#Rebekah Paltrow Neumann
imbradpitt · 1 year
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anne Hathaway as Rebekah Paltrow Neumann in WeCrashed
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WeWork    [trailer]
An account of the six-week death spiral that brought down the company's IPO, a behind-the-scenes look at WeWork's frat-boy culture.
It seems like I have a very different kind of understanding of what "charisma" is. Or maybe it doesn't come across on TV. But for me Neumann was just talking the same gibberish bullshit all day long. It would've been very difficult for me to take him seriously and not to laugh at him. And it felt that no point he has ever even remotely had something like a business plan.
Looking back it really was more of a cult. His constant focus on how he looks on camera is a big giveaway.
The connection with Gyneth Paltrow has to be mentioned. And, to a lesser degree, Ashton Kutcher.
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heavybreathingswift · 2 years
Okay, I’m only 5 mins into WeCrashed and Anne Hathaway’s voice and mannerisms are SPOT ON. 😂😂😂 this is gonna be so entertaining
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leepunzel · 2 years
I started watching "WeCrashed", and episode two proved two things as an actress I take to heart.
1. Comparing yourself to others is a TRAP.
This show is about Rebekah Neumann, who is cousin to Gwyneth Paltrow. Rebekah also wanted to be an actress, didn't work in CA, tries to resume it in NY...but can't escape people asking her about her famous cousin. Part of why she failed is because of the trap. (Ironically, Gwynnie's parents didn't want her to be an actress in the first place from their experience.)
I try not to do that because it gets me down about how I'm struggling. I think it's best to focus on your own journey.
2. Make the journey manageable.
The reason Rebekah quits for good is the dismal reception of a production of "Three Sisters" she puts on with a director of a TV show she worked with. In the space below where WeWork was. And she was playing a dead body. The whole show is about the Neumanns thinking big and in turn, failing.
I try to think about my ability. When I got back in,I was surprised with a speaking role. I worked my way up to leading roles. I still feel that I don't want something big seeing how hard it's been the last few years. I'm trying to thing of what is ahead, not far off. I know my next audition is with a theater I never auditioned for before, and even if it is a show I've always wanted to be in, I don't think I'd feel bad if I didn't get in. This time, I know I'm not beholden to try to change someone's mind. But I really do think I want to figure out if there is a problem seeing as another theater keeps wanting to avoid that subject.
I think for all I've gone through, I would rather avoid mistakes.
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Antes de entrar en materia, unos breves apuntes: la plataforma de streaming ofrecerá el 18 de marzo los tres primeros episodios a sus suscriptores y, a partir de ese momento, los dosificará a razón de uno nuevo cada viernes hasta completar la emisión el próximo 22 de abril. Los episodios rondan la hora de duración y, eso sí, dan pocos respiros.
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¿De qué trata WeCrashed? La realidad supera la ficción en ciertas ocasiones, como la que nos ocupa. A pesar de lo histriónicos que pueden llegar a resultar los protagonistas de esta historia, y de que la serie añade a la ecuación una buena dosis de humor sin la cual podría resultar durísima, está basada en hechos reales.
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El protagonista es Adam Neumann, un joven israelí que consiguió, con la ayuda de su pareja Rebekah Paltrow (prima de la famosa Gwyneth Paltrow), erigir un imperio de la nada. Él venía de gestionar varios negocios ruinosos como los tacones plegables o los bodys de bebés con rodilleras para ayudarles a gatear, pero siempre le rondaba una idea mucho más grande y prometedora.
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WeWork sería su materialización: fue lo que se conoce en el mundo empresarial como un "unicornio", es decir, una compañía de capital privado cuya valoración se dispara antes de cotizar en bolsa.
Pasó de ser un espacio de coworking a una marca global con un valor que superaba los 47 millones de dólares en menos de diez años. Sin embargo, solo hizo falta uno para que pinchara y su valor se desplomara.
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La serie retrata el fulgurante ascenso de la startup, asentada en el amor incondicional que se profesaba la pareja fundadora de la firma y el apoyo mutuo que les llevó a creerse sus propias mentiras.
Adam y Rebekah gestionaban la compañía como si fuera un campamento juvenil asentado en las bases de la Nueva Era: su comunidad tenía charlas motivacionales, retiros espirituales y toda una filosofía de vida cuyo fin último era ni más ni menos que cambiar el mundo... se entiende que para mejor.
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Vista con frialdad, esta historia sería la fábula perfecta de nuestro tiempo: pone de manifiesto la fragilidad del sistema financiero, la ambición megalómana de líderes carismáticos que consideran que pueden verdaderamente marcar un antes y un después y la facilidad con la que se desinflan las grandes burbujas que se crean en torno a expectativas vacías.
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Al final lo que se pone de manifiesto es que frente al tan cacareado "nosotros" lo que hay es un descomunal "yo": tras las comunas, los manoseados mensajes sacados de libros de baratillo de autoayuda y los himnos, hay una avaricia y un egoísmo sideral... Será por eso que Rebekah le decía a Adam que era "una supernova". No debió calibrar su potencial destructivo al estallar...
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En resumidas cuentas y sin ahondar más en el desarrollo de la serie para no reventaros ninguna sorpresa en el caso de que no estéis familiarizados con este reciente episodio de crash financiero, “WeCrashed” merece vuestro tiempo.
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LO MEJOR: La calidad del reparto con el binomio formado por Hathaway y Leto como eje central: se complementan a la perfección.
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The real Neumanns
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collapsedsquid · 5 years
Some came to wonder if Mr. Neumann had been wise to share, during a 2017 speech at Baruch College, a story from his first date with Rebekah. “She looked me straight in the eye and she said, ‘You, my friend, are full of” crap, Mr. Neumann recalled. “‘She then said, ‘Every single word that comes out of your mouth is fake.’”
For those who were intoxicated by this pitch, Mr. Neumann added a hefty dose of self-help spirituality that he picked up from his wife, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, a cousin to the Goop founder Gwyneth Paltrow, and a certified Jivamukti yogi. “My intention was never to find a way to make the most money,” Ms. Neumann said last year. “My intention when I met him was just, ‘How do we expand this good vibration to the planet?’”
True love
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tcpang · 2 years
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Apple TV+ 劇集 - wecrashed
Adam Neumann,共享辦公室企業WeWork 創辦人,Rebekah Victoria Paltrow,啟發Adam嘅muse亦都係佢太太,電視劇講嘅係由佢哋創辦嘅初創公司點樣成為過百億美金市值嘅獨角獸,最後佢哋竟然俾人踢返落嚟,亦都係哩對神鵰俠女嘅愛情故事。
兩位主角由Jared Leto和Anne Hathaway出演,除咗演技好看外,整體節奏拿捏得好,令人覺得兩個演員就係真身,當然原裝Adam較為陽光,亦都因為咁,投資者被佢舞得氹氹轉。
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reportwire · 2 years
WeCrashed: Inside Rebekah Neumann and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Relationship
WeCrashed: Inside Rebekah Neumann and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Relationship
This post contains mild spoilers for WeCrashed. The G-word gets dropped about 20 minutes into the first episode of WeCrashed,  which debuted Friday. “I’m a serious vegan—I write a column for my cousin Gwyneth’s wellness blog,” Rebekah Paltrow Neumann (played by Anne Hathaway) tells Adam Neumann (Jared Leto) on their first date. “Gwyneth…as in Paltrow?” he asks. Rebekah defensively replies, “She’s…
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guncelkal · 2 years
WeCrashed: Inside Rebekah Neumann and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Relationship
WeCrashed: Inside Rebekah Neumann and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Relationship
In the series, Rebekah is positioned as living in her famous first cousin’s shadow. But what ties did Gwyneth actually have to WeWork?
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eneeews · 2 years
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"WeCrashed": Yes, Rebekah Neumann Is Really Cousins With Gwyneth Paltrow https://ift.tt/m2Qr9Ut
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iamdanw · 6 years
Rebekah, who is also WeWork’s chief brand officer and the cousin of Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow, begins to cry. Pointing to her husband’s sister Adi in the front row, she declares: “I’m so grateful you took care of Adam.” She also thanks Adi for helping pay Adam’s rent when he first moved to the US and – between the tears – adds: “You helped him create the biggest family in the world. A big part of being a woman is to help men [like Adam] manifest their calling in life.” Neumann laps up the praise, promising: “In five years, WeWork will be the new norm for education. There are 150 million orphans in the world, but we want to solve this problem and give them a new family: the WeWork family.”
The cult of WeWork
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wasaninsee · 3 years
WeWork’s Rebekah Neumann Is Still By Adam Neumann’s Side
Behind every great man is a great woman pulling the strings, so the saying goes. And behind Adam Neumann, the cofounder of WeWork, is his wife, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann — who became increasingly involved in the company over the years, to the point that she was eventually named as a third cofounder. She, her husband Adam, and the catastrophic collapse of their company WeWork are the subjects of Hulu’s latest documentary, WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn. But after the company’s highly-publicized implosion, where is Rebekah Neumann now?  แจกสูตรโกงบาคาร่า
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workmoneyfun · 4 years
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Her Search For Enlightenment Fueled WeWork's Collapse | When Rebekah Paltrow showed up at Dechen Thurman’s 8 a.m. meditation class for the first time, Thurman saw someone a lot like himself. Her last name advertised shared lineage with an ultrafamous blonde movie star. She’d been born into enormous…... https://www.bustle.com/p/rebekah-neumanns-search-for-enlightenment-fueled-weworks-collapse-22581874
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Ex-WeWork CEO Adam Neumann Selling NYC Penthouse for $37.5M
Michael Kovac/Getty Images for WeWork
Adam Neumann, former CEO of the shared workspace business WeWork, has placed his three-level penthouse in Manhattan on the market for $37.5 million, according to Mansion Global. 
That’s a $2 million price jump from his $35 million outlay when he purchased multiple units in the building at the end of 2017, the Real Deal reported at the time. 
Neumann, 41, scored a total of four units in the Irving Place building from 1920. He then combined two of the upper-floor units into a three-level spread, and reserved the bottom-floor space as a guest or staff quarters. That 1,234-square-foot duplex on the ground floor is also included in the sale. 
This real estate spending spree occurred while the Israeli-born entrepreneur was a high-flying CEO with billionaire status at WeWork. After a failed initial public offering, Neumann was forced to resign his position. Now, he’s hoping to pass on his Gramercy Park pad. 
Spiral staircase
Luxury bath
The top three floors have been “masterfully combined” into the penthouse residence, and “reimagined” by architect Pietro Cicognani, with interiors by Windsor Smith.
The six-bedroom, 5.5-bathroom spread incorporates 7,880-square feet connected by a spiral staircase, and features ornate chandeliers, crown moldings, and herringbone floors. 
Located in the Gramercy Park Historic District, the white-glove building includes door attendants, an elevator, and only six residences.
The businessman co-founded WeWork in 2010, and served as CEO from 2010 to 2019. He and his wife, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, also a WeWork co-founder (and Gwyneth Paltrow’s first cousin), have spent a reported total of $90 million on their real estate portfolio. Along with the Gramercy Park condos, they reportedly own homes in Westchester County, the Hamptons, and a mansion in the Bay Area. 
Nick Gavin with Compass holds the listing.
The post Ex-WeWork CEO Adam Neumann Selling NYC Penthouse for $37.5M appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/adam-neumann-selling-nyc-penthouse/
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Adam Neumann: Từ kẻ "hám gái" đến "ông trùm" không gian làm việc cộng đồng WeWork 47 tỷ USD
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://cuocsongso24h.com/adam-neumann-tu-ke-ham-gai-den-ong-trum-khong-gian-lam-viec-cong-dong-wework-47-ty-usd/
Adam Neumann: Từ kẻ "hám gái" đến "ông trùm" không gian làm việc cộng đồng WeWork 47 tỷ USD
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Adam Neumann
Ông đã đi hành trình dài từ căn phòng bé như bao diêm tại New York cho đến thành công ngày nay. WeWork được định giá 47 tỷ USD và có tiềm năng trở thành startup giá trị nhất “lên sàn” sau Uber.
Neumann sinh tại Israel năm 1979. Cha mẹ ông ly hôn năm ông 7 tuổi và ông di chuyển rất nhiều cùng với mẹ của mình. Năm 22 tuổi, ông đã sống tại 13 ngôi nhà khác nhau. Khi còn nhỏ, ông học ở trường gần dải Gaza, còn mẹ làm bác sỹ tại một bệnh viện gần đó. Ông mắc chứng khó đọc nghiêm trọng, đến lớp ba vẫn không thể đọc hay viết.
Giống với mọi công dân Israel khác, Neumann phục vụ trong quân đội nước này sau khi học xong trung học. Ông phục vụ trong hải quân 5 năm dù chỉ cần 3 năm. Ông từng chia sẻ đây chính là nơi ông quen biết nhiều bạn thân nhất.
Sau khi xuất ngũ, Neumann chuyển đến New York (Mỹ) năm 2001, sống trong căn hộ nhỏ cùng chị gái Adi. Ông dành những ngày đầu tại đây để tới các câu lạc bộ và làm quen với mọi cô gái trong thành phố.
Ông đăng ký học tại Cao đẳng Baruch tháng 1/2002, chuyên ngành kinh doanh. Ông đã nghĩ về ý tưởng một không gian sống cộng đồng trong cuộc thi tại trường nhưng bị loại ở vòng 2 vì một giáo sư cho rằng Neumann không thể kêu gọi đủ vốn để “thay đổi cách mọi người sống”. Chỉ sau 4 tín chỉ, Neumann đã bỏ học. 15 năm sau, ông mới hoàn thành chương trình học của mình và được vinh dự phát biểu tại lễ tốt nghiệp của trường Baruch.
Khi còn học đại học, Neumann gặp người là vợ hiện tại, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann. Cả hai kết hôn năm 2009 và có với nhau 5 người con. Ngày hẹn hò đầu tiên, Paltrow gọi chồng là kẻ đầy vấn đề. Bà có công lớn giúp chồng cai thuốc lá và nói hãy theo đuổi đam mê thay vì mơ tưởng giàu có.
Paltrow Neumann trở thành nhà sáng lập kiêm CEO WeGrow, một mảng kinh doanh dưới trướng WeWork. Bà cũng là đối tác thành lập WeWork, nơi bà học được rằng “không có công việc nào quá lớn hay quá nhỏ đối với người nào đó”.
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tissipropaganda · 4 years
Adam Neumann parts with Westchester home
Adam Neumann and his wife, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, are continuing to sell off their luxury homes in the wake of their ouster from WeWork last year. The couple recently sold their five-bedroom Westchester home, according to the New York Post. They have two other other luxury homes currently on the market. The 6,000-square-foot Westchester estate, located at 69 Girdle Ridge Road in Katonah, features a pool, spa and batting cage, according to a listing. It
Source: https://therealdeal.com/2020/08/20/adam-neumann-parts-with-westchester-home/
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