#Regressor Kenshi
starsurface · 4 months
Hii! Can you do hcs for little Kenshi from mk1 please?
Man I adore Kenshi!! He's super cool. :3
TW: Mentions of the Yakuza, references to hitting, and references about his eyes
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Kenshi Takahashi HCs
❤️ Regressed to about 3-6
❤️ Very rarely, but sometimes he'll regress to almost babyspace
❤️ Found out about regression from Liu Kang
❤️ The God was worried because before age regression, Kenshi's coping mechanism was fighting/sparring or training until his feet gave out beneath him
❤️ Was a bit, lot, skeptical of it at first but ended up slipping very quickly with Liu Kang's help
❤️ His main CGs are probably Johnny and Liu Kang (Tomas too, avid Smokencage shipper over here)
❤️ Likes having Raiden, Kung Lao, and Syzoth baby sit him from time to time
❤️ Sento will also help too!! That's their grand baby after all!!
❤️ Sento’s actually a slightly difficult provlem because sometimes Kenshi wants to see when hes small but also has a habit of unsheathing the katana
❤️ ^ Luckily Sento's Guardians will scold him because he knows he's not suppose to play with the pretty sword
❤️ Which is so totally unfair btw, he might be small, but that doesn't mean he'll hurt himself!! >:/ (has accidently cut himself multiple times while small and came blubbering to you about it)
❤️ Well, he can't exactly cry because, uh, he has no . . . eyes
❤️ But his lip will start quivering and his face will get all red and he'll make the sounds of crying
❤️ It also kinda stings a bit, since his tear production will works, even if it's damaged, but doesn't have anywhere to go
❤️ Will sometimes freak out over his eyes and start gawing at them with his hands
❤️ You've gotta gently grab his hands and tell him that he's hurting himself and can't do that
❤️ In moments like these you just gotta hold him and rock him, letting him feel your heartbeat and hold onto something soft like his blankie
❤️ He's normally very good with the rules and doesn't like breaking them
❤️ Like, he knows if he draws on the floor or the walls, he's gonna have to clean it up and his pretty art won't stay, so why try it?
❤️ But if he does get in trouvle, he has a small habit of throwing hissy fits
❤️ Foot stomping, raised voice, throwing whatever he has in his hands at the ground (never you though, even in these moments he doesn't wanna hurt you)
❤️ These can usually be delt very quickly with an arms crossed and that look that just screams he's in trouble
❤️ I know he just yelled at you, but don't yell at him please
❤️ Stern voice is okay, but he will be fearful if you raise your voice and try to go hide away somewhere to feel safe again
❤️ Don't hit him either. There are times he might flinch when he knows your upset and then go completely silent on you
❤️ You've gotta just hold him and remind him that he isn't with the Yakuza anymore, they can't hurt him anymore
❤️ Best punishments for him are the naughty corner, but he has to be able to bring his blankie (more on that later)
❤️ He doesn't exactly baby regress but on days where all he can think about is his Yakkuza life, he feels very small and fuzzy and all he really wants is to be held, comforted, and loved
❤️ ^ These days he goes mostly nonverbal, and can get fussy if you don't immediately know what he wants
❤️ It's not your fault, nor his fault, he's just feeling a lot of negative emotions right now and doesn't know how to process them
❤️ When he does get that small, I can see him being a padded regressor out of comfort, but I dunno
❤️ Absolutely adores sippy cups (and cried one time because Johnny teased him for it, don't worry!! Johnny apologized for it and they made up)
❤️ Favorite regression item he owns is this smallish soft, fuzzy blankie he owns
❤️ He had to kinda hike his knees to his tummy if he wants to be wrapped in it, but it's still his favorite
❤️ This blankie is his best friend and he will drag it everywhere (never actually draws it though, kinda just holds it in his arms or on his lap)
❤️ His favorite part of the blanket is how soft and fuzzy it is because he can just shove his fave in it and appreciate the textures
❤️ Gets absolutely destroyed when you have to wash it
❤️ No amount of explaining will help your case, he'll either sit by the washer going ‘🥺’ until it's done, or will steal your blankie because it smells like you
❤️ Cuddles and physical affection is a must, especially is Sento isn't around
❤️ ^ Even if Sento is around, he still wants (silently demands) cuddles
❤️ Favorite little nicknames are Kenny, Honey, Little Guy, and Baby
❤️ Although if you called him any nickname, he'll be all giggly and hide in your shoulder
❤️ I can also see him as a kitty regressor
❤️ Will paw at your leg and snuggle on your lap, demanding head scratchies
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
He's my baby, I love him. 🥺
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baby-zakarii · 7 months
Regressor Kenshi Takahashi and CG Johnny Cage Moodboard!
Red and black theme, paci icon and based on a photo❤️🖤
Requested by @notimetodie-licensetokill (I'm not in the fandom but I made an exception because they're my friend!)
Do not repost - reblogging is okay
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Hellow! Was wondering if you could make a regressor MK1 Johnny Cage board? (Maybe even some headcanons- if not no worries!) Lots of blues and maybe some stuff relating to Cinnamoroll and Pokémon :3 TY!
Of course! I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting. <:
.。 。.:*・゚📼⭐🧸゚・*:.。 。.
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Regressor! Johnny Cage agere moodboard with blue, Cinnamoroll, and Pokémon themes for anon! (。•̀ω-)b
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🩵Johnny will practically beg his caregiver or friends to help him build a pillow fort, he mostly helps with putting the blankets where they need to be but has the most fun building the thing.
🎬Once Johnny is all settled into the pillow fort either by himself or with someone else, he calms down a bit and watches his favorite films, big eyes and a wide smile bless the little one's face.
🍿Before watching a show or movie, Johnny loves to make popcorn for himself and others to share if they join him. Usually someone will be around within earshot if Johnny needs help with the snack.
🩵Maybe regressing would help him back away from acting for a little but he still loves to play with cameras, taking pictures of him having a grand time with his friends.
🎬Kenshi is usually the one to be found with Johnny whenever he needs the support. The two like to help each other, lifting each other up.
🍿Johnny loves acting out/playing pretend with others while in littlespace but doesn't take it as serious as his career. Johnny is always a giggling mess by the end though, watching everyone try and play along.
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Moodboard made with Picsart! ☆
Click moodboard for better quality! :)
Requests: CLOSED!
Dividers by: @attxnt
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littlestaronmars · 6 months
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Little!Raiden and Little!Kung Lao with CG!Liu Kang// MK1 Agere
TW: Mentions of Canon typical violence
This is my first post so it’s not gonna be the best and obviously ooc but the brain worms were calling to me
Backstory (Pretty long, sorry)
•Liu Kang first learned about their regression when Kung Lao returned from his mission in outworld with Johnny and Kenshi
•He and Raiden had walked to the infirmary where Kung Lao was getting checked over by healers
•There was a slight commotion in the room as they entered the room, Kung Lao cowering in the corner of the room, his knees tucked into his chest and his face his hands
•The healers tried to coerce him out of the corner as he sobbed, crying out whenever someone touched him
•Raiden knew exactly what was happening, whispering a sad, “Lao…”
•As soon as he heard his nickname, Kung Lao shot from his spot in the corner into Raidens arms, crying into Raidens shoulders crying for “Rai”
•Liu Kang and the healers stood there, dumbfounded. Raiden gave him a pleading look which Liu Kang responded to by asking for the healers to leave, agreeing to do the check up himself
•As Kung Lao calmed himself, Raiden led him to the cot in the middle of the room, allowing him to crawl into Raidens lap, wrapping his arms around his shoulders
•Raiden began explaining everything to Liu Kang. What age regression is, how they were both regressors, how they were the only ones who knew about, and that they took care of each other.
•”Something on the mission must have really set him off. I’ve never seen him this inconsolable and…small”
•As Liu Kang processed this information, Kung Laos thumb slowly found his way to his mouth
•Raiden slowly rubbed his best friends back to comfort him. Through his remaining tears, Kung Lao told them about what he had seen on the mission, Kenshi being blinded, the soul stealers, and worst of all, the horrors of Shang Tsungs Laboratory. At least, he told them the best a distraught toddler could
•Liu Kang eventually migrated to the cot next to the pair as he listened to Kung Lao
• While out of his element, Liu Kang took the time to speak: “That must have been scary, little one. But your safe now at the Academy. Both of you .”
•Lui Kang was careful with his words, but felt at ease when Raiden gave him a smile and nod. Liu Kang reached out to put an hand on Kung Laos shoulder
•Kung Lao, looked up from Raidens shoulder, but did not move away. Instead, he let out a small sigh and closed his eyes, feeling tired
•The trio stayed like that for a while, until sniffles turned into soft snores
•Raiden laid Kung Lao on the bed, covering him with a blanket
•Raiden and Liu Kang stood and headed towards the door, Raiden speaking: “I’ll watch him for now. Thank you for your understanding Lord Liu Kang. I just ask that you do not speak of this to anyone. This is important to him. To me. We handle our stress in this way. I just…would really like to keep this between us”
•Liu Kang listened intently, then put his hand on Raidens shoulder: “This is between us, Raiden. I understand that healing comes in many different forms. And if either of you need help or to be…taken care of, I am always here to help”
•While Liu Kang now understood some things about 2 of his champions he didn’t before, he wasn’t officially their caregiver
•That changed after the defeat of Titan Shang Tsung
•A knock on his personal quarters alerted him at this strange hour. It couldn’t be earlier than 1 A.M. and he never got visitors this late unless something was very wrong
•He opened the door to see a distraught Kung Lao, looking extremely worried, with a similarly upset Raiden tucked under his arm, clinging on to his shirt
•Kung Lao gave him a pleading look, speaking with a strained voice: “He’s little. He dropped a little while ago and I’m close to dropping too and I thought coming here would be bes-“
•Liu Kang cut him off by lifting Raiden into his arms and on his hip, using the other arm to wrap around Kung Laos shoulders, pulling him in the room and shutting the door behind him
•Liu Kang led them to the large bed, resting all of them in the headboard. He murmured words soft words of comfort to both of the sniffling Littles. He would figure out what upset them so much later. Right now, calming them down was his priority.
•Liu Kang had one Little tucked under each arm, softly rubbing there backs as their breathing slowed. His words were soft: “It’s ok now, sweet things. You have nothing to worry about anymore. Your safe here.”
•It wasn’t until Raiden softly murmured “Dada” that something shifted in Liu Kang. The need to protect was lit, and he felt prepared to do what he needed to in order to ensure their comfort and safety. They had entrusted him with something so precious and special and fragile. They put there most vulnerable selves in his hands. And he was damn sure gonna see to it that they knew and felt that love and care
•After that, coming to Liu Kang felt natural. It was a safe space for Kung Lao and Raiden. Eventually, Liu Kang adopted the names ‘Daddy’ and ‘Dada’. Their little gear had migrated to his room. That was when they all knew and felt that not only was Liu Kang A caregiver but THEIR caregiver
The actual HCs
•Raiden is easily the softer regressor of the two, easily regressing to very young
•His age range is usually between 1-3, but after particularly hard missions, it can get into the months
•Kung Laos spirited personality brings is age to about 3-6, but like Raiden, certain factors can lower that age to about 2
•Raiden usually spends most of his time regressed in Liu Kangs arms. On his hip, in his lap, and at bed time, being cradled
•Kung Lao has way too much energy for his own good, but he still loves getting cuddles from his CG, especially when he’s sleepy
•When Raiden is on the older end of his age range, he’ll be more inclined to play with Kung Lao, although he rarely is able to keep up
•Kung Lao loves his toy ninjas and his dinosaurs. He doesn’t like sharing with Raiden (which, to be fair, is because the toys usually end up in Raidens mouth) but Lui Kang always tells him too
•Raidens age usually make it hard for him to speak properly. The most he says is usually Dada, Baba and Lao (even though it sounds more like Ow)
•Kung Laos hat and Raidens amulet are put away AT ALL TIMES while regressed
•After many accidents, Raiden was out in diapers and Kung Lao (sometimes) where’s pull ups - he was not happy about it
•What most don’t know is that the back of Liu Kangs quarters lead to a secret entrance to the gardens. During times when nobody is supposed to be there, he’ll let his Littles play
•Kung Lao loves running around and trying to catch the butterflies
•Raiden mostly sits on his blanket and giggles when the butterflies land on his face
•These are Liu Kangs favorite moments
•After a year of taking care of his boys, he got them gifts
•Raiden got a special pacifier, a couple onesies, some wooden blocks and a story book
•Kung Lao got a pair of overalls, some shorts, a couple of awesome shirts, a Johnny Cage doll (please don’t tell Johnny) and new net to catch butterflies
•Liu Kang also put a pacifier in there for him but he doesn’t want to talk about it
•Bed time is gentle. The boys get baths, one after another. Usually Raiden gets his bath and bedtime story while Kung Laos playing one last time before bed
•Raidens bath is soft and sweet. He only lightly splashes around, giggling softly. He’ll hold the bath toys up to Liu Kang, wait for him to tell him what it is, and pick up another
•Raiden has a special bath time pacifier that wraps around his neck like a lanyard. Liu Kang has lost too many pacifiers without it
•Raidens eyes usually start to grow heavy while Liu Kang is rinsing his hair
•Once Raiden is dried and dressed, Liu Kang gives him a bottle. These moments are quiet, Raiden cradled in his arms on a rocking chair*, softly drinking the milk
•Liu Kang holds a book in one hand, softly reading to the baby. By the time the book is finished, the bottle is empty and Raidens almost asleep
•Liu Kang gently burps him and lays him down. Giving him a small forehead kiss, he leaves to start Kung Laos bath
•Bath time with his older little is VERY different
•Water is splashed and bubbles are everywher
•Kung Lao loves to race his little boats with Liu Kang (he wins every time)
•Kung Lao is much more fussy about letting Liu Kang clean him, trying to dodge the wash cloth (he loses every time)
•Eventually, like Raiden, Kung Lao is too tired to put up much of a fuss, allowing Liu Kang to quickly finish up the bath and get him dried and clothed
•Typically, Kung Lao likes his story directly from his bed, though he does like to be tucked under Liu Kangs arm
•Kung Lao ask a lot of questions during the story, which Liu Kang happily answers
•As he slowly falls asleep, Liu Kangs rubs his back softly with his free hand. At the end of the story, Kung Lao is softly snoring and Liu Kang gives him a small forehead kiss
•As Liu Kang rises from the bed, he looks at his two babies a smiles softly
•The peace he has created in this room is just as meaningful as peace that has been created anywhere else in the realms
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starsurface · 2 months
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Regressor Johnny w/ CG Kenshi: Nightmares
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, bottle breaking, bad nightmares, child abuse
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Johnny gasped as he sat up in bed, feeling sweaty and cold.
Gosh he hated having bad dreams.
He hated having bad dreams about his Dad.
He hated his Dad.
He hated waking up regressed.
He hated waking up regressed because of his Dad.
He- Crap- He didn't know what to do.
It was dark, and all he could hear was screaming. Shouting. Glass breaking.
He blindly reached beside him, trying to find Kenshi. He was here tonight, he was sleeping beside him. 
His Dada could help him, Dada was there for him. Dada could protect him from the loud noises and the bad, bad memories.
"Kenshi!" Johnny whispered, lightly shaking Kenshi's shoulder.
"Hm?" Kenshi hummed, not at all awake.
"Dada? Dada wake up!" Johnny panicked, shaking Kenshi harshly. "Pease wake up!"
"What the-?!" Kenshi gasped, shooting up. He didn't get much time to understand what was happening before Johnny crawled onto his lap and hid in his neck. "Wait- What's going on? What happened?"
"Scary dream!" Johnny began to cry. "It had- Had my Dad and he was yelling and-"
Johnny continued to blubber as he clung onto Kenshi for dear life. Babbling about his nightmare.
There was only once when his Father ever broke a bottle. It was a sparkling cider bottle. Johnny had broken a dish by accident, dropping it when he was trying to put it away. 
It wasn't his fault, really. He was too short to actually reach the cabinets at the time. A struggle to even get a plate.
His Dad had gotten furious though, grabbing whatever he was drinking and smashing it against the table. Grabbing Johnny by the shirt collar and threatening him.
It was the first, and one of the only times, his Mom ever really stopped his Dad. Threatening to take him to jail then and there.
His Father never threatened him again with broken glass.
Fists were still mildly common though.
Johnny never really spoke about his family to Kenshi. He spoke poorly of them, hinted to what they did. But it wasn't until Johnny had accidentally dropped a plate one night that he went completely spiraling, begging them not to hurt him, sobbing in the corner as he held his injured hand.
"He's not here anymore, baby," Kenshi whispered, holding Johnny close. "Your okay, he's gone bye-bye now. You'll never see that man again if I can help it."
Johnny shook his head, clutching Kenshi's shirt so tightly his knuckles turned white. It wasn't the first time Kenshi had helped either of his lovers with nightmares. Nor the first time they woke up regressed because of it.
He held Johnny close, steadily getting out of bed. He began to pace around the room, bouncing him. He even was able to turn the lights on, which made Johnny a little bit better.
Kenshi continued to tell Johnny that everything was going to be alright. That Dada was here, and Dada would protect him.
He made sure to use a softer tone, needing Johnny to understand that he was going to be okay. There was no more yelling, no more mean words.
The tone difference from the memory vs his now life made Johnny sob harder.
But eventually, his sobs turns into soft cries and hiccups.
"'m sorry," Johnny sniffed. "'m so sorry, Kenny."
"What are you sorry about, Precious?" Kenshi asked. 
Johnny's breathing went ragged for a second, choking as if he were to cry again, "W-Woke you up, and ruin your sleep, a-and made you feel scared!"
"You didn't do anything wrong, Johnny," Kenshi said, sitting on the bed. "You were ten, sweetheart. You were put into a terrible situation. You're allowed to look back and feel scared."
"But it happened so long ago!" Johnny coughed, his throat hurt from his crying. "And we no no see him anymore!"
"Just because it happened a long time ago doesn't mean it can't come back as if it were yesterday," Kenshi gently shushed him. "You're allowed to feel scared and upset over scary memories. But you are safe now, Honey. The bad man is gone and he'll never be back here ever again. Do you understand?"
"Mhm," Johnny nodded shakingly.
"Good," Kenshi kissed his forehead. "Can you read the time for me, Precious?"
". . . One," Johnny tried to read the alarm. Numbers were hard, and his vision was slightly blurry from his tears. "One, three."
Kenshi held back a sigh. One? When had Johnny woken him up? 12 something? It was probably about 1:13 or 1:30. Either way, it was incredibly late.
Although he wouldn't force Johnny go to bed just yet if he wasn't able to.
"What'll help you get back to bed, sweetheart?" Kenshi asked, rocking the both of them while they sat.
"No seep!" Johnny shook his head. "No seep, wanna stay up."
"You wanna stay up?" Kenshi asked, feeling Johnny nod hastily. "Alright, we can stay up. Do you wanna cuddle?"
"And play IPad?" Johnny asked hopefully.
Screen time was not 1 something in the morning.
But Kenshi wasn't going to nag about the rules right now.
"Of course we can use the IPad," Kenshi agreed, grabbing the IPad from Johnny's side with the nearby charger.
Johnny went back under the covers, practically forcing Kenshi back into a hug. Kenshi struggled but grabbed the half empty glass of water he had, encouraging Johnny to have some. Kenshi usually had a glass before bedtime, but never really finished it.
Johnny wanted to watch Octonauts, which Kenshi agreed with. They kept the lights on too.
"Dada?" Johnny asked quietly. "Want my teddys."
"Which one?"
". . . All of them?" Johnny looked hopeful.
All of them?
Johnny had . . . a bunch of stuffed bears. It made sense, he owned a bunch of Mortal Kombat merch, quite literally made the franchise. Some of his favorite merch sets were the teddy bears, making one based on every. Single. One. Of. His. Friends.
So there were a ton of bears.
But goodness, Kenshi was willing to find them all if it made Johnny happy.
And so he did, with Johnny's help of course. The boy refused to leave his side anyhow. He wasn't as scared anymore . . but . . .
What if Dada left! Or if Dad came and took him away? Or if Kenshi came back and he started yelling?
Why wasn't he yelling over the fact that all his teddy bears were all over the mansion? Kenshi was always lecturing him about not picking up his toys. Where was the 'I told you so'?
"I think we have them all," Kenshi said, counting all the plushies. "Wait, where's Kenshi Bear?"
"Here," Johnny said, holding the bear tightly, sitting on the bed. "I waiting."
"Waiting for what, 'Hun?"
Johnny wished he hadn't opened his mouth.
". . . For-For you to start yelling 'cause my toys were everywhere and now it's two," Johnny frowned, looking at the bed in shame. "It's late and I woke you and up I so sorry, Dada-"
"Stop, sweetheart, you've gotta stop," Kenshi gently said, kneeling before Johnny and gently grabbing his hands. "You're exhausted, your feelings are everywhere right now. Right now, it's just you and I. No big bad feelings and no big bad yelling, I promise you."
"But Dada-!"
"Johnny baby, it's okay. One, I wanna be here to help you. And two, you're going to be alright. I'm not going to yell or lecture you, I'm not your Father. I'm your Dada," Kenshi reasoned. "It doesn't matter how late it is, or how tired one of us are, you did the right thing coming to Dada for help, okay? Dada wants to help. You've done nothing wrong, Precious."
Johnny tried not to begin crying again, he really did!!
But he did, he began to blubber again, nodding at he tried to pull Kenshi into a hug. Which Kenshi happily accepted, rubbing Johnny's back.
This cry ended sooner. Much, much sooner. Kenshi was right, he did feel incredibly sleepy and his head hurt and his emotions were all out of wack.
Kenshi carried Johnny to the bathroom, wiping his face and filling his cup with sink water. Any water was good right now, and Johnny was so thirsty after crying again and again.
The bed was flooded with plushies. Kenshi tried to push them more towards the end of the bed, but Johnny teared up and insisted that they all stayed near the pillows.
Except for one, Kenshi Bear. The bear that Johnny held incredibly close to him.
"Dada?" Johnny whispered as they were snuggled back in bed. "I wuv you."
"I love you too, Precious," Kenshi smiled, kissing Johnny's hair.
Johnny didn't make it past a full episode. With how tired he was, and Dada scratching his scalp, and rubbing his back, and feeling all warm, and cozy, and safe, how could he stay awake?
Kenshi shut off Johnny's tablet and put it back on Johnny's nightstand. He kissed Johnny's temple and hugged his sweetheart closely.
Tomorrow would be a big conversation.
But tonight? Just some cuddles and love.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey guys!! This one and the 'Regressor Syzoth w/ CG Kitana: Broken Cookie Jar' were from my AO3 that I thought I'd put on here. <3
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starsurface · 3 months
Love all your content, always makes me smile! If it's okay, how about (MK1) Johnny Cage with a babyspace regressor? 💗
Yes of course!!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
⭐️ Yeeeeees!!!! Such a good CG!!!!!
⭐️ He specializes more with toddlers, but absolutely ADORES baby regressors
⭐️ Can and Will carry you EVERYWHERE
⭐ ️He's strong!! Gotta show off how much of a strong Dada he is!! 💪
⭐️ He finds it really funny if you try to flex your muscles after he does, little copycat
⭐️ Shows you off to all his friends when your tiny
⭐️ Like, have you seen his cute little Munchkin? Just in case you haven't, here they are again!! On my hip, looking adorable :D
⭐️ Fashion shows!!!
⭐️ Totally dresses you up in cute outfits and takes pictures (if your okay with it)
⭐️ You get nice pictures too!!! Nice lighting, cutely posing you, you look so adorable 🥺
⭐️ Would love to make a little baby book of your photos if you're chill with it, if not they're saved and locked on his phone
⭐️ You on his hip, twirling as you two look in the mirror and he calls you pretty or handsome :(
⭐️ Favorite CG nicknames are Daddy, Dada, and you just babbling and grabby hands
⭐️ His heart actually melts at your grabby hands (and you can get him to get you anything you want)
⭐️ Thinks your babbling is so funny, and will chuckle and ask you questions
⭐️ I am not saying Johnny is a pushover . . . I am saying that you're just too tiny to actually be naughty!! One look of ‘🥺’ and any type of punishment is out of mind
⭐️ Is more stricter with toddlers or bigger kids, but your just a baby
⭐️ . . . Unless your a bratty baby, then he's not as much of a pushover 😒
⭐️ Wouldn't give you a punishment because your too tiny, maybe if you were a bit older you'd get a timeout
⭐ ️Give him that fork friend- How did you get all the way to the kitchen?! He just sat you down for a nap!
⭐️ Although since your tiny, it's another reason you get away with a bunch of stuff
⭐️ Also a bit of an enabler, especially of pranks (unless it's harmful and such)
⭐️ Unless it's him, no pranking Dada >:(
⭐️ (^ You can easily get away with pranking him as long as you try to act cute, he lets it go every time)
⭐️ Favorite things to call you are Pookie Wooky Baby Bear, Munchkin, Kiddo, Baby Boy/Girl, Pumpkin
⭐️ Really good with diaper regressors, and is super gently through the process
⭐️ You are his baby and there's no reason for you to need a babysitter >:(
⭐️ . . . Is what he'd say if he wasn't so busy :(
⭐️ He's gone for long periods of times, new gigs and having to go out for weeks sometimes
⭐️ Don't worry, you only get the best babysitters!! (Kenshi's on speed dial)
⭐️ He also guesses that he could let his other friends watch you- But he isn't going to like it!! >:(
⭐️ (^ He's just joking, gotta be dramatic so his baby knows he cares <3)
⭐️ Actively encourages playdates even if your a bit too small, maybe you could show them your stuffie!! :D
⭐️ Finds tummy time fun and will buy you a nice playmat for it
⭐️ Tummy time on him? Sign him up!! That sounds adorable!!
⭐️ Also laughs if you try to eat his nose, you just get so cute!!
⭐️ Another active spoiler
⭐️ And how could he not spoil you?! Your so cute and precious 🥺
⭐️ Anything you want, blankies, munchies, stuffies
⭐️ Any Johnny Cage merch? Don't be all shy! He loves the fact you love him, he's awesome, he loves himself too 😎
⭐️ ^ Might tease you when your bigger though, even if he was the one that got you the stuff
⭐️ Any kind of artwork not only gets to go on the fridge, it gets framed too
⭐️ ^ Yes, even your two wobbly lines, you worked so hard on them!! (Before you passed out for naptime-) but still!! :D
⭐️ Very good with naptime and fussy regressors
⭐️ Will gently swaddle you, brush your hair, scratch your head, snuggle all the awakeness out of you
⭐️ And probably fall asleep himself, but I didn't say anything
⭐️ Ugh, he adores baby regressors so, so much <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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starsurface · 3 months
Helloooo!! I really love your headcanons, ESPECIALLY the baby regression. I always find myself AWWWING and being all big smile when I read your work, REALLY good job! Could I ask for Link Kuei brothers (they are my faves) with a baby regressor reader, you know, something similar with your last post (lui kang, raiden, kung lao, Johnny and kenshi with baby regressor)? Keep up the good work!!👍🫶
Hiiiii!!! I'm so glad you like them, it means so, SO much to me!! <3 <3 <3
I didn't have many ideas, and I can totally do a pt 2 or more hcs!!!, but I hope you like them. <3
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CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ Your probably good friends with the Lin Kuei Brothers
🔥 ^ Whether your actually Lin Kuei or not doesn’t really matter
💨 If you are Lin Kuei, or just train with them, Bi-Han takes it upon himself to make sure you get a chance to regress after a really hard day of training (that he put you through . . .)
❄️ If you train with them and get hurt, Kuai Liang always has some bandaids on hand
🔥 ^ They’re decorated too!! Whatever design you want to have!! He got them just got you <3
💨 Tomas has a habit of accidently making you feel really small
❄️ It’s not his fault!! But he has a habit of doing ‘big’ things for you (like reaching down to tie your shoe if it’s untied)
🔥 ^ He does the shoe thing for everyone, once got kicked in the face by Bi-han for it
💨 Don’t worry, you sent Bi-Han to timeout (which he begrudgingly served)
❄️ Okay, scenario-
🔥 Whether your good at training or not . . . You still got kicked in the face by Tomas :(
💨 Really hard too!! This mans a little brother of two ninjas, play fighting is fighting for your life out here 😮‍💨
❄️ It wasn’t necessarily the kick that made you regress on spot, but the 360 spin your body did as you fell to the ground defintently didn’t help (when i say kick hard, i mean he was sparing you like you were Bi-Han)
🔥 He felt terribly bad, especially when you began to blubber and just sit there, holding onto your buised cheek
💨 Kuai Liang rushed over first, gently shushing you as he picks you up, and Bi-Han goes towards Tomas for one of the biggest scoldings Tomas will ever receive in his life
❄️ (^ Also don’t worry, you four were training for fun, so no one was around. If they were, the Grandmaster’s icey glare would keep them away)
🔥 Kuai Liang took you to his room, gently shushing you as he patched your cheek
💨 He gently dried your tears and let you cuddle up to him, giving you some pain meds for the time being
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang gives really nice hugs (unless it’s summer), he’s warm and like a big teddy bear
🔥 It isn’t long because Tomas and Bi-Han come to find you, and it almost looks like they got into a fight
💨 Tomas starts spewing apoligize, never meaning to hurt you the way he did
❄️ You do forgive him, after babbling a few things about him being naughty
🔥 Tomas gives you a bone crushing hug afterwords (and I mean bone crushing, survival rate is low) 
💨 ^ Bi-Han has to tell him to watch his strength and Tomas does lighten up though
❄️ The rest of the day is spent doing whatever you want, tv, coloring, making Bi-Han buy your favorite food
🔥 Different scenario-
💨 There are nights where you come to the three brothers already feeling small and a bit clingy
❄️ Suprisingly, Bi-Han is the first to scoop you up, claiming that you should have only came to the best, not these other incompitents
🔥 . . . If you repeat his last word, Kuai Liang snatches you from him and Tomas begin scolding Bi-Han for using naughty words around you (it’s not nice to tell that to others, Bi!!)
💨 There’s a bit of bickering from the three of them
❄️ They all want your attention (very similar to a Johnny and Kung Lao senerio)
🔥 Although unlike Johnny and Kung Lao, they don’t use mean voices and agree to certain things
💨 Kuai Liang wants to color with you? Alright, Tomas and Bi-Han will sit close by, recommending colors and such
❄️ ^They’ll also praise anything you make!! Two scribbles? Going on one of their walls (they’ll fight over it too)
🔥 Tomas wants to play peek-a-boo or have a dance party? (Johnny’s influencing him)
💨 Tomas will hold you on his hip, twirling you two around as you giggle
❄️ Bi-Han and Kuai Liang also demand a turn dancing with you (much to Tomas's pout)
🔥 Bi-Han’s request is very simple, he just wants to have a small cuddle session
💨 He’ll turn on whatever cartoon you want, and hold you while he lays on the couch, you on his chest
❄️ Kuai Liang and Tomas both wiggle into the cuddle session too, and the four of you end up taking a long nap <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey, you guys remember when I made that CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas? Someone called me out saying I did one of the characters (I'm assuming Tomas) really out of character, do you think I should redo it?
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starsurface · 2 months
Hi, hello, how are you? I hope you’re good. :3.
I love your writing and I was hoping you could do a CG Kung Lao, Rain and Kenshi (separate) with a regressor reader? Just some head cannons or something like that Tehehe have a good day sending virtual snackies 🍦🍪🍩🍭🍫🍬
Hi!!! I'm doing good!! How about you? I hope your doing well!! <3
And thank you for the snacks!! I'm on a weight loss program (not diet), and I miss being able to freely have those things.
Sending some to you as well!! 🍓🎂🍬🍿🍨
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CG Kung Lao w/ Regressor Hcs
🍖 Very exciting CG!!!
🍖 He makes sure to spoil you with affection, whether that’s blowing raspberries on your cheek, or reminding you about how cute/handsome you are!!
🍖 Very good CG with playtime!!! Very fluent too!
🍖 Bigger kids that like running around, playing hopscotch, wrestling? Sign him up!! That sounds like a blast!!
🍖 Little/calming activities, such as building blocks, blowing bubbles, or pattycake? That sounds fun! Do you wanna sit outside on a blankie and play too?
🍖 Very big on getting some outside time, and will take you to his (Raiden’s) small personal garden so you don’t feel too uncomfy being small in public (unless you really don’t want to, he won’t force you)
🍖 He gets very sad if your sad or regress negatively
🍖 His main goal is to cheer you up, even if he has to act like a funky monkey and do a money dance to get you to giggle :(
🍖 Then he’ll cuddle you, put on your favorite cartoon, and get you a whole bucket of your favorite ice cream
🍖 His main mission is to make sure your happy and giggling
🍖 Kung Lao’s strong, and he wants you to know it
🍖 How? Easy! He’ll just carry you everywhere!! :D
🍖 After all, why would you need to walk when your Big Strong Lao is right here? 💪
🍖 This works great if your more of a dependant or clingy regressor!! But if your more of an independant regressor, just tell him and he’ll die down
🍖 I’m not going to make Kung Lao’s entire personality (My Baby’s much more than that) but he’ll make you a food/chore chart!!! Especially if you have difficulties doing these things, both big and little
🍖 ^ And you get a reward at the end of the week!!! :D (and don’t worry about a couple of slip ups effecting your reward, accidents happen sometimes)
🍖 No touching his hat, it’s a big no no
🍖 Well . . . maybe you can touch it
🍖 But he has to put a protecting rubbering on the blades!!! You could get really hurt, and just cause you wanna look cool just like Lao, doesn’t mean you should put your safety will be put on the line
🍖 You can’t throw it either, it’s also a big no no :(
🍖 He’s very good with regressors that use padding!!
🍖 In past games, it’s hinted that the Kung Family is decently big (hyposithis, but still), plus he also has Kung Jin as a nephew/cousin depending on the timeline, so he probably has some brothers/sisters of some sort
🍖 He’ll blow raspberries on your tummy, or jingle keys above you, trying to make sure your not too embarrassed <3
🍖 Kung Lao’s a big competitive, but he’ll always make sure to let you win
🍖 It might hurt his ego a bit (lot), but you look so happy when you run the race!! Or when your car was faster!! 🥺
🍖 He loves arguing with you, especially if you babble, thinks sassy babies are adorable
🍖 Also . . . he’s arguing with a toddler, and he finds the loosing battle highly entertaining
🍖 Favorite CG nicknames are Lao, Lao-Lao, and Papa
🍖 Calls you many nicknames!! Pumpkin, Sweetie, Little One, Aweseome
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Rain w/ Regressor Hcs
💧 Very calm CG
💧 His favorite activity is cuddling with you after a long day
💧 He also likes preforming magic shows though!!
💧 Normally Rain huffs about using his powers for ‘silly’ things
💧 But if his baby wants a water show? . . . How could he say no? They just wanna see how cool their Dada is, obviously!!
💧 He’ll make some water form into little shapes, like stars or fishies swimming by
💧 He becomes very proudful and happy when you giggle and awe, telling him about how awesome he (his magic) is!! 🥺
💧 Your not allowed to touch his staff though, that’s his staff :(
💧 He’s also a bit worried you’ll break it by accident, especially if your tiny tiny or a little ruckus
💧 He’s actually really good with hyper littles!!
💧 He keeps you somewhat in line, chasing after you if your running around, or atleast keeping you close by
💧 He won’t help in your pranks though >:(
💧 In fact, he won’t even save you from the scolding you might get from the person you pranked!! >:O
💧 You wanted to prank them, you’ve gotta have your own consequences :(
💧 ^ . . . He’ll give you candy or something after because he feels bad if you got in trouble . ..  And he’ll probably end up saving you from a big lecture
💧 Your his baby, only he can lecture you >:(
💧 He’s also really good with younger or calmer littles!!!
💧 Hopscotch, tag, and those games can be very fun!!
💧 But he’s also content with cuddling or having you on his lap
💧 He’ll even take you out to the royal gardens and help you watch the little froggies!!!
💧 Outside time is important to him, but he’s also very content staying inside too
💧 He has a really nice bookshelf!! . . . That your not allowed to touch >:\
💧 He likes it organized, and they’re mostly boring magic books
💧 ^ But he’ll get some children books for your!! Whether it’s those baby books, or some simple chapter books (that he’ll read to you, or in his freetime so he can talk to you about it)
💧 Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Bubba, and Rainy
💧 Guys, I wanna call him Fishy 🥺
💧 I think it’d be a really good nickname for him and all he’d give you as a reaction would be 😑, which totally means he likes it cause he’s not lecturing you!! :D
💧 . . . And your giggles/smiles after calling him that make up for you being mean to him
💧 Favortie nicknames for you are Button, Lovebug, Sweetheart, Little One
💧 ^ Rascal if your more energetic (lovingly of course)
💧 If your okay with it, I can see him playfully calling you a brat (also lovingly, and when you’ve done something naughty but not super naughty)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Kenshi w/ Regressor Hcs pt 2
❤️ Protective Dada, you’re always within his reach
❤️ And even when your not, he’ll keep a close eye on you
❤️ Again, super good with a lot of ages!
❤️ Middles that want to sit down and watch TV or talk about their favorite band, he’s up for a nice chat (and is really good at treating you your age!!!)
❤️ Bigger kids that want to run around and play chase? He’s gonna make you a leash kid 😮‍💨 (lovingly of course)
❤️ Toddler that wants to make bracelets? He’ll wear them with pride!! And he’s good at tieing the knots at the end!!
❤️ Baby that just wants to cuddle up to him? How about you sit on Dada’s lap while he helps you color your picture?
❤️ Any kind of pet regressor? Well, he can play ug-a-war, or have you lazy on him or his coat!!
❤️ Guys, I dunno about you, but his voice makes me feel really tiny 🥺
❤️ ^ He’d use that to his advantage, softly talking to you on a particularly bad day so you’ll feel smaller faster
❤️ He’s also got a really good ‘Knock that off’ stern voice :(  (Similar to Nightwolf, they can both be really scary when they wanna)
❤️ Not that he purposely scares you!!! He only uses the voice when he really has to, he enverw ants his baby to be scared of him
❤️ If you use padding, and he’s using Sento, he’s very good at it!!!
❤️ He’s trying to learn how to change you without Sento (he’s not the best, but he’s getting good at it!!)
❤️ When he got blinded, he struggled with some activities and watching over you in general, but he also made sure to reassure you that he wanted to watch after you and you shouldn’t feel ashamed being small
❤️ It’s just a process of reworking and figuring some things out
❤️ Yes, he can see with Sento, and he mainly does, but he’s also working on not being hinder on it
❤️ His tattoos are pretty filled in from what it looks like, but if you wanna take a makeup brush and make him your personal canvas, he’ll let you (he finds it cute)
❤️ Kenshi knows how to cook, and he’d make your favorite little meals!! Whether they’re extragevent, or just some dino nuggies he can pop into the stove
❤️ No, you cannot help him, you might get burned and he doesn’t want you injured
❤️ He will let you sit on the stove nearby though!! Maybe you can pass him some seasonings (if you can read them correctly)
❤️ His chuckle when you hand him the wrong one, redirecting you to the right one as he calls you Silly 🥺
❤️ He won’t let you have unlimited candy because he’s mean >:(
❤️ And he doesn’t want your blood sugars to go too high or low, nor does he want to give you a tummy ache
❤️ Other nicknames he likes calling you are Little Lamb, Sweetheart, Tiny, Angel, Bunny
❤️ ^ I’m really set on him calling you Precious 🥺 (it’s his favorite nickname for you)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ugh, I love all these characters so much. 🥺
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starsurface · 3 months
Hey Superstar, your group posts are fab! Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden and Kung Lao with a diapered babyspace regressor please. Make sure to rest with how long that list is! 🧸💛
Hi!!!! Of course you can, loved the idea!!! And I'll make sure to rest!! :D 🩷🤟
A quick restate from my last Padded Request:
(Some strong languageuse) Before we get to the hcs, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with using or needing diapers. Some people use diapers use them for weird kink related things, but with age regression they are used for comfort and unfortunate inconvenience. Do not come to my blog because you wish to relate this with any kind of kink. Kindly fuck off and leave my blog alone, thank you.
^ This isn’t to bash regressors btw!!! This is me saying to fuck off if your a dd/lg or any type of blog like that. <3
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CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Regressor That Uses Diapers Hcs
🌟 It was a little day!! Liu Kang had made sure they (he) had free time after training so you could have some little time with your favorite caregiver (s) <3
⭐️ . . . The other four found out his plan, so they decided to ‘intive’ (crash) his little time with you 🙄
❤️ You had regressed small, very small, small enough for babbles or semi nonverbal
🌩 Unfortunately, you might have some accidents this young :(
🍖 If you normally wear padding while small, Raiden will check in on you every so often
🌟 He doesn't want you to have an accident and not tell them (they all don't, but he was the decider so that they wouldn't storm you by accident with questions)
⭐️ If you normally don't wear padding and do have an accident, they're all very comforting about it 
❤️ You didn't know how it happened though!! You were stacking blocks with Kung Lao, and then suddenly you really had to go potty, and you really tried to push it off, it couldn't 
🌩 Kenshi (enhanced senses) was the first to notice, quietly rushing over and asking if you were alright 
🍖 Kung Lao also noticed very quickly, since he was playing with you, and quickly got up to go get Liu Kang or Raiden
🌟 Johnny was helping them make lunch, and was the first of the three (four plus Kung Lao?) of them to run to you
⭐️ He coed softly, picking you up (and away from Kenshi) and softly bouncing you, rubbing your back
❤️ Kenshi and him helped you calm down, especially if you were crying
🌩 There was no reason to feel ashamed for having an accident baby, everybody has them sometimes!!
🍖 Liu Kang and Raiden set up a nice bath for you, and Kung Lao got you a soft outfit to wear
🌟 Whoever you decide to help you with bath time (if you're okay with that) makes sure to make it fun!!!
⭐️ Liu Kang's baths relaxing, he'll give you a bath bomb, some toys, and will play whatever type of games you like 
❤️ Raiden's baths are very soft and gentle, light splashes, showing him any toy you wanted, some bubbles
🌩 Kenshi's baths are peaceful, but still super fun! Some nice smelly lotions and bubbles!! He'll have a splash fight with you too!!
🍖 Johnny's baths are exciting!! Bunch of bubbles, putting them on both you and him, drawing on the walls together with those bath crayon things
🌟 Kung Lao's baths are super energetic!! Racing your toy ducks (you get to win), water splashing everywhere!!!
⭐️ They all try really hard to get you no longer upset about your small accident, and instead try to focus on fun time
❤️ If you don't like baths, they'll help you shower!! It's Liu Kang's shower, so he made sure to put in a shower bench (mostly for regressors, or Kenshi)
🌩 They'll do everything they do for a bath with a shower, with slight modifications ofc
🍖 Whoever you decided to share bathtime with will dry you off in the fluffiest towel Johnny's owns, and dress you into a cute/comfy outfit
🌟 Johnny feels really bad about your accident, so he'll make you a bowl of ice cream
⭐️ They're all actually really comforting afterwards, because accidents are never fun, especially when you have five people trying to comfort you at once and it can be a little overwhelming :(
❤️ Raiden and Liu Kang are really good at changes!!
🌩 Riadens a big brother, and uses padding himself, so he knows a lot of the tricks and tips
🍖 Liu Kang has been around for a super, super, super long time, he's had a ton of practice
🌟 Kenshi and Johnny are okay, but not he greatest
⭐️ Johnny iffy, especially at first, he would over do the powder, or the straps would be too difficult, but he got the hang of it
❤️ With Sento, Kenshi’s pretty decent at diaper, the problem is without Sento (He tries really hard to change you without using Sento’s guide, he’s getting better!!)
🌩 I was originally going to put him last, but I actually think the best of them all is Kung Lao
🍖 In past games, it’s hinted that the Kung Family is decently big (hyposithis, but still) and plus he has Kung Jin as either a nephew/cousin, so he probably has a brother/sister of some sort
🌟 So he’s actually really quick and tries to make you laugh so you’re not embarrassed and have a fun time <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm going to do the Pet Regressors Taven and Daegon Hcs soon!! I just gotta rewatch Armageddon and wanna watch the 3 hours instead of the 1 hour. :3
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starsurface · 3 months
I’m so sorry for making your list longer than it is but you do so well with these requests I just had to ask for this one. Could you do Earthrealm Champions+Liu Kang celebrating a baby regressors birthday? My birthday is at the end of the month and I’ve been thinking about this one for a minute.
Awh please don't worry!!!! I enjoy making content!!! :D (Really happy I got this before the end of March, was so worried I'd miss the deadline)
Also, Happy Early Birthday!!! :D <3 <3 <3
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CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressors Hcs
❤️ . . . When I say that you are getting spoiled, I mean you are getting SPOILED
⭐️ They’d give you two different birthdays, one for when your in your headspace, and one for when your out of your headspace
🌟 Your out of headspace birthday party is very fun, you get a bunch of gifts, you guys all get dinner (that Johnny ends up paying for), your the center of attention
🌩 ^ Johnny probably takes everyone out for a ‘girls day’ . . . even if the entire group (or everyone but you, depends on your gender) isn’t a girl
🍖 . . . But are you really going to say no for a free shopping free and getting to dress up all pretty? I don’t think so!!! (it’s also his gift to you . . . Okay, he has more, but still)
❤️ Your little birthday party goes very different though
⭐️ Raiden wakes you up to some yummy pancakes, fruit, and whipped cream/chocolate chips!! (Mickey Mouse shaped ones are my favorite)
🌟 It’s a very peaceful morning, Raiden even spoon feeds you!! (he normally spoon feeds you when your this small, but he’s insistent on helping you today)
🌩 Long day of very fun little activities!!!
🍖 Johnny gives his birthday gift to you early, it’s a couple of super cute regression outfits
❤️ Why so early? Super simple, fashion show!!! :O
⭐️ He’ll hold you on his hip, helping you strut down the handmade runway (which is a bunch of pillows leading to the couch that the others cheer at)
🌟 Liu Kang steals you next, saying it’s time for outside time, specifically in his private garden area
🌩 What’s outside? A small picnic!! :D (and some water balloons/guns because it’s fun)
🍖 ^ You and Kung Lao team up and end up getting Liu kang all wet (much to your twos enjoyment and his dismay)
❤️ Don’t worry, Liu Kang gets back at Kung Lao later, convincing you to throw a water baloon at him 
⭐️ . . . Which you may or not blame Raiden for, and now a full on war has been brought between the two friends)
🌟 . . . Kenshi does notice and lectures you about lying, unfortunally :(
🌩 But not too much!! It’s your birthday after all, birthday little ones get to bypass some rules (you still need to apoligize to Raiden and Kung Lao for lying though
🍖 (^ Don’t worry, Liu Kang gets all the blame <3)
❤️ You get a ton of gifts!!!
⭐️ Kenshi got you a chicken plushie and some chicklets!!! (inspired by Snow Blind and the chicken stuffies in Unpacked)
🌟 Liu Kang got you a new music box, maybe a song from your favorite video game, or maybe the lullaby is really soothing (it’s a easy hand crank one too)
🌩 Kung Lao got you some more regression snacks, a new baby bottle, and a soft blankie
🍖 Raiden gives you a small backpack to make into a baby bag (or just use)!! As well as some pins or patches he can help sew in!!
❤️ ^ He also got you some really cute socks :3
⭐️ Johnny gets you a custom made pacifier, completely detected out, like, your dream paci (as well as the cute outfits from before)
🌟 They’ll have one of your favorite deserts, or your favorite cake!!
🌩 But . . . It’s a cake based off of your tv show/video game character!!! :O
🍖 Kung Lao will spoon feed you this time, mostly because he whined that Raiden already got to feed you and he wants a turn :(
❤️ You either spend more time outside, whether playing with the rest of the water balloons, or hiding on Kenshi’s lap while the other four run around trying to get the others soaked (Yes! Even Liu Kang ends up getting in on it!! And he is destined to win)
⭐️ If you also get soaked, you do have to have a bath :\
🌟 But it’s a very nice bath!! Nice soap, maybe a bath bomb, fluffy towels, wearing one of your new onesies!!
🌩 And because Liu Kang is so nice, and it’s your birthday, you get to skip/push back nap time!! :D
🍖 . . . A horrible decision, because now your incredibly cranky, grumpy, and still refuse to fall asleep, and it’s ALL Liu Kangs fault!!! >:(
❤️ Don’t worry, very easy fix: Cuddle pile!!!
⭐️ Putting your favorite tv show on, you getting borderline suffocated while they all try to snuggle you, and getting very sleepy very quickly
🌟 (If your big when you wake up, they’ll take you out to eat again!! Probably somewhere like Madam Bo’s or your favorite place)
🌩 (If you’re still tiny, you can get to use some of your new stuff!! And they get you some yummy takeout or make you your favorite food!! . . . Or order from Madam Bo’s)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Small Note: When you get new gear, make sure to wash/clean it!!! Otherwsie it can be nasty (this also goes out got things like new cups or silverwear in general!!! Always clean things you first get!!!)
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starsurface · 4 months
Ik you just did this but can you do more regressor tomas with CG Johnny and Kenshi plss🙏🙏
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CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
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💨 Tomas can be a bit shy while regressing, really shy honestly
⭐️ ^ But over time he's become a lot more comfy being small around them
❤️ The only ‘problem’ be still has is that he still gets really shy baby regressing (restating but he regresses from about 1-4, and puppyspace)
💨 Mostly since he becomes very vulnerable and dependent in his babyspace, but he's slowly getting there
⭐️ Johnny and Kenshi ADORE Tomas when he small
❤️ Babyspace? Oh my goodness, he's so adorable, Kenshi!! Toddler? Johnny, Tomas drew me a picture and now we need to frame it. Puppyspace? My my, what a fierce little guy we have!!
💨 Tomas a small problem of pushing off his regression to the point that he involuntarily regresses, most times to babyspace, and desperately needs someone at his side
⭐️ Unfortunately most times Johnny and Kenshi are really busy, but they'll have Kuai Liang or Harumi or whoever with Tomas call them
❤️ Tomas is usually good with technology, but has a bad habit of gasping when he sees them and hitting the phone by trying to grab it, and ending the call by accident
💨 Que to him cryingly giving whoever watching him the phone so he can call them back, he's very upset that Daddy or Dada disappeared on him like that and will make sure to inform them >:(
⭐️ If he's a big bigger and regresses at the Shirai Ryu or Lin Kuei, they'll still do mostly facetime or Skype
❤️ If he regresses with them, most times at Cage's mansion, he get babied to the MAX
💨 Whether hes actually baby or not, he gets so, so spoiled
⭐️ Tomas eyed a new sippy cup? Oh, well it looks like Johnny got it already, and a bottle to go with it
❤️ Kenshi knows Tomas can easily walk or waddle, but its just easier to pick him up and carry him, isn't it?
💨 Johnny favorite activity is pinching Tomas's cheeks like a grandma and it makes Tomas so fussy and whiney
⭐️ Kenshi's favorite activity is when Tomas hides his face in his chest because he Johnny pinched his cheeks and now he has to hide his face from him >:(
❤️ Sometimes Tomas will babble and then hide in one of their shoulders, and he becomes really blushy and giggly afterwards because he's embarressed
💨 Johnny mainl nicknames for Tomas are Kiddo, Baby Boy, Smokey, Smokey Bear, Puppy, Sweetie, Tommy, and so, so many more
⭐️ Kenshi's main nicknames for Tomas are ‘Hun and Precious, sometimes he'll steal some from Johnny
❤️ Tomas calls Johnny ‘Daddy’ and Kenshi ‘Dada’
💨 Tomas really likes Kenshi's sword when he's small but will try to chew on it and pouts when it gets snatched from him
⭐️ Luckily though, Johnny can easily place his sunglasses on Tomas's face and Tomas has a new favorite item (will also try to put it in his mouth, but mainly likes judt wearing them)
❤️ Tomas really likes playing dress up with Johnny and Johnny adores jt!!!
💨 He can put Tomas into the cutest outfits if hes smaller, but if his about 4, he'll dress up in some of Johnny's old movie outfits
⭐️ And they'll have a mini photo shoot too!!! Johnny sometimes can convince Tomas to let him take really nice pictures of him doing certain poses from old movies (and they're like, nice professional photos with good lighting too, Johnny has a section dedicated for when he takes his own photos)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny isn't as fussy about them being as perfect like he would be if Tomas wasn't regressed, he gets that they're just having fun
💨 Sometimes Tomas will dress as Johnny or Kenshi and try to act like them and gets very giggly if they cross their arms and give him the look
⭐️ Kenshi's really likes watching a movie and cuddling when Tomas is little, mostly because he can hold his baby for hours with little to no fuss
❤️ Personally, Tomas's favorite movies are almost every and all of Johnny's flicks, but Kenshi decided that he was too young for most of them >:( (too much gore or fighting that makes Tomas get really upset and start blubbering, asking if Daddy was going to be okay because he got beat up on screen 🥺)
💨 Tomas will insist that Kenshi picks most times, bjt Kenshi almost always persuades Tomas to tell him what he really wants to watch and then recomend that
⭐️ He doesnt actually care about the movie part himself, more that Tomas gets super clingy and will share his yummy snacks
❤️ Tomas knows he can get a reaction out of Johnny, and he'll use it to his advantage
💨 He’ll have Johnny open some oreos, then steal the whole container, and then offer Kenshi one and giggle as Johnny pouts about not getting any
⭐️ Johnny knows Tomas likes his facial reactions, and will over do them sometimes just for him
❤️ If Tomas does do something naughty and he's a bit bigger, Kenshi's usually the one to set his foot down
💨 Mostly because Johnny will let a lot of matters drop
⭐️ One look of ‘🥺’ and Johnny will fix up Tomas's mess and tell him why he can't do it again
❤️ Meanwhile Kenshi will help Tomas fix his mess and explain why he can't do such and such
💨 I'm totally not prompting my ao3 again, (id never do that you have no proof >:3), but there was a time period where Tomas refused to regress with anyone because they were all busy and he firmly believed that that meant he was wasting their time by regressing
⭐️ When the Kenshi and Johnny finally found out about they, they were actually so sad that they didn't realize beforehand
❤️ They just thought Tomas had a hard time regressing and got him some regressing items and it made Tomas break down
💨 It also kinda made Johnny break down because it reminded him of his time with Cris and how alone he felt while small
⭐️ Don't worry, everything's better now, and Tomas is getting better on communication <3
❤️ They think Tomas is the funniest thing when he's puppy regressed
💨 Mostly because he'll go from chewing on his stuffie, to trying to pounce the pillow because it looked at him funny, to falling off the couch because his hand slipped
⭐️ (^ He was okay, he just pouted as both Johnny and Kenshi laughed, the meanies)
❤️ One time Tomas was nawing on Kenshi's arm and Kenshi was totally fine with it until Tomas bite slightly too hard and Kenshi had a bite mark for a good few hours
💨 It also made Tomas absolutely blubber and apologize a million times because he didn't mean to!! He was just trying to mess around, he didn't wanna hurt Dada on purpose 🥺
⭐️ Luckily no true hard was done but Tomas was no longer allowed to naw on Kenshi's arm (he pouted but understood that he could hurt Dada again and didn't protest much)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny got Tomas his first baby chewing toy and Tomas absolutely loved it
💨 Hates to admit it, but gets to distract when things jingle above him
⭐️ He could be pouting about being unable to have a sweet or because he did something naughty and got in a bit of trouble, and Kenshi will jingle his keys and suddenly Tomas thinks has a new toy to play with
❤️ Anything they jingle will become his until he finds something new that's his (found that out the hard way when they tried to take back Kenshi's keys)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all I got so many more just of them, it's crazy. I like Smokencage so much 🥺
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starsurface · 1 month
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This fic is actually based off this post made by @counting-sheeps-n-bunnies !! :D
I thought their art was really cute and the third one gave me an idea. :>
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Kung Lao & Raiden w/ CG Liu Kang
If anyone asked either Raiden or Kung Lao, there technically was a responsible adult in the room.
Who was the responsible adult? . . . Well he wasn't currently an adult, but Kung Lao was big enough to watch the both of them! He was in a big kid headspace, so he could easily watch himself and Raiden, who was tiny tiny right now.
Now, big kid headspace did kinda mean 4-5, but that wasn't the matter. He could still watch a baby, he did before!
. . . Plus if Liu Kang knew, he'd lecture them! Not meanly or rudely, more out of concern. He knew that if both boys were stressed enough, they both regressed incredibly tiny. Like, really tiny. . . . And maybe some crying.
Neither boys wanted scolding, but Liu Kang was just so busy and they didn't wanna bother him!! And he was training Johnny and Kenshi, so they couldn't call them either. And Madam Bo was all the way back in Fengjian.
Kung Lao eyed Raiden, who was laying beside him.
Although unlike Kung Lao, Raiden seemed so sleepy!! His eyes kept drooping and he kept jumping himself awake.
Why? 'Cause they were playing with Kung Lao's awesome train set!
Or, Kung Lao was playing with his trainset. Raiden was snuggling up with a blanket, halfway falling asleep.
Kung Lao didn't like the fact that his friend was trying to stay up when he was clearly sleepy. Bigger him would be able to coax him into a nap. But he wasn't exactly big . . . But as the bigger regressor, he had to do something about it!
Kung Lao rolled onto his back, closer to Raiden, "Psssh, Ray, you wanna go ni ni?"
"Hm?" Raiden hummed, looking at him. "No tanks."
"But you look sleepy!" Kung Lao argued, his paci falling out of his mouth and onto the floor. He frowned, but didn't grab it. Liu Kang said not to touch them if they fell. Right now he was focusing on Raiden! "You should go nap on the bed!"
Raiden whined, laying his head on the ground. His body felt heavy, he didn't wanna get up! He wanted his Dada to come over and pick him up. He usually did when he was feeling sleepy. But Liu wasn't here, he was helping Johnny and Kenshi with silly, silly training.
Kung Lao looked confused, "Why not, Ray?"
"Sleepy," Raiden shrugged.
"Then you should to go bed!" Kung Lao encouraged.
"No!" Raiden fussed. "Paying!"
Oh, he wanted to play with Kung lao more! And his awesome train set. Kung Lao understood, he wanted to play more too.
But Raiden was littler than her, and he should take a nap. Dada would tell him to take a nap.
But how could he get Raiden to the bedroom while still playing?
Hmm . . .
"Choo choo sleep train!" Kung Lao smiled, trying to roll Raiden. He was going to roll Raiden to the bedroom! A perfect plan! "We gonna go to the bedroom!"
Raiden giggled a bit, but rolled away so Kung Lao couldn't move him.
"I- Ray!" Kung Lao pouted. That was a brilliant idea! And Raiden just ruined it! "Don't move, gonna bring you to the room."
"No wanna," Raiden mumbled, hiding his face into the blanket.
"No's my favorite word, Ray," Kung Lao huffed. "You can't take it from me."
". . . No," Raiden smiled secretly.
"You're such a pain, Ray-!"
Suddenly, there was a knock at their dorm room door. Raiden had made sure to lock it before regressing. Who could it be?
"Kung Lao? Raiden?" Liu Kang called for them. "Are you in there?"
"We gotta hide!" Kung Lao gasped, throwing the blanket over Raiden's head. Best hiding spot there was! Who was going to check under a blanket? "Dada's gonna lecture us, Ray!"
"Kung Lao? I hear you in there," Liu Kang called again. "Can I come in please?"
"Nuh-uh!" Kung Lao called back. "I not here!"
Raiden whispered, "Busted."
Kung Lao shot him a glare. Not that Raiden could see it through the blanket, but he giggled nevertheless.
"Are you sure?" Liu Kang crossed his arms. "Is this a tape recording or are you lying?"
Kung Lao grumbled. He totally was busted! He didn't want to lie and he that he wasn't here. But he didn't want to get scolded at either. Liu Kang was being mean, pulling that card on him.
"You stay shh, I'll deal with Dada," Kung Lao patted the blanket, that nodded in response. Kung Lao fixed the blanket so it was covering all of Raiden before hopping up.
Kung Lao opened the door, looking a bit sheepish as Liu Kang's arm cross. But Liu Kang's expression was soft . .  Maybe they could get away with no scolding?
"Hi Dada!" Kung Lao smiled. ". . . Bye Dada!"
Kung Lao tried to close the door, but Liu Kang's foot stopped it, earning a pout from the boy as Liu Kang walked inside.
"Do we slam doors in people's faces?" Liu Kang asked, receiving a very quick headshake. "Well then hello to you too," Liu Kang smiled. "You did a very good job locking the door."
"Ray did it!" Kung Lao said, going to point at the blanket but instead crossing his arms. Liu Kang didn't miss the motion. ". . . Sorry for slamming the door on you."
"It's alright. Where is Raiden?"
"He's hiding!" Kung Lao said with pride. He put Raiden in a great hiding position!
Liu Kang looked at the giggly blanket bundle on the floor. It was so, so obvious. But he didn't want to make Kung Lao or Raiden sad . . .
Liu Kang gave Kung Lao a soft smile, "Well he's hiding very well, could you lead me to him?"
". . . I don't know where he's hiding?" Kung Lao tried to lie, which quickly got met with an unimpressed eyebrow raised. He looked at the floor defeated, pointing to the blanket. He knew if he kept this up he'd probably get a timeout. "He's under there."
Liu Kang knelt beside Raiden, moving the blanket back so reveal his head. Raiden smiled behind his paci, seeming to be caught. Liu Kang smiled as well, kissing Raiden's head. Raiden wiggled happily before resting his head on the blanket.
"You look tired, Little One," Liu Kang said, scratching Raiden's hair.
"I told him to take a nap, Dada!" Kung Lao said, leaning over Liu Kang's shoulder. "He didn't listen!"
"No," Raiden huffed, shaking his head.
"And he stole my favorite word!" Kung Lao pouted.
"You don't own the word, Lao," Liu Kang patted Kung Lao's head, receiving a huff. "How about I get this one down for a nap and we can have some playtime?"
"Pay!" Raiden gasped, sitting up and pointing to himself. "Wan'!"
"He wanted to stay up to play wif the choo choo, Dada," Kung Lao informed Liu Kang.
"Oh, I see," Liu Kang, put his hand on his chin, as if thinking. "What a predicament we have here."
Raiden whined, making grabby hands for Liu Kang. The God quickly got the message, picking Raiden up. Raiden rested his head on Liu Kang's shoulder, struggling to keep his eyes open.
"So we can all play together?" Kung Lao asked Liu Kang exciednly. Maybe Raiden wasn't thaaaat sleepy!
"No, Raiden here is going down for a nap," Liu Kang said, receiving another whine. "I know, but we're going to play some baby games before bed."
Kung Lao frowned, he didn't wanna play baby games! He was too big for that! Couldn't Liu Kang see that?
Liu Kang winked as Kung Lao before walking out of the room, Raiden fussing the entire way about how he didn't wanna sleep and wanted to play more. Kung Lao quickly understood that baby games meant that he was going to brush Raiden's hair, read him a story, and lul him to sleep until Raiden physically couldn't stay up anymore.
He assumed Raiden was just getting cranky anyways, 'cause it was past naptime.
Kung Lao happily laid back on the floor with his train set. Him and Liu Kang were going to have big kid playtime! Maybe they could go outside and play tag? Or have a small picnic?
It wasn't long before Liu Kang came back into the room. Kung Lao looked up at him, Raiden wasn't with him, "Rai okay?"
"A bit of a hissy fit, but he's asleep now," Liu Kang said before stopping. ". . . Kung Lao, why is there crayon on the wall?"
Kung Lao looked behind him. Oh . . . He forgot about that. Kung Lao couldn't find any paper, but he had crayons! And the wall looked so empty! So of course he had to give it some color!
". . . Ray did it!" Kung Lao quickly pointed to the room Raiden was sleeping in.
Liu Kang crossed his arms, giving a look that looked unamused and unimpressed.
". . . He helped," Kung Lao shrugged, looking at the floor.
That wasn't a lie, Raiden saw Kung Lao drawing and he did help out.
"Great, then you can help me clean it off," Liu Kang said, going to grab some babywipes or a wet cloth.
"What?! Dada no!" Kung Lao began to fuss. "Couldn't find any paper and the wall looked so sad and-"
"Should we do a small timeout for lying about, what was it . . . three? Four times?" Liu Kang asked, putting his hands on his hips. "How long would you say?"
Kung Lao grimaced, now he was just being mean. The smile on Liu Kang's face seemed evil. The timeout wouldn't be long, maybe seven minutes most. But he didn't just want to sit there either.
". . . I wanna clean Raiden's stuff," Kung Lao said, standing up.
Raiden didn't press the crayon as hard on the wall. So it should come off easier . . . hopefully.
He went to grab his paci-
"Ah!" Liu Kang motioned him over. "Hand it."
"Wasn't gonna use it!" Kung Lao whined, waddling over. Liu Kang kissed his temple, grabbing the pacifier to go wash it off. Kung Lao grumbled behind him, "Being all mean today!"
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
@counting-sheeps-n-bunnies art is super cute, so check them out!! :D
(Also I'm gonna start posting Hcs soon, I swear!! <3)
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starsurface · 3 months
I LOVE YOUR WORK. Especially your baby regression post. As a baby regressor it makes me so happy. Could you some HCs of the earth realm champions (Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny and maybe a little bit of Liu Kang) being tasked to take care of a baby regressor?
Awh thank you so much!!! Your guys support means so much to me, Sugars. <3 <3
Real quick, I didn't know what emoji to use for Kung Lao. It was either 👒 or 🍖 (I'm so mean to him <3) (he's one of my favorites) if y'all have any suggestions I'll take them!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❤️ They all absolutely adore you!!!!
⭐️ Your so tiny and cute, it's adorable 🥺
🌟 It really depends on how you regress that depends on the situation
🌩 Most times, if you’re little during training Liu Kang will take you to his room and have some playtime (the others get to train >:3)
🍖 Unfortunately, Liu is also an extremely important individual, and playtime might get cut short :(
❤️ It makes both of you super pouty, but don't worry!! He's already called Dada Raiden to come watch over you! :D
⭐️ . . . Dada Raiden is apparently an apologetic Raiden, and his three little squirrelssquirrels- I mean, Johnny, Kenshi, and Kung Lao <3
🌟 Luckily, Liu Kang doesn’t get too upset, especially when you start making grabby hands towards Kung Lao, wanting him to pick you up
🌩 You promised Liu Kang that’d you be on your best behavior!! (. . . Maybe)
🍖 The moment Liu Kang is out of the door, Johnny and Kung Lao are arguing
❤️ Obviously you wanna play with him- No, not him, him! Obviously you want your favorite person!!! Not some loser- Uh, silly person >:(
⭐️ ^ Unfortunally, this is both their mindsets
🌟 It’s not their faults!! They both adore you!! How could they not wanna cuddle up and baby you? 🥺
🌩 But don’t you wanna have a dance break with Johnny? Where he holds you on his hip and twirl you around?
🍖 Or come play outside with Kung Lao!! You both could go catch butterflies- He’ll even give you a piggy back ride!!
❤️ Raiden and Kenshi kinda take a semi hands off approach, letting you crawl over and cuddle them before getting dragged back by Johnny or Kung lao
⭐️ Unfortunalyl . . . their little scwabble could cause some tears to ensue
🌟 You don’t wanna choose! How could you choose? You love both Kung Lao and Johnny equally!! Why were they making you choose? That wasn’t fair, nor very nice :(
🌩 And now Johnny and Kung Lao are using their mean voices towards each other and they’re fighting, why are they fighting? You didn’t do anything wrong, did you?
🍖 Luckily, Raiden notices and comes over, scooping you up and declaring it snack time
❤️ You swear you can hear Kenshi scolding Johnny and Kung Lao for making you cry, but Raiden put on some soft music so you could help him make sandwiches and fruit
⭐️ Except your a bit too big to help make sandwiches, so instead you can eat a cookie while Raiden makes lunch
🌟 If your too little for solid foods, Raiden will make you some yummy oatmeal or something similar
🌩 Kenshi comes over and scoops you up, mostly because Raiden called for him because he might be super awesome (as you’ve declared him) but he can’t unfortuanlly carry you and bring out a tray of food (for some reason 🙄)
🍖 Johnny and Kung Lao look kinda defeated as they apologize to you, but their apology is very sincere because they never truly meant to make you cry
❤️ The rest of the day, after some yummy food and cartoons, is spent sharing playtime
⭐️ Johnny convinces everyone that they need a small dance break after lunch, and now everyone needs a dance break
🌟 Whether it’s dancing with some nice tunes, or those silly little fun exercises online
🌩 Y’all ever done Koo Koo Kangaroo? One of my favorite child exercise things, and they’re mostly simple (Double Scoops my favorite)
🍖 Kung Lao convinces you to come to play outside, mostly in Liu Kang’s personal spot in the Wushi gardens (a lot of regressors like spending time there, it’s really nice and secretive)
❤️ And you two chase Johnny and Kenshi around (with him giving you a piggyback ride), you won, both Kenshi and Johnny surrendered
⭐️ Since your outside, you sit on Kenshi’s lap and pop bubbles that the others are making (Johnny got them from his room)
🌟 Or you guys walk by the nice smelling flowers, you on Kenshi’s hip (much to the other’s protest, and Kenshi’s joy)
🌩 When they get inside, Raiden gets some paper and decides its color time (something calming before bedtime)
🍖 You to color, and the fie of you end up making Liu Kang a pretty picture because you notice he doesn't have many portraits of himself (a terrible thing, Johnny declared)
❤️ You are passed OUT by nap time
⭐️ They made a plan too!! Just in case!!
🌟 Kung Lao got the couch all comfy with all of Liu Kang’s pillows and blankets (absolutely destroyed his bed, he’ll get scolded at later)
🌩 Johnny found your favortie show or movie, and closed all the curtains so it’d be darker
🍖 Kenshi and Raiden helped you get ready for bedtime and honestly, you were so sleepy from your long day running around
❤️ ^ If you need diapers or any sort of protection, Raiden will gently change you (best out of the four of them, he’s an older brother and uses them himself)
⭐️ Liu Kang comes back after what feels like (and is) hours of being gone
🌟 He can’t even be mad that Kung Lao stole all his blankets and pillows, you five are passed out in a major cuddle pile, and he has to keep himself from laughing
🌩 ^ Mostly because it seems you covered Johnny’s face (lightly) with a pillow to shush his snoring in your sleep
🍖 Went much better than expected, he expected he wouldn’t have a house anymore with the chaos, ngl
❤️ He might snap a quick photo with Johnny’s phone, but is a bit cautious of waking you five up
⭐️ He’ll kiss all of your foreheads, and remove the pillow off Johnny’s cage, and goes to continue his pouring God work in his office
🌟 He really liked his new portrait though, almost cried when he saw it, he’ll make sure to hang it up soon <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
^ This banner is the most colorful I've ever made, it's so cute!! :3
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starsurface · 1 month
MK1 Masterlist
Kenshi Takahashi: ❤️
❤️ CG Kenshi Takahashi Hcs
❤️ Regressor Kenshi Takahashi Hcs
❤️ CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
❤️ CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❤️ CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressor Hcs
❤️ CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
❤️ CG Kenshi w/ Regressor Hcs Pt 2
❤️ CG Kenshi w/ Puppy Regressor Hcs
Johnny Cage: ⭐️
⭐️ Regressor Johnny Cage Hcs
⭐️ CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
⭐️ CG Johnny Cage w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Johnny w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Johnny Cage w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
⭐️ CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Johnny Cage w/ Baby(pt 2)-Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
⭐️ CG Johnny Cage w/ Sick Regressor Hcs
Rain: 💧
💧 Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 Middlespace Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 CG Havik w/ Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 CG Rain w/ Baby-Toddlerspace Regressor Reiko Hcs
💧 CG Rain & Havik w/ Babyspace Regressor Reiko Hcs
💧 CG Kenshi w/ Regressor Hcs Pt 2
💧 CG Rain & Havik w/ Regressors Reiko & Nitara Hcs
General Shao: 🛡
🛡 CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs
🛡 CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs Pt 2
🛡 CG Shao w/ Regressor Reiko Hcs
Reiko: ⚔️
⚔️ CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs
⚔️ CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs Pt 2
⚔️ CG Shao w/ Regressor Reiko Hcs
⚔️ CG Rain w/ Baby-Toddlerspace Regressor Reiko Hcs
⚔️ CG Rain & Havik w/ Babyspace Regressor Reiko Hcs
⚔️ CG Rain & Havik w/ Regressors Reiko & Nitara Hcs
Havik: 🫀
🫀 CG Havik w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🫀 CG Havik w/ Regressor Rain Hcs
🫀 CG Rain & Havik w/ Babyspace Regressor Reiko Hcs
🫀 CG Rain & Havik w/ Regressors Reiko & Nitara Hcs
Baraka: 🦴
🦴 CG Baraka Hcs
🦴 CG Baraka w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
Tomas Vrbada: 💨
💨 Babyspace Regressor Tomas Vrbada Hcs
💨 CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
💨 CG Tomas & Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
💨 CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
💨 CG Sindel w/ Regressor Tomas Hcs
💨 CG Tomas w/ Sick Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
Ashrah: 🪽
🪽 Regressor Ashrah Hcs
Kuai Liang: 🔥
🔥 Regressor Kuai Liang Hcs
🔥 CG Tomas & Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
🔥 CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
Liu Kang: 🌟
🌟 CG Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden w/ Regressor Liu Kang
🌟 CG Liu Kan w/ Middlespace Regressor that Stims
🌟 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Liu Kang Nightmare Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Liu Kang
🌟 CG Liu Kang w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressor Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Liu Kan Hcs Pt 2
🌟 CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
🌟 CG Raiden w/ Clingy Babyspace Liu Kang MK1 Hcs
Raiden: 🌩
🌩 CG Raiden w/ Regressor Liu Kang
🌩 Regressor Raiden Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🌩️ CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Liu Kang Nightmare Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Liu Kang
🌩 CG Raiden w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressor Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Liu Kan Hcs Pt 2
🌩 CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden MK1 w/ Regressor Liu Kang MK11 Hcs
🌩 CG Raiden w/ Clingy Babyspace Liu Kang MK1 Hcs
Bi-Han: ❄️
❄️ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ CG Bi-Han w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ CG Tomas & Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Regressor Bi-Han Pt 2
❄️ CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
Shang Tsung: 🐍
🐍 Regressor Shang Tsung Hcs
🐍 CG Shang Tsung w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
Kitana: 💙
💙 CG Kitana w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
💙 CG Kitana w/ Babyspace Regressor Mileena Hcs
💙 CG Kitana w/ Puppyspace Regressor Hcs
Quan Chi: 🔮
🔮 Regressor Quan Chi Hcs
Mileena: 🩷
🩷 CG Kitana w/ Babyspace Regressor Mileena Hcs
Sindel: 💜
💜 CG Sindel w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
💜 CG Sindel w/ Regressor Tomas Hcs
💜 CG Sindel w/ Padded Regressor Hcs
Stryker: 🧸
🧸 CG Stryker Hcs
Kung Lao: 🍖
🍖 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🍖 CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressor Hcs
🍖 CG Liu Kang, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, & Kung Lao w/ Babyspace Padded Regressor Hcs
🍖 CG Kenshi w/ Regressor Hcs Pt 2
Syzoth: 🦎
🦎 CG Syzoth w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
Nitara: 🩸
🩸 CG Rain & Havik w/ Regressors Reiko & Nitara Hcs
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starsurface · 2 months
Your writing makes me v happeh. And I was hoping you could do a cg kenshi (mk1) with a puppy regressor? Hope you have a good day. 🙃
Awh really? 🥺
I'm so glad that you enjoy them!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kenshi w/ Puppy Regressor Hcs
❤️ He loves puppy regressors!!!
❤️ Very good with both hyper and calm puppies too! He’s good at keeping up with you when you wanna run around, and when you wanna chill on the couch and cuddle
❤️ First things first, just because he’s blind doesn’t mean that he can’t play with you
❤️ He can still chase you outside, or play catch or fetch, tug-a-war, make bracelets, all that stuff
❤️ Some things might be a bit altered, but he can still easily play with you with and without Sento
❤️ And why wouldn’t he want to play? He loves playing!! Running around outside, or watching you tumble around outside, or trying to get you unraveled from some blankets because you were playing a bit too hard :(
❤️ I think his favorite activity would be catching a frizbey 
❤️ Throwing it, having you try to throw it back or run over to him with it, ruffling your hair and praising your skills
❤️ You know how I said in my CG Kenshi w/ Regressed Reader Hcs that if you like to babble, he’d reply with a lot of “Oh yeah?” and “Is that true?”, basically interacting with babbles like your saying actual sentences
❤️He’ll do that with puppy regressors too!!
❤️ Any kind of bark or whine or nonverbal sound you make, he treats it like an actual conversation
❤️ You know what’s better than a puppy bed? Kenshi’s jacket :D
❤️ Or use it as a blankie!! What’s kenshi going to do? Take it from you?
❤️ Wrongo, once it’s yours, it’s yours :3
❤️ Or, he won’t take it (atleast for now) because one, your warm, and two, you look very cute snuggling it
❤️ If your okay with collars, he’d probably get one that’d feel really comfy (like tecture wise)
❤️ Or a chocker with a design that he can feel
❤️ He’ll still use Sento while watching you, especially at first, but he’s getting really good at not ‘hindering’ on them
❤️ Although Sento loves you!!! Sometimes they’ll float themselves away so you can ‘fetch’ them
❤️ ^ Much to Kenshi’s dismay, you’re too little to be playing with that!!
❤️ He’ll scold you and his Ancestors for putting you in danger, he gets that maybe your sense of danger isn’t the best, but they should know better!! >:(
❤️ He’ll mostly call you ‘Pup, but he’ll use Puppy or similar nicknames often too
❤️ He’d do that one thing where he cups your cheeks and wiggles your head side to side (I love doing that to dos)
❤️ Very willing to give tummy rubs and head scratches, especially while just lazing around or cuddling
❤️ If your a clumby puppy, he’s always got bandaids on hand, but he might laugh (he’ll always make sure your okay though)
❤️ (^ Actually, he’s really good at catching your head or limbs from hitting things when you fall, so you won’t get too bruised up!)
❤️ He’d lick you back for kisses, just to annoy you 🙄
❤️ You think you can get to him by licking his cheek instead of kissing it? Easy, he’ll just do it right back!
❤️ ^ Which is total bogus of him, especially when he laughs at your whines and fussing over it >:(
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope you have a good day!! :D
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starsurface · 3 months
Love love your subscorp ones!! Can I request CG!Hanzo & Little!Kuai Liang from mk11 this time? Thank you!! :D 💕
Yes!! So sorry for the wait!! I'm not sick anymore though!! :D
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CG Hanzo w/ Regressor Kuai Liang Hcs
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
⛄️ Kuai Liang feels a bit more of an age dreamer to me??
🦂 Another Raiden problem, there's so much to do, especially as Grandmaster, also struggles to fully regress alone :(
⛄️ But with Hanzo’s help, he regresses to about 3-5
🦂 ^ Has also regressed to babyspace, but only when he gets flashbacks of his (horrible) childhood
⛄️ Kuai started regressing with Johnny as his main cg (they're actually friends in cannon!!)
🦂 ^ Johnny saw how stressed Kuai Liang was, and suggested the coping mechanism
⛄️ Kuai shared his regression after Hanzo regressed with him the first time, he didn't want Hanzo to feel awkward or embarrassed around his ‘rival’
🦂 Kuai Liang has a difficult time fully regressing when he's alone, and needs someone with him
⛄️ Luckily, regressed Kuai is rarely ever aline, whether he has Hanzo, Bi-Han, or even Frost
🦂 Hanzo started caretaking when Takeda started regressing
⛄️ It was actually really hard when Hanzo started caretaking for the first time, especially because it was Takeda
🦂 After all these years, he is still always reminded of his son, and now he's watching after the boy he swore himself he'd treat as any other student (although he basically ended up adopting Takeda, and no, Takeda was not a replacement for Satoshi)
⛄️ Hanzo does, however, really enjoy caregiver, and was very excited the first time Kuai Liang ever regressed around him
🦂 He's a very proud Papa, and honestly kinda misses the Dad life
⛄️ Hanzo is extremely . . . over protective of Kuai Liang
🦂 If he had it his way, Kuai Liang wouldn't escape his cuddles at all >:(
⛄️ But Kuai Liang enjoys being slightly independent, and Hanzo is still learning to take a step back sometimes
🦂 Completely over panics when Kuai Liang gets hurt, even if it's just a simple nick
⛄️ ^ This has caused Kuai Liang to start crying too, but most times he calms his Bàba down
🦂 Don't worry, both are fine, and Kuai gets a ton of cuddles and kisses after
⛄️ Hanzo's main caretaker names are Bàba when he's smaller, like babyspace, and Papa the rest of the time
🦂 Both have tried to call the other (correct me if I'm wrong) Otòsan before and both times it's made Hanzo cried
⛄️ Kuai Liang's main nicknames are Snowflake, Bunny, and Baby Boy
🦂 Main babysitters are Johnny, Bi-Han, Frost, and sometimes Kenshi
⛄️ Although Kuai Liang doesn't really need babysitters most times, unless he request it
🦂 Hanzos a busy person, but he'll cut meetings short if Kuai Liang slips, and he's very good at multitasking with his work while Kuai’s small
⛄️ He'll do most of his papers on the bed or divide his desk in half so Kuai Liang can color for an hour or so
🦂 Kauai's pretty okay with it, he likes being able to sit next to or on Hanzo's lap and do his own work (which Hanzo always loves to praise)
⛄️ Kuai’s actually a very energetic kiddo
🦂 Really likes outside time, and doing craft activities
⛄️ Outside time is specifically for the Lin Kuei temple, he likes the snow
🦂 He's fine walking the gardens and looking at the fish, but he has much more making snow angels and building snowmen
⛄️ It's not uncommon to see both Grandmasters outside in the snow
🦂 Nor is it uncommon to see Kuai Liang order Hanzo around during their play time (they have To make good snowmen, Hanzo, not just three weirdly shaped circles on top of each other)
⛄️ He also really likes different crafts, whether that's coloring, or finger painting, or stuff like that
🦂 Does prefer coloring because he can give Hanzo his pretty drawings
⛄️ Only a very few select drawing get to go up in their house because Kuai is embarrassed someone will catch onto his regression
🦂 He also likes wrestling or play fighting a bit, but mostly because it ends in giggle fits and a cuddle pile
⛄️ Hanzo is really good at controlling his strength, and he'll never let Kuai Liang win >:(
🦂 Mostly because he makes Kuai think he's won, and then will overpower him so he can pep his face with kisses and squish him in a hug
⛄️ ^ Kuai firmly believes that's cheating but whatever 😒
🦂 Hanzo is slightly reluctant to let Kuai cuddle or touch his Teddy while Kuai is small
⛄️ Kuai doesn't play with it often, but sometimes he wants to play with his Papa's toys and would pretty please like to hold Teddy
🦂 Hanzo let's him, but keeps an incredi close eye on him
⛄️ It does make him really happy thar Kuai is very obviously much gentler with teddy than his other stuffies
🦂 Kuai doesn't actually have many stuffies, but he'd rather cuddle Papa instead (his personal heater)
⛄️ Sometimes Kuai Liang gets really bad memories, especially of his childhood
🦂 His childhood was . . . extremely terrible, to say the very least
⛄️ It makes him feel really small, and scared, and vulnerable
🦂 He'll hide and cry into his Bàba's chest for comfort, refusing to leave his side
⛄️ Hanzo will gently rock him, scratch his back while he places soft kisses on Kuai Liang's forehead
🦂 He's very good at comforting Kuai, and makes sure to give his baby some extra loving during these times <3
⛄️ Kuai Liang actually really likes having playdates with others, especially with Frost and Bi-Han (it's also how he rekindle his relationship between the two)
🦂 Hanzo was cacious, especially at first, but he actually does enjoy the friendship he's made with them
⛄️ Frost very much loves her baby, but puts up a good fight for Hanzo some times (she's a big girl!! She doesn't need a babysitter, and neither does Kuai!)
🦂 Bi-Han likes cuddling with Kuai, but Is also a bit too aggressive in play wrestling (one of the brothers favorite activities together)
⛄️ Kuai Liang is Hanzo's main priority when he's small (he's his main priority In general, but knows he needs him now when he's tiny)
🦂 . . . That does not mean that Kuai Liang can just freeze him in place when he says no to something >:/ (bullstuffies)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
These aren't the best, I'm so sorry. I've never imagined regressor Kuai before, but I can always redo or do more!! <3
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