#Ray Badran
atorionsbelt · 1 year
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from alwaysbecomedy on instagram july 28 2023
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keytaryourheart · 3 months
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knock2bag 040724
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samcampbellfans · 8 months
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(via beckylucas__ on IG)
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grahamstoney · 10 years
How I Won The Entrepreneurs Master Class Kick Ass Goal Competition
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/mindset/how-won-the-entrepreneurs-master-class-kick-ass-goal-competition
How I Won The Entrepreneurs Master Class Kick Ass Goal Competition
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If you’re interested in what I did to rank among the winners of the Entrepreneurs Master Class Big Ass Goal Competition in March 2015, here’s what my submission looked like:
Name: Graham Stoney
Please state your original goal:
Get on TV doing comedy by 13th February 2015
Have there been any changes to your goal since the original submission? If so, what changes in direction have you taken and why?
The basic strategy is to intuitively create funny stuff, see what works, put a comedy routine together that I can deliver on TV… and start stalking The Chaser team from ABC TV.
It’s proven rather challenging; but hey, it’s a stretch goal so that’s normal, right?
What are the key action that you have taken toward your goal?
Wrote it in my goal book. Worried about Meditated on it every day.
Completed a Stand-Up Comedy course with City East Community College
Wrote 20 minutes of comedy material for my upcoming Stand-Up Comedy course graduation show on March 23rd 2015. The show got postponed several times beyond my goal date; apparently, that’s show biz for ya.
Auditioned for Short & Sweet Theatre Sydney, 2015. Landed the role of Tom in LockOut: The Musical (a comedy). Rehearsed for ages. Went on stage. Got rave reviews: “a wonderful song and dance musical performance extraordinaire”
Set up/updated my social media presence including my comedy blog, Facebook page, Google+ business page, Twitter feed, Instagram Account, LinkedIn profile, StarNow profile and YouTube Channel; all linked and automated wherever possible. At least Google will take me seriously now.
Configured my comedy blog to auto-upgrade & resolved some technical issues to minimise future need for IT support.
Engaged an SEO consultant to check my onpage SEO strategy.
Made these funny videos to promote LockOut: The Musical. Got feedback on what worked in them.
Made a video about my cleaner; which turns out to be full of lies, but is nonetheless funny.
Attended an Improv Theatre Sydney workshop at Giant Dwarf Theatre, which is run by The Chaser team. Totally failed to meet any of them.
Asked fellow Comedian Susie Youssef, who appeared on The Chaser’s Media Circus in November 2014, how she got on the show. She said “The Chaser guys called me”. When I asked “How do I get them to call me?”, she replied “Spend 10 years getting to know them”. Bit of a problem given my February 13th deadline.
Landed the role of Sidebar in Audience Therapy, another comedy play in Short & Sweet Theatre Sydney 2015 Festival. I play a Dr Phil-like TV therapist, who is basically an excellent showman but an incompetent therapist. Lots of audience participation and interaciton.
Attended the Comedy On The Edge workshop at The Chippendale Hotel . Got up and delivered 3 minutes of material, and got feedback on it. Several comedians said I was funny, and that it’s really hard to make comedians laugh.
Went to lots of comedy shows to suss out the vibe and see what works, and what doesn’t.
Asked my Comedian mate Ray Badran about his agent, Century Entertainment. Networking, networking, networking. He recommended them.
Outsourced my YouTube video SEO by finding a great local contractor on elance.com. Trained and built a working relationship for her to automate future YouTube video SEO and blog posting.
Set up a no-contact boundary with my mother, so I can feel good about myself for the first time in my life.
Began studying Tai Chi to manage my stress levels.
Moved to Bondi, a more creative area than boring old Lane Cove. Got a new lease on an apartment, and on life.
Practised doing comedy with everyone I talked to, including my property manager, people on the bus and at the beach.
Went to the beach, meditated and played drums every day to create a sustainable work-life balance.
Went to bed early whenever I could.
Spent way too long writing this submission.
What have you learned about business and/ or yourself during this challenge?
Getting on TV requires actually knowing people who cast stuff for TV, and having an agent.
To do Stand-up on TV, I need to have a solid routine which I already know works in front of a live audience. I need to get in front of live audiences in order to do develop that.
I’m only really funny when I feel safe and am not stressed out.
It’s a journey, not a destination. Keeping this in mind absolves all failures challenging learning experiences in which goals appear to still be located in the future.
What has been the outcome of this?
I’m a lot closer to living my dream than I was 3 months ago.
Have you achieve your goal?
I’ve ChromeCasted my YouTube channel to my TV. Does that count?
Remember to come to [intlink id=”1625″ type=”post”]my upcoming gig[/intlink] at Balmain Workers Club on 23rd March 2015!
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bag-for-life · 2 years
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From Instagram - hoping we get to see more King of the Table content 🤞
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Blurry but glasses!
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Wish granted - blatantly stealing all the photos from this amazing Insta account! They are truly doing God’s work 🙏
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thelaughstand · 8 years
Catch Sydney's favourite comic gem, Ray Badran, in a full headline set in the city's original home of comedy before he heads to the UK! Harold Park Hotel - Tuesday 17 January! Starts 8.15pm. Only $10 HERE or $15 at door!
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peitharcha · 2 years
Had a very interesting experience at the fringe and thought I should share.
I went to see King of the Table in the middle of the night in a Monkey Barrel basement to watch Ray Badran struggle to coordinate the table tennis event with a couple of comedians. Shortly before the finals though, some comedians came in and started watching the match - and by some comedians I mean Tim Key, Ivo Graham, David O'Doherty and probably more I didn't know. So after the finals, I got talking to Ray and asked if I could play with him a bit and he ushered me to the table where a doubles match was forming. So then I was stood next to Mark Silcox and opposite of Tim Key and another person I didn't know. Yes, I played table tennis against Tim. Yes, he's quite good for a non-club player but also very competive and very drunk. Anyways, I played a few good shots and everyone was impressed but Tim was not happy Mark had such a good teammate :D
After the game (we won) he came over to me and hugged me and said how good I was or something along the lines. It was a wild night. Over and out.
Brilliant story, anon, and hope you felt us all cheering you on (in spirit, and belatedly because we didn't know about it at the time)
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comedyinsydney · 2 years
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In 2008 we launched Australia’s first live Audience Digital Voting stand-up comedy competition called Comedy Court. For the first time the audience was able to give instant feedback for a comics performance. With Judges wigs , robes an oversized gavel and a cool DJ, it was loads of fun. Shortly after we launched Quick Some Comedy Quick and The $10 Dollar Comedy Club and were able to highlight some of the countries funniest people in their early stages of stand-up comedy. Here is just a few... Aaron Chen, Ray Badran, Rhys Nicholson, Joe Camino, Michelle Betts, Barry Hamilton, Frida Deguise, Andrew Barnett, Doug Suiter, Andrew Norelli (USA), Kyle Legacy, Ben Elwood, Marty Bright, Sam Kissajukian, Katie Burch, Joe Antar, Jacob Perry, David Truong, Billy Freeman, James “it’s only jokes” O’Connell, Joe White, Umit Bali, Sacha Marx, Matthew Wakefield, Oliver Phonmavanh, Harrison Greenbaun(Canada), Christina Van Look, Arnie Pie, Daniel Muggleton, Stephanie Broadridge, Jono Lee, Great Scott, Tshaka, Jenny Campbell, The Infamous Jordan Paris(AGT), David Poltorak, Jeanne Tian, Freddie McManus, Suran Jay, CJ Delling, Kabba,  Tim Govers, Tristan Haze, Harry Jun, Anthony Locascio, Andrew Wolfe, Patrick Golamco, Jack Wright,  Jamal Abdul, Gerard McGeown, Thao, Alex White, Tom Cashman, Brent Thorpe, Aaron Pratt, Michele Lim, Tom Orr,  Andrew Paskin, Alison Flanigan, TV’s Fat Pizza and Housos Crew, WAKA, Billy Darcy, Michael Connell, Sam “Mad Man” Menzies, Rob Andrews, Matty B, Paul Warnes, Daniel Grozdich (USA) and the man in Black Russell Jones, just to name a few (Wish I could list them all). In all, over 360+ comics have graced our stages to make thousands of people smile and laugh. We will forever be grateful to them and others for bringing the laughs. We have also been able to raise over $4000 for the Fred Hollows Foundation and Rural NSW Fire Dept. All Thanks to the best comics & audiences on the planet. Join us on Nov 3rd for our 15th Anniversary show, we will have a killer line up of funny people from the past and present plus lots of giveaways and prizes including Movie tixs,Free Dinner & drink Cards etc. Tixs https://www.stickytickets.com.au/bonkerzaustralia/events (at Agincourt Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiuKje7vGA9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pontiobangor · 5 years
Pontio mis Hydref - yn archwilio’r bod dynol
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Efallai bod y tywydd wedi troi a’r nosweithiau’n tywyllu, ond mae rhaglen mis Hydref Pontio yn fwy na digon i’ch denu allan o’r ty….
Be well na noson o chwerthin, ac mae’r mis yn dechrau gyda SUZI RUFFELL yn y Stiwdio (Iau 3 Hydref), yn dilyn deuddeg mis o lwyddiant ysgubol gan gynnwys taith drwy’r DU, proffil uchel ar y teledu ac adolygiadau anhygoel am y ffordd y mae Suzi'n llwyddo i droi angst personol yn hiwmor sy'n gwneud i'ch ochrau chi frifo.
Hefyd ar Nos Iau 3 Hydref, bydd Pontio yn cynnal noson gyda’r awdur, newyddiadurwr a chyn-filwr JAN MORRIS (Pax Britannica), fydd yn sgwrsio gyda’i mab TWM MORYS drannoeth ei phen-blwydd yn 93. Fel un sydd wedi dod â chymaint o hanes a theithio i’w ysgrifennu, mae’n siwr o fod yn noson fendigedig gyda chyfraniadau am y cyd-destun Cymreig gan Yr Athro Angharad Price o Brifysgol Bangor a darlleniadau gan Gwyneth Glyn.
Wedyn ar y penwythnos mae’n amser i’r teulu cyfan ymuno wrth i Pontio gymeryd rhan yn ymgyrch PALASAU HWYL, sy’n hyrwyddo ‘diwylliant yng nghalon ein cymuned, a chymuned yng nghalon diwylliant’, ar ddydd Sadwrn 5 Hydref rhwng 10am a 4pm. Mae Pontio wedi cydlynu ystod eang o ddigwyddiadau sy’n amlygu’r bwrlwm sy’n digwydd o gwmpas Bangor ac yn rhoi blas ar yr hyn sydd ar gael – a’r peth gorau? Mae i gyd am ddim!
Ydych chi erioed wedi bod eisiau rhoi cynnig ar actio, ballet, jazz neu ddawns gyfoes? Beth am slalom cadair olwyn? Ydych chi’n mwynhau gemau bwrdd ac eisiau trio rhai newydd? Beth am roi cynnig ar wau gyda grwp Maesgeirchen, neu dipyn o karate gyda’r gymdeithas o Brifysgol Bangor, neu rhannu hen luniau? Fyddech chi’n mwynhau blasu pethau newydd neu creu cwci gyda chriw caffi Pontio, Cegin? Ein thema eleni yw RHANNU, felly dewch i ymuno yn yr hwyl – i gyd am ddim, gadewch i bobl rannu eu sgiliau gyda chi a rhannwch eich amser gyda nhw. Mae’r amserlen lawn ar gael ar wefan a chyfryngau cymdeithasol Pontio.
Ar benwythnos 11+12 Hydref cerddoriaeth yw’r pwnc – ac am gerddoriaeth. Bydd y pianydd arobryn LLYR WILLIAMS yn chwarae’r Steinway D y dewisiodd ar gyfer Theatr Bryn Terfel ar Ddydd Gwener 11 Hydref, ac mae’r rhaglen yn un hyfryd – gan gynnwys Chopin, Poulenc, Ravel a Liszt.  Fel un o Gymrodorion Anrhydeddus Prifysgol Bangor, mae Llyr yn cymryd y cyfle i berffomio yn Pontio fel rhan o flwyddyn brysur sy’n gweld y pianydd yn cydweithio gyda Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC ac wrth iddo gynnig cylch sonata cyfan yn y Festival Cultural de Mayo yn Guadalajara, Mecsico a cylchau rhannol yn Moscow a St Petersburg. Ar Ddydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref, bydd yr haul yn llenwi Theatr Bryn Terfel wrth i CARWYN ELLIS rannu ei albwm cyntaf o dan ei enw ei hun, casgliad lliwgar, arloesol a beiddgar o ganeuon wedi'i hysbrydoli gan bîts De America a'i daith i Rio. Yn enwog am fod yn brif ganwr Colorama, mae Carwyn wedi treulio mwyafrif y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf yn teithio'r byd yn Cefnogi'r Pretenders, a CHRISSIE HYNDE ei hun sylwodd sawl record oedd Carwyn yn eu prynu tra ar daith yn Ne America yn gynnar yn 2018, ac awgrymu y dylai wneud albwm iaith Gymraeg gyda dylanwadau Lladin, felly dyna'n union y gwnaeth o - dewch i wrando ar y canlyniad yn y gig yma. Bydd y grwp lleol PLU yn cefnogi.
Daw THEATR GENEDLAETHOL CYMRU a'u cynhyrchiad diweddaraf, addasiad Mererid Hopwood o Der kaukasische Kreidekreis (The Caucasian Chalk Circle) Y CYLCH SIALC i brif lwyfan Pontio am chwe perfformiad rhwng Nos Fawrth 15 Hydref a Nos Wener 18 Hydref. Gyda'r berfformwraig GWENNO yn darparu'r gerddoriaeth wreiddiol yn fyw ar y llwyfan, gwisgoedd a chynllunio set bendigedig, talent Cymraeg cyffrous ac un o glasuron yr ugeinfed ganrif yn byrlymu â hiwmor thywyll a chymeriadau bywiog, dyma ddrama sy'n gwbl addas ar gyfer yr oes sydd ohoni, felly peidiwch â cholli allan ar y profiad. Bydd perfformiad gyda BSL yn rhan o'r rhediad, ac app Sibrwd ar gael.
Mae rhagor o gomedi ar y gweill ar gyfer Nos Iau 17 Hydref a 24 Hydref, wrth i Pontio groesawu TUDUR OWEN, RAY BADRAN ac INGRID DAHLE i'n Clwb Comedi misol a daw JAMES ACASTER i Fangor am y tro cyntaf -gyda'r sioe yma wedi gwerthu allan yn barod.
Ar ddydd Sadwrn 19 Hydref, mae strand Teulu Pontio yn dod a'r cwmni PICKLED IMAGE i'r Stiwdio, gyda'i sioe swynol 'Woodland Tales with Grandad', gyda chast o bypedau anghyffredin a neges bwysig a chyfredol am yr amgylchedd. Bydd y sioe 45 munud o hyd yn cael ei ddilyn gan weithdy creadigol gydag artist lleol a chriw Pontio.
Gan barhau ar thema'r amgylchedd, mae sioe gerdd Theatr Na Nóg EYE OF THE STORM ar Ddydd Mawrth 22 a Dydd Mercher 23 Hydref, eu cyntaf yn Theatr Bryn Terfel, hefyd yn cynnwys neges gref am ynni cynaladwy, wrth i wyth o actorion adrodd stori Emmie, merch fach o Gymru sy'n wynebu'r cyfyng-gyngor rhwng ei hangerdd am wyddoniaeth a'r tornados sy'n ei chyfareddu a'i dyletswyddau fel gofalwr ifanc sy'n meddwl y byd o'i mam. Gyda trac sain canu gwlad gan yr enillydd Grammy Amy Wadge (Thinking Out Loud gydag Ed Sheeran) dyma sioe gerdd i'r holl deulu.
Wrth i'r mis ddod i ben, bydd Pontio yn parhau i gynnal digwyddiadau lu gan gynnwys cynhadledd dau ddiwrnod o hyd  yn archwilio hanesion unigryw a chysylltiedig Cymru, Iwerddon, Yr Alban a Lloegr yng NGWYL HANES Y PEDAIR GWLAD. Gyda siaradwyr yn cynnwys David Olusoga OBE gyda'i ddarlith ‘Slavery, Empire and Historical Amnesia’, David Starkey CBE ar ‘Henry VIII and Brexit’ a Lucy Worsley OBE ar ‘Queen Victoria: Daughter, Wife, Mother Widow’ mae'r tocynnau'n siwr o fod yn brin.
Mae gan Pontio berthynas hirdymor gyda'r grwp fydd yn perfformio i gau Hydref yn y brif theatr, 9BACH. Gyda sawl aelod o'r band o'r ardal, maent wedi perfformio sawl gwaith yn Pontio ers i'r ganolfan agor yn 2015, gyda ffans brwd yn lleol ond hefyd y gallu i ddenu ffans newydd pob tro y maent ar y llwyfan gyda'i sain unigryw a pherfformiadau cyfareddol. Ar Ddydd Sadwrn 26 Hydref, byddent yn edrych yn ôl i ryw raddau wrth berfformio caneuon o'r albwm gyntaf '9Bach' sydd wedi ei ail-ryddhau a'i ail-gymysgu ac yn ffurfio rhan o'u taith ledled y DU eleni. Gadewch i'w caneuon fynd a chi i grombil tirlun gogledd Cymru gyda lleisiau arallfydol, bîts 'dub', telyn a gitâr harmoniwm a threfniadau clyfar dros ben.
Mae Martin Hoyland o 9Bach hefyd yn gefnogol iawn o'r perfformiad olaf ym mis Hydref, sydd yn sicr o fod yn blatfform gwych i dalent o Fangor ar ffurf O IAITH I GÂN gan griw 8STARMUSIC. Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle yma i weld sut mae'r cynllun a'r platfform pwysig hwn yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu cariad at wahanol fathau o gerddoriaeth o acwsteg i hip hop, a dewch i'w cefnogi wrth iddynt berfformio am y tro cyntaf mewn canolfan.
Am ragor o wybodaeth ynglyn â rhaglen artistig Pontio, a'r sinema 7 diwrnod yr wythnos sy'n agored i bawb, ewch i www.pontio.co.uk neu dilynwch ni ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, galwch i mewn yn y ganolfan am raglen neu ffoniwch 01248 38 28 28.
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ntll · 5 years
listened to the ray badran and paul foot episodes of dum dum club back to back... .feel like i’m having a stroke 
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camdenfringe · 6 years
Get your EXTRA SHOWS here
Here is a list - updated 27 July at 5pm because 3 days before the Fringe kicks off we are still adding more - of changes to the printed programme.
Time For Tea                      
After Cowgate Fire, discover what traps a girl's desperate escape            
At Etcetera Theatre at 12.30pm on 30 July            
The Sisters Grimm          
Raising Ashes Theatre    
A feminist fairy tale set in Russia.              
At Lion and Unicorn at 3.30pm on 30 - 31 July     
 S/he/it Happens                              
Bold, brave and funny. Gender exploration with slapstick and wit.            
At Etcetera Theatre at 6.30pm on 31 July - 3 August
Not A Dull Boy  
1 meeting, 1 city & 2 people can change everything!        
At Etcetera Theatre at 12.30pm on 1 - 2 & 15 - 16 August
Basic Bitch          
Exploring what it is to be a woman today              
At Camden Comedy Club at 6.30pm on 1 - 4 August
 A Female & A Swede: One Thing After Another                
She's a female, he's a Swede. This is their show.
At Aces & Eights at 9.15pm on 1 - 6 August          
 Streetz Ahead Presents Wolf    
Streetz Ahead Debut Professional Children’s Theatre Show        
At London Irish Centre at 6.30pm on 2 August   
 This Is Your Trial              
This Is Your Laugh            
Top comedians prosecute, defend and judge YOU and your friends        
At Aces & Eights at 9.15pm on 2 August, 8pm on 5 August, 10.20pm on 10 - 11 August
Doll Face                            
A solo show looking at the female British Asian Experience.
At Hen and Chickens at 7.30pm on 3 & 4 August
 Twin Paradox    
Flux Phase          
World Premier of Einstein's Twin Paradox            
At The Albany at 5pm on 4 August and 7.30pm on 5 August         
Raincoat Optimist Collective        
An alternative dark comedy exploring long-term illness.                
At Water Rats at 8pm on 5 August            
Jay Cowle: Work In Progress                      
New act finalist Jay brings his new 2nd show!    
At Camden Comedy Club at 6.30pm on 12 August
Lorna Shaw is Not Sure
Brand new stand-up from radio and TV regular Lorna Shaw.
At The Bill Murray at 6.45pm on 13 - 15 August
The DredgeLand Radio Spectacular LIVE                
Mad live radio comedy show, broadcast in simulcast with HoveFm          
At Camden Comedy Club at 6.30pm on 15 - 16 August
 Ray Badran does stand up comedy
Ray Badran is an Australian stand up comedian
At Camden Comedy Club at 6.30pm on 17 – 18 August
Portrait of a reluctant, unsung hero of World War One.
At Lion and Unicorn at 9.30pm on 18 August and 8.30pm on 19 August
The Falconsbridge School for Girls          
Bashir Productions          
Teenage schoolgirls explore love, friendship, mental health, race and class.
At Lion and Unicorn at 4.30pm on 20 - 21 August
 Madame Krumpets 'Trip to the moon and planet Burlesque'
Cabaret burlesque troupe show
At the Hen and Chickens at 6.30pm on 20 August
This is Not a Love Story
Gibberish Allsorts            
A love story, from start to finish in one night.      
At Camden Comedy Club at 6.30pm on 21 - 22 August         
Short takes on our sharp times.                
At Lion and Unicorn at 3pm on 22 - 23 August and 3.30pm on 24 - 25 August
Caroline Mabey Leaves the Room Slowly
One of the most inventive comic voices in Britain.
At The Albany at 7pm on 23 August
Madam Krumpets          
90 minutes full show Burlesque troupe  
At Star of Kings at 8.30pm on 23 August
Kat Bond: Emotion in Progress
Twenty-Something: The Quarter Life Crisis
Finding Yourself Offside
My Mental Life
Steve Whiteley Presents: Wisebowm & Friends
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samcampbellfans · 7 months
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Sam Campbell at knock2bag Moth Club, on August 5 2021. [pt. 1]
With fellow comedians Ray Badran, Tim Key, Flora Anderson, Freddie Meredith, Mary Beth Barone and Leo Reich.
(Photos by Claire Haigh, via knock2bag)
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thelaughstand · 8 years
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Look how relaxed and smug these two look…
It’s because this coming Tuesday 17 January they star in a jam-packed, super-fun standup comedy show at Harold Park Hotel (70A Ross Street, Glebe)!
All for only 10 bucks HERE or 15 at the door! Plus a 5 buck beer special!
Headline: Ray Badran Triple J, The Comedy Channel, ‘The Footy Show’
Ray is a Sydney based stand-up comedian and writer; a regular at The Sydney Comedy Store, and has performed across Australia, The United States, New Zealand and Hong Kong. Widely regarded as one of the rising stars in Australian comedy, Ray has been lucky enough to work with Chris Rock, Marc Maron, Amy Schumer, and has even been a body double for David Hasselhoff!
He once also had a joke stolen online via The Lad Bible, and with over 20 million likes, he was eventually given the credit.
MC: Marcel Blanch-de Wilt
“The man is a multi-talented performer,” The Clothesline
Marcel is a writer, actor, comedian and producer. Originally from Adelaide, now Sydney-based, Marcel has performed in Melbourne, Hobart and most recently in London. He has performed alongside some big acts including Arj Barker, Claire Hooper, Dave Hughes and Tom Ballard. The Adelaide Comedy award-winner is headed to the Adelaide Fringe for his third solo show. His first two solo shows garnered four star reviews with the second touring to Melbourne Fringe.
With special guests Casey Talbot, Andrew Hastings, Te Rina Taite, Alex White and Dave Henningham!
Doors 7.45pm. Show 8.15pm.
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todtalks · 10 years
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The wildest, raunchiest TOD Talks yet!! This ain't your old man's TOD Talks! Discussing sex, love, weird sex, gross sex as well as other kinds of sex (presumably), this TOD Talks comes sealed in a figurative plastic wrap which can only be pierced by Over 18s! Featuring TOM BALLARD (Reality Check, triple j Breakfast), EDDIE SHARP (Erotic Fan Fiction), PENNY GREENHALGH (The Checkout), GIA JAMES (Escort, Sneaky mag writer), RAY BADRAN (SBS comedy, SCF Roadshow), ALICE FRASER (A Rational Fear, MICF) and hosted by MAX LAVERGNE. Tickets!
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samcampbellfans · 8 months
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Sam Campbell hosting 'King of The Table' at Moth Club, November 7 2021. [pt. 2]
with Ray Badran as co-host, Mark Silcox as umpire and Freddie Meredith as ballboy.
(via knock2bag, photos by Claire Haigh).
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samcampbellfans · 8 months
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Sam Campbell hosting 'King of The Table' at Moth Club, November 7 2021.
with Ray Badran as co-host, Mark Silcox as umpire and Freddie Meredith as ballboy.
(via knock2bag, photos by Claire Haigh).
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