#Red Sea from quenn
quennofsblog · 3 months
Red Sea | Gojo Satoru
x fem!OC You can read as a reader :) Doesn't fully follow the Canon plot!!!!
Synopsis: After so long apart, Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto come together to negotiate amid chaos, but remembering the past can be very painful.
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Two men.
Gathered in a colorful abyss waiting for salvation and to be the saviors of humanity.
Both want the same things, but in different ways, one will sacrifice himself if possible for his goals, the other will sacrifice everything necessary to achieve his goals.
Face to face, beautiful and tragic memories came back to the surface, just looking at their eyes again was as if pieces of broken glass passed through their eyes, marks that were on their bodies did not erase what they both felt, nor what they felt.
Now, as an irony of fate, the most powerful men in humanity, gathered again in negotiations, ready to give and end everything that each other meant.
"Satoru. It's been a while, hasn't it?" The black-haired man just smiled calmingly, even after everything, he was happy to meet his friend once again.
"That's right... I didn't think this meeting would happen... Under these circumstances." The platinum just sighed in defeat, his heavenly blue eyes swept over the scene, as ironically, it was very... Relaxing.
Satoru could breathe deeply there, as if no worry could catch him in that place, a sunset warmed them in a calming way, at the same time as a nostalgic breeze enveloped them.
"Surprised, aren't you? This place always helps me think. Oh, how's Floki? I've never seen that gluttonous ball of beauty again."
Floki... A name that squeezed Satoru's heart, an old friend who gave him so many positive emotions but who now belongs to the thousands of pieces of glass scattered around.
"Floki is no more." Steady, impatient eyes contrasted with Suguru's sharp eyes that fell a little at the statement. "What do you want anyway, Suguru?"
"I want Sukuna's seven fingers."
"Why do you need them?" Suguru's loud laugh would normally make him shiver, but after so many years apart and seeing the direction of their lives, nothing shook him anymore.
"Don't act stupid, Satoru, it doesn't suit your age anymore, it's not even necessary to be a genius for what I want with the fingers."
"If I give it to you, what will you give me in return?" Satoru just sighed, but curiously, he couldn't think of anything worthy of the exchange of fingers from the near destruction of the world.
"A soul."
"You're still slow huh? Just the soul of Phoenix Leblanc."
Satoru's blue eyes just widened, shock coursing through his body, as if just that name invoked climate change in him and him alone, a vague feeling of nostalgia returned at the idea, but he quickly dismissed it, he knows it's impossible to bring someone back to life, he knows, because he's already tried. The results he obtained torment him to this day, haunted by the idiocy he committed that day.
He just looked at Suguru in disbelief, he knew that at this point, there would be no saving the man from the firm, psychotic eyes in front of him.
Geto, by using the name of the most important person to Gojo, who knew well what Phoenix Leblanc meant to the platinum artist, showed himself to be cruel, very cruel.
He couldn't simply believe in these absurdities, even though the depths of his consciousness tried to convince him to accept, he knew that when he accepted, he didn't know how this "soul" worked, but he knew that "soul" would never be his Phoenix.
He would be subject to going through the loss a second time, and he refuses if that's the case, Gojo knew he would never recover again, he could finally understand Geto Suguru if that happened, and maybe that's what Geto wants, a way for both of them to come together and destroy this rotten world.
He just looked back at the warm sun, sighing.
Not this time Suguru.
Forgive me.
Forgive me Phoenix.
"Straight forward as always. You have indeed gone crazy."
"Maybe I be."
"I don't know how you intended to resurrect someone, but-
"It's not resurrecting, her soul is alive, even if it's not in front of us, she's alive in our memories, and in the memories of everyone who knows her, and in her following stories ahead, like a haunting that doesn't go away, no Do you want to get rid of this curse?"
Could he subject himself to that?
Was Phoenix's soul still alive?
No more.
Satoru will not be like his best friend, a desperate guy looking for meaning after losing his own.
He already has meanings, she is waiting for him at home, watching television, perhaps playing with dolls and searching his room for sweets.
He wasn't strong enough to protect her, but he will be strong enough to protect his ideas and pass them on.
"I'm fine like this, and I'm not going to accept your proposal, it wouldn't benefit me in...anything."
"I see, so know that we will be at complete odds from now on."
"Alright, we'll be ready."
With this, the comforting domain disperses with the wind, giving vision to a worn and old office, once a colorful place full of life, but now, it has just become just another one.
He knew that now there was going to be a war, he was arrogant enough to accept it, and arrogant enough to know that he will win.
It does not matter anymore.
He sat in the wheelchair watching Suguru leave the room, realizing that their ideals had separated them once again, like a barrier that had separated them since that day, that time he couldn't do anything for his best friend, joining his list of life regrets that he doesn't have the courage to shake off.
"Not even the strongest can protect everyone..."
Sighing, before looking at the picture frame with four figures, a woman with a clumsy flower crown in her flaming red hair, a cute and frowning kitten perched on her head, himself hugging his shoulder with one arm while in the other he held his entire life, slightly pink hair like theirs smiling beautifully at the camera, and a crown of flowers on his head, along with the smiles that everyone had.
Satoru smiled fondly as he looked at his family, running his finger gently over the photo.
"It's time."
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Thank you for watching this, if you could contribute with reblogs and comments I would greatly appreciate it.❤️
English is not my first language, so there is a high chance of errors.
My previous posts:
Everything you let go | Itoshi Sae from Blue Lock
Rosy cheeks | Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen
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