doc-art · 5 months
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I think she's trying to tell (you) something.
rough sketch from a while back.
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uzon · 4 months
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A commission for Rax over on cohost!
carrd / patreon
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russica · 3 months
I'm glad people like the goobers but sometimes I wanna draw something more detailed
Needed my boi Rax in *that dress* so I drew Rolan too lol
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askteamspirit · 11 months
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This is not a post I ever expected to be able to make honestly! When I started this blog “10 years from now” wasn’t something I ever seriously considered. It felt like forever.
Hello eternity!
In some ways it feels like nothing has changed at all, both in good and frustrating ways
In others, especially this month, things have changed way way too suddenly
I’m so incredibly grateful to everyone who’s stuck around, both since the beginning and since I restarted in 2020
Blogs cameo’d in order are @askteamshelds lyra-and-leon @ask-thepoketrio @askteamterry askjollydagonite @askomni @the-army-on-the-horizon @askunown @askthetraveller @asksavel @flake-n-rudy
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browsethestacks · 3 months
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Copra: Rax
Art by Ramon Villalobos
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Hey guys! Before we start, I just wanted to let you all know that these are some characters I've been working on for a while and that I plan to make more stories with. Let me know what you think! Onto the debauchery!
CW for mpreg, eggs, and birth, 3000 words
The CF Osiris was home to a small team of shipping mercenaries. It was a cargo ship that would transport anything to any planet in the Galactic Union, for the right price. The team was made up of two humans named Julian and Rasha, a fluffy feathered Selan named Herf, am insectoid Ghitian named Kaiz, and Rax, a Despian.
Rax, Rasha, and Kaiz all had their own smaller ships parked in the docking bay of the freighter, and all the members shared bunks except for Rasha, who decided that she, as the leader of the group, deserved her own room. Rax and Julian shared a bunk, while Herf and Kaiz shared another in the next room over.
Everyone on the ship knew that Julian had a bit of a thing for Rax, everyone except for Julian. He refused to admit it, despite the fact that he'd been caught staring at Rax a dozen times, took every opportunity to partner with him on jobs, and even had a picture of the both of them saved on his datapad's "important files".
On this particular day, early in the morning, Julian was awoken suddenly by a loud thud on the floor in front of the bunk. He saw the door to the room open, but all he could see was a glimpse of a tail leaving the room. That was odd, the only person on board with a tail was Herf, and even then it was only some extra fluffy feathers. The tail Julian had seen was long and serpentine. Was he just seeing things?
He got up and grabbed his datapad from the bedside table and used it to shine a light into the hallway. A ways down he saw a figure, around 8 feet tall and with massive horns, with a blanket draped over its shoulders and the same serpentine tail he'd seen earlier. The creature turned its head towards the light and an expression of panic seemed to cross its face, and it quickly turned tail and ran for the docking bay.
Julian, afraid to go after it alone, knocked on Kaiz and Herf's door. He heard some shuffling, then the door opened to reveal Kaiz half dressed in her combat gear, likely about to start her morning training. She was about the same height as Julian, but on a much bonier frame, covered mostly in a chitinous exoskeleton. Her face was displeased.
Kaiz was the group's main guard, having been in the military on her home planet Ghitia before it joined the Union, after which much of their military was dissolved and she became a mercenary. She'd been hired by Rasha for a mission a few years back, and had just kind of stuck around since then.
"Kaiz, I think there's something on the ship," Julian whispered. "I saw it, it was this huge thing with horns and it was in my room, it went toward the docking bay and I think it might be trying to steal a ship or something."
Kaiz sighed and rubbed her face. "Okay hold on, let me check it out." She turned around and grabbed a Ghitian blaster from her room, and was about to close the door when Herf popped out from behind it, making Julian jump.
"Hey, I wanna see!" They chirped. Herf was a feathered, birdlike alien from Selao, and had had been recruited by Rasha for their piloting and mechanic skills. They were about six feet tall and bipedal, wore a mask to breathe in the oxygen-rich artificial atmosphere, and their body was covered in fluffy yellow and blue feathers. They were generally very chipper, upbeat, and innocent, and liked to make music in their free time. They were also the only one Kaiz actually enjoyed spending time with outside of work, despite being her polar opposite.
The three of them made their way to the docking bay, where they looked around for any signs of a break-in. There wasn't anything immediately popping out as suspicious, though, until they heard a grunt from next to Rax's ship. Julian shined his light in the direction of the noise and saw the creature hunched over next to the ship, a pained expression on its face.
"There it is!" Julian said, pointing to it. Kaiz started towards the creature, but it quickly ran into the ship and locked the door behind it.
Kaiz ran up and banged on the door. "Open up, thief!" she demanded, "Before I tear this door down!" She continued to beat at the door with both fists, and when it was evident it wasn't going to open, she pointed her blaster at it.
"What on earth is all that racket?" Rasha said. She was at the doorway to the docking bay, still in her pajamas, clearly having been woken up by Kaiz's attempts to get into the ship.
"Something's in Rax's ship," Julian said. "I don't know how it got in here, but it locked itself inside and won't come out."
"What exactly was it?" Rasha asked.
"It was huge! Super tall, and it had a tail and-" Rasha cut him off.
"Dark grey-black skin?" She asked.
"Uh- yeah, I think so?" Julian looked confused.
"Big, curved horns?" She looked almost annoyed now.
". . . How did you know?" He looked at Kaiz and Herf. Herf looked around and Kaiz pointed the gun back at the door.
"Kaiz, put the damn gun down! You guys can't be serious right now." Rasha pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Ok, what's going on?" Julian asked.
"What do you all think a Despian looks like?"
"Uh. . . a human kinda? With pointy ears?" He looked at the others again and they both shrugged. Rasha shook her head.
"You're all idiots. Despians are shapeshifters. Their default forms are large, grey, horned bipedals. Rax takes the form he does so he can fit through doorways, and so he doesn't scare people. And you've all been chasing him around why?" Rasha had a mixture of disappointment and frustration on her face.
"That was Rax?" Herf exclaimed. "I had no idea!"
Suddenly, they heard a yell from Rax inside his ship. He sounded like he was in pain. Rasha approached the door and knocked gently.
"Hey, you okay in there? Rax, talk to me, whats going on?" Her frustration had been replaced with a look of concern.
"G-go away! Now is really not the time!" Rax said. There was a waver in his voice, as if he'd been punched in the gut just as he started talking.
"You don't sound good. Do you need me to bring a medkit?" Rasha asked.
"No, I have everything I need in my shi-nngh!" They could hear a crash from inside the ship. "Just leave me alone!"
Julian stepped up to the door. "Rax, are you okay? Seriously, man, I'm sorry about earlier, but what's up with you?"
There was a pause before Rax spoke again. "Okay, fine. One of you can come in, preferably someone who isn't squeamish. The rest of you, go! I don't need this to be some spectator event."
There was a click as the door unlocked and opened, and Julian stepped into Rax's ship. He'd never been inside it before, and was surprised to see that everything was bigger than he expected. Likely made specifically for a larger race. To the left was the cockpit, and to the right was a living/storage space. There was a large piece of quilted cloth laid on the floor with a medical bag on it, and a large empty canister of some sort lying sideways next to it.
But it was what was on the other side of the ship's living area that caught Julian's eye. It was Rax himself, almost unrecognizable from his earlier form. But there was something else that was off about him, that Julian hadn't been able to see when Rax was draped in a blanket.
His abdomen was massive.
Rax laid a hand on his swollen belly, and sweat beaded on his forehead. He leaned on a shelf and grunted a bit before looking back at Julian. "What happened to you?" Julian asked.
"Nothing happened to me. This is completely-nngh-normal," Rax said, gripping his midsection as another cramp rolled through him. "All Despians go through a yearly breeding cycle, in human time it's about every eight months. We lay an egg if it hasn't been fertilized, and the process can be . . . difficult."
Rax had gone into labor earlier then he expected. He wasn't supposed to lay his egg for another week or so. But the beginning of his labor had forced him to revert back to his base form, and he'd woken the others in his scramble to get to his ship, where he kept supplies for dealing with his yearly egg.
But something was different about this one. it was much bigger, and harder to hide. he'd started wearing baggier clothes to hide it because there wasn't enough room in his humanoid form to keep it hidden. It couldn't have been been fertilized, and multiples were practically unheard of in Despians.
"So you're. . . pregnant?" Julian asked.
"No, I'm not pregnant. The egg is unfertilized, like I said. But it is a similar process of birth whether it's fertilized or not," Rax explained, taking a deep breath as he prepared for the next contraction.
It felt like his insides were being squeezed by an iron band. He slowly lowered himself onto the cloth on the floor and took a moment to get comfortable, and, after the contraction passed, reached into his medical bag and pulled out a scanner. He beckoned Julian over and handed it to him.
"I need you to scan me. Can you do that?" Rax said.
"Oh, uh, yeah, yeah sure, hold on, let me just. . ." Julian fiddled with the scanner for a moment before pointing it at Rax as a green beam came out of it. He scanned Rax's midsection and handed the scanner back to him. Rax looked at the screen and his face went pale. On the display were three white ovals.
"Oh no. Oh, no no no. This can't be happening," Rax began to panic. Julian crouched down next to him, unsure of what he was so freaked out about.
"What is it?" Julian asked. Rax looked at him, then moaned and clutched his belly again. The contractions were getting closer together, and it wouldn't be long now before he had to start pushing. The contraction eventually subsided, and he looked back at the human.
"There's three of them. There shouldn't be that many. Even twins are exceedingly rare on my planet, and I've never even heard of anyone having triplets. I've only ever had one egg at a time," Rax said.
Julian opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off but a sudden cry from Rax. His eyes had squeezed shut, and his teeth were clenched. He dropped the scanner as both of his hands flew to his egg-laden middle. Julian looked around, unsure of how he could help his friend. Rax groaned, and Julian could almost see the outline of the eggs inside of him. After a few moments, Rax's expression relaxed a bit.
"I need you to take my pants off," he said.
"W-what? Are you sure?" Julian stammered, and Rax nodded. Julian looked at Rax's legs. They were propped up and spread apart, and he was wearing a pair of baggy cloth pants. Julian scooted over and began to work at the waistband, and Rax moved his legs to try and help. After they'd been removed, Rax spread his legs back out and Julian caught a look at what was between them before quickly turning away as his face turned red. He shuffled back up to Rax's side, trying to avoid looking inappropriately.
Rax took a deep breath, winced as another contraction took hold of him, and clenched his teeth again. It was time to get these things out of him. He grunted as he began to push, holding his stomach with one hand. Julian held out a hand, and Rax took it, squeezing as he bore down. He let out a yelp as the first egg slipped forward through his pelvis, and approached his entrance. He took a moment to breathe as the contraction faded, and noticed Julian's eyes were hyperfixated on his belly. Rax didn't have time to think about this, however, as another contraction took over almost on top of the first one.
He bore down once again, and felt the egg begin to peek out. He kept pushing as it stretched him further, and at this point the contractions weren't letting up anymore. The egg continued to inch forward, bit by bit, until it reached it's widest point. His hole was stretched to its limit as the rest of the egg slipped all the way out.
The foot-long egg landed softly on the cloth, and Rax let go of Julian's hand and bent forward a bit to pick it up. He held it in one hand, and grabbed the canister that was on the floor next to him and put the egg into it. He put the canister down and was immediately hit with another contraction. He grabbed Julian's hand again and kept pushing.
The second egg came out a little faster than the first one, and he put it in the canister. The third egg, however, proved to be a bit more difficult. It was coming out upside down, meaning Rax was going to have to push a lot harder to get it out. He bore down with a yell, curling forward over his abdomen, now significantly smaller. The egg began to peek out, and after a few minutes of pushing, reached a crown, and practically flew out of him.
Rax flopped back against the wall, exhausted. It was finally over. The eggs, as well as there being three of them, had been bigger than usual. Normally his eggs were pretty average, about eight or nine inches long. He had no idea why this cycle had been different, but he didn't have the energy to think about it further before he passed out.
Julian panicked, but after a moment realized that Rax was probably just tired, and there wasn't any blood or anything, so he was most likely okay. He picked up the egg and put it in the canister he'd seen Rax put them into, then covered Rax's bare legs in a blanket. He grabbed the scanner from earlier and scanned him just to make sure he was okay, and the scan didn't show anything worrying, just that he was a bit dehydrated.
Julian opened the door to the ship and found Kaiz and Herf still in the docking bay. It'd been about an hour since Rax had told them to leave, but they were still worried about all the yelling coming from inside the ship. "What happened?" Herf asked.
"I think Rax could probably explain it better than me, but. . . he's okay," Julian said, looking back at the ship. "I'm gonna go grab a few things. Leave him be for now, I think." He left the docking bay and went to grab a water bottle, some of Rax's nutrient bars, and another blanket. He came back to the ship and draped the second blanket over Rax's shoulders, and set the bars and water on a table on the other side of the room. He was going to stay until Rax woke up, just to make sure he was totally okay.
It was a couple hours later when Rax groaned and opened his eyes. He saw Julian sat next to him against the wall, asleep, and saw the food and water he'd left on the table. Rax was sore, but mostly fine. He slowly pulled himself up and and took the water bottle, downing it and going for one of the nutrient bars. They tasted mediocre, but egg laying always took a lot out of a Despian and he needed the calories. He decided to leave Julian be for now so he could clean himself up, and used his ship's shower to do so. After he'd washed himself off and changed into fresh, not-sweaty clothes, He shoved the soiled cloth from the floor into a plastic bag to wash when they got to their destination, a small backwater planet where they were to pick up a delivery from a client.
After getting everything straightened out, Rax gently shook Julian's shoulder. Julian sat up and looked Rax up and down, surprised he was up so soon. "Are you okay?" Julian asked.
"Oh I'm fine. A little sore, but I've been worse. What about you?"
Julian looked at his hand, a bit bruised from Rax's grip during his labor. "Eh. Not that bad," he said.
Rax gently grabbed his hand. "Oh my gods, did I do that? I'm so sorry!" he inspected Julian's hand for anything broken. Despians were known to be incredibly strong, and he was surprised he hadn't broken Julian's hand.
"Hey, don't apologize, it's fine, really!" Julian said, and felt his face get hot at Rax holding his hand. Rax noticed and blushed a bit himself before quickly letting go of Julian's hand.
"Well, we should probably get going! I'm sure the others might be a little worried!" Rax said, stepping towards the door. He suddenly became much shorter, his skin changed to a light grey, and his horns and tail disappeared. He quickly left the ship, still a tad flustered. Julian followed behind.
There was one thing that kept eating at the back of Julian's mind, though.
He'd discovered a new kink.
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vampiremeerkat · 5 months
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What if more Loraxeseses. Images from my Wiki.
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deimos-awaits · 29 days
After Pleasure and With Pain
This is set far after the events of my fic Pleasure and Pain with a sneak peak as to what happens to the main character there
"Hello Magos Aleph-Gimmel do you remember me!"
Aleph ducked to avoid the sonic blast. A skitarii Cloaked individual seemingly bounced out of nowhere. The cloak itself was obviously demosian but clearly defaced with garish paint and profane symbols of the Dark Prince. "Some lackey cultist who robbed a skitarii? Why would I remember you?" If it was
There's anger briefly in the other one's eyes. "No! One more chance we-erre is Omega Bellerov?" It's a singsong voice she can't place. However what she can place is the thundering sound from the speaker pack she was caring causing echo upon echo of the abandoned hab block.
"Dead! But I will happily deliver whatever she would have gotten to you!" A blast from her modified surikin gun and then one from her archeotech gun.
The other almost danced out of the way of it impossibly and annoying fast. "She can't be! She cared about me! Us! Now- ohh eldar weapons, xenarite? I knew it I knew it I knew it!"
"Far better than your chaos taint heretic." Another fire. "Besides. Omega Bellerov cared for no one." There was no anger in her own voice. Just cold emotionless truth. Magos Aleph-Gimmel searched through the information stored inside her cogitators to figure out what in the name of Holy Mars was happening. She had been able to make it into a control room whose doors seemed sturdy enough. With any luck the back up would be there enough soon. It was the last time she was investigating alone. Aleph was far too old to be making that mistake again especially this close to the Great Rift. Kattal and a squad of vanguard should be en route. She simply needed to out last what looked like happened when you put a noise marine and skitarii in a blender- actually someone probably had done that.
Meanwhile as Rax the Hedonite danced she sang. Awful vox boxes that are hooked up to her backpack and fueled the sonic pistol in her hand reverberated as she did. The former skitarius, reclothed in the flesh of pleasure and pleasure of flesh. To have finally tracked down a magos of Deimos from the before times! From her old life had been a boon but the fact that it has been that inept xenarite Aleph-Gimmel and now the holy rage filled Magos Omega Bellerov-1.0 filled Rax with rage she had not really felt since before Volupta Delacatio uplifted her from the horrid state she had been in.
Rax looked at the control door for the mechanic room of the hab she had been sent to scavenge from and cursed up a storm of any profanities she could think of from Dark Prince’s breast to Fulgrim’s ass to the wretched Machine God. In moments like this unbidden old prayers or at least warped versions of them came to mind but there was no way in the warp or beyond she would sing the praises of the Omnissiah while fighting one of the Dead God's lackeys.
Rax stopped and stared at the door itself as the stims that Volupta supplied her began to run their course and help to balance her once more for battle. She could blast down the door with long enough force but if this truly still was Deimos reinforcements were likely returning an Omega-Tzeta pattern from above and below. Rax would know, she has committed many of them ‘rescue’ operations intended to trap a for. She might get the techpriest yes if she waited but but if she was caught or even more laughable if she was bested then the warband Volupta had loaned her to would not supply the Blessed Guardians with the materials they needed. Not for the first time she found herself rocking on the balls of her feet trying to decide if it was better to stay and risk it or run run run run run run.
Maybe she could try the third route.
Rax slowly and deliberately walked over to the wall right beside the door and leaned against it. She made sure that her footsteps were loud enough to be hurt even while only wearing the same ballerina slippers that she'd been wearing for the past well for where she's been most the time, time didn't really exist.
Rax took a breath. “Magos Aleph-Gimmel, this is Skitarii Ranger Alpha RAX-XVIII of the Vox Omnissiah reporting to duty after… sometime missing in action.” The old title felt like slime on her tongue, not the pleasant kind either, she had enough experience with that, it was the same name yes but with everything it was surrounded but it didn't feel hers anymore. Especially with the nonsense chorus that was silenced in her head, replaced now by the beautiful background hymn of the warp.
Aleph-Gimmel took a moment to respond. “RAX-XVIII?” Her cogintatora had finished their search and returned a similar result. “I thought you were killed in action on Erophant III with 80% of your squad. Only two were recovered. The casualties were immense.” and had her emotions not been subdued and stamped down for combat Aleph-Gimmel would most likely have felt some kind of sorrow that if this were true one of the holy soldiers of the Omnissiah had ended up like this.
“Oh ho ho ho! I am well aware of how diasterious that encounter was, but it lead me to the Prince and lead all Kamepa to their own Warrior dreams so it can't be that bad can it?”
“Warrior dreams?” All Aleph needed to do was stall for time. The vanguard squad was incoming tracing her position as best they could, although the ferrocrete was making it hard to track exactly where she was.
“Oh that's enough about them that's enough of them,” her voice once more had that sing song quality that sounded only cacophonous to the tech priest's ears. “Last I heard you were running a tank regiment! What were they called the name of them slipped my mind?”
“As so much else has appeared to slip. Dune crawlers. Ranger Alpha, do you not remember how to address your superiors?” Maybe some form of psycho conditioning will still active.
“Oh ho ho ho but you're not my Superior! I have two superiors now! I have two now compared to the one that I had back then I have the one to whom I report and the one who sings the song of all creation!”
“Well, who do you report to them if not the magi-” Aleph was quickly interrupted in her line of questioning.
Rax began to pound on the door throwing her body against it. The pain of impact kept her going again and again until a small dent was made. “I do not! Report to any magi. I reported to one, and you've taken the one last thing I wanted from her. You've taken it from me filthy heretical xenarite! I report to my loving lady, and that's all you need know!” Rax either did not or could not verbalize the thought that there was one tech adept that she would maybe not report to but had enjoyed going to for equipment and repairs when heretical adept didn't try killing her. He was a beacon of bloodshed. “You! You were a xenarite! I knew you were a traitor we knew!”
Aleph stood deathly still like a hammer about to swing on to the anvil. “What did you want with Bellerov-1.0 Slaaneshi, what did you want to do to my predecessor?”
“I wanted to kill her! I wanted that pleasure! I wanted that joy of rending her limb from mechanical limb for every thought she put in my head- wait. Predecessor, you're you're the one that succeeded her? You killed her too I bet!” A small sting in the back of Rax’s neck began to bring her back down as a calmness flooded her system. She needed to think.
“I did not kill her. It was not my decision,” Aleph-Gimmel took a gamble here. “You apparently used to serve before whatever this is,” how much longer would the vanguard squad be taking? “It was the Holy Synod. Besides, she had a few decent standard years as a kataphron you would never have gotten the pleasure you desired. If it's any consolation she was removed from her post after Erophant III.”
The other side of the door was quiet. Rax remembered what a kataphron battle servitor was. She let out an unholy screech against the door, vox box and speakers fully flaring up causing even through the ferrocrete Aleph-Gimmel to have to shut down and off her ears. Through the door the Magos could hear a mixture of sobbing and laughter mixed through awful reverberations.
Rax couldn't even focus on why she had stayed here! What an awful awful thing to find out! Deimos home of disappointment and pain that was not pleasure and pleasure that was not pain nothing good had come of that Slaanesh forsaken rock! She fired off her sonic pistol in any direction she could find. What was she here for anyway? Magos Bellerov-1.0 was dead! Dead and before that turned into a mindless thing no better than the lowest deamon spawn!
It was not fair! It was not fair!
Rax had been yearning for this for so long only to be denied her pleasure something that was hers by all rights by some middle managing bureaucratic xenarite with a penchant for tankers! Just like the first day she had awoken Rax initially clawed at her neck until the blood flowed just to feel something anything else.
She cried and laughed and threw things around in the hab block mechanical room she was in until things in her began to turn to jelly. She had to leave. Rax could hear the distant datapslams with her newly expanded hearing. Damn them all! Damn damn!
Rax could stay or she could leave and survive another day or she could stay and risk a delicious battle. Another cool prick in the back of her neck. No. She needed to leave. That much she knew even through everything it was how the Blessed Guardians survived everything. Never seek out a fight you didn't have overwhelming numbers for and as wonderful a champion of pleasure she was she was still but a single woman. Rax could not would not risk it.
Rax did not end up getting the Magos of course. She still tried until all parts of her felt like jelly and the archeologist had scurried farther far away. The vanguard squadron had been attempting a Omega-Tzeta maneuver using their own Magos as the bait. It was almost adorable until the two she had run into were turned to a pulverized mess by sound. They had tried to kill her! Well. Would have if they had seen her coming.
She took as much as she could carry off their gear and equipment for her own armorer and Perdeace in equal measure before continuing back and away up into a different part of the hab block before running into a rift that swallowed her whole
Rax eventually returned to the chaos band that had been hosting her. She was close. Oh so very close. Battle was fun. It always was. It felt exquisite and brought back some of the fury she felt under Bellerov, and that's what mattered really didn't it? It had to.
Meanwhile Aleph-Gimmel surveyed the damage with loyal Kattal at her side. It seemed that Omega Bellerov1.0’s mistakes would be felt continually. She would tell Seraph about this, as much as she loathed the Inquisitor it would be better to get this out of her own hair, unless Magos-Genator Letzaveis could find a way to study that awful Noise Skitarius should she be captured. There was much to consider and the Omnissiah always provided.
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samirafee · 4 months
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mambo68 · 5 months
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thecoolguy24601 · 6 months
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russica · 4 months
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Tiefling Tails!
Fun Facts! Rax is one of those Tieflings that talks with their tail. His tail is very expressive. It wags and wraps and swishes and droops and tends to gravitate towards trouble making.
With Zevlor, it'd be soft. Gently tangled together or wrapped loosely around his leg. Zevlor makes Rax feel safe and warm and he just wants to shoe the man the same kind of love ❤️
With Rolan, it would be more involved lol. Rolan would absolutely deny he enjoys/wants the affection all the while his tail is attempting to meld with Rax's. Rax would return the wrap with genuine affection because he loves the grumpy wizard 💜
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askteamspirit · 1 year
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(@askshrineguardians ) [Relationships Updated (Rax)]
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mothpawbs · 1 year
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woohoohooHOO BEASTIE!!
speedpaint link is in the notes! please do not post anywhere without my permission, reblogs are appreciated!
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Interspecies Surrogacy: It's a Thing (part 1)
This is mostly fluff, but cw for pregnancy. I've never written fluff before, so let me know what yall think! (1600 words)
Rax was lounging in his ship, reading some news feeds from his home planet, when a knock rang from the door. He put down the datapad and quickly shifted back to a humanoid form.
"It's unlocked, what is it?" He called. The door slid open to reveal Rasha, his boss. She ran the Cargo Freighter Osiris, a ship that would transport anything or anyone, anywhere, for the right price. They mostly did normal and unassuming deliveries, but they weren't opposed to a few deals that were less than ordinary here and there. As far as Rax knew, Rasha had been speaking with a client about a more unorthodox delivery that they wanted to commission the Osiris team for, though usually Rax wasn't involved in the more administrative parts of the process until the finalization of everything.
"The client needs to speak to you, Rax. Apparently what he wants is something only a Despian can do," Rasha said. Rax groaned. People always looked for Despians for their weird depraved nonsense because of their shapeshifting abilities, and there weren't many around, so he wouldn't be surprised if this one was just looking to hire him for something personal.
He followed Rasha out of the ship bay, through the halls, and into her office. Most of their business was done here on the freighter, and one could go about most of their day without leaving. Rax sat next to the clients, two reptilian Jinneri, in Rasha's office, and she sat in her chair behind her desk. A male and a female, they wore long robes and Jinneri breathing masks, and sat very close to each other. Rax wasn't expecting a couple, but the answer would probably be no regardless.
"Okay, so what exactly did you want Rax for that you couldn't tell me?" Rasha asked. Rax prepared for whatever nasty thing they'd ask him to do.
"Well, you see, there aren't many other Jinneri around, and we've been having . . . fertility issues," the male said. "My wife has been unable to carry, and we haven't been able to find a surrogate, but we heard that Despians can carry almost any species, so we were hoping that you could help us."
Rax frowned. "Okay, well that wasn't the direction I thought this was going to go, but absolutely no-"
"Five million credits."
Rax blinked. "What?"
"We'll give you five million credits. We have an egg ready to go, and we'll pay you entirely up front." The female said.
Rax sat for a moment. That was a lot of credits. With that much money, he could send some home for his family and have tons left over so he could buy an actual home rather than just living inside of his ship. He didn't think he'd ever come across this kind of money in his life, but here they were, handing it to him on a silver platter.
But was it worth it? He pulled out his datapad and did a few quick searches to get the general gist of a Jinneri pregnancy. It was fairly short, only about four months, and pretty straightforward. A female would lay an egg, then the egg would be fertilized, then implanted in either the male or female parent to hatch and incubate. Some chose to do two at a time, one in each parent. It wouldn't be too long, but it would be a little difficult.
After a few minutes, Rax finally responded.
"Alright, I'll do it."
. . .
After all the paperwork had been settled, doctors visited, the whole nine yards, it was finally done. Rax was back on the Osiris after having the small egg surgically implanted into him. He would have regular meeting with Unu and Irn, the Jinneri couple, and a doctor. For the next few weeks, the egg would grow rapidly and hatch inside of Rax, and then keep growing until it was ready to be born.
Rax ran his fingers over the little bulge in his belly. He'd squeezed himself into his bunk in his regular form, which was far more comfortable to be pregnant in, so he'd learned. Julian was playing a game on the bottom bunk. Rax heard the game pause, some creaking, and a head popped up to his bunk.
"So, five million credits huh?" Julian asked.
"Mm-hm," Rax nodded.
"Soooo . . . what does it feel like?" Julian said. "Like a normal Despian egg, or . . .?"
"Kind of? But more like there's a rock stuck in there, honestly. Despian eggs generate heat, but Jinneri are born cold-blooded, so it's sort of weird. Like it sucks up the warmth. I'll probably get used to it," Rax said. He looked over to see Julian staring at the little lump. "Whatcha looking at?"
Julian flushed bright red. "Uh-"
"You wanna feel?" Rax held his hand out.
Rax didn't think a human could get any redder, but they continued to surprise him. Julian placed his hand in Rax's, who guided it down to his lower stomach. Julian felt the bulge of the egg, about the size of a cantaloupe.
"So, I was thinking, since I'm gonna be taking it easy for a bit, wanna hang out on my ship later tonight?" Rax asked. He'd been meaning to ask Julian for a while. He'd had a bit of a thing for him for ages, and after the whole egg fiasco a few weeks ago, he figured Julian might too. Might as well shoot his shot.
Julian stuttered a bit, and lifted his hand off of Rax's belly. "U-uh sure, what did you want to do?"
"I got some games and and old Coriskian tablet with a bunch of old movies and junk on it," Rax said.
"Oh, cool. I heard those movies were super dumb but really funny," Julian said.
"Alright, meet me at the ship at 16:00, yeah?" Rax shimmied to the side and hopped off the bunk to go tidy up his ship.
. . .
Rax and Julian watched the projector from opposite sides of the seat. They were on a cushioned bench built into the wall of the ship, watching one of the Coriskian movies about some nuclear power plant that turned into a monster. Apparently weird nuclear mutation films were a universal genre. Julian munched popcorn, which he'd told Rax was a common human movie snack, and Rax idly traced circles around the egg with his thumb.
Rax glanced over, and Julian quickly snapped his head towards the projection, having been caught staring. Rax cracked a small smile and snuck his tail over towards Julian's side of the bench, before curling it around his back. Julian turned beet red. Rax scooted over a bit, and used his tail to coax Julian closer until they were hip to hip. Rax put an arm around Julian's shoulders and nabbed a few pieces of popcorn. Julian, still redder than Rax could ever imagine, leaned over onto him a little bit.
They stayed like that for a while before Julian decided it was his turn to get bold and put a hand on Rax's abdomen. Rax wrapped his tail tighter around Julian's waist, and soon they were practically on top of each other. It was awkward for a long moment before the two looked at each other, and their faces drifted closer, until-
Neither of them had been paying any attention to the movie, and a loud noise from it caught them off guard. They sat in silence for another few moments before Julian finally spoke.
"Oh what the hell." Julian grabbed Rax's face and pulled it to his and kissed him. Rax took a moment to fully process what was going on, and kissed him back.
A knock at the ship door a few minutes later forced Rax and Julian to untangle themselves from each other. Rasha opened the door, saw the boys' ruffled hair and clothes, and immediately closed it again.
"Ah- wait, Rasha!" Rax ran to the door and opened it back up. "What did you need?"
"I was just gonna say that the checks from the last job are coming in tomorrow but you guys are finally having a thing so I'll leave you to alone," Rasha said, and turned to leave the docking bay.
Rax let her go, and reentered his ship to see Julian smoothing out his hair a little bit. He sat back down next to Julian and leaned back onto him. Julian leaned back, still feeling a bit awkward, before Rax practically tackled him and continued where they left off.
They didn't really go any farther than that, just kissed with the movie in the background, but it was enough for the both of them. They laid on the bench, and Julian held one hand on Rax's belly and the other on the back of his neck. Rax was on top of him, his tail around Julian's waist. They stayed there until the end of the movie, when Rax finally broke away.
"You know, i-it's getting pretty late," Julian said.
"Wanna sleep in here with me? I have a bed mat I can set up and we can have a little sleepover," Rax said. He got up and ran over to a shelf, and pulled out a big roll of springy blue foam.
Julian smiled. "Yeah, let's have a sleepover."
Once they'd gotten themselves situated on the mat, Rax turned to Julian. "So, Rasha said we were having a 'thing.''
"Are we having a thing?" Julian asked.
"I don't know, I've never had a thing before."
"Well I'd like it to be a thing, what about you?" Julian inched his hand closer to Rax's.
"Why not? I guess if that's what it is, then it's a thing." Rax put his hand on Julian's.
"Are you sure you want a thing with me, though? I mean, Despians are cool shapeshifters and I'm just a plain old human," Julian said.
"Dude, you literally watched me give birth without flinching. I think I want a thing with you." Rax smiled
"Then I guess it's a thing."
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vampiremeerkat · 4 months
honestly i have nothing to ask, just want to know more about lossrax and lorax shenanigas and i guess futher opinions about taht from onceler
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You want him to be an examiner of their relationship? Surely he has better things to do than watch two hamster boys tussle, he's an important businessman. Whatever disaster Lorax and Lossrax bring into the world by being themselves, he doesn't care. As far as he's concerned, Lossrax is just another conscienceless animal that preys and kills, therefore not remarkable. If he were to do something he didn't like, his "opinion" would be to step on his skull and tell him to go die a real death. ..Lossrax would melt in his warm chokehold, as "Join Me in Death" by HIM plays romantically in the background, truly everyone wins.
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