#Ray Mukada
scurvyratt · 6 months
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wawamouse · 2 months
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Oz textposts (35/?)
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nick19203 · 4 months
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theres not enough gay suffering priests in modern media
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flaminghotel202020 · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day again!😮💖 but this time is almost all the characters plus the actor himself B.D Wong in a somewhat chibi style for Valentine’s Day’s
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tozierstache · 1 day
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wat-the-cur · 2 months
Might be a predictable thing to say, but I’ve always felt that Miguel was the person whom Father Ray “loved too much”.
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soupy-sez · 7 months
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Oz S1E3 God's Chillin'
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Oz + Reductress [30/?]
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homomenhommes · 8 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more
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44 BC – Italy: The first written reference to same-sex marriage appears when Cicero insults promiscuous Mark Antony whose father Curio "established you in a fixed and stable marriage, as if he had given you a stola." A stola is a traditional garment worn by married Roman women. Cicero’s sexual implications are clear, the point of which is to cast Antony in the submissive role in the relationship and to impugn his manhood.
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1796 – The poems of Count August von Platen (d.1835) are homoerotic expressions of Platonic love, idealism, beauty, friendship, and longing. Platen was born in Ansbach, Bavaria, the son of an impoverished nobleman. He attended the Military Academy at Munich and the Royal Institute of Pages resulting in his commission as a lieutenant in 1815 in a regiment against France during the time of Napoleon; he, however, engaged in no action.
Platen was extremely erudite, mastering a dozen languages, including literary Greek and Latin, French for social status, Persian for poetic reasons, and even English.
An admirer of Michelangelo and Italian art, Platen visited Florence, Rome, Naples, Syracuse, and Sicily. While in Naples in the 1820s, he formed a homosexual friendship with the poet and painter August Kopisch, all the while perfecting the content and form of his poetry. By 1826, he had moved permanently to Italy, supported by a pension from his friend, King Ludwig I of Bavaria.
Focusing his sexual urges into the artistic and creative realms, Platen transformed his passion for same-sex relations from the physical to the intellectual. On occasion, a friendship lasted only a year or so—for example, his intense relationship with a young painter, Rühl—but it nevertheless served to heighten his creative powers.
His controversial, multilingual, autobiographical narrative, which contains an explicitly erotic homosexual theme, was not published until the end of the nineteenth century, under the title Diary (Die Tagebücher, 1896-1900). In his poetry, Platen employs a recurrent homoerotic image borrowed from Persian poetry, the tulip, which is a spiritual symbol for masculine love.
Platen's longing for love and friendship is a persistent motif in his work. He addressed seven sonnets to "Cardenio," an Erlangen student, who is described as a young, tall, dark, and handsome man with full lips. Platen addressed an additional twenty-one sonnets to another Erlangen student, "Karl Theodor German." Embodying themes of Platonic love, friendship, longing, idealism, and beauty, Platen's sonnets express unrequited love for men.
Platen's homosexuality is the subject of a vicious attack by Heinrich Heine in The Baths of Lucca. Edward Carpenter, however, expressed his appreciation for Platen in his Ioälus, An Anthology of Friendship (1902). Among German writers who admired Platen is Thomas Mann, who praised him in a lecture in 1930; Platen's poem "Tristan" (1825) inspired Mann's novella Tristan and Isolde (1903).
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1820 – Seventeen year old Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote of his crush on fifteen-year old Martin Gay: I begin to believe in the Indian doctrine of eye fascination. The cold blue eyes of (blank) has so intimately connected him in my thoughts & visions that a dozen times a day & as often by night I find myself wholly wrapped up in conjectures of his character and inclinations. We have already two or three long profound stares at each other. Be it wise or weak or superstitious I must know him.
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1960 – Bradley Darryl BD Wong is an American actor, best-known for his roles as Dr. George Huang on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, as Father Ray Mukada on HBO's Oz, Henry Wu in the movie Jurassic Park, and for his starring role as Song Liling in the Broadway production of M. Butterfly.
Wong gained attention for his Broadway debut in M. Butterfly opposite John Lithgow. The play won multiple awards, including several for Wong. He is notable as the only actor to be honored with the Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, Clarence Derwent Award, and Theatre World Award for the same role.
In 2008, he starred in the one-man show Herringbone, in which he portrays 11 roles, at the McCarter Theatre at Princeton University.
Wong, who is openly gay, began a long-term relationship with talent agent Richie Jackson in 1988. In 2000, Wong had twin sons: Boaz Dov, who died 90 minutes after birth, and Jackson Foo Wong. They were born through a surrogate mother, using Wong's sperm and an egg donated by Jackson's sister. In 2003, Wong wrote a memoir about his experiences with surrogacy titled Following Foo: the Electronic Adventures of the Chestnut Man. Wong and Jackson ended their relationship in 2004.
Wong very strongly identifies as a gay man. Hence, he has been a visible presence at AIDS-related charity functions and in gay and lesbian community events, as well as at events sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander communities. Wong has appeared at the GLAAD Awards, made promotional spots for the gay and lesbian television newsmagazine In the Life, and worked in various ways to further understanding among both Asians and non-Asians, gays and non-gays, about the experience of being both gay and Asian.
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1964 – Dan Mathews is the Senior Vice President of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He is known for heading PETA's most controversial and attention-getting campaigns, including the "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" ads, as well as campaigns involving celebrities such as Morrissey, Pamela Anderson, Pink, and Paul McCartney.
He started poor, was bullied in high school, worked at McDonalds and as a model to put himself through American University, and after graduating started at PETA as a receptionist.
In 2000, he was named by gay lifestyle magazine Genre as one of the most influential people of the new century. When asked by the magazine whom he considered an influential gay person, he replied, spree killer "Andrew Cunanan, because he got Gianni Versace to stop using fur." In 2007, Mathews was ranked 37th in Out magazine's "50 Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America".
Mathews has written a memoir, Committed: A Rabble-Rouser's Memoir, which he characterized as "an adventure story. It's like 007 wearing freaky outfits". The book tells the story of how he became a public person, the various exploits he's undertaken for PETA, and different campaigns he has done.
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In May 2009 he commented on the actions of the governor general of Canada who, in participating in an Inuit tradition, consumed a raw seal heart. He is quoted as saying to the Toronto Star, "It amazes us that a Canadian official would indulge in such bloodlust. It sounds like she's trying to give Canadians an even more Neanderthal image around the world than they already have." Although Mathews admits to being attracted by extremes, he states that he and PETA engage exclusively in legal activities, but they do not necessarily condemn the actions of animal rights extremists.
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1912 – The Arizona Supreme Court rules that fellatio is not outlawed by the term "crime against nature."
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1981 – The first National Conference on Lesbian and Gay Aging was held in California, sponsored by the National Association for Gay and Lesbian Gerontology. It sought to "dispel myths about older lesbians and gay men, advance research, establish programs and services for lesbian and gay elders, and encourage and provide support for lesbian and gay gerontologists."
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chalkrevelations · 8 months
Tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas, and this was a fantastically fun, low-pressure thing to spend a little bit of time doing, so thank you for the enrichment activity! I probably talked too much, but here we go. Song links are to YT.
Put my On Repeat playlist from Spotify on shuffle, and here are the first 10 songs that came up - and ... oh, lol. This is maybe not as cool and edgy as I’ve managed to look in similar memes in the past? otoh, I'm finding it kind of interesting how many of these have actual dance associations, this time around.
1. Rabbit Hole, Natalia Kills - I had to laugh when this one popped up first - this one's on my Only Friends playlist, although I had kind of forgotten quite what a banger it was, until I dug it out again. If only I knew how to vid, y'all would absolutely get a full-length OFTS vid to this.
2. Before He Cheats, Carrie Underwood - Ha! This one is ALSO off my Only Friends playlist. This was the first one that went on the playlist, in anticipation. I figured the unhinged energy would be appropriate before we were through.
3. Girls In Their Summer Clothes, Bruce Springsteen - I have loved Bruce Springsteen with my whole and entire heart ever since a friend’s older sister introduced us to his music when I was in middle school, and I knowingly and deliberately imported my own experience of discovering Springsteen into “In Ordinary Time” and imprinted it onto Ray Mukada with very few changes and without the least bit of shame. There are a handful of Springsteen albums that hold a particularly special place in my heart, and Magic is one of those. This song’s actually really light, comparatively, but it’s gorgeous and breezy while still being full and rich in that way the E Street Band can’t really miss, and it feels like summer. I’ve been enjoying it so much in the waning days of heat with that cooler air edging underneath the night breeze. It … makes me want to shag, even though it’s not beach music. It's clearly a creation of the boardwalk, even if its accent is Jersey, instead of Carolina.
4. Work Song, Hozier - The MV for this one - choreographed by Jillian Meyers - is fantastic, and my obsession with the song was really cemented after seeing Lex Ishimoto and Gaby Diaz dance to it for SYTYCD - a piece choreographed by Mandy Moore and clearly influenced by the MV. I must have watched that particular performance 100 times by now. The show used a cover by Luke Wade, but I do prefer Hozier’s original version. It will sometimes drop off the On Repeat playlist, but as soon as it turns up again in the shuffle, it ends up back on repeat.
5. lovely, Billie Eilish with Khalid - I have not been the same about this song since I somehow stumbled across Ten and Winwin's choreography to it on YT. I have no idea how I found it - I know literally nothing about WayV, NCT, Ten or Winwin except this choreographed piece (which you also have to see the live performance of, because while it's not as clean, it gives a better view of how Ten appears to be almost, kind of, puppetting Winwin in one section). I would poke someone’s grandma in the eye (ok, not really) for a chance to get my hands on the “ring and portrait” remix they use, but meanwhile, the original version will do.
6. Lyfjaberg, Wardruna - Healing Mountain. So, my morning routine, on the days I work, is to get to the hospital about 20 minutes ahead of when I actually need to be there, so I can sit in my car and breathe and meditate and do some self-reiki right before everything starts. I usually don't listen to anything on my way into work, but on the days I do, the days when things are going hard, like the past few weeks, with heavy patient loads and high acuity - this is the song I listen to on that drive in, on repeat. (The weeks I'm working with end of life patients, I tend to use Helvegen for this, instead, or alternate them.)
7. My Silver Lining, First Aid Kit - Thanks, The Umbrella Academy. I downloaded this one on Spotify about 12.6 seconds after hearing it on a S3 ep of the show, and I don't know that it's ever left the On Repeat playlist since then.
8. Letters From The Sky, Civil Twilight - Huh. A couple of weeks ago, about three bars from this song wisped through my mind, and I was haunted by them until I could finally manage to get my fingers in them and hold them down long enough to trace them to some lyrics in my memory, and then I had to google those couple of lines to finally pin down the actual song. And then I went and dl’d it and have listened to it A LOT, apparently. It was used for a fanvid that I watched obsessively a bajillion years ago – so long that I’m not entirely certain who it even featured, although I’m … pretty sure? … that it was Agron x Nasir from Starz’s Spartacus. I might have even first seen the vid back when I’d only watched a Nagron supercut, before I saw the full show. I can't for the life of me find it anymore - there's a Spartacus vid on YT now that uses it but it's a more general S1 vid, and that's absolutely not the one I remember, which included footage of the operation on Nasir in the abandoned temple.
9. Threat, WEARETHEGOOD/Frank Bentley/Skrxlla - Loooooool, THANK YOU, LITA. I picked this particular song up off of one of the eps of Love In The Air, one of the ones in the middle – this gets played over Payu and Pai having a practice race at the track. I was like, “waitaminit,” paused, went to google some lyrics so I could find the artist, and came back with this on dl’d on Spotify. It's another one that probably has not been off the On Repeat playlist since.
10. Sacrifice, The Weeknd - So, Vinh Nguyen choreographed a piece to this at Offstage Dance Studio that is totally and completely responsible for the way this song keeps popping up on my On Repeat playlist. I think I first ran across the choreo in a set with Baily Sok, Kinjaz's Jason Lin and Lex Ishimoto, but there's more than one version out there.
OK, if you've already been tagged or don't want to do this, don't worry, but tagging (hm, looks at recent notifications) @yagirlyacchan, @henpeckedho, @elementaldrop, @jill-question-mark, @liathebookwyrm. Go!
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ozimagines · 2 months
Hello there, I am the one who requested the Jeremiah Cloutier headcanons. I just wanted to thank you so, so much for taking the time to make such a long, lovingly written post! As a Christian who is also bi, with a complicated relationship with gender, I really appreciate the even handedness and delicacy of your writing. I like that the reader, while they felt unwelcome in the church, was still curious, reverent and sought out answers. And I really liked how in character Jeremiah was, too. Passionate about God, understanding and gentle, but still struggling with his thoughts and feelings, as he would do. I love that he went to visit Ray for advice, as I seriously wish they had longer to interact in canon. The rainbow winged Angel analogy was absolutely gorgeous, and relatable as my childhood was dotted with stained glass. Last, but certainly not least, the little details of the relationship and Jeremiah’s little quirks are completely precious. He absolutely would be a loud gum chewer! A great exploration of a sadly under-explored character. I hope it was not in any way painful for you to write, as you mentioned your relationship with the church in your notes, for which I am sorry. I know that difficult feeling. I thank you once again for the time and care you took. I shall certainly request again some time, if you enjoy it and are happy to indulge me. Have a terrific week and God bless!
Awwwwwww you’re so sweet!!🥹❤️ I’m glad it was received in the spirit with which it was intended! My goal is never to bash anyone’s religion, but I have had my own rocky path with my family’s church. It wasn’t painful to write though; it actually made me reflect. It’s weird being gay and gender non conforming in the Bible Belt. But I remember I was allowed and even encouraged to watch Veggie Tales as a kid. My favorite was A Snoodle’s Tale. Where people draw mean pictures of the Snoodle, and he carries them in his backpack and it gets heavier and heavier with time. Then he goes into a cave and you never see who he’s taking to, but it’s supposed to represent God. He draws the Snoodle a picture of himself looking strong and courageous. He takes the other pictures out of the bag and adds his… and it’s lighter than air. I’ve never felt so close to God till that episode. I’ve always liked how Veggie Tales portrayed him. I also know what it’s like to try to have a relationship with the church while you’re gay or gender non conforming. It can be difficult to love thy neighbor when thy neighbor has contempt for you. That’s why I liked Cloutier’s arc. He learned not to be so judgmental of people when the people are genuinely trying. Hence his relationship with Mukada. They both have major differences in their spiritualities but they put that aside to love God together. And I think that’s beautiful.
Also about the gum chewing; i just felt like it was right, y’know?😂
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scurvyratt · 5 months
Oz fast food barista AU (as someone who has had 3yrs barista experience). Also their ages can be pretty flexible in this au. Maybe they're college students maybe they're middle aged idk.
Tobias: He's definitely a shift leader and is one of the most responsible employees. Customers like him and he's the person you go to when you need a shift covered. He may not be the fastest barista but he never messes the drinks up.
Busmalis: Random elderly coworker. He's nice but he is SO slow and it stresses everyone out when they see that he's scheduled for a morning rush. Also he spills everything.
Rebadow: Sweet old man customer who orders the same thing every time (black coffee, prefers to pour his own creamer. Also a bagel with butter, prefers to put the butter on himself). Leaves a $1 tip lol.
Chris: Fuck boy employee. Has slept with TOO many coworkers and slips his phone number to like 20 different customers every shift. He's kinda entertaining but otherwise miserable to be around. He isn't particularly good at making drinks and he def doesn't help with cleaning or prep,, but he is unfortunately good at drive thru and making tips.
Ryan: The workplace gossip and devils advocate- you want to know anything about anyone? Ask Ryan. Somehow, he knows everything. He riles people up for fun and pits his coworkers against each other. He spends a lot of the time in the back on his phone, or in the bathroom doings drugs (yes I had a coworker who would do this lol), but sometimes he does work hard; It's very on and off with him. If u work with him for long enough he will tell you about his own relationship troubles. Also he's weirdly obsessed with one customers (gloria).
Miguel: He's fun to work with and is a pretty fast barista, altho he gets in trouble often and has even been fired a few times but somehow they always take him back. Runs to the window whenever there's a dog and makes sure to give them a pup cup. Is the only one who likes cleaning the espresso machine.
Chico: Is best at the food station or as a barista. Sometimes comes to work high but somehow he works better that way. WILL fight customers he does not gaf. Will make shady comments to a customers face if they don't leave a tip. Does not care about milk allergies and rolls his eyes when asked to remake a drink.
Omar: Same as Busmalis where he makes a lot of mistakes😭. Can talk to customers for a long time even if they clearly want to leave and are over the convo. They try to keep him in the back doing prep or the dishes but he loves doing drive thru even though he messes everything up.
Kareem: Shift leader who dreams of becoming manager. WILL call you out if he catches you stealing or sitting around, like if he is on the schedule it will not be a chill shift. He gives good advice sometimes so you would probably like him if he wasn't your annoying snitch coworker lol. He's the only person who makes sure that the bathroom is clean. Is pretty good at making tips.
Kenny: That one random teenager. Probably the laziest employee. He sits on the counter and plays games on his phone, even in front of customers. He's kinda amusing until you remember that he's a misogynist. Constantly threatens to quit but he never does.
Augustus: Okay so since he's in a wheelchair he may have to just stay in one position (I did some googling). Like just drinks or just drive thru since it's pretty cramped behind the counter. He's excellent at taking orders and makes customers laugh. A man who values his breaks. Like he doesn't gaf if the drive thru line has 20 cars, he WILL go sit out back to get some air.
Schillinger: gets paid minimum wage but also thinks that the minimum wage should not be raised. CREEPY. Like you do not want to work a closing shift with him. Will go on racist rants and all you can do is nod. Is a terrible barista and thinks that oat milk is woke.
Mukada: I imagine him as an operations manager type of person? Like he randomly pops into the store to see if everything is going fine. Everyone scrambles when they see his car pull into the lot. Ignores all the dirty jokes that they make. Tries to gently guide everyone to follow the rules but it's hard.
Adebisi: Also a creep that you won't want to work alone with. Do not put this man on drive thru... but he's an alright barista actually. Likes coming up with his own drinks. Has earbuds in when working and no one can get him to take them out.
McManus: Manager who is mad about the fact that he works for a fast food place. Honestly tries to be chill but will lose his shit over the most random things. You can tell him the times that you prefer to work but he will ignore that and schedule you whenever anyways. Does not take shit from customers and will defend his employees against them.
Okay ermm there's prob a lot of other characters that I could do but lolol
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wawamouse · 22 days
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Oz Favorite Moments ⟶ 4x05 "Gray Matter"
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nick19203 · 3 months
he’s literally the cutest
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his little smile is everythinf 😞😞😞
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paupelou · 2 years
thinking about him.....
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Watching Oz again for the 6th time. Forgot how much I enjoyed this series! Ray Mukada and Miguel OTP!!
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