#Resident Evil: Damnation
vitospaghetta · 4 months
I don't know if this will be interesting to anyone, but I figured maybe for fanfic purposes or just general knowledge it would be cool to shed some light on the scene in Damnation where Leon's hands are restrained.
(A big thank you to @biohazard-4ever for the Damnation screenshots 💖 because I could not for the life of me get ones that were actually clear)
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I've seen a few people mistake what he's being restrained with for zip ties over the years, but they're actually disposable handcuffs.
They function the same way as a zip tie in the way that they lock, but some (especially military grade) disposable hand cuffs are reinforced with sturdier types of plastic or just a stronger form of nylon than zip ties so they have more tensile strength and are therefore much more difficult to break. In cases like Leon's, the locks can also be very sturdy, with the sole purpose of that being to rectify the major flaw with zip ties — that being that a zip tie's weakest point is, ironically, the lock. Disposable handcuffs also restrain your wrists individually as opposed to together, which you can kind of see just before Leon (unrealistically) snaps his.
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Something I've always found interesting is that the handcuffs that he's being restrained with are actually his. If you look at his character model, you can see them on the back of his plate carrier.
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He's also got disposable handcuffs on him in Death Island. However this time around he's got on them on the front of his plate carrier and very conveniently beside a pair of trauma shears lol.
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viperrot · 1 year
I also have a small request if possible. I'm thinking of something with old Leon x single mother reader. Leon is moving to a new neighborhood for a while and his neighbor is reader. I was thinking that the reader's daughter (possibly 2-3 years old) would see him once and be crazy about him, screaming all day that she wants to touch his hair 🤭🤭. And Leon being... well, Leon doesn't know how to react, but he starts to like the little one and little by little falls in love with the reader. I was thinking damnation Leon (he deserves so much love ugh😔🤭). Further, I'll leave it up to you to develop the story as you want. Kissss 😘😘😘😘
P.S. I love your stories❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
⇁apple pie | leon kennedy
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Post RE4 leon s. kennedy x single-mother!reader
there's a new person living in the house next door, and your daughter is incredibly excited to make a new friend. so, what better way to welcome him than with a pie?
content includes: strangers to friends (to lovers)?, leon trying to be normal and failing, who let this guy talk to women?, reader checks out leon oops!, reader is described as feminine-dressed, reader is called momma, reader and baby is implied to be of asian background oops sorry i am asian so this just happened very naturally and i am a slave to my brain + too lazy to change it
not proofread i am sleepy
2497 words
song rec: "love me" by elvis presley
this is written with Vendetta, Damnation, and ID! leon in mind. i recently hung out with my little niece, who is named mei, so i just decided to name the little one mei as well! hope you enjoy, anon ^w^
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"Momma, momma!" you hear your little one yelp from the front yard. You look up from your dishes, confused and fearful that your precious daughter had injured herself. Peeping out the window right above your sink, you immediately spot your tiny child pointing to her right with a sparkling eyes, her chubby little fingers extending as far as they could. You cock your head questioningly as you walk towards the wide-open front door to check what she was trying to show you, your hands patting against the fabric of your dress as you stepped out onto your wrap-around porch.
Hiding behind the vines of your overhead plants, you squint between the leaves to try and get a look of what your daughter, Mei, was trying to show you. Slowly, you make out what seems to be a man fumbling with his keys. His cocoa coloured hair swayed as his clumsily handled his keys in front of his door, his jaw tightening as he grew increasingly frustrated with himself. You watch him curiously, unknowing of your little one stumbling across the yard and onto the porch the stranger stood at.
"W-what the-" you hear the man stutter, dropping his keys as he frantically looks down at his feet. You can feel the corners of your eyes crinkle as you try to get a better look from the vines of your precious plants, and you realize that Mei had found herself tugging at the man's pants. You gasp and trip your way over to the front of his house, shoeless with your apron practically falling off.
"Mei-Mei, you can't just run after strangers!" You grow embarrassed the closer you get to them. You stood just in front of the porch when you finally get a good look of the man.
Your cherub of a daughter is basically climbing the poor man at this point, jumping up and down at his feet as she bumbles out her baby-gibberish—things like "Hair! Hair!" and "Do you like pie? Hey, mister! Pie?" coming out in one long string of rambling. Quickly, you go up the small set of steps and pick up Mei by the waist, tucking her into yourself as you sheepishly apologize to the stranger.
"I-I am so so so so sorry, sir, I didn't realize she was so excited to see you," you stammer out, trying to contain the little babe that was trying to climb out of your arms.
The man in front of you is gorgeous, standing at six-feet-two with those heavy boots of his. His dark brown hair framed his face to accentuate the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones, the deep blue of eyes piercing through your body as if you were simply a window. He stood tall and stiff, chest slightly puffed out in his black leather jacket and white t-shirt combo. The denim jeans he wore did nothing to hide his legs, the bulge of his thighs almost giving you whiplash. His eyes lock onto yours, his plump lips slightly parted.
“It’s alright,” he grunts. “She’s just a kid,” the man nods at the cooing cherub in your arms, who was craning her body backwards with her arms stretched out in attempt to touch his hair.
“S-still, I should have been watching her. Sh-she isn’t normally so… uh…”
“Excited? It’s alright, ma’am,” he lets out a soft chuckle, his head shaking side-to-side. You feel a blush begin to dust over your cheeks, and begin to to step backward.
“Y-yeah, excited. Anyways,” you clear your throat. “I’m still sorry. I-if you need anything, I’m right next door!” You bow slightly before booking it back to your home, bare feet treading against the lawn connecting the houses together. You feel a bit guilty for not introducing yourself to him, but you were so embarrassed by Mei, you couldn’t help but run away.
“Momma, go back! Back!” Mei began to cry, her lip quivering as she looked over your shoulder. Her little arms reached for the stranger, who was watching from his porch.
The door shut behind you, and your daughter let the tears flow. Distraught, you set your little one down on the couch just a few steps away from the door and dragged your thumbs across the apples of her cheeks, asking her softly about what was wrong. Mei hiccuped and sniffled, snot smearing across her tiny lips as she cried.
“What’s wrong, Mei-Mei?” You frown, bringing your apron up to her flat little nose to wipe away the boogers. She trembles as you comfort her.
“I-I wanna touch his hair,” she sniffles, her tiny palms rubbing against her cheeks to wipe the tears. “Can we p-please see him again, Momma,” Mei’s frown deepens, and you feel your heart break at the sight.
“Mei-Mei, he’s a stranger. We can’t talk to strangers—especially not ones who don’t seem to want to talk to us,” you explain to the child. Tears continue to fall.
“B-but, Momma-“
“Mei-Mei,” you sigh tiredly, unable to resist your sweet daughter. “How about this—if you help me make it, we can bake a pie for the mister tomorrow and maybe we can see him again, okay?” Your daughter visibly perks up at this, the waterworks ceasing as she looks up at you with her sparkling eyes.
“Really!? Do you promise, Momma!?” She gasps, her chubby hands squeezing her cheeks with excitement. You nod at her with a gentle smile, and she jumps out of her spot on the couch, flailing around the living room like a wound-up puppy.
Mei wouldn’t stop talking about the man for the rest of the night.
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"This one! Oh, oh, no, I meant... this one!"
"Sweetheart, these are too red. We need green ones."
"But... these are green, Momma?"
"Oh dear..." you sigh heavily, taking the Fuji apple out of Mei's hands and setting it in your cart. "Stay close to me okay, Mei-Mei?" You tug at the little cowlick on top of her head softly, making sure she understood to not run off. She let's out a little noise of understanding and keeps a tight fist on the end of your dress, trailing behind you as you searched for the greenest apples you could find.
The drive home from the grocery store was filled with questions you didn't know how to answer. Things like...
"Do you think the mister likes My Little Pony?"
"I wonder if mister has any pets. He looks like he has a chihuahua!"
"If mister had a cutie mark, what do you think it'd be, Momma?"
And other weird things a child would ask. You tried your best to answer each question, but everything just leaded to another awfully confusing query. As you pulled the car into the driveway, you notice the sexy motorbike in the new neighbour's own, the black finish shining beneath the morning sun. You get out of the car, helping Mei right after before grabbing the groceries from the trunk of your two-thousand-five Honda Accord.
You unlock the door of your sweet little home, pushing it wide open with a bump of your hip. Mei skips inside, a small toy of Fluttershy in her hand and a plastic bag containing her "element of harmony" (a single red delicious apple, which is apparently the "honesty" element, or something along that line) in the other. The door clicks shut behind you two, and you trip into the kitchen after you kick off your shoes. Setting the bags down on the counter, you sort out the groceries before calling for your little one.
"Mei-Mei! It's time to start baking, sweetie," you hear her clumsy feet tip-tap against the hardwood and smile brightly when her head peeps into the kitchen. Her honesty apple was clutched tight in her hands as she walked up to you giddily, excited to get to work. You pick her up and set her on top of the clear section of the counter.
You trust Mei with measuring the dry ingredients, with some supervision of course. Together, you make the pie crust and allow it to chill in the fridge as you make the filling. Mei is in the living room at this point, eyes glued to the television as she embarks on a friendship adventure with her pony friends.
Silently humming a nameless tune to yourself, you peel and core the small Granny Smith apples, dicing them into little cubes before setting them in a brown-sugar mixture. By noon, you had shaped the pies into the shape everyone knows them to be—apple shaped apple pies!
The delicate little balls were placed on the baking tray carefully, not wanting to ruin the perfect shape. You brushed the tops with an egg-yolk-and-water mixture before putting the cute pies into the oven, setting a timer for 15 minutes. Proud of yourself for cleaning up the generous mess in your beloved kitchen, you open up the window above the sink to let the air in.
While you lounged on the couch with your beloved little dumpling, you're unknowing to the man next door, tinkering away beneath his ebony Dodge Coronet 440. The scent of the sweet apple pie wafted to his nose, making him stop his repairs on his old model. Shaking his head, he tries to ignore the temptation to knock on his pretty neighbour's front door and ask for a slice.
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The heat from the oven tickled your face as you carefully pulled the baking sheet out of the contraption, setting it down on the kitchen counter that was covered with a washcloth to avoid damaging the countertop. Mei watched you with a square-shaped tupperware in her chubby hands, eager to get the pie to the stranger next door.
You slide the oven-mittens off your hands and proudly look at your apple-apple-pies. Turning your attention to Mei, you pick her up so she can look too.
"Aren't they pretty, puddin'?" You coo. "You made these!" Mei claps her hands together happily, tupperware long forgotten with stars in her eyes as she beams at the sight of the apple-apple-pies.
"Can we take it to mister now?" the babe pratically vibrates in your grip with excitement. You nod at her and set her down on the floor, deciding to fish out a new tupperware box from one of your cabinets. When you find one of the proper size, you pack up one of the pies before you usher Mei out of the door after putting on your shoes, handing the container to her to carry.
Walking across the lawn, Mei immediately notices the open garage and makes a beeline towards the mass of legs beneath a black vintage car.
"Mister!! Mister!!!!" she practically yells, stomping over to the man beneath the car.
You can't help but admire the sight of the stranger. His thighs were practically ripping the denim of his jeans how tight they were on him, his white tank-top creeping up his stomach to reveal a small patch of hair just below his belly-button. With a grunt, he slides out from beneath the Dodge model, grease staining his entire upper body.
"Hey...?" He looks up at his from his spot on the ground, rubbing the stubble on his chin confused as he sits straight on the concrete.
"H-hi," you wave awkwardly, standing a safe distance away from him with Mei. You crouch down to your daughters level. "My daughter helped me make a pie for you as a little welcome gift. Go on, sweetheart," you pat her back softly, urging her to walk up to the newcomer. Like an excited puppy, Mei marches over to the handsome man, presenting the tupperware to him like a trophy.
"My momma put lotsa love into this, so you better like it, mister!" she demands, and the man chuckles softly at the order.
"I definitely will, kiddo. Apple pie's my favourite," he smiles gently before setting his sights on you. His blue eyes were illuminated perfectly by the sun as he looked over to you. "Thank you. My name's Leon, by the way. Uh, Leon Kennedy," he nods over at you as he takes the container from Mei's hands.
"O-oh, right! We didn't really introduce ourselves yesterday," you blush, fiddling with the hem of your blouse. You quickly introduce yourself and your daughter, stuttering all the while. It had been quite a long time since you had spoken to a man.
"Nice to meet you," Leon lets out a low laugh as he looks down at the pie. His eyes widen when he realizes it's shaped like an actual apple, but he makes no move to say anything as a twinge of pink crawls up his neck. "This looks... delicious," he drools, and you thank him for the compliment.
"Best eat it now! It's tastes the best when it's fresh," you smile, and he hums in response.
"U-uh, I think I'll eat it now, actually. Needed to take a break anywa-ngh—!" Mei slams her pudgy palm on top of Leon's mop of brown hair, causing the poor man to grunt. It didn't hurt, but it clearly caught him by surprise. You panic just like the day before and attempt to pull your cherub away from your neighbour, embarrassment filling your body.
"Mei-Mei! I told you that you can't just touch people like that!" You scold her lightly.
"Agh, don't yell at her—It's alright," the brunette assures you, standing up. His boots click against the concrete as he stands close.
"Please, excuse her, she's just very excited to have a new friend."
"Hey, hey—it's fine. Here," Leon ducks his head down enough for Mei to reach out. She turns her body in your arms, hands outstretching to thread into the man's hair. Unconsciously, you move closer to Leon as your daughter plays with his hair. The sight made your heart melt.
When Mei has her fill, Leon stands straight and gives you a warm smile. He has a look in his eyes you couldn't quite place, but you choose not to think about it.
"I, uhm..." you think of what to say, your eyes darting from each feature on his stubbly face. "We won't bother you now. I-if you need, something, we'll be a knock away!" you nervously ramble, slowly backing away from the gentleman.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," he coughs out, a dust of pink brushing the tip of nose. Leon watches as you turn your back to him, wiggling his fingers at the little one that waved at him from your shoulders. He walks over to the tupperware sitting on the floor of his garage after you walk into your house, entering his own with the pie in his hands.
You don't know about how the tupperware was licked clean, not even a crumb of the crust to be seen as the container is left on Leon's dining table. The next day, a knock on your door distracts you from your dishwashing.
He wasn't lying about apple pie being his favourite.
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yeah im definitely going to turn this into a fic series or something i love domestic fluff i am so normal about dilf leon IM MAKING THIS HAPPEN
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megamyceted · 1 year
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ADA WONG resident evil : damnation, 2012
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give-a-rating · 3 months
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crimescrimson · 5 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil: Damnation (2012) ]
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zombiyh · 2 years
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heavily inspired by a ss of Anna (2019)
mommy ada ♡
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fangirloverlode · 1 year
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Ada Wong applying ligament/kinesiology tape! This was a very random idea that hit me while playing re6. She’s getting old, she needs some support if she’s gonna be grappling around everywhere. I don’t even know if KT would actually help with that but eh.
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threnodians · 2 years
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excuse me, sir?! 👀 😳 🥵 🥴
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khuantru · 1 year
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Resident Evil: Degeneration
Resident Evil: Damnation
Resident Evil: Vendetta
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness
all up to date, looking forward to seeing 'Resident Evil: death island'
I prefer these series 100% over the live action versions.
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natesune · 7 days
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Took a break then watched Damnation. There is some solid action in this movie and some genuinely good moments with the characters that interact with Leon forgot to rank Degeneration so I will do it here, I believe both Degeneration and Damnation are 7/10. They aren't the greatest things ever made but they are enjoyable and above average especially if you enjoy the world or Resident Evil.
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fc-s · 1 year
My top fav RE CGI animation.
Top1: Damnation & Vendetta . Top3: Degeneration Top4: Death Island . . . Top20: Infinite Darkness
Kensuke Sonomura(園村健介) serves as the action director for Damnation, Vendetta and Degeneration. He is my god.
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lovelycleon · 7 months
Leon's model through the years:
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dailyleonkennedy · 29 days
Story of my life
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crimescrimson · 11 months
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The Good Deeds Of Ada Wong: Saving Lives [Masterpost Edition]
Resident Evil 2 (1998) [1] | Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles [1] | Resident Evil 2 (2019) [1] [2] | Resident Evil 4 (2005) [1] [2] | Resident Evil 4 (2023) [1] [2] [3] | Resident Evil: Damnation [1] | Resident Evil 6 [1] [2] [3] [4]
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ashiemochi · 4 months
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🌱 request for Kira 💕
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kiwiiooopuff · 11 days
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Damnation Leon save me... save me Damnation Leon...😔🫶
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