#Remember Me Series
heretherebedork · 2 years
Between Us: Anxiety can shape a person and hurt love and hurt you and healing comes slowly and in stages but love will be enough to show you the way to a better life.
My Tooth Your Love: Anxiety can isolate you, hurt you and hurt the people you love and love is not enough by itself, you must work for love and you must prove that you are ready for love and also therapy is a very good thing, okay?
Remember Me: Anxiety isolates you, hurts you, pushes you away from people and makes people worry but isn't always apparent to the people around you and people will blame you for things you can't control.
... I did not think I'd get three fantastic and different depictions of anxiety in BL at the same time but we are so blessed.
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purpleautumnvision · 8 months
Memories of a Stranger: Progress Update (Remember Me series on ao3)
I finally finished outlining Alya's Sidestory, and the current title is Memories of a Stranger. Here's a little snippet to hold you over until I start posting full chapters! (Which will hopefully be soon)
Chapter One: Some Truths
Alya absently chewed the nail of her thumb as she peeked at her best friend, Marinette, from the corner of her eye. Completely tuned out of the lesson Mme. Bustier was sharing, Alya instead flicked her eyes between Marinette and the blond boy who sat in the front row. Anytime Marinette would yawn or sneeze, Adrien's head would twitch almost imperceptibly. Almost as if he could barely keep himself from turning to face her. Marinette no longer had the dreamy look on her face when staring at Adrien. She appeared more calm, more present in the moment, but nonetheless just as in love. She was getting more comfortable around her secret crush by the day, and it hadn't escaped Alya's trained eye. This had been going on for weeks.
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
Remember Me (FP Jones x OC)
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Chapter Summary: Direct continuation of Part one. Will Isabelle become a Serpent? What does the future look like for our favorite characters?
Summary: It’s been 4 years since Isabelle left Riverdale and it’s finally time to return…but what will she find? Are the people she loves the same people she used to know?
Characters: FP Jones, Fred Andrews, Tom Keller, Isabelle Keller (OC). For reference, FP/Fred/Tom are 23 in this and Isabelle is 21.
Warnings: cursing, family drama
Part 2 of 3
A/N: Read the series in order or it doesn’t make sense.
(Part 1)
I woke up the next morning to the smell of something burning. I was momentarily concerned until I heard FP swearing and the clatter of what sounded like a pan being thrown into the sink.
I yawned and stretched, before slowly venturing out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. FP was standing in front of the sink scrapping something off a pan and cursing quietly under his breath.
“Good morning,” I said with a smirk.
He turned to face me, his cheeks bright red. “I burnt breakfast,” he mumbled.
I laughed and walked over to look in the sink. “Oh...damn, FP. Did that used to be an omelet?”
He groaned. “I think so.”
“I think we’ll add ‘cooking’ to the list of things you need to work on,” I said lightly. I nudged him with my hip and opened the fridge. It was almost empty. I looked up at him with a chuckle. “How does Pop’s sound?”
He smiled. “It sounds amazing.” He leaned in to kiss me. 
“Shower first,” I mumbled against his lips.
“Take one with me. It’ll conserve water.”
I laughed and let him lead me into the bathroom.
30 minutes later, we were dressed and ready to go. 
I climbed into the seat of his pickup truck and smiled. 
He climbed in and gave me a funny look. “What’s the smile about?”
“You don’t remember?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked confused.
My smiled widened. “You took me to the drive-in to see some action movie, except the only action I recall was us.”
He grinned as he remembered the night we’d made love for the first time. He turned to look at the bed of his truck and then back at me. “When you first left Riverdale, you were everywhere. I couldn’t go anywhere without seeing a memory of us. It was so painful. Eventually, I got to the point where I actively tried to forget about any memory I had of you. It made life more bearable, but it also made it empty.”
“I’m sorry, FP. I can’t imagine what it was like for you still being in this town.”
He shook his head. “I didn’t tell you that to upset you. I just want you to know that’s why I won’t recall things as quickly as you do. I spent the last 4 years suppressing my memories of you.”
I nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll remind you.”
He smiled and started the engine. When we arrived at Pop’s, I noticed a familiar truck parked out front.
“FP, that’s Fred’s truck.”
FP parked the vehicle and nodded. “I know.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“It’s been about a year.”
I looked at him in surprise. He and Fred used to be just as close as Fred and I were. Hell, Fred’s the only reason FP and I even met in the first place. After all, I’m two years younger than them. But Freddy wanted a female singer to join the band back in high school and I auditioned. He loved my voice, so I joined the Fred Heads for practice the next day. Over the next few years, Fred and I became best friends and FP and I fell in love.
“Well come on, you might as well face the music,” I said gently as I jumped down from the truck.
FP quietly followed me inside.
When the little bell rang as we entered, Pop Tate looked up and did a double-take. “Is that Isabelle Keller I see coming into my Chocklit Shop?”
I grinned ear to ear. “Hi, Pop. It’s been a while.”
He came around the counter and gave me a hug. “Four years, Isabelle. Four long years.” He looked up at FP and raised his eyebrows. “It’s been about a year since I’ve seen you either, FP.”
“I’ve been real busy, Pop.”
The old man nodded. “Mhm, I’m sure.” He squeezed my shoulders and said, “I’ll get to making your favorite breakfast. You just have a seat and I’ll get it to you in a jiffy.”
I grinned and thanked him.
I turned to see Fred waving at us from a booth across the room. I waved back and started to walk towards him. I noticed FP hadn’t moved, so I turned to grab his hand. “Come on,” I said gently.
“What if he’s mad at me?”
“It’s Fred. He’ll get over it.” FP still didn’t move. “What is it?” I asked softly.
“He’s with Mary.”
“So she doesn’t like me.”
I sighed. “Babe, we’re going to at least say hi. Freddy wouldn’t have called my name if he wanted to be left alone.”
FP nodded and finally began following me to the booth where Fred and Mary sat.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the great Isabelle Keller,” Mary said.
FP tensed up beside me, but I grinned ear to ear. A moment later, so did Mary. She jumped out of her seat and wrapped me in a hug. 
“It’s good to see you, Mary.”
“You too, Isabelle.” She turned to FP. “Hey, FP. It’s been a while.”
“Hey Mary,” he responded, his tone cautious.
Fred and I hugged and then he turned to FP. He pulled him into a hearty man hug and said, “It’s good to see you, man.”
FP’s face lit up in surprise. “It’s good to see you too, Fred. I’m sorry I’ve been distant.”
“It’s all good, man. You’ve been going through some stuff.” He gestured to the booth. “Sit down you two. Have breakfast with us!”
I smiled and gently touched FP’s arm. He simply nodded and sat beside me in the booth.
“So what have you been up to? Any juicy details from the big city?” Mary asked.
“Oh nothing too special. Just the usual big city bullshit. I actually missed the quiet of Riverdale.”
Mary scoffed. “Girl, you’re crazy. I’d love to live in a major city. Ohh, the shopping must be amazing!”
I laughed. “I’m not much of a shopper and even I thought it was incredible. And horrifyingly expensive.”
“Oh I can imagine!”
FP and Fred exchanged a glance that clearly said ‘kill me now’. 
I nudged FP. “Are we boring you?” I teased.
“Pfft. Never. You know I love fashion.”
I laughed. “If by love you mean you wear a variation of the same outfit every day, then yes. You’re clearly fashion’s number one fan!”
Everyone laughed.
Fred was about to say something when Pop Tate came over to the table with our food. A waitress came up behind him to deliver Fred and Mary’s food. We each thanked them and Pop smiled and shot me a wink before rushing back to the counter as another customer entered. 
We all dug in to our meals, silence enveloping the table.
“I forgot how delicious this was,” I said after a while.
“Food not as good in New York?” Fred teased. 
“Nothing is as good as Pop’s. Especially when it’s shared with people you love.”
“You’re such a sap,” Fred said with a laugh.
“And yet, you love me,” I teased back.
“That I do, Miss Keller. That I do.” Fred choked on his food and said quickly, “Izzy, your mo--”
“Isabelle Marian Keller!”
I winced as Fred was interrupted by none other than my mother screaming my name across the diner.
“--ther’s here,” Fred finished quietly.
My mother stomped up to the table with my dad and Tom following behind her. “You didn’t come home last night,” she said sternly.
“First off, hi mom, nice to see you. Second, I texted Tom to tell him I was staying at Fred’s.”
“And you couldn’t have included me in that message?”
“Well, it was late. I figured Tom would be able to let you know where I was if you started to worry.”
“Hmmpf,” she grumbled before suddenly zeroing in on FP as if she’d just noticed he was there. “And what are you doing here?” 
FP looked up at her slowly. “I’m eating breakfast with my friends, Mrs. Keller.”
“You forfeited the right to call my daughter ‘friend’ when you joined that gang,” she practically spit the last word.
I jumped in before FP could respond. “I choose who my friends are, mom. Not you. You’re making a scene and people are starting to stare. Why don’t you go have a nice breakfast with dad and Tom and we’ll talk about this at home.” My voice had a tone of finality to it that my mother didn’t like, but she also didn’t want to be the star of the town’s gossip mill. 
“Fine. We will be discussing this at home.” With that, she stormed off to a booth at the other end of the diner, my dad trailing after her as always. Tom mouthed ‘sorry’ to me before heading after them.
“Well that was embarrassing,” I mumbled.
“Sorry, Iz. I tried to warn you,” Fred said.
“It’s all good. I appreciate the attempt.” I turned to look at FP. “Are you okay?”
“Not really,” he mumbled. 
I touched his arm gently. “Ignore her, FP. She doesn't dictate my life and she doesn’t have the right to judge yours.”
To my surprise, Mary jumped in supportively. “Isabelle’s right. No one gets to judge your choices. And certainly no one gets to make our choices for us.”
FP looked up at her in surprise. “Thanks, Mary.”
She nodded sternly and looked at Fred expectantly. 
“What? He knows I think that was a load of horseshit. Besides, Mrs. Keller always hated FP. Now she feels like she’s found a valid excuse. Like I said, horseshit.”
I chuckled softly and FP smiled. “You’ve always had a way with words, Fred,” he said.
“I know. I’m eloquent as hell.”
We all laughed and I leaned into FP. He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders. A part of me hoped my mom was watching. I knew this would really ruffle her feathers. 
We continued to chit chat for a while before we decided to head out. Fred wanted to get some work done and Mary had homework to do for her summer class.
We said our goodbyes and headed out. I noticed that my family was still eating, so I figured we had some time to kill before I needed to deal with that. 
“FP? Wanna go for a walk?”
He smiled. “I’d love to.”
He took my hand and we headed toward the park. It was a beautiful day and the feeling of the sun hitting my face was wonderful. 
“Can I ask you something?”
I smiled up at him. “Of course.”
“What is this? I mean, what do you want this to be?”
I stopped and looked at him. “I don’t want to lose you again. So for me? This is it. This is forever. I love you, FP. I always will.”
He smiled at me. “Forever,” he said softly. “I like the sound of that.”
I smiled and slipped my hand back into his and we resumed our walk. 
“Your mom is gonna flip out.”
“Yeah, but it really doesn’t matter. I’m more than old enough to make my own choices.”
“I don’t wanna come between you, though.”
“If me being with you upsets her that much then the only person coming between us is her.”
He nodded. “Maybe she’ll understand.”
I chuckled mirthlessly. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, babe. You know how she can be.”
When I say my mother hates FP, I really mean it. She always thought he was beneath me. It never made sense. FP always treated me well, respected me, and was incredibly loyal. All admirable traits. In her mind, he was Southside trash and nothing would ever change that.
When FP and I broke up, my mom practically threw a party. Honestly, that hurt just as much as FP’s goodbye.
“So the future...” FP started, bringing me out of my thoughts.
“What do you want?”
I thought about it for a moment. “Well, I’d like to get a job at Southside High, settle back in to town, get married, and I’d like to have a family.”
FP froze. “Did you say Southside High?”
“Yes I did.”
“Why the hell would you wanna work there?”
“Those are the kids that actually need my help. I can improve their education and hopefully their lives. Southside kids don’t get the same opportunities as Northsiders. I’m hoping I can change that. At least for some of them.”
He pulled me in close and kissed the top of my head. “They would be lucky to have you, Izzy. You’ve always made me want to be a better man. I have no doubt you can inspire kids to do the same.”
“Thanks, FP. Your support means so much to me. You’re actually the only one I’ve told.”
“Really? I’m flattered.”
I laughed. “Well you’re the least judgmental person I know. Plus, you’re a Southsider yourself, so if anyone gets it, it’s gonna be you.”
“You’re gonna be an amazing teacher, Isabelle. And an even more amazing mother.”
I froze. “So you heard that part.”
He laughed. “Yes, I did. Don’t worry. I want a family too. As long as it’s with you.”
I smiled at the sweetness of his words. I absolutely adored this man. Arguably more than I should, but that’s simply how it’s always been. And I knew he felt the same way.
“We should probably head back so I can get you home before your mom puts a bounty on my head.”
I sighed. “Dear God, don’t say that around her. We don’t need her getting any ideas.”
We headed back to Pop’s and I noticed the family car was gone. FP and I climbed into his truck and he drove me home. When we pulled into the drive, I sat in silence for a few moments.
“You okay, Iz?”
“Yeah. Just collecting my thoughts before I go in there.”
“I’d come with you if I didn’t think I’d make it worse.”
I smiled at him. “Don’t worry about me. I do appreciate the support though.” I opened the truck door and climbed out. “I’ll call you when I’m done.”
He nodded, worry lining his handsome face. “I love you,” I said softly.
He gave me a small smile. “I love you too, Isabelle. Good luck.”
And with that, I closed the door and he pulled away. I walked to my front door and took a deep breath before walking inside. It was a good thing I did because I was sorely unprepared for what awaited me inside.
My entrance to the house did not go unnoticed. My mother was practically waiting by the door for my arrival. 
“I expected you to be home before us,” she said, annoyance obvious in her tone.
“I went for a walk with FP,” I responded. 
Her eyes widened. “Alone? He’s a gang-banger, Isabelle! You don’t know what he’s capable of!”
I desperately tried to suppress my anger. “He’s the same man I’ve always know, mom. The only difference is now he’s a Serpent.”
Her face flushed with anger. “How could you be so ignorant, Isabelle?” She turned to my father. “Help me out here, Harold.”
“Your mother is right, Isabelle. Serpents are dangerous. Never turn your back on a snake...that’s how you get bitten.”
I glared at both of my parents. “No offense, but neither of you have any idea what you’re talking about. You’ve never left Riverdale. You’ve never seen real danger. I have. In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve lived in New York City for the past four years. I’ve seen what gangs are capable of--the drugs, murder, violence--all of it. So I can say with absolute certainty that the Serpents are not that kind of gang.”
My mother rolled her eyes. “Just because you’ve lived in a big city doesn’t mean you know better than us. We’re older and wiser. We know what’s best for you.”
I stared at her in shock. “Being older doesn’t make you wiser.”
“How dare you speak to me like that!” Just then, my brother appeared. “Tom, tell your sister she shouldn’t hang out with that Serpent boy!”
Tom looked at me, his face pale. I silently begged him to take my side. He turned his attention back to our mother. “I’m sorry, mom, but I can’t do that.”
My mother looked shocked. “Excuse me?”
“I can’t tell Isabelle not to see FP.”
“Why the hell not? You’re a Sheriff’s Deputy! You know better than most what those hoodlums are like.”
Tom nodded. “You’re right, I do know better than most. Which is why I can say with absolute certainty that FP poses no danger to Isabelle. All he’s ever done is love her. The last four years haven’t changed that.”
Now it was my turn to be shocked. My brother’s words warmed my heart and I smiled at him. He shot a small smile my way before our mother flipped out.
“I can’t believe you condone this!”
“Mom, come on. Isabelle is more than capable of making her own decisions.”
“No, she’s clearly not! Certainly not while she’s living under my roof. I’m her mother and I know what’s best for her.”
Tom started to defend me, but I cut him off. “You may be my mother, but you clearly don’t know what’s best for me. I’ve loved FP for the better part of six years. I’ve never met anyone who even comes close to comparing to him. He is what’s best for me, Serpent or not.” I turned and walked towards the stairs. 
“Where are you going, young lady? We’re not finished yet.”
I stopped and looked at my mother. “Yes, mom, we are. I’m going to gather my things and then I’ll be out of your hair.” I ran up the stairs, ignoring the shouts of my name from below.
Once in my room, I quickly started packing up my things. I was almost finished when someone knocked on my door.
“Hey, Iz. It’s me.”
I opened the door and Tom came in. He didn’t say a word, just wrapped me in a hug. I leaned into him and hugged him back. “I’m sorry, Izzy,” he said softly.  
I pulled away and looked up at him. “Don’t be, Tommy. I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will, but still. It wasn’t right for mom to act like that.”
I shrugged. “It’s mom. I’ve come to expect it. But thanks for sticking up for me.”
He smiled. “I meant what I said. FP is a good man. As much as I don’t want my baby sister to get involved with the Serpents, I can’t deny that he makes you happy. And you deserve that.”
I returned his smile. “Thanks, Tommy. No one could ask for a better brother.”
“Give it some time. I’m sure I’ll do something to piss you off.”
We both laughed. He watched me throw the last couple items into my bag and zip it shut.
“Where will you go?”
“FP lives alone now, so I guess I’ll go there.”
Tom nodded and pulled me into another hug. “Don’t be a stranger.”
“I won’t,” I promised him.
We separated and he grabbed my bag before heading down the stairs. I followed after him and prayed my parents wouldn’t see me leave. My prayers were answered and I made it to my car without any altercations. My brother put my bag in the trunk and gave me one last hug. 
“Call me if you need anything,” he said. “I’ll try and work on mom too.”
“Good luck with that one,” I said sarcastically. “I’ll see you later, Tommy.”
I hopped in the car and pulled away, returning my brother’s wave. I headed towards Sunnyside Trailer Park and sighed loudly. My heart felt heavy and light all at the same time. Being rejected like that by my own mother hurt like hell. There was no denying it. I’d also hoped FP and I would move in together under better circumstances. 
I was a little worried he wouldn’t want to, but I pushed the thought out of my mind. We’d just talked this morning about how this was forever...so I had to hope he would be okay with this. 
I pulled into Sunnyside and parked beside FP’s trailer. I left my bag in the trunk and went to the front door. FP opened it almost instantly. “I thought you were gonna call,” he said. “What happened?”
I told him about my conversation with my mother and his frown deepened the more I talked. “So I gathered my things and left,” I concluded.
He wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so sorry, Izzy.”
“I’m okay with it, honestly,” I lied.
He knew me well enough to know that wasn’t true, but he let it go. “So...” he began. “Does that mean you’re moving in here?”
I bit my lip. “Only if you’re okay with it.”
He grinned ear to ear. “Of course I’m okay with it, babe.”
I relaxed and grinned back at him. “I was hoping you would say that.”
He went out to my car and grabbed my bag. We spent the afternoon rearranging and cleaning the trailer so it suited both of us.
A few hours later, the two of us collapsed on the couch. 
“For such a small place, it really takes a long time to clean,” I grumbled.
FP laughed. “That may be because it’s never been cleaned by Isabelle Keller before.”
I laughed with him. “I am a little bit of an over-zealous cleaner.”
“A little?” he teased. 
I smacked his arm. “Shut up.”
He grinned and I rolled my eyes.
“Oh, you know...we should probably go grocery shopping. I think you only have beer, cheese, and a jar of pickles left in the fridge.”
He grimmaced. “Sorry, I’m not used to having company.”
“Well as far as I know, you’re a human too, which means you’ve gotta eat. So let’s go, handsome. Time to get shopping.”
He groaned. “Do we have to? You know I hate grocery shopping.”
I glared at him and put my hands on my hips.
“Got it. Not optional,” he said quickly as he got to his feet.
I let a small smile light up my face. I watched him start to put on his jacket, but then he hesitated.
“What’s wrong, FP?”
“I probably shouldn’t wear this. Especially when I’m with you. I don’t want anyone to be rude.”
I shook my head. “That jacket is part of your identity. You’re allowed to wear it anywhere you want. And I’m happy to be seen with you. Don’t let other people determine who you are.”
He stared at me quietly for a moment. “You’ve got a gift, Isabelle Keller. You have this way of making people feel good about themselves without even trying.” He shrugged his jacket on the rest of the way and stood tall.
“Maybe it’s just because I care.” I smiled. “Now come on. Those groceries aren’t gonna buy themselves.”
The next few weeks passed by without any further issues. I put in an application at Southside High and was asked to come in for an interview. It seemed to be just a formality as they were in pretty dire need of teachers and I actually wanted to work there. The principal hired me on the spot and I would teach my first class that coming fall. 
FP spent a lot of his time during the day at the Wyrm, I assumed doing whatever Serpent business he actually did.
I’d been thinking a lot lately about joining them. I felt like I was missing out on a huge part of FP’s life. I decided that I at least wanted to know more...learn what they were about. 
So when FP came home that evening, I sprung it on him. “I wanna go to a Serpent meeting.”
His eyes widened. “Why would you wanna do that?”
“It’s pretty simple, FP. I wanna know more. I wanna know what this is all about.”
FP thought about it for a moment. “Alright. We have a meeting tomorrow night. Lemme just ask Tall Boy if he thinks it would be appropriate.”
I nodded. “That’s fair.” 
Tall Boy wasn’t much older than FP, but he’d been a serpent pretty much his whole life. He’d know if the King would allow an outsider to be there. 
Lucky for me, Tall Boy thought it would be fine for FP to bring me along to the meeting. I was beyond nervous as I climbed on the back of FP’s bike the following night. 
“Babe, you okay?”
“Mhmm,” I hummed, voice a little higher pitched than normal.
FP chuckled. “Sweetheart, your hands are shaking.” 
I sighed. “I’m just a little nervous,” I admitted.
“Don’t worry. They’ll love you.”
I nodded and laid my head against his back as he started the bike. He sped off a few seconds later, taking the fastest route to the Wyrm. 
He helped me off the bike and led me to the front door. When we walked in, FP received several ‘hellos’, but everyone’s eyes landed on me. It was clear they were wondering what the hell I was doing there. 
“People are staring,” I whispered.
“It’s because you’re so beautiful,” he whispered back. 
I laughed. “I don’t think that’s it.”
Tall Boy waved at the two of us from across the room and my body relaxed a little. At least I knew one other person. 
I went over to the bar and leaned against it, FP right behind me. “Hey Tall Boy. It’s good to see you.”
“You too, Isabelle. FP.” 
“Hey, man.” They clapped hands before FP spoke again. “Did I tell you Izzy was a bartender?”
Tall Boy looked surprised. “No shit, really?”
I nodded. “It’s true.”
“Hmm,” he hummed appreciatively. “I think you’ll fit in just fine here.”
Suddenly, the room fell silent as a large, imposing man entered. I made the assumption that he was important and that was confirmed when FP leaned over to whisper, “That’s the King.”
I watched him with interest as he moved throughout the bar, greeting every person he passed by name. He was clearly charismatic and I was very intrigued by him. 
The King made his way towards the three of us and he smiled in my direction, despite not knowing me. When he reached us, he reached out a hand to me. “You must be Isabelle.” 
I was surprised he knew who I was and that was clearly evidenced by the look on my face. He picked up on my expression and smiled. “FP speaks very highly of you.”
I looked over at him and he smiled encouragingly. “He’s very sweet. Thank you for allowing me to be here.”
He smiled. “I hear you’re going to be teaching at Southside High in August.”
I nodded. “I’m excited to get started.” 
He nodded appreciatively. “I think the kids will be lucky to have you, Miss Keller, as are we.” He kissed my hand before making his way to the front of the room, taking everyone’s attention with him. 
“He’s quite lovely,” I whispered to FP. 
FP smiled. “Yeah, he’s a good man.”
I listened to the King as he spoke to the room. He was very inspiring, even to an outsider like me, so I could imagine just how much his words meant to the people in this room. 
By the time the meeting was over, I was really interested in joining the Serpents officially. When I said as much to FP, he took me upstairs to the King’s office, where we discussed my decision further. 
Two hours later, I was a full-fledged member of the Southside Serpents, with all that came along with that. 
A few days later, I was sporting my very own Southside Serpents jacket. I knew there were going to be a lot of people in my life with a lot of questions and opinions, but if I was truly honest with myself, I really only cared about the opinions of three people. One of them was FP, so I knew I was safe there; the other two were Fred and Tom...Fred would get over it, but Tom? I couldn’t be sure. 
He was the law and his little sister had just joined a gang...it couldn’t be a good for him. I knew he wanted to be Sheriff some day and I hoped this wouldn’t have a negative impact on his future career. 
My parents, especially my mother, were like to hate me, perhaps never even speak to me again. While it hurt like hell to think about, I knew that I had made the right decision for me and my future.
I finally felt like I was fully a part of FP’s life--like I understood him completely. It was obvious to me that the King respected and liked FP very much and I got the feeling that he felt the same about me, which I was grateful for. 
“So when you gonna tell your family?” FP asked me softly at dinner one night. 
I looked up at him, discomfort evident on my face. “Soon, baby. It’s just hard.”
He nodded. “Are you gonna tell them about us?”
“They already know about us, FP. At least Tom does, and his is the only opinion that matters.”
“I mean, he saw us together--but does he know?”
I raised my eyebrows. “Why are you being coy?”
He groaned. “Does he know that we’re in this for the long-haul? Like marriage and kids and all that?”
I laughed lightly. “’Marriage and kids and all that?’ He will soon enough, I can guarantee that much.” 
FP nodded and went back to eating his dinner, seemingly content with my response. 
Two days later, we were standing outside my parents’ house. 
“Are you sure you want me to be here?” FP asked quietly. 
“I can’t do this without you,” I whispered, slipping my hand into his.
“Okay, then.” He knocked on the door and gave my hand a tight squeeze, making sure I knew he was there.
Tom answered the door and I silently thanked God it was him. “Hey Izzy, FP. What’s going on?”
“Are mom and dad here?”
He nodded, looking wary. 
“Can we come in?” I prompted.
“Sure. You gonna tell me what’s going on?” He turned to let us enter and I heard his soft gasp as he got a look at our backs--and the Southside Serpents emblem emblazoned on both of our jackets. 
My parents were in the living room and they looked up when we entered. “What are you two doing here?” my mother asked coldly. 
“We were hoping to talk to you,” I answered softly, my voice more timid than I’d like it to be.
“We? So it’s ‘we’ now?” 
I nodded. “We.”
Before my mother could say another word, Tom cleared his throat. “I’d like to say something before you continue.”
All eyes turned to him. 
“Isabelle, no matter what you say or do, I’m always going to love you. You’re my sister and nothing will ever change that,” he paused. “That being said, it’s going to take me some time to be okay with this.”
I knew without having to ask for clarification what the ‘this’ was. My mother, however, was confused. 
“I’m certainly not okay with this,” she hissed. “My daughter dating a Southside gangster? Absolutely not.”
“That’s not what I was referring to, mother,” Tom said sternly. “FP and I have had our differences, but no one could ever love Isabelle like he does.”
Unshed tears burned in my eyes as my gaze met my brother’s. He looked sad, but I knew he loved me no matter what. I took a tentative step forward and he wrapped me in a tight hug. “I don’t like it--but I’ll find a way to get over it,” he whispered to me.
“Thank you,” I whispered back before we separated. 
My mother looked at the three of us in confusion and annoyance. 
I took a deep breath as I prepared to tell her the truth. I found my throat was too dry to speak and I’d simply lost the ability to form coherent sentences. Instead, I simply turned around, my back now facing my parents. 
I heard the sharp gasp, followed by an angry shout. I winced slightly and FP stepped forward protectively. 
“You joined them?” my mother shrieked. “You’re one of them?”
I turned back around to face her. “Yes.”
“Why?” she screamed.
“Because I love him,” I answered simply. 
That was clearly the absolute worst response I could've had, as evidenced by my mother’s screaming rant. A rant I couldn’t even understand because it so high-pitched and convoluted. 
After a couple minutes of this, FP stepped forward and said loudly, “Stop!”
My mother fell silent, if only out of shock.
“Thank you,” he said much more softly. “I know you don’t understand what’s happening and you don’t want your daughter to be a part of my world, but she made the choice herself. I would never force her to do something she didn’t want to do. As much as she loves me, I love her. I have every intention of spending the rest of my life with her.”
His words warmed my heart and I looked up at him with a small smile. His gaze flickered over to me and I saw the raw emotion in his eyes. If there had ever been any doubts about how he felt about me, they would have melted away with that single glance.
Both of my parents were completely dumbfounded by his words, neither of them speaking up as FP finished his thought. “I’m not asking you to accept me, but I do hope that you can come to respect your daughter. She loves you both very much and I’m sure you feel the same way.”
I stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand. I could see my mother was gearing up for another verbal assault, so I opted to head it off before she could start. “Goodbye, mom; dad. You know where to find me should you want to talk.”
I gave Tom one last look and he offered me a small smile in return. I faced the front door and FP and I left without looking back. 
Fred was so much more laidback about the whole thing than my parents were. I was beyond grateful for his love and his acceptance of me, no matter what. In his words, “what are friends for?”
Life continued on in much the same way for some time. I woke up every day next to the love of my life and fell asleep beside him every night. We laughed together, worked together, and did everything we could to really know one another again. 
When we weren’t at home, we were at the Wyrm. FP would handle Serpent business, while I would deal with the kids that I taught at school. It helped them to have a role model both at school and outside of it.
Everything was great. Tom was coming around to the idea of me being a Serpent, Fred came around as often as humanly possible, and FP and I were madly in love and doing very well. None of us had any idea what our future held, nor the darkness that would be a part of it.
**Stay Tuned for Part Three**
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bnprm · 2 years
i may be bawling bc of remember me ep 9 but at least we got this ball of sunshine right?
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7698 · 11 months
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bengiyo · 2 years
Remember Me Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Name spoke for the first time last week! It was really quiet, but very significant. I feel bad for the Golf that Gun continues to avoid him; I would feel less bad if Gun didn't know who Golf was. My feelings are a bit mild for everyone else. There's a lot of youth stuff going on.
I'm glad Name seemed to speak for himself. I think few, "They spoke!" moments more than when Spike shouted Ducky's name for the first time in The Land Before Time (I think it was the third film).
Em had the wherewithal to not make s big deal about it.
Mmm, I am sad about Gun lying about the sports day.
Three years later???? What the hell??
I'm glad Gun's skin cleared up, but he still hasn't cleared things up with Golf!
It is fun appreciating how much less space our computers take up now.
This exam system seems so stressful. I'm getting ITSAY flashbacks.
Okay, Em and his mom got me.
Why is Gun's dad being such an ass about him getting into architecture?
Oh god it's Mean in a terrible wig and a faded Dr. Pepper shirt.
I'm getting a bit tired of the backing track.
There are a lot of different hair choices that were made in this show.
Mam Preya is one of the staples of BL parenting. She's been with us since Make It Right.
Did Gun just lie about which university he got into to Golf?
Ah, so Name does use sign.
Aw, he spoke again.
Title Teshin absolutely crushed that tearful goodbye.
Oh good, Gun and Golf will at least interact in meat space next episode. I really hope Champ's grandfather doesn't die, with Champ left feeling guilty about being too busy to talk to him.
Name is probably going to suffer in loneliness next episode.
This show is very slow. It's watchable, but I can already tell I won't be returning to it once it's over.
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halliescomut · 2 years
Alright, I'm starting the new episode of Remember Me...I'll update if I survive. This show is absolutely destroying me.
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bajaja-blast · 1 month
you dislike Luke Castellan because he disagreed with an oppressive government system and actually took action to change the abusive ways him and his peers have been forced to follow for millennia.
I dislike Luke Castellan because in the Titans Curse he manipulated Annabeth, who he raised as his little sister, into holding up the sky, the FUCKING sky, for over 20 hours and had the audacity to walk away as though he was completely apathetic towards it while she begged and pleaded with him to help her.
we are not the same.
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forecast0ctopus · 9 months
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these guys am i right
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snifsnoof · 2 months
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hard at work or hardly working?
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
RIP Annabeth, I just know Percy sacrificing himself for you, after knowing you for a week, after telling you that you’ve done more for him this week than his father ever has, is permanently altering the brain chemistry of your avoidant attachment self
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Thai sign language! Thai sign language in a BL! Thai sign language being used by a main character in a pairing in a Thai BL! A romantic interest in a Thai BL using sign language!!!!! An actual romantic story being told where one of the characters use sign language! And a scene where he signs with his romantic interest and not just his mother? @neotrai and @absolutebl I watched the music video, saw this, and lost my mind just a little bit.
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purpleautumnvision · 7 months
Chapters: 1/20 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Emilie Agreste/Gabriel Agreste, Minor or Background Relationship(s)  
Additional Tags: POV Alya Césaire, Identity Reveal, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sometimes Fluff, Post-Episode: s02 Syren, Temporary Character Death, Temporary Amnesia, Grief/Mourning, Not Beta Read, But Still Proofread, Evil Gabriel Agreste, Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Hurt/Comfort, I am terrified of writing a massive plothole that ruins the story, Swearing 
Series: Part 2 of Remember Me Summary:
Since when did Marinette poke fun at Adrien? Since when did Adrien make so many more puns? Especially cat puns, of all things? Alya had been observing her friends' change in dynamic for weeks, but she still couldn't figure out what had happened. Just when she was on the cusp of an answer...
Ladybug shows up at her door, asking Rena Rouge to help take down Hawk Moth, AKA Gabriel freaking Agreste. Rena had no idea what happened during that fight, but when the sky turned a blood orange and a flash of light sped toward her, she was sure it was the end of the world.
Then Alya wakes up in an alternate reality, her memories completely rewritten, yet she was none the wiser. Why did everything feel off? Why couldn't she make any friends? And why was that rich snob Adrien obsessed with their late classmate, Marinette?
(The events of He Couldn't Remember from the perspective of Alya. Can be read as a standalone story.)
Alya's perspective of the events of HCR is now up and receiving updates! Outline is getting reworked a bit near the end, and I'm writing ahead by a few chapters just in case I need to backtrack and make adjustments. Enjoy!
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bnprm · 2 years
i was like “remember me is just everyone crying except for golfgun living their best honeymoon phase” and then i realized we haven’t gotten into how gun’s dad is going to react to golf.
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7698 · 11 months
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bengiyo · 2 years
Remember Me Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
We're back with the slowest show I'm watching, and I am mostly riding it out so I can hopefully see Name happy. Gun and Golf finally found each other while wearing a Star Trek shirt. Champ continues to suffer alone. I am unsure where the Nuck-nan and Chompu story is going.
Oh shit I forgot we left at Name's mom on the floor.
I just feel like this is the wrong track to play over Name's breakdown as he's forced to try speaking for help.
I'm glad Em didn't comment on Name speaking. We don't want to push him back.
I really am just so tired of the musical tracks of this show.
Well, we all suspected it was either Em or the mom who was N.
Title is doing such a great job in a show I'm rather mild about.
Ja and First also continue to play well together. It's rather unfortunate how underutilized they feel in this show.
I do admittedly like that Champ's story isn't romantic. It's the saddest one because I don't think anyone has done anything wrong.
These wigs are doing nothing for these boys.
Nice to see Golf being accepted into the group, though it feels sad to see them leave Champ by himself.
Even if the performances are good, I still don't necessarily enjoy the way they pushed Name to talk.
Bestie and I thought we were in another Mom and Uncle situation at first with Golf's parents. They're sweet.
I hope Champ and his family reconcile at some point.
The Name backstory was much sadder than I expected.
There are still three more episodes.... What more is there to say?
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