#Regis truly enjoys being inside cor
andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaives S/O crashes drunk in their place (+ Regis)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my @autumnspookydreams​! Enjoy your men with your drunken shenaningas XD  (I loveee youuu! )
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The alarm clock showed exactly three in the morning when he heard the keys in the lock. "Love, looove, *hic loooveeeeeee I want to *hic cuddleeeee, nooooow.*hic" She said in a singing voice. Nyx had to smirk at your antics, he knew you were celebrating your friend´s newborn, but he never imagined you would get that drunk.  And weren´t you adorable one.  He tiredly pulled you closer to his chest .“Come here kitten” he chuckled at you” cuddles will be after I get you to bed.” You pouted at him while wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. “ But *hic I want * hic hic cuuudle Nyxie noow!” Nyx picked her up like a little baby and throw himself at the bed with you in his arms. “ Aren´t you in luck, kitten. I was just thinking about being lonely in here.” You looked at Nyx with such adoration in your doe eyes. He felt like on Cloud 9 with you, his precious kitten. He started to doze off on you, when your voice called for him. "Nyxie," you wrapped lose strand of his hair around your finger" I will puke." You were so lucky that he loved you, because he got no sleep.
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Tredd would call himself a party animal. So coming home at odd hours for him wasn´t anything unusual. But for fuck´s sake who would bang at his door at 1:30 am, when he just came from assignment and wanted nothing more that sleep?!  Tredd went to open the door. “ You better be dying out there, If you think..” “Treddiiee, you areee baack.” What greeted him, was you completely wasted with wide grin. “ Babe, what the hell, partying without me?” said quite annoyed. He took you inside, you were shivering in your pretty dress with wide cleavage. " Not that I mind the view, but it' freezing outside." Seriously, you were the one usually nagging him about this. Guess the roles switched now. Tredd took you by your waist and leaded you inside the bathroom. "Tredd, b-but I don't want to ..." You didn't have a chance to end your sentence, when Tredd pushed you in the hot running shower. The shock was tremendous, your body fully awake. Tredd's personal sober tactic, works every time as he would proudly state. You saw his red hair through the curtain, his voice sounded so cocky. " So are you still cold, babe?" "Tredd, you asshole!" you tried to splash him. " Easy there, tiger! Or you will slip up. And I don't want your pretty face get hurt." He grinned like ass, he is. You wanted to strandle him. " Furia, you better pray to the Astrals when I get my hands on you!" you wobblily got from a shower, the dress was ruined and dripped water on the floor. Tredd winked at you. " Hm, I will enjoy that for sure, babe."
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“Clarus, I can walk perfectly fine to my room, mind you.” she proceed to almost fell down the stairs. “ I can see that, highness.” Clarus truly wasn´t paid enough for dealing with this. But you were almost near your bedroom and Clarus will gladly throw you at your husband without mercy. “ Regie, I am back! The party was a great success, even Sylva was enjoying it. And that is something, consider it that her sense of humor is rather bland." You happily chatted to your husband who amusedly watched you from bed when you barged in to your shared bedroom. " Highness, your wife drank eight bottles of the exclusive red wine from Leide. And then with Queen Sylva danced on the table." Regis had to hide a laugh. You were always so wild, he loved that about you. Regis only hoped, that there was a video of it. He made mental note to ask Cor about it later. "Clarus, you're dismissed. Thank you for accompanying my wife safely to our room. I believe there was no trouble at all." He snickered at Clarus poorly hiden distress. " Good night, your highnesses!" You came dressed in your pajamas. " Bye bye Clarus, tell your wife I love her!" Sadly Clarus was gone. Regis almost pissed himself from laugh at how fast his friend run. He opened his arms, a very warm invite into his embrace " Come here angel. I am curious what else you were doing on the "Tea party" of yours." " But for such information, there is a price to pay." You giggled when you returned the hug. " Regis smirked " Oh, I believe we could find solution to this, my Queen."
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plausible deniability
Read on ao3
Please note: While it’s only implied and not very explicit, this fic DOES include some Regis/Luna, so please keep that in mind
One last hunt, they had agreed. One last hunt before their departure to Altissia, because even with his bride-to-be dead, there were things to be dealt with - namely giving the empire a whole round of ass whooping. And since Ignis had assured him that the first secretary had nothing but her city’s wellbeing in mind (and getting rid of the empire was always good for, well, anyone's wellbeing), that was as good a plan as any.
Maybe it was also just Ravus’ letter, who had seemingly finally realized that, no, bowing down to the empire’s will had not, actually, ensured his dear sister’s wellbeing. (See? Trust the empire - bad for anyone’s wellbeing; ergo: destroy it - good for the world’s wellbeing!)
Noctis hadn’t, however - and he would swear that on the stars and the possibility of Kings Knights supposed release in the following year - anticipated to run over a tent in the hinterlands of Vesperpool.
Ignis parked the car, letting out soft, yet still dignified curses while he did so, then stepped out, trying and failing to hide the fact that he almost slipped while exiting the Regalia Type D (goddamn height was ridiculous, how Cindy was able to jump out of it like it was nothing was beyond Noctis.). Clearing his throat Ignis looked at the shadowy figures, who’s silhouettes were only illuminated by the wavy light of the campfire. A quiet, female voice uttered a barely intrigued “Huh,“ and Ignis shot the seemingly tiny tent under the Regalia’s (Noctis wouldn’t say big-ass but-) tires a nervous look. Thank the stars Insomnia had fallen or they’d have to deal with, like, insurance companies and stuff, and honestly, Noctis had never really been very good with those. Leaving a stack of money and running away had always been the better option, after all.
Not that he was currently thinking much about insurance companies, mind you, seeing as his eyes were very obviously transfixed on the gooey goodness of half-molten marshmallows.
And, look. He had learned the hard way that everything between Insomnia and Lestallum and all around was basically Grandma’s biggest apple garden, so being called silly semantics like son or boy wasn’t anything new.
Except the voice uttering “Want some, son?,” was just a little too familiar, so that even Noctis, busy imagining devouring the bag of marshmallows, wrapping included and all, had to take a double take. Because, yeah, daddy issues none-withstanding, that was his honest-to-god dad sitting there, in flesh and blood, burning marshmallows and rocking jeans and a hoodie like it was nobodies business. And, man, wasn’t that just the kicker? When HE had wanted to wear hoodies, Ignis had denied him with a simple “You have to keep up appearances, however misleading they might be.” Whatever THAT meant.
To say that he felt like the tent still residing unter the Regalia was probably an understatement. (It was okay though, Prompto was already apologizing to the poor thing, no need to fear another lawsuit, Iggy.)
He barely registered mumbling a disbelieving “Dad?“ Before his attention was drawn the slightest bit to the left, just the teeny tiniest bit. And if he hadn’t been convinced that all of this was just a fever dream before, than he sure as hell was now.
The honorable oracle herself had the audacity to smirk at him, one eyebrow cocked in quiet amusement, donning a similar attire to his father’s. Noctis had always loathed her for that, just a little bit. Hours spent in front of the mirror, relentlessly (and quite uselessly) trying to lift just the one eyebrow had cost him quite the fondness for his oldest friend.
Who was he kidding, he loathed her less than he absolutely respected her, because never had he seen anyone else that could do that as effortlessly, cartoon characters and Ignis not accounted for (the latter, he was still quite sure, being part of the former).
“I wasn’t joking,” his father chimed in, stick with a crunchy-burned marshmallow directed at Noctis. “We’re actually making S'mores” He held up a pack of cookies, Luna shaking the complimentary bottle of delicious chocolate sauce like the goddess he had always believed her to be, and, looking at the befuddled (and non-surprisingly hopeful, in Prompto’s case) faces of his friends - well, he had never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
While being awake for a good three days straight and not having eaten anything for the last twenty hours had rendered him, ah, rather nonchalant about the whole ordeal, Noctis was rather curious about the development of his father and friend ending up sharing a tent in the middle of a swamp
“Fuck the gods,“ Luna cheerfully told him, just as his father said "A surprising turn of events,“ and his father then proceeded to send Luna his most disapproving look in his kingly repertoire, which Noctis was quite happy not to be the recipient of, for once. It all looked very much like a conversation that they had had rather a lot, and he was in no hurry to be a part of it. So he nodded, as if all of that made sense. He met Prompto’s eyes, who mouthed ‘Told you so,’ then quickly looked upwards, as if the gods would strike him right then and there.
Luna reassuringly patted his father’s hand and simply left her own right on top of his. Then they explained it to him: the devilish plans of the empire’s coup d'état and how Luna, - sweet, compassionate, ever so duty bound Luna - had, for a lack of better words, stopped giving a fuck and had, quite literally, thrown the towel (into Ravus’ face, to be exact, and if that wasn’t a story he needed to hear about in detail) and had then fled her childhood home with the help of divine intervention. (He mentally tipped his warmly gifted trucker hat - thank you, Cindy - in Gentiana’s direction and resolved to make Ignis bake her the BIGGEST chocolate cake ever.)
Once arrived in Insomnia she merely took the king by the hand and they escaped with the help of four loyal Kingsglaives, who were pretty much their only connection to society, as of now.
And, well. Wasn’t that curious. ("More like the intro to a bad porno,“ Prompto muttered, and really, he had deserved that shove.)
So in short, they had been hiding out in the most deserted of places with just their rusty old tent ("I’ve come to call it Cor,“ Regis interjected, and Noctis was so not gonna question why he named it after his most trusted Crownsguard), with the Kingsglaives giving them regular updates.
On what, Ignis asked. His father and Luna shared a look, then a shrug. Luna shoved another whole S'more into her mouth while still accomplishing to look graceful doing it.
And that was that.
And that would have been that, too, if Luna hadn’t just casually leaned against his dad, putting a small, airy kiss against the side of his throat, her fingers intertwining with his-
Ah. Oh. Huh. It had indeed been well over a year since their departure from Insomnia. If one were to assume that they had mostly been on their own all this time, with naught but a sparsely sized tent-
He shoved Prompto again, just for good measure, and muttered, at his friend’s offended "Hey!” a simple “Stop putting weird ideas into my head.”
(He decidedly averted his eyes when the embers had mostly died down and he saw two shadows conspicuously melt into one.
Ah, sleep deprivation, the things you did to men’s mind)
((They did, however, delay their trip to Altissia, planning the demise of a heavy-armed empire and all, but they never failed to bring some extra ingredients for some more S'mores when visiting the two.))
(((They also bought them a new tent the next day, that Regis promptly dubbed Cor 2.0.)))
((((Noctis still wasn’t going to ask))))
I’m always happy to get prompts!
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secret-engima · 4 years
How does the Gilgamesh debacle go down in the sibs verse? Prom Braincells Cor out of it? He goes WITH his brother? Cor has an extra layer of insecurity bc his brother is so much more mature & regarded as such w/in the Retinue, giving him more to 'prove'?
Oh boy Gilgamesh!
Gilgamesh happens. Prompto tries his hardest to talk Cor out of it, but this is Cor and he’s got Issues.
No actually Cor doesn’t have Insecurity bc of Prompto being more mature, actually he’s got issues because he knows that Prompto has issues and someone has to be strong enough/mean enough to protect him because he won’t protect himself.
So Cor runs off to go fight Gilgamesh. If he can kill Gilgamesh, he can definitely kill anything that messes with his brother.
Does not go according to plan.
In fact it goes so Not According to Plan that this is now how Regis discovers Prompto has magic, which I will cover in Detail in another post, but for now please enjoy the mental image of Cor getting tossed around by Gilgamesh, and fighting, and he’s just cut off Gilgamesh’s arm and Gilgamesh is being Dramatic™ about it but secretly planning to let Cor live, but he hasn’t SAID AS MUCH yet when-
The walls shake.
Something screams in the distance.
And utterly furious LC magic crashes in like a tidal wave as the door to the final trail shatters into a thousand pieces Prompto stomps through, panting from pain and eyes glowing like the dawn, a truly ridiculous number of weapons hovering around him (most of them are Noct’s old swords, but the rest and not insignificant number of them are firearms of various calibers, hand cannons, and a few bazookas, which Prompto just used to destroy the door.
Cor stares at his brother in dread and awe and guilt as Prompto limps his way in, skin cracking like earth in a drought to reveal glowing magic within, because Prompto is not a Lucis Caelum by birth and Noctis’s magic is enough to force even blood LCs to their knees. Prompto has his pistols in hand, and with a thought every other ranged weapon in armiger points at Gilgamesh, safeties clicking off in warning, “I’m taking my brother back,” Prompto hisses, “and his favorite sword.”
Gilgamesh stares at this blond Lucis Caelum and is confused. Because he is definitely a LC, he has the magic, but it fits him like a bad coat. An illegitimate LC, Gilgamesh thinks, yet he is so strong. Even so, “He has failed the trial.”
“Your trial sucks,” Prompto snarls as he keeps moving forward. By now Cor is surrounded by glowing weapons, and several shields are protectively boxing him in, “How can you expect people to learn if you kill them? A trial is something you learn from, pass or fail. All you’re doing is throwing a temper tantrum because you’re bored and stuck in here.”
“You dare-!”
Several of the guns go off and Gilgamesh blocks most of them, but one bullet lodges in his mask between the eye holes, leaving a very nice dent. Prompto sneers, then reaches for Cor, “He’s coming with me.”
Gilgamesh thinks about it, then backs down, “Very well, child. Take your fallen Shield.”
“He’s not a Shield,” Prompto snaps, “He’s a Sword. Get it right you old rust heap.”
“...Sword then. Very well. You will both have safe passage out. But do not return.”
Cor grabs Prompto’s burning hand as Prompto grunts an agreement, then a moment later Prompto’s armiger vanishes and he crumples to the ground.
Cor drags his brother out of the Tempering Grounds in a fireman’s carry, and Prompto’s burning skin against his is a far harder lesson even than Gilgamesh’s wound to his pride.
“Don’t do that again, kay?” Prompto whispers later, after the fever and sobbing hallucinations have passed and Regis has been talked to. “You’re worthy just the way you are. You don’t have to prove anything. I love you the way you are. Please ... don’t leave me behind again?”
And Cor holds Prompto tight, and swears inside he will be Better. He will never throw himself into a fight so bad that Prompto needs to break himself open with his magic like that. He will never let himself become so focused on getting strong that he hurts the very person he wanted most to protect. On the outside, Cor just rests his head on Prompto’s hair and whispers, “I promise.”
He’s learned his lesson.
He wishes he hadn’t been so stubborn that this is what it took.
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
Amicitia Week - Day 4
Prompt: Family Camping Trip @amicitias-week
Characters: Clarus Amicitia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Iris Amicitia
Rating: Everyone.
Clarus loved his children. Honestly he did. But there were times, far and few between admittedly, when he contemplated just how easy his life would have been without them. And how significantly quieter long journeys could have been.
“Leave me alone!”
“I’m not touching you!”
“She’s touching me! Dad she’s touching me!”
“I’m not touching you!”
“Not touching!”
Sweet Bahamut, what did he do to deserve such torment?
Happy thoughts Clarus. Happy thoughts. He held the steering wheel in a white knuckled grip and sighed heavily. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes and they would safely be in Hammerhead, he could throw his children in Cid’s general direction and scout out the nearest haven. Cid would kill him, but it would be a mercy compared to the whining of his children.
A sudden gasp from Iris had him looking in the rearview mirror. He very much doubted Gladiolus would hurt his sister, but it never hurt to check. The seven year old had her hand on her chest and had thrown herself backwards dramatically. He really needed to start keeping her away from Cor.
“Moogles are real! Daddy! Tell Gladdy that Moogles are real!” Ramuh strike him down. Cor was capable of stepping up as Regis’ Shield. He would make sure the idiot didn’t get himself killed prematurely. Sighing Clarus put his foot down. Just because there was a set ‘speed limit’ it didn’t mean he was going to follow it, not when there was no one to enforce it.
Sure enough, twenty truly horrifying minutes later he drove into Hammerhead. Leaving Gladiolus and Iris to continue with their fighting, he clambered out of the car and slammed the door. Pausing to lean against the hot metal and just enjoy the peace. Well, sort of peace. He could still hear the muffled screeches of his children inside the vehicle.
“You look about ready to feed yourself to a daemon.”
Turning away from the clear sky, Clarus grinned at Cid as the old man walked over. “It would be a mercy at this point.” He shot back, motioning to the car.
“Eh,” Cid waved a hand “You’re doing well enough. Made good time though.” Chuckling Clarus pulled him into a one-armed hug, Cid happily returning it.
“I’m hardly going to be chased by a Glaive for speeding.”
“Spose that’s one good thing about living out here.” Pulling back the older man looked through the rear window, raising an eyebrow. “Well...those are definitely your kids.” Confused Clarus followed his gaze and sighed. Iris had somehow climbed onto Gladiolus and was beating him with her Moogle plushie.
“One of these days I’ll have some peace and quiet.” He complained, to which Cid simply snorted and gave him a lazy grin.
“If you wanted peace and quiet you’d have stayed out here when Reggie suggested you both elope.” He absolutely should have taken Regis up on the offer. Cid stepped aside, leaning against the boot of the car and watched on in amusement as Clarus pulled the door open and both children came tumbling out.
He nudged Gladiolus with his boot, choosing to ignore the filthy look his son gave him. “Get up. Both of you.” And for the first time since they left Insomnia that morning, they did as asked without any arguments. Iris clutched the plushie to her chest and gave him a blinding grin. “Gladio, start getting the gear out of the car. Iris, I want you to make sure we’ve got all of our blankets.”
“And noodles?” Clarus glanced at Cid out of the corner of his eye.
“Not a word.” He hissed before turning his attention back to his daughter, “Yes, noodles too.”
“What’re you gonna be doing?” Gladio asked as he stood crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m going to scout out the havens.”
Cid chose that moment to join in, “Did your dad ever tell you about the time we set up camp at a haven near Galdin, only to find out that a Coeurl had made it her home?” Iris giggled and shook her head, bouncing over to him.
“Was she pretty?”
Laughing Cid nodded, “Very pretty, but very scary too kiddo. Those ladies have big claws and electric whiskers! One tap and it feels like you stuck your finger in a power socket!” Oh gods.
“I swear to the Six Cid, if you give my children any ideas I’ll kill you.” He hissed.
The grin Cid gave him would have made a lesser man run away screaming, “Don’t you worry your pretty bald head about a thing Clarus. I’ll keep an eye on these two, go and make sure there’s nothing nasty waiting for you out there.”
Clarus paused, looking between his offspring and the one man he truly feared. Leaving the three alone was never a good idea. He’d learnt that the prior year, having left Iris alone with Cid for five minutes, and returned only to find that the old man had taken it upon himself to teach her as many curses as physically possible. And according to Regis she’d been quite liberal in sharing them with Noctis, despite being warned that she would lose her Moogle privileges if she continued to use them.
Against all his better judgement, he conceded with a tilt of his head. “Try not to destroy anything or kill each other while I’m gone.” It was however, a relief to walk away the cause of his growing headache. 
He loved his children, but by the Astrals it was a gift to be able to walk away from them knowing they were safe and steal a few minutes of silence for himself. 
“He’s touching me!” 
Picking up his pace at the sound of Iris’ shriek, he smirked. They were Cid’s problem for the next hour. 
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nraidx74 · 5 years
Birthday Party (Child) (Part 1)
The mansion was filled with laughter and chatter from both the old and the young. Well-Decorated rooms, as well as beautiful flower arrangement, decorated the whole mansion. The Mansion courtyard was a bouncy castle, a snack buffets, a gorgeous fountain, and a cake two feet tall. Everyone was busy preparing dishes to bring into the dining hall for the guests. There were dishes where the guests would take as much as they want.
Everything was hustling and bustling, a very festive atmosphere. Everyone was enjoying their time, with food in their hands and companies to talk to. Everything was to celebrate the most important day, which is Noctis's Birthday. The birthday boy was in the middle of the living room. Sitting on a throne with people coming up to him to greet him and give him their presents. Boxes began to pile around him. There was large boxes as well as small boxes.
Inside them were toys, books, and other cool stuff that any child would want yet from Noctis expression he wasn't a bit amazed by them. He was wearing his usual nonchalant expression not that it bothers the festive mood which continued to rage on. The sound of music could be heard from the whole mansion. It was a soft tune of classical music. He wouldn't mind hearing to it rather than to hear flatters from people he doesn't know.
"Happy Birthday, Noctis. I hope you will enjoy your presents along with the others"
"Yes thank you"
"Happy Birthday, Noctis. You looked handsome as always"
The girl blushing while giving him his present.
"Thank you..."
Noctis tried to smile but give up halfway. The girl didn't mind she squealed as she went back to her friends. So troublesome...
"Noctis, congratulation for your Birthday. Here for you"
"Yeah, thanks"
His classmates were handing their gifts to him one by one. It was such a long line that he wanted to stop. After a few more of his classmates, a familiar face appeared. It was his classmates that asked Prompto to come to them, they were looking all nervous.
"H-here your present, Happy Birthday, Noctis"
Noctis took their present and nonchalantly.
"Yeah, thanks"
Seeing that Noctis was acting normal they let out a sigh of relief. But they were still nervous around him, not that it matters to him so he just shrugged them off. It took a while until everyone gave their presents to him. Now that the gift giving section had finished. Ignis told him to come to his father to meet his friends. Noctis whined.
"Why do I have to...? It's not like they are my acquaintances"
"Still they are your father acquaintances and as his son, you have to show them your respect and appreciation"
Ignis knew that none of these people actually cared for him, they were just giving face but even so, this is how the society works so he had to do it. He sympathized with little Noctis for living in such a society but this is also good for him to learn. A soft smile appeared on his face as he kneeled beside little Noctis.
"Once you are done with greeting your father friends you can be with Prompto"
He almost forgot about his blonde best friend which he hadn't seen anywhere.
"Where is he? Why hasn't he come?"
Now a little bit worried, usually Prompto would storm out when he came to Noctis's home.
"Your father knew that you would rather spend time with him, that's why he asked them to come a little later. So once you are done you can enjoy your time with your friend"
He didn't know that his father was already planning to let him spend time with Prompto. Usually, he would have to accompany his father and once he was done, he would just continue to tag along with him. It was better than being with his friends. Regis knew that his relationship with his classmates wasn't actually good so he didn't tell him to play with them and let him do what he wants. But now it's a different story.
Noctis comply and headed to where his father was. They were in the dining room. It was transformed into a banquet where some was standing while some would sit down. They were conversing as well as enjoying their meal. Some was laughing while others were talking quietly there was some who were in a serious conversation. His classmates were nowhere to be seen. Many of them were actually out in the courtyard, eating sweets and desserts which they actually preferred compared to having to eat the meals in the dining hall.
Many who have gathered in the dining hall are the parents of his classmates as well as Regis's friends and acquaintances. Noctis scanned the room for his father only to him being surrounded by so many people. He let out a sigh before walking towards him.
"Regis, I'm very happy to see Noctis had grown well"
"Yes, he has become quite a fine child, I heard that he's on top of his class"
"Handsome and intelligence, truly your genes"
"Thank you for your compliments. I'm very proud as his father"
"He's also sharp just like his father, maybe I should introduce my daughter to him. Who knew they might become good playmate to each other"
"Oh my daughter as well, my daughter is cheerful and kind. A good playmate for your handsome son"
"We could agree on a play date for our daughters with your sons. How does that sound? It's good to have many friends and who knows your Son would end up choosing one of our daughters"
This time Regis was feeling a little bit annoyed. They were practically flaunting their daughters to his Son. They were still ten years old yet they have come this strong.
"Well, I-"
Noctis timing was perfect.
"Noctis, you are here. I was waiting for you, come greet them"
"Yes Father"
With a well-mannered attitude, Noctis bowed his head slightly, before speaking.
"Thank you for your attendance to my birthday party, as well as the gifts you have brought me. I hope you enjoy your evening"
Another small bow before he realized their surprised expression. And here it comes...
"Such a well-mannered young boy you are"
"My son was never that polite even toward his parents, yet your Son holds poise and grace. Truly amazing"
"I'm astonished, what a brilliant child you have Regis, makes us envious"
"Little Noctis, you are very welcome. We have discussed something before you appeared. Would you like to have a group- I mean a play date with our daughters? You may never know, that you might find a fine playmate from our daughters"
Before Noctis could say anything else he was tackled by a certain blonde. Luckily he knew what was going to happen next, the Raven held his guard. This time he wasn't knocked down easily. The bump on his head was slowly healing, he didn't want it to get worse. So this time he was prepared.
"Noct! Happy Birthday! I'm glad that you are born"
He said giggly while still hugging his best friend. His smile was the thing Noctis needed to feel alright. He was glad to see him. Noctis smiled softly.
"Thank you, Prompto"
Prompto pushed him enough to look at Noctis face while still smiling. Noctis was enjoying his sunshine like smile, when he suddenly felt an ominous atmosphere around them. That's when he realized that Prompto was being glared at. They were looking at Prompto like he was some kind of a nuisance. Noctis tried to shield his best friend. He didn't want anyone to hurt his best friend. Seeing Noctis guard up, Prompto wondered what was wrong.
"Noctis what's wrong?"
Before Noctis could say anything, Prompto was lifted up in the air.
"And what did I told you about running off by yourself"
He only giggled. Cor let out a sigh.
"You never learn huh"
"Cor, my friend, you made it"
Regis greeted.
"Nice you see you too, Regis"
Cor looked at Noctis and ruffled his head lightly.
"Happy Birthday to you, Noctis"
Noctis was glad to see Cor. At least with Cor, he knew that Prompto would be saved. They won't dare to harm his bundle of sunshine. Looking at his surrounding the ominous atmosphere had died down a bit. For some reason many of their faces felt nervous seeing Cor, it was like they knew him. The glares stopped and everyone returned to doing their business.
"Well now that you are here, let's meet the others"
Cor put Prompto down and kneeled down.
"Now you have to promise me not to wander off again"
"I promise"
Seeing his son beaming face he somehow had a bad feeling. He let out a sigh.
"And this is already the million times we promised"
Yet I'm still asking him to promise. Cor looked at Noct. He didn't want to say this but he had no choice, compared to his Son, Noctis would at least hold up to his promise.
"Noct, take care of him"
"I will"
Noctis held his blonde best friend hand tightly. Seeing this Cor wanted to snap. This kid is sharp... by now even seeing Cor glaring at him, Noctis didn't flinch because he knew even if he's scary he won't hurt him. Pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance Cor stopped up and let out a sigh.
"Prompto stay together with Noctis"
"Okay, Daddy"
Beaming sunshine. Ugh... Cor was really reluctant to let this continue. But before he could say anything Regis called him to come. Swallowing it down he went to where Regis was. Noctis was still holding on Prompto thinking that he'll protect his best friend no matter what. Seeing his Raven best friend brooding Prompto pulled him toward the courtyard.
"Come on let's play Noctis"
Feeling the tug of his friend, he smiled softly and nodded. Both of them ran toward the courtyard. Prompto launched himself into the castle surprised by how soft and bouncy it was. It made the blonde excited. Jumping around and laughing. Noctis was also having fun jumping together with him. The other kids were having too much fun to notice the two was near them. They played into their heart content until Prompto's little tummy gurgled.
The Raven laughed when he heard it. Embarrassed by it Prompto tried to make Noctis stopped laughing at him but only made him laugh harder. It was really rare for him to see Noctis laughing this much so he allowed him to laugh at him though he was still pouting at him. The two went to the snack banquet. Noctis choice to eat chocolate milk truffles while Prompto ate some carrot cake.
"Why are you eating veggies in a cake?"
Noctis didn't like eating vegetables so seeing his blonde best friend eating it so happily made him wondered.
"But it's tasty, try it"
"No way"
Seeing Noctis so reluctant only made Prompto want to tease him more.
"Oh come on, Noct~~"
He cooed.
"It's super delicious you know"
"Never going to happen"
"In that case..."
Before they knew it, they were playing tag with Prompto holding a piece of carrot cake in his fork trying to make Noctis ate it. Noctis ran away and they were laughing and having fun together. In the end, Prompto managed to catch Noctis, he was faster than Noctis due to his previous lifestyle. But he didn't have the heart to make Noctis eat the carrot cake. So he just ate it in the end.
They were now tired from running around so much. The festive atmosphere was still going. The sun was slowly setting down, letting the dark sky slowly engulfed the remaining daylight. The party will continue until the fireworks display which was set a little later. Laying down on the grass they were trying to catch their breath when the first star in the sky shone. Prompto got up first while Noctis continued to lay on the grass. If he can he would take a nap right then and there, but he knew that his blonde best friend wouldn't let that happen.
"I want to show you something"
Intrigued by it, Noctis got up.
"What do you want to show?"
"You have to come me first"
He knew that the Blonde was up to something. He wanted to retort reminding him what his dad told him about running off somewhere. Yet the Raven was actually curious, Cor miscalculated. He didn't know that Noctis was a curious child. He wanted to know and see everything he can. And now the two went deeper into the mansion backyard. Reaching the stone gate that surrounds the whole mansion. Noctis wondered where they are trying to go, he knew that both of them are way too small to climb it over.
But knowing his Blonde, he should have guessed that he was quite prepared with everything. Prompto showed him a small crack in the stone wall. It was covered with bushes so no one knew about it and didn't fix it. The blonde managed to find it while staying with Noctis after school. Sometimes Noctis would take a nap and though Prompto was supposed to take a nap together with him he managed to slip away.
That was the time for him to go exploring unnoticed by anyone. Prompto was really good at stealth after all.
"Come here"
Prompto gestured as they ventured outside of the mansion stone wall and into the woods behind the mansion. Noctis's Mansion was sitting below a huge hill, just outside the skirt of town. Like a boundary from the woods behind it. Noctis followed him without questioning where they are actually going. The path was a little rough but it was no problem for the Blonde while the Raven struggled a bit. It's not like he was weak, he was top at being alethic at school as well. But compared to Prompto he felt like he was out of shape. Is it because I like napping a lot? The Raven wondered.
As they wondered deeper. Noctis could see a bright light even though it was supposed to be dark. The night had already fallen and the darkness was surrounding them yet he didn't feel afraid of the dark. The Blonde held his hand tightly as he led them through the forest. It was strange even though it was supposed to be dark but Prompto's was shining a bit. Noctis couldn't tear his gaze away from his blonde friends.
"Look Noct, we are almost there"
They were near the place where Prompto wanted to go. Prompto pushed a few more bushes before they were out of a woods and into a plain of tall grass. There he led them toward the middle of the tall grass and suddenly pulled Noctis down on the ground. Noctis grunted a bit due to the bump that isn't swelling down due to all of this.
"What was that for?"
He rubbed the bump a bit still growling.
"Noct, look up"
When he looked in front of him, he was struck awe by the sight before him. The sky was covered with millions of stars. The sky wasn't pitch black instead it was in multiple colors. It was a truly magnificent sight to behold. He didn't know that the sky was in this many colors. He always thought that it was just dark black but he was wrong. It was beautiful. Even the stars that he thought only have one size now in front of him was a mixture of stars in different sizes. Some would glow so bright while others were a bit dimmer. But it was breathtaking for him.
"It's beautiful"
"Isn't it?"
He was still taking it all when he looked at his Blonde friend who laying on his side now looking back at him with a huge smile on his face.
"Happy birthday, Noct. I hope you like my present"
It's not like he wanted a present from Prompto. He had been given a lot of gift all his life, it was either toys, book or clothes but everything felt bland for him. But now, right there, he received the most beautiful gift he ever received. The blonde suddenly looking a little bit bashful continued.
"Actually I want to buy you a present, but unlike the other kids, I can't afford to buy you any expensive things. I also don't know what kind of stuff you like too. That's why I decided to show you the most beautiful sight ever. Back then at the orphanage, I always managed to come to the woods at night. The sight at the sky was truly amazing there, I wished I could show you. But I know that I can't so I thought of the next best thing. I'll show you the beautiful sky here. That's why when I found this place I was really happy... I'm sorry for not being able to give you the things you want, Noct"
Noctis was awe not because of the sight in front of him but due to his Blonde best friend. Someone was actually wanted to give him what he wants. He was actually thinking about what he wanted and not just plainly give him what they want to give him. This is all new to him, all too new for him. His chest was swelling with happiness, tears were about to swell out but he needs to hold it in. He was so happy. This time a gentle smiled appeared on his face as he caressed the side of Prompto's face.
"I like your present way more than any presents I have ever received"
And you actually have given me two gifts. I always wanted a friend and you already have given me that. Something that no one would ever give me before.
"Thank you, Prompto. I really like this, I'm glad that we are best friends"
"Yeah! Me too!"
Prompto was really glad that Noctis was happy with his present. He was really excited when he showed it to him and he was glad that the reaction from the Raven was way more than what he expected. He wanted to stay a little longer but Noctis remind them that it was time for the fireworks. Usually, before the fireworks, he would have to blow out the candle of his two feet cake. With that, the two of them stood up and ventured back to the woods.
But as the two were on their way, Prompto sensed something.
Prompto grabbed Noct's hand and the two began running. That's when Noct realized that they were not alone.  
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