#Raven Cincaide's ask
ravencincaide · 7 months
Precious flowers get picked first
Summary: Being in charge was not an easy feat for Chuuya  especially when his subordinates reached a new level of failure. A mission a glorified monkey would be able to accomplish. Yet here they were, humiliated in front of the entire Yokohama by a little brat. Still if you kept up with that attitude then Chuuya would just have to make the move himself. Before anyone else managed to pluck his flower from him. 
Pairing: Ability user fem!reader x Boss Chuuya!
Inspired request from anon: “Placed in a universe where Chuuya is the port mafia's boss and the reader is someone who made a mistake and caught the eye of the port mafia. Maybe they got involved with some mess and ended up being a port mafia's target?” 
Warnings: Cursing, blood, an intrigued, possessive and annoyed Chuuya
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“ So let me get this straight” the executives words were spoken slowly, condescendingly, as if addressed to a child or a barely competent idiot who sputtered pure gibberish “- you butchered the fuckin’ mission; got your asses kicked, pick pocketed and left naked at the bank of Yokohama river to waddle all the way to the base by a fucking brat?!” 
Chuuya’s piercing eyes studied the dozen men in his office. He ran his gaze over each and every one of them; their blank faces, fear filled eyes and a slight shift in their body language that loudly screamed ‘failure’. The disheveled appearance of the more experienced members and the fish-out-of-water expressions from the new recruits only added to the awkward atmosphere. They all looked like they would have preferred anything- even death- to the predicament of delivering such a humiliating report, in person, to their boss. To stare Chuuya in the face and admit that they not only failed in their assignment but did so in the most shameful fashion- a disgrace so spectacular that death was the least of their worries. In fact they all looked like they would have preferred the encounter with the grim reaper instead of this. 
For a second, Chuuya shared that sentiment. Frustrated sigh escaped his lips; a gloved hand reached up and pressed against the bridge of his nose between his eyes in a futile attempt to combat the oncoming headache at the realization that he had yet another mess to clean up. Why bother with subordinates if they were this fucking incompetent? Why be a boss if he spent more time in the field than ever before? 
Fucking morons. 
Chuuya’s free hand rested on his desk, a nervous finger tapped away against the mahogany wood right beside his top hat, a freshly poured and forgotten glass of wine and an unlit cigarette propped up against the ashtray. A ritual to mourn the lost. The initial plan was the lost comrades- now he had the mafia’s tarnished reputation to lament for. An incident that would make Port Mafia the laughing stock of the entire district; an invitation for other organizations to challenge them. To challenge the current world order, the long since established status-quo. 
“..A girl” 
Chuuya’s eyes instantly shifted to the youngest recruit who’s pitiful voice echoed around the office. The man ducked his head; finding the carpet-clad floor uncharacteristically interesting as he repeated himself an octave louder “ It was a girl” 
“ So you had the fucking time to check the brat out instead of roundin’ her up?”
Several men flickered their gazes between each other; the closest to a lewd grin they’d dare express in front of their boss. It was as if they took Chuuya’s question as an invitation to share their observation- perhaps if they appealed to the man rather than the boss then their punishment would decrease from certain murder to manageable- albeit torturous existence.  
“ Well she was really pretty, like a serene pretty and her voice was-—” Chuuya’s fist made contact with the table; the crack of protest from the splintered wood- like the fracture of bones- silenced the office. The red power surrounded him like an ominous warning; it dared the next person to open their fucking mouth, and  become very acquainted with gravity.  
“ A little girl beat a dozen mafia and you’re fucking raving about her appearance? Get out of my sight before you regret it” Chuuya’s voice was a dangerous hiss that came out in between deep breaths. When none of the men moved he launched an ashtrash at their heads; the heavy glass hitting the youngest subordinates in the forehead. It split the skull in half, spilled its dark red insides all over the boy's face and Chuuya’s office. Not sufficiently to kill but damned near close. 
The final warning. 
A warning no one questioned as the men shuffled out of the office; some of them lingered just long enough to gasp out an apology and a ‘thank you’ for his mercy. A sharp look made them rush out and shut the door firmly behind themselves. It left Chuuya in dead silence for once during this entire damned day. Surely no one would be stupid enough to disturb him more on this godforsaken night. 
Chuuya took several calm breaths. Regained his composure, calmed the spiraled bloodlust into a manageable humm in the back of his skull. Then he stood up from his desk and made sure to take the glass of wine with him. He took a sip of it, the sweetness of it shifted the murderous bloodlust into a different emotion-  a different type of lust. For a moment Chuuya lingered by his desk, torn between going back to the icy luxurious apartment in the city or to remain in the stuffy spare room of his office. He glanced at the paperwork; eyes lingered on the late evening newspapers that depicted his underlings humiliation. 
Then he groaned audibly. 
He would need to gather his executives first thing tomorrow. Silence the publicist- deal with anyone who dared question Port Mafia's authority. Sign new deals; shut Dazai the fuck up before the damage could spread to irreversible proportions. 
With quick steps Chuuya headed towards the door in the corner of his office partially hidden by a dark curtain. Past it was a simple room with a bed, a dresser and another door which led towards the bathroom with a shower. He walked past those and towards the tiny glass table with a lamp in the corner by the only window.  He flickered it on. The lamp flared and lit up, the strong rays chased back the darkness of the room. In doing so, it illuminated a handful of pictures on the wall. 
Your pictures.
 The ones stolen from city archives- copied from security cameras. Most were fuzzy with the exception of the largest one in the middle which he had stolen- purchased- from your old family photographer. A picture unfitting the family album- or engagement-proposal photo. It was most certainly Chuuya favorite. This was the one where you showed your true character. Large curious eyes half lidded in boredom behind long lashes, lips pulled up into a displeased frown and arms stubbornly crossed over your chest. A huge red flower in your hair, just barely held in place with hair pins. 
“ You’re losing your touch, flower” Chuuya murmured as he stared at your picture. “Such a mistake to be seen; so careless. Tsk tsk tsk” 
A twirl of his wine, its sweet aroma filled Chuuya’s senses. He took a sip of it- salvaged it in the moments it took to walk up to your picture. A gloved finger trailed out your features; from your hair, to the outline of your face, over your neck then up to the frown on your lips. He ran his thumb over them, as if to brush out the sullen look. His own lips itched up into a humorless smile.  
“ hmm  m’precious, keep showing off, keep being a such stubborn naughty girl and I might just need to fetch you myself” Chuuya’s grip tightened over the photograph, scrunched it in between his fingertips as his expression twisted into something obsessively morbid. Indeed you, alive and in front of him, would be magnificently better than a mere photograph. A precious little flower who would not escape his grasp; a pretty flower he would not let others-  let any other man-  touch ever again.
After all, Chuuya was the boss of the strongest underground organization, the leader of Port Mafia. And what kind of boss would he be if he let someone else pick his precious flower first? 
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Author Note: Finally this fic is out! It took me longer than I wanted it to and I hope this piece fulfilled the anon's request (if you're still around of course! So so sorry it took me so long!).
And for the rest of my gorgeous reader I hoped it peeked your interest enough that you'd wanna read a (possible) part two ;)
Liked this fic and want more? check out Raven's masterlist!
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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seiwas · 1 month
Hey there! I saw your one-year anniversary collab and absolutely loved the idea! Although I'm quite a new reader of your stuff (and JJK fandom overall, although I've been writing for a long while for BSD on @ravencincaide in case you need a sample of my writing), could I join the collab with some lovely JJK characters? I would love to write either a SFW Megumi Fushiguro fic from this account, which is my main one. Or in a month or so (once it's properly set up) a NSFW fic from my NSFW account, @miss-cincaide, in which case I'd be more likely a Sukuna fic.
Since I think you have a better idea of how many collab requests you have and what you're looking for, I'm fine with either :) Also since I'm writing this 5 min before an exam I don't have any details set. But thought I'd reach out while I have fools bravery from coffee and adrenaline!
Once again huge thanks for reading this and sorry if I'm bothering Much Love ~Raven
hi raven! nice to meet you 🥺 i'm so happy you like my anniv collab!
of course you may join in!! i don't need samples nor do i check 🥹 my only requirements for joining my collab are: that you be 18 or above, that you stick with the theme, and that you express an interest to join 🥹
you are so sweet sending this in with fools bravery from coffee and adrenaline dfajsd i relate 🥹 i'll be adding in both in the masterlist, just so you have options when you decide to write 🥹 you can let me know eventually if you'll choose to write one over the other or both 🥹
join my one year anniversary collab here!
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raven-cincaide-words · 2 months
𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓼
A prompt list for those who feel the need to refresh genres to get back into the hang of writing. Use the words within their genre-categories, take inspiration from the italics line and/or the questions below or play around all across like a writing bingo. The sky is your limit!
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Some questions to ask yourself when working with one-word prompts (example with ‘disappointed’)
What does ‘disappointed’ mean? Can you define it in some other way?
How do you usually write it (is it angst?) and can it be the opposite?
Why is the character disappointed? What do they do about it?
How is it expressed/ How does the reader know the character is disappointed?
Why is it important/ Why should the reader care that the character is disappointed? 
Can you twist ‘disappointed’ into something more complicated? What happens next?
And most important of all questions; Why?
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All fics are unique works by © raven-cincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reworked/reposted/copied anywhere, please inform me!
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miss-cincaide · 1 month
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔
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Raven Cincaide Info- important information, announcements etc.  
Raven Cincaide Works - all fanfiction, creative writing and such 
Raven Cincaide Masterlist - used for all masterlists
Raven Cincaide Asks– Ask or requests + short answers 
Raven’s Ask answered -  used if it’s a longer answers or fics 
Raven Cincaide Requests- requested fics  
Raven’s Beta - if/ when I do feedback or beta work.
Raven Cincaide SFW- All Fics with none or minor sexual content
Raven Cincaide NSFW- ONLY 18+ content
Raven Cincaide reread- reblogs where I’m a bit uncertain about the fic and should read it again 
Raven Cincaide reblogs - just a fic worth reading 
* To find series tags see masterlist
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𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆:
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On Tumblr: 
Main (SFW): Raven-Cincaide 
Reblogs:   Miss-Cincaide- reblogs 
BSD (under edit): Raven Cincaide 
BSD Reblogs:        Raven-Cincaide-S-Reblogs 
Prompts/BETA: Raven Cincaide Words
* Note! NSFW stuff is currently under construction and the channels will be up once they're up and running. Thank you for your patience
On AO3:
Reposts and where I’ll gather my most favorite works from all Tumblr platforms: Raven_Cincaide 
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All fics are unique works by ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s). If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else please be a sweetheart and inform me!
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ravencincaide · 7 months
Over a cigarette 
Summary:  You tried to do something nice for the Mafia, for your boss, outside your job requirements and working hours. And all you asked was a little something in return. OR it took the duration of his smoke for you to go from another stupid subordinate into someone possibly interesting. 
Pairing: Subordinate reader x Boss Chuuya 
Inspired by anon request: Boss Chuuya and reader who caught Chuuya's attention.
Warnings: Cursing, Smoking cigarettes and mention of alcohol,
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“ The hell you want?” 
The highest executive- the boss of the entire Port Mafia- voice did not sound amused; if anything it held an angry undertone as it boomed around the dark, narrow cobblestone alley. The old street light shone a dim yellow hue casting long, demonic like shadows behind the mafiaso. Contorted the shape of his hat and the slim cigarette into something ungodly, in the most condemned definitions of that word. 
You saw him bring the cigarette up to his lips, heard the sharp intake of breath, noticed the red glow of the ash at the tip followed by a slow controlled exhale. Then a stern; “ Do I need to repeat myself?” 
“ Are you always this peachy or did I pick the short straw?” The attempt at playfulness and teasing was ruined by the shake in your voice; the unmistakable fear. He was an exceptional man but he was also the mafia boss. Your boss’s boss. 
“ I don’t need to be fucking ‘sweet’ to lowly pawns” he took another drag of his cigarette. The simple motion that was valued above your existence; the thing that saved you from his murderous wrath. Your life was worth less than the thin nicotine stick that was salvaged with his every sharp inhale. As long as you kept yourself brief, respectful yet valued at the price of that cigarette your life would be spared. Perhaps even rewarded for your brassiness. 
You shifted from one foot to another, an action which earned you a firm stare- a warning that you’d lose said foot if you did not start talking. 
“ Did you know your men are fraternizing with the government?” Despite your fear, your voice came out firm, clearly confident in your assessment. Chuuya gave you no attention, but he did not silence you either. This meant you could proceed with your observations. This was it, your chance; all or nothing. A make it or break it for your mafia career. 
You spoke of what you saw, rambled and stumbled over words in a fiery rush that not likely made much sense in the wee hours of the night. The ending of words swallowed by the icy wind, while the content, the red thread tangled in descriptions, side thoughts, additional details that came out in a jumbled mess. You were trying to be as clear as possible- and yet you likely made as much sense as a fish riding a bicycle. 
Still he let you talk. If anything you swore he took slower, more shallow drags of his smoke. The very smoke which now rested on the bottom of his parted lips. Gorgeous lips- not that you would ever utter such thoughts to the man aloud. But where were you? Your voice grew slower as you picked your brain for additional information that was essential to your report. To your surprise the demonic man before you threw a helping probe; 
“- Strong accusations girl” his eyes narrowed dangerously, the angry glare made you shudder in your boots as the gravity of the situation weighed on you. Cold sweat ran down your back as you stood frozen until his words registered in your frightened mind. Then you instantly fumbled through your purse until half a dozen pictures made it out. In an instant you passed them onto him,in the process you almost dropped them. Almost. The flicker of his fingers over the photographs echoed in the small space between you. The meters that separated you felt far too imitate, too close for you. Never before had you stood before someone this frighteningly powerful and you wished to not repeat this nerve wracking experience ever again. Perhaps you should have stayed in your lane- ignored what you saw and kept existing within your lowly rank? Maybe even– 
“ huh, so your price?” Chuuya fixed you with a firm stare that instantly snapped you out of your self critical thoughts. The price, right, you almost forgot all about it. Saying nothing would raise suspicion- and it was not like your heart was empty of desires. 
“ A week off” your voice sounded more confident than you felt. “ I want a week to myself- I- I think it’s a fair reward for spending my only night off from work for the sake of Port Mafia- doing something above my paygrade and–” you trailed off as Chuuya took another drag of his cigarette. 
“ Damn right you went above your paygrade, stuck your nose where it didn’t fucking belong and  risked the cover of m’men” Chuuya fixed you with a firm stare just as you felt your stomach drop. Ice cold dread washed over you as your mind registered the implications behind his words. The anger not at his mens supposed betrayal but at your inability to stay within your lane. 
An overachiever who’s actions brought more troubles than positives. 
“ Were you seen?” 
You shook your head, your eyes cast down and firmly locked on your intertwined fingers as though bound by invisible chains- a prisoner before their executioner. The morbid comparison was accurate nonetheless; “ No, I left before they could recognize me as anything other than a drunken party girl” 
“ hmm” that one sound said so little and so much all at once; a hint towards your destiny. Yet he said nothing more on the matter. Precious seconds ticked away as less and less of the now-almost bud remained. 
“ So.. how badly did I fuck up?” you asked in a quiet voice, rocking back and forth on your heels. The sooner you found out, the sooner you’d know whether your foolishness had cost you your pay, any chance of upward mobility within the Mafia or your life. You shuddered at the thought of the last option, hoped he wouldn’t notice. And if he did, then he’d attribute it to your skimpy attire on the chilly Friday night. 
As if to torture you, Chuuya remained silent, took his time to flicker the gathered ash from the tip of his cigarette onto the ground before he brought the almost finished smoke back up to his lips. 
“  Next clock in’s Friday, 9 A.M sharp in my office” Chuuya stated as he took another, final, drag from his smoke“ Don’t even think about being a second late.” 
His gloved hand flickered the cigarette bud onto the ground between the two of you as you let out a yell of happiness. Before he had a change of mind- you did not believe the mafia executive had a heart- you bowed to him. Half in gratitude, half in respect.  Then you turned on your heel and ran out of the alley, not even waiting for his dismissal. 
In doing so, you miss the almost mild expression on Chuuya's face and the quiet murmur; that maybe with the right training you’d make a fine protege. 
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Author note: *Yelp* finally this fic is done! Thank you Anon for your request, I really had fun writing this pair of Chuuya-boss fics. And I will definitely do more of them in the future. Hope this was worth the wait~
Liked this fic and want more? check out Raven's masterlist! Want another part? See Over a Gunshot
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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ravencincaide · 7 months
You ever considered making a boss chuuya x reader?
Idk this idea might appear silly and very no-sense but anyway- could be placed in a universe where Chuuya is the port mafia's boss (and Dazai his subordinate maybe, please don't make Odasaku die or smt), and the reader is someone who made a mistake and caught eye of the port mafia. Maybe they got involved with some mess and end up being a port mafia's target?
(My idea is so much longer and more intricated in my mind but I don't really want to make this longer than it already is- also, I imagined a some kind of angst that ends with fluff-- with a "soft" Chuuya idk if you get what I mean)
Anyway this ask is actually so silly you can ignore it 😭
Hey Anon! 
To answer your question about Chuuya boss x reader- yes, yes I have. I have a set of prompts I want to do around the beginning of summer or early autumn that are gonna challenge my AU skills and among them, a few Chuuya boss/ superior/ teacher- stuff. That being said, making you wait another 5 month-ish felt a little bit mean. So I have created two fics for you. One is a sneak-peak for the kind of dynamic I’m going to mess around with in the future titled Over a cigarette where the ranks and roles are established but the reader just has to find a way to bend things just a little in her favor.  
The second one is a little more in line with what you requested; Precious flowers get picked first where the reader is an important -to-be-acquired-tool for the Port Mafia and Chuuya begins to understand what it means to be a boss a little bit better. 
That being said, your idea sounds absolutely amazing! Feel free to send me a message if you wanna discuss it or do some kind of collab together. Or just another Anon request :)
Hope you enjoy these two pieces and take care of yourself <3
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ravencincaide · 5 months
hi raven 🤍
he's plotting something
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Oh me oh my he really is, must be something devious *grins* can’t wait to know what it is
Also @osachiyo thanks so much for reaching out to me, looking forward to chatting with you and good that you did since I just saw that tumblr unfollowed you but now I fixed it! *grin as apology, side eye glare at tumblr *
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ravencincaide · 6 months
Hi Raven.
Do you think It's okay to give your own opinion about a story of a fanfiction, even if it isn't just compliments?
Like I wanted to suggest to a writer here on tumblr to fix a thing on their story, so that it could be more readable, but I don't want to come off as rude.
I mean, I know what constructive criticism is but... yeah. My question still stands
Hi anon! What a good question. Love these types of asks! The short answer is it depends on the writer, it depends on the story and it depends on your comment. Let me exemplify what I mean below. First, there's a huge difference between an established writer, who is semi active, engages with comments on their stories and encourages discussions and feedback, in contrast with writers who are just starting out. OR writers who are publishing without looking at comments because they are just happy to share without caring about feedback. OR writers who are getting back into it after years of NOT writing. They are aware that they aren't at their best but still fucking trying and with time will get better and figure it out. In the later cases a critique wouldn't achieve much, be a waste of both your times and could actually do more harm than good. Second it depends on the story; for example if the writer says 'warning lowercase writing' and you point out that it's written in lowercase then it kinda doesn't do much but cause frustration. Similarly if you point out on my writing that 'hey you have a lot of simple errors that you'd catch with a re-read or a beta' when I've clearly said that I don't do heavy editing at the moment because I'm working on combating perfectionism and focus on getting stuff out then once again said comment wouldn't really achieve much. There are so many more examples when a critique will just not achieve much- if anything. So please be mindful of that and attentive to what the writer says. Finally it depends on your comment, how you write it and why. Saying something like ' your character is sooo OC get a better read on X, Y, Z' is just rude and will disregard the writers interpretation of the characters, story and creative liberty. OR 'Your twist sucks/ you overuse it/ its predictable cuz of this- this and that' doesn't do much but put the writer down, makes them tempted to quit or block you. So the question becomes are you critiquing to help or to show your own frustration at the way they write their story? Critique is valuable to a writer; it helps us improve. It gives us things to consider and be aware off. It can also push us down a peg when we get too cocky. BUT this type of feedback should be written with care. If you give a writer critique on tumblr, keep in mind that they most likely produce this content for free, at their own time, for their own enjoyment and decide to share it with you out of the goodness of their own heart. Therefore the critique should be written with care and due diligence; write it in the way You yourself would want to receive it. Be kind, polite and humble. We're all human, we're all trying to do our best and to improve. Please remember that. After saying all that, l am honestly a person who often encourages feedback and gives feedback back, following the model of 'two stars and a wish'. So that it's not JUST negative but a combination of both. That way its easier to write it, often its better received and creates a better atmosphere all around. Best of luck <3
Hope this helps ~ Raven
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ravencincaide · 5 months
RAVEN HELLO BBY 🤍🤍🤍 gaah I'm so sorry for not checking up on you sooner! I've seen that you've been having some complications abt some things and I've come to cheer you up !! pls don't ever hesitate to come ttm if you need to, and that you're an AMAZING writer. no exaggeration there! anyways back to the main point, how are you doing recently? that's what I really wanted to ask lol
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OMG hiiii Ruru dalin thank you for checking up on me, and the chuuya pick *squeal* I'm gonna use this post as an update on my life. So well yeah aside from still dealing with stuff, dancing on the edge of burnout and deep depression, sleep deprivation and an inch of insanity I am also trying (donno if I will succeed or not) to get in my master thesis in on the first submission date which is... a month away *small panic* So even if I get sparks of inspiration I don't really have the possibility to write anything T-T
BUT the good thing is I am becoming very VERY acquainted with naked bodies. So be prepared for a ton of smut once I am back and a ton of angst and fluff and gawd so many ideas so little time. But yeah feel free to send me requests, send me messages and inboxes. I am here, I am alive just very very busy with writing 20 000 words T-T Huge love ~ Raven
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ravencincaide · 6 months
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AWwwwwwwww this made me smile, HUGE THANK YOU YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE ANGEL!!! <3 <3 <3
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ravencincaide · 7 months
Honestly what is it with people stomping all over my boundaries today. Is there some challenge called “ let’s fuck over Raven and make her cry” that I don’t know about? No? You sure? Cuz you’re fuckin succeeding!
Given that several people have not only explicitly done/send to me what I specified in my rules not to ask/send me and others simply lack common sense this blog is going to take a couple of days break.
This should affect my followers minimally;
The Ravens special has still 7 hours or so left to send in your prompts so if you wanna do that, go ahead. There’s still time just please I beg you be kind. Read my prior to requests and remember I’m doing this solely in my free time and for fun. Remember I’m a human and for the love of god show me some respect. Please
The first prompt should be released on Sunday but depending how I feel may be delayed a little.
There will NOT be an update tomorrow.
I apologise to all my kind followers and hope to be in the right headspace to see you guys soon with new angsty, sweet and exciting pieces.
With quiet caws
A little sad Raven
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ravencincaide · 6 months
Hey anon! I'm sorry I'm responding so late. I kinda didn't want to answer this ask until I got the first draft of the next chapter ready, an idea of when it will be releasad andwhere I am going with this series. Admittedly I don't want to spoil too much but if you thought the 'A hit beyond rock bottom' was heavy then my advice would be to avoid the next chapter like the plague! ( I think it's pretty heavy. Then again my readers always surprise me and find the stuff I find heavy to be far too light... ehh..)
Anyway just wanted to hype you up by saying next part should be up sometime tomorrow. I'll even spoil the (preliminary) title for you: The word that made the difference.
Because what's Easter and Long Friday, without some SKK x reader and hurt?
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ravencincaide · 2 months
Hello I just have a question it's been so long since I've been back on Tumblr and I suddenly seen your post and I love your posts are you perhaps still posting??especially the soukoku x reader
Hi there also person who's not been on Tumblr for a long time! We're alike there!
I'm so glad you found my blog and like my posts, and to answer your question, yes I'm slowly coming back into it. I have some JJK stuff out on my new blog @raven-cinciade if you're part of that fandom
Otherwise I'm gonna sit down and write a little tonight and hope I can have something short and sweet by the end up this week.
Much 💕 Raven
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ravencincaide · 6 months
I was rambling with myself and went to your profile saying "So I don't see the point" and saw your bio which goes "What's the point". Kinda laughed at that for no reason
Oh my goodness what a coincidence! Or meant to be ( if you will a ‘fated encounter’) ? Anyway Hi and thank you for sending this, you made me laugh, unknown person with a seemingly similarly melancholic mind
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ravencincaide · 6 months
i will BEAT dazai and chuuya
Hi there anon, I am not entirely sure what to do with this inbox/ask but I'm going to assume you're referring to the latest chapter in Desperate times series? IF so emmmmm sorry for the anger/hurt? And also good luck beating them :)
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ravencincaide · 6 months
i love the desperate times for despereate measures series, are you gonna do another part (dont feel rushed take you time if you do :) )
Hi there anon! Yes the next chapter is going to be up tomorrow afternoon (around 5 and 6 PM UTC if Tumblr queue decides to work as planned -__-) I'm holding my fingers crossed that it's worth the wait! :))
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