#Rent a black hat hacker
aurorahackersgroup · 10 months
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Rent a Black Hat Hacker for Ethical Cyber Defense Collaboration
Explore the brighter side of cyber security with Aurorahackersgroup as you rent a black hat hacker. Together, we fortify your digital defenses, address vulnerabilities, and boost overall cyber security responsibly. Choose wisely to safeguard your digital assets through ethical collaboration Visit us:- https://aurorahackersgroup.co/rent-black-hat-hacker/
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mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                        Shin Yuna, who is known by no other name,                                   a 18 year old daughter of Freya.                                    She is a streamer and hacker.
FC NAME/GROUP: Shin Yuna, ITZY CHARACTER NAME: Shin Yuna AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 18 / December 9, 2003 PLACE OF BIRTH: Wonju-si, South Korea OCCUPATION: Twitch Streamer by day; Black Hat Hacker by night HEIGHT: 170 cm WEIGHT: 100 lbs DEFINING FEATURES: Ambrosia flowers wrapping around her left shoulder.
PERSONALITY: Yuna is cheerful, charismatic and carefree. Years as a streamer have made her quick-witted and magnetic. She loves to make people laugh, and she gives out compliments freely - she is also equally generous with the wealth she has amassed from hacking, although she is not quite as open about that. If you are her friend, though, she certainly takes care of her friends. She would do anything for the people closest to her.
Being a gamer, she also has a bit of a competitive side, which comes along with a penchant for teasing, trash-talking and mischief from time to time. After all, every rose has its thorns, right?
HISTORY: Yuna’s whole life, it had just been her and her dad. Shin Daehyun, a contractor, had been tough but fair with his employees and his daughter. He had always encouraged Yuna to pursue her passions, juggling a busy schedule to take her to figure skating lessons, track and field meets, coding classes, study groups and whatever else his daughter tried her hand at. He spent his evenings helping her with homework and his weekends taking her on day trips to historical monuments and amusement parks alike. He told her stories about her mother, who he claimed was a beautiful goddess from a far-off land. And he worked long, hard hours to pay for tuition to a top private school so that his daughter could get a good education and never have to do the manual labour that he did.
In Yuna’s mind, he was the perfect dad. And then he was gone.
It happened suddenly. One day, in the middle of biology, Yuna was called to the office. The principal, a middle-aged man she had maybe said three words to, had to break the news that her father had been killed in an accident at a construction site.
There was no one to call. Yuna was sixteen and completely alone in the world. She did not know what to do, so she just sat in the front office, crying. Every plant in the office wilted and died while she sat there. An hour later, a man who looked vaguely familiar came to fetch her. He was her dad’s lawyer, it turned out. And he was all she had.
Over the next month, Mr. Do sold Yuna’s childhood home and her father’s contracting company and helped her get her assets in order. By the time everything was settled, she had moved into a small rooftop apartment and she had some money in the bank to help her get by - but between the rent and her private school tuition, it was not going to last long. And there was certainly not going to be anything left when the time came for her to go to university.
Yuna had always been good with computers. She had even hacked into her high school’s database once to change a grade for a friend who had bombed an important test after breaking up with her boyfriend. It started with a bit of freelance work - building websites for local small businesses, mostly. It wasn’t enough. She used the last of her savings to buy a second monitor and a better PC. And then she hacked into the system of a high-profile company and sold confidential files to a competitor. She made 10 million won in one night.
All bets were off at that point. The black hat hacker daisy_chain was born, and it seemed like there was nothing she couldn’t do. She was a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from greedy companies and redistributing the wealth as best she could.
Yuna’s grades started to slip, but she did not care - she could afford university now, but she didn’t need it. What she did care about, however, was that her sudden influx of cash might look suspicious. She gave away a lot of it, but she was still worried. So, she created another online persona: yunablossom. She started streaming on Twitch, quickly garnering an audience of attentive viewers. The “magic tricks” she did to make flowers appear out of thin air whenever someone subscribed or donated probably helped her popularity. She was Twitch’s flower fairy.
By the time she graduated high school, she had just barely managed to scrape by with her grades. But she had 100 million won in the bank and 25,000 Twitch subscribers.
And she had been approached with an interesting offer. An art thief half a world away had tracked her down on the dark web, recruiting her to help hack security systems and make sure there was no record of any of their activity anywhere online. It was easy money, and it was funny to see news about the stolen art pop up after a successful heist. Until it stopped being reported on. Because they were just that good.
Free from school and legally an adult, Yuna had been preparing to move out of her apartment and into a nice house when the art thief contacted her - but this time, not with another job. It seemed like people, law-abiding and not-so-law-abiding, were sniffing around. Maybe their crew was a little too good, and a lot of people either wanted to take them down or use them for their own means. She was told to move to a place called Mount Phoenix.
She had never even spoken to the man or seen his face. But she was nervous about getting caught, about everything she had built crumbling around her. So she packed up her things and told her subs that she was moving to a high-rise in Seoul. After all, she could work from anywhere. And she was really curious about the mysterious Americans she had been working with.
PANTHEON: Norse CHILD OF: Freya POWERS: Yuna is able to grow flowers and other vegetation from nothing, both consciously and unconsciously. Depending on her mood, she can make plants around her thrive or wilt. STRENGTHS: Extremely charismatic and likeable, generous, protective of and fiercely loyal to her friends, smart, resourceful. WEAKNESSES: Overly trusting, cares too much about what other people think, competitive, a little reckless, does not have good control of her powers.
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adarshts · 2 years
Why Hackers Target Small Business
Several major data breaches occurred this year affect the world today.
But because they often grab the headlines and grab our attention, these and other key cybersecurity issues can distort our view of the world. Cyber ​​crime statistics contradict the idea that large companies are target of most cyber attacks.
Why Hackers Hack?
Most hackers have bad intentions; they may enjoy being famous or using computers.
These hackers learn that the boost that comes from successful hacking can increase their confidence, and this can lead to more hacking activities in the future.
What do Hackers Target?
You need to understand the hackers and their motivation to find out if you are a potential target. There are many reasons why someone can get into a computer network, and these indicators show who they are targeting, how they get into the system, and the preferred entry method. One of the most well-known types of hackers is the hacktivist, who gained fame through the activities of groups such as Anonymous. They often work in small groups or even alone, they are often young and inexperienced.
Why Hackers Target Small Business
Monetary Gain
Although some people may believe that hackers are paid to attack your website, the situation is a little more complicated than that. Let's take a quick look at the types of information that are important in today's market. Depending on your website, cybercriminals may want to:
For use in online transactions, credit card information must include CVV and billing address.
It was later sold with the contact details of the wrong advertisers. You need the username and password to sign and control your server bank.
Data separation and extension or leak. Highly protected information can harm competitors, including individuals or organizations.
Hacktivism and Boredom
Some cybercriminals go to websites just to show off their power. We've seen this happen many times throughout the history of the Internet, no matter what kind of website you have, from official websites to mommy blogs. Black hat hackers can deface websites with political or religious goals in mind.
Destructive attacks allow unwanted users to use websites as free bulletin boards. Website owners may be surprised to learn that some hackers only search websites for fun or boredom.
To Showcase the Inefficiency of the Organization
Whether careful or non-contrast is the key cause of cyber attacks and data damage, representing 95% of cases, as analysts. Users can transport confidential information to the wrong email address, and look down on their phone or use the default password, including other items, to damage. Yet, many small businesses lack the security, training, and communication necessary to protect themselves from this type of attack.
Vulnerable Security Framework
Small businesses often don't have the budget to install strong firewalls and current security patches, which can lead to losing important data in the event of an attack.
Cyber ​​security is a complex and multifaceted topic that requires the use of appropriate technologies, processes, and policies. Small businesses should hire third-party security firms to install strong firewalls and maintain security updates, as they are unlikely to have the required technical expertise in-house.
However, a detailed risk assessment, cybersecurity policy, and access in addition to the human dimension must be taken into account.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack
The purpose of a DDoS attack is to prevent users from accessing a network, service or machine. DDoS for rent services make it easier and cheaper for cybercriminals to launch this type of attack, which affects businesses around the world by bringing down websites. They work by overloading the company's servers with requests until they can no longer handle the load and crash. As a result, the company is made unable to trade for several minutes, hours or even days, with serious long-term effects. It's not just big companies that are affected; Small businesses are often at risk because of their website design.
There will probably be pirates for a while. Some of their goals include achieving their evil goals, talking, or looking for new ways to gain financial and personal gain. Recognizing these risks is everyone's responsibility. Information and resources are available on the Internet.
Immensphere will help you to build a secured website and helps you to prevent cyber attacks
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darkwebhacker · 3 years
It's Possible to Hire a Hacker on the Dark Web
How do you hire a hacker? When it comes to what seems like cutting-edge black hat techniques, the Internet can be an intimidating and difficult place to navigate if you’re not tech-savvy yourself or don’t have someone to help you along the way. But it turns out that the internet can be just as effective in bringing together buyers and sellers — even when the services being sold may not always be in full compliance with your country’s laws!
What Is Hacking?
When you rent a hacker, or purchase hacking software, there is a lot of technology and coding that goes into these actions. In simple terms, when you rent/hire someone or something with computer hacking experience, they will set out various networks which are essentially clusters of Internet protocols. These networks come equipped with high-tech security systems and digital code that ultimately detects all online communication. What Is a DDoS Attack?: A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack can be used for several reasons: To gain unauthorized access to an individual’s system. To crash a server during an attack – rendering it inoperable. To allow individuals to flood a website with traffic from other sites – preventing anyone from gaining access because all bandwidth has been saturated. How Does This Affect Me?
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The benefits of hiring a professional hacker
For those who find themselves in desperate need of hacker services, it can be tempting to rent a hacker online. But beware: It’s far from safe, and you could potentially get caught or even killed! You may think that because you hire an anonymous hacker that law enforcement agencies won’t be able to trace your illegal activity back to you. This is not true. If you are intent on committing criminal activities such as extortion, fraud, etc., then hiring a hacker is probably not going to go well for you when they catch up with you. In short, there are better ways of resolving many issues than hacking someone else’s system.
How much do hackers cost?
The cost of hiring a hacker is directly correlated with their skills and expertise. The more advanced your needs, the higher your costs will be. However, we’ve found that most companies start off in their budget between $300 and $2,000; it really depends on what you need done. Hackers who focus on account penetration can run as high as $5,000; even though that may seem like a lot for one small goal, these hackers usually have extensive experience. For example, if you want an email account hacked (and are willing to pay extra), they'll likely come from Russia or other countries where email hacking laws are light – so they can get into those private accounts much easier.
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How can I find a reliable hacker?
Searching for and hiring a reliable hacker can be an intimidating task, especially if you’re unfamiliar with people in your city who possess these skills. Luckily, there are many sites that offer these services. You may not know where to start or how to hire a hacker from these websites, but there are plenty of resources online that explain how. Do some research; look up dark web forums and make a few contacts before you hire someone—and don’t give anyone any personal information! Just because someone is listed as verified doesn’t mean they actually are.
Where can I find trusted hackers?
There are several ways to rent a hacker. One is through a client-hacker relationship where you pay for each job. Another, and much more controversial, method is buying stolen goods from hackers who specialize in acquiring illegal data, like credit card numbers and social security numbers. The popular dark web marketplace Alpha Bay allows buyers to find cyber criminals and even hire them for hacking jobs. However, there have been issues with getting good service through that particular site.
What should I look out for?
We at Rent-A-Hacker have developed our services specifically with these concerns in mind. We take several measures to ensure our clients' peace of mind. Firstly, we only hire hackers that are carefully screened by us and are thoroughly vetted before they are contracted out. Secondly, none of our employees will be able to access your system unless you permit them permission as we don't hold any personal information whatsoever about our clients. Additionally, all communication is encrypted to prevent eavesdropping or tampering with our clients. We use end-to-end encryption for all messages sent between our systems and yours for absolute security. Finally, we also offer monetary assurance in case something does go wrong during a job; if an employee fails to complete their work or it comes back unsatisfactory upon review by you then Rent-A-Hacker pays double what you paid (up to $5000) depending on how much was paid initially.
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Benefits of hire a hacker
Not very many individuals know it yet, however there are specialists who can break into an email account or code and get admittance. This is what is thought to be unlawful hacking known as phishing. Regardless of whether you require your competitor’s secrets exposed or your significant other’s messages read, it is conceivable to rent a hacker for such errands for all intents and purposes discreetly without anyone getting any clue. All that you need to do is hunt down an individual who has these extraordinary abilities on one of the less legitimate online trap pages. It is additionally viable that you’re thinking about breaking into individual records yourself; notwithstanding when doing work on your own PC at home with novice frameworks is not protected if your rival happens to have astounding counter-hacking aptitudes.
Can I trust hackers?
Unfortunately, there are many sites on the dark web claiming to be hackers-for-hire and offering their services for extortionate fees. How can you tell if these so-called hackers are legitimate or simply scammers? Well, it’s difficult. There’s only one way: trial and error. It’s not something we would recommend doing, but there may be no other choice if you have no contacts or reliable sources from which to learn about reputed hackers of your choosing. Be careful; hiring an anonymous hacker is riskier than most entrepreneurs would like to admit. Sadly, most hacking services offered on the dark web are pure scams; in our experience, vendors typically stop responding after receiving payment (typically Bitcoin), even if they made development claims beforehand! If you do manage to find a talented hacker willing to work with you without demanding upfront payments—be sure they provide their genuine contact details and will communicate with you throughout any transaction process.
Visit Our Official Website: https://howtohireahacker.org
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haldenlith · 4 years
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It's early and I feel like rambling about my cyberpunk AU headcanon I have with Baldur's Gate 3. So, I mentioned with Astarion that he has cybernetic hardware, it just wasn't visible. I got to feeling like sketching it out, so here we are.
(Without clothes and with to show how much is actually visible with a jacket on.)
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"The SK-02, or less elegantly called The Suzuki Skulljack due to its placement, is at this point fairly vintage, but even vintage cybergear has demand with trendy elites that like that look to the synth-skinned augs. Back then, this was pretty bleeding edge. No latency connection since it interfaces with your brain directly. Too bad a bunch of black hats made daemons to utilize a vulnerability in the hardware back then. There's security fixes now, but, well, like I said, only the trendy elite get these now. As a fashion statement. Strange, though, don't tend to see elves like you sportin' tech like this..."
Astarion's augment is vintage by virtue that Cazador forced it onto him about a century into his slavery. The aforementioned "daemons," or programs, that utilize the exploit are exactly why Cazador fitted the SK-02s onto his vampire spawns: it allows for manipulation of the nervous system for the explicit purpose of remote punishment. Why use a flog when you can be a modern vampire lord, and now just remotely activate a program to send your unruly slaves into a writhing ball of extreme pain? The program also serves as a weak tracker, to track the cheeky runaway servant.
Other details of this universe in my head, as far as Astarion is concerned:
- He's a little tech-dumb. Cybernetics were a thing, but were still in their infancy when he was alive. The 200 years he's spent under Cazador has left him out of the technologic loop. He knows basics, like operating current gen phones and cars, using computers for the most basic of functions, but past that, he's no hacker. The SK-02 serves little purpose to him as it is, since he has no idea how to use it, but... he could learn.
- Astarion has some interest in further augmentation, for obvious Astarion-reasons (more power = good), but he's a little shy of actually getting them due to the fact he'd be vulnerable during the procedure.
- One of his top priorities is getting that program removed, of course, outside of figuring out the tadpole and killing Cazador.
- He can way more easily get away with hiding his vampirism as simply eccentric cosmetics, as in that day and age, surgery to augment eye colors isn't exactly unusual. His lack of body temperature, however, is a lot harder to explain...
- To Astarion's benefit if he does get more augmentation: Undead are exceedingly easy to augment for the virtue of having zero risk of rejection. A dead body doesn't have an immune response.
Hope you guys enjoyed a peek inside my skull and the whole AU that lives rent free in my head.
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Fucks not Found
Summary: You hack, that's what you do. Dying to do so freely, wasn't what you had expected. Meeting the weirdest fucking squad; losing the best part of you; falling for a thief : was not planned.
Pairing : Four/Billy (Ben Hardy) - You
A/N: The story goes through the all movie, so I suggest you watch it before reading.
I don't own any characters other than Eight.
English is not my native language, I'm trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Tried my best to match Ryan Reynold's level of sass aha
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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This is how you die.
"So you're the one who hacked the wrong guy" You swiftly turn around gasping at the sudden voice in your apartment
"Depends, you’re his hitman?" You were ready to run even if it means jumping by the window.
"Nooo, I'm an angel.” You snort at his sarcasm, unknown to you at this moment that he was full of it.
"Wanna disappear?" he asked taking a seat at the kitchen table eyeing your bags at the door.
"In a body bag? Slowly you make your way to the knives, just in case.
"You are a funny one, aren't you? I know the man you stole from, you won't get far until he got you. But, he emphasized, if you’re willing to do what's right.."
"I've already done my part for the flag." Assuming he was American by the way he talked.
"I'm not talking about shitty drug dealers. But evil war-lovers, genocide perpetrators, that kind of shitty so-called human. Those ones that are above the laws with governments' balls in their hands, ready to squish them.”
"That's gross" your brother appeared from the adjacent room. You let your mind consider the stranger’s offer as soon as you look at your confused brother, knowing he was in danger because of you.
“You two look at lot alike.” The guy leaned in, screwing his eyes at you both.
“We’re twin dumbass” your brother answered glancing at you wondering.
“What’s the deal?” you asked considering the offer
The guy smirked, “Well, to be short you die, and then you take down evil motherfuckers without governments’ backlash on you.” He tapped his fingers against the Formica table.
It took 5 minutes.
"One condition, my brother comes to!"
"What's he good at?" he crossed his arms.
"I can drive…Hold on what? Die? Who the fuck are you!?”
"Already too many questions” he rolled his eyes
"He's a hell of a driver, it got him under surveillance when he got chased by 6 police cars after an illegal race back in the States."
"So they caught up Muttley” the guy clucked his tongue
"No, you interfered almost ashamed, I told him to stop the car...I got motion sickness."
The guy erupted in laughter, you two watching him unamused.
“I’m more like Peter Perfect.”  Your brother mumbled as the guy left.
You look by the window discreetly, catching a glimpse of the guy mingling in the crowd. “You’re Muttley bro.”
A week later you got a text. The guy who called himself One had planned your fake death. A random trek in Italy’s mountains, an assumed fatal fall, no bodies recovered.
It was never supposed to be your life. But we all know nothing happens as it should.
Papà went to fight a war and disappeared, you were forced to move in America when you were 6.
Mammà never cope the loss of her motherland and husband. She died of a belated broken heart syndrome when you were 16. 
Both you and your brother were placed in a host family. It wasn’t a crappy family like it’s always the case in some tv show, they were nice and wealthy. The father was a tech engineer, somehow you took interest in his work and start learning to code, soon reading about hackers: white hats; black hats; “We are Legion”, you were hooked and skilled in a matter of time.
When you turned major though, things turned difficult, the host family had to let you go and Internal Affairs of your state caught you looking in their network. Which led to you working as a C.I for them, it was that or prison. Not thrilled by the idea but obliged to cooperate was your new motto.
Your brother had some job here and there but nothing steady, so money from the IA was welcome.
After a year and a half, I.A ditched you, it was rather good news in a way, they’ve erased your past mistakes but said they’d keep a distant eye on you.
So you moved on from your shithole that was the 1 bedroom apartment you and your brother shared and went to your parents’ hometown in Italy. Your brother was reluctant at first as he couldn’t even say hello in Italian, you taught him as your mamma had done it with you but he wasn’t that interested.
Working with people was not your forte, you were too bossy, so you got fired ... plenty of times: from a coffee shop, a rental bike shop and a tourist city tour bus thingy. So you started doing what you were good at, hacking for money, it went well for a few years, never being too greedy - until you hacked the wrong person and got in trouble.
That's how you became a Ghost and ended up in the middle of the California Desert.
One had built a squad. No names, only numbers to identify each other. Not calling your brother by his name was a challenge, same for him.
There were 7 of you.
One, the “boss”, a mysterious sassy billionaire who decided to fund his own strike team.
Two, a French blonde woman, pretty cold, a spy apparently
Three, a crazy hitman who couldn’t shut up
Four, a young parkour master and reformed thief
Five, a Doctor, but you heard she was actually working at a Dentist
Six, your brother, the annoying driver.
And then Eight, you, the Black Hat somehow becoming a hacktivist.
Why not Seven? Long story short, it was one more condition you’d submitted to One.
"Your focus determines your reality.”
“Oh for fuck's sake One, quit your Jedi bullshit!” you loosed your temper typing on your keyboard angrily. An entire week, an ENTIRE WEEK quoting Star Wars!
Four and Five laughed in the comm. One braced himself on the other end of the line. Three cut the heavy silence.
“Eight, Chiquita please stop yelling”
“I’m not a Chiquita stop saying that!”
“Ok ok chi…Eight, damn you’re stressful” 
“God, why do I have to team you up!!” One facepalm
“Now what?” Five asked
Radio silence
“Oh so now no one’s talking! What are you, 4?” One angrily called out to you 2.
“Yeah, uh high, literally.” Four answered One, you snorted.
“No ..  damn not you!”
“You called me Mate!” Four said offended
“No, shush – Eight are you done with the system?” he was about to lose it.
“I’ve been done with it the second Three called me Chiquita!” you crossed your arms in front of your laptop.
“Hey ..” “We’re not talking about that again!” One cut Three
“Can we get going now?” Two interfered, you heard her bike roaring.
“Finally, some sensed words.” One said wrapping it up.
Four entered the place you’d hacked the system of. Six and Two were not far in case of trouble.
“Four, the hard drive is in the main office. Second floor.” One enunciated, you followed Fours progression with the security cameras.
It was enlivening, stressful, but oh so exciting. When you worked with I.A you were never there when they’d go down in action, it was nothing but boring data researched and dealer’s MacBook.
“Freeze Four, guards coming east.” Switching cams you gave him a safe path.
“Ok, you’re clear. Now to your left, third door then turn right.”
Four got his hands on the hard drive containing all you needed to know about the next target.
“Well done.” One congratulated the team
“Thanks, thanks, It helps to have a sexy voice guiding you” Four chuckled, you blushed, sexy voice? is that even possible?
“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
You rolled your eyes at the endless use of Star Wars' quotes.
“Hum that’s my sister, remember?” Six growled tightening the wheel
“Luke grab Solo, meet up in 15minutes at the hotel. Everyone move!” One instructed you smiled at the thought of being Leïa. Gosh, you were as much of a nerd as One.
Climbing down the jeep Three had rented, you laughed seeing your brother holding Four in an arm lock for a few seconds anyway, Four reversed the lock, pining your brother’s arms behind himself.
You passed by them “Easy with my twin please.” Four wasn’t releasing his hold so you stopped, turning back you lift an eyebrow at Four insisting he let him go.
“Oh!” he lifted his hands in defence taking a step back.
Grabbing your brother by the sleeves as he was about to jump on Four “Come on piccino” you made your way in the hotel laughing.
Your first big mission started a few weeks after, everyone gathered in The Haunted House as One called it, an old bunker, cheesy name for an HQ.
“You don’t get it, I need a CAR!”
“That’s a car, Six.” Three argued back.
“No that’s a heap, that thing won’t get us through the paved road of Italy, believe me.”
Four and Five were amused by the situation, Three had rent a truck and an old Volvo for this mission.
“Alright, shut up, we’ll get another car!” One declared, Six flicked to Three.
One resumed the mission’s details. Giving everyone their own missions. A simple mission, retrieve a lawyer’s smartphone.
In the midst of it, your hand flew to your brother’s head next to you. The smacked resonating between the walls of the unfinished bunker.
“Why ..why’d you hit him?” One asked confused, your brother was rubbing the back of his head frowning at you.
“Cain’s instinct.” You replied wriggling your fingers for him to continue. Four snorted, Six nudged him in the ribs.
In a few months, you had learned a lot from this weird squad. Learning to shoot was an obligation, Three was insane but a good teacher.
You’d asked Four to teach you some parkour in case of a chase. Six and Four became close friends in a matter of time. Five was nice, but you were never one to be good at making friends. Two was not a big talker and frankly, she scared you a little.
So you spend your free time hacking and reading, on the hammock installed between a dismantle plane and a dead tree. Not far from there you could hear Four skating in the empty pool and three at the makeshift shooting range.
Groaning you closed your book “WHAT!?
Your voice boomed against the caravan and lost itself in the desert, but you still hoped Four had heard. It was his thing, screaming your name instead of coming to you directly. At his silence, you wriggle out the hammock and strode to the pool.
“What’d you want skater boy?”
He was lying in the pool his board by his side. “Four?” you made your way to the ladder, “hey” you gently nudge him with your foot but he didn’t move.
“Four? you called out worried, “shit” knees hitting the vinyl liner checking if he was breathing, he wasn’t.
“Hey wake up, seriously dude don’t make me do CPR on you, I suck at it!” suddenly laughter erupted in your ears. Six appearing on the edge, Four chucked on the floor.
“Pranking you..he tried to breathe in, is always the best sis!” Six laughed even harder at your confused face. Still kneeling at Four’s side, he was looking at you laughing, until he wasn’t, catching a glimpse of worry melting with anger in your eyes.
Punching his left shoulder, you hurried out the pool. He stayed on the floor watching you go.
“Don’t make me do CPR I suck at it!” your brother was still laughing his brain's out.
“What was that?”
Four leaned on the dead tree near your head, his shadow offering some shade.
“A real bad joke?”
“No I mean, why’d you hit me?”
Sighing you clasped your book closed for the second time today “you really got me worried, happy?”
“No, you propped up on your elbow at his answer craning your head to him, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His warm hand slide in your hair at the base of your neck, he leaned in, letting you enough time to push him away if you wanted.
"Sorry" he whispered, his lips pressing in your temple gently, warmly for a few seconds. Catching yourself leaning in you almost fell off the swinging' hammock as he released his hold, he grinned and left not saying anything more.
"What the hell Four!!" you yelled at him, an ounce of laughter in your voice, a blush creeping into your cheeks, his own laughter filling the desert's silence.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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sayuricorner · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug x Carmen Sandiego oneshot: A ending, a new begining
wHere's a one-shot about my Miraculous Ladybug x Carmen Sandiego prompt about El Topo's, Tigress, La Chèvre and Mime Bomb's arrival in Paris!
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing
"-Urgh ! Are we at this flat of your yet ?"
"-For the last time we're not so far anymore so please be patient ! ̎
Sheena, formerly know as ̎Tigress ̎, was in a bad mood, no scratch that, she was in a ATROCIOUS mood and it wasn't just today, she was like that for months now, ever since THE day, this fateful day in which her, La Chèvre's, Mime Bomb's and El Topo's life drastically changed for the worst. All this thank to a mistake, one mistake, the one of too many.
It all begin with a mission, they were all four send to meet with an associate of V.I.L.E to retrive a bunch of works of art he and his men stole in the last month and to bring them back to the HQ. But then Carmen show up, again, they fought against her and lost, again, and after that she disappear with the works of art, again. What they didn't expected however was ACME showing up some times later forcing them to flee not noticing one of the agents putting a micro tracker device on Mime Bomb's hat, only to find about it when they were back at the HQ.
The device has been take care of before ACME could locate them but the council were beyond furious at the quartet. Furious to the point they decided to ̎ terminate ̎ them once for all, yes, failure is usually tolarated in V.I.L.E it's been caught which lead you to be severely punished, most of the time it was brainwashing. But sometimes there's THE failure, the one which can't be simply ignored, the straw that broke the camel's back. And with their mistake, Tigress, Mime Bomb, El Topo and La Chèvre didn't just broke the camel's back, they smashed it. The quartet tried to explain themself, to say it wasn't their fault, but Carmen Sandiego's as always. But the council didn't wanted to hear a thing their decision was final.
But their punishement wasn't going to be a simple brainwashing, oh no, in the council's eyes it was too lax for what the quartet has done, no, exemples needed to be done in order to show to all operatives from the organisation what happen when you push your luck too far. Instead of their memories, they were going to pay for their failure with their lives.
The declaration of their sentence hit them like a pack of bricks and their faces morphed into a expression of shock and horror. Die, there going to die ? They were going to executed them ? Quickly shock let place to panic, an gigantic panic making think the four young adults one single thought : RUN !
And running they did. Without any warning the four now former operatives were running trying to find an escape, other V.I.L.E operatives chasing after them deadly weapons in their hands. Finally they found an escape by stealing the helicopter normally used by the cleaners, flying far away as possible from V.I.L.E and their near-certain death.
Hours later they landed on a tiny island to catch their breath and quickly they realized hard truth : They messed up ! They messed up big time ! And now V.I.L.E comdemned them ! All their work, the efforts, the sacrefices they had done to get where they were ! Their whole life they had built ! And now it was gone ! Soon the shock left place to anger and very quickly violent arguments exploded, each of them trying to blame the other for this fiasco, wanting to make anyone aside themself responsible for ruined their lives. But it was no use and they knew it. Blamed each other wasn't going to change the fact their times as V.I.L.E operatives were over, it wans't going to change the fact they were rogues now and it wasn't going to change the fact that their former superiors wanted them dead.
Exausted from their arguments and the intense shock they lived, the quartet tried to get some sleep, away from each other, some, like, Tigress, trying to hide tears of frustration, haunted by one crucial question : ̎ What are they going do to ? ̎
The following day, recuperated from their emotions they regroup together to decide what to do next. After a long debate the group decided that the best thing to do first was to go MIA for a time, El Topo had carefully suggested that maybe they could try to contact Black Sheep and ask for her help only to be violently shut down by an angry Tigress.
"-I would rather die than ask for Black Sheep's help ! ̎
By so they decided to hide from V.I.L.E on their own.
And so with their plan in head they gatered in the helicopter to the nearest country where, after they got rid of the helicopter, they hide for a while avoiding all potential V.I.L.E spy or contact who could tattle on them. Then they left for another country under new temporary identities, courtesy of Mime Bomb's hacking skills, who would had guess the mime was actually a hacker and a very good one. There, they stayed hidden too before once again going to another country with another identity and they keeped that pace for a while.
Months after they start going MIA, the group feeling that V.I.L.E's search for them didn't seem to be as strong as it was before, decided to set themself permanently in a country while still keeping a low profile. Which bring back to their current location : Paris
"-But seriously Jean-Paul a Bakery of all places ? And were you forced to rent that fa- ̎
Before Tigress could say more Mime Bomb smacked a hand on her mouth, mimic nervously to her to shut up while La Chèvre and El Topo discretly, also nervous, looked around them to see if anyone heard them.
̎ -Denis is right Sonia ! ̎ La Chèvre whispered angrily at her. ̎Don't forget we must keep a low profile! My name, especially in public, is Alexandre and unless you want us to be busted by ̎ you-know-who ̎ you better start remember that ! ̎
While removing his hand from Sonia's mouth, Mime Bomb, no, Denis, with El T- Marco, nobbed in aggrement with Alexandre 's statement.
When they choose France for their, hopefully, permanent stay, they found new identities which would be their permanent legal names. And so Tigress become Sonia Parker, La Chèvre Alexandre Riviere, El Topo Marco Álvarez and Mime Bomb Denis Dumont and at the right moment they were going to an flat Alexandre rented from a couple of bakers whose backery was located in the 18th arrondissement.
̎ -Tch ! Whatever Alexandre ! I still can't beleive you rented a flat from bakers ! ̎ Snapped Sonia.
̎ -Well excuuusssse me princess ! But we don't exactly had the budget to got a room at places like the 16th arrondissement or Le Grand Paris ! ̎ Alexandre answered rolling his eyes. ̎Anyway, from what I know those bakers are very successful and from what Isaw in the pictures the flat upside their backery and home seem more than decent so it should be fine ! ̎
Sonia snorted at this. Yeah right ! As if things ̎ should be fine ̎ for them in their situation.
A few minutes later they were finally in front of the bakery which on the first look didn't indead seem bad.
Turning face to the others Alexandre warned them with a serious tone.
̎ -Okay from now I will be the one talking ! Whatever is happening just shut up got it ? ̎
Everyone nobbed in aggrement, even Sonia despiste been still in a bad mood.
As they entered the bakery they were invade by a strong delicious smell of bread and pastries, the inside was bright and beautifully decorated. And at the counter was standing a massive man and a petite woman, surely the owners.
When they saw the quartet, the couple smiled at them while the man greeted them.
̎ -Bonjour messieurs et madame ! En quoi pouvons-nous vous aidez ? ̎
(Hello sirs and madam ! What can we do for you ?)
Alexandre greeted him back politly.
̎ -Bonjour, Alexandre Riviere et ce sont mes amis Marco Álvarez, Sonia Parker et Denis Dumont! Nous sommes là pour l'appartement à louer ! ̎
(Hello ! Alexandre Riviere and this is Marco Álvarez, Sonia Parker and Denis Dumont! We are here for the flat !)
Hearing this, the man's smile cheer up even more and he and his wife hastened to come shake their hands.
̎ - Oh oui Nous vous attendions ! Je suis Tom Dupain-Cheng et voici ma femme Sabine Cheng ! ̎
(Oh yes we were waiting for you ! I'm Tom Dupain-Cheng and this is my wife, Sabine Cheng!)
̎ -Ravi de vous rencontrer Monsieur Dupain-Cheng et Madame Cheng ! ̎
(A pleasure to meet you mister Dupain-Cheng and madame Cheng !)
̎ -Un plaisir également Monsieur Riviere ! ̎ M. Dupain-Cheng's wife, Sabine, answered him, smiling as her husband. ̎Mais suivez-nous vous et vos amis devez être impatient de voir l'appartement et de vous installer après un si long voyage ! ̎
(A pleasure too mister riviere !) (But please follow us I'm sure you and your friends can't wait to see the flat and to set yourself after such a long trip !)
̎ -Cela serait parfait merci ! ̎
(It would be perfect thank you !)
While following the couple upstairs, the former V.I.L.E member listened them talking about how they will like to live here, what are the best places in the district and many other things and as they entered the flat they once again thanked the Dupain-Cheng couple before the bakers let them set themself in their new living space.
The flat was very spacious, with three bedrooms, a bathroom, a little kitchen and a living room with a big window, giving the room a beautiful sunny light.
La Chèvre, Mime Bomb and El Topo begining to store their belongings while Tigress just leaning against the big window looking at the city with the same scolding expression she's having for a long time now.
La Chèvre was about to severly told her to stop grumbling in her corner and to come help them when a few knocks at the door take the group by surprise. Who was that ? The owners maybe ? But they just left them ? But more importantly, who's gonna answer at the door ? Finally after a while staring at each others not sur what to do, it's El Topo who dicide to see who was at the door. Only to find in front of him a petite young girl who wouldn't be no more than 15 with black hair and big bright blue eyes who looked shyly at him with a smile.
̎ -Bonjour ! My name is Marinette I'm the owners daughter, I'm here to welcome you and to see if you are well settled ! ̎
El Topo smiled at the young girl, from what he saw he can tell she seem to be a very nice girl.
̎ -Holà Marinette nice to meet you ! I'm Marco and this is Alexandre, Denis and Sonia ! ̎
The two other men wawed at Marinette, smilling politly while Tigress just groaned not moving from where she was standing.
Noticing the surprised expression of the young girl at the older woman's behavior, El Topo quickly turned to the young teen with a nervous smile.
̎ -S-Sorry about her ! The trip was very long so she's very exausted ! ̎ Said El Topo trying to reassure the young girl. ̎Anyway ! We are very well settled thank you for asking ! You can tell your parents the flat is perfect ! ̎
Marinette's smile brighen at the statement.
̎ -Great ! I'll make sure to tell them ! Oh and before I go ! ̎ She give El Topo a white box with pastries goods inside. ̎Those are macarons ! I made them as a welcome gift, I didn't know what you liked so they are chocolates and vanilla ! ̎
̎ -Woaw thank you ! They look delicious, I'll make sure everyone get some ! ̎ The older man promised her with a smile.
̎ -Okay ! I'll go now goodbye ! ̎
̎ -Bye ! ̎
Closing the door El Topo turned toward the others.
̎ -I like this chicita she's nice ! And look she even made macarons for us ! ̎ He said as he was putting the macarons on the table.
Curious, they all take a macaron, aside from Tigress who was still in her corner grumpy. Immediatly after their first bite, the three men had stars in their eyes and quickly take another one.
̎ -Come on amiga ! Just come and try at least one, you'll see they are very tasty ! ̎ El Topo telling while taking a bite.
Letting out a frustrated groan, Tigress joigned them at the table. With an critical look, she took an macarons, a chocolate one, and took a bite. It was... not bad ! In fact it was very good ! The soft biscuit was melting in her mouth and the chocolate ganache was very tasteful and creamy provoquing a great explosion of flavours. She even surprised herself taking another one, and the others seem to had noticed too since they were staring at her with a little smirk.
With a little sigh Tigress just give in keep going on eating the macarons. While they were finishing the goods Tigress looked absently at their flat feeling a bit relaxed for the first time since their escape from V.I.L.E.
Maybe things will be fine for them after all. Just maybe.
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lys-iwm · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three houses Mafia!Au that no one asked for but you’re getting it anyways
For a game that hasn’t even released yet, we’re gonna be throwing them into a semi-modern mafia au where the Church of Seiros is an assassination/spy training organization with the cover of being an actual church for the goddess Seiros. The three countries of Fodlan (now the city in which this takes place) are the biggest most baddest mafia organizations that rule the underground of this city. 
This is long... so bear with me. (Also if you have questions feel free to send in an ask because I am currently in three houses hell)
Adrestian Empire/Black Eagles 
The biggest of the three mafia houses. 
They’re business revolves around the distribution of firearms/weapons and renting out assassins and bodyguards. 
They control half of the southern half of the city where the beach (this is a coastal city just go with it) is their main base of operation - or at least the large skyscrapers near it. 
Their cover is that of an actual, legal business of ruthless lawyers who specialize in criminal cases and getting mafia members out of jail. 
They have connections to the police of Fodlan and have some leeway to pull certain strings to do some maybe, illegal transactions. 
Within the mafia organization, corruption runs wild and the current boss/don has only gotten there due to fighting and asserting their dominance (they t-posed on all of ‘em)
Edelgard is next in line but she has to constantly keep her place as there are many high ranking members who have eyes on the position 
In the school phase, she studies law and business while at the Monastery. Along with mixed martial arts and knives. She’s adept with easy use guns. 
Hubert stands as one of her advisors as their family helped Edelgard’s secure their spot as the leader. 
He studies law alongside Edelgard and often gets deployed as the main lawyer for more serious cases to get mafia members out. 
At the academy, he studies well with projectiles of all kinds - mid ranged guns specifically as well as poisons in depth. 
Ferdinand’s family was one of the ones who - during the previous leader’s death, tried to gain the seat - competing alongside Edelgard’s. It was a bloody fight and many of the higher ranking members who competed were killed. Ferdinand’s family is the only one left from the previous inner circle.
He holds a slight grudge against Edelgard’s family, as her father ended his father’s life. As well as becoming the head of the mafia. 
He studies fighting and blades ( such as swords and long knives). He does well in finding random everyday objects to use as weapons. He studies business and will continue his family’s cover business as marketing for big companies and politicians. 
Bernadetta’s family is one of the newer families within Edelgard’s inner circle. She acts as one of the Black Eagle’s best assassins and hackers. Being among their top snipers. 
It was only her parent’s generation who got caught up with the mafia as before then, they owned an old restaurant that her grandparents still work at (they don’t know that their children are mafia members - bless them). 
This restaurant is a popular hub for people of all walks of life- especially mafia members who guard it carefully. As they often hold meetings in the private rooms. 
Bernie, studies general computer science and does well with sniper-type weapons and hacking. 
Caspar comes from a long line of bodyguards although, he is undoubtedly the most fiery of them all, as he’s ready to throw down at the drop of a hat. 
His family is also new to the inner circle but have been apart of the mafia for generations, heading their bodyguard training and renting section. 
He studies sports medicine/training and excels at close combat fighting with and without weapons. 
Lindhardt is their poisons expert along with sneaky assassinations. 
He’s often asleep but it gives him ample time to pour some foul liquid into his target’s food and such. 
He does rely on Caspar to deal with brawls as he is not much of a frontline fighter.
Lindhardt studies biology and Chemistry along with various poison and assassination techniques. 
Dorothea - a new blood family within the group. They were given a chance by Edelgard to prove their worth. 
Dorothea herself covers as a well known actress/singer and often uses that to her advantage as an unconventional assassin. Often using whatever it takes to end someone’s life, whether it be by seduction and a gun or a friendly night out and some poison. 
She’s a quick study at the academy - dealing in assassination and poisons with a few bits of close combat (often using dance moves to deal damage). She takes musical theatre courses and acting. 
Petra isn’t your average mafia member. Sent by her family to repay their debts, she serves as Edelgard’s assistant and is kept under close watch. 
She does well in assassination from difficult positions (like through an open bus window or from a moving plane). As well as close combat with a knife. 
She studies law and criminology and at the academy - guns and fighting.   
Faerghus/ The Blue Lions
An old power alongside the Empire, they have a more traditional style - modeled after the Japanese Yakuza, they take honor and pride into everything they do. 
They control the North-West side of Fodlan and deal mainly in loans and a bit of drugs (Not super hard drugs, mainly weed and a few of their own making)
Their cover is that of a regular dojo/athletic training centre organization. Prized for having many of their athletes win medals at the Olympics. 
Dimitri’s family having started the business and kept the mafia running alongside their close business partners and allies - Felix’s family. 
Set to inherit the family business, Dimitri studies business and sports medicine/psychology.
He excels with mid-long range fighting with swords and guns. He’s a prodigy at martial arts - having studied it since he was young. 
 Felix’s family is an old name in the mafia. They have a long history of being rivals turned partners with Dimitri’s family. 
They also own multiple training areas and sports venues around the city. 
Felix himself is forced to study business but actively participates in sports training on multiple varsity level teams. At the academy he studies close combat with martial arts and shooting with various guns. 
Dedue’s family is relatively new. Acting as Dimitri’s bodyguard, his family is just recently apart of the inner circle. In charge of monitoring the interpersonal relationships between the mafia’s members and what not. 
He studies History and Plant-based chemistry along with fighting at both close and long range and poisons - he takes his job very seriously. 
Annette’s family isn’t a stranger to the mafia. Turning to join illegal organizations in order to pursue their scientific discoveries without having pressure from the police. 
Annette herself is a genius inventor who comes up with wacky concoctions to help her allies gain strengths while also new ways to kill their enemies. 
She studies chemistry and engineering along with poison assassination and other various assassination skills. 
Sylvain’s family has had it rough within the mafia ever since his brother up and deserted them to join the police. 
His family has been in and out of the inner circle and have been busy trying to gain favour again, with Sylvain set to inherit the family business of bars around the city. 
Sylvain studies business and chemistry( taking a specific liking to alcohol-based mixtures) and does well in close combat and poisons. He’s very handy in a bar fight - he probably started them all with Felix
Ashe, is new to the mafia, only entering once Lonato took him in from the streets. 
Lonato is an aging advisor to Dimitri’s family and has sent Ashe to take his place. 
Ashe is the Blue Lion’s best assassin with various projectiles and knives. He’s trying his best to learn how to be a good advisor but he’s still pretty new. 
He studies - or tries to study physics and law as well as long-ranged assassination techniques and spy skills at the academy. 
Ingrid along with Sylvain’s family has also had a tough year. Sent to work for the Blue Lions after her family’s business ended in bankruptcy, she works hard to become a good bodyguard.
She aspires to be the head of the security sector to keep outside groups from taking their turf. Although she was forced to join, she came to enjoy the camaraderie between the families as she grew close to Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain. 
She studies law. At the academy she deals with close combat fighting. 
Mercedes’s family, originally paired with the Black Eagles, defected to the Blue Lions as the bloodbath over leadership began. 
They own many clothing shops around the city, with Mercede’s mother being a well known fashion designer. 
Mercede’s herself is one of their hackers and does well as an informant. They don’t often let her walk without some sort of protection due to the Black Eagles knowing that one of their own inner circle switched sides. 
She studies fashion and spy techniques as well as a little assassination at the academy. 
The Leicester Alliance/ Golden Deer
The newest of the three main mafia groups. Comprised of various smaller groups and defected families of the other two. 
Originally unorganized and corrupt, the Reigan family rose above them all and created a sense of unity - although it is still an unstable power. 
This group deals mainly in the entertainment industry as their cover with many groups signed under them and game centers opening in their name. 
They really deal in information and hacking as their main income.
They’re in the North-east sector of Fodlan. 
Claude’s family, as the main leaders of the group, have to constantly be wary of assassination attempts from their other higher ranking members. As they have to set an example, if any of the families get caught trying to murder one of their own, they will be “publicly” executed, either social suicide or physical death. 
Claude studies business and acting as well as assassination/spy skills and long-ranged fighting. He’s not bad in a close combat fight, though. 
Leonie is a relatively new member who is often sent out on interrogation missions to try and earn her keep. 
She is one of their best fighters as she can hit hard and take a beating herself.
She studies veterinary subjects and does well in close combat fighting. 
Raphael is a kid who got taken in by one of the mafia members as the Golden Deer often like to give orphans and street roamers a chance. 
He stands out as a great bodyguard and security person. He often accompanies Claude whenever he goes out. 
He studies things like Metal working and close combat fighting. 
Ignatz is probably their best hacker and computer wiz. Coming from a family of software development, he got sent to the mafia to help them pay off some debt. 
He is apart of Claude’s inner circle based on his skills alone. 
He studies Computer sciences and game development as well as other spy activities and guns. 
Lorenz is one of Claude’s advisors as his family also helped create some order within the group. Although his family does push him to overtake Claude at some point. 
He is one of their best informants, being in charge of anything related to the other mafia groups as well as any leaks they may have within their own. 
He studies law and business as well as various assassination techniques and long-ranged fighting. 
Hilda is also an older member. Her family only just bringing her into the mafia business. They manage a few underground gambling sites and pass along information to the mafia. 
She herself isn’t the best at keeping secrets so she’s often sent with a partner to act as the “good cop” to their “bad cop” and gain info that way. 
She studies fashion and close combat fighting along with assassination knife skills. 
Lysithea’s family is one of the most respected families. As they’re known for being informants and have a large network of spies. 
She is often sent out on undercover missions to retrieve pieces of information/evidence. 
She studies assassination, long- range sniping and hacking. With a cover of Techincal theatre (mainly as a stage manager). 
Marianne is their acting doctor. Brought into this work by her adoptive father, she is one of their best field medics and researchers. 
She often is charged with making sure items are safe for use - as she’s adept at detecting poisons and other traps. 
She studies plants and animals, with specialties in assassination (poisons) and guns. 
The Church of Seiros
The most prestigious schools in Fodlan. They train students for everyday University credits and degrees. Along with a compulsory physical education of learning how to wield a weapon (for the “Advanced class”) and regular sports for the non-illegal folk. 
The full-time boarding school is located at the heart of the city, atop a large, forested mountain. 
They take in orphans from the street to train as assassins, which they can then lend to the competing mafia groups. 
They also have underground laboratories for experiments and such.
Among the mafias they’re neutral territory as they train students from each group. 
Because they’re a highly respected church, they don’t get many regular checks by the school board or other public enforcers. 
Rhea was the archbishop who began training orphans as assassins. 
The Knights of Seiros is the church’s most highly ranked assassins who do Rhea’s bidding.
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i-hirehacker-blog · 5 years
Did you find Good Hacker to Hire?
Many human beings are starting up one or extra web sites and claiming to be a professional hacker. These peoples know, the hacker function is an interesting and demanded function. Peoples search to hire a hacker but they get stuck at bad guys unfortunately.
Who is virtually searching for a hacker to rent and why?  essentially a few peoples inclusive of:
Boyfriend or Girlfriends to hack Email, Facebook or other unmarried or a couple of debts.
Husband or Wife to hack Social media account, e-mail money owed and even need to hack the phone.
A employer hires a hacker to pentest a website or internal network. Sometimes a business enterprise may also lease a hacker for malicious functions too.
If a person desires a hacker for hacking without permission of the proprietor, then they generally look for a black hat hacker or an elite hacker(if the hacker gets agreed). A black hat or elite hacker has better social engineering abilties than white hat hackers. And social engineering is one of the maximum effective methods of hacking debts. But it is virtually difficult to discover them.
And if someone or a organisation wishes to pentest their gadget and network an moral hacker is enough for them.
Finally, I would say, If you really need a hacker then You have to rent only An Ethical hacker legally for prison functions!
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sp00kymulderr · 6 years
What upcoming Walker fics do you have???
I think it’s pretty much the same as last time but I can’t find that list so here’s an new one with actual full prompts this time:
-“Your firstanniversary with August is nearing and he plans something low key butawesome - he rents a cozy country house for the last week of Octoberand first week of November and takes you there. Cue lots of in-andoutdoors sex, him wearing gorgeous plaid, making a fire outside andsitting by it drinking mulled wine... He might even find a strayblack cat to bring in and beg you to keep it”
-”August tests a new truth serumdeveloped by the CIA on himself. It's the weekend and he's home withyou, and the serum makes him not only very honestly andunrestrainedly tell you all his fantasies and desires with you, butalso very horny and willing to enact them if you're interested too.The horny part is not supposed to be an effect of the serum, that'sjust August's particular reaction to it.”
-“washing your car with August leads to sex because you turned the water hose on him? He then tosses a soapy sponge at you, giggles and chasing ensues cause who doesn't love a good water fight that leads to sex in the shower afterwards“
-”Walker as an mentor/older brother figure tothe reader. Like what would happen if they took a bullet for Walker,and how would he react to that?”
-”Drabble about you coming from home from work tiredto see August in the kitchen cooking for you and gives you amargarita (or your favorite drink) and after eating that meal he runsu a bath and ends the night in soft sex”
-”Female reader goes after Walker in thehelicopter, instead of Ethan, and she gets the detonator, but isseverely wounded in the process, and Walker calms her down and tendsto her wound”
-”a snippet in which August throws a fit atLane, tells him to shove his plutonium up his ass and decides tostart his own anarchist faction? He then comes home to you, the bestwhite hat hacker ever, and asks you to join his organization.”
-”one shot with August? Where they have a bigfight lot of angst maybe one of them suggest to break up but at theend they make up??”
-"Imagine you and August make „slow sex“ .. ever heard of that! It’s awesome and mean at the same time. Drabble that?”
-”reader finds out about what he does after they have already been together for a long time, and she's certain that she loves him, so once she finds out she spirals and almost goes crazy thinking about the things he's done but still wanting to stay (which is a new worry for August, replacing the fear of her leaving he's afraid that he's driven her mad by telling her) but slowly and little by little they gets back to normal.” (This may be written as a part two to an already published fic)
-“On the streets of London, August bumps into you and once he apologises, he looks at you for a bit longer and asks for your help. “Would you like to visit a really beautiful Christmas market with me?” is the gist of his request. Somehow, you say yes and that’s how, not two hours later, you find yourself donning HALO jump gear and strapped to August’s front as he launches the two of you from the back of a C-130 plane that drops you above Strasbourg. Wrapped up warm and with August’s hand around yours, you get to look at the gorgeous market while he scans the crowds of visitors. Once he spots his target, he is gone for the briefest moment and then he reemerges with two cups of mulled wine for the two of you, smiling at you and thanking you for helping him. Unbeknownst to you, he is using you as his alibi if someone comes looking for whoever assassinated a politician in a well-lit, packed place. Then he flies you back to London on a private plane and asks you if you feel like coming to his place to try his Christmas roast.”
-A part 2 to End of the World.
-A first date with August that goes very, very well.
-A drabble about the first time August calls the reader his girlfriend
-A part 2 to Bound, August makes it very clear that he’s in control again now.
As before, some of these might not get written, we’ll have to see how things go!
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hacklancers · 2 years
What Happens When You Rent a Dark Web Hacker?
Tumblr media
How much does it cost to rent a hacker for dark web? Numerous people wonder. In this article, we will outline the costs involved in hiring a black hat or dark web hacker. While these professionals offer a valuable service, they aren't necessarily cheap. It is significant to understand the costs before hiring someone. You should also consider the experience of your potential black hat hacker.
Best Way to Get Rent a Hacker
If you're observing for a social media hacker, it is worth your while to hire someone on the dark web. For around $300, you can hire someone to hack into a victim's account. In the dark web, hackers claim to have access to the most popular social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. Some hackers will even steal an exam answer for you. However, beware of the scammers; the costs are not worth it.
Some websites will even offer subscription-based services, allowing you to pay a fixed monthly fee for ready-made ransomware. Others will offer exact services, such as spying on a spouse or cheating partner. You can also pay for custom hacking. There are also paid DDoS attacks and jobs to break into bank accounts, which range from $5 to $25 an hour. The latter are the most popular types of hacker services, but you can also hire someone to steal airline reward miles for a flat rate of $10.
Cost of Renting a Dark Web Hacker
On the dark web, hackers offer to access a target's social media accounts. These hackers claim to be able to hack into a wide diversity of social networks, from Facebook to Instagram. Some even offer to steal exam answers. They charge an average of $343 per attack. While some services are relatively cheap, others are more expensive. The cost of rent a hacker for dark web varies, but they tend to be among the most expensive hacking services.
One comparison site, Hack Lancers, studied 100 listings from 12 different hacking services. Although the prices listed on the websites are indicative only, they provide a rough guide to the cost of hiring an illicit hacker. Prices on the dark web are usually listed in bitcoins, but Hacklancers converted them to U.S. dollars to ensure that the prices were accurate. The most luxurious hacking services were associated with defamation or financial disruption, such as blocking legitimate websites. The most expensive services were those related to personal attacks and other legal troubles. Others were focused on fraud tracking or scam revenge.
Rate of Rent a Black Hacker
While hiring a black hat dark web hacking service may seem expensive, the cost is not necessarily the highest. Prices can range anywhere from $318 to over $4000. This is largely because some hacking services may also include botnets and keyloggers, which are extremely potent. Some of these hackers are also capable of stealing exam answers for a price. In most cases, the cost of hiring a black hat hacking service is negotiated.
For example, a hacker based in New York was hired by a government Company for the purpose of stealing their partner list. This list contained the names and details of service personnel. The company was willing to pay as much as $40,000 in bitcoin in return for the information. However, it was not clear whether the hacker was legitimate or not. In addition, the hacker said the hacking company had been scamming him for years, so he decided to pay the price of $40,000.
So, if you are planning to rent a hacker then you can easy go for Hacklancers and send your quote.
0 notes
the-voice-of-hell · 3 years
Rent is Theft, part 18
Read from the beginning here, read the previous chapter here.  Note:  My MC is a Filipina trans woman and I am not.  If you have notes on that or anything else, hit me up.
      I heard the soft sound of another glass door opening behind me.  The tall doors were of frosted glass indistinguishable from the walls but for etched stainless steel handles and hinges.  Perhaps they were held shut with magnets because there was no noise from a latch opening, just a hollow pop and slight vibration of air as the door swung.  I only heard it because I wasn’t walking at the moment, and I turned to see it.
      A lady with a corporate version of rockabilly style flashed whitened teeth at me, her face framed in big phony burgundy hair, and waved me in.  “Ms. Marquez,” she said, “I should have had the door open for you when you walked by, I’m silly.  Easy to forget what this must look like for visitors.”  She flapped a hand at the sterile hall, then turned it into another beckoning gesture.
      Time for me to mirror her pleasant falsity with a smile of my own.  Her teeth were ringed with candy apple red lipstick, mine with an eccentric but unobtrusive matte rose.  We shook hands and went into her office.  There was mustard yellow plaster on the wall up to about six feet, above which the exposed brick resumed.  Her framed diploma from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago hung there between meaningless matted black and white photos of parts of classic cars.  A curvy wheel hub, a tail fin.
      I sat on a low stool that felt like a sawed-off version of something from Johnny Rockets.  I sat my purse on the floor, folded my hands on a knee, and tried to engage her face.  “You have me at a disadvantage.”
      “Ah, sorry.  No name on the door because we just moved in.  I’m Diana Whitford, human resources coordinator.  Pleased to meet you.”
      “Likewise.  Does the Selman Design Group have a lot of human resources?”
      “You got me.  Small building gave it away?  I’m the whole department.  Also assistant CFO.”
      “Nice.”  I gestured at her fancy little office.  “It looks nice.”
      “It is!  Not so much for decor, right?  Just a lil’ fishbowl under the bricks where we work, but it helps keep us focused.  The meeting rooms are much nicer, and there are so many amazing restaurants around here for lunches.  And the art museum...  It’s a good neighborhood to work in.”
      “I know.  I’d love the job.  What can I say to make you love me for it?”
      “Haha, can’t give it away so easy, can I?”
      “Shoot.  Thought I had you on the ropes.  So,” I nodded coquettishly, “I’m ready.”
      She leaned back and cocked her head, considered me.  I didn’t love it.  She asked, “Alright.  Tell me about yourself.  What makes Courtney Marquez who she is?  I bet that’s interesting.”
      “Mm, I don’t like to settle for ordinary.  I’ve been working in tech for a long time now, and felt it’s time for a change of scenery.”  Sound rich, baby.  “The boys are so drab and provincial.  A graphic design firm, now that’s interesting.”
      “And what interests you about Selman Design Group?”
      “The code we worked on was for purely functional purposes - moving cloud data around, secure networks, server switching in massive arrays.  Here you are dealing with all kinds of businesses, right?  And at a level where the clients are going to be interesting people, cosmopolitan.  I feel it would just make for a nicer atmosphere.”
      “I can hardly imagine.  I’ve had some friends marry tech guys but they are in a whole other world.”
      “It’s not really that interesting.  The other world.  Smells like energy drinks and sweat.”  Play to stereotypes, Courtney.
      “Hohoho,” she said, “But we sweat too sometimes.  How do you handle a challenging day?”
      “When I read this job posting, I imagined it would be coding UI, animation, things to assist with graphic design.  Those were the prerequisite skills listed, right?  But here I am with the human resources assistant CFO and I can tell this is a company where you have to wear a lot of hats.  That’s the kind of challenging day I’m confident I can handle - a little tech support here, a project pushing deadline there.”
      “You don’t have any weaknesses, as a worker?”
      I hate these things a lot.  “None, hahaha.  Of course, I’ve just come from the world of maladjusted boy genius types.  Getting used to a different workplace vibe, it might not be a perfectly smooth transition.  But I promise not to crush cans on my head and play noisy videogames on break.”
      “OK.  But what’s a challenging situation you’ve had in the past, and how did you handle it?”
      I cleaned my ass and walked through the door to have this horrible dance while a dozen people are depending on me to keep our asses off the streets.  “There was a new handshake system we’d been developing functions for, a few months at least, when hackers discovered an exploit in it, rendering the whole system a massive liability overnight.  The biggest stress was for the sysadmins at companies using it, but there was talk around the office our company might have to declare bankruptcy, dump us all to cover debt from damage control.  It had us working under a lot of uncertainty, right when housing prices were shooting up all around the city.”
      “Like, two years ago?”
      “Another time they were going up, about seven years before that?  So it’s work quick and come up with genius solutions while you could end up homeless at a moment’s notice.  We really used all of our team skills on that one.  And that was me.  The genius stuff was for enfants terribles and people like me would try to make their solutions workable in practical space, documenting the code, translating it for other people in the pipeline.  I probably cried in the bathroom at least once?  But we got through it.”  Pathos, girl.  But not too much.
      “Wow.  That sounds like a hard time.”
      “Hard times come and go.  That one is gone.  But lessons learned?”
      “I can’t imagine.  Well, just one more thing.  What kind of compensation would you be expecting here?”
      “Better than a grad but worse than I was making, I’m sure.  I understand I’m starting over, but I am bringing a competency of experience you won’t see in a new kid.  I could go as low as forty-five, if it’s strictly necessary.”
      The fake rockabilly’s eyebrows moved.  What did it mean?  Don’t let them know you care.
      “Thank you, Courtney.  Now do you have anything you’d like to know from me?”
      “Do you have anybody here doing tech support at all, or would that become part of the job description?”
      “You got me.  We did not include IT in the listing, but you know we’ll be asking for it.”
      “I’m OK with that, Diana.”
      I got out as fast as I could without making it too obvious.  I did not like how that went.  Usually I’ve done better.  Maybe the head wrap was making me lightheaded.  I found a metal pole to lean on, tried to slow my breathing.
      It didn’t help that this was not far from Walter’s stomping grounds, but I had to make myself stop worrying about that.  The late morning sun was bright white, the shadows electric blue.  Every scrap of garbage, eggshell, feathers, plastic, paper was clearly visible in the cement, joining its constituent stones like the skin of an endless lizard.  People walked around me.
      I finally shook it off, put on my sunglasses, and strolled.  Knobby had eluded me long enough.  The full moon was going to happen that night.  If he and Olivia were out walking the streets every day, when did he have time to be taking shits in front of old ladies?  I was going to catch his ass.  If I could cure his werewolfism, maybe anything was possible.  Cures for twisty hair and headmouth, why not?
      I switched from pumps to sneakers and walked back to the Myrmidon Apartments with purpose.  I was getting used to walking, even with the uphill-downhill of it, and if one picked the right streets, this route was mostly downhill.  I was on the block, eyes open for the off chance of seeing those kids on the street, and peered into the window of the Subway behind the building.  I didn’t see the kids, but I did see a lone sub-muncher in the uniform of the pest control company that was investigating the bed bug situation.
      I stepped in.  The people at the counter really didn’t care about short stay loiterers - lots of things to do in keeping an urban fast food joint from exploding.  I went confidently to his table and looked down with arms folded over my chest.
      “Hey, young fella.  Don’t worry, I’m not a cougar or a hooker.  Just a resident of the Myrmidon.”
      “I really shouldn’t talk to residents, ma’am.”
      “Don’t worry about it, kid.  I’m cool.  It’s not my apartment that’s getting sussed out, and not my problem.  I’m just curious about how this works, in case it becomes a problem for me.  Down the road.”
      We had a moment, me smiling, trying to convey a sense of fun-loving criminality, speak to the young man inside the professional.  He pondered it for a moment, then assented.  “OK.”
      I sat down across the table from him.  “Alright.  So this is the new reality, they’re saying.  All the DDT that squished those bald eagle eggs wore off, bed bugs are moving back into the cities.  What all have you heard about that?”
      “Not a lot, honestly.  There’s the experts and then there’s guys like me who just move shit around, work the tools.  What was that about eagles?”
      “I don’t know much either, but somebody told me there’s this pesticide we used to spray on crops, but also indoors.  It made eagle eggshells thin so that when momma tried to incubate them, squish.  Bald eagles became an endangered species and the stuff was banned.  According to the guy I talked to...”
      “That’s why nobody had bed bugs until last year.  What a trip.”
      “Well what do you know about them?  Has to be something.”
      “Heh.  Now this is hella gross.  I heard the females don’t have a...  well, they don’t have a vag.  So to get inseminated, basically, the males got a gnarly spike for a dick, and just stab ’em with it.  Is that too much?”
      “Hahaha, no, that is horrible.  Thanks!”
      “A way to keep ’em out of your bed is to keep your bedding from reaching the floor and put the feet of your bed inside, like, a ring of laundry detergent.”
      “Nice, nice.  So what’s in store for my unfortunate upstair biddies?”
      “Our company is high end, so... uh...”
      “Promise, I’m cool.  You can tell me anything.”
      “Basically, everybody we deal with is insured out the ass, so we come up with services just to charge more money.  It isn’t a total scam, right?  The services do something.  But is every last one of ’em necessary?”
      “So you’re gonna milk this thing?  Hell, everything in this town is so fucking expensive, that doesn’t bother me at all.  Do it to it.  But that isn’t the reason you told me, is it?”
      “OK, we basically already know there are bed bugs.  Boss man stabbed her bed with a bowie knife and found black dots - like digested blood.”
      “I know.  But we’ll be like, this is suggestive but it isn’t a clincher, and run another test.”
      “A more expensive one.”
      “You got it.  And man, it is the real trip.  We bring in a trained animal to sniff ’em out.”
      “Is it an expensive dog breed?”
      He was smirking and enjoying this too much.  “Not a dog.”
      “Aardvark?”  I remembered what Grime had told me about the animal, but didn't want to ruin the boy's fun.
      “A pig.”  His expression dimmed a bit.  “But now that you say that, I wish it was an aardvark.  That sounds fun.”
      “No, no, that’s pretty fucking funny.  You’re literally gonna get these apartments to pay them to have a potbelly piggy running through the halls.”
      “Oh it ain’t no potbelly, ma’am.  It’s one of the big boys.”
      “What do they call that, a boar?”
      “Yup.  A male pig, big as fuck.  Maybe you’ll get to see it.  It’s like three feet at the top and I swear at least five hundred pounds.”
      “No shit?”
      “No shit.”
      “Well, here’s hopin’ those sons of bitches stay upstairs.”
      “Uh, yeah.  Yeah, for sure.”
      He must have known that wasn’t likely to happen.  Shit.  “So the boar confirms what you already know.  Then what?”
      “That’s our part.  We help the lady treat and isolate everything in her apartment.  Anything that can’t take the heat is moved out.  The sprinkler heads are packed in coolant, and then we heat the place to a hundred twenty-five degrees for three hours.”
      “Holy shit.  Big space heaters?”
      “Custom, industrial motherfuckers.  It’s pretty cool stuff.  No poison involved.”
      “Except the laundry detergent.”
      “The laundry detergent?  Oh yeah, the laundry detergent.  We don’t tell most of our customers about that one.”
      “Because they’ll be more likely to get reinfested.  Sharp.”
      “You never know when they’ll bring that pesticide back and put us out of a job, right?”
      “Well thanks, man.  That was a real thrill ride.”  I shot him a finger gun and stood up.
      “Hey, ah...  You don’t have to go so fast..?”
      “Heh.  Charmed, but I do have to get going.  Enjoy your sandwich, son.”
      “Yes ma’am.”
      I made a mental note to line the baseboards with borax at the earliest opportunity.  I was getting a mental picture of the shit.  They boil the granny floor and fleeing bed bugs come down through the walls, end up on our floor.
      I decided to take the stairs up, and at each floor get out and walk the hall.  If Knobby was doing his doggy deeds, I’d catch him.  I tried to listen for sounds in the stairwell, in the halls, but the exertion made my pulse pound in my ears.  Not terribly, but enough to mute the quiet noises of the world.
      The first ten floors had a different layout from ours - a little bit larger, with more variable apartment sizes.  The smallest ones were even smaller than ours, judging by the distance between doors, and the largest might have been larger.  On the tenth floor, another variation - a gym I had never used.
      I used my prox key and got in.  A redundant nuisance - anybody on this floor had already badged in downstairs, or been badged in by somebody else.  Did they want to keep visitors out of the precious fitness center?
      The outer walls were surely floor-to-ceiling glass, like on ours, but they were masked completely by drawn vertical blinds.  Interior lights were weak in competition with the daylight that gave the blinds an unappealing amber glow, the room washing out to a dim grey-green.
      Still easy enough to see by, and I found myself looking at myself.  One of the inner walls was pure mirror.  Watch your beach bod take shape while you ride the stationary bikes.  Or stand alone and watch yourself fade in real time.  All the dolling up I did for the interview was coming apart, and the shadows added ten years to my face.
      Even with the wrap clamped down on my head, I had forgotten it was visible.  It changed me, made my reflection alien.  And remembering this, I remembered Reverse Courtney was waiting under that grip for any chance to rat us out.  I touched the back of my head and felt her shift underneath the cloth.
      Get out.  No way Knobby was in there anyway.  As I stepped away, I noticed the floor beneath my feet was raised and discolored.  No allergy medicine here.  Get out.
      The eleventh floor was, to my knowledge, one of several completely unoccupied ones.  On seeing no Knobby, it occurred to me that if the monster in him had the same motivation as Reverse Courtney, he would only visit floors with people on them.
      Our floor.  The ritual wasn’t really complete yet.  I had prepared my potions and talismans and such, but I still needed to set up the magic circle.  It was far from midnight, so time remained, but who knew how long it would take to catch the boy?
      I realized we needed to talk to everyone at once.  Patrick and Graeme would be at work, probably, and Deandre and the kids probably out and about.  Still, better to get as many people as possible on the same page as early as possible.  I started knocking on doors.
      Patrick was indeed at work, and I decided to leave Perry alone.  With that and less anybody out on the town, I was only able to convene Mike, Momi, and Marcie, in her apartment.  Mike looked lively, but greener than ever.
      The three sat on the couch and I sat across from it.
      “What’s this about, Courtney?”  Mike was the only one with no prior knowledge, that I knew of.
      “Marcie and Leimomi already know some of this, but not all of it.  Like the allergy situation, it’s important for all of us to know.  Mike, have you noticed that you’re not looking... well?”
      “The green?  Yeah, and I’ve seen that Knobby kid hunchbacked, and his girl’s neck go weird.”
      “So you have an idea what this is about.  I think the building is trying to make us lose control of ourselves, make us get ourselves caught.  I have a mouth on the back of my head that has basically said as much to me.”
      “Does Leimomi have a head mouth too?”
      “No,” she said.
      “Let me get to the point.  The neighbors talked about seeing a dog, or a dog-like man, in the halls on their floors - causing trouble.  It has to be one of us.  We know what our problems are, and Knobby is already hunched over, so safe bet it’s him.  And I have a plan.”
      Mike smiled, green hands on his knees.  “Great!  And here I was worried.  You’re so good, Courtney.”
      Marcie said, “What are you going to do, Courtney?”
      “Ehh, I don’t...”  Maybe they’d feel better if I didn’t express my doubts.  “Sorry.  Remember how wearing the allergy pill necklace was helpful?  It’s kinda like that.  I’m setting up a thing...  OK, a magic spell.  In my room.  We get Knobby inside the magic circle and do an exorcism.”
      “The power of Christ compels you!  Haha,” Mike said, “I can do that.”
      Marcie nodded in admiration.  Momi knew what I was thinking, gave me a sensitive smile.
      “Yeah, so here’s the deal.  We all do our best to find that kid, get him and everybody else in my apartment by midnight.  I’ll write up everybody’s instructions for the spell.  You’ll have to read some words, do some things.”
      “Any of that cool shit from Exorcist in there?,” Mike asked.
      “No but there may be some room for improv.  Just make sure you do the spell right first.
        And in the meantime...”
      “We’ll try to find Knobby.”
      “Richie’s been trying,” Marcie said.
      “Unless he has a hot lead, call him home,” I said.  “It’s a full moon, and if I’m right - that the werewolf is trying to get us in trouble here - he’ll be in the building somewhere.”
      Momi said, “Oh good, I didn’t wanna run around town anyways.  Should we start looking now?”
      “Eat lunch first, get plenty of water.  For my part, I’m gonna turn my apartment into a magic circle.”
      In my initial pass at the exorcism material in Werwolves, I didn’t notice the shin-kicking ritual involved some worse tortures besides.  We weren’t going to whip him until he was drenched in blood.  I did my best to come up with ways to symbolically accomplish anything I was unable or unwilling to do in the prescribed method.  For example, where it called for whipping the “werwolf” I thought we could just give him a few whacks and then cover him in some kind of blood.  Unsanitary, but not torture.  I’d paid for blood from a butcher, because there’s no good way to shoplift it, and sanitized it by boiling.  That made a blood pudding which I intended to reliquefy when we got closer to midnight.  Grody.
      Another thing I couldn’t do was follow hyper-specific astrological instructions.  OK, I might be able to sync the ritual to a night of the full moon, but learning enough about astronomy or astrology to even know when Mercury was seventeen degrees on the cusp of the Seventh House?  Not happening.  The text said Mercury was the “most bitter opponent of evil spirits,” so I thought, hang some liquid mercury from the ceiling above our boy.  I poured my mercury into an emptied bottle of some micro-brew with a white stag on it, to honor St. Hubert.
   Read next chapter here.
0 notes
seriouslycromulent · 6 years
OK. So I finished binge-watching Black Lightning on Netflix and ...
... Oh my damn! I really didn’t want to give this show a chance because I’m vehemently anti-Berlanti-verse and just general anti-CW writing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m on board for Season 2 when it airs this fall. 
I think a part of the reason this show works for me more than the other Berlanti-verse shows is because of Mara Brock Akil. She’s the executive producer, and I’d like to believe it’s her influence and leadership that makes the dialogue and characterization on Black Lightning just 10x more realistic and engaging than the hokey after-school specials that make up the rest of the DCtv world on the CW.
Add to that the fact that the acting is far better than what I’d expect from the CW universe, and I have to say...
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I only started the show yesterday, and I’m already on episode 10 (of 13) finished. And now my biggest complaint is why didn’t this show get a full season from jump? But I shan’t dwell on the could haves and should haves. Instead, let me share why I’m enjoying this series so much:
The superhero is over the age of 40. Thank goodness! For a network dedicated to high cheek-boned youth and their parental figures occasionally offering a word of cliched advice, I’m so happy to see something developed outside of that superhero trope.
The main superhero has to juggle an actual family and full-time job. Now, like most superheroes, we don’t see him doing his job nearly as much as he should be when the action gets going, but it’s still somewhat believable that a high school principal can afford the life that he leads and have a family without going:”Where is all this money and time coming from?”
Team Anissa all the way! Granted, she did her old girlfriend wrong, and deserved to be called out on it, but she’s easily my second favorite character on the show. 
Speaking of family dynamic and Anissa, how much do I love the relationship Jennifer and Anissa have as sisters?! Like seriously. They remind me of real life sisters. Not “TV” sisters. Their dialogue and behavior toward one another -- whether they’re arguing or supporting each other -- is so on point, I feel like I’ve heard these conversations before in person between different members of my family.
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The constant commentary on Black Lightning’s outfit is cracking me up. I like how every other episode someone on the street or in the neighborhood compares his outfit to something they saw in Parliament Funkadelic or Earth, Wind & Fire. :-)
Jill Scott. She was a wonderful surprise to the cast, especially in the role she played. I wish she had had more screen time because Ms. Scott just has the most magnetic presence, and I’ve never seen her get to play a role like this.
Ha! The Garfield High School mascot is a panther. I see what you did there! 
Other cameos I’m feeling: Senator Nina Turner. Roland Martin. Antonio Fargas. I would love to see more of this type of diverse cameos in the future.
Again, I know this is a CW show, so the younger audiences are their bread and butter. But I really like the 1970s music they have playing during Black Lightning’s fight scenes. I feel like it’s a great tip of the hat to the comic book’s 1970s’ origins, and well, most of the songs are just great jams. I appreciate the hip hop music too, plus the original songs written clearly for the show. But the ‘70s music is a nice touch. 
Soooooo ... Khalil? Can I get your number? Because damn if that child ain’t fine.
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In episode 10, when that lady tried to drop her A/C unit and microwave on top of Black Lightning in the alley ... I damn near spit out my water! And when she said her name was, “Rent. Car-Note-Electric” I almost fell out of my chair. See, that’s something you just would not hear on Supergirl or The Flash.
Like most CW shows, one of my biggest problems with Black Lightning in the beginning is that they don’t write transitions well. For the first 5 episodes, you constantly feel like they’ve cut a scene that had some important information or character development for a scene they left in. Legends of Tomorrow did this a lot. I mean, a lot. But thankfully, as I continued to watch this show, that trait seems to have disappeared a bit and has become less of an issue.
I’m a bit thrown every time Tobias Whale makes a derogatory comment about Black people, then turns around and makes a derogatory comment about White people. Is it purely the result of self-hate borne from an abusive upbringing? Or is there a tad bit of genuine Uncle Ruckus lurking beneath the surface there?
Even though her attitude sometimes gets on my nerves, I love the exploration of a character with superhero powers who doesn’t want to be a superhero. We rarely see that explored in the mass media adaptation of comic books, so it’s a nice swerve compared to the current slate of superhero fare where we either see people eagerly wanting to be superheroes or we see villains reluctantly become anti-heroes, then superheroes. Jenn’s desire to just be normal in the face of the possibility that she might have a higher calling in life is a great trope subversion. 
The makeup on Gambi’s face while he was being beaten and after it had supposedly dried was not good. Dude, seriously. The makeup department dropped the ball on their end with those details. It didn’t look realistic at all and it was too over-the-top.
Another great trope subversion: The techie/hacker of this franchise is a man over the age of 60 instead of a teen or young adult under the age of 30. Sweet!
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Can I just say the Pierce family is probably my favorite biological superhero family of all-time? Yes. Yes, I can.
Favorite line of the season: “You got to bring ass to get ass.” - Detective Henderson
Jefferson’s dad’s old house has a wood-encased floor unit television set with a push button remote. Awwww, that reminds me of my grandmother’s old TV set. 
I wonder if Gregg Henry ever gets tired of playing bad guys?
Khalil’s dreadlocks look ... not ... good. Either that’s a really bad wig or whoever twisted his hair has a broken hand.
Ahhh, so Syonide does know how to aim for the forehead when she shoots. Could’ve fooled me when she was fighting Thunder that first time. 
So I mentioned that Anissa/Thunder is my second favorite character. That means someone else is my first. And it is ... Gambi. I know. I know. Go ahead and take my Black Card away, but from the first episode on, all I wanted was an episode dedicated to learning his secrets. And not just secrets as they relate to Alvin and Jefferson. I still want to know about his past. Like, why did he say he was a “monster” to Proctor? He stayed in Freeland even after he left the ASA, but does he have family that’s missing him or looking for him? Did he look after Jefferson in an official capacity after Alvin died? Was he his legal guardian? Or was Jeff in foster care and visited Gambi a lot? That man has been some places and did some things, and I can imagine a ton of backstory there to fill in.  Yes, I know he’s the only white guy in the cast of mostly minorities, but to be frank, that just makes me respect James Remar more. I’ve been a fan of Remar’s for years. I even got to meet him 2 years ago at a convention in Philadelphia. And the man’s IMDB page is ridiculously long. Seriously, check it out. So he’s not hurting for work. He’s not up and coming. He’s not an older actor struggling to keep his name in the game. He’s a respected character actor who has a very successful career. The fact that he probably has white actors telling him to turn down this project because he’s “above” it, but he’s on the show as the anchor just makes me proud to call myself a fan.  Either way, Gambi is a cool cat with a terrible mustache, whose background is a mystery. And I’m a nerd who loves mysteries and lots of character development in my genre fiction TV shows. It’s a perfect match. But yeah, he’s the only white regular on the show, and he’s my favorite. You mad? Good. His role could’ve easily been played by another actor of a different racial/ethnic background and I would’ve felt the same about Gambi.  I pretty much like all scenes with him in them, especially when Gambi interacts with Anissa or Jennifer. That cool uncle vibe is sweet, and I think it adds a nice layer to the family dynamic on the show. Anyway, enough about him ... For now.
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To sum up, I highly doubt I’ll ever go back to watching Arrow. Now that Jeremy Jordan has left Supergirl, I doubt I’ll be checking in on that show anymore either. Legends of Tomorrow is just ... ugh. But because I love Matt Ryan’s John Constantine so much, I just know I’ll probably peep an episode here and there throughout the new season. And I’ll probably be disappointed because ... ugh. And The Flash? I know a lot of people on Tumblr love that show, so I’m going to play nice and say nothing about it. 
But I’ll definitely be checking out Black Lightning season 2 and hoping that the common CW failings don’t work their way into the show. It’s a highly entertaining series, and a breathe of fresh air for this crowded genre. Here’s hoping season 2 is a full 22-episode season!
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hackerforrent · 4 years
People who have been hacking skills are called hackers. In addition, the types of enumeration are classified into two types, i.e. Ethical hacking (white hat) and unethical hacking (black hat). Ehirehacker is the top leading platform where you can Rent a hacker.
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joshuajmadrid · 4 years
Hire a Hacker for iPhone
Hire an iPhone hacker
Most iPhone users love their phone such a lot , they use it for everything! There are many reasons to require access to someone’s iPhone. Some spouses want to ascertain if their partner is cheating on them (or to ascertain if their boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating). Others are trying to find important business or information . regardless of the rationale , gaining access to someone’s iPhone are often considerably attractive. There are hacking services available which may crack iPhones, get iPhone passwords, retrieve SMS and phone records from someone’s iPhone, extract contacts and photos from someone’s iPhone, and even check which apps are installed and supply access to their useage.
Although hacking smartphones is becoming more commonplace in today’s modern age…Apple’s iPhone has remained one among the toughest devices to hack; Thus hackers usually charge more for hacking an iPhone or iPhone records, than the other sort of smartphone. Still, it's become extremely affordable in recent years considering how valuable the knowledge retrieved can be!  How to hack someone's iphone
The average iPhone (each model is different and every hacking service is different) hack costs between $400 and $800. Generally, the newer the iPhone, the harder it's to hack and therefore the higher the worth .
Also, some iPhones have special software in situ specifically to form hacking attempts harder (another reason that creates iPhone hacking costlier than Android hacking).
The best thanks to hire a hacker safely online for love or money (iPhone hacking or not) is by way of bitcoin (so your transaction can't be traced). Additionally, you ought to always ask to pay half up front, and half after the services are rendered for your protection. Reputable black hat hackers and hacking services are very familiar with this arrangement and typically offer it willingly before you've got to ask.
Disclaimer: Mr Hyde nor Drugs and Bad Ideas are often liable for anything you or anyone else on the earth decides to try to to . this text is written informational purposes only!
iPhone Hackers for Hire are constantly updating the specified skills ahead with the available security updates that comes with the iOS updates. this is often evident within the recent revelation from Jeff Bezos iPhone hack which was as a results of vulnerabilities within the iPhone X Apples iOS software. A memory corruption issues was identified and it affected iOS versions 12.1.1 MacOs.
The unbeatable vulnerability for the Trojan to function on WhatsApp successfully comes only from specific website.
If you’ve forgotten your iPhone passcode, you would like to urge in touch with a reliable Hacker for Hire ” SolidarityHacker.com ” who can run a foreign penetration and gain access to the device remotely, otherwise the device isn't much more than a trendy weight.
Luckily, you would possibly be ready to restore the iPhone to urge obviate the passcode and provides you access to the device, as long as you'll Hire a Hacker to try to to the remote access otherwise you are the first owner. If you're not the first owner, and therefore the iPhone is activation-locked, which suggests it can't be used till the proper Apple ID has been entered. you'll need to reach bent a reliable Hacker for Hire.
By Passing the Activation Lock.Understanding the Process: SolidarityHacker who advices that you simply must be charging your network settings to trick the iOS / iPhone into connecting to an internet site during the setup process. this is able to offer you some limited activities if the iPhone device activation is locked, But won't necessarily offer you access to the iPhone. Research shows that it's usually impossible to by-pass the activation lock without a Hacker for Hire unless you're the owner of the device with physical access.
You will then got to proceed to a network and obtain connected for the access permission. SolidarityHacker.com synchronizes employing a dashboard which provides the maximum amount as access to the iPhone using the closest cell tower to the vicinity for connection. Once you're connected to the dashboard from ” SolidarityHacker.com ” and an online , Press the house button while you’re on the activate iPhone screen, this may open alittle menu.
Once the tiny menu is opened, Select ”Wi-Fi settings” from the menu. this may open your list of networks again, Then Tap (i) next to your active network. this may open the network settings via the ” SolidarityHacker.com ” Dashboard. Tap the ”DNS” entry. Your keyboard will pop-up and you’ll be ready to edit it on the ”SolidarityHacker.com” dashboard. Select the whole DNS entry and delete it. You’ll be entering a replacement address to attach to.
Type ., into the DNS field. Tap ”Back” once you’re finished. Tap the activation Help-Link beneath the Apple ID login fields (Select Android on the Solidarityhacker.com/services/ Dashboard just in case of an Android.) this is able to normally load a help page for logging in, But since you changed DNS settings it'll load the iCloud DNS Bypass page.
5 Ways to realize Unlimited Remote Access to any iPhone device.
Start using the iCloud DNS Bypass page by sending an invitation message to ” [email protected] or [email protected] ” in order that they can assist you set-up the Dashboard. This page mimics / Accesses the iPhone interface completely, and provides you access to a spread of internet-based tools and every one communication apps therein. you'll have absolute access to anything on the iPhone, And you'll still get some use of it.
Tap the menu button to see all the varied choices. whereas all of the alternatives appear to be apps, They’re really links to numerous Apps set and operational on your target iPhone via SolidarityHacker dashboard.
Tap one in every of the classes on the SolidarityHacker.com Dashboard to see the varied choices.
Tap the online option to load a search engine or sort in An address.The SMS possibility can show a selection of free SMS-services.
You'll be ready to receive Any SMS messages returning into your target iPhone additionally as an possibility for retrieving deleted messages and media files.
Tap the video option to load a selection of varied video streaming services, along side youtube, Vimeo, Netflix and.  Rent a Hacker, Mobile Phone Hack Service.
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netpredatorcom-blog · 5 years
Ethical Hacking Helps in Increasing Company's Security System
Ethical Hacking, the word itself defines hacking but in an ethical way. In Ethical hacking there is a professional hacker or a crew of hackers who try to hack a laptop or the security machine within the corporation
Having such hackers in the corporation could assist the organization to understand the loop holes that are dangerous to the enterprise's protection structures. There are many groups and agencies which lease Professional website hacker who're understanding in their area of hacking. There professional use their methods of hacking either the computer hardware or software program, or both. In this technique, the enterprise could realize the loop holes that allow the unethical hacker to get into the safety device of the company. These loop holes will then be covered by growing different software program which shield the company's statistics. Once those loop holes are protected the hackers would once more attempt to interrupt via the safety system and take a look at the opposite loop holes which permit the out of doors hackers get into the agency's community.
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The term hacker refers to a person who attempts to invade into the safety machine of an business enterprise and tries to hack or scouse borrow the passwords of a computer or a user who uses the laptop and changes the statistics of the laptop or the person. The results of hacking could be changing the passwords of the person and now not letting the person take the possession of the pc or the information. The man or woman who tries to invade into the laptop without permission is referred to as intruder. Organizations rent such professional hackers and examine their security gadget time to time; with the intention to cover up the loop holes from which any other hacker can get into their security gadget.
Ethical hacking is likewise known as white hat method and unethical hacking is known as Black hat strategies. The groups Social media hackers for hire who are specialized inside the area and are licensed into it. There are Grey hat hackers who aren't employed with the aid of the businesses, however those hackers would eventually hack the machine and allow the organization recognize that the gadget may be hacked with certain approach.
For more info:- Hack email password online
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