#Raw!! 🦕
iteration-orpheus · 6 months
-Hey wouldn't it be fun if the other anomalies had tumblr-
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🥄 Grilling-master Follow
Fuck my life some idiot just came in and made me eat raw eyeballs. Why.
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🌋 Magmalavaandfire69 Follow
Hey guys gonna go check that cool planet I found wish me luck🤞🤞😘😘
🌋 Magmalavaandfire69 Follow
what is a dissonance
🌋 Magmalavaandfire69 Follow
ayo why it ourple
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⚙️ Nebulesbian Follow
Guys not gonna lie um. korvax are kinda. um. yeah.
What the actual fuck korvax have been genoci*ed for years and now people are just drooling over them? Literally thousands of them died so that ypu could just hang pictures of them in your base???
🦀 Stickk-42 Follow
Grow up lol. People are allowed to do whatever they want, they aren't hurting a soul.
🛰️ I-turn-posts-into-poetry Follow
⬛⬛⬛⬛korvax⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛drooling over them⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛hang pictures of them in your base⬛
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🔭 Pondererofthestars Following
Friends sometimes ask why I keep going and helping traveller-anomalies. Always tell them that if Atlas-False-Entity won't care about them, I will!
🦕 Diplolover123 Follow
Okay. Um. Okay. Sobbing. Throwing up. Crying. This is. Friends.
💸 Goldenfarmer Follow
Friends are just bullshit in my opinion.
🦕 Diplolover123 Follow
No one asked! Tbh i wouldve penis blasted you but dont wanna spam random letters to OP. Blocked. Go jump intlo a black hole or smthing
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gonna check the portal out ill update on how this goes! (^o^)
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ritz-regrezzez · 3 months
my neopronouns !!!!!
*i also like neopronouns related to my special interests! this is subject to change, but genuinely any related pronouns will make me so so happy! (currently: our flag means death, and plushies/build a bear)
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kittycat1994 · 9 months
I bought dinos and they even raw and they are all friends and I don’t think my life has ever been so good🦖🦕
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ritzcrackee · 3 months
realized i never posted a list of my neos so 👍 here u go
🍒/🎸/🖍/💥/🧃/🌼/🌞/🌟/🐠/🦕/🦋/🐳/🌊/🤖/👽/🐊/🦎/🐛/🌱/🌧/☠/🐾/🧸/🎉/🌈/❤ (any color heart)
tbh these are just my favs, use whatever neos u feel fit me! i like neos related to my interests the most but u are under no obligation to use them 💗 or any of these 💗 just don't she or they me and we are so fine 💗💗💗
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
So this never gets any easier, it never feels any less raw, just like another piece of my heart breaks with each announcement even though we know it's coming
The thing keeping me together is like, it looks like they’re keeping pretty tightly to their timeline. If they really do wanna fulfill the 2025 date, it makes sense that they all gotta go soon and within months of each other. Which is best case scenario.
We’ll be alright. More than alright.
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bluiex · 2 years
ok, I have some stuff for our deer sweet ethub babies! as well as names cause I needed a way to tell the apart haha
so the babies are bud and bee (I picked them cause i was picking letters from etho and bdubs and these were the cutest i could get)
bud hatched first and a few seconds later bee hatched
bud is able to teleport. they cant control it for like the first week, so there is a very tired and worried bdubs and tired etho for a while
bee is able to float a little off the ground. this leads bdubs to getting etho to moving anything breakable or just not for babies to higher areas where they can't be reached
bud gets flowers that bloom in their hair
bee doesn't like eye contact unless its bud, bdubs or etho
bud is sensitive to water like etho, so the flowers that they bloom are those that cactuses and succulents would get :D
bdubs and ethos first discovered bud's sensitivity after a bath when they saw bud itching their skin almost raw. etho had suggested doing quick showers to fix the problem, and it did
both bud and bee have lil ender fangs, bee's are ever so slightly lopsided, but they even out as they grow up
bee has heterochromia with one brown eye and one blue eye, and when doing anything glare or ender related, they will glow mossy green and purple. bdubs and etho find this adorable and bee likes being like dad :D
bud's eyes glow mossy green when doing anything ender or glare related
bud's flowers and eyes will also glow whenever really happy or excited. bee loves to give bud pretty flowers because it makes them start to glow
if bud ever cries, the tears need to be wiped off of their face as they come to prevent severe discomfort
bee likes to pick up blocks, especially when stressed out. etho will often let them ride on his shoulders when they just want to walk around with their block
bud has lil pointy ears like etho and bee has lil round ears like bdubs
bee has a lil tail like etho but it's like a vine and bud has no tail
bee is able to tell when a build or area isn't spawn proofed
bud will often ender walk, and this leads to even more worried and tired bdubs and tired etho.
bud doesn't teleport when ender walking, it that doesnt stop etho and bdubs keeping an eye on bud when they are ender walking around the cave nest
bee gets a lil bit of moss growing on them like bdubs. bdubs helps them to make their own lil moss cloak
both bee and bud can make plants grow, but it's more limited and specialized because they are less glare than bdubs. bee can grow flowers whenever they want and bud can grow cactuses and succulents whenever they want
that's what I got for them so far :D I want to make some like official designs for them because the more I think about them he more i need them haha
Those names are perfect omg
Buds little flowers he gets 🥺 I love them.
Gaaaah they're so cute. I would die for them. Bdubs an Etho sure got their hands full though
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raw1111official · 1 month
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🌺🥑🐔 Ever wondered about the connection between the chicken on your plate and dinosaurs? 🦕🍽️ Check out "Chicken: The Modern Dinosaur on Your Plate" at RAW1111.COM to dive into this fascinating evolutionary tale. Learn why going vegan might just be a step back to prehistoric compassion. #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and explore ancient connections in modern meals! 🌿✨
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theropoda · 8 months
i saw your tags about ants tasting citrusy and i felt the need to come and tell you grom experience they dont. ants are little seeds of raw black pepper like eating raw black pepper if it made food taste like shit and they taste bad and i weep for the plight of the Ant Eater
ok thanks for your time bye love your blog btw 🦕🦖🐊🐓
HI sorry for answering this so late but. HMMM. this is shrimpteresting. thank you for sharing your experience...this made me go back and google what ants taste like and it seems it depends on the species? but seem to mostly be described as "sour and lemon-y"....i want to know the flavor of ants...
also thank you :) i love dinosaurs so very much
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checomtzmess · 2 years
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🦖¡¡Sábado de Raw!! 🦕 Rodada a Iztapasauria con la banda de #PontePila Ciclismo Urbano de @deporte_cdmx Muy padre experiencia, muy intensa! (en Iztapasauria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRifrVDfD-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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girl-sh · 2 years
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Raw 💚🦖🦕
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infinitebitgaming · 2 years
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Jurassic World Dominion x WWE RAW from this past 4th of July weekend 🦕🦖 x 🤼‍♀️ x 🎆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfzeIo9v9xui20FDSQNfgLPCg5zz8wlmwVCzSg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sie-rui · 3 years
so im having this brainrot.
yk how takemichi, whenever he leaps back into time, his body in the future kinda just shuts down?? i think it was first shown w/ naoto on his first conscious time leap. so picture this. bonten mikey. after all those years of being alone, shutting himself off and denying help, finally FINALLY admits that he's been hurting. he held onto takemichi, the timeleaper's outstretched hand the only thing keeping him from falling to his death and manjirou BEGGED his friend to save him-
imagine the pain, disappointment, and helplessness mikey felt when takemichi's hand went limp.
🧾 — angst, suicide, canonical character death, word vomit
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00:17, sano manjirou, hanagaki takemichi
Tears were streaming down his face, lips quivering and hand trembling, holding tightly onto his hand. The blood on his face wasn’t his but it felt as if he was burned just by the feeling alone; it was Takemichi’s.
And I did that to him.
But here he was, holding, begging; finally letting someone else, besides his shadow and his reflection, see that he couldn’t carry his own weight anymore. The darkness dragged him down by his ankles before slowly climbing up until it settled on his head, forcing him to look down and pushing him to sink deeper in the cold murky waters where there’s no return.
Takemichi smiles at him. Hope blooms at his chest—yes, yes, they can do this. They can make everything right again. Takemichi can make everything right again, just like how he always does.
For Mikey breaks and Takemichi builds, two sides of a coin, inseparable. That was how it should have been if it didn’t crack and one face was left rolling away, the other lay broken on the ground.
(Because the future had always rested in between the two of them, their hands the one shaping it. It was all on their shoulders. On Takemichi’s determination, on Mikey’s determination; on Takemichi’s will to save everyone and on Mikey’s will to make everyone happy.
Mikey’s sacrifice may have saved everyone, but it didn’t save himself. And for Takemichi—Takemichi with that stupidly naive personality, that big golden heart, that forgiving nature: this wasn’t a future he was truly satisfied with.)
Then, his hand went limp.
Desperation was in his eyes as he saw Takemichi’s eyes glaze over before fluttering shut, hand losing strength; and before he could hold on, Manjirou was falling once more.
The wind was in his hair, just like how it did when he rode that bike behind Takemichi the first time he shared his dream with him.
No, no, no, no-
He doesn’t want to die.
There were screams but all he could hear was his.
Mikey looks up, sees Takemichi’s face one last time, and feels numb.
It isn’t your fault.
His throat was raw, his heart thumping loudly in its last few moments, and his eyes wet with tears.
I understand.
A choked gasp.
So don’t be sad when I’m gone.
He was glad that at least Takemichi wouldn’t see his painful last moments.
I’ll be with you soon.
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i've thought about this before and i'm glad that we came to the same conclusion HAHAHAHAH the moment he woke up in the past, i just knew that they both died in that future :'D
( i apologize for the very late reply as well so i just wrote this small drabble instead sdfka )
[ tag list: @emergencyfoodpaimon | @primsonnn | @gommiswifey | @alllostone | @lazecchi | @manjiroarchiviste | @chibichab | @salsas-without-the-middle-s |  @dai-tsukki-desu​ |  asawa-ni-senju | m4tsuch1 | chixkadee ]
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Any thoughts on
sagittarius sun (2), Cancer moon(8), scorpio rising
Mercury in Capricorn (3)
Venus and Mars in scorpio (1) and jupiter in leo (9)?
Best wishes
Sag sun : fun. Flirty. Righteous. Friendly. Experimental. Enjoys travel, learning and culture. Spirituality. Philosophy. I wonder what the ancient must have done. Maybe I should get a cocktail course and learn those cool fire bartender moves. Will literally cry if they can't travel in a long time.
Also, if you wanna make true friends you can't just guard all your secrets, you 1st house Scorpio stellium sexy witch person. You have to show some emotional vulnerability.
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Halloween is totally your time of the year is it not.
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Cancer moon : knows what people are up to. So so sensitive and supportive. I've known cancer men to actually cook for their dates and be very excited + take pride in reading people and how well they've decorated their home. 10/10 have the nicest living spaces. May love milk products. Being close to water literally nourishes your soul. Distant when hurt. Protective. Could kill with a kitchen knife 🔪💗🗡️ #ididitforlove
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Scorpio rising : commands respect by walking into a room. Likes to observe people and you hold your cards close to your chest. Undercover detective vibes. Dresses sexy. Oozes raw sex appeal. Black and red wardrobes. Power and magnetism. Know more than you let on.fixed sign. Don't like changing too many things?
Venus +Mars in Scorpio : paint the town red couple. Draw a lot of eyes to you. Magnetic persons. No secrets. You hate feeling like you don't have all the details. Easily key into people's subconscious desires.venus in Scorpio lowkey wants to posess and be possessed. Need your psttners to be obsessed with you. Could come across as controlling at times. Very protective and loyal
Revenge. Vengeance. You don't take people hurting you lightly. Attack when they least expect it.
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With your moon in cancer you probably hate feeling objectfied if the people you date don't crave something more committed. This can be one of those placements where it can feel like all people want is to hook up. So umm be careful with your heart and people who only tell you what they think you wnat to hear.
You seem to attract stubborn people?
Jupiter in LEO? Have you ever got a speeding ticket? No? Thought do. Authority figures could let you off easy. Successful people may see you as someone worthy of mentoring.
So get out there and make those connections. You attract luck by just being your fun, confident, playful self. Let your inner child out, she'll bring you big wins 💥💜
🤎🦕Here are some of my Capricorn appreciation posts if your mercury placement is something you strongly identify with :
Hype up
Cap moon 🌚♑
Earth signs admiration
Tarot masterlist
I've also got a bunch of posts on cancer vedic (sidereal) Nakshatras if you'd like to self indulge a little 💙❤️💙❤️
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seabluetranslations · 2 years
Cha cha cha! Saito Madoka
Ocha no- Madopi!
It’s OCHA NORMA’s Saito Madoka!
Today it’s a late evening update 🌙
(Are you still awake~? 😳)
Everyone, for yesterday too, thank you so much for your likes and comments 🙏🏻💎
I also read all the comments on yesterday’s blog!! 👊🏻
Today I posted on Twitter before the concert started!
On New Year’s day, I wrote the first calligraphy of the year~~~
I wrote about it on my blog!
Actually, I wrote three things on that day ✌🏻
“Happy New Year”, “ Upright-floating tea stalk”, “Ocha Norma”
For “Ocha Norma”, the manager gave me the idea, I thought that it was really good so I wrote it 👊🏻
Isn’t it good?!?!
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I wrote a lot this year and I wanted to show off~ 😎
I’m sorry for being so persistent 😂
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Also, also! Today’s LOVE concert of “Hello! Project 2022 Winter ~LOVE & PEACE~” was really fun~!
I saw those who waved Sea Blue~~~! 💎💕
It made me very happy! 👼🏻✨
Thank you, always 🙇🏻‍♀️
Listen! There was a very happy thing 🧡
I received Yagi-food from Yagi Shiori-san!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It’s raw chocolate 🍫🧡
I love Yagi-san’s Yagi-food.....
I read on her blog that she made raw chocolate back in November. I thought how I wanted to eat it someday! I was super, super, super happy!
I was able to see Tsubaki Factory-san’s Budokan concert, and I was glued to Yagi-san’s performance. I’m so happy I got to talk to her 😂
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🍵 Announcements!🍵 It started on January 2, at “Hello! Project 2022 Winter 〜LOVE & PEACE〜” we are performing!
I’m performing as part of Team LOVE!
We are also performing at Team PEACE concerts, so I would be happy if you could come and see us 🦕𓂃 𓈒𓏸 🍵 For ”Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Second Generation! 2022 New Year SP”!
OCHA NORMA singing
🍜 “Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san no Uta” 🍜
has been chosen as the theme song!
It will be airing on 2022/01/08 from 14:45 on Fuji TV!
By the way, I like oil and tonkotsu ramen ✌🏻 🍵 For the drama “Mayonaka ni Hello”!
🏃🏻‍♀️"Koi no Crouching Start”🏃🏻
has been chosen as the opening song!
It will start airing on TV Tokyo on 2022/01/13 from 00:30!
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“💎MadoP no Oshigoto!💎”
Today, it’s Ensemble Stars ALKALOID’s Amagi Hiiro-kun’s birthday. Happy birthday~! ♠️ I’m influenced by Hiiro-kun’s “Un!”, so I often use it in messages to my friends 😂
When Hiiro-kun was announced as a new character, I thought he had the visuals of a main character. But after I played, I realized that he’s a funny one 😂
As for ALKALOID’s songs, my favorite is “Kiss of Life”!!!
If you’re playing Ansuta, did you give the birthday confetti to Hiiro-kun?? 🎉I still haven’t done it!! I don’t have 120 of them!! I’ll hurry up and do it later 🏇💨
Also!!! Happy birthday to Nitori Aiichiro-kun from the anime “Free!”~! Ai-chan is one of the cutest and most healing members of the Samezuka Swimming Club.. 🕊
Also! I know I’m late saying this! I really like Free! I like it so much that I go to see the movies several times per season! 💙 I guess it’s because I used to practice swimming that I’m so into it.........!
In April 2022, the second part of “Free!-the Final Stroke-” will be released. The end of the first part was very painful, I wonder how the second part will turn out... 😢
I will write a lot more about Free~!
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I took a picture with Ise Layla-san from ANGERME! 🧡
I participated in the same audition with Ise-san and we are one year apart in age, so we’re actually good friends... 🤭 (It would be embarassing if I was the only one who thought we are good friends, lol)
Ise-san had a strong presence from the audition times, and I took the liberty of noticing that back then 👀
Whenever we meet, we update each other on recent happenings and talk about all kinds of stuff! I’m glad we finally got to take a picture together~~~~ 😂
Thank you so much for reading all the way until the end ♡
See you! Today too nobinobi(carefree) Madopi! 👋🏻
Source: https://ameblo.jp/ocha-norma/entry-12719488714.html
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Raw Raw Raw RAW!
I hope in Dino language it means I miss you and I love you.
Because I do too (♡´𓋰`♡) hehehe!!
Here, have some kith :*
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Heyo! How have you been? I saw a few weeks ago that you weren't having the best luck so I just wanted to drop and wish you a wonderful September ❤
How are you?? it's been awhile!
Yes, August was bad and I rly hope Sept would be smooth sailing (^つωฅ^) I wrote a Yami long ass fic to celebrate Yami's birthday! hope you saw it! hehe
I hope everything goes well for you too Dino!! <3 Miss you lots!!
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