#Real Flowers Wholesale
flowerbazaaar · 1 year
Gorgeous Wedding Hall Decorations Using Real Flowers
The Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers is a delightful wedding scene, with the most gorgeous gifts from nature. Flowers improve any embellishment and are more positioned together. Dealing with the right wholesale flower suppliers will help you get amazing flowers.
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Though those flowers, while being utilized to finish an all-around raised feast lobby, simply amount to it. Not just as a delightful material for the loveliest Wedding Lobby Improvement with Flowers. Yet in addition as an illustration set, especially to emphasize. Here, we have the absolute ideal choices for Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers.
Top Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers:
Haven't we set even the slightest peep about the different beautifications and emphases associated with a truly coordinated Wedding Corridor Enhancement with Flowers? We as a whole need to get the best for our event, and that is conceivable with outright most loved decisions and layouts.
Your design subject ought to be something that you know would sparkle fine with the remainder of the wedding scene or the alleged spot that has been picked by you. Here, we are suggesting probably awesome and the fanciest plans for wedding hall decoration with Flowers.
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Marigold Garland Tassels
This could seem to be an open-air wedding enhancement, yet this is more similar to a studio-style Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers. Which is including probably the most innovative and naturalistic flowers. Beginning with the normal foundation, to the best inside enhancement.
Yellow is one of those variety conceals, that functions admirably with Indian Wedding stylistic themes. Particularly the ones which are encircled around the development of the Haldi Function. This, most importantly, is something.
Flower dealers in Bangalore offer a wide range of fresh flowers along with different types of marigolds.
White Wedding Hall Decoration
Wedding Hall Decoration with the perfect proportion of white flowers resembles a treat to the eyes. Beginning with the most gorgeous white setting, to the sleekest foundation enrichment. This is one of those common bloom improvements which needs no great reason.
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The Wedding hall decoration has the prettiest decorative layout with the most lovely and ravishing complexities. The wedding organizer has altogether utilized flowers which are exceptional and are accessible in the white variety family. Like white roses, and other pretty little blends.
Vase Hangings for Wedding Hall Decoration
The scenery of this Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers is seeming to be an open-air wedding setting. It has probably the best jar hangings, which are encircled around the gap making the best improvement for the afternoon. The wedding flower dealers in Pune, first of all, have organized the fanciest shades.
This seems to be a Wedding hall decoration, which is made with lovely accuracy and makes a difference to the mind. The glass containers are beautiful, which is causing the whole spot to appear more appealing and more beautiful. Beginning with the most astonishing enhancement for the afternoon, to the best decorative design.
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Lavender Purple Wedding Hall Decoration
Colors have much more effect in the Wedding Hall Decoration with Flowers. This, most importantly, is something that looks all around well with the remainder of the Wedding Stylistic layout. It begins with the most gorgeous foundation, to the best decorative layout. It begins with the best purple foundation, with the most gorgeous enrichment.
The unprecedented flowers make the Wedding hall decoration with Flowers better, and the whole game plan is the cherry on the cake. The cooper razor and stand containers are making the flowers look more exquisite and much better. It is easily available at fresh flower wholesale markets.
Deal with the best suppliers and get the fresh flower in bulk for your wedding hall decoration.
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libraford · 2 months
Hi there!
I'm getting married next year, and I would love to get some advice regarding florists since you worked for one for so long. I don't want to be a pain in the ass or a bridezilla, but I also don't want to be a doormat who gets taken advantage of because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Do you have any general tips or recommendations for how to choose a reputable florist and correctly place an order? 💕
Choosing a florist really comes down to research- find the florists in your town (or the town that you're going to be having your wedding in because its easier to hire local to the venue than it is to import someone to the location.) Some florists don't do weddings. Some florists only do certain styles. Most will have a photo gallery on their website that you can look through. Yelp reviews are not actually very useful here because people WILL try to ruin a business over an amount as little as $3.
Word of mouth is better- ask a married couple who they used, or get on a local facebook group and ask. You're allowed to shop around.
I think its a good idea to go to bridal shows and see flower arrangements in person, meet the designers, and talk prices and goals briefly.
When it comes to big orders like weddings, we usually ask the party to come in for a consultation. The bridal coordinator sits down with you and talk you through prices, colors, aesthetics- etc. Be detailed about what's important to you (for a lot of brides this is the bouquet, boutonnieres, table centerpieces; but also factors like colors, aesthetic types.)
What's useful to the florist is visual guides- especially if you have copies you can leave with the florist. Color swatches, pin-board images, pictures of the venue (maps of the venue if you got it.)
My biggest advice on not being a Bridezilla is knowing that there will be sacrifices to make on certain things. Flowers have seasons. Certain flowers do not come in some colors (we've come a long way in making designer colors, but I'm sorry- you will not get peonies or roses in blue. There's flower-safe spray paints that can sort of make it happen, but its a tough color to get right.) They might be limited in things like hardware, vases, containers.
If you want special kinds of containers, you may have to source them yourself (sometimes people had us doing arrangements in things like lanterns, wine bottles, shallow bowls.) You'll want to bring them to the shop about a week to 2 weeks before the wedding.
On the subject of time deadlines, if you want flowers- don't put this off to the last minute. Some items might require a month to source- shoot for at least 3 months lead time to see a consultant.
Some things will be more expensive as a wedding item than as a daily item. This is because we have the stuff already on-hand and we've already budgeted time to make it. When doing something like that for a wedding, you have to keep in mind the amount of time it takes to make a larger quantity with a special order of wholesale flowers.
Essentially- if the florist says 'we can't do that,' then accept that the answer is 'no.' The limited nature of floristry was one of my many complaints about the industry- I understood that you couldn't get daffodils in October, but explaining it to someone else was a real crapshoot if they'd tear your head off.
Be patient, be understanding, be prepared.
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oreramar · 5 months
Florist Talk: a flower shop calendar
So I talked about the average day in a flower shop. Now it's time to talk about the average year (usual disclaimer: US-centric, small town sort of knowledge is to be found here. Adjust as needed for a different setting, whether real or fictional; these notes are merely meant to provide grounding or ideas for your writing).
So, Month By Month:
Business is basically dead for most of this month.
It's too early for springy colors but nobody wants the red and white Xmas color combo anymore. Floral limbo.
Prep for V-day begins in earnest sometime around here.
Earliest V-day orders might start coming in middle-to-end of the month. Sometimes people think ordering super early means they can get roses for cheaper. This is not the case; they will be charged the price of the roses they're gonna get, not the roses that exist a month before.
A longer post will be dedicated to V-day itself eventually. For now, know that there's usually a lull in business immediately after the day itself.
There may be leftover roses. Nobody will want the leftover roses. If your Florbo over-ordered these supplies, they will have a difficult time shifting them. Write a fic and have them donate roses to an elderly care facility or something.
Kinda dead for the most part, aside from a little bit of prep toward Palm Sunday and Easter and Prom (see April)
I always make stuff for St Patrick's day but very few people want flowers for St Patrick's day so there's not much point. Maybe this could be different in a community with more people who go all in on St Paddy's.
When there are orders, this is when people start to ask for "springy" flowers.
If there are Christian Churches around they might want Easter Lilies ordered in for Easter, and Palm Branches for Palm Sunday.
Sometimes people will ask for flowering mum plants too, usually in white, yellow, or lavender. The wholesalers always seem to send way more lavender mums than any others, like they're trying to get rid of them.
Prom Season - technically can stretch from mid-late March through April. Depends on how many high schools are in the area. This means lots of corsages and boutonnieres. If there's a single big school that's very local then that means one very, very busy weekend spent doing nothing but assembling these things the day before and getting them picked up and paid for the day of. Might make a focused post on these one day.
Secretary's Day / Administrative Professionals' Day - late April. Technically there's a Day for this but it also covers the entire week of that day as well. Businesses and Bosses buy small flowers or maybe candy bouquets for their various Admins. Can get a little busy.
Teachers Appreciation Day / Week - early in May, lots of school deliveries.
Nurses Appreciation Day/Week - the next week in May, lots of hospital/clinic deliveries.
MOTHER'S DAY OH GOD OH - oh it's not quite as bad, actually. People get their Mother's Day flowers the entire week before so it's less concentrated. Still a big one.
US has Memorial Day right at the end. This means arrangements made for placing in the local cemetery. Can be busy but isn't usually too bad.
Dead business. So bored.
Dead business. So bored.
Attempt at July 4th table arrangements. Not many tend to sell.
Dead business. So bored.
School is back in session, which means that any student, teacher, or school admin staff who has a birthday or anniversary on a weekday might get sent flowers or balloons or candy bouquets or things like that, which means Flower Shop business.
Preferred floral designs shift toward "fall" and "autumny" colors and flowers somewhere between August and September.
Not a lot going on specifically, but business still tends to be busier than in summer. Also, despite all efforts, Halloween does not tend to involve a lot of flower orders, which is a real shame because you can do some real fun things with orange, purple, and bright green flowers, and with hot glue strands on twigs to make cobwebs, and with black painted bowl vases to resemble cauldrons...
US has Thanskgiving this month and some people want fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for their tables. A responsible florist will include tags warning people not to burn those candles unattended because while the floral arrangement isn't going to be dry by any means, it is still technically flammable, especially if the candle has burned very low and for a very long time.
Christmas also involves fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for tables. Also like 80% of all floral arrangements are being done in red and/or white.
And that's more or less it. Set your writing appropriately for how busy you want the Florbo to be with their flower job - if the plot demands Florbo have a lot of free time or be very very bored, look at the summer months, or the downtime of early January or late February. If you wish for them to be overwhelmingly busy, set it the week before Valentine's or Mother's day, or pick an April weekend for a local Prom and give them like forty corsages to make on a single Friday. A more moderate or variable day to day structure might be in May, or one of the Autumn months, when there's usually plenty of everyday type stuff to do plus the wild card busy days around big funerals or the like, with random dead days peppered in there.
Happy writing!
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heliosthegriffin · 5 months
Shadow Knight Chapter 23
AN: Sorry for the Hiatus, real-life stuff happens. Anyway, back to our irregularly scheduled program.
A03 Link
A red-headed man walked down the Museum hall.
He moved at his own pace, slow, steady, and soothing in its consistency. 
Every few steps he’d stop to look at an exhibit for a moment, nod to himself, then continue on, smiling at the sight, as his heels clicked against the floor. 
Behind him, his shadow rolled out from behind his feet, expanding far, far down the hall and beyond, overtaking the floor behind him far beyond eye-shot. 
An unfathomably number of things moved in the darkness, creeping out from the spilling darkness behind the man, moving to the exhibits and dragging them wholesale into the endless darkness. 
From a distance, they almost looked like normal people, but the clothes they wore looked like they belonged in the exhibits they were looting, as some wore armor from Mistral’s Warring Cities Era, while others looked like they had been taken off the tundra of Solitus a thousand years ago, others were dressed like turn of the century Vale. It was a disorientating sight to see, they almost looked like people dressed up for a historical event, if not for the grotesque changes to their bodies. 
A bone mask with red tribal-esque lines was attached over their face, so deeply attached to the face, it melded into the bones of the skull itself, rendering it impossible to remove. How much of the face it covered varied from creature to creature, with it ranging from just covering the eyes and nose, to totally overtaking the skull in one bony growth, to anything in between, with random growths of the mask like tusks or horns also appearing every so often. Though, one thing that they all shared regarding those masks, was at least one set of burning red eyes, and underneath the mask and across the body, was tar-like skin that was littered with bone growths under their clothes.
Other than the common features, they ranged greatly in size from hardly changed child-like figures wearing impossible elegant and expensive clothes to literal giants covered in armor like growths across their body wearing rags of former clothing, and everything in between.
They were falling upwards and out of the darkness, dozens at a time, being birthed from that shadow as that man walked slowly forward, inspecting and enjoying the exhibits that were laid out for him. Once out they stood there dumbly, looking back at their former home, before shambling away, their dull, red eyes focusing on something through the walls. Occasionally, walking into the walls, and the stronger ones, right through the thinner, weaker ones, leaving gaping, crumbling holes in the old, venerable building.
The man stopped purposely at a crossroads, He smirked, holding his chin with one arm supported by the other. “Now, now, now, here I was, enjoying myself, harmlessly, all by my lonesome. What cause for action is that? Don’t you know how hard it is to get a Museum all to yourself?”
From the opposing three hallways, a maiden appeared with flaming eyes and outfits of excessive amounts of singular color, along with the respective smells of fresh flowers, ozone, and icy air. They faced him, eyes unreadable under the fire, blocking his way. The Yellow one with golden fire, twitched looking at him, as if ready to spring into action, but stopping herself. Crimson and White, looked at Yellow, in what he could only assume to be surprise.
Roman’s eyes shifted, as he took in that little detail. He turned to Yellow, with his eyes darting between them all. He opened his mouth, to say his aggravating piece-, only to dodge backward, as a scythe and curved sword rose up from his shadow right where his head had been, followed by two girls with glowing eyes, he frowned noticing one had Silver-eyes, as he stomped his foot on the ground, making the shadows thicken.
“That was rude! Don’t I have a right to a jury, before you execute me?” Roman smirked at them.
The one that carried the Silver-eyes through his shadow, Black, looked at him coyly. “For the crime of overwhelming mass murder, you've been preemptively judged guilty.” He noticed this one carrying the scent of sweet decay, of dead leaves and loamy soil on the breeze. 
He took another step back, looking at the quintet of girls before him. “Well, well, the whole gang's here, isn't it? Lucky me, right?”
The SIlver-eyes blinked out of existence, reappearing right in front of him, swinging that scythe at his neck. Underneath the silvery-light radiating off of her, burning him, she looked murderous. “You monster, how could you do this, to all these people, and-”
Her form was imperfect, she had lunged at him, leaving her hanging in the air as she swung. If it was anyone slower, it would have been a fine, effective even, attack. Against, Roman though?
He slid under the slash, sighing, he hardly needed to aim, as he delivered a cross-straight into her solar-plexus, while she practically tackled her body into his knuckles. The air left her lungs, and she was sent flying down the hall with a cry of pain. He waved his hand, silvery smoke pouring off his right hand, her light bypassing the protective darkness around his hand, light burns covered his hands. 
Roman could practically hear whatever little restraint in Yellow snap and fall to pieces, the other girls cried out for her to stop, and she flew straight at him, fists blazing.
The search to find some weapons didn’t take long. This was a Museum dedicated to Vale’s history, afterall. It wasn’t all that long ago, relatively speaking, that Vale was nothing but a series of dozen warring micro-kingdoms. It wasn’t uncommon for a homeowner doing some landwork to find an old arrowhead, broken swords, or even an intact weapon and donate it to the museum (or keep it as a personal relic).
“Mine!” Velvet watched as Nora grabbed a warhammer and held it like a teddy-bear. She turned to her with a toothy grin. “I’ve always wanted one of these growing up,” She turned to Ren. “But, someone insisted I didn’t need one!”
The lithe man shrugged. “I’m not stopping you now, am I?”
“I’m not giving it back after we leave.”
“If we survive, I’d say you earned it.”
She held it over her hand. “Yes!” The ginger girl gave Velvet a look, holding out the warhammer. “Want to give her a swing?”
Velvet looked at the brutal looking head of the hammer and the cruel looking spike coming off it, she shook her head. “I’ll pass,” 
“More for me, then!” Nora shrugged, then started swinging her hammer in the air with a mad laugh. Velvet looked towards Ren who sighed softly. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t exhaust herself.”
“Right,” She looked at Ren, at his hands, then back at him. “Don’t you need to find something for  yourself.”
He followed her look. “I can handle myself,”
For a moment, she thought they glowed, but shook her head, it must have been a trick of the light. “I’ll trust your judgment, then.”
She looked around the room, seeing the other scant survivors helping themselves to the bounties of Vale’s history, noticing that they were gravitating to spear-like weapons, one with a long reach and sharp end, not that she’d blame them. If she had to pick a weapon, and most likely would, she would take one of those as well.
Strangely, though, as almost if following the same line of thought, only to verge backwards at the finish line, she saw Jaune holding a short-sword. He held the odd blade in his hands, it looked like someone had taken a spearhead and attached it to a sword handle, so it wasn’t very long, around a foot and a half long, with a narrow leaf-shaped blade that merged effortlessly into a dark wooden handle. The blade itself was both decidedly plain, but also charming, with a dull gray body marked with small scratches and nicks across its body, but it also held a presence of undeniable lethality, as if its damage only added proof to its unsaid claims that it was a tried and true weapon of war. 
“That doesn’t look like it comes from Vale.” Velvet stated idly.
“It’s listed as an anonymous donation, it might have been made yesterday for all I know.” Jaune told her. “It’s more than that, though.” He said quietly.
“What do you mean?”
His fingers rubbed against the wooden grip. “I can’t explain it, not very well, but it feels very ancient.” He turned to her with a smile. “It’s mine now, though.”
Velvet couldn’t help but return the smile. “I’m glad you found something you like,” Her eyes caught something next to his leg. “A shield?”
She thought he looked a bit nervous for a second. “Yeah,” His eyes darted around. “You find anything you want to use.”
“N-no, not yet.”
“Don’t feel pressured, but remember this, the best person to protect you, is yourself.” Velvet looked away. “I will protect you, just like I would for anyone else here, but if you can protect yourself, it puts us just that bit closer to victory.”
“I know,” She felt her heartbeat raise a bit, while her stomach sank.
She felt a warm, heavy hand on her shoulder. “You’re stronger than you think you are,” She looked up into blue eyes. “Also, don’t stand around Nora when she gets going, you’ll go flying.” 
“Pfft,” Velvet felt herself relax, a laugh escaping from her. She felt his hand leave her shoulder, immediately missing the warmth, watching him walk pass, she couldn’t help but compare his figure with another, for a second the way they moved looked identical to the local legend she obsessed over.
Roman leaned under a fiery punch, as a mask slowly grew over his face in the mockery of a fox with burning eyes. Leaning back far enough to almost be horizontal with the ground, Roman swung two fingers up across the floor. A pillar of shadows erupts under the Yellow Maiden throwing her up into the ceiling.
The other Star-Chosen rushed forward, he threw his hands forward as a tidal wave of darkness and bodies flew forward, as his power collided with them, his minions inside trying to drag them into the abyss inside.
Bursts of light and elemental power detonated inside of it, as the other three Star-Chosen flew up, shooting rays of power at him, he dodge back, and flung his shadowy power in front of him. 
A growing heat above him gave him just enough of an early warning to evade critical damage, as the one he tossed up came roaring back down in a burst of fire. She hit the floor like a meteor, a shockwave hitting him with a wave of air, as she looked about ready to charge him down.
But, to his surprise, she snarled and threw a wave of fire his way, retreating back to the rest of their group.
They eye’d him up, and Roman mentally felt how many servants he had lost in his tidal wave, less than 10%, which wasn’t bad, he had many, many more stored away in his Shadow Den. But, it wasn't like he could instantly bring them forth.
Down the hallway, he saw something flying forward at him, and sidestepped a bolt of silver energy, burning through his shadows like they were just normal shadows, leaving a trial of wispy silver smoke. He frowned, as the Silver-Eyes flew towards them, only slightly injured.
He needed time, if he wanted to break-even here, he still hadn’t obtained his prize, the source of the power-built up here. So, with a wave of his hand, he unleashed his remaining servants on hand, as they rushed the Star-Chosen, as he got to work summoning his meaner minions.
Jaune looked behind himself, having just finished checking up on the other survivors, he thought he saw something watching him. Was his mind slipping? Normally, he felt that someone would justify it as their imagination, but since it had kept him alive this far, he went to go look.
The room they were currently in, had a large diorama in the center of it, depicting some old battle, pelt wearing warriors native Valeans fighting a group of armored men from one of Mistrals City Empires around a stone circle. According to the diorama, the natives won that somehow through some sort of soul ritual. He thought he saw the shadow of one of the models move. 
He got closer, nothing there, other than a sense of unease. His eyes then caught movement again, it was a small, feminine shadow moving behind the stones. He leapt over the stone, and was confronted with nothing but silent rocks, and the faint smell of honey and cream. 
“Doing some parkour for a warm-up?” Jaune rose up from behind the stone circle, seeing Ren standing outside the diorama. 
“No, just going insane.” He noticed something on Ren’s wrists. “Find something useful?” He had never seen his old friend wear bracers before.
Ren held them up to the air, even from several yards away there was an unnatural feeling coming off of them, similar to the short-sword he found earlier. “Yes.” His friend looked at the aforementioned sword. “You know how to use that?”
Jaune shrugged. “Stick ‘em with the pointy-end, cut ‘em with the cutty side.”
“Ah, a true master then.” Ren nodded.
“You flatter me,” He said with a bow, then raising up, he took in their small group of survivors scattered across the room. For a moment, it didn’t feel like their lives were in danger, it felt like it did earlier today, just another day at the Museum. 
“I’m never entering a museum again,”
“I never thought we’d get you this far in,” He shrugged.
“And, now, I have every reason never to return.”
“Such a loss,’ He smirked, then it slowly fell as they both looked at the others who were slowly gathering back together. “What is the next step?”
Jaune’s hand strayed to his new sword, gripping the handle tightly. “I’ve checked the map earlier, and there’s a way out not too far away from here,”
“So, we’re going to make a break for it?”
“Not quite,” Jaune’s vision hopped from person to person. “I was going to go scouting, see if the way is safe or not,”
“That’s a terrible idea, our strength is in numbers, we lose you, and we’re that much weaker for it.”
“Yes, but, it’d only be one person, versus all of us, being eliminated if there's way more monsters than we can handle.”
“And, if you don’t come back, what’s to stop us from seeking you out?”
“I’d say-”
“We’d look for you anyway,” Ren looked at Nora and Velvet, “The rest of these people here might not care, but we do. And, tell me this, what if we go the other way, if we do decide to go another direction, and then all die, anyway. Because, you weren’t there? There are no good options, Jaune, just least worse ones.`
Jaune sharply inhaled, his knuckles going white from strain. “You’re right,” He exhaled. “I just,”
The building shook, dust falling from the ceiling, as the lights flickered for a moment, some of the men and women screamed, but it went unheard as a roar suffocated any other sound as it over took the building.
Ren swore, as he turned to Jaune. “We’re running out of time.”
“I know, what way do you think it came from?”
“I couldn’t tell you, but-”
“We need to leave,” Jaune started walking towards the center of the room. “We’ll just take the shortest path to the exit, and deal with the consequences as they come.”
Ren followed behind. “If that’s what gets us out of here alive, so be it.”
White thrust her hand forward sending a wave of icicles forward, impaling and destroying the minions of the Grimm General, though, no matter how many she was destroying, they always came back in heavier numbers. 
She flew upwards, lifting her arms up to summon a rotating sphere made of razor-sharp ice, a trick she had picked up after an unfortunate encounter not too long ago. It gave a small reprieve as she took in the situation. 
Yellow, was of course, rampaging across the enemies, but, she would give her credit in holding back this long, and also, for not leveling the building. Still, she wasn’t breaking the lines as much as hoped she would, instead she was just hanging around the back keeping the horde from spilling down the hall.
Black was struggling, her normal stratedgy of striking from the shadows wasn’t working, The General had done something that prevented her from entering the shadows, which in any other situation would have brought a smile to White’s face, but right now, she would give any amount of Lien to Black if she could just take the monster down. Instead she was limited to using magic she had far less affinity towards, like lightning and wind, which just left her in a similar situation to herself. 
Crimson, of course, was the only one actually putting pressure on the General, flying above the crowd, summoning metal to herside from across the building, to create a whirling barrier of metal, that she fired at the horde and the General, forcing him back every so often, but, it seemed even beyond her to do any actual damage, which left, unfortunately, Red.
Red was currently flying through the air, trying to cut her way toward the General, but was being harangue by Grimm jumping at her, and trying to pull her down into the horde, which would be problematic, as while she had the highest anti-grim power, she had the lowest in raw magical power. Thankfully, she didn’t, it just slowed her down, as these Grimm were nothing but peons.
Still, White wasn’t sure how she could get to the General and strike him down; the other girls could handle the peons, if only they’d made an opening for her.
There was a sound of air shattering, as the General slid back, holding a steaming piece of iron that had been shot at him, arms one with the shadows around him. Metal was coated in dark powers, then shot back with even greater force, as Crimson had to evade it, the piece of dark-coated metal exploding against the ceiling shaking the hallway, while leaving a new, crude skylight there. 
The General smiled at them, a sense of foreboding in the expression, then stomped a foot to the ground. White’s eye widened as his shadow spread down the hallway again, widening and splitting the hallway in two, and she internally braced for another wave of Grimm, but to her surprise, all the Grimm they were fighting fell in. But, the shadow remained, pulsating and rippling.
“It's been a pleasure, ladies, but I must go!” He bowed, he had the audacity to bow! “But, I found what I”m looking for, and I must be off!” A inky black skeletal hand, the size of a limo, shot out of the darkness, punching through the ceiling. “I’ll leave my friend here to entertain you all, don’t fear, he’s grand company!” 
Another hand rushed out, punching through the ceiling as well, as the rest of the arms followed, as behind it, its summoner disappeared with a swish of his arm, shadow enveloped him and he vanished from sight.
The hallway broke open, as head emerged, a pitch-black skeletal giant, looking at them with burning flames in its eye sockets. Rubble rained down upon them, as the entire building fought to stay together, it roared at them, air hitting them like a hammer of wind.
Jaune stared at the shaking ceiling, what in the world was going on? Then he looked at the gathered people before him, he tried his best to look strong, and not let his voice betray his doubts as he called out to them. “Everyone here?” There was a quick call out of names. “Things don’t look too good right now, do they? We’re all by ourselves, with the way out looking farther away by the moment, surrounded by monsters, and have nothing but the clothes on our backs, the weapons in our hands, and each other.” He thrusted his sword up through the air. “So what?! We didn’t even have these an hour ago, and we held our own! With just our drive to live, with just the person you stand next to, with everyone here, we have survived!
“Now, we’re going to thrive, we are going leave this place, and not let a single of those pathetic things stop us, we got better things to do today, we got dinner at home, we got loved ones outside, pets, and whatever else you can think of, but we have them, we have our obligations to get out of here and destroy whatever gets in our way! You all have trusted me this far, right? Then, I need you to trust me just a bit longer, then we’re out of here. If you can’t trust in me, then trust in yourself, the person next to you, or just trust Nora!”
“Yeah! Trust in me!” Nora lifted her warhammer over head.
“Have faith in something, yourself, your god, or your weapon, just put it to work, don't fall behind, and struggle on! You will survive this!” Jaune pointed his sword to the door. “Now, are you going to stay here and die, or will you follow me and live?”
“Then let's get out of here!” Jaune screamed, marching towards the door.
Just as it was thrown open, a small horde of lanky monsters ran towards them. Not slowing or rushing to meet them, Jaune banged his sword against his shield, inviting them towards, to which they obliged, rushing at him in a stream of long limbs, red eyes, and uncanny movement. 
The first to meet him head on was welcome with a shield bash to the head, knocking it backwards so hard that it’s skull split open, the second was greeted by him side-stepping it’s claws and beheading it, the third had it greeted by a heel to the chest then cut from head to hip, the fourth punch with shield knocked to the ground then beheaded, the fifth, the six, and so on, were dealt with till none remained. Leaving Jaune’s standing over their fading bodies, he turned to his people. “See? Look how easily they can be beaten?T they are nothing! What I’ve done to them, any of you could as well!” His eyes seemed to glow for a moment, his voice loud as a trumpet, as everyone stepped back before him. “The only thing stopping you is yourself!
There was a tremble among the survivors, among Ren, Nora, and Velvet, as a certain weight was lifted off their hearts. As they lifted their hands and weapons to the ceiling, they cheered. They stomped, as they moved forward, following after Jaune, they lost all uncertainty, as they walked beside him, and left the room.
Leaving it empty, aside from a small shadow with mismatched eyes watching from the stone circle.
In the depths of the Museum, a single lanky Grimm stood in the depths of the storage, standing alone, staring towards the center of it, where a tangible thick amount of magical energy was in the air. The shadows next to it rippled and trembled as Roman rose from the depths as the minion sank below, though not without, giving it a soft pat on the head as it sank. “Good job,” It didn’t respond.
Roman walked forward, going past a series of crates and boxes, until he was face to face with a long, slim, and somewhat innocuous box, he touched it gently, putting his hand to the top, shadows rushed over it, pulling the screws and nails out of the boxes top, then casually pushing off the top.
What lay in the center, on a bed of packing peanuts, was a simple cane, Roman looked at it softly. “Oh, old friend, it’s been too long,” He picked it up, holding it to his face. “We’re back together, and now, I”m complete.”
The cane thrummed with an orange glow, as fire appeared in the depths of Roman’s mask. With a swift stab down, the building jolted. Not the walls, not ceiling, not just the floor, all of it, the ancient Museum that covered the entirety of a city block suddenly moved. 
The building started to sink, as shadows stretched from the sides and corners of the building, till the whole circumference of the building had a visible black outline. The building began to fall into darkness.
Roman smiled, then waved his cane in a figure eight. “This oughta do as a declaration of war,’ Then disappeared.
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I got an ask about favorite winx transformations and if my thoughts have changed at all in the last couple years that was lost to the void when my computer crashed like 3 hours ago and while I made one post about that aeons ago I don't want to go edit it again so I'm just remaking it wholesale lol. I think at this point y'all are familiar with my TakesTM so I don't need an intro, all the shit is below the cut. also this is for. all of them. like the comic ones included. also gonna provide images for them because it is all of them and most people don't know about the 9 comic ones.
*takes a look at the amount of transformations* oh god we're at 24 of these fuckers? lord. anyways we're going worst to best and honestly most of the worst ones will be the comic ones lol. Also I'm grouping MW and Charmix as Charmix Specials-style because they are just an accessory on top and the rest is the same so they will be judged together so that brings it down to 23.
23 - Paintix
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This is by far the most creatively bankrupt of the transformations. Literally the exact same ugly top skirt boots combo 8 times. I have never found scans of the issue its featured in but they could have done so much more with a transformation themed around color? like c'mon here.
22 - Greenix
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This one is better than Paintix for at least giving the girls different colors for more than just one (1) part but it's still the same exact dress 6 times with only minimal variation on the vines along the top, and it's sad, because this is supposed to be THE vegetation transformation as it represents the ENTIRE POWER OF LYNPHEA at your fingertips.
21 - Trendix
THIS ONE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ACTUAL GRAPHICS BECAUSE IT'S FROM A BOOK but the idea is that it's just Fashion Cheatcode the transformation and only Bloom, Stella and Flora get it so it's low, but above Paintix and Greenix for cheating in a way I find funny.
20 - Magic of Sports
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Okay this one isn't even a real transformation as they just get wings with their regular fútbol fits (it's from the 2014 world cup issue) but at least the girls are wearing different outfits and the wings are also different colors so it has that going over Paintix and Greenix.
19 - Magic Rock
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this one's a crime. but a crime with more thought put into it than the rest, so it's higher than them. Props to them, they all have different silhouettes and there are forms higher than them that can't break that treshold, but that still is not enough. What are they wearing. what is that. Musa why are you a makeup brush. Also they use this form to beat ghosts and win a music contest. what.
18 - Tynix
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I've never been shy about my dislike for Tynix, and I feel this shows it well enough lol. bullshit obtainment aside I just think it's ugly - the construction paper gems, the shitty undersuit, the clunky broken glass heels, the random ruffles, it's all bad. The wings and the hair are cool and. that's about it really.
17 - Enchantix
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I've also never been shy about my utter hatred for Enchantix, so I won't really rethread old ground here, but basically I think it's bullshit overall and it's only above Tynix despite hating Enchantix more because I can begrudgingly agree some of them are pretty. Still hate they're all flowers tho that's just bad. if you removed or adjusted the extra pink and restored everyone's skintones so they're not whitewashed S8 Enchantix would kick the ass of OG Enchantix to the curve visually (except Flora's she took a downgrade)
16 - Mermaid form
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Yeah I also hate this one. I just don't think it makes sense to have fairy mermaids when mermaids are already a species in Winx and when the show cannot make up its mind if being fairy is a CHOICE or if being fairy is a BIOLOGICAL CONDITION, we don't need this shit muddling things up further. Points for giving Tecna proper wings tho good for them.
16.5 - S8 Sirenix and Crystal Sirenix
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I'm also throwing the two S8 Sirenix ones in this tier because I don't like them either lol. S8 Sirenix fairs better than Crystal but not by that much.
15 - Travelix
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We start the area where I just think they look... fine. I like the idea of the visuals and this is a transformation that SHOULD'VE been in the show proper (really they would've made more dolls that way) but it's also not anything groundbreaking. For those curious this is the transformation granted by the Stone of Memories that allows someone to travel in time. hence me saying it should've been in the show proper lol.
14 and 13 - Sophix and Lovix (position changes)
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Some of them are good! Some of them suck ass. And therefore they end here because they aren't more than just Believix, Summer and Winter editions.
12 - Butterflix
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I love the Butterflix wings and hairstyles and I think it had a solid IDEA but they put TECNA in a tutu and some crimes cannot be forgiven. points for having Stella's bodice be sunbeams tho.
11 - Dreamix
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I don't really care all that much for Dreamix, but it edges out Butterflix, and that's the reason for this placement. I still don't get what the netting is supposed to be but I do love the wings.
10 - Onyrix
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Onyrix also only slightly edges out Dreamix - the colors are worse and the wings are bad but I find it more visually interesting than Dreamix and it gave us Blue Stella back, so it has rights on that alone.
9 - Harmonix
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We're getting into the ones I'm more positive for! but half of Harmonix is gorgeous half of Harmonix is bad. LOVE the idea of the trails and it has THE best spells out of any transformation but I genuinely don't think it's a transformation SUPER fit for being underwater and given that's its purpose it kinda. falters lol. Also I don't get how the trails are meant to be like mermaid tails? Everyone says that and I just don't see it. I see them as waterfalls more than anything else really.
8 - Magic of Food
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Yes. I'm ranking the food form this high. Why? Simple - it's actually. really well done? Flora and Bloom's hair is trash but they went for a weird concept and made a transformation that actually looks pretty appropiate all in all, and I know this is because it's a sponsored transformation but hey, that cash went to a good-ass look lol.
7 - Magic of Joy
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LOOK AT THIS. LOOK AT IT. ENCHANTIX WISHES IT HAD THIS EFFORTLESS ELEGANT SIMPLICITY. The wings being the same is lame but they all just look so pretty AND THEY TOOK THE TIME TO MAKE SURE TECNA HAD PANTS and I have to commend that. Bless you quokkas you funky animal you, thank you for giving this to us.
6 -Cosmix
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OH COSMIX I WISH I COULD LOVE YOU MORE I genuinely find it pretty for the most part and it's the best Tecna and Musa have looked in years but I just cannot forgive Stella's vagina collar. I cannot.
5 - Charmix
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What even IS there to say about the OG? the very first? It's iconic all on its own but I know my love of it is mainly guided by the happy memories of watching S1 and S2 as a child. That and some of the bags are not that great.
4 - Mythix
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MYTHIX HAS RIGHTS AND I STAND BY THAT. IT'S WHAT ENCHANTIX SHOULD'VE BEEN. I am a person of simple tastes, I see magic wand I go apeshit. Also peak wings no wings rival the Mythix wings if you disagree you are wrong hate the dresses if you want but you cannot argue with me about the wings. I do agree some of the shoes are ugly tho.
3 - Sirenix
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Yeah I love Sirenix. I understand the complaints about it being samey but I just love it - the ribbons, the hair streaks, the fins in the legs, the fish scale pattern leggings, I just think it slaps and it being wetsuit-based is so fitting for it. Shame about the same wings tho. Also we all know Sirenix has THE best transformation song ever made and that's a FACT.
2 - Bloomix
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Bloomix is, objectively, the BEST the Winx have ever looked like. you cannot beat armor, you cannot. Stella's hair is a disgrace but it was the tradeoff for Flora being freed from her shitty hair blades for ONCE in her life and it's overall really good looking.
1 - Believix
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Believix is peak and always will be. The perfect blend of fairy whimsy and modern aesthetics (for the time). The wings. the song. the transformation sequence. Really the only bad is Musa's shitty aerobics instructor pants and even then that fits her so I can't be TOO mad. Believix is love Believix is life.
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rederiswrites · 1 year
So it turns out that there actually might be economically real demand for dye plants grown locally. The regional Fibershed groups (inspired by the author of the book, which originated the term and the movement) had a booth at the Sheep and Wool festival, and I chatted them up. They said that 1. it's difficult to get dye materials grown locally, and they've been trying, and 2. there's actually a natural dye business like an hour from here. When I got home I explored the website. They're a wholesale company mostly, dyeing in large batches for companies, but they actively have a program to partner with farmers to grow dye plants.
Yeah so that's something worth exploring. Not tryina get ahead of myself, but imagining the south field in great stripes of flowering plants is pretty appealing, you gotta admit.
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agentmidnightrider · 2 months
Trump Made Marijuana Legal with THCA Flower
Summary for Each Section
Part 1: Introduction
The introduction sets the stage by providing historical context for marijuana legislation, tracing its roots from early uses and legal status to eventual prohibition. It also outlines the purpose and key provisions of the Farm Bill, highlighting its relevance to agriculture and hemp.
Part 2: Understanding the Farm Bill
This section delves into the historical context and evolution of the Farm Bill, with a focus on the 2018 version. It explains the specific sections addressing hemp and cannabis, and how these differ from previous versions, laying the groundwork for understanding the legal framework established by the bill.
Part 3: Legal Framework for Hemp and THCA
Here, the report explores the legal definition of hemp under the Farm Bill and the distinction between hemp and marijuana. It provides a detailed analysis of THCA, its chemical structure, properties, and legal status, along with the federal and state regulations governing hemp cultivation and compliance requirements.
Part 4: Impact of the Farm Bill on Marijuana Industry
This part examines the economic, agricultural, and market implications of the Farm Bill, highlighting the growth of the hemp industry, changes in farming practices, and the introduction of THCA products. It also looks at consumer trends and market acceptance.
Part 5: Scientific and Medical Perspectives
A comparative analysis of THCA and THC is provided, focusing on their chemical differences, effects, and therapeutic potential. The section also explores current medical applications of Wholesale THCA, ongoing research, and potential future applications.
Part 6: Social and Cultural Impact
This section discusses the changing public perception of cannabis, cultural shifts resulting from legalization, and ongoing legal and social challenges. It examines how cannabis is becoming integrated into mainstream culture and its impact on social norms and values.
Part 7: Case Studies and Real-World Examples
Through case studies, the report illustrates state-level implementation of the Farm Bill, profiles industry leaders and innovators in the THCA market, and offers a global perspective by comparing international cannabis laws and market trends.
Part 8: Future Outlook and Conclusions
The final part of the report looks ahead to the future of cannabis legislation, economic growth projections, and social implications. It concludes with a summary of key findings, policy recommendations, and suggestions for future research.
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madphantom · 7 months
Hello! I sent an anon a looong time ago asking if it would be okay to send some of the notes I took when reading Sarah. Sorry that it took so long!
At first I was trying to figure out how to format it and send them to you. I remembered reading "night flowers shirking from the light of the sun" on the google docs pdf thing, and it had the notes on the side. I thought that would be easy to read so I was trying to figure out how to convert my botes to that.
Then, I accidetally deleted ReadEra, which I used to read your book and was where my notes were. I panicked and redownloaded it, but my data was gone.
Then! While looking through my files! I realised that it made routine backups of its data, including backups that should be after I made all my notes! Hooray!
So I've been able to compile all my notes now. I've decided to forgo making a google doc esque file and just compile the text and send it to you in an ask.
The asterisks in the text was what I actually highlighted, the rest of the paragraph(s) is just for context. I read the snippets you gave before you released the book, so that’s why I referance some things that haven't happened yet (although, I did come back to past parts of the book after I read later parts of it to add more notes, I'm pretty sure).
Initially these notes were just meant for me, so I get a bit personal in some of them (and some pf them are worded a bit weirdly. I did make minor edits to some of them to make them more legible). So sometimes what I say doesn't really align with character motivations. Sometimes I am also just plain wrong about character motivations as well asdfwj.
Also I cut out some of the notes, and the spacing might be weird since tumblr made this into a single text block when I pasted it into an ask, so I had to manually add all of the paragraph breaks.
With all that said, here's the notes!
"...the home of Desmond and Suzanne C. Bell, where the *childless* couple lived together from 1930 until Suzanne's peaceful death..."
If this were a real thing I'd be like "Why did you even bring up/emphasise that they were childless? Weird ass thing to do." But since this is a work of fiction.
I believe Suzanne was the one who had a secret? If I am remembering that correctly from the character intros with the picrews. I wonder if she's also trans? Although, a couple unable to conceive together could still have children. So I suppose that doesn't support a trans argument.
Like, they could adopt or have a surrogate. Many ways for a trans-Suzanne-cis-Desmond to have children.
"We had briefly stopped for a chat while you were chasing your hat, and she had given her name as Suzanne and his as *Mr. Frank Carlyle*."
Ah! She took her dead lover's name! Also, given "the Carlyle boy came back", that implies that she also took his last name.
(Future me: ?? I do not know what I meant here. They already stated her name as Mr. Frank *Carlyle* in this line...
Edit: Oh wait I get it now. At the time, I didn't know Sarah was pretending to be Frankie, nor did I know Frankie's last name. So I thought that when she detransitioned, she took on a derivative of Frankie's name instead of going back to her deadname to remember him.
I also knew that in that snippet that person was talking about how Frankie dying was strange, since "the Carlyle boy came back", which meant that Carlyle was his last name.
So I thought Sarah took on the name Frank to remember Frankie, and took Carlyle like in a married way. I didn't know she took his name wholesale because she was impersonating him.)
"*I shook my head. "By God, no. This beautiful creature deserves to live in freedom. Can you imagine something so unique and so mesmerizing surviving against all odds just to be kept in some cage as something to be poked and prodded at? It'd be a downright crime."*"
Ah, after reading the part where they got the croc, I see the parallels to queerness.
"The deer stood motionlessly in the garden...[]
"... *I need to see it from up close*," I whispered. "Otherwise I will never believe myself.""
Me moment. Wish I could go outside to look at a wondrous deer. Or a strange, wondrous sight in general. Like when that car burst into flame in front of our house during the night, and we all gathered around to watch.
"*Four silver eyes glistened at me in the shadows. The deer watched as I placed one foot in front of the other. It took a hesitant step towards me, then another. I saw the muscles moving underneath the snow white fur. Then, suddenly, it took a giant leap and disappeared in the fog.*"
I wonder what the God thought of him. I think it's a good person. I wonder if it had goodwill towards him because of how he said it would be awful to kill it.
"Clouds sail past on the *lake's mirror-like surface*"
Wow what a pretty lake!
""*We have to start somewhere*," I replied. "If I know how he fell, I know how he landed, but more crucially, I know what he would want to stay alive for."
Ah, I kinda expected it to be a twist, where Ignatius only sent them out so that they would not have to be there.
*"Sa…" - he took a deep gasping breath - "Sa….rah!"*
I appreciate how she restarted. Reminds me pf myself. I would've been worried that the pause would have been long enough that my words sounded like two syllables, rather than two halves of one word. So, I appreciated how she started, just to make her words clearer.
Also, I wonder why she said this. I might've said this too. I want to correct you about my name. I always do, but especially now. I'm about to die. It's all about me now. Don’t I get to have this one thing? I want you to know what my name is, at least.
But I will not tell you it is mine. I will give you no context. I so desperately want to tell you it is mine, but I can’t. Doing so would decrease my chances of survival by way of decreasing my chances of receiving good medical care, and it would decrease my chances of being tolerated well in my potentially final moments.
I can't have that. Surviving is more important. But I at least want you to know my name, and that you're wrong about me. I can be satisfied with that. It's okay because I have at least that. "Sarah."
"He had run there through the deep green forest, *trying to hide from his mother after breaking a pot at home*."
The real villain here is the mother (or parents). This wouldn't have happened if she did not react so poorly to similar things that the child is scared enough after breaking a pot to leave the house.
"...the God rose once more, towards the surface, towards the light, to find who the culprit that had woken *it* was."
Hrrg,,, I love it/its gods,,,,
"...*mesmerized by what he saw. And he stepped out into the waves, and followed the sweet sounds of the flute into the cool blue. And he thought of nothing but those slender fingers, and the rose-coloured eyes that seemed to contain the moon and stars on summer mornings.*"
Dunno if I want to interpret this in an aro or gay way. If a gay way, it's potentially really funny. Worst crush ever. Immediately drowned in a lake because of it.
(One sided, ofc. Tragic! You were accidentally so ethereal and mesmerising that the boy you wanted to interact with got a crush on you that Immediately killed him. Sad!)
"...it remembered in horror how once upon a time it had been chased into the lake by the townsfolk, *who could not understand it, and it could not understand them.*"
Damn epic autism moment,,,, everyone knows that epic autism moment when you are so thorourghly misunderstood by others, and how despite how much you struggle to, you cannot seem to understand them either,,,,
They shouldn't have been such an ass to the God.
"*And so the God left the child on the shore among the wildflowers, and it returned to its eternal sleep, to forget what it had done and forget once more about the world and its cruelty. But they say to this day, on moonlit nights, if you toss a pebble into the lake and find yourself followed home by a white animal, it is the God taking pleasure in seeing you.*"
Ah! Comment on this later!
Edit: It is later an I. Still cannot seem to find the words to convey what thoughts and memories this sparks in me. Oh well!
At least I know. Hope I don't forget though. At least I can say that this passage is significant to me!
""It is a sad story, isn't it?" Sarah tilted her head. "After all, the God was not evil, was it?
It was simply there. It could not know that the boy would die for trying to understand it."
"*Perhaps. Or perhaps* it knew, deep down. Perhaps it thought another ghost might save it from haunting itself.""
Damn, he really wants to play devil's advocate, huh?
"...[The Storyteller's] split lips drawn back in what was a smile that reminded me of a *snarling fox*."
Ah, I get it now! They *are* a fox! This is just like in dbttlor where a character is compared with a nonstandard but still familiar animal and it's like, wow! What a novel and therefore interesting and apt comparison! And then it turns out it wasn't just a random animal for sake of novelty, but it turns out they actually *are* that animal!
""Do me a favour. Don't tell Suzanne until it has happened. She is such a good girl, I'd hate to see her worry in my last moments."
I chewed my lip. Then I lowered my head. "*I promise.*""
DAMN. What a difficult position to be in. She deserves to know but why should Sarah (I think) make herself uncomfortable to be better for Suzanne? She's dying. It's all about her.
""Where are you traveling to?"
"Oh, well…" The Storyteller chuckled. "Nowhere, really. I just wanted to get around a bit. Not stay in one place for too long."
"But isn't that dangerous?", Sarah inquired.
"Dangerous?" They raised their eyebrows. "*Why…ohh, right.*"
*Monkey King voice* "Ohhh right. Mortality."
"*But there was no ghost. There never had been. There had only been love and what it had left behind.*"
YO. COOL ASS LINE. I like how it wasn't supernatural, and instead was just grief. More relatable.
Also reminds me of the "Wasn't actually supernatural but still equally or even more horrifying" trope, which I love.
Like the story of those kids camping around a river who hear the story of a ghost who'll drown you, and at night they hear someone stepping around their campsite, so they get scared. Then cops show up the next day saying someone was killed at another campsite nearby. So they're like "0_0 ...Were they ...*drowned*?".
And the cops are like "No they were shot." So they're like "Oh.", then "OH. A MURDERER WAS AT OUR CAMPSITE LAST NIGHT."
The scares feel more grounded that way, which is cool (not that I don't like supernatural scares as well, 'cus I definitely do).
""How come they left the house with all their belongings still in it? I have often asked myself that." I kicked a pebble out of the way.
The Storyteller sighed. "*Their only son drowned in the lake.*"
I wonder if this is the boy from that Gramma's story.
"I thought of the child that had drowned in these peaceful green waves. *Suddenly I no longer felt like going for a swim.*"
Lol number one "guy who is going to drown" thing to say. Also, that body was recovered. I'd be more disturbed by the two corpses that stayed down there.
""Was that a heron?", they inquired.
"Yes, a white one," I replied. "It flew across the lake. Looked quite majestic."
The Storyteller stopped dead in their tracks. "*We should go back.*""
Damn does the god just kill random people? It didn't strike me as a bad person.
"I tilted my head in confusion. "Why?"
*"Trust me." They chewed their lip. "It will rain soon."
When I looked up, the sky that had just been stark blue had turned ash grey.*"
HUH. WAIT. What is the extent of their power? After reading the book, they kinda seem like a normal guy but with immortality, the ability to turn into a fox, see out of their rings, and with knowledge about the God.
Like, they were clearly just saying this so they didn't have to say "Yeah that white heron was a god and I want you to stay away from it in case it kills you."
But it *did* rain. Can they predict the weather as well?? (Maybe that's not even a power. They've just been around so long they can tell what the weather will be.)
"Lightning made the *black lake* glint ominously in the distance"
Urgh,, I love lakes <3
"Gramma Margaret smiled with *stained teeth*"
OUGH. I love stained teeth! It's always so cool! Every character ever should have stained/yellowed teeth.
"Her teeth glinted in the flickering red light like *wet metal*."
Ooh, cool.
"*I woke up, suddenly. It was as if a heavy fog had been lifted from my mind.
It was cold. My neck hurt. My eyes were burning.*"
Damn. Moment when you exit hyperfocus and are suddenly hit with all the status conditions.
"*The Storyteller put a hand on their mouth and I felt strangely watched*"
Ah, because the ring on their hand, which they can see out of, would be facing towards him.
"*Sarah was lying at the bottom of the stairs, her hair a mess, sobbing.*"
Ooh! Just like at the beginning! Maybe this is what happened to her when she was old!
"Her skin was milky *white*"
"The deer flinched when the fox bit into its leg. *The smaller animal was whining and crying in pain, but persistent.*"
Does biting into it physically hurt them?
"*We do not want them to leave and it seems like, for the moment, they are content staying.*"
Aww, friends <3
"Rolling [the crane] over into the grave *pushed my heart inbetween my ribs, but I kept myself contained.*"
Ooh, what a neat phrase!
""Wouldn't that make a lovely story?"
"Of course it would, I just have to say, I am not particularly fond of the idea of being the protagonist in a ghost story""
Hehe, the fact that he agreed that that would be a lovely story...
Like, I thought he would go, "No! That is awfully morbid!", but no. He's like "Yes, that would be a very lovely and cool story. I would just not like to be in it."
I must say, I like this more. I'm gonna add interactions like that into my stories <3.
""No, I mean…it doesn't look alive. It's full of dirt and its feathers are falling out and it's viciously pecking at itself. It looks like it should never have come here in the first place."
The Storyteller tilted their head, but said nothing. *They probably thought I was losing my mind.*"
Oh no, my friend the Normal Person Storyteller is gonna think I'm a weirdo for thinking something supernatural happened! :(. They're just a normal human with no contact with that sort of stuff, so of course they wouldn't believe me :(.
"[Suzanne] sighed, glanced at me uneasily. "Will you wake me if anything new shall happen?"
"*Of course.*""
*Not saying Ignatius is horrible. This is a complicated situation, and I don’t know what the right choice is. But this is a horrible situation for Suzanne to find herself in.
"*Heavens, no. What on earth would she do with me? She's an angel, what am I? A milkman's son, who writes quite awful poetry in his free time. No, no, I think it is better for the both of us if I just continue to stare from a distance…and fall a little more in love with every passing day…"*"
Girlie, this is unfair to her! You are assuming how she feels and acting on that assumption. She should be able to come to her own decision regarding that (being in a relationship with you) with all the information in front of her.
For example, what if she liked you back? It's mean to assert that she simply cannot fall in love with certain people, when she has never said so herself!
Also, you're implying that she is quite shallow to not fall in love with common people just because they're not big fancy fraughts.
""*I'm quite sure she would not mind knowing about your feelings*""
This too! What's the harm? Even if she doesn't like you romantically, she clearly loves and/or cares about you. She would still love to be friends after. Nothing would change except that you respected her ability to come to a decision on her own, and that you gave it a shot. You would give her the info, instead of just assuming.
""*Perhaps not tonight*""
Pfft yeah. Don't confess when her mum's dying.
"*I hesitated, unsure what to say. Then I lowered my head.
"I should go back to reading that book."*"
"*His body…his body was like mine, but it was so beautiful*"
""*You don't even realize what you've summoned. Good Lord. You have doomed yourself, my friend.*""
Did they think he was in on the supernatural shit before this?
"*The Storyteller left silent as a ghost two nights ago. I woke twice during the night, once because I heard the door, once because a fox screamed outside, almost a sorrowful wail.*"
Aw man... The friends part :(.
"Sarah and I spent the day inside, with *her drawing*"
Ooh, I was wondering who was drawing those pictures!
""I started falling." Her voice was quiet and shaky. "I fell and fell, deep into a bottomless pit. *And then I woke up.*"" --
I wonder what it means that she dreamt this. Not as in the meaning of it, but as in, does that mean the god can make up dreams for you? And has the power of foresight? And can directly influence what you see/think? (Like straight up make it up fully. Instead of influencing one's thoughts to lean a certain way. It's instead the exact scenario, the exact wording.)
"*On the way I noticed that we had forgotten to bring our laundry inside and some of it had scattered across the yard. Too bad, but nothing terrible - we had all the time in the world to wash it again, after all.*"
Aw man. Not realising that this means that the dream was a premonition, and that they are in grave danger. "Oh well, we have all the time in the world to wash it." No you don't. This marks your end. Last night truly was a quiet end of the world.
"With a scream I ran back out of the barn, *leaving the deadman with my face inside.*"
OOH. Does he become a crane? When that person later says a strange looking Frankie hung out with the Storyteller, was that even Frankie? Or the crane?
"Diary entry of Sarah *Winston*"
Ah, so that’s what her last name was before she took on the name Carlyle! Sarah Carlyle, nee Winston.
"*Something has been wrong for a very long time.*"
And it's finally come to a head.
"*Bell Senior's old man says he was quite spooked by the change. Took a crucifix with him every time he delivered the milk. Just in case.*"
Dude, she's just some guy :/.
"*Avoided that blue house like the plague. You'd think he saw a ghost there.*"
Maybe Frankie didn't come back at all... Maybe it was Sarah...
But they look quite dissimilar! Did she straighten and dye her hair?
"*He had a disagreement with his mother and father one night, just a few days before Sarah passed, packed his things and left.*"
Okay so I'm almost certain that it was Sarah who came back, not Frankie. By this time it was already Sarah. Did she have a disagreement with Frankie's parents about pretending to be him?
"*For a while they thought it was his youthful stubbornness that kept him from returning.*"
But then why did they think this? Did they truly think she was Frankie? Or were they just saying that's what they thought in order to cover up Sarah's identity whenever somebody asked?
""...It was assumed that during his hot-headed travels, he had simply been robbed and murdered. An old woman was killed in the area just a month later, so it seemed reasonable."
"Oh, what a tragedy." I thought about the night Frankie had described in his diary, the night when he told the Storyteller about the beheaded old woman. *Gramma Margaret.*"
Is this the same Margaret that is Sarah's mother? I don't think so. Is this the same old woman who died a month after Sarah went missing (as Frankie)? I don’t think it is, since Gramma Margaret died *before* that happened.
"*I sat at the kitchen table, staring at the singular candle illuminating the house*"
Me fr. But also, just like the dream!
"*the Storyteller standing in the doorway*"
Just like the dream!
"*"I'll go get the spades if you want me to," the Storyteller said quietly.*"
Grrahhh!! He is the crane!!
I wonder if he will come back as a crane supernatural. I wonder if the zombie crane ever existed, or was just an illusion made by the god to foretell Frankie's death.
""Down by the lake." I glanced at the ground beneath me. "There is…there was a willow where we always used to sit and tell each other stories…most of them old stories by the *old blind woman* in whose house we lived. We would tell those stories, or spin new tales out of them, or dream how else they could have ended…the willow fell in the storm.""
Okay see, for a sec I wondered previously if the old woman was actually the Storyteller, and they were shapeshifted. But I was like, no. She's not blind (and her eyes were described as milky, not red. At least I think. But the woman on the book cover had red eyes).
But now I'm thinking it may be so? But I didn't know the storyteller could shapeshift into anything besides the human form we see them in and the fox one.
Or maybe it's like with the crocodile. Related to but not the same. Why would the Storyteller be beheaded?
"*"I am sorry," I whispered. "I was going to tell you, but your father made me promise not to say a word. He did not want you to worry."*"
Ah, there it is! Thank goodness she found out beforehand!
"*Suzanne laughed; it was a hollow laugh. "Did not want me to worry! He tumbled down the stairs with a sound as if the world was ending, broke almost every bone in his body and he does not want me to worry! Heavens-" She had begun to cry. "Oh doctor. How cruel can one be, for goodness' sake?"*"
"*Then, suddenly, Desmond reached for Suzanne's hand and began pleading with her. Her hazel eyes were haunted when she replied to whatever he had said, but he vigorously shook his head and smiled, tears running down his white cheeks.*"
Epic suicidal ideation/talking someone down from it moment (might not be what they're actually talking about).
"Arms tightly wrapped around each other [Suzanne and Desmond] stood there in the snow, almost becoming *one singular grotesque silhouette melted together.*"
Aro moment. The House Party moment.
"As I looked around the room that had been our bedroom I saw the jar with the two-headed crocodile standing on the windowsill and softly exhaled.
"Will you take it with you?", the Storyteller asked.
"Of course," I replied. It resides on the sill of my childhood bedroom now, the *pale skin* of the animal"
Okay, see. I was wondering how this was related to the god. When I first learned of the croc (from the snippet before the story was released) I thought this was the god, in a different form. But the croc is definitely dead, and I don’t think the god can be killed. Plus we see the god later, and the croc never disappears.
Then, I went, "wait! The croc was never actually described as white, so they're unrelated!" But now that is not so.
"*I walked across the damp brown leaves, grabbed the deer by its antlers and shook it until it stared right into my face with one eye from each head. It looked different from this perspective. Surprised…no. Scared.*"
Yeah! Kill that bitch, Sarah! Teach it what's what!
"*It did not always feel good, but damn it, it felt strong.*"
OUGHFF. Adding this one to the quotes pile!
cracked blue building
So it really is her house? I thought she was going to Frankie's house. So is she not impersonating him? But then, why did she take his name?
Maybe she is detransitioning to an old identity that was forced upon her, and not pretending to be Frankie. But since the name she took on was Frank, maybe she swapped deadnames with Frankie when they were choosing their names?
"*The deer is outside again and staring at me. I think it might be crying.*"
Ah. So that is why it is here tonight.
"*A fox is wailing out in the field.*"
I'm glad they are here during the last night of their friend.
"*I think it's quiet now.*"
And so she is dead. But how did the fall occur? Did she call the deer?
"Swiftly, I walked over to it and with hesitation and shaking fingers, reached beneath its shirt. Indeed, there was Sarah's *sweetwater pearl necklace*"
!!! She kept it...!!!
"*I realized in shock and horror that the man that had died under my roof was no man at all - it was Sarah I had been treating. All these years she had returned to hiding as what she had always been perceived as*."
That is oddly understanding of Ignat.
"What a strange feeling. I believe half of my soul was left back there by the lake, waiting for the other half still flickering in my heart to reunite with it."
Waah! She returns to Frankie and her life on the lake!!
"*How do you know that story?*"
"I don't want to tell stories. I don't want their lives to be laid out like they're some fascination. A [] for people to ogle at for a while. They were real people, more than some scary ghost. And they deserve privacy.
But. Their stories are being told anyway. I do not want to tell stories about them. But I have to correct them every time I hear them. Let them really be known. Adding to those tall tales."
"*Before you become a deathbed confession or someone else's ghost story*"
I like that he acknowledges that he has become wrapped up in this, and that because it would make such a good story, the person who he is writing this to and who is dear to him, Andrew, will most likely also be affected.
"*Author's* Note:
...The author vividly remembers the chill that ran down her spine whenever she saw this person in the now overgrown yard, smiling like a fox baring its teeth."
Is this Susan from the second book, "Susan's Hell Sprint"? (Sick ass name btw. Truly one of the titles of all time.)
I wanted to say that I really liked your book, and I can't wait to read the next one! ^_^
Ayyyyyyyyy amazing notes!!!! I had so much fun reading these!!!
Suzanne is actually trans! I tried to drop a couple subtle hints about it but nothing too obvious, such as the childless thing and the deep voice. Also, the moment Desmond and Suzanne talk outside she actually confesses this to him.
As for Sarah and Frankie, they traded names when they came out to each other, and when Sarah returned, she simply took on her old name.
The author isn't actually Susan, though that would've been cool. The author is some random teenager in the 2010s. Susan's Hell Sprint is set in the 1970s :).
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saltpeach · 2 years
Bring in Money From Home With Flowers
You might have always thought " wouldn't it be lovely to possess a flower shop" Well at one particular moment you would have been right. Once you moved beyond the underlying cost of opening up your retail florist you ought to have been ensured learn more a good outcome as long as you treated your customers right, conveyed wonderful item and essentially disapproved of your business.
Throughout the last 10 years or so however that has generally changed. I'm not 100 percent sure about your city yet I know in mine (which has a population of 450,000 and is very near a few other urban communities with similar populations) the quantity of block and mortar retail florist has diminished by to some extent half and the bigger companies halted their fast expansion some time prior.
It's a new day and age for florist because of numerous things. Never again people need to visit their local florist for fresh flowers, they can pick up a beautiful bouquet at the same cost I pay wholesale at their local Wal-Shop or supermarket. I really do genuinely wonder about the cost and quality of these flowers. Yet, to comprehend how the stores can do this is basic. Buying Power/Amount and of course their suppliers will deliver extraordinary item, they could never want to take a risk with that record!
Another reason of course is the web. If you do a quest for a local florist (which I did as of late and was stunned) you might think you are ordering from a florist that is another mother and pop store in the city you want to send flowers to, however most of the time the sites you pull up are actually made by "Order Gatherers" This is essentially a business that has set up sites to impersonate local florist. The only business they actually do is gather your order and afterward forward it on to a "Real Florist" The real florist will only receive the order if they are a member of one of the huge wire administrations, which some are beginning to see the light and escape thankfully.
What does this mean? The person that picks up the phone for your Auntie Betty's Flowers will keep 20% of the money for your order and usually receive a $4.00 discount from the wire administration that they are using. The wire administration will keep 7% of your money. What does the florist that takes care of your request get? They will pay .75 to receive your order over the wire administration framework, they will pay 35% to take care of your request and they will pay anywhere from $300 to $800 every month to be a member of this wire administration.
If you figure it out it's just horrendous. The person that took your $60.00 order will make $16.00 just for picking up the phone. The florist that actually accomplishes the work will make $21.45 for the order. So they would need to fill no less than 15 of these orders just to take care of the expense of being a member to the wire administration.
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Little Shop of Horrors Lyric Starters
(Feel free to change to fit your muse.)
“On the twenty-third day of the month of September, in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence.”
“this terrifying enemy surfaced, as such enemies often do, in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places.”
“What a creepy thing to be happening!”
“Stop right where you are. Don't you move a thing.”
“Best believe it something's come to get 'cha.”
“Alarm goes off at seven.”
“Then you go downtown.”
“Uptown you cater to a million jerks.”
“The bosses take your money and they break your hearts.”
“Your morning's tribulation, afternoon's a curse and five o'clock is even worse.”
“Poor! All my life I've always been poor.”
“I keep asking God what I'm for, and he tells me "Gee, I'm not sure.”
“Oh, I started life as an orphan, a child of the street.”
“Someone show me a way to get outta here.”
“Please, won't somebody say I'll get outta here.”
“Someone gimme my shot or I'll rot here.”
“I was walkin' in the wholesale flower district that day I passed by this place where this old man-he sometimes sells me weird and exotic cuttings.”
“He knows, you see, that strange plants are my hobby.”
“Suddenly, and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun.”
“And when the light came back this weird plant was just sitting there.”
“You've given me nothing but heartache and hurt.”
“I'm beggin' you sweetly. I'm down on my knees.”
“What do you want from me- Blood?”
“Looks like you're not happy, 'less I open a vein.”
“I know (Name’s) the greatest.”
“I'm dating a semi-sadist.”
“So I've got a black eye and my arm's in a cast.”
“Well, if not, he's got inner beauty.”
“I dream of a place where we could be together at last…”
“I cook like Betty Crocker and I look like Donna Reed.”
“There's plastic on the furniture to keep it neat and clean.”
“A picture out of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.”
“I dream we'll go somewhere that's green.”
“When I was younger, just a bad little kid my mama noticed funny things I did.”
“My boy, I think someday you'll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay.”
“You have a talent for causing things pain!”
“Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood and teaching would suit you still less.
“Son, be a dentist, you'll be a success!”
“Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade?”
“And though it may cause my patients distress, somewhere in heaven above me, I know that my mama's proud of me.”
“Feed me!”
“Would you like a Cadillac car?”
“Would you like to be a big wheel, dinin' out for every meal?”
“I'm the one that can make it all real!
“You gonna git it!”
“I'm your genie, I'm your friend! I'm your willin' slave...”
“I don't know…I have so... so many strong... reservations…”
“Should I go... and perform... mutilations?”
“If you wanna be profound...If you really gotta justify...take a breath and look around... A lot of folks deserve to die...”
“The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
“He's so nasty treatin' her rough!”
“You need blood and he's got more than enough!”
“He's got your number now.”
“You've got no place to hide, you've got nowhere to run…”
“I think it's suppertime.”
“Come on, come on, think about all those offers.”
“Ain't no time to turn squeamish.”
“Lift up your head. Wash off your mascara,here, take my Kleenex, wipe that lipstick away.”
“I know things were bad, but now they're okay.”
“Nobody ever treated me kindly.”
“Daddy left early…Mama was poor.”
“I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly. He'd snap his fingers, me, I'd say "sure."”
“Tell me this feelin'll last till forever…”
“Please understand that it's still strange and frightening.”
“Suddenly (Name) is standin' beside me.”
“(Name), so finally we meet you!”
“You're gonna host it, you lucky kid, sign.”
“Yes darling, we're sending photographers Thursday, so get the plant ready and wear a clean shirt.”
“They say the meek shall inherit.”
“It's not a question of merit.”
“You’re a meek little guy.”
“You know the meek are gonna get what's comin' to 'em by and by.”
“My future's starting, I've got to let it.”
“I take these offers, that means more killing! Who knew success would come with messy, nasty strings?”
“I sign these contracts, that means I'm willing to keep on doing bloody, awful, evil things.”
“No! No! There's only so far you can bend!”
“No! No! This nightmare must come to an end!”
“It's the only solution. It can't be avoided. The vegetable must be destroyed.”
“But then there's (Name), lovely (Name)…”
“Without my plant, she might not love me anymore.”
“Better wait a minute! Ya better hold the phone!”
“Better mind your manners! Better change your tone!”
“Don't you threaten me, son!”
“We gonna do things my way or we won't do things at all!”
“Ya don't know what you're messin' with. You got no idea.”
“Ya don't know what you're up against, no, no way, no how!”
“I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad.”
“You've got me fightin' mad!”
“You think he's the worst, well, you're thinkin' wrong.”
“He got a temper, ha! He ain't got mine.”
“I'm from past the stars and beyond the moon.”
“You can keep The Thing, keep The It,keep The Creature, they don't mean shit.”
“I got the stuff and I think that proves, you better move it out.”
“I'm gonna bust your balls.”
“It's all over, ace.”
“Subsequent to the events you have just witnessed, similar events in cities across America, events which bore a striking resemblance, to the ones you have just seen began occurring.”
“Unsuspecting jerks from Maine to California made the acquaintance of a new breed of flytrap and got sweet-talked into feeding it blood.”
“Thus the plants worked their terrible will...”
“And the plants proceeded to grow and grow, and begin what they came here to do. Which was essentially to eat Cleveland and Des Moines and Peoria and New York… and this theater!”
“They may offer you fortune and fame, love and money and instant acclaim. But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants!”
“Look out! Here comes (Name)!”
“Here I come for you!”
“Hold your hat and hang on to your soul!”
“Something's coming to eat the world whole!”
“If we fight it we've still got a chance!”
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kirraklein · 2 years
Bring in Money From Home With Flowers
You might have always thought " wouldn't it be lovely to possess a flower shop" Well at one particular moment you would have been right. Once you moved beyond the underlying cost of opening up your retail florist you ought to have been read more here ensured a good outcome as long as you treated your customers right, conveyed wonderful item and essentially disapproved of your business.
Throughout the last 10 years or so however that has generally changed. I'm not 100 percent sure about your city yet I know in mine (which has a population of 450,000 and is very near a few other urban communities with similar populations) the quantity of block and mortar retail florist has diminished by to some extent half and the bigger companies halted their fast expansion some time prior.
It's a new day and age for florist because of numerous things. Never again people need to visit their local florist for fresh flowers, they can pick up a beautiful bouquet at the same cost I pay wholesale at their local Wal-Shop or supermarket. I really do genuinely wonder about the cost and quality of these flowers. Yet, to comprehend how the stores can do this is basic. Buying Power/Amount and of course their suppliers will deliver extraordinary item, they could never want to take a risk with that record!
Another reason of course is the web. If you do a quest for a local florist (which I did as of late and was stunned) you might think you are ordering from a florist that is another mother and pop store in the city you want to send flowers to, however most of the time the sites you pull up are actually made by "Order Gatherers" This is essentially a business that has set up sites to impersonate local florist. The only business they actually do is gather your order and afterward forward it on to a "Real Florist" The real florist will only receive the order if they are a member of one of the huge wire administrations, which some are beginning to see the light and escape thankfully.
What does this mean? The person that picks up the phone for your Auntie Betty's Flowers will keep 20% of the money for your order and usually receive a $4.00 discount from the wire administration that they are using. The wire administration will keep 7% of your money. What does the florist that takes care of your request get? They will pay .75 to receive your order over the wire administration framework, they will pay 35% to take care of your request and they will pay anywhere from $300 to $800 every month to be a member of this wire administration.
If you figure it out it's just horrendous. The person that took your $60.00 order will make $16.00 just for picking up the phone. The florist that actually accomplishes the work will make $21.45 for the order. So they would need to fill no less than 15 of these orders just to take care of the expense of being a member to the wire administration.
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flowerbazaaar · 1 year
How to Use Fresh Flowers in Cake Decorating?
Here is some incredible information: using real flowers as cake style doesn't need proficient level expertise. Truth be told, new sprouts can be way simpler than tinkering with the sugar-based assortment. The fresh flower bulk suppliers provide amazing and beautiful flowers that can be used in cakes and other food products.
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Before you begin managing stems or eating on petal scraps, however, there are a couple of contemplations to remember.
1. Do a Safety Check
This part's quite serious: a few flowers are normally poisonous whenever consumed, and others are hurtful because they've been splashed with pesticides. One way or the other, they truly ought not to be cosied up in your icing. While dealing with exotic cut flower bulk suppliers learn about the safety of the flower that you choose.
Consumable flowers incorporate roses, gardenia, pansies, violets and dandelions, among others. Assuming you love the vibe of a bloom that isn't consumable, you might in any case have the option to utilize it on your cake if you whisk it away before serving.
Undoubtedly, converse with a decent flower vendor — ideally one who routinely manages cake stylistic layout — about your choices, and observe some fundamental well-being rules to get everything rolling.
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2. Keep Them Fresh
You believe should give your best to broaden the existence of your sprouts, particularly if you're buying them a couple of days before they're going on your cake. To handle your flowers after getting them from a real flower wholesaler, strip the stem of all flowers or plants.
Then dunk the whole bloom (stem and all) into a vinegar and water arrangement — this kills all microscopic organisms on the plant so it'll live longer. Trim the stem and dunk the end into Fast Plunge to hydrate the flowers. Then store them in a container with water until they're prepared to utilize.
3. Account for the Conditions
Contemplate when and where this cake will be served, and pick your flowers to coordinate. Regardless of how lovely those lilacs are, for instance, they won't hold up long on a sweltering summer day. Good mums, nonetheless, are not difficult to continue to look new.
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4. Deal with the Stems
You could simply stick the flower stems directly into the cake, yet that won't keep your sprouts or cake the freshest they can be. Wholesale imported flowers offer a variety of flowers that are amazing in looks.
All things being equal, embed them into individual bloom holders, or utilize an item like Clever Edibles Security Seal to cover stems in a food-safe wax.
5. Play with Designs
Online you will get a wide range of designs that you can create. Bring your artist out and design the cake the way you want. Use flowers provided by bulk imported flowers and make fun cake designs.
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Sourcing Flowers
With regards to obtaining your flowers, you have a couple of choices: Going to a flower specialist, visiting a nearby bloom market or requesting on the web. Buy imported flowers from reliable suppliers with better services and quality.
Going out to a neighbourhood flower market is an incredible choice since it makes for a great journey, yet the producers will want to address the circumstances under which the flowers were developed, and numerous little tasks limit or don't utilize pesticides.
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prasad213 · 3 days
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Artificial flowers for home decor
We offer a wide range of artificial plants and flowers for home decor to bring a touch of nature into your home. If you don’t like to maintain and care for real flowers, then artificial ones are the best solution. We have crafted them to create an aura of oasis in your house. We have added a splash of beautiful colors to make them more beauty-worthy and elegant. You can brighten up your living room with these serene textures of nature, but artificial, and impress your guests. Our artificial plants and flowers for home decor in Canada are available for bulk and individual orders.
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dekorrind · 28 days
What Makes Vertical Grass a Trendy Choice for Urban Spaces?
Because it can maximize small spaces while enhancing aesthetics, vertical grass is becoming more and more popular in urban areas. Green walls can be built thanks to this creative concept, which enhances biodiversity and improves air quality. The integration of vertical grass provides urban residents with a natural element amidst their concrete surrounds, so fostering a sense of calm and well-being. These installations are useful and environmentally beneficial since they also minimize noise pollution and offer insulation. Vertical grass is an outstanding option for creating lush, colorful landscapes in urban settings since of its low maintenance requirements and range of design possibilities.
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Vertical Gardens: A Better Way to Enhance Urban Spaces In urban landscaping, vertical gardens have increased popularity as a way to turn drab walls into verdant areas. In addition to being appealingly pleasing, these gardens also act as insulation and enhance air quality. Connecting a vertical garden is a great way to generate a beautiful spot for rest and rejuvenation although making the most of the limited space in cities. Why Vertical Gardens Are Appealing Vertical gardens are adaptable and suitable for a range of environments, including business buildings and residential balconies. A range of plants that support biodiversity, such as flowering species and greenery, can be used to create them. Additionally, by reducing heat, these gardens assist to cut down on energy expenditures related to cooling. Investigating Options for Artificial Grass The flooring option is just as crucial when thinking about installing a vertical garden. In metropolitan areas, artificial grass is a great substitute for real grass that is also more affordable. It's important to investigate your options because the Artificial Grass Price per Square Foot varies depending on its type and quality. Artificial grass is reasonably priced per square foot in cities like Artificial Grass in Bangalore and artificial plants chennai, giving companies and households year-round access to a verdant setting without the effort of upkeep.
Expense Factors for Synthetic Grass Planning any landscaping project requires an understanding of the cost of fake grass. The total cost will depend on various factors, including the type of grass, installation costs, and extra accessories. A clearer picture of the required expenditure is often given by the Artificial Grass Price per Sq Ft India. Getting estimates from several providers is a good idea in order to compare prices. Examining Your Decking Options Wooden deck tiles are a sophisticated option for outdoor areas, in addition to vertical gardens and artificial grass. They create a cozy, welcoming ambiance and are a stunning addition to vertical gardens. Patios and balconies may become breathtaking getaways when hardwood deck tiles and artificial grass are combined.
As an Alternative, Artificial PlantsArtificial plants are a great substitute for persons who want greenery but don't have the time for upkeep. Several options available replicate the beauty of natural flora in the Artificial Plants Wholesale Market in Delhi. These plants are ideal for vertical wall planters since they provide elegance without requiring much maintenance.
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Finding the Ideal Summer Wedding Guest Dress
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We've all been there – that moment when you open your closet and realize you have nothing suitable to wear for a summer wedding. The struggle to find a dress that’s both elegant and comfortable in the heat is real. And when the wedding is an upscale event, the stakes are even higher.
Even if you're not a close family member and just a friend, dressing appropriately and stylishly shows your appreciation for the couple's special day. Here's a guide to choosing a premium summer wedding guest dress that exudes elegance and sophistication, ensuring you look heirloom-worthy.
Types of Weddings That Call for Premium Dresses
Different types of summer weddings call for various dress styles. A beach wedding demands light, airy fabrics that move with the breeze, while a garden wedding is perfect for floral prints and pastel colors.
An urban wedding, often more formal, allows for bolder choices with elegant silhouettes and striking details. Regardless of the setting, opting for a premium dress guarantees you'll stand out beautifully in the wedding photos.
Even Friends Need to Dress Up
Attending a summer wedding as a guest, even if you’re not family, calls for a dress that reflects the special nature of the event. Friends play an important role in the celebration, and dressing the part not only shows respect for the couple but also allows you to immerse yourself fully in the festive atmosphere. A beautifully crafted summer wedding guest dress ensures you look and feel your best, creating lasting memories and making a stylish statement.
Colors and Styles to Consider
Selecting the right color and style for your summer wedding guest dress can enhance your experience and ensure you stand out in the crowd. Here are some top choices for this season:
A Strapless Tea-Length Gown in Sage
This color is serene and sophisticated, perfect for a garden or outdoor wedding. An elegant strapless gown in this soft hue will give you a classic, wedding-bell-perfect look amidst the lush greenery of an outdoor garden wedding.
A Blush A-Line Cocktail Dress with Floral Applique
Blush is a romantic and flattering color that complements all skin tones. An A-line cocktail dress adorned with delicate floral appliques creates a dreamy, whimsical look.
A Blue English Garden Tea Gown
For those who love a touch of fantasy, a blue English garden tea gown with floral prints can be a captivating choice. Imagine a summer wedding, surrounded by blooming flowers, and this blue English garden-inspired gown becomes the perfect match - a stunning choice for a bright, cheerful ceremony.
A Lavender Rhinestone Cocktail Dress with Detachable Bow
Lavender exudes a sense of calm and refinement. A rhinestone cocktail dress in this hue, featuring a detachable bow, adds a hint of sparkle and playfulness to your outfit.
A Yellow Sunshine Corset Tea Length Dress
Summer weddings call out for a dash of sunshine, and yellow is the perfect hue to spread joy and warmth on the big day. A corset tea-length dress in this vibrant hue radiates warmth and joy.
Making a Lasting Impression
Choosing a premium summer wedding guest dress from Andrea & Leo Couture guarantees that you'll not only look exquisite but also feel a sense of luxury and craftsmanship in every stitch. Indulge in the elegance and craftsmanship of their designs, and step into the celebration with confidence and grace.
For more information about Evening Gowns and Party Dresses Wholesale please visit:- Andrea & Leo Couture
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silkysmooth456 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Flowers: Discover, Choose, and Buy
In today’s fast-paced world, artificial flowers have become a staple in both home decor and commercial settings. The convenience and enduring beauty of artificial plants make them a popular choice for those looking to enhance their environment with minimal maintenance. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of artificial wholesale flowers, delve into the availability of artificial flowers in South Africa, and provide insights on how to find the best artificial flowers for sale through artificial flowers online shopping.
Why Choose Artificial Flowers?
Artificial flowers offer a myriad of benefits over their natural counterparts. Understanding these advantages can help you make an informed decision about incorporating them into your space.
1. Longevity and Durability
One of the primary advantages of artificial plants is their longevity. Unlike real flowers that wither and die, artificial flowers maintain their vibrant appearance for years. This durability makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run, as they do not require regular replacement.
2. Low Maintenance
Artificial flowers require minimal care compared to live plants. They do not need watering, sunlight, or special soil conditions. This low maintenance makes them ideal for busy individuals or those who may not have a green thumb.
3. Consistent Beauty
With artificial flowers, you can enjoy consistent beauty and color throughout the year. They are unaffected by seasonal changes or environmental conditions, ensuring that your space always looks fresh and vibrant.
Exploring Artificial Wholesale Flowers
When searching for artificial wholesale flowers, there are several factors to consider to ensure you get the best value for your money.
1. Quality of Materials
The quality of materials used in artificial wholesale flowers can vary. Premium artificial flowers are made from high-quality silk or polyester, which closely mimics the look and feel of real flowers. Be sure to check the material specifications to ensure durability and realism.
2. Variety and Selection
Wholesale suppliers often offer a wide range of artificial flowers in various styles, colors, and sizes. This variety allows you to find the perfect flowers to match your decor or event theme. Whether you need elegant roses or vibrant sunflowers, wholesale options provide extensive choices.
3. Pricing and Bulk Orders
Purchasing artificial wholesale flowers in bulk can lead to significant savings. Compare prices from different suppliers and consider the benefits of buying in larger quantities. Bulk orders can be particularly advantageous for events, businesses, or large-scale decorations.
Artificial Flowers in South Africa
For those based in South Africa, finding artificial flowers South Africa is essential for local accessibility and support. Here’s what to consider when looking for artificial flowers in this region:
1. Local Suppliers and Retailers
South Africa has numerous local suppliers and retailers specializing in artificial flowers. Exploring local options can help you find products that meet regional preferences and trends. Additionally, supporting local businesses contributes to the local economy.
2. Regional Trends and Preferences
Artificial flowers in South Africa may reflect regional design trends and cultural preferences. For example, vibrant, tropical flowers might be more popular in certain areas. Understanding local trends can help you select flowers that resonate with the regional aesthetic.
3. Availability and Delivery
Check the availability of artificial flowers in South Africa from local suppliers and their delivery options. Reliable delivery services ensure that your order arrives on time and in good condition, which is crucial for events or business needs.
Finding Artificial Flowers for Sale
When looking for artificial flowers for sale, consider these key factors to make a smart purchase:
1. Product Range
The range of products available for sale can greatly influence your choice. From classic floral arrangements to modern, abstract designs, finding a diverse selection ensures that you can find the perfect match for your needs.
2. Price Comparisons
Compare prices of artificial flowers for sale across different retailers. While cost is important, also consider the quality of the flowers and any additional services offered, such as customization or bulk discounts.
3. Customer Reviews
Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and service of the seller. Look for reviews that mention the accuracy of product descriptions, the condition of the flowers upon arrival, and overall customer satisfaction.
The Convenience of Artificial Flowers Online Shopping
Artificial flowers online shopping has revolutionized the way we purchase decorative items. Here’s why shopping for artificial flowers online is beneficial:
1. Extensive Selection
Online platforms offer a vast selection of artificial flowers from various sellers. This extensive range allows you to browse through countless options and find exactly what you’re looking for, without being limited by local store inventories.
2. Easy Comparison
Artificial flowers online shopping makes it easy to compare products, prices, and reviews. With just a few clicks, you can gather information from multiple sources and make an informed decision.
3. Convenient Delivery
Ordering artificial flowers online ensures that your products are delivered directly to your doorstep. This convenience saves time and effort, making it easy to receive your purchases without leaving your home.
Tips for Successful Online Flower Shopping
To make the most of your artificial flowers online shopping experience, keep these tips in mind:
1. Check Product Descriptions
Carefully review product descriptions and images to ensure that the artificial flowers meet your expectations. Look for details about size, material, and color to avoid any surprises upon delivery.
2. Verify Seller Reputation
Choose reputable sellers with positive reviews and reliable customer service. A trusted seller is more likely to provide high-quality products and address any issues promptly.
3. Understand Return Policies
Familiarize yourself with the return policies of the online retailer. Knowing the procedures for returns or exchanges helps ensure that you can address any problems with your order.
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