#Becca Warren
justmoreocs-writing · 3 months
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‘Never?’ Randall asked, glancing up from his organisation of the balls and piercing Becca with his gaze.
‘Why is that so weird? Isn’t it a bar game?’
Randall shook his head in bemusement before moving the triangle. ‘But you’ve been at college for months now.’
With an exasperated sigh, Randall marched around the pool table and offered her the cue.
‘Dangerous,’ she sing-songed, gently plucking it from him.
‘Oh no, I’m showing you how to do it,’ he said, a smirk on his lips that made her heart race. And he knew it, which she kind of hated.
‘Left-handed,’ she reminded him before he could position either of them.
Randall blinked at her a couple of times in quick succession. ‘Fine. OK. Right.’
‘Make it harder?’ she asked innocently.
‘Na,’ he said nonchalantly. ‘Just gotta flip everything.’
‘Uh-huh,’ she hummed, watching as he struggled to mirror his earlier grip on the cue. His trick shot practice was what had brought the whole conversation to life, so technically it was entirely his fault.
‘Just… Give me a few minutes.’
‘I’m gonna make some drinks,’ she said, smirking as she went. Perhaps learning to play pool was going to be more amusing than she’d initially thought.
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justmoreocs-edits · 8 months
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Verstehen Story Introduction
Abby always thought her life was planned out. She’d made the decision to go to University, and hoped that she’d get out of there with at least one prospective job. Her mother being the head of the local Order was only a footnote in her plans. Especially with the distance between them on occasion. What Abby could never have expected was the arrival of two new students causing havoc, not only for the Order, but for the Knights of Christopher. But keeping secrets is something she’s used to, so keeping Becca away from the supernatural should be easy, right?
Becca had always done everything with her best friend Jack, and going to University was no exception to that. However, barely a day into their arrival there and Becca can tell that he’s trying to hide something from her. Something big. What she uncovers is so far from what she’d expected, something that puts not only her best friend’s life into a tailspin, but also hers. As dangers mount, Becca is determined to prove to those around her that she can protect herself, even in the strangest of circumstances, and that pushing her away really isn’t going to work.
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They'll be back to this house, it's just a matter of time
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finalacts · 4 months
the way under the bridge has becca see herself in the teens of seven oaks, particularly josephine and warren, when in actuality she has much more in common with kelly (background-wise, at least), coupled with her anti-police beliefs vs cam being a first nations cop + the historical & institutional baggage that carries, is so interesting to me. not fully sure how to articulate this yet but the show is putting forth a specific form of (anti-institution yet still benefiting from/privileged ?) whiteness i don't think i've ever seen in media and is really a testament to the thought that the writers have put into in creating becca and cam's characters and the larger paradigms they're meant to portray
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bonkobarnes · 4 months
You know, even after this episode and that fight I still believe that is not over for Becca and Cam, I mean, they have so so much history and I think that even if Cam feels used and Becca was a bit of mental I believe that they’ll find a common ground to make peace, still not believing in the traditional happy ending tho but I believe that we’ll see more about Becca’s guilt over Gabe and Cam understanding that.
They needed to fight, we knew that. They probably need to fight a lot. But what I think was important about the specific nature of this fight was it forces the both of them to reevaluate what they stand for.
Rebecca is overly empathetic towards Warren, but i think it’s going to make Cam reevaluate her position in the justice system. Just as Rebecca has deluded herself that Warren made a simple mistake, Cam is deluded by the idea justice is black and white. She is going to question who she is helping and if she is really helping at all. She is going to put into question if she was actually being helped as a child.
Rebecca is going to have to decide if Warren is really deserving of her empathy, or if he just became a place holder for Gabe. It is easier for her to project her guilt than to sit and process it. She also needs to figure out the real reason she came back to Victoria. She has convinced herself it was for her book. But the truth lies somewhere between Cam and Gabe.
So I agree, I don’t think this is the end for them. They are integral to each others journeys. Going forward their relationship will look a lot different. However if they give each other the chance to talk, the grievances become reconcilable. How much of this we will see I’m not sure
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swiftlyqueer · 4 months
Lily and Riley both delivered award worthy performances indeed tonight. Tonight’s episode of ‘Under The Bridge’ was hard because there’s so many layers to it.
Becca sees Gabe in Warren and she thinks she can fix him and by doing so it would take the pain/guilt she’s left with over Gabe’s death and how she blames herself.
Cam views things differently because she’s sees herself in Reena. The comments about her own background, her brother/dad both being ignorant about the overall situation doesn’t help.
I think it was important to see Cam draw a line with Becca as I even think Becca will come to realize that she was indeed wrong in trying to defend and protect Warren… I hope she can come to terms with her issues about Gabe’s death in the next episodes.
Another layer to the overall storyline that pains me a bit , while watching the show is thinking that Riley (who lost her own brother in real life) channels some of that emotion into her acting as well.
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everysongieverwrote · 4 months
As a WOC and a writer, this episode hit hard.
Because when Cam said, "For me this is fucking terrifying." I felt that, because I've been there before. And I also understand her "You're seeing this as a story" angle. Because, yeah, I can see why she would think that and a big part of Becca kinda is seeing it as a story, whether she realizes it or not.
But I can also see where Becca is coming from when it comes to Warren, she sees both her and her brother in him. She sees Gabe in Warren, and she also sees her past mistakes, guilt, and self-loathing in him too. And while Warren is not 100% guilty, he's also not 100% innocent either. And he's very aware of that.
Once again, Black & White vs Shades of Gray, and characters being aware of their mistakes. Something that this show does beautifully.
Cam and Dusty broke my heart in this episode. And Jo said a million things without even opening her mouth. Seriously, the acting in this show.
And the Virks! 💔😭
I love how Suman immediately knew. Also, I love the fact that pretty much all the WOC in this show are not being fooled by Kelly. Dusty, Cam, Suman & Samara, they immediately knew with just one look. Also, Izzy G is amazing, I hope she keeps acting after this because she's honestly unbelievable (all the kids are, tbh).
There's so many more thoughts and feelings that I need to get out after this episode but I need to organize them better first. All in all, such an amazing episode!
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bentlands · 4 months
My heart hurt so much watching the Cam x Becca scene. The intimacy of it was so deliberate in the set up--like you could feel how much they needed to be close to each other and talk gently to each other! But THEN the conversation they had--the way Cam kept looking away because it was all so painful. MY HEART 💔
i really think rebecca needs cams forgiveness to move on from gabe's death even though i don't think cam really holds her responsible, at least, not anymore but rebecca keeps engaging in self destructive behaviors/behaviors that cam is uncomfortable with (i.e befriending warren, writing the book even) and it makes it even harder for cam, but at the same time cam doesn't want to lose her and it's clear that rebecca grew up thinking cam hung the moon and stars and that feeling never really went away. i hope they have a thousand heart to hearts at two am when neither of them can sleep and they sort out ALL their feelings... thats all i want
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logophile-18 · 10 months
If you live in the USA.
North Carolina - Alma Adams, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nydia Velazquez, Valerie Foushee
New York - Jamaal Bowman
Missouri - Cori Bush, Emanuel Cleaver
Indiana- André Carson
Texas - Greg Casar, Joaquin Castro, Veronica Escobar, Al Green, Lloyd Doggett
Florida - Maxwell Alejandro Frost
Illinois - Jesús "Chuy" Garcia, Johnathon Jackson, Delia Ramirez, Jan Schakowsky, Lauren Underwood, Sen. Richard Dubin
Washington - Pramila Jayapal
California - Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, Mark DeSaulnier, John Garamendi, Robert Garcia, Sara Jacobs, Jared Huffman, Judy Chu, Ro Khanna, Tony Cárdenas
Pennsylvania - Summer Lee, Mary Gay Scanlan
Minnesota - Ilhan Omar, Betty McCollum, Dean Phillips
Massachusetts - Ayanna Pressley, James McGovern, Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Michigan - Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Dingell, Daniel Kildee
New Jersey - Bonnie Watson Coleman, Donald Payne Jr.
Wisconsin - Mark Pocan
Maryland - Kewisi Fume, Jamie Raskin
Virginia - Donald Beyer, Jennifer Weston
Arizona- Raul Grijalva
Georgia- Henry "Hank" Johnson, Nike Williams, Sanford Bishop Jr.
Vermont - Becca Balint, Sen. Peter Welch
New Mexico - Gabe Vasquez
Louisiana - Troy Carter
Mississippi - Bennie Thompson
Alabama - Terri Sewell
Colorado - Diana DeGette
Oregon - Sen. Jeffery Merkley
This is a list of all the senators and represenatives (61 as of December 7th) that have voted against Biden's campaign of giving the Israeli people more weapons to fight innocent Palestinians.
A big old thank you for these sensible people, doing what they can. A ceasefire is the bare minimum.
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justmoreocs-writing · 5 months
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There were certain universals truths that Becca knew would shake her world if they seemed to alter. One, was that Jack Morton was her best friend. Another was that any positive talk of bunnies would bring a smile to her face. Another was that Randall Carpio didn’t get angry. Mockingly irritable, vaguely annoyed, but angry? Never.
However she knew her eyes weren’t deceiving her. He paced the length of the coffee table, looking decidedly away from her.
‘What were you thinking?’ he asked, a barely restrained anger in his voice that made part of Becca want to bury her head beneath a blanket. To avoid this confrontation simply because that’s what it was.
‘Somebody needed to do something,’ she offered softly.
‘Not you,’ he snapped, finally looking at her.
Becca felt the tears burning up her throat; she could see them threatening to blur her vision. Not simply because of his tone, because the hurt she inferred from those simple words. It was the fear she caught in his eyes. The fear that had been entirely her fault.
‘I couldn’t do nothing,’ she whispered, hearing the crack in her voice as she looked away.
Randall heaved a breath, but Becca forced her eyes to remain on her hands as she played with the cuffs of her cardigan.
She heard him moving, but focused on trying to swallow the tears before they could escape her. For once, she refused to let her emotions dictate her reaction.
Randall appeared before her, crouched to be in her eye line. There was such affection in his eyes that almost undid her.
‘We almost lost you,’ he said softly.
‘But you didn’t,’ she reminded him, blinking the first traitorous tear free.
Gently, Randall brushed the tear away, held his hand there, ready to wipe away any more.
‘And you didn’t lose us,’ he said. Becca let out a wet chuckle before she lent forwards. Randall obviously sensed the desperation in her need for a hug, moving to gather her in his arms before she could collapse to the floor with him.
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justmoreocs-edits · 1 year
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Verstehen Perspective Character Introduction: Becca
Name: Rebecca Juliette Warren
Nickname(s): Becca / Bunny
Birthday: 26th of July
Age: 18 years old
Height: 168cm / 5’6’’
Dominant Hand: Left
Occupation: College Student
Species: Human
Faceclaim is Ana de Armas
Character Tag
Story Tag
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idgiejr · 4 months
There were at least 4 months between Reena's death (which show-wise was very close to when Becca arrived) and the START of Warren's trial. Depending on how long Warren's trial went on--and then Kelly's, she could have been in town for 6 months or more.
At least 6 months is what I was thinking too.
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anandabrat · 5 months
Ok what are your thoughts on what the new ep reveals for us, and what might we see next time?
Okay so I like everyone else am abuzz thinking about this last episode and what's going on between Becca and Cam but, to be the biggest surprise (and subsequent brain rot) was something Becca says while she's on her trip with Warren G. She reveals to him that she was thirteen when Gabe died. Thirteen!
I had definitely been assuming she was older and her grief right after he died was what drove her from the island. And it's possible she did leave right after he died... at thirteen... but I don't think Becca and Cam are 23 or 24, right?
Which means she was hanging around that island for a good couple of years *after* he died. I think this makes a lot of things she says make a lot of sense in a completely different way. She tells the Seven Oaks girls oh yeah, I was a really bad kid... and maybe she isn't just trying to get in with them. Maybe she did have a really rough go of it, and she hung out with the kids at Seven Oaks of her day a lot. (She has more in common with Kelly than anybody else, if this is true.)
Her exact words to Cam in the bar, responding to Cam telling her she fell off the face of the earth are, "I was a kid and I was going through a lot when Gabe died, and you shouldn't have had to take care of me or give anything up." It's easy to read that as Gabe having just died, but man, you don't get over something like that right away. That takes years and years, if ever.
Then Cam says, "Yeah well, I didn't give anything up." And Becca just replies sorry.
My thought here is that Becca did get into a lot of trouble as a teen, trouble she mostly got away with, until she couldn't anymore, and Cam was going to end up taking the blame for it, and Becca left instead. Maybe Cam felt like she didn't have as much to lose as Becca did. Becca wasn't willing to let Cam throw away her own future so she left, and now, here we are...
I'd love to know what everyone else thinks about this, it's been pretty much all I've been thinking about today!
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anonil88 · 4 months
Epidode 7 was probably my favorite episode of Under the Bridge. Felt like we finally got to the thick center of this chowder before I start to skim the fat.
The fat: I get the sympathy "look at how these two characters relate and reflect" angle but the writers have shoved so many different dates and non irl instances into the same day it feels like time isn't passing the way it was before. Certain scenes i felt like someone was yelling out "okay and then next." Those and the odd likely time constraint fictional case changes aside i did enjoy a lot about this episode.
The stock; Its hard challenging your sense of justice in our society when you're not used to it and that is possibly easier when real life people are made fictional characters or more increasingly divorced from their real counterparts. It is difficult to rewire a brain that has already been wired via religion or socialization for crime = all good all bad human. But, thank God life is not so simple there's a lot of gray. As we the viewers reach closer and closer to the finale and trial more has been changed from the real reena virk case. Writers made certain changes in the beginning that now when any of the kids on trial say "we didn't know anything about her" it asks the viewer to think back to the first 4 episodes**. Does anyone here really know who Reena is? They know she was murdered, they are finding out how, but what about this girl. She is a vehicle for their ambitions, guilt, and anger but beyond that who really has found out about Reena or hell any of these kids. Cam? Us the audience? Rebecca? Very clearly not Rebecca (character) even though she has so much in common with Reena as well as Warren. But, she can identify herself with the boy because of their mistakes and race. Becca cannot see why Cam doesn't relate to Warren* despite their similarities because she doesn't understand why Cam doesn't sympathize with her.
That quote about Reena being seen as an animal and weaker than Warren sits in my head a little. Based on another tumblr users post this may have actually been said in court not to Rebecca directly, which was a good change for tv imo. But, it made me think of Warren in his drunken angry state went to his "primal human urge" to hurt something weaker or ignore rather than help. As did every other kid who was a bystander that night but they aren't seen as animals in the same way Reena was up until people saw she was in fact dead. Even now in death she is dehumanized and animalized on the internet because of one bad school picture day. A day we all have tried and failed to get the perfect photo. Still, the most animalistic rabid like behavior is coddled because of privilege. One thing the writers have not held back on us how much they personally do not like Kelly Ellard and offer her 0 remorse that she was given as a child. I dont feel bad for character or real life Kelly but I firmly believe she was failed because of her privilege long before she killed Reena Virk.
One thing i loved about this episode is that I felt Rebecca Godfrey (the writer) all over this episode and in Riley's portrayl. Especially when the character says "I will make sure they know your heart." I think that's what she set out to do with her book and by extension allowing this show, she wanted people to know who these humans are at their very human center. Complicit and redeemable? Complicit and capable? And she felt bad about what tragically happened. I hope wherever she is, if she believed in that sort of thing, that she is proud of her story.
* I think and that moment of his verdict in court shows Cam does care about Warren, Rebecca, and extension all of these kids. This is her home, no matter how small these writers have shrunk its vastness. She sees these kids as versions of her, Gabe, and Rebecca but she is a cop and she does have some standard to uphold. Even though her career and who it represents, her dad & brother her family, is starting to show themselves to be harder to stick by. Similar to Josephine and that false sense of family with CMC disintegrating. Will Cam even go ahead to Vancouver for her job by the end of this?
** Which is quite different from the real life accounts where genuinely it seems those kids and the main group imvolved did not know Reena outside from her extreme antics, the lesser teen cruelty one, and her face.
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finalacts · 4 months
Your thoughts on ep 7 give me life! I get that Becca is making frustrating decisions for some viewers--but I think you hit the nail on the head! All of the characters are treated with such care, but Rebecca is consistently a favorite of mine. She's so messy. She's so human--and she's trying to find meaning and sift through these tortured voices because she hears herself in them. The show has set up very clear parallels, and Riley Keough's portrayal has added so much to that! This version of Rebecca Godfrey is so haunted by her past "mistake" and they made that so clear via her conversation with Warren about wishing she could drown sometimes too and those small moments in the bath. I remember reading an early interview with Quinn Shepherd talking about conversations she had with the real Rebecca Godfrey as they were shaping the character, and she mentioned how glad the real Rebecca was that the character would sometimes be an anti-hero. As a narrative tool, the story really needed that, to have her stand as a foil to Cam and what she stands for. God, Just, the conversations this show is trying to have. About Manipulation. Violence--communal and interpersonal. About justice--whether or not it's attainable, how it can look so different. About truth and stories and the media and the audience and how they keep getting tangled up and fundamentally change each other--
Sorry, I just love this show so much and appreciate your insight so much!!!
hi thank you for this!!! yes, becca as the show's anti hero is so apt and i love the juxtaposition between her and cam as well--i think, at their core, they want the same things, they're just completely missing each other on a few key points and that tension is wonderful to watch unfold. i love that the show operates in a grey area because it allows for nuanced discussion of things like policing and justice. like, becca is 100% right in her belief that the system will always work in favor of the most privileged but cam is also 100% right that we should first and foremost center victims in our critique of the criminal justice system! they're both sooo right now if they would just sit down and finally talk to each other......
also to your last point about the show also being about truth and media and audiences--100%!!! becca coming in as a journalist/writer, supposed discoverer of truth (in opposition to cam, the police, who is supposed to be the gatekeeper) but then it's revealed that her book is actually entirely biased by her own perspective/experiences thus complicating what objectivity and truth and journalism even are? the entire character of rebecca godfrey being an in-show critique of the true crime genre overall? as a j-school dropout this is very delicious to me. this show is so smart i love talking about it thank you for sending this ask!!!
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everysongieverwrote · 4 months
Okay, okay. So, I know the show wants us to think of Becca -> Gabe -> Warren but there's also some Cam -> Gabe -> Warren connections/parallels. Here are some of them (imo):
Cam and Gabe were planning to go to the dance together but Gabe wasn't able to make it (+ Becca kinda having a hand in it)
Samara and Warren were planning to go to the dance together but Warren wasn't able to truly make it (+ Becca also kinda being the reason why)
Teen Cam looking for Gabe in the 80s + Cop Cam looking for Warren in the 90s (+ Becca kinda getting in the way in both occasions)
The last time Cam saw Gabe alive, he was wearing the suit. The same suit Warren was wearing when Cam arrested him. Y'know, the same suit Gabe was planning on wearing to take Cam to the dance. The same suit Warren is wearing as Cam takes him away from the dance.
Cam staying back and waiting to arrest Warren until he and Samara say goodbye to each other because she never got to truly say goodbye to Gabe and she probably still remembers how that felt.
Still trying to process this episode. Random thoughts keep coming all the time.
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