#Really fucking lobg post
stray-gwynn · 5 months
I vanished fir a while because I was spending all my time slowly making things lol.
Everything under the cut because there's A LOT of images.
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Like this corset, which is made out of cotton with leather panels on the outside, because I didn't want visible boning channels. I used the cotton layers to fit and adjust the fit, but I kinda forgot to mentally remove the seam allowance on the bottom, so I made it accommodate hips that don't actually start yet. I also didn't really want waist reduction so I just made it to fit me as is, though I can probably tighten the laces if I want to.
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This is a book purse made from a thrifted book. Who knew that if you put things on fabric, it bulges? Imagine that. So yeah, rip my fancy folding pleats to mimic pages. I just ended up running a thread through thr inside bits of the pleats to keep them together. Lost some functionality, gained aesthetic?
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Some relatively quick and easy projects to really live my asventuring elf fantasy. Iput some change in the coinpouch and my meds in the beltbag, gotta be prepared, you know? xD
The elf ears I've had for years, but I psinted ttem with acrylic paint because they discoloured over time. I also added a bunch of cheap but cute earrings - I thought it'd be hard, got my awl out and everything, but I could just stick the earrings through. Easy!
I'm quite pleased with the finished look:
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hello i am crawling into your inbox on all fours. whats the new lore. hows mars. whats goin on there. 🤲
HIIIIII thank u for asking oh my god :'3
backstory for the whole thing is that i've had two story ideas in my head that i rotated for a lobg while until tow hyperfixation appeared in june last year and i have barely given any thoughts to them
NOW for a while i've been, like, working more on toby's backstory and all and done some worldbuilding and started having thoughts abt pulling him out of being a video game oc and instead keep him as an original oc. which in turn led me to have some thoughts about the original stories. what i decided is to ditch the plots, combine the stories into one and throw toby & co. in there HEHE
Now what's happening in the story itself: basically Earth has been terraforming and colonizing planets for a while, and only after a while went "oh wait we also have Mars over there". So they go there like 100 years before the story plot starts and terraform it and it kinda starts to have it's own thriving colony & people are happy. Then Earth gets bored and kinda leaves it to be on its own (which Mars is kinda happy about honestly, Earth directives were starting to get annoying).
Meanwhile Toby's (and others') backstory stays the same (though some details r changed, like corporations and projects, how Earth works and all), and so kinda does the reason for Tobias to leave Earth. The managers of the project he was working in as a lead chemist were doing some fucked up unethical shit and he tried to whistleblow them and almost ended up getting killed by the lead guy of the project for that. The corporation the project was part of wasn't really pleased w it but decided to deal with the lead guy instead and leave Toby alone (partly bc Klara has a very high rank in their intercorporational relations + Toby has some friends in internal affairs).
At the same time Klara got an offer to move to Mars bc their corporation's daughter company is having some problems she would deal with very well, and while Toby didn't really like the idea at the beginning, they did realize that it would also be a good way for him to "start a new chapter" (and also get away from ppl who really don't like him). Plus it's said that Mars is really doing better than Earth in some way.
And so they decide to go there. Yay 🤍
EXCEPT THAT IT IS NOT DOING BETTER SJFKKFSHFJJFJX Mars is in fact, kinda fucked up in a way that it's very divided, kinda dangerous and has a shitty government that only cares about money. Plus there's some rebels who want to get rid of their current government. But hey at least there's a gian ocean on the north side of Mars! woter
When they arrive there their transport gets ambushed by said rebels and they, for some reason, take Klara w them. Toby tries to start a fight and is left on that spot until found by local government officials. They kinda know why he & Klara arrived here and r thus somewhat nice with him, BUT since the corporation Klara is working for is kinda against the local government, they aren't That Nice. When he asks them to help him out get Klara back they laugh at his face and go "lol get a job and calm down."
And so he decides to do it all by himself (+ teams up with some other people). And so the story begins!*
and that's all i've figured out so far properly
ANYWAY!!!! i am soooo excited about this one oughhhhhh thank you for asking <3333 i think i'll post the more official writing things on my writeblr once i sort it out, but mostly i'll also talk about it here and post art here or on my art blog TEEHEE <3
*meanwhile klara is having a surprisingly ok time btw. the rebels apparently wanted her to do smth they need her skills for and she is treated sooo well. much better than at her own job <3
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galaxysplove · 1 month
Hi, I was gonna ask this on your hp blog but you don't have asks on over there.
But I wondering what you think of people who write hp fanfics, make art for it, ect despite J.K's views.
I personally think that they should be allowed to make their art, essentially if they been working on it for a lobg time, and I was wondering if you feel the same or not?
Sorry if this bothers or makes you uncomfortable.
Hey anon don't worry this doesn't bother me or make me uncomfortable but it does give me a reason to give my point of view.
So in my opinion people should be able to post whatever content on the hp series and the marauders because so long as they dont personally agree with what jkr is saying then its okay and she's not making any money off lf it anyways and its kind of like a massive fuck you to this high up TERF when we make all her characters gay and sometimes trans and sometimes by using these books to make fics that will inevitably be seen by young people possibly still questioning their sexuality or gender and might teach them of a different sexuality or gender that they didn't know of and maybe help show them what living as these genders or sexualities daily will be like i know this because i was a very sheltered child before i read the sp series and reading about Never and the way they live definitely helped me in trying to figure out my gender (which is still an ongoing battle) rather than just relying on google to help me
I think ive gone off of topic so ill get back to the question that i personally think that people should be able to make art and fics and things for their favourite characters so long as JKR doesnt profit from it as ita not their fault thay the author is a complete and utter bitch
Also sorry for the complete lack of punctuation its really not my strong point lol
And sorry for this taking me so long i have been MIA when it comes to making my own posts that arent incorrect quotes lol
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my-chemcial-romance · 6 years
Majima may be my little baby boy at times but I'd absolutely die for Kiryu in a heartbeat
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