot glasses.
“R-r-ruh-right, so h-how many sh-sh-shots is that n-now?”
“Quite the stutter there, Billy boy, calm down,” Richie joked, narrowing his eyes at his friend’s back. He and Bev traded a glance.
“Six shots,” Mike said helpfully, and Bill gave him a grateful smile.
Bill poured seven shots, keeping one on the counter. He passed a shot out to everyone but Ben, and they clinked in the middle before downing their shots. While Eddie said something about how he wished there was lime, Bill grabbed the spare shot and took it quickly. He met Ben’s curious gaze as his hand came down.
“You cool?”
Bill nodded. “Absolutely.” He flicked his eyes over to Stanley, and Ben followed his gaze. When their eyes met again, Ben gave him an understanding nod. “Just a little nervous.”
“He’s cute,” Ben said with a little smile. “Be careful.”
Bill nodded and grabbed a cup so that he could get punch. He could feel his nerves tense every time he looked at Stanley, and he really needed it. He was determined to talk to him at some point in the night.
Stanley was having too much fun to notice much else. It didn’t even bother him much that Richie, the loudmouth friend of Ben’s, was constantly flirting with Eddie. Okay, he looked at Bill across the room a little. But that was neither here nor there. Stan was having a good time getting to know Ben and Beverly and Richie – getting to know being the usual drunken giggling and joking around. He had danced with Bev a few times, since Ben wasn’t too much of a dancer and Stanley assured him that he was very gay, so he shouldn’t worry. (Ben didn’t really need to be assured, as he didn’t mind Bev dancing with someone else if she wanted, but he thought it was funny that Stan was so concerned.)
The only one of Ben’s friends that he hadn’t talked to much was Bill, who had spent most of the evening chatting with Mike. Stan was trying to pretend like he wasn’t jealous at all about that. Bill was cute, and Stan had been hoping that maybe he would notice him. But Mike was handsome. Bill probably thought so too. It was understandable. Stanley was pretty small – kind of the opposite of Mike. Maybe Bill was into a Mike type more than a Stan type. Stan took a long drink of his punch thinking about it.
Several hours into the party, when everyone was objectively drunk (save the DDs present), Bill and Mike finally found their way to their friends, who were standing near the center of the room. Some of the other partygoers had started to leave, but only a few. Stan had gathered that they were some high school friends of Ben’s, and some classmates of both of theirs. Mike and Ben were also apparently in a club or two together.
Bill was very obviously drunk. Stan figured he was too. But Bill was such an excited drunk.
“Bev!” he exclaimed as he walked up to their group, Mike following closely behind. “Beverly!”
Bev spun and she grabbed Bill’s hands. “Bill! What’s up, dude?”
“I’ve had the b-b-best idea,” he said, slurring a little. His voice dropped to a whisper, and he spoke softly into Beverly’s ear. Stan’s interested piqued.
“Ohmygod, Bill! Amazing!” Bev squealed. “Let’s fuckin go! I have a needle in my purse.”
As Bev raced to her purse, Stan impulsively reached out to grab Bill’s arm. Bill spun toward him immediately, eyes bright. “H-hey. Stan.”
“What’re you and Beverly doing?” Stan asked, tilting his head to the side.
Beverly popped back up and she and Bill began to race off, but Bill tugged Stan along. “Come on, you’ll see!”
Stan laughed and followed as they raced into another room – Stan didn’t know what room it was – and closed the door behind them.
“Bev’s gonna give me a tattoo!” Bill exclaimed. He put his hands on Stan’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. Stan blushed. “Isn’t that fucking great?”
Stan was drunk, but he figured that Bev giving Bill a tattoo while they were both highly inebriated was not the best idea. He couldn’t find any words, though, while Bill was touching his shoulders, other than: “Oh.”
“C’mere, Bill,” Bev ushered, and Bill let go of Stan and started tugging his flannel off. Stan’s blush deepened and he held onto his cup more tightly, taking a sip.
The door swung open suddenly, and Ben flew into the room. “Bev! Bill! What the hell are you doing?”
“Honey!” Bev greeted happily, waving at him over Bill’s shoulder. Bill was throwing his flannel to the side, and grabbing to pull his shirt off. “I’m gonna give Bill a stick n’ poke!”
Ben’s eyes widened and he went over to Bev. “No no no no no, Bevvie. I love you. But not now, okay?”
Bev pouted and Ben started talking to her gently, carefully taking the sewing needle out of her hand. Bill, apparently distracted from his tattoo idea, came to Stan and grabbed his hand. “Hey, come here, Stan.”
Stan followed.
Before he knew it, Bill tugged him into the bathroom in the hallway and sat on the floor. Concerned, Stan put his cup on the counter and knelt in front of him. “Are you okay, Bill?”
Bill considered him.
“I want to kiss you.”
Stan was pretty sure he’d died. He felt his stomach in his toes. “You what?”
“Come here.”
And then Bill was reaching for him and Stan was letting him and oh fuck it, he may as well, I mean what was the harm, and Bill’s pretty blue eyes fluttered closed and –
Oh, his lips were soft. Stan felt a contented sigh escape him against Bill’s lips, and he slowly kissed back, leaning in closer to him. Bill’s hand cupped Stan’s jaw and Stan’s hand was on the wall beside Bill’s head and they kissed and Stan wasn’t sure how long it went on because everything was a little fuzzy around the edges, but when it stopped he was pretty sad it wasn’t still happening.
He and Bill looked at each other, lips a little puffy.
Stan realized that he had just drunkenly kissed a very attractive guy in the bathroom of his friend’s apartment, and a blush rose to his cheeks.
“You okay, Stan?” Bill asked gently. His hand dropped from Stan’s face and Stan missed the warmth.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
“Let’s go.”
Stan nodded and stood, then followed Bill out of the bathroom, feeling a little dazed. Bill walked casually toward the group they had left before, where Bev and Ben had returned. When Stan finally got there, Ben looked at him with concern.
“You and Bill were in the bathroom for a bit. You both okay? Not sick?”
Stan stared at Ben. He didn’t know if Bill wanted anyone to know. He didn’t know if it was just a stupid drunken thing. He didn’t know. So he swallowed, and nodded. “Mhm. We’re fine, Ben, thanks. Bill just needed a second.”
Ben smiled at him appreciatively. Stan slunk over to stand between Eddie and Bev, glancing at Bill as he went. Bill was looking at him already, and gave him a shy sort of smile.
Stan didn’t remember much after that.
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yugyeommie-kim · 8 years
Sick Mark: One Shot
Nausea washed over him like a wave over a beach as soon as he landed the final flip. He only stumbled a bit. It couldn’t have been that noticeable unless someone was really paying attention to him and nobody really was. Jinyoung was yelling at Bambam and Yugyeom for dabbing instead of doing the actual choreographed moves. Jaebum was busy giggling with Youngjae about Jackson getting too excited and starting with the wrong move for the dance practice while Jackson was pouting and screaming to defend himself. Even the crew that came to shoot was occupied chatting over the expensive camera equipment. Mark was pitifully alone in a room for of people. It was nothing new. Being shy was always his vice and while he had gotten better since being with the boys he still had days like these where he would slip in the background and not have the strength nor drive to pull himself back out again.
Today he didn’t mind being a wallflower much. He was exhausted, more so than usual, and he didn’t want the other boys to worry or worse think he was complaining when all of them were equally as tired. He wasn’t alone in this business and if everyone else was fine then he would be too. What right did he have to complain when everyone else hid their lack of sleep and pushed on with a positive attitude? He ignored the sick feeling that swirled in his gut and went to sit against the wall and took sips out of his water bottle. Luck was even on his side as the nausea had gone just as quick as it left.
He was thankful that the crew was satisfied with the final product delighted with the humor sure to rile the fans up and told them they could head back to the dorm. Jaebum ushered them out with the promise of take out and Mark followed behind holding his water tightly the thought of greasy chicken take out making him feel queasy.
The feeling didn’t subside when they piled into the car and he wondered how he even kept the grimace off his face as all the window seats were taken in the van and he had to slid between Jackson and Yugyeom in the back. When the car actually started to move he was reminded of his younger self immediately. School used to make him so nervous he would get car sick on the way to school everyday. His dad had resorted to keeping a sick bucket in the trunk to place at his feet at the beginning of the morning ride so he wouldn’t soil the interior of the car. It was for a different reason even if he didn’t know what it was and all he could do was close his eyes and lean his head on Jackson’s shoulder trying to keep the monster writhing within him at bay. He heard Jackson make some comment about him. He wasn’t really listening though as he nuzzled his face into the soft material of Jackson’s cotton shirt hoping he wouldn’t accidentally vomit on the other Chinese boy.
He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep but he did know his head hurt very badly when he woke up again. The pain was incessant and sharp in his right temple and the pain in his stomach had not passed either. He felt so disoriented as he dragged himself from the van and did his best to walk in a straight line through the parking lot. Surprisingly Yugyeom wrapped his arm around Mark and looked down at him with large curious eyes.
“Hyung, you seem even more tired than normal, the flips must have really taken it out of you today, huh?” His voice was sweet and quiet with an undertone of concern. Mark wanted to give him a real answer, but when he tried to speak his lip just trembled weakly. So he nodded to his concerned maknae even though jostling his head felt disgusting and gave him the only dopey smile he could manage. He then proceeded to use him as a casual support to get himself up the stairs to the entrance of the dorm.
He didn’t even bother explaining himself as he hurried off towards his bedroom to curl up in his bed. He missed the concerned look from his members on the way too preoccupied with trying not to fall on his way to bed. He didn’t even bother to turn on the light or to change his clothes. He just managed to pull of his shoes like a drunkard and curl up under the covers.
Once again he didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, but pain struck him upon his awakening. The first thing he saw hazily through the dark was a plate of food set on his side table. He felt repulsed as his stomach seemed to churn and he rolled over to see Jackson laying in his bed. Feeling needy and too hazy to question why Jackson was in his bed and not his own on the other side of the room in the first place he scooted forward a few to cuddle up to Jackson resting his he’s in the crook of his neck. He hadn’t meant to wake up Jackson, but he heard Jackson’s deep groan as he started to come too he couldn’t bring himself to care. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.
“Mark hyung what’s wrong? I- you’re burning up!” Jackson sounded devastated holding mark closer than before and Mark felt Jackson’s hand run through his hair.
“Jackson, I don’t feel good,” he admitted it for the first time that day and he knew he had done a poor job of hiding it and he knew he shouldn’t complain, but Jackson just made him feel like he could trust him with anything.
“Mark it’s okay I’ll get you some medicine, alright?” Mark made a hum or agreement but he still felt sad at the loss of contact when Jackson untangled Mark from himself and sat up. He felt Marks forehead one last time before getting up and going out and down the hall to raid the medicine cabinet. Mark could have sworn he heard Jackson mumble something but he didn’t bother to question it as he pulled the blanket tightly around himself. He felt the non-existent chill in the room deep in his aching bones
When Jackson came back he wasn’t alone. JB was right behind him a stoic expression on his face, and Mark shivered at the lecture he knew the leader surely had prepared for him on keeping health issues a secret. Mark forced himself to sit up using the backboard of the bed for support. JB stayed silent not fulfilling his expectations and sat down beside him laying his hand on his forehead. His eyebrows furrowed when he felt the heat emanating off his skin and he spoke out immediately. “Mark Hyung, I knew you were being more quiet than usual… I just thought you were tired. I’m sorry for letting this get out or control.” Mark stared at him blankly baffled at the fact that Jaebum seemed to be blaming himself and he started to try and explain just how wrong that was but he was cut off before he could even finish Jaebums two syllable nickname. “Don’t fight me on this hyung, please just take your medicine and get better for all of us.” Jaebum looked dead tired and very concerned and the little fight mark had drained away.
He took the water and pills Jackson held out to him ignoring the look of satisfaction on his face. Mark didn’t know if it was because Jaebum was showing his teddy bear side or if it was because he silenced Marks worries with his own, maybe it both, but he didn’t dwell on it as he took the pills quickly and laid back down placing his head on the leader’s lap letting him card his fingers softly through his hair.
For the last time Mark fell asleep without realizing it and when he woke up both JB and Jackson were cuddled up to him. He couldn’t remember another time he has felt so good.
//My grammar has a long way to go, I’m still learning how to do this writing on Tumblr thing, and I’m trash
I really like sickfics and this just happened oops (PS all of this is purely fiction of course)
I also high-key want to start writing a lot for GOT7 and taking requests but I feel like I need to start with a bit of a foundation of my trash writing for people to request stuff first??? Idk I just hope somewhere somebody enjoys this tbh 👌
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toshler · 8 years
nsfw: camboys (how josh and tyler truly met)
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(((( a.u. where ty and josh are professional fuck buddies - which turns into something more. i almost didn’t post this one because i don’t know all the details of camming, but to hell with it. enjoy ))))
josh was randomly searching craigslist for couches and out of curiosity veered into the ‘adult’ section. he came across this ad:
28, looking for male regular for my live sex cam. send pics to [email protected]
usually josh would see these and move on, but noticed there was a picture of the ad poster. in the low res quality, josh could tell that he was very cute. josh was bored and horny, so decided he may as well give it a try. the guy didn’t look like an ax murderer or anything and maybe he had an old couch he needed to get rid of. 
it didn’t take long for the guy to email back. apparently his name was tyler, and he said josh looked to be the perfect fit. tyler said to come over to his apartment by 9 pm and expect to start working right away. he said to be warned, that he had a very demanding audience, but the job paid well and he’d receive a good portion. in the meanwhile, tyler spent his time taking a shower and freaking out over the hot guy that was about to come over. 
when josh first arrived at tyler’s apartment, he noted that it was much nicer than his and in a better part of town. when tyler opened the door, the whole ‘sketchy’ vibe of meeting someone from craigslist for sex work dwindled. tyler was very open and friendly, offering josh to take a seat and asked if he’d like anything to drink. josh sat on tyler’s ‘new’ couch and asked if he could have coffee.
tyler came back with the coffee and his own glass of wine. he explained that he mainly worked solo and just decided to venture into partnering with someone. he also said he was glad josh applied, because having another person might help with tips. josh admitted the reason he applied wasn’t so much to make money, but because he was bored/lonely and down for a good fuck. tyler said he wouldn’t regret his decision. he appreciated josh’s bluntness, but was a little insecure that josh may have been hotter than him. josh was secretly insecure tyler was the hotter one. once they finished their drinks, tyler invited josh to his ‘office’ to which josh happily accepted. 
the room was soundproofed with a large bed, a mirror, webcams, and a laptop on a desk across from the bed. it was a clean and plain looking room with white walls and hardly anything in it. all the bedding was dark blue, and there was a small dresser next to the bed, plus an average sized closet. tyler said it was basically the easiest, funnest job ever if you knew how to work people. 
“the only rule is no free shows. we may need to do stuff off camera though” tyler explained with a little smirk. this was all so new to josh, but it seemed like tyler knew what he was doing. the suggestion in tyler’s tone already had his blood flowing. 
tyler opened the laptop and turned the camera on so that they showed up within the frame. josh found it a little odd seeing himself, especially knowing that they were about to do sexual things for strangers to watch and pay. but the thought also turned him on. 
“ok ready?” tyler said as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. as soon as josh got on the bed, tyler crawled into his lap. he grinned at josh’s surprised reaction. 
“fuck ty-” josh muttered, until he was cut off by tyler crashing his lips to his. josh moaned into tyler’s mouth as he kissed him aggressively and wrapped his arms around the smaller man, pulling him down on top of him as they fell back. the kiss was needy, but turned soft and affectionate with time. tyler’s hands traveled down josh’s body, exploring carefully and undoing his jeans. 
josh didn’t realize what he was doing until tyler broke away to pull josh’s jeans halfway down his thighs. he pressed soft, slow kisses down josh’s happy trail and nuzzled his cheek against josh’s hardening cock, massaging him through his briefs while sucking marks into his hip. josh let out a low moan, head turning to the side and fingers running through tyler’s fluffy dark hair. tyler pulled away and sat back up to stare at a disheveled looking josh, cheeks flushed and eyes glossy. josh wanted nothing more than to see tyler writhing in pleasure underneath him. 
“okay, we’ll become familiar with each other, th-then we can kiss and edge each other on camera. but with our clothes on. clothes stay on ‘til tips.” tyler explained as professionally as possible. josh could tell he was horny as fuck but trying to maintain a business mindset, which made josh want to die of cuteness overload. josh sat back against the pillows as tyler zoomed the camera in a little and prepared to set up the live stream. josh was nervous, but also excited where it could lead. mostly, he was just horny and needed to be surrounded by tyler’s warmth and scent all over again.
tyler finished logging in. all he needed to do was press the record button and they would be on instantly. instead, he turned around and took his briefs off before climbing back in bed, giving josh a private show first. josh bit his lip, relishing at his first glance at tyler’s pretty cock. josh moaned again, shoving his hand in his briefs to stroke himself completely hard.
“don’t tease me, josh, show me” josh lifted his hips to slide them down, watching tyler’s face as his cock sprang back towards his stomach. the noise of approval tyler made was enough to cause warmth to spread throughout his groin. tyler laid next to him, hooking his leg over josh’s and running a hand up josh’s shirt as he kissed him again. he moved down his jawline and attached to his neck, shamelessly moaning and whimpering while sliding his cock against josh’s hip. josh moaned as tyler pinched his nipples under his shirt, then grazed his nails down his stomach, causing sparks of electricity. he stopped just short of josh’s cock. if josh wasn’t painfully hard a moment ago, he was now. 
“i thought you said no teasing” josh whimpered. tyler didn’t say anything right away, just gave a small laugh as he moved his hand lower and gripped josh’s cock and pulling it up from his stomach. 
“that only applies to you, not me. i’m the one in charge here” tyler teased while running his thumb over josh’s wet tip. josh reached down and gave tyler’s ass a squeeze, causing tyler’s hips to jerk and cock to nudge harder against his hip. 
“you’re just begging to be fucked, aren’t you” josh growled, making tyler’s eyes widen. tyler moaned an affirmative and straddled him. josh’s hands were all over him instantly, greedily running up and down his back under his shirt, over his ass, hips, thighs, then up his stomach and chest. tyler allowed this while rolling his hips, finding josh’s cock with his own and sliding against it.
“maybe we should start the show now?” tyler muttered, breathless and feeling himself getting worked up too quick. 
“okay, baby.” josh agreed, regaining his composure. tyler blushed at the pet name and stood up to put his briefs back on. josh tucked himself back into his briefs and kicked his jeans off as tyler went to his laptop to press record. right away people entered the room, new as well as regulars. the chat started filling up right away, which to josh was both nerve-wracking and exciting. 
oh you have someone with you is that your boyfriend? he’s hot let him eat you out cute couple what’s his name? sit on his face
tyler ignored it for a minute to set up the tip prices. he answered some of the questions about josh really quick, then explained that the show would get really good once tips started coming in. he stood up so that his tented briefs were in the frame to show that he was hard, then got into bed with josh. 
tyler pulled the cover over their laps, then told josh he would jerk him under the covers to tease them. josh nodded, and tyler licked his hand before sliding his hand into josh’s briefs. josh moaned, tilting his head back in pleasure. he gazed at the camera, biting his lip with bedroom eyes while he was obviously being jerked by tyler under the blanket. tips started rolling in, along with requests.
mmm get naked let’s see those hard cocks now plsss show  kiss both so hot fuck who’s bigger? KISSSSS
josh leaned forward to read them and couldn’t help but laugh at their incessant begging. he figured if he were in their situation, he’d be doing the same, but he was the lucky one who got to have tyler all to himself. 
“you’re a natural at this, josh. alright, time to take our clothes off.” tyler praised quietly so speakers wouldn’t pick up.
josh sat at the edge of the bed and pulled his shirt off, taking his time and making a show of it. he seen more comments quickly coming in, but didn’t read it. he knew his body was wank material. tyler leaned in to kiss down his neck and chest while moaning softly. josh knew he was showing off, but it was turning him on tenfold anyway. he could feel pre-cum sticking him to his briefs, which was getting quite uncomfortable. tyler stopped right before his soft lips made their way to josh’s sensitive nipple, reading more comments. josh had to stifle a whine. 
your friend looks ready to take you already bet he's rough how long you been together? yeah you want that dick slut wish that was me tbh how much for rimming?
tyler answered the questions, then stood up to take his briefs off in front of the camera while doing a little dance. josh couldn’t help but admire tyler’s perfectly round ass, imagining what he’d do to it for teasing him like that. josh pulled his briefs off as well to match tyler’s nakedness. tyler turned around to shake his ass playfully at the camera, then sat back down next to josh to caress him in different spots while staring at the camera. tyler knew too well where josh’s sensitive spots were, spending an agonizingly long time on his chest and nipples. josh stopped him to tilt his face up by his chin and kiss his lips softly at first, then deepened it. tyler sighed, bringing his hand up to josh’s cheek and letting josh dominate him. more tips and requests rolled in, and tyler broke away to check it. 
“alright show my hole, then suck you. ready, stud?” tyler asked casually. josh’s cock jerked at that and he made a soft grunting sound which tyler took as a ‘yes’. he smirked at josh’s animalistic state, thinking he looked so sexy like that.
“wait, show me first” josh said, feeling more possessive than usual. tyler raised his brows at it but obliged, turning his back towards him. josh spread him open and leaned down to touch his tongue to tyler’s entrance. tyler keened high and needy, moving forward slightly, but josh held his hips firmly. he give him a few hard licks before pulling away and slapping his right ass cheek.
“that’s just a little taste of what’s to come. alright, go ahead” josh said authoritatively. tyler just gawked at him for a moment, delighted by his dominant side. he said no free shows, but figured most of that was blocked from the frame anyway and left most to the imagination. tyler turned his back to the camera, spreading himself open to show his hole. he bent over and held it for a bit, making sure they got their money’s worth. josh talked dirty to him and held his cock the whole time. he gave tyler bursts of short, quick strokes as rewards to his responses. 
j - “you like exposing yourself to strangers on the internet, baby boy?” t - “mmmm yes daddy”  j - “but you’re mine. to them you’re just a little slut” t - “I know. i’m all yours” j - “good boy. spank yourself for me and count to 3” t - “1...oww” j - “harder” t - “2 uunnf....ahh...3!” j - “good boy. you like that”  t - “yes, thank you daddy”  j - “i’m gonna fuck you so hard baby boy” 
tyler moved his red, abused ass away from the camera to replace with his flushed, pretty face. he had kind of a half-tortured, half-lust expression as he read the comments. 
i’d lick that all day already wet, u slut i’m so hard ride his big daddy cock i want to fuck you while you suck him damnnnn you like it hard don’t you josh’s voice is so hot i love the dirty talk
tyler grinned at the last comment and zoomed the camera in a bit. he knelt on the floor and held josh’s cock in his hand while bringing his tongue out to taste the tip, then swirled his tongue around the head for a bit and kissed it, all while maintaining eye contact with the camera. josh couldn’t take anymore so he pushed tyler’s head down. tyler allowed more of his cock in, stretching his lips around him and sucking his cheeks in. he listened to josh falling apart above him and more tips rolled in, but was too busy sucking and jerking his own cock. tyler’s throat swallowed around josh’s cock and eyes squeezed shut as he held down for as long as possible, then pulled back up for breath. he blinked a few times, trying to read the comments as he languidly pumped josh in his hand. more drool leaked back out onto josh’s cock, adding to the wet slick sounds.
you’re so good at that baby can your tight hole take it as well mmmmmmmmmm come on, ride his cock don’t neglect his balls
tyler smirked at the last comment and sucked both josh’s balls into his mouth, paying them some attention before zooming the camera back out and getting up. josh already looked wrecked, and tyler felt kind of bad knowing he wanted to cum so bad, but they were just getting started. huge load meant huge tip. 
“it’ll be so worth it when you wait” tyler said empathetically. 
“i’ve edged before, but it’s a lot harder with someone else” josh confessed, laughing once he realized the pun, then shivering as tyler ran his thumb over his slit again. tyler’s heart fell when he realized he was falling in love with josh in front of hundreds of strangers online. he checked the chat and noticed the person that inquired about rimming had paid for it. 
“time to eat me, josh. what is more comfortable for you?” tyler asked. 
“you sitting on my face” josh answered, grinning excitedly. josh prided himself on his rimming abilities and exceptionally strong tongue. he laid his head towards the edge and tyler adjusted the camera before getting into position on his knees, ass towards the camera. josh spread him open and tyler lowered until he felt josh’s tongue glide along his hole, sending a spark of pleasure right through him. josh moaned and tongued him open while rhythmically massaging his cheeks. tyler resisted the urge to touch himself because he wouldn’t last much longer if he did, especially when josh kept making these insane growling noises which were sending vibrations right through him. when josh started fondling tyler’s balls, tyler lightly tapped josh’s arm and leaned forward.
“okay it’s...i almost came” tyler said, laughing embarrassed. josh was secretly flattered and desired to make tyler cum hard but didn’t want to blow the money shot. he didn’t care about the tips as much, but wanted to remain tyler’s “business partner” for a very long time. instead, they made out in front of the camera while playfully smiling and whispering things to each other in between kisses. if you hadn’t known any better, you would think they were together for years they had such good chemistry. 
are you gonna fuck that hot bottom? you guys are sooo cute together mmm hot kissing tongue action cum cum cum rub each other’s nipples both sexy bodies
tyler read some of the comments, thanking them and saying they’d fuck and cum once they met their goal. it was set high, but they considering demand it was worth waiting for that tip. they did little things to keep it sexy, like caressing each other’s bodies and flashing every once in a while. both were so hard it was almost painful, and josh was verging on blue balls. finally, someone tipped for josh to fuck tyler’s ass and cum on his back. 
“there’s lube in that top drawer over there” tyler informed josh, who quickly retrieved it. 
josh was practically giddy with excitement to fuck tyler for the first time and cum. it was somehow even more rewarding that someone paid to see it, like he’d earned the privilege. he smiled and thanked the tippers immensely, blowing kisses at the camera. tyler could just sense that he was in for it, so he submitted by getting on all fours and presenting his ass to josh. he leaned on his forearms and arched his back beautifully for josh, who dipped into bed behind him and roughly grabbed his hips, teasing his hole with his cock. josh spread a generous amount of lube in his hand and spread it all over his cock before sliding it through tyler’s ass cheeks, teasing him more. finally, tyler’s breath hitched as he felt the first inch or so slide inside him. josh and tyler both moaned loudly when josh fully bottomed out, then he started rocking his hips back and forth, jack-hammering into tyler. tyler cried out with every slap of josh’s hips against his ass, and his cock leaked out onto the sheets. 
meanwhile the comments were going crazy. tyler and josh had completely abandoned the fact that they had over hundreds of strangers watching them fuck, and tipping. josh held onto tyler’s hips, alternating speeds, pressures, and angles until he got just the right one that made tyler shake, cry out, and clench around josh’s cock. josh was already close, but this extra reaction from tyler almost pushed him over the edge. josh sped up his thrusts for half a minute, before pulling out and jerking off fast and furious over tyler’s ass and lower back. in the frantic moment his aim was off by a hair and his cum shot up between tyler’s shoulder blades and some got into his hair. he allowed the waves of intense pleasure course through him, totally unaware of anything else at the moment. he didn’t realize until tyler shifted underneath him a bit that it was all over tyler’s back, drying on his skin and in his hair. 
“tyler, i’m so sorry!” josh apologized. tyler found it funny and cute.
“it’s alright, you’re new. there’s some wipes in the second drawer” tyler assured him while laying flat on his stomach. josh retrieved those and began wiping down his mess. tyler checked the comments, laughing at some of the reactions. 
“yes, i will cum too! but where should i do it?” tyler asked out loud to the camera. someone tipped and requested that josh sucked him off then kissed tyler with the load still in his mouth. tyler had never tried that, but the more he thought about it, the hotter it sounded. tyler proposed the idea to josh, and josh was pretty enthusiastic about it. in fact, he was just enthusiastic about having his tongue, mouth, or cock anywhere on tyler’s body or bodily fluids. 
josh laid tyler on his back, and even though tyler was still hard and didn’t require any foreplay, josh still wanted to. he started by sensually french kissing him while teasing his nipples. tyler moaned into it, body hyper sensitive to every touch in anticipation of cumming and josh’s mouth. josh moved down to tyler’s neck, and tyler tilted his head back to give him more access. josh loved sucking hickies into his skin there, and grazing his tongue over his bobbing adam’s apple. he continued down, pausing to tongue and suck over his nipples and down his stomach, pausing at his belly button. he was taking his time, but their viewers were appreciating every bit of it. josh spent very little time on tyler’s inner thighs and hips, both getting impatient. once josh did get to his cock though, he took him all the way, making tyler buck his hips and moan involuntarily. it was the hottest thing ever, how violently tyler’s body responded to the onslaught of sensation. tyler felt like he was at a hundred percent arousal as josh was teasing him, but it spiked from fifty to a hundred in the moment josh went full throttle on his cock with his mouth. josh held tyler’s hips down, working his magic and causing tyler’s hands to fly to josh’s head, mumbling incoherent praises. 
“oh god, i’m gonna cum, JOSH” tyler yelled when suddenly he was filling josh’s mouth with his cum, convulsing and grabbing the sheets. josh accidentally swallowed some from the sheer force it shot to the back of his throat, but managed to hold some in his mouth. when tyler settled down, dazed and absently caressing josh’s shoulder, josh let tyler’s cock slip from his mouth and showed the cum to their viewers. he wrapped a hand around tyler’s throat and hovered his lips over tyler’s, who instinctively opened his mouth and allowed josh’s tongue to slip in along with the salty mouthful of liquid. tyler’s eyes rolled back at the visceral, sexual feeling he got from tasting himself in josh’s mouth, who was eagerly sliding his tongue around his and sucking. only one thought was going through tyler’s mind, and it was this guy is a keeper, i can’t let him go.
“hey josh, want to maybe um, hang out spend the night? you can just sleep in my bed. if you want of course.” tyler asked josh after the show when they were putting their clothes back on. josh smiled and nodded with no hesitation whatsoever, thinking tyler was silly for even fearing rejection. if tyler didn’t ask, he would’ve been worried. 
the next morning, josh woke up to tyler on his lap and the smell of pancakes and bacon. josh stretched and yawned, a laugh being forced out by how tyler was smiling down at him. 
“we make such a good team” tyler said. 
“yeah we do” josh responded, without hesitation, pulling tyler down for more kissing. 
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