#Razzie Nomination
lesbiradshaw · 1 year
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this is not serious. right.
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coastalroses · 1 year
fuck you cinema sins fuck you razzies fuck you companies and people who go out of their way to spread needless negativity and be mean and cynical for no reason
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popcornforone · 1 year
Time for Episode 2 of Season 3. Wooohooo
Didn’t mean to post all of this today but that’s just the way it’s gone down.
So every awards show announced their nominees in the last 2 weeks, so I’m going to cover the BAFTAs, Razzies & Oscar’s & what received & missed out on nominations. What a collection that all is
Usual service as well with what I’ve watched & what you’ve watched at home & at the cinema.
& then this fortnights big review is for The Whale… ekkkkk
Sorry it’s a long episode but it’s got a lot to cover
Thanks for the listen people, speak to you all in 2 weeks time
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remnants · 2 years
the watcher was so shit but also it captivates me..
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cruiseperuse · 1 year
Interview with the Vampire (1994) facts that aren't important
The movie lost their 1995 Oscar nomination for Best Original Score to The Lion King.
Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise won the 1995 Razzie for Worst Screen Couple at the Golden Raspberry Awards.
Oprah Winfrey walked out ten minutes into the film after seeing Tom Cruise bite a rat: “I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world and I don’t want to be a contributor to the force of darkness." Because of this she almost didn't air the chaotic Tom Cruise interview where Tom jumps on the couch like 4 times. *
Brad Pitt did not read the script before signing his contract:*
Okay, Interview With the Vampire. You look miserable in the movie. I am miserable. Six months in the fucking dark. (Brad said he liked filming in Louisiana a lot but London sucked) There was also the makeup, the contact lenses..  Contact lenses, makeup, I'm playing the bitch role…
 I got the script two weeks before we started shooting. Didn't you read earlier drafts? You must have. No, I didn't. Let me tell you something, once you're a movie star, you can ask to see the script. I know, but I wasn't then, and you learn.
(He also tried to get out of his contract) What will it cost me to get out?" And he goes, very calmly, "Forty million dollars." And I do, "Okay, thank you." It actually took the anxiety off of me. I was like, "I've got to man up and ride this through, and that's what I'm going to do." Maybe you should have haggled and offering him 10 million. No, I didn't have 10. I had, like, 10 bucks, you know?
Author Anne Rice was initially really opposed to the casting, and said that "Tom did make Lestat work was something I could not see in a crystal ball." But then later said, "from the moment he appeared, Tom was Lestat for me." *
This REALLY hurt Tom's feelings: "When it first hit, it really hurt, to be candid about it. Her venom hurt." To practice for the role he read ALL of her books, lost 12 lbs, moved to Paris, watched lion hunting documentaries (??)* and started playing piano. * In his defense, he was being +$10 mil for the movie.
Kirsten Dunst said the most difficult part of filming Interview with the Vampire was "kissing Brad Pitt! It was horrible and I hated it." *
When asked how he felt about the kiss, Brad Pitt said: "How do you think I feel? I have to kiss a little girl." *
Brad Pitt says Tom Cruise ''bugged'' him. ''There came a point during filming when I really started resenting him." *
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justenjoythegossip · 4 months
Autumn is over so it’s time to get back to work…
Chris has finally grown tired of looking at leaves and trees changing colors. Also all that reflecting he did with his kind of wife must have become tiresome. Pottery and weed will have to be put on hold for a while since he is getting ready to get back to work. He had said that there won’t be another year with 3 movies. But this coming year already has 2 and according to rumors there’s more in the pipelines. 
Chris is getting the best opportunities he’s had in a very long time…
Certain blogs (trolls/plants) were obviously lying when they were stating that Chris was blacklisted. He didn’t agree to this shitshow, so that he could retire in the sunset with his Nazi “bride”. We knew that there would be payment for all of his efforts. Sure for a lot of us, his efforts selling this RS/marriage didn’t look that great but they were good enough for his masters anyway. And it was all that mattered in the end. 
And now he is getting his reward. Look at the 2 gigs he just got. 
Honey Don’t is directed by Ethan Coen, a multi academy award winner. And Celine Song (the director of the materialists) just directed Past lives which is considered by many to be a masterpiece. And I personally agree, that movie is extraordinary.
Sure we don’t know how these new movies will turn out but these are the most exciting projects he has been a part of since Sunshine by Danny Boyle and Snowpiercer by Bong Joon-ho. If you exclude his involvement in Marvel of course. 
So Chris is getting amazing opportunities at the moment and yet it makes little sense. 
Payment for the PR shitshow…
Not that Chris is not talented. I do believe he is. But he has recently starred in many panned movies, that were not only flops commercially but critically as well. And he just got his first nomination for a Razzie award. Actually he even got 2 nominations at the Razzies. Red One looks like another disaster in the making.
His numbers on social media are plummeting. The engagement is quite low. So the math ain’t mathing. But actually it does…
Anyone who had followed Sebastian Stan’s own shitshow knew of the great opportunities Seb got after it and is still getting to this day. Chris is following the very same route. Anyone who is excited to see Chris in these exciting new projects needs to understand that this PR shitshow was the price to pay for it. 
Most actors go through ups and downs. Sometimes the downs can be terribly long and horribly painful. By agreeing to this PR, he has taken a shortcut. He has taken the easy way out. Or the lazy way out I should say. I do consider what he did to be a lot more difficult for the soul though. No one is in his shoes and we can't judge. All we can do is to wish him the very best and hope that all of this was worth it.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 4 months
Who said Chris’s work doesn’t garner nominations? He just got two Razzie nominations! Look at him go 🥰
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2023 will not be remembered as his best year.
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mediasaurs · 10 months
TRM Round 1: Theodore Rex (Theodore Rex) vs. Walking With (Mother T. rex)
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Theodore Rex (Theodore Rex) – In this direct-to-video, Razzie-nominated buddy cop comedy, humans and anthropomorphic dinosaurs coexist in a bizarre alternate future. Naturally, in buddy cop tradition, Whoopi Goldberg and Theodore Rex are mismatched partners who have to solve a series of murders leading, of course, to a billionaire trying to create a new ice age. If I’m allowed to editorialize here, I’m going to stick with Roger Rabbit.
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Walking With (Mother T. rex) – Long before Hank and his clan swam across the sea, this mother T. rex tried her best to rear her young among the dangers of the late Cretaceous. She manages to protect her nest from an egg-stealing Didelphodon, resulting in three babies successfully hatching. All does not go well for the runt of the litter, but the other two get to show their curiosity, much to a local snake’s annoyance. Sadly, unlike in Prehistoric Planet, the end of the story for this T. rex family is not a happy one. After the mother is killed defending her babies from an Ankylosaurus, the asteroid arrives, ending the age of the non-avian dinosaurs.
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cinemaocd · 2 months
Movies I watched in March 2024
Under the Cherry Moon (1986)** I'm Not There (2007)*** Jingle All the Way (1996)* Three Graves to Cairo (1943)** Hitchcock (2012) ** Silent Partner (1978)** Possession (2002)** Oppenheimer (2023)** Oscar Wilde (1960)** Turning Point: The Cold War and the Bomb (2024)** Anselm (2023)*** 24 Hour Party People (2002)** Two of Us (1999)*** Remains of the Day (1993)*** Doubt (2008)*** Dune (1984)*** Dune Part II (2024)***
Under the Cherry Moon (1986)** Absolute bobbins of a script is still beautiful to look at, very gay and of course mainly a vehicle for Prince's music. Under the Cherry Moon was the follow up to Purple Rain. It was a box office flop, a critical failure that earned Razzie nominations, but is a worth another look. Prince and Jerome Beton are sex workers with a rich female clientele on the French Riviera, the kind of career that only exists in movies. Kristin Scott Thomas makes her film debut as the debutante who comes between the friends and threatens to part them. Prince's death scene, harkens back to Camille with Prince playing Garbo. Like Garbo, Prince was happy to exploit his own androgyny and like Garbo, he was doomed to only explore that in a way that could be squeezed into heteronormative films.
I'm not There: (2007)*** A fascinating look at Bob Dylan, dividing him into six personae played by six different actors. Haynes uses different film styles, the Cate Blanchett mid Sixties Dylan of Bringing it All Back Home and Blonde on Blonde is matched in style with the black and white cinematography of D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back. It also has elements of the Italian Surrealists like Felinni or Antonioni with a scoch of A Hard Day's Night. The soundtrack is particularly good, avoiding for the most part, the licensing pitfalls that plagued Haynes' Bowie biopic, Velvet Goldmine. Some of the most effective moments of I'm Not There, pair landscape shots with Dylan's music. Given the catalogue and the array of talent, Haynes has gathered, one perhaps expects a bit more , but then that has always been Dylan's nature, he's mysterious and aloof, leaving us wanting more.
Jingle All the Way (1996)* We watched this Christmas movie in March because we recently learned that part of it was filmed at my son's elementary school. It had Jake Lloyd somehow being more annoying than he was in the Phantom Menace as a bonus. Phil Hartman got dragged into this unfunny mess as well.
Three Graves to Cairo (1943)** Tense war time drama about a British officer who gets trapped behind the lines and ends up hiding out in a hotel working as a waiter for Field Marshall Rommel. Billy Wilder ratchets up the tension, his script giving all the best lines to Rommel, played by Erich Von Stroheim who really owns the film though Anne Baxter and Franchot Tone nominally "star."
Hitchcock (2012)** Hichcock's struggle to make Pyscho dramatized with fantasies where he hangs out with Ed Gein, while Alma Hitchcock gets involved in a Hitchcockian romance with a hack writer. Scarlett Johannson plays an almost deliberately obtuse Janet Leigh and James Darcy captures pre-Psycho Tony Perkins. It's a bit silly but I'll never turn down Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins in anything. This has a slight, arch feel to it, like many of Hitchcock's pictures, but lurking underneath are the ordinary hates and passions of a man who fears being left behind, at the height of his career. For his long-suffering wife's part, she too feels she's being replaced by the young actresses that Hitchcock is obsessed with at the moment. The conclusion is sweet enough for the Hayes office: husband and wife rediscover the magic of their working relationship, which was always the rock upon which their relationship was built.
The Silent Partner (1978)** With Elliott Gould, Christopher Plummer and Susannah York in the cast, this should have been better. Decent heist plot that devolves into slasher film . Christopher Plummer takes on the dubious mantels of playing a villain in a piss-poor American action film and a cross-dressing murderer.
Possession (2002)** A rather thin adaptation of a great novel, A.S. Byatt's story of two modern academics who disover a previous hidden romance between two Victorian poets. The film lacks the poetry of the novel, which I think is necessary for the story to have its full impact, but the film is full of plenty of jabs at academia as well as burning passions. Gweneth Paltrow and Aaron Ecklund play the young couple, while Jeremy Northam and Jennifer Ehle play the poet/lovers. Tom Hollander has a small but memorable part as does Toby Stephens.
Oppenheimer (2023)** My least favorite half of Barbenheimer still damn good and the physics nerd in me reveled in seeing my dead physicist boyfriends on screen. There are better films about Oppenheimer's life (BBC did a mini series starring Sam Waterston and it's on youtube) but something about the dreamy quality of Nolan's film captures that quantum mystery kinda vibe and put it in a blockbuster package. Cool.
Oscar Wilde (1960)** Preceded the landmark film Crisis by one year, without the world shaking honesty that film managed, around the topic of homosexuality and the law. Both films hinged on blackmail of a gay man but Oscar Wilde is careful to skirt around explicit mentions of sexuality, using tricks like showing the dictionary definition of "sodomy" briefly on camera. More was needed and more was achieved a year later. Ralph Richardson contributes to the courtroom scenes admirably and Morley is a terrific Wilde, who would rather make point for style than save himself from prison.
Turning Point: The Cold War and the Bomb (2024)** Fascinating background to our current situation, most of which is terrifying and now I'm worrying about the bomb again. I took off a star for the sheer number neo-con/Reaganite talking heads in this...
Anselm (2023)*** Wim Wenders stirring mostly visual documentary about Anselm Kiefer, a German artist who has explored his childhood memories of post war Germany in a frank and intimidatingly in your face way, on a massive scale combining sculpture, painting and physical spaces, many of which he has engineered himself. As a middle aged person who feels estranged and terrified to look more deeply into her own childhood, Anselm was something to sit with for two hours.
24 Hour Party People (2002)** Steve Coogan plays Tony Wilson, the Manchester TV personality and club owner who helped launch the careers of Joy Division, New Order and The Happy Mondays. Coogan has a tendency to make all his characters Alan Partridge and this is no exception, but it kind of works? It did more to get me to listen to Joy Division that numerous goth roommates ever could...
Two of Us (1999)*** I can't stop watching this made for VH-1 fanfiction of a movie starring Jared Harris and Aidan Quinn as John Lennon and Paul McCartney, dramatizing a probably apocryphal tale that John and Paul met up in NYC in the 70s when Paul was playing Madison Square Garden. Pure fluff and nonsense. I need it like air.
Remains of the Day (1993)*** Revisiting this old favorite and finding that it's kind of pacey and funny for a Merchant Ivory pic. The movie that made me love Tony Hopkins as an actor, his Stevens is really such a fascinating, ostensibly tragic character and yet there is a weird kind of triumph to living one's life so completely to a schedule and a code, and yet never being to eliminate desire and feeling.
Doubt (2008)*** This is the second Philip Seymour Hoffman movie I've watched in the last few months that has left me utterly haunted. Like The Master, Hoffman creates a villain who charms the audience at the same time you know that he's probably done unforgivable things and is only at the start of a long career of doing unforgivable things. Meryl Streep gives a heavy handed performance (Streep never met a colloquial accent that she didn't wear like a Groucho Marx nose) that certainly gets the point across that unpleasant people usually aren't the bad guys you want them to be. Amy Adams plays a naive young nun who, like the audience, is left wondering what to believe.
Dune (1984)*** Unapologetic Lynch Dune lover here. I love the cheesy acting, the wild tonal shifts, and the attempts to put this sprawling multibook epic in the Star Wars shaped box that the studio wanted him to use. My favorite scene has become Lynch's cameo, he seems so happy just pretending to be a spice miner, in his little spice mining suit in his little unconvincing space ship. I love him and this whole stupid mess. Sorry Frank Herbert.
Dune Part II (2024)*** My prediction is that Villeneuve's probable trilogy will--like so many franchises--peak in the second film. The first part was a slow-moving visual feast, that only hinted at the potential of this cast. Things actually start moving in the plot and Chalamet's Paul does his best to cope. Unlike MacLachlan's avuncular Atreides, who takes being a Messiah as just being another Tuesday of being the Universe's Most Gifted Child, he actually seems conflicted. Zendaya continues to utterly dominate every time she's on screen. Can Channi be the focus of the movie? Please?
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1997thebracket · 9 months
Round 1A
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The Fifth Element: I'm sorry, you'll need a multi pass to access this round. The Fifth Element is a sci-fi action film by French director Luc Besson, starring Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman and Chris Tucker. In simplest terms, the Earth is staring down imminent destruction from a cosmic evil; in anticipation of such an event, humanity was gifted a weapon (the titular Fifth Element) in the form of a woman named Leeloo. The film owes much of its cult status to the bold, eclectic visuals of both the characters and world, aided by the legendary Jean "Moebius" Giraud and Jean-Claude Mézières on production design and Jean-Paul Gaultier on costume design. Jovovich's Leeloo, with her choppy tangerine-orange hair and iconic white-strapped bodysuit, is instantly recognizable across pop culture for the look alone; the same can be said for Tucker's Ruby Rhod, whose conical neo-pompadour needs no introduction. Though critics were divided-- it was awarded at the BAFTAs and the Cannes Film Festival, which premiered the film alongside a Jean-Paul Gaultier fashion show and ballet, while also being nominated for a Razzie-- it managed to take on a second life among fans. At the time of its release, it was the most expensive European film ever made, and it remained the highest-grossing French film at the international box office until 2011.
Radiohead's OK Computer: I go forwards, you go backwards, and somewhere we will meet. By the middle of the decade, Radiohead was weary of the ubiquity of their 1993 hit Creep; although the record that followed it (The Bends) was a lusher, more evolved album than their first, it had failed to produce a distinctive enough sound and image for the band to undo what Creep had done. The song threatened to define the band entirely to those outside their devoted following. In 1997 the band swung for the fences with the haunting, abstract OK Computer. It was a move their label cast immense doubt on at the time, and its success then and now would cement Thom Yorke and his bandmates as soothsayers of a sort, draped not in bohemian silk robes but in white hospital sheets. It's an album that speaks to the future with dread more than wonder, that critics described as "nervous almost to the point of neurosis," but marries the uneasy experimental soundscapes with poetic, surrealist, and increasingly prophetic songwriting regarding the parallel lives we lead with technology. Featuring the singles Karma Police, Paranoid Android and No Surprises, OK Computer is hailed by many as the band's masterpiece, and is often cited by music publications as one of the greatest albums of the decade: it's certified double Platinum in the US and five-times Platinum in the UK, and in 2014 it was included in the United States National Recording Registry as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
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Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007, The Strause Brothers)
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is a 2007 film directed by the Strause Brothers.
The film was released in the United States on December 25, 2007, in Germany and Australia on December 26, 2007, and in the rest of the UE on January 25, 2008.
From the corpse of the Predator Scar, infected at the end of the first film, a Predalien emerges, a Xenomorph born from Yautja and therefore much stronger than a Xenomorph born from a human.
Mrs. Yutani is the one who will soon co-found Weyland-Yutani.
Work began on September 25, 2006 in Vancouver, also changing the name several times.
In Italy, viewing of the film was prohibited for minors under 18, while in the United States only for unaccompanied minors under 17.
However, it received heavy panning from critics, recording a 12% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film also received two nominations for Worst Prequel or Sequel and Worst Pretext for a Horror Film at the 2007 Razzie Awards.
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zachfett · 8 months
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Stigmata (1999) Directed by Rupert Wainwright Cinematography by Jeffrey L. Kimball
I enjoyed this quite a bit. I don't understand why it received such negative reception on release, and it's absurd that Gabriel Byrne was nominated for a Razzie for his performance in this. I think he's a consistently great actor, including here.
Also do you think Ritz paid for this product placement?
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twopoppies · 1 year
I hope Miss O and the dwd marketing team are crying at the fact that Harry got nominated for Best Kiss for his gay movie instead of him and Florence despite how they much they marketed it as a sex movie 🤭
JGDJDGTS please. I don’t want that movie to even win a razzie. Everyone should forget it exists.
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Finding out that George C. Scott was nominated for a Razzie for Exorcist III is my villain origin story.
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Russel Crowe being nominated for a Razzie Award the same week Milo will be promoting Land of Bad live on tv is just oof. So bad.
That poor man will be grilled about his life for a movie that already seems like it's going to flop hard.
Milo has no luck with his movies.
Hopefully we'll hear about new projects coming soon.
At least we'll see our handsome boy on our screens.
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 5 months
This is why they should’ve stick with fake sightings and Photoshop. The barrer of reality hit them hard on this one. They can’t fake affection for each other to save their lives ! You better watch out your messages next week CE, your Razzie nomination is coming…
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