#Reble Alliance
violetjedisylveon · 3 years
Kanan's last thoughts
Do you think, that when Kanan was pushing Hera and Ezra away and holding back the flames, in his last moments where his eyes cleared, he saw Hera was pregnant?
Do you think that influenced his decision to save her? Do you think he had doubts?
He must have, right?
Hera would have to raise a child on her own. Yes she had the other specters and her father but they couldn't always be around. It would be Hera, raising their child without him to help.
Do you think he hesitated in his mind? About leaving his family? About leaving his child before they even met?
What do you think his last thoughts were?
Did he ask for forgiveness from the child who would never know him in person?
Did he ask this child to forgive him for all the times that Hera would be upset or overwhelmed because she didn't know what to do?
Did he ask that his child not hate him?
His child would have every right to dispise, or at the very least, have some resentment towards him.
He wasn't going to be there.
He was leaving his own child, a child that would remind their mother everyday of what was lost.
He was leaving his child with that burden.
He knew it wasn't good.
He did not ask his child not to hate him, he only asked that they not hate everyone else for knowing their father.
And did he wish that Hera did not resent him?
Were his last thoughts of Hera and their children, living happily in an era of peace?
Was he sorry he wouldn't be there?
Sorry for the sadness...
Kanera Week 2021 - Day 7: Free Day
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chirithy564 · 5 years
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KH Oc week Day 4! @khoc-week
Wasn’t easy picking a AU but this sounded fun. This is Akira in the STAR WARS AU! :D
In a galaxy far, far, away, Akira was born on a Resistance Base on an Outer rim planet called, D’Qar to two reble Alliance fighters. When she and her twin sister were six their parents were killed by the First Order when they were on a mission, which really got to Akira, and had a slight hatred for the First Order. Soon after theywere taken in to live with Cid Highwind, a fellow reble and a close friend of their parents. He taught them how to fly, and shoot with blasters! Akira is also pretty skilled X-Wing fighter pilot for the resistance. And likes flying with her best friend/older brother figure, Axel.
Later in life Akira meets a boy named Sora, a padawan of the Jedi Master Eraqus, who senses the force within her. So Akira thought she could try to learn the ways of the force, but it isn’t easy for her. Her emotions can be sorta unstable and her doubts almost lead her astray from her path. But she tries to stay close to the light side. With her friends by her side she knows she’ll be fine. She hopes she can control her gifts and use them to stop the First Order and Save the galaxy!
Part of the Resistance: Akira, Kairi, Axel, Isa, Roxas, Naminé, Leon, Yuffie
Hidden Jedi: Master Eraqus, Sora, Riku, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Xion, Aerith, Cloud
First Order: Xehanort, Vanitas XD
“May The Force Be With You!”
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and it is me saying it Getty lee and we roll they say and china follows rebles follow and i am sutck in paul doucette hear it all though..and it is rough here. tons get hurt.  and we roll now we say it wie says and imchinese hid here. small ok nad rule now. and hit tons of them macs. tons. and cork runs now and is  in a  Rush rebel alliance all rebels to duty and to your stations caa we shall and thani you for the annoucnement yuor the announcer we have it here lili aka hit girl
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tredamarc · 5 years
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Seattle I'm ready to get nerdy and strip for the Rebl Alliance tonight at Spoiler! A burlesque epic tribute to Nerdom! Still time to get tickets for tonight and tomorrow show at the Columbia City theater! https://www.facebook.com/events/1083141931870155/?event_time_id=1083141935203488&ti=cl #travelingshowboy #seabq #seattle #nerdlesque #lando #kittenandloucroptop (at Columbia City, Seattle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwvekt8nUF2/?igshid=6rrw7s71l6ga
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ave-rouge · 7 years
Starter call
Please like this if you would like a starter from Ave, reble alliance rookie pilot.
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dragonlizardjareth · 8 years
Jareth Reviews: Rouge One (With Spoilers)
So how does the first Star Wars Anthology Film stand up to the original 3?
What about the Prequels?
We don’t talk about the Prequels.
What about Force Awakes?
We’ll wait until the other two come out. But for now let’s see if this movie is even worthy of the title Star Wars.
The Story
Set shortly before the events of A New Hope. Rouge One tells the story of Jyn Erso, a young rebel who was separated from her father at a young age when he was recruited for a secret project for the Empire. After being rescued by the Rebel Alliance, Jyn learns that her father is apparently alive, having sent a defector to deliver her information about the project he’s working on, The Death Star.
Hoping to rescue her father, Jyn agrees to go meet with her former mentor Saw Gerrera, who captured the defector, on a moon called Jedha. She is joined by a Rebel Officer named Cassian Andor and his droid companion K-2SO. Let me just get this out of the way... K-2SO is one of THE BEST characters in this movie. He was way funnier then C-3PO ever was, thanks largely to the dark humor that comes out of him.
After arriving on Jedha, Jyn and Cassian are captured by Saw’s group after they launched an attack on Imperial Forces. They are also joined by a blind warrior monk named Chirrut Îmwe and his mercenary friend Baze Malbus, who are said to be former guardians of the local Jedi temple. The group is taken to Saw’s compound where the guys discover the defector, Bodhi Rook who was tortured by Saw for information.
Saw shows Jyn the hologram found on Bodhi, where Jyn’s father reveals he placed a critical flaw in the Death Star that would make it easy for the Rebellion to destroy it. However the group is unaware that said Death Star is now in orbit of Jedha, under the command of Director Orson Krennic, the man who kidnapped Jyn’s father. Krennic decides to test the Death Star in low power mode and fires on Jedha city, vaporizing it and causing the moon’s crust to slowly break apart.
Our heroes escape on Cassian’s U-Wing ship, but Saw stays behind to die, and unfortunately the hologram is also destroyed. However Jyn comes up with the brilliant plan of rescuing her father so he can reveal to them what the Death Star’s fatal flaw is. Meanwhile Krennic is congratulated for the Death Star success by non other then Grand Moff Tarkin, who is played by a different actor, only to have the original actor’s head CG’ed over his. And honestly, while I thought it was a good looking effect it would have been better just to recast the role (the guy who played Tarkin in a new hoped died over 20 years ago. 
Anyway, Tarkin not only congratulates Krennic, he also relieves him of command, revealing that the Defector, Bodhi Rook, originally worked at the laboratory where Jyn’s father works, stating that the security leaks are more then enough reason for Tarkin to take Krennic’s place. Suspecting the obvious, Krennic travels the stormy planet of Eadu to confront him, unaware the the rebels have crashed there, also searching fro Jyn’s father... or so it seems.
Turns out Cassian has been ordered to kill Jyn’s father, to prevent him from creating more weapons for the Empire, and while he ultimately is unable to go through with it, the rescue he called for includes rebel bombs that destroy the facility and fatally wound Jyn’s father. Before his death, he is able to tell Jyn that the Death Star plans for held on a world called Scarif. THe group then escape in a stolen Imperial Shuttle and return to the Reble Base with the information they gathered. 
The alliance refuses to launch an attack (gripped by the fear of the Death Star) and Jyn decides to go Rouge and collect the plans herself. Luckily she is joined by her fellow travelers along with a large team of rebels collected by Cassian, who feels guilty for some of the acts he’s committed in the name of the rebellion. Krennic also meets with Darth Vader to explain his mistakes, but Vader doesn’t want to hear his excuses, force chokes him for a moment before letting him go. At his point Krennic decides to travel to Scarif to look over the Death Star plans himself and discover anything Jyn’s father tried to hide from him.
The Rebels sneak down to Scarif in the stole imperial shuttle and infiltrate the imperial facility. Jyn, Cassian and K-2SO get inside while the others cause a distraction. Learning of the events on Scarif, a Rebel fleet arrives to aid them from orbit. One by one the Rebel team is killed off (very tragically, honestly this feels like a much darker Star Wars movie). But they are able to transmit the Plans to the rebel fleet, JUST AS the Death Star Arrives and fires on the facility, killing everyone. 
The Rebel command ship is intercepted by Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer, and we get to see Darth Vader IN HIS PRIME! He butchers Rebels which his light sabe, smashes their heads into the ceiling with the force, even force chokes someone during the fight! This seen is brutal and only makes me want to see a stand alone Darth Vader movie more! A group of rebels are able to escape with the plans onto a smaller ship which detaches, and turns out to be none other then Princess Leia’s ship from A New Hope. The plans are handed to the princess (CG’ed like Tarkin was) and the ship escapes into Hyperspace, leading straight into A New Hope.
Overall Thoughts
I liked Rouge One, while the beginning was a little slow and took way too much time to get to where it was going, the second half was full of action and felt like Star Wars. My only real problem with the film is, we aren't able to make a real connection with some of the major characters. They aren't really given enough time to developed and when they are inevitably killed off, I just don’t feel any great loss in their passing... EXCEPT in the cases of K-2SO, Chirrut, Baze and Rook. These characters, while also lacking much development, I was still for some reason able to establish a connection to them, and did indeed feel generally sad when they died. I’m not sure if it was the personalities they gave off or just the bit of backstory we had on them, but these characters were among my favorites.
When it comes to the CGI in the film, I will admit, for the most part the CGI looks good. K-2SO always seemed like he was there, The worlds looked believable and truly fascinating. The space battle at the end was fantastic, the ground battles were fantastic. Dispite the CG it felt like Star Wars. But the biggest complaint out of most people were the CG Human characters Tarkin and Leia. I’m not gonna lie, I’m mixed on it. In some cases it looked good, but in other ways it looked bad. That being said, I can’t scrap the idea of using it. By using it now in Rouge One it gives us the potential of seeing it done better later on. In the end, it still needs work, but THEY ARE getting there.
The music was... okay to me. It still felt like Star Wars music, but not nearly as Iconic as some of the John Williams stuff. It wasn’t bad, but wasn’t really good ether. Felt like something out of a Star Wars game rather then a movie.It could have defiantly used some of the classic music though.
In the end I would have to say the best element in this movie was none other then the Nostalgia. Any scene involving Darth Vader, Tie Fighters or X-Wings just felt soooooo good. It really gives me hope for future Anthology films. For future refrance, By classification of Star Wars films goes like this.
#1: Empire Strikes Back <= Best Film
#2: A New Hope
#3: Return of the Jedi
#4: Revenge of the Sith <= An average film, the bare minimum of what a Star Wars movie should be.
#5 Phantom Menace
#6: Attack of the Clones. <= Utter garbage, way too much CGI.
Where does Rouge one fit in for me? Just above Return of the Jedi. I know, shocking, but that’s how I felt about this movie.
Final Verdict on Rouge One
A decent Star Wars Movie, this is the way you do a prequel.
Final Score for Rouge One:
Story: 7/10: It was a decent story.
Characters: 6/10: Lack luster main characters, but rather good supporting ones 
Effects: 7/10: Good use of CGI in most places.
Music and Score: 5/10: It was okay, but doesn't feel nearly as large as the classic stuff.
Rewatch: 8/10: I want to see this again. Especially in theaters if I get a chance.
OVERALL SCORE: 7/10: Good movie, not great, but good.
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downtown1994-blog · 11 years
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Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
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violetjedisylveon · 3 years
Mom: Definition; Everything
Summary: Short story of Jacen's thoughts on Hera and his late father Kanan.
Word count: 702
Warnings: Hera sadness,
A/N: Happy Kanera Week everyone!
Kanera Week 2021 - Day 7: Free Day
This is my mom.
Her name is Hera.
And she's everything.
She is the greatest mom ever!
She spends all the time she can with me.
I like it when she's here.
When she's not here, Abi will be with me.
Abi takes me to see the wolves. I like the big white one best, he always licks me and lets me ride on his back.
I hear adults talk abouy mom when she's not here. Abi usually sends me out before I hear too much.
They talk about stuff like how great she is.
I've heard people say that she's 'the best General and Pilot the Rebellion has.' and 'She really knows how to fight the Empire.'
I don't really understand those but I know that fights bad guys when she's gone. I don't know what she's a General of but it's still cool when people call her 'General Syndulla'.
I know she's always fighting hard to win and she wins a lot of fights.
I like it when she wins.
That means she comes home.
She looks so happy at home.
I like it when Mom's happy.
I like it when she comes home.
Sometimes though, mom's not happy at home.
She used to cry a lot.
But only when she thought I wasn't listening.
She still tells me she's sorry.
I didn't really know why for a while.
She says that she's sorry for not being here all the time or being able to take care of me well enough.
She tells me she's doing the best she can and she's sorry she's not enough.
That's the part I don't understand.
She says she's not enough.
Not enough?
She's more than enough!
She's the greatest.
She's all I need and she's all I want.
She's my mom.
She's the best
I don't need anyone else. Not even my dad.
I know that my dad is gone and mom tells me all the time how much he loves me.
I know that I look like him more than I look like my mom.
I know that it makes her sad sometimes, dad being gone.
I try to make it better for her.
There are days when she just seems so... miserable.
I don't like those days.
But sometimes they lead to good things.
One of those days Mom told me about dad.
She said he had two names but the one everyone knew him by was Kanan Jarrus. He was a Jedi Knight amd he fought with Mom, Abi, Eb, Chop amd Eer.
Eer is gone too, that also makes mom sad but Abi says she's gonna find him! I'm excited to meet Eer, maybe he can tell me things about Dad that Mom can't.
I don't like pushing her.
Oh! One time my friend asked me what one wish I would make and I told him 'I wish that Dad was here and Mom was happy'.
I still want that, I wish Mom didn't get so sad. I wish I got the chance to meet him. Just once I want to see Mom and Dad together in person.
Abi has a holophoto of them together, that's my favorite photo.
I understood why she's said once Abi explained it to me.
Abi said Mom gets sad because Dad is gone and she's not here with me as much as she could be and...
Because everytime she leaves she risks not coming back.
Abi told me that she can't handle those feelings. And she misses dad.
That's why Mom gets sad, she's scared and doubts herself.
She doesn't have any reason to be though.
I don't need a dad, I mean, it'd be nice to have one but I don't need one.
I just need my Mom.
She's always been there ans no matter what happens when she works, I know she'll come home. I don't know how but I never have to worry.
She'll come home.
She always does.
My name is Jacen Syndulla.
My dad was Kanan Jarrus, he was a Jedi Knight who died protecting his family.
And my mom is Hera Syndulla.
She's a General in the rebellion.
She's the best mom ever and she
For clarification, Abi, Eb and Eer are what Jacen calls Sabine, Zeb and Ezra cause he couldn't say their names right when he was really little and the nicknames stuck.
Happy Kanera Week!
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