bramblrose · 2 years
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“A forest in your bones, a graveyard beneath your feet. There are no heroes here.” — For the Wolf, Hannah F. Whitten
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k-xxiv · 2 years
“I’m trying to protect you,” he murmured. “Red, I’d let the world burn before I hurt you.”
– For The Wolf (Wilderwood Book 1) by Hannah Whitten
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onlyonepeej · 2 years
For the Wolf
Anyone else finish this book and still confused about the lore???
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Hi bard
Your ocs are now flowers in a bouquet. Tell me about it/them.
hi sleepy!!!!!
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Enna would be a daisy, cause they're meant to symbolize hope, and also she's very daisy-y to me, I'm not really sure why, but she is.
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Redari would be snow drops, because they show up in the middle of winter when by rights there shouldn't be any flowers there, but they are there and it makes you happy because you know something good is coming soon, and that reminds me of his character a lot. Also, I saw this ask, and immediately thought: redari. snowdrops.
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Anne would be marigolds. Cause they're bright and orange and fire-y but they've also got a lot of association with grief and they're. I don't know. She seems very marigold-y.
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Anastrannia would be sunflowers, cause there's something about her and Redari having this whole big deal with shadows but her being a sunflower that I really like
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lovejaime · 5 months
ah ok lemme see if i can remember ahhh
ok so
ari is also a flame demon kind
and she does science and tech obvi
and as a child she was close with redson's family
and they grew apart but through sheer chance the pair meet nd reconnect
Slay slay!
Rekindling my beloved trope!
I am glad you two got to meet again♡
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turquoisebooks · 2 years
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This dark adult fantasy duology follows two sisters, princesses Neverah (Neve) and Redarys, known as Red. It picks up right after the end of the first book, with Neve waking up in the Underworld with Solmir by her side. Together, they take a journey through the upside-down realm full of shadows and monsters. 
The First Daughter is for the throne.
The Second Daughter is for the Wolf.
And the Wolves are for the Wilderwood.
By the way, It's got two points of view with the occasional third POV of Raffe. There is one observation about the POVs I would like to share with you. Interestingly, while I was reading the first book of the duology, I was more interested in Red´s point of you which changed in this sequel, where I enjoyed Neve´s parts more. I think Hannah Whitten truly knows how to work this concept to the story's advantage.
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Very rarely can the entirety of fault be held by one person.
If you ask me, For the Throne is dark, so very dark - definitely darker than the first book - but still a very beautiful and indeed heart touching story. It is a journey through dark and deep woods with eldritch forest monsters lurking behind the upside down trees and I could not love it more. I've seen it described as part folklore, part fairytale, and part horror story, and I absolutely agree with that. Hannah Whitten is a master at creating a wonderfully gloomy and eerie atmosphere sprinkled with folklore. It is in fact drenched in it. The prose is gorgeous, and I was tremendously happy to sink into the Underworld realm and all its danger, shadows and darkness. It is truly a captivating story. Overall, this duology is highly atmospheric fantasy with a classic fairytale feel -  a must read for all the fans of dark fantasy books.  
It was impossible to know all the corners of the world. There was always some wrinkle left unironed, something tripping you up in your understanding of how things went and your place in them.
What makes it truly special are the themes hidden behind the layers of thorns, piles of bones, and gore. Both For the Wolf and For the Throne are books full of interesting and thought-provoking ideas. Like how destructing and self-destructing can be to blindly follow a notion that somebody else needs your help despite the person telling you to leave it be. Sometimes - as we've seen at the end of the first book - it has truly dire consequences. Listening to the people you love and letting them make the decisions for themselves is important, maybe the most important thing of all. I believe that the idea the book explores is that you can offer them a helping hand but then it is up to them if they choose to reach out and get it. Neve learns this the hard way. Now she is forced to face it and question her true nature, asking herself if she did the right thing or if she's actually the villain here. And she's not the only one to do so. Both Neve and Solmir are plagued by their previous actions and the question if they can become the heroes of the story and save Neve´s kingdom and its people.
Saving someone else was a wall you couldn’t scale unless they threw you a rope.
Plus is also that while there are a few romantic relationships throughout the duology, it shows that romantic love does not actually solve everything. Plus, as already mentioned, loving somebody does not mean that you get to make decisions for that said person, it means to offer a helping hand and let the other person still go their own way if they chose so. All in all, while feeling love for each other, all of those characters are still their own people, making their own choices. They keep their individuality and learn to respect each other. Opposite to what you can often read in books, sharing trauma with somebody does not immediately mean that you two are true soulmates (or whatever) and the book explores this idea so well. When you take a good look at the duology, you'll find that it is actually not a tale of romantic love but of a strong and deep sisterly bond. And while both of the main romances intrigued me, I love that.
Heroes and villains and the spaces between, a prism that changed reflections depending on the angle you turned it.
Another captivating thing about this duology as a whole is the way it works with religion and religious beliefs. Red, Neve and everybody else in their world grow up with the conviction that the Kings were good and sacrificed themselves to save the people. The message here is not to trust everything you are told, as this religious narrative that everyone lives by is a total lie. In Valleyda, religion serves as this tremendous tool of power and means of control and I am all here for it. I love how the book turns the religious narrative upside down, making the bad guys actually the force of good and the supposed good guys a menace to be dealt with.
For the Throne is a truly captivating book with an incredible atmosphere, well rounded and believably flawed characters, intriguing plot and many deep thoughts. Safely said, I cannot wait to read another book by Hannah Whitten. I cannot wait for what she comes up with next.
Thank you to NetGalley and Orbit Books for providing me an electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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lookingforamandaa · 2 years
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5 stars
there’s so much in the legends of the Wilderwood that just isn’t true. that’s what the heart of this story really is, learning the truths behind the tales and how to right the wrongs that have been done. the Wilderwood is incredibly mysterious, but also endlessly fascinating. I think Whitten did a good job creating suspense and mystery by not answering questions right away.
the characters and their relationships are what make this story so excellent. the relationship between Redarys and her sister is unmatched. and then the story goes further with romance between Redarys and the Wolf and I just ate every single page up.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
“Believe me, Redarys. The magic is the easiest way.” 
Her eyes pressed closed. Red shook her head. 
“Why are you so determined to think yourself helpless?” His voice cracked over the word, like it was something he could punish. “You can’t afford that luxury—” 
“Luxury? You think this is a luxury?” 
“It’s a luxury to ignore it,” he snapped. “To decide you’d rather pretend it doesn’t exist, and damn everyone else.” 
“It seems to me like we’re all damned anyway!”
-  For the Wolf(Wilderwood #1) by Hannah F. Whitten
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belovedstars · 6 months
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hit the heart for a starter or some memes, please reply with which you would like, and, if you’re a fellow multi, for who.
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poeticlicense12345 · 10 months
- Neobuzdana gomila djevojaka, naguravajući se kako bi se probila što bliže do pozornice, vrištala je. Muškarci pijani poput pustinjskih deva, sa jasno vidljivim zaliscima, poskakivali su i pokušavali pjevati. Redari i policajci su pokušavali obuzdati gomilu u prvim redovima, ali bez većeg uspjeha. Mnogobrojni novinari sa fotoaparatima i kamerama u ruci naguravali su se i svađali za bolju poziciju u uskom prolazu između pozornice i gomile ljudi. Čini se kako ljudi ipak nisu zaboravili …
Polupijani čovjek, iz backstagea, je izašao na pozornicu pokušavajući sakriti svoje nesigurne korake. Primio je mikrofon u ruku i otrcano rekao: “Jedan, dva! Proba! Proba! Lijevi, desni! Proba! Proba!” Nakašljao se i započeo: “Molim vas za trenutak tišine! Upravo su mi javili iz osiguranja da vas zamolim da se smirite te prestanete sa naguravanjem prema pozornici, u protivnom, koncert se neće održati! Molim vas! To je sve!” Čovjek je gotovo pobjegao sa pozornice jer je gomila počela sa još većim naguravanjem i glasnijom bukom.
Uskoro je na pozornicu do mikrofona došao nekakav čovjek koji je izgledao poput penzionera te glasno rekao: “Dame i gospodo, Elvis …!” -
… “Elvis! Elvis! Eeeeelviiiiis!”, glasno reče nekakva spodoba vireći kroz poluotvorena vrata sobe. Iz sna se trgnuo Elvis, sjeo na krevet te se rukama primio za glavu. Bio je mamuran od posljednjeg nastupa i alkohola. “Idemo, idemo! Nastupaš za pola sata!”, reče mu ona buljooka spodoba tankih nogu, velike glave i svjetlozelene kože. “Oh, čovječe! Kada ćete me vratiti kući?”, reče Elvis sa jednim otvorenim okom. Nato spodoba započe galamu: “Čim odradiš 250 godišnji ugovor koji si potpisao prije 124 godine, istog trena ćemo te vratiti na Zemlju!”
text author: Klaun Van Trenda
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Snimka užasa! Naguravali se na cesti, par sekundi kasnije prošao je jureći automobil
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CROATIA RALLY Zadnjeg dana WRC Croatia Rallyja zamalo se dogodila tragedija koja je izbjegnuta doslovce za dlaku     Nevjerojatna snimka kruži društvenim mrežama. Za vrijeme održavanja Croatia Rallyja došlo je do sukoba između ljudi, a nisu ih mogli primiriti ni redari. Njihovo naguravanje je počelo izvan staze, ali odjednom su se svi našli na cesti gdje se uskoro očekivao prolazak jurećeg automobila. Umiješao se je i policajac kako bi zaraćene strane maknuo sa ceste, a onaj najratoborniji, čini se, prijetio je i policajcu, sve dok ga prijatelji nisu maknuli. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qooiYTJeAns Na kraju je jedan od redara za dlaku izbjegao smrt, jer je pobjegao sa ceste taman kad je naišao automobil u punoj brzini.     Ne smijemo ni zamisliti kakva bi to bila tragedija da je automobil naletio kada se desetak ljudi naguravalo na samoj cesti. Iz Hrvatske 'krasna' slika odlazi u svijet. 'Najoštrije osuđujemo ponašanje neodgovornih pojedinaca prikazano u videu. Ove scene u niti jednom svom dijelu ne prikazuju istinsku navijačku zajednicu koja strastveno prati automobilistički sport i automobilistička natjecanja. Svojim neodgovornim ponašanjem akteri ovih scena nisu u opasnost doveli samo svoje živote već i službene osobe, volontere natjecanja te natjecateljske posade. Kao što je vidljivo na snimci, službeno osoblje i naši volonteri učinili su sve, riskirajući svoje živote, kako bi ovaj događaj spriječili te osigurali cestu. U dogovoru s nadležnim službama podnijet ćemo službenu prijavu i tražiti da se akteri pronađu i najoštrije sankcioniraju. Ovakvim scenama i osobama ovakvog ponašanja jednostavno nije i ne smije biti mjesto na našim niti bilo kojim sportskim događajima niti uz natjecateljske trase', Organizacijski odbor WRC Croatia Rally 2023. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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etownwingingit-blog · 2 years
Your Lucky Color – According To Astrology
Your Lucky Color – According To Astrology
Color affects mood, and if your sign resonates with certain colors better than others, shouldn’t you surround yourself with them? Definitely yes.Here is your lucky color, according to your sign: Aries – RedAries people are fiery, passionate, and a bit stubborn. Your lucky color is red.It doesn’t come as a suprise that a fire sign like yours thrives when surrounded by red – it’s the color of…
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k-xxiv · 2 years
The moment seemed to stretch as they sat there, close and warm on one bed. Then Eammon stood gracelessly, running a hand through his hair. He picked up the glass of wine on the desk and took a sip before handing it to Red. “Fife is attempting soup. Do you want some?”
“I think I just want to sleep.”
Eammon nodded, headed to the staircase. “Good night, then.”
“You have to sleep, too.”
He stopped, glanced over his shoulder with a raised brow.
Red took a swallow of wine. “No more all-nighters,” she said firmly. “You’re exhausted, Eammon.”
“I promise I will sleep.”
“Here. With at least a proper blanket. Not slumped over a table in the library.”
The heavy brow climbed higher, the corner of his lip following. “Any other orders, Lady Wolf?”
Her cheeks flushed, but Red angled up her chin. “Not at present, Warden.”
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
//For anyone!//
Isla hissed and glared at her younger sisters.
"Neverah stop stepping on my dress. Papa can't they go do something else? Must they be here for this?"
Isla tossed some of her hair to the side smoothing her hands down her dress. She would finally be allowed to stay for the full ball. And she wasn't about to let her sisters ruin that for her.
Kolis pushed off the wall and kissed her forehead.
"They wanted to watch you get tailored darling. You know they like following you around. Just be a little patient. Neverah, Redarys come sit with me. We don't want to make your sister so mad she doesn't sneak you both sweets hmm?"
Isla bit back a smile watching them scamper after their father. When they weren't being absolute terrors they could be cute. She looked back at herself in the mirror, trying to nitpick it. She looked to the side door as her mother glided through, the seamstress a few steps behind.
"Mama can she do what I asked?"
//Isla - 16, N&R - 6//
"Of course she can my Starling." She smiled as she walked into the room, she had spent the time talking to the seamstress and ensuring everything was as Isla had wanted. This was to be her first time fully being able to enjoy herself at a ball, why would she not get what she wanted?
Her attention was briefly drawn to her youngest, her little devils. Always up to something, always full of energy. "I do hope your father is keeping you two busy, I know you both love your sister but we don't want her stressed."
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Hi Copper!! Happy WBW from @magic-is-something-we-create!!
In the Frost & Fire vignette, you mention that one of the Galendel siblings is a shadow sorcerer - what does that mean in the world of F&F?? Do they manipulate shadows and darkness, or is the term "shadow sorcerer" more of a general term for a broader set of magical skills?? What kinds of magic can shadow sorcerers do, whether in a fight or just as a tool to make mundane life easier??
And is shadow sorcery something anyone can learn, or does it have to do with being half dragon/elf??
Have a lovely rest of your day!!! <3<3<3
Hello!!!!!! Thank you for the ask!!!!
So, what shadow sorcery is is basically shadow manipulation and control and such, but what it actually is is way more fun!
Essentially, it's a corrupting of someone's normal sorcery magic. In Redari's case, he had some sort of vague draconic based sorcery, which is literally what normal (ie not dragon) people call the natural magic that dragons have. But because of a series of Events, he ended up in Shadow, aka the realm of the dead, while he was alive, and that magic corrupted his magic and fucked with it.
He doesn't want it, he never wanted it, but now he has it!
So it both isn't anything to do with being half dragon/elf, but also isn't anything normal people can do. Unlike almost all the other types of magic, Shadow sorcery can't be learned. But sometimes you end up with it anyway because you caught the interest of the goddess of death! Whoops!
Except, and here's the "fun" bit. (also known as the part I find fun and interesting but freaks some people out sometimes) The Shadows don't just corrupt your innate sorcerer magic, they'll corrupt any sort of magic used on you, eventually. And for Redari, because both he and Ana are made of magic (functionally, they're mortal and humanoid and all that, but they are also very distinctly more Magic than most elves are. its a Thing), that manifested in what I think are fun ways but are actually mildly horrifying.
And Illa (the aforementioned goddess of death) doesn't realize. She doesn't know that her Shadows are forcing their way into people's magic, she thinks that everyone choose to let the shadows take over their magic and that's Fun for Reasons.
What exactly shadow sorcerers can do is debatable, it changes, I don't really know fully yet.
Oh! Also! Shadow magic is not a sorcerer exclusive thing! Ana has it for her own reasons, and she uses it to make herself sneakier and sort of "cloak" herself in shadows, so she's practically invisible whenever she's not having direct light on her.
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lovejaime · 5 months
me and redson have been together for a while now
Ooohh! Yippee!
Tell me all about it, babes! Honestly I ain't surprised that hotpocket bagged someone so hot! All platonic of course.
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