#Rebecca Warren
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Women in Supernatural ◦ 1×06 ◦ Skin
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justmoreocs-writing · 3 months
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‘Never?’ Randall asked, glancing up from his organisation of the balls and piercing Becca with his gaze.
‘Why is that so weird? Isn’t it a bar game?’
Randall shook his head in bemusement before moving the triangle. ‘But you’ve been at college for months now.’
With an exasperated sigh, Randall marched around the pool table and offered her the cue.
‘Dangerous,’ she sing-songed, gently plucking it from him.
‘Oh no, I’m showing you how to do it,’ he said, a smirk on his lips that made her heart race. And he knew it, which she kind of hated.
‘Left-handed,’ she reminded him before he could position either of them.
Randall blinked at her a couple of times in quick succession. ‘Fine. OK. Right.’
‘Make it harder?’ she asked innocently.
‘Na,’ he said nonchalantly. ‘Just gotta flip everything.’
‘Uh-huh,’ she hummed, watching as he struggled to mirror his earlier grip on the cue. His trick shot practice was what had brought the whole conversation to life, so technically it was entirely his fault.
‘Just… Give me a few minutes.’
‘I’m gonna make some drinks,’ she said, smirking as she went. Perhaps learning to play pool was going to be more amusing than she’d initially thought.
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PLEASE stop writing sam’s stanford friends as normies… they were friends w/ SAM of all people brady, luis, jess, zak, rebecca and anyone else we don’t know about were all just a bunch of fucking weirdos who loved sam winchester!!!!!
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abwwia · 1 year
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‘Girl 38’ by Rebecca Warren | © Stapletongrey / WikiCommons
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justmoreocs-edits · 8 months
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Verstehen Story Introduction
Abby always thought her life was planned out. She’d made the decision to go to University, and hoped that she’d get out of there with at least one prospective job. Her mother being the head of the local Order was only a footnote in her plans. Especially with the distance between them on occasion. What Abby could never have expected was the arrival of two new students causing havoc, not only for the Order, but for the Knights of Christopher. But keeping secrets is something she’s used to, so keeping Becca away from the supernatural should be easy, right?
Becca had always done everything with her best friend Jack, and going to University was no exception to that. However, barely a day into their arrival there and Becca can tell that he’s trying to hide something from her. Something big. What she uncovers is so far from what she’d expected, something that puts not only her best friend’s life into a tailspin, but also hers. As dangers mount, Becca is determined to prove to those around her that she can protect herself, even in the strangest of circumstances, and that pushing her away really isn’t going to work.
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spiderliliez · 4 months
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THIS SCENE 💔 Based on the non-fiction book by Rebecca Godfrey UNDER THE BRIDGE (2024)
[+] LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 [+] ..more on “Under the Bridge” 🎬 It was sad seeing them fighting, but watching this scene brought clarity to Rebecca’s perspective. It wasn’t because she saw her brother in Warren—she was Warren. Reflecting on it, how difficult it is when we snap, our ill feelings just take over, and the events that come after that. Did she cause her brother’s death? Whatever is… it must’ve always felt for her, like she did.
Rest in Peace: 🕊️ Rebecca Godfrey, Reena Virk, Jonathan Godfrey
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piqtescue · 4 months
If your watching "Under The Bridge" or planning to, here's a PSA from someone born & raised in that city. Oh, and Kelly's personal info and location bc she deserves absolutely no peace✨😊
((if you dont know this series, or who im talking about, I swear to god I do not do reveal personal information lightly and take revealing someone else's very seriously- but Kelly is a cold blooded psychopath and I urge you to google what she did))
I couldn't believe it when I heard the worst crime that has ever happened in my city was going to be made into a fucking hulu drama... I used to be so intrigued by true crime renditions, but this has made me rethink it all. The murder of Reena is something that makes us as locals sick to our stomachs, is still a very open wound to our city and her family and every day so many of us are forced to drive over the Craigflower Bridge, the place where she was brutally murdered. She was 14.
I never plan to watch "Under The Bridge" on Hulu as I really don't need it replayed back to me in a miniseries, but just need to give some PSA's here + gonna give you some recent photos of Kelly/Kerry and her location because she doesn't deserve the luxury of people forgetting what she fucking did:
To start, I'm not throwing shade to anyone watching the show- I know this doesn't affect everyone the same. Just want to make sure this bitch's face & the real story is plastered in your mind so you can publicly shame her if you wish, and realize this isn't just a miniseries- this actually happened.
Though the author who wrote the book this was based on was in search for their "humanity"- there is zilch in that sector for Kelly Ellard. None. See, Kelly was a teen when she lead the brutal murder of Reena and you might be pointing "upbringing and trauma/mental health" to blame- but don't even go there for a second. Warren is 100% holding the same sin for what they did but displayed actual guilt and talked to her parents. He knows what he did wrong and will live for it the rest of his life.
Kelly, a privileged psychopath from birth, is a disgusting, soulless slime who deserves nothing but to suffer for the rest of her days. Go read up on her parole hearings and realize in no way is she remorseful and in no way does she deserve to walk free or be a mother. She doesn't deserve to fucking breathe. Though if you read her most recent parole hearing, you will hear her speak of this series being "disrespectful to Reena's family": I want you to know she has finally learned to say what they want her to say after all these years; she doesn't give any fucks about Reena's family, all she cares about is leaving the past behind her but jokes on her- she will never get that luxury because we as residents won't let her.
✨Here's her new name/photos/insta account/location, ect✨
-She goes by Kerry Marie Sim now
✨Photos of what she looks like presently: here, and here and here.
✨Instagram: kehrisima007
Fun fact! In the second link I provided, she uses the hashtag "legally kidnapping our children" in relation to the Ministry of Child and Family Development's (canadian version of DCFS) involvement in her life. That was posted in 2021. Her day parole was then continued in 2022 & 2024, and it's unknown if she still lives with her children, but lets hope to god not.
Going by this article, she might be serving her sentence in the Fraser Valley Institution for Women, or might just have had her parole hearings there. But apart from the prison she's in, she is most definitely doing her day parole in the lower mainland of BC, from the looks of her instagram she hangs around Surrey and Langley.
To end this PSA, if you ever do visit our city and are intrigued by this case as a true crime story enthusiast, I urge you to not come to the Gorge where Reena lost her life at in interest/excitement, but come with the intention of paying your respects and give a thought on just how far teen bullying can go, and how you yourself can advocate for it not to get to that point. Whether it be awareness, talking to your kids about speaking up or advocating for public discussion.
And if Kerry ever sees this: we will never let you have peace. You get no peace for your acts, and we will never. fucking. forget.
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warningsine · 4 months
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scenic-route33 · 4 months
Hey Aubrey wanna tell us what you mean by "a lot going on"? Wanna tell us why you're only telling Warren specific details? Wanna tell us more about those residents Warren mentioned??
Ok so. So.
We know Aubrey kidnapped Malcom and has him at Red Valley currently (eps 2x02 and 3x05):
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So we know for certain that Aubrey, Hester, Grace, and Malcom are at Red Valley right now.
But who's cryonest was also blown up in 2064 with 3 convenient survivors? Clive, Pam, and Rebecca's.
Some more fun quotes (WYWH 2 and ep 2x08):
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Aubrey appears to be coming full circle, she has the guy who started it all, and she's gonna be the one to end it. So what does that say about who else she might have here, that she doesn't want Warren knowing about?
I'm betting that, if none of them have died since waking up in 2064, Clive, Pam, and Rebecca are either at Red Valley or travelling to it. But if Aubrey wants to go properly full circle, she's also gonna try to get Bryony there (again, if she hasn't died in the last 44 years, we know nothing about what she's been doing). Obviously telling Warren about this would be a bad idea, so that's why he's on an info diet until they feel he's ready to hear it
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my notebook if i was rebecca:
slept with cam. got high and thought of cam. thinking of cam. cam smiled at me today. i can’t sleep — i miss cam.
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junee-e · 10 months
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fishyyyyy99 · 4 months
I just watched episode 7 of Under the Bridge and was so disgusted when Rebecca said that everyone loves Warren! Honestly, this episode almost made me cry at one point - just the extent to which Rebecca kept defending him and romanticizing him. It makes me sick that some people actually did that in real life (read that the real Rebecca wasn't like that though). But I'm glad that episode 7 made it very clear that she was acting ridiculous. I can't tell if she's changed her mind or not, though.
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justmoreocs-writing · 5 months
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There were certain universals truths that Becca knew would shake her world if they seemed to alter. One, was that Jack Morton was her best friend. Another was that any positive talk of bunnies would bring a smile to her face. Another was that Randall Carpio didn’t get angry. Mockingly irritable, vaguely annoyed, but angry? Never.
However she knew her eyes weren’t deceiving her. He paced the length of the coffee table, looking decidedly away from her.
‘What were you thinking?’ he asked, a barely restrained anger in his voice that made part of Becca want to bury her head beneath a blanket. To avoid this confrontation simply because that’s what it was.
‘Somebody needed to do something,’ she offered softly.
‘Not you,’ he snapped, finally looking at her.
Becca felt the tears burning up her throat; she could see them threatening to blur her vision. Not simply because of his tone, because the hurt she inferred from those simple words. It was the fear she caught in his eyes. The fear that had been entirely her fault.
‘I couldn’t do nothing,’ she whispered, hearing the crack in her voice as she looked away.
Randall heaved a breath, but Becca forced her eyes to remain on her hands as she played with the cuffs of her cardigan.
She heard him moving, but focused on trying to swallow the tears before they could escape her. For once, she refused to let her emotions dictate her reaction.
Randall appeared before her, crouched to be in her eye line. There was such affection in his eyes that almost undid her.
‘We almost lost you,’ he said softly.
‘But you didn’t,’ she reminded him, blinking the first traitorous tear free.
Gently, Randall brushed the tear away, held his hand there, ready to wipe away any more.
‘And you didn’t lose us,’ he said. Becca let out a wet chuckle before she lent forwards. Randall obviously sensed the desperation in her need for a hug, moving to gather her in his arms before she could collapse to the floor with him.
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pictures that are always on my mind <3
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someotherdog · 9 months
character: warren open: f/nb plot: warren used to be an emo poet back in high school which earned him a lot of bullying and teasing back in the day. your muse was especially vicious back then. years later, warren has returned to his hometown for the holidays and steals away to the local pub, only to have his former bully approach him. it's up to you whether your muse is apologetic or still hates him, but either way warren is a simp and she could walk him like a dog if she wanted. somewhat dr*moine based, though the roles are reversed. this post was made using beta editor, please do not reblog it in legacy as i no longer have access to it!
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warren tried not to go back home if he could help it. though he loved his mothers, he could barely stand to be in the same room as his twin sister for more than a few hours, and everything in his childhood home reminded him of how miserable he was all his life. the bullying he endured in school had lasting effects on him, making him into a shy poet a few months from finally graduating college. his last ever winter break, warren felt the need to go home for the holidays, aided by his mom’s guilting and the idea that it was the final break he’d have as a student. soon, he was going to be an actual adult with a degree and not an idea of what to do with his life. now stuck in the limbo between christmas and new years, he felt suffocated by his mothers’ hovering and his twin sister’s bickering, which led to him entering the local bar for the first time ever. sitting at the bar for almost an hour now, he had been nursing a glass of whiskey that he didn’t actually want just so he’d have something to do with his hands. almost ready to give up and go home, he felt the presence of someone on his side. just about to greet them, the words died in his throat when he looked and saw just who it was: his greatest tormentor in high school. warren grabbed for his drink, immediately tossing back half of it. he was going to need courage in order to speak to them. “h–hey. hi.” maybe if he was lucky, they wouldn’t recognize him. he hoped they didn't, and if they did, they didn't still see him as some lanky loser.
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justmoreocs-edits · 1 year
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Verstehen Perspective Character Introduction: Becca
Name: Rebecca Juliette Warren
Nickname(s): Becca / Bunny
Birthday: 26th of July
Age: 18 years old
Height: 168cm / 5’6’’
Dominant Hand: Left
Occupation: College Student
Species: Human
Faceclaim is Ana de Armas
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