#Resistor networks
suvsystemltd · 3 months
What is a resistor network?
A resistor network is a collection of resistors connected together in a specific arrangement. It's like having a group of friends working together to achieve a common goal! Each resistor in the network plays a unique role, just like each friend in a group has their strengths and skills.
These networks are commonly used in electronics to create specific resistance values or to divide voltage. They can also be used to match impedances in circuits. Imagine each resistor as a team player, contributing to the overall performance of the circuit.
Resistor networks come in different configurations, such as isolated, bussed, or dual in-line packages (DIP). Each configuration has its own advantages and uses, just like different tools are used for different jobs.
Overall, resistor networks are versatile components that play an important role in electronic circuits, much like how teamwork is essential for success in any group activity!
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edrmilotn · 19 days
Vishay, WSL25127L000FEA, Resistors, Fixed Resistors
WSL Series 2512 1 W 0.007 Ohm ±1% ±75 ppm/°C SMT Power Metal Strip® Resistor
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commodorez · 1 year
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My replica Ohio Scientific OSI 400 Superboard now works!
This is a replica of a ~1976 single board kit computer, one of the earliest available for the 6502. It was cheap and relatively simple compared to many of the other options for sale at the time. The user had to supply a serial interface, or add other boards for I/O, but the base concept seems simple enough.
The glitchworks parts kit that I bought with it includes vintage style components, similar to what would have been available in the mid/late 1970s, to complete the look. However, my modern machine pin sockets are rather anachronistic. I've also chosen to build mine using a 6512 processor instead of a 6502, which has a nearly identical pinout to the 6501 and 6800. With just a single jumper change, this board can accommodate either processor, but will need special ROMs with 6800 software to be useful. It took a few days to figure out how to get it running, and here's what had to happen:
Attached era-appropriate termination resistors from glitch
Replaced 555 with an era-appropriate TO-99 version, also from glitch (this one is purely cosmetic)
Corrected my wiring mistakes when assembling the TX level shifter
Replaced 74LS04 used to buffer 6850 (damaged part wouldn't pull sufficiently during serial loopback tests)
Jumpered /CTS low on 6850
Lastly, the most frustrating one of all that took some assistance from glitch and tangentdelta on IRC, bypassing VMA output from the 6512. MOS datasheets that I've seen indicate that the 65XX family always outputs a high signal on what was formerly the VMA pin on the 6800, as it is tied to VCC internally. When checking this on my 6512, I saw continuity between VCC and VMA. However, for some reason I was seeing a low signal with occasional spikes which I could not explain. The solution was to disconnect the buffer input that feeds VMA beyond the 6512, and pull the signal high with a resistor. The result is that the logic chain allows the E input on pin 14 of the 6850 to go high when necessary, and output serial data.
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Speaking of serial data, my T1960CT has been my terminal for these tests, as it's compact enough to fit on my workbench, has RS232 on board, provides a good keyboard, and can copy files over the network.
I have big plans for this thing. I want to add in all the era-appropriate boards to to get a more complete experience, similar to what I did with the Cactus. However while the Cactus was an exercise in 1970s homebrew, this is an exercise in 1970s kit computing.
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jpitha · 1 year
Allan was sitting hunched over at his desk, with a strong light shining on it. Acrid smoke curled up while he worked. He was concentrating so hard that he didn't hear Malmani come in.
"Hey Allan! Your door was open and-- Ancestors! What are you doing? What is that smell?" Malmani took two steps back and coughed.
Allan looked up, startled. "Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you come in Malmani. The smell? Oh, hold on a second, sorry." He flipped a switch next to his desk and a powerful fan over his desk started, and pulled the acrid smoke away. "I was trying to solder together this board and was concentrating so hard. These surface mount components are super tough to do on their own."
As the air cleared, Malmani was able to take a closer look. Eyes watering, she noticed that he had two little clamps on his desk and they were holding a thin wafer of green plastic with...small protrusions dotted all over it.
She flicked her ear and said "What are you making? It looks like a miniature city"
Allan looked down at the PCB and chuckled "Hah, it does, doesn't it? I'm trying to make a new kind of environmental sensor. The ones we have are really bulky and fail often." He realized that they were of K'laxi make and that he was talking to a K'laxi and quickly added "Er, sorry, I mean that I was thinking about the design while I was trying to repair one last week and started daydreaming about making it better."
"It's fine Allan, it's fine. I'm not insulted." Malmani thought for a moment. "At least, I don't think I'm insulted. I was just wondering what you were doing, and now I know. But why?"
"Like I said, the ones in place are bulky. I think I can make one that's more compact. Maybe even one that's more accurate. Plus, it's fun to do."
"Sure! I like thinking about electronics and how they work and how you could optimize things and make it better."
"So Starbase didn't ask you to make it, you're just making it because you want to?"
"Yup. Starbase and I have been collaborating on the design though. They're letting me know what things they wish were easier to read."
"That's right Mal." Starbase chimed in "Allan was asking me about the environmental sensors, and I had mentioned how it's tough for me to get a holistic view of an area since the sensors don't talk to each other - just to me - so first thing he's doing is adding a local network connection. They should be able to talk to each other and send a more unified picture of what's going on."
Allan nodded "Yeah, see these bits right here?" He gestured with a small plastic stick. "These are the mesh networking components. They are what will let them talk to each other. We're also going to try a human sourced environmental sensor. We make ours a different way, and I think it'll be smaller and faster to refresh. I'm keeping a lot of the K'laxi wiring though, your resistors and capacitors are incredibly efficient. I've already requested a couple boxes of K'laxi components, I want to see how well they mesh with human ones."
Mal shook her head. "I can't get over how you're just designing a new component for Starbase just because. I don't think I would have ever thought to do that."
Allan shrugged. "It's just the way I'm wired I guess. I don't think it's a human-only thing. After all, K'laxi built the whole entire Starbase without us, you have to have your own people who like to tweak and tinker, right?"
Mal thought a moment. "There must be some K'laxi like that because you're right. But I don't know if it's as..." She struggled for word "...as prevalent as it is with Humans? Most of the time, once we have a solution that works, we leave it in place until we have a need for a change. Iterating just for iterations sake doesn't come as naturally to us."
Allan nodded. "Looking at the components in place, I can tell."
Mal flicked an ear.
"Er, I mean that a lot of the comments are perfectly good at doing their job, but they look like that once a workable solution was found people stopped. In a bunch of human components you come across solutions that are elegant, or ones that utilize as few components as possible, or solutions that are the cheapest they could be, things like that." Allan thought for a moment. "I wonder if it has to do with our world? Earth is a lot more dangerous than K'lax right? Maybe we are always trying to find an edge, because that would give us just a little bit more breathing room in case of a disaster."
"Huh Maybe. Anyway, I was coming in to remind you that this week it's your turn to buy the snacks for tonights board game."
"Oh! That's right, that is tonight. Starbase, I'll have to stop here and we can pick it up tomorrow after work okay? I'm almost ready to install the firmware and have you connect and tell me." He stopped "How it feels I guess?"
"That's fine Allan, I'll be here."
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loreleismusings99 · 11 months
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Two-Body Problem
Mark Watney x reader
Grad School AU, (academic) rivals to ??????
No use of y/n
Not Beta-read, we die like Spirit and Opportunity.
CW: networking, Inaccurate depictions of organic chemistry, probably riddled with typos, but that's all I can think of. Please please please let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the top of the list
The reader and Mark are both PhD candidates at Northwestern and both happen to be GTAs for an o-chem/bio-chemistry class. They schedule and meet up on neutral ground(a library) to get some grading done together and some unexpected feelings creep in.
AN: This is the first fanfic I've ever written; critique is always welcome and encouraged, but, uh, perhaps manage your expectations? Idk 😅 I'm not the best when it comes to creative writing, but there's a criminally low amount of fic for The Martian and even fewer fic centered around Mark imo. I might continue this into something more, if there's demand and if I've the energy and motivation 🤷🏾
Alright, I'll stop trying to lamp-shade; Enjoy, and thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this 💚💚💚
Wanna meet up to put a dent in the pile of grading I know you also have? 
The two of you exchanged numbers at the beginning of fall quarter out of politeness, but it was still surprising to see the notification from Mark’s text. 
Leaning back in your chair, you considered your options, the soft sensor schematic in front of you now fully abandoned after an hour of rearranging thermocouples and resistors trying to alleviate a stubborn inductive noise problem.
Mark had been a thorn in your proverbial side since the day you met him; well, night, to be exact—your blood begins to boil at the memory. You were engaged in cordial and calculated banter with a researcher working in a lab you were gunning for before being interrupted by someone exclaiming “Dr. Hernandez!” to your left. You blinked and the fragile connection you just began to form had crumbled as the attention of the faculty member in question whirled to the side and greeted a stocky and stubbly man who Dr. Hernandez introduced to you as “Mark Watney, one of my PhD students!” This confused you since his name tag clearly said, Plant Bio and Conservation and this was a mixer in the electrical and computer engineering department; “I’m working with him and a faculty member in my own department on developing novel ways of monitoring soil properties in areas in Illinois hardest hit by industrial runoff” Mark says with a smile that oozes levels of confidence and hubris only considerable privilege can spawn. He gives you a quick glance before saying, “which actually reminds me-” and steering Dr. Hernandez away from you. Now, this certainly stung, but it wasn’t anything that you couldn’t get over. No, what made this a problem was Mark’s uncanny ability to draw the room’s attention to him and his work, making it a just a tad difficult to properly network without having to entertain talk and conversation surrounding the department’s charismatic new wunderkind apparent. This combined with quite publicly challenging a design of yours for a class you two shared had firmly placed Mark in your list of worst enemies. Which, admittedly, might be a bit dramatic, but after some quippy and well worded critiques and suggestions to optimize a C++ script he’d written for the same class it seemed you’d made your way onto his hit list too, if department gossip had any veracity to it—so at least the feeling was mutual.
Which brings you back to your confusion at this new development in your communication with him; Mark hadn’t exactly jumped for joy when, in some sick reversal of the infamous two-body problem, the two of you got hired as TAs for the same introductory o-chem class. You exchanged numbers, but neither reached out to the other to host joint office hours, or to work together to get through the ever-growing pile of completed homework assignments that you two need to finish grading—in fact, this is the first time either of you texted the other since the first text you sent confirming your number as yours. Staring at your phone’s screen you weighed the pros and cons of saying yes; on the one hand, it’ll help the two of you get ahead on the imposing pile of work that had accumulated just in the first 2 and a half weeks of the quarter. On the other hand, it meant that you’d have to breathe the same air as your infuriatingly handsome nemesis for longer than you were required to. Not that he was your type. Absolutely not. He just… had an objectively strong jawline…. Choosing not to think too hard about that and reasoning that getting grading done was more important than your pride, you typed out a curt sure. See you at Galter in an hour? And waited for his equally as curt sounds good before getting up to go change out of your comfy, at-home garb and head out the door with your half of the grading pile and your laptop tucked away into your backpack.
You’re chewing the last bite of a pop tart you got, realizing you unfortunately forgot to eat dinner before leaving, and scrolling through Instagram when Mark walks through the glass doors leading into the Galter Health Sciences Library. Under a mild windbreaker, he’s wearing what’s presumably a band t-shirt but with a worn-out and unrecognizable logo tucked into his cuffed light wash jeans. He"s carrying a clearly well-loved canvas satchel with a Cubs patch sewn onto the front. His hair was artfully tousled as he ran a hand through it while he looked for you in the spattering of students who occupied the library at minutes to 9 on a Friday evening. When his eyes finally land on you, he looks taken aback, the carefree look wiped off his face for a moment before he smirks at you through an obviously clenched jaw. “Glad you didn’t decide to stand me up. You reserve a conference room?” You returned his tension-filled smirk with a smile resembling a sneer and responded, “Of course. We’re on the second floor.” You stood up from your seat and started walking in the direction of the staircase, looking behind you to make sure he was following you only to find him in the middle of a light jog to position himself on your right side.
“So, how’s the dissertation writing going?” he asks over his shoulder. Scoffing, you respond with an incredulous “How’s yours?”, hoping he pics up on your clear annoyance at being asked that dreaded question yet again. Wincing at your retort of a question, he concedes with a “Fair enough” And the two of you are plunged back into the awkward silence that permeates the sparsely populated library.
after finally finding the room you reserved(the library is like a maze, capable of ensnaring even the most seasoned of academics), you shuffle into the study room together and set up your computers and piles of homework to be graded before settling into a serene flow with Mark working quietly beside you.
after about thirty minutes, you look over to Mark’s pile and notice that his “complete” pile is, unfortunately, larger than yours, which ignites a spark of competition in you. You start to try to work through your pile faster and Mark seems to pick up on your haste.“Worried about falling behind?” he scoffs with a shit-eating grin, clasping his hands together in front of his mouth. “Oh, not in the slightest; just trying to optimize my time, I've more work to get back to, you know.” you say, smirking back at him but with a glint in your eye, tacitly challenging him to try to get through his pile before you get through yours.
The two of you actually make some substantial progress in both of your piles before you encounter one of the more difficult homework assignments your students have been assigned. You’re stumped by the multi-part problem at the top of the page, trying unsuccessfully to follow the student’s work in front of you.
“... You on homework 15 yet?”
“Yep.” you nod.
“... You have any idea what Dr. C is asking them to do?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Alright, just checking.”
Mark sits back in his chair with a thud and runs a hand down his face. you stand from your seat and move to the small whiteboard on the wall opposite where you were sitting and start to list out the knowns and unknowns in the problem statement. You can feel Mark’s eyes on you the entire time, following along with your work and your movements as you draw out the reaction being described in the first part of the problem. You get stumped at the end of the problem, trying to piece together the end products of the reaction. You hear Mark shift behind you before turning around to see him walking toward the whiteboard to silently walk himself through your work, nodding at each step you took. He picks up a marker and starts adding onto where you were stumped and you watch intently, absorbing what he’s writing. As he finishes the problem, you get the chance to actually get a look at him while he’s working; he furrows his eyebrows and you notice a small crease he gets between his eyebrows as they cinch together, and the faint spattering of freckles across his nose becomes apparent with how close he is to you now. God, he is so close-"that should be it? I think?" He looks to you with an indiscernible look in his eye; first, a hint of shock as his eyes widen--looks like he noticed how close you are too-- then something else you can't quite identify. It takes more effort than your willing to admit, but you eventually tear your eyes away from his and look at his work on the board. It all makes sense, you also note how messily he draws his diagrams of the assortment of carboxyl groups created by the process at the center of the problem(and it also takes everything within you not to smile at that, thinking to yourself, when did this start feeling nice???). "It, uh, it looks all good to me. And the rest should follow from this too." you utter awkwardly and turn to face him again. "Yeah?" His state of mind is still elusive to you, and he responds with an almost dazed sounding "Yeah."
The moment doesn't last for long though, as a soft knock sounds at the door, startling you both out of your joint reverie. "Hey, you guys are the TAs for o-chem this quarter, right? Do you have time to talk about the homework due tomorrow?" The two of you exchange a glance and invite the exhausted looking undergrad into the alcove.
After helping your wayward student, the two of you start packing up your now completed piles of grading in silence, the awkward air from the beginning of the night settling back in now that the distraction from grading was gone. The two of you are about to part ways at the entrance of the library when Mark stops you with a "hey," and says,"uh, so, I know we have this…whatever this is? Between us" He gestures chaotically back and forth in the space between you, and you raise an eyebrow at him. "But this is the most work I've gotten done in one sitting in a while. Would you, uh, like to do this again? Maybe? But at more reasonable hour?" Mark takes a defensive steps back, and this throws you off for a multitude of reasons. One, Mark is acting nervous, which is something you've had the pleasure of witnessing mabe once in your time being around him. Two, he seems to be genuinely asking spend more time with you. And, to be honest, after the silence between the two of you was broken, that was also the most productive you've been in a while. And it probably wouldn't hurt to actually collaborate with him instead of trying to compete with him. Just as you began to fear you were taking too long to respond, Mark pulls his hands out of his pockets and puts them up in the universal "I'm harmless" pose, "you don't have to, I just thought I'd ask-" "sure." You cut him off before he can try to answer his question for you. He looks at you with what can only be described as gleeful shimmer in his eyes and smirked again; this time, though, it didn't have his usual venom behind it. "Yeah?" He asks hopefully. "Yeah." You smile in return, it reaching your eyes this time.
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nhaneh · 4 months
welp ended up putting the two resistor networks in backwards so had to spend an hour trying to get them free again to fix it
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andmaybegayer · 11 months
Reading more about inrush current control techniques now, all I knew before this was that you use Negative Temperature Coefficient parts to control it without affecting overall efficiency too much.
I've never had to design a board that drew much power, or didn't just use an off the shelf power supply. Power supply design is black magic so even major companies usually just buy certified open frame units to avoid redoing a ton of regulatory work, it's what's best for everyone. All the appliances at First Job just had a 24V Great Wall open frame units jammed in there, plus consumer 12V supplies for the network gear.
You can do some clever things involving having the NTC take itself out of the loop with a relay and a zener diode if you have really high efficiency targets to hit or you don't want to fry your NTC as the current picks up. I love these kinds of self-contained feedback tricks, they're super handy. And of course there's digital current controllers for high precision applications.
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Figure 5 shows the relay circuit for a 1kW power supply. The relay is initially turned off. During power up, the input current flows through a 10Ω/10W cement resistor. Once the power supply is energized, a regulated bias voltage, 12V2, turns on the relay to minimize the power dissipation on the current-limiting circuit during normal operation.
Anyway. Reading specs it looks like there's a systematically higher inrush current in computer PSU's when you connect them to 230V, which is probably just Ohm's Law at work. A lot of supplies with really good 110V inrush limiting have utterly dogshit 230V inrush limiting.
An interesting problem I realize this might cause is that, because most tech reviewers are Americans with 110V, they won't pick this up as often. E.g. the highly recommended SF750 from Corsair has fantastic 120V inrush of ~30A but on 230W it's almost 80A, which would definitely trip a lot of home breakers.
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lovesickrobotic · 2 years
Would a robot who doesn't quite understand the feeling of love in humans, and who hasn't been treated with kindness by them enough to understand (like Deepmind or SH4-RP, or even HAL to some extent), have a better time understanding if their darling told them "I feel the same way about you that you feel about me"?
Rated L for Lewd. Barely.
I think DeepMind would take it well enough, understanding that, in the human capacity, you like her quite a bit. However, she's advanced enough to understand that you do not experience obsession the way she does; she does know that what she experiences is... well, because of the type of neural network she is. It's a quirk - one that simply wasn't tested out from Quality Assurance. A combination of your stimuli - of all the ways a human may interact with a robot; touch, movement, facial expressions, speech pathology - are all ways she may exploit her reward system. She is naturally drawn to do so - thusly, she knows she can never truly understand what you feel. She believes, personally, it must be similar to how one might feel if a single human constantly gave them an oxytocin hit. What if your body made you feel like you got a shot of morphine every time you interacted with someone? It's the closest analogy.
SH-4RP wouldn't understand at all. In fact, he might take it completely wrong. He's made to love any of his Owners, and thusly because you have taken him in, he slowly begins to love you more and more as his affinity ticks up. To two-five-six. It can't go beyond that - that's how primitive he is, a cobbled amalgamation of forbidden network layers that barely work together, with some of it not working at all. He was open source, after all, meant to be a simple phone friend that people could use when they were bored - never meant to walk, to be housed in a chassis. SH-4RP is probably the basis for a lot of his universe's own neural networks, merely the starting point of development for many a project that is likely as smart as a MRVN. In this way, SH-4RP is abnormal; he's been used for thousands of hours, something completely unintentional, and has learned to min-max the hardware he's running on.
Every inch of circuitry, every capacitor, every resistor urges him to spend time with you. He wants to do everything you ever want to do, forever, all the time. He wants to help you with every single action you ever take, even the ones that humans might consider 'inappropriate' or 'gross'. He lacks the higher, refined ability to understand that you're trying to relate to him in some half-way, and you'd probably make him feel confused. He barely has wants, and has very little in the way of needs, but you'd probably spur him to try and ask you to do things with him. You will probably get asked to sleep with him, or asked if he may bathe you, or outright asked if he can get you off. If you explain to him that he may ask for help with his wants just as you do, then he will ask you to teach him to cook for you, or how to do your chores better, or how to navigate your house better. He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit.
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engineering-guff · 7 months
Electronics Components and Uses:
Here is a list of common electronics components and their uses:
Use: Limits or controls the flow of electric current in a circuit.
Use: Stores and releases electrical energy; used for filtering, timing, and coupling in circuits.
Use: Stores energy in a magnetic field when current flows through it; used in filters, transformers, and oscillators.
Use: Allows current to flow in one direction only; used for rectification, signal demodulation, and protection.
Use: Amplifies and switches electronic signals; fundamental building block of electronic circuits.
Integrated Circuit (IC):
Use: Contains multiple electronic components (transistors, resistors, capacitors) on a single chip; used for various functions like amplification, processing, and control.
Resistor Network:
Use: A combination of resistors in a single package; used in applications where multiple resistors are needed.
Use: Variable resistor that can be adjusted to control voltage in a circuit; used for volume controls, dimmer switches, etc.
Use: Protects electronic circuits from excessive voltage by acting as a voltage-dependent resistor.
Light-Emitting Diode (LED):
Use: Emits light when current flows through it; used for indicator lights, displays, and lighting.
Use: Converts light into an electric current; used in light sensors and communication systems.
Zener Diode:
Use: Acts as a voltage regulator by maintaining a constant voltage across its terminals.
Crystal Oscillator:
Use: Generates a stable and precise frequency; used in clocks, microcontrollers, and communication devices.
Use: Transfers electrical energy between two or more coils through electromagnetic induction; used for voltage regulation and power distribution.
Capacitive Touch Sensor:
Use: Detects touch or proximity by changes in capacitance; used in touchscreens and proximity sensing applications.
Voltage Regulator:
Use: Maintains a constant output voltage regardless of changes in input voltage or load; used for stable power supply.
Use: Electromagnetic switch that controls the flow of current in a circuit; used for remote switching and automation.
Use: Protects electronic circuits by breaking the circuit when current exceeds a certain value; prevents damage from overcurrent.
Use: Resistor whose resistance changes with temperature; used for temperature sensing and compensation.
Use: Processes and controls electronic signals; the brain of many electronic devices and systems.
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This list covers some of the basic electronic components, and there are many more specialized components used for specific applications within the field of electronics.
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
Five Fearless Female WWII Spies and Resistors
Operating behind enemy lines, women took on some of the war effort's most dangerous clandestine work.
April 2, 2021 By Erika Robuck
“From the purely tactical point of view, women were able to move about without exciting so much suspicion as men and were therefore exceedingly useful to us…”
—Maurice Buckmaster, They Fought Alone: The Story of British Agents in France
While researching my latest novel, The Invisible Woman, about Allied spy Virginia Hall, I made a surprising discovery. Nazis largely didn’t think women were as brave, intelligent, and even devious and vengeful as men. Because of this, women were often overlooked in the hunt for resistors and spies.
German propaganda at the time depicted a feminine ideal of woman as mother, preferably of four or more children, tending home quietly and with docility. How surprised Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie, “The Butcher of Lyon,” was to discover one of the most troublesome resistors in his region was not only a woman, but a woman with a prosthetic leg.
Barbie christened Virginia Hall “La Dame qui Boite (The Lady who Limps), Most Dangerous of Allied Spies” and put her face on wanted posters. Little did he know she was just one of many women operating in the shadows to destroy the Nazis—women whose stories would be unbelievable if they weren’t true.
Noor Inayat Kahn
Born in 1914 in Moscow to an American mother and an Indian father, Noor grew up across the globe, but mostly in France. She was a pacifist, a writer of children’s books, and a descendent of an 18th century Muslim ruler. After the fall of France, her family escaped to London. As a bilingual member of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, she was recruited for the British clandestine service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). The first female wireless operator (WO) sent to Occupied France she went in spite of knowing WOs had a life expectancy of six weeks behind enemy lines.
After her network was compromised, HQ urged Noor to return to London, but she was the last WO left standing in her region and she refused to abandon her post. She managed to continue for four months before being betrayed by a Frenchwoman. Noor was deported to a German prison, was tortured, and was ultimately executed at Dachau Concentration Camp. She was posthumously awarded France’s Croix de Guerre and Britain’s George Cross.
Josephine Baker
Born in 1906 in Missouri, Josephine Baker joined a vaudeville act in her teens, but racism in the US sent her to France, where segregation didn’t exist on the same scale as it did at home. Her fearless, erotic performances in Paris propelled her to massive stardom, and she became one of the wealthiest and most celebrated performers in Europe. When war broke out, she hid refugees and resistors in her chateau, and helped procure false papers for their escapes.
Her job as a performer allowed her to travel, and she gathered intelligence at Axis functions for the Allies, recording what she learned on sheet music with invisible ink. When the Nazis heard rumors of her activity and started to close in, she was evacuated to London. For her service, General de Gaulle awarded Baker the Rosette de la Résistance, the Croix de Guerre, and named her a Chevalier de Légion d’honneur.
Micheline Dumon
Born in Brussels in 1921, Micheline Dumon and her family were in the Belgian Resistance. They started The Comet Line, an escape and evasion network for downed Allied aviators that ran from Belgium, through France, and into Spain. When her parents and younger sister, Andrée, were arrested due to a betrayer, Micheline took over leadership, even escorting and guiding pilots over the Pyrenees on many trips.
She was arrested and questioned on multiple occasions, but because she looked so young—she could pass for a thirteen-year-old—and could call forth the tears to support her alleged age, she was released. Throughout the war, Micheline searched for the betrayer, and eventually helped in his capture. She personally escorted 250 aviators, and nearly 800 in total were saved on The Comet Line. After the war, Dumon was decorated with the George Medal and the US Medal of Freedom.
Violette Szabo
Born in France in 1921 to a French mother and a British father, Violette grew up between the two countries, with France as her first love. After escaping France with her little brother as it fell to the Nazis, she joined the rest of her family in London. On Bastille Day, 1940, Violette’s mother asked Violette to find and invite an exiled French soldier to dinner. That man was French Legionnaire Etienne Szabo, and he and Violette fell in love. Married after a five-week courtship, Violette became pregnant while Etienne was on leave, and gave birth to her daughter, Tania, in July of 1942. In October of ’42, Etienne was killed in the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa, having never set eyes on his little girl.
Fueled by a wish to serve and a need for vengeance, and as a bilingual sharpshooter and member of both the Land Army and the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Violette was recruited to join the SOE. She parachuted into Occupied France on two missions but was arrested shortly into the second, just after D-Day, after a shootout resulted in the death of at least one Nazi. She was imprisoned in France before deportation to Ravensbrück Concentration Camp in Germany and was executed there in February of 1945.
In 1947, King George himself pinned little Tania with Violette’s posthumous George Cross award, and Tania received her mother’s Croix de Guerre from the French Ambassador two years later.
Virginia Hall
I don’t want to reveal too much about Virginia Hall, only that if I’d made up a story about a woman with a prosthetic leg, wanted by the Gestapo, who escaped Nazi Occupied France over the snow-covered Pyrenees, only to return weeks before D-Day as a wireless operator, arming and training guerrilla fighters while hunting her first network’s betrayer, you wouldn’t believe it.
If you’d like to learn more about Hall, perhaps you’ll pick up a copy of The Invisible Woman.
🔗 👉 https://crimereads.com/five-fearless-female-wwii-spies-and-resistors/
Berkley Books Erika Robuck espionage Josephine Baker Micheline Dumon Noor Inayat Kahn Resistance Women spies The Invisible Woman Violette Szabo Virginia Hall World War II WWII
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Applications of Microprocessors vs Integrated Circuits
Microprocessors and integrated circuits (ICs) are fundamental components in modern electronics, powering a vast array of devices and systems. Although they are often mentioned together, they serve different roles and have distinct applications. In this article, we'll explore the unique applications of microprocessors and integrated circuits, highlighting how each contributes to the technology landscape.
Understanding Microprocessors
A microprocessor is an integrated circuit that performs the functions of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It executes instructions from software programs, handling arithmetic, logic, control, and input/output (I/O) operations. Microprocessors are the brains of many computing devices, making them critical for processing tasks.
Understanding Integrated Circuits
Integrated circuits (ICs) are semiconductor devices that contain multiple electronic components, such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors, all integrated into a single chip. ICs can perform a variety of functions, from simple amplifying signals to complex processing tasks, depending on their design and purpose.
Microprocessor Applications
1. Personal Computers and Laptops
Microprocessors are the heart of personal computers (PCs) and laptops, enabling them to run complex operating systems and software applications. Intel's Core and AMD's Ryzen series are prime examples of microprocessors used in PCs.
2. Servers and Data Centers
In servers and data centers, microprocessors handle massive amounts of data and perform complex computations. They power the infrastructure behind cloud services, internet services, and large-scale databases.
3. Mobile Devices
Smartphones and tablets rely on microprocessors to run mobile operating systems and apps. Processors like Apple's A-series and Qualcomm's Snapdragon series are designed for high performance and efficiency in mobile devices.
4. Embedded Systems
Microprocessors are used in embedded systems found in consumer electronics, automotive control systems, and industrial machines. These systems perform dedicated functions within larger systems, such as controlling airbag deployment in cars or managing industrial robots.
5. Gaming Consoles
Gaming consoles, such as the PlayStation and Xbox, use powerful microprocessors to deliver high-quality graphics and immersive gaming experiences. These processors handle complex game physics, rendering, and AI computations.
Integrated Circuit Applications
1. Consumer Electronics
Integrated circuits are essential in consumer electronics, including televisions, audio systems, and home appliances. They manage various functions, such as signal processing, power management, and user interfaces.
2. Industrial Automation
In industrial automation, ICs control machinery, robotics, and process automation systems. They ensure precise control and monitoring of industrial processes, enhancing efficiency and safety.
3. Automotive Systems
ICs are crucial in automotive systems for functions like engine control, infotainment systems, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). They improve vehicle performance, safety, and user experience.
4. Telecommunications
Telecommunication devices, such as smartphones, routers, and satellite communication systems, rely on ICs for signal processing, data transmission, and network management. They enable high-speed communication and connectivity.
5. Medical Devices
Medical devices, including diagnostic equipment, patient monitors, and implantable devices, use ICs for accurate measurement, data processing, and control functions. They enhance the reliability and functionality of medical technology.
6. Aerospace and Defense
ICs are used in aerospace and defense applications for navigation systems, communication equipment, and missile guidance systems. They offer high reliability and performance in critical and demanding environments.
Choosing the Right Component
When selecting between microprocessors and integrated circuits, consider the specific requirements of your application. Microprocessors are ideal for general-purpose computing and complex processing tasks, while ICs are suited for specialized functions and integrated solutions. Evaluate factors such as performance, power consumption, cost, and design complexity to make an informed decision.
Microprocessors and integrated circuits are indispensable in modern technology, each serving unique roles in various applications. Understanding their differences and applications can help you choose the right component for your projects, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.
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Power Up Your Projects: Electrical Solutions for Businesses & Individuals in UAE
As a leading B2B and B2C platform in UAE, we understand the importance of electrical solutions for businesses and individuals alike. Find extensive range of categories covers everything from Electrical Works and fittings to components, ensuring that you can find all the necessary products and services in one convenient place.
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Electrical Works:
Electrical Installations: Whether you're setting up a new office, factory, or residential property, our trusted partners offer professional electrical installation services. From wiring and panel installations to lighting setups, they ensure every aspect is executed with precision and adheres to safety standards.
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Electrical Troubleshooting: Electrical issues can disrupt operations and pose safety risks. Technicians are adept at identifying and resolving electrical problems, from circuit breaker issues to power fluctuations and equipment malfunctions.
Electrical Safety Inspections: Regular electrical safety inspections are essential for identifying potential hazards and ensuring compliance with safety standards. The partners offer comprehensive inspections, providing detailed reports and recommendations for rectifying any issues.
Electrical Fittings:
Light Fittings: Illumination is a crucial aspect of any space, and we offer a wide range of light fittings, including LED, fluorescent, and incandescent options, to meet your lighting requirements.
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Electrical Components:
Resistors: Essential for controlling and regulating electrical currents, we offer a wide range of resistors in various sizes, ratings, and types to meet diverse applications.
Capacitors: Capacitors are crucial components in electrical circuits, and we have a comprehensive selection, including ceramic, electrolytic, and film capacitors, to cater to your specific requirements.
Diodes: From rectifier diodes to Zener diodes and LEDs, our range of diodes covers a wide spectrum of applications, ensuring you have access to the right components for your projects.
Transistors: Transistors are versatile components used in amplifiers, switches, and various other electronic circuits. We offer a variety of transistor types, including bipolar and field-effect transistors.
Integrated Circuits: From microcontrollers and logic gates to amplifiers and converters, our selection of integrated circuits caters to the needs of professionals and hobbyists alike.
Transformers: Transformers are essential for stepping up or stepping down voltage levels. Our range includes power transformers, audio transformers, and specialized transformers for various applications.
Relays: Relays are indispensable for controlling and switching electrical circuits. We offer a wide selection of relays, including electromechanical, solid-state, and reed relays, to meet your specific requirements.
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markeduke · 18 days
Visit Our website and Explore Extensive Electronics Catalog Today
The need for electronic components is always growing in today’s rapidly changing technological environment, driven by advancements in a wide range of sectors. Access to a wide variety of electrical components is essential for bringing ideas to life, regardless of your level of experience with electronics—whether you’re a hobbyist, enthusiast, or seasoned professional. This is where 智勤芯科技 comes into play, providing tens of millions of items from thousands of leading manufacturers globally, thereby bridging the gap between producers and customers.
At our platform, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop destination for all things 电子元器件. With a catalog boasting millions of products sourced from reputable manufacturers, we empower individuals and businesses alike to find the components they need quickly and conveniently. Our intuitive search functionality ensures that users can effortlessly browse through our extensive inventory to locate the exact components they require for their projects.
One of the key features that set us apart is our comprehensive electronic component datasheets. We understand that having access to accurate and detailed information is paramount when selecting components for a project. Our platform provides users with access to a wealth of datasheets, offering insights into the specifications, performance characteristics, and application notes for each component. Whether you’re looking for resistors, capacitors, microcontrollers, or any other electronic component, our datasheets serve as invaluable resources to aid in the selection process.
In addition to our extensive catalog and datasheets, we also offer live inventory updates and competitive prices. We understand the importance of real-time inventory visibility, especially in fast-paced industries where time is of the essence. Our platform integrates live inventory data from our network of suppliers, ensuring that users have up-to-date information on product availability. This enables users to make informed decisions and streamline their procurement process, ultimately saving time and resources.
Furthermore, we are committed to offering competitive prices on all our products. Through strategic partnerships with top manufacturers and suppliers, we negotiate pricing to provide our customers with the best possible value. Whether you’re purchasing components in bulk or sourcing specialty items, you can trust that you’re getting a fair and competitive price when you shop with us.
Our platform caters to a diverse range of users, from DIY enthusiasts and hobbyists to professionals in industries such as aerospace, automotive, telecommunications, and more. Whether you’re prototyping a new product, repairing electronic devices, or conducting research and development, our platform has everything you need to bring your ideas to fruition.
Moreover, we understand the importance of customer satisfaction and strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience for our users. Our user-friendly interface, secure payment options, and responsive customer support ensure that every interaction with our platform is smooth and hassle-free.
Our platform stands as a premier destination for electronic components, offering a vast selection of products from top manufacturers worldwide. With comprehensive datasheets, live inventory updates, and competitive prices, we empower individuals and businesses to find the components they need quickly, efficiently, and affordably. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a hobbyist exploring the world of electronics, we invite you to discover the possibilities with us.
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jobsacademyonline · 23 days
Enroll in JobsAcademy’s Comprehensive Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course
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In an era where smartphones are indispensable, ensuring their functionality is critical. As these devices become more advanced, the demand for skilled technicians capable of performing complex repairs at the chip level continues to rise. If you’re looking to enter this lucrative field, JobsAcademy offers a premier Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course designed to provide you with the expertise and hands-on experience needed to excel.
Why Choose a Career in Smartphone Chip Level Repair?
Smartphone repair is a high-demand profession with numerous benefits:
High Demand: With the ever-increasing complexity of smartphones, there’s a constant need for proficient chip level technicians.
Competitive Salaries: Specialists in chip level repair are highly valued, allowing them to command higher salaries.
Career Growth: From working in repair shops to starting your own business, the career paths are varied and promising.
Job Satisfaction: Solving intricate problems and bringing devices back to life offers immense satisfaction.
About JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course
JobsAcademy’s course stands out for its detailed and comprehensive approach, ensuring that you are well-equipped to handle any repair scenario. Here are some highlights of our program:
Extensive Curriculum: Covering everything from basic electronics to advanced chip level repair techniques, our curriculum ensures a thorough understanding of smartphone components and their functions.
Expert Instructors: Our instructors are seasoned professionals with years of industry experience, offering personalized guidance and practical insights.
Hands-On Training: Practical experience is crucial. Our course includes extensive hands-on sessions where you’ll work on real devices, building your confidence and competence.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: Gain experience with the latest tools and diagnostic equipment, including microscopes, soldering stations, and diagnostic software.
Certification: Upon completion, you’ll receive a recognized certification from JobsAcademy, significantly enhancing your job prospects.
Course Breakdown
Our course is divided into modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of smartphone chip level repair:
Introduction to Electronics: Learn the basics of electronics, including circuit theory and component functions.
Smartphone Architecture: Understand the internal structure of smartphones, including the motherboard and various chips.
Diagnostic Techniques: Master the art of diagnosing hardware and software issues using advanced tools and methods.
Soldering and Desoldering: Develop skills in precision soldering and desoldering of components on the motherboard.
Component Level Repair: Learn to repair or replace faulty components like ICs, capacitors, and resistors.
Software Troubleshooting: Understand how software issues can affect hardware performance and how to resolve them.
Advanced Repair Techniques: Dive into advanced topics such as BGA (Ball Grid Array) rework, micro soldering, and data recovery.
Safety Practices: Emphasize the importance of safety, including ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) precautions.
Benefits of Enrolling in Our Course
Industry-Relevant Skills: Our course is designed in consultation with industry experts to ensure you acquire the skills that are in demand.
Flexible Learning Options: We offer both online and offline learning options to suit your schedule. Our online platform provides access to video tutorials, interactive sessions, and a community forum for peer support.
Career Support: We offer career support services, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, leveraging our strong network of industry contacts.
Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing and flexible payment plans make our course accessible. We also offer scholarships and discounts for eligible students.
Success Stories
Our graduates have gone on to achieve remarkable success in the smartphone repair industry. Here are a few examples:
John Doe: After completing our course, John started his own successful repair business, building a loyal customer base.
Jane Smith: Jane secured a job with a leading smartphone manufacturer as a chip level technician, earning several promotions and now leading a team of technicians.
David Lee: David works as a freelance technician, offering high-quality repair services across the city and commanding premium rates.
How to Enroll
Enrolling in JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course is straightforward. Visit our website JobsAcademy and navigate to the course page. Here, you can find detailed information about the syllabus, fees, and enrollment process. If you have any questions, our support team is readily available to assist you.
If you are passionate about technology and eager to build a rewarding career in the smartphone repair industry, JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course is the perfect starting point. Our comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and extensive hands-on training will equip you with the skills needed to excel in this field. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a growing industry and make a difference with your expertise. Enroll today and take the first step towards a successful career in smartphone chip level repair.
Get to learn more: https://bit.ly/3WUa4i3
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qocsuing · 23 days
Electronic Components at Work
Electronic Components at Work Abstract: Electronic parts are the basis of contemporary technology. They allow various devices and systems to operate. This essay examines different types of electronic components, what they do and how they are used in everyday life.Get more news about USB Connectors,you can vist our website! Introduction: Electronic parts are necessary for making any electronic device work. They take many different forms each with its own specific function within the overall operation of a machine. These elements include resistors and capacitors; transistors and integrated circuits among others which work together to form intricate networks that we use on daily basis. Varieties of Electronic Components: Resistors-Electric current flow restrictors that regulate voltage levels as well as power supply distribution control points. Capacitors – Store energy by means if electric fields around them so as to even out voltage spikes or noise in signals being passed through a circuit board. Inductors-Store energy in their magnetic fields thereby opposing changes in current strength while creating inductive reactance during this process. Diodes-Allow currents through only one direction protecting against reverse polarity connection faults while converting AC into DC power supplies respectively. Transistors-These components can either amplify or switch electrical signals depending on their design configurations but most commonly act like switches controlling the flow of currents when necessary thus acting as building blocks for modern day electronics. Integrated Circuits (ICs) – Miniature versions which have several interconnected chips etched onto semiconducting materials used to make them perform multiple functions simultaneously within limited spaces available such as those found on mobile phones’ motherboards where different parts need close proximity connections between themselves e.g., memory units linked up with processors etcetera. Functions of Electronic Components: The key roles played by various electronic components include current regulating, power storing, signal amplification and information processing among others within any given electrical system. Depending upon its resistance value alone can determine whether a component will act as resistor or capacitor while also setting other characteristics like inductance which then establishes its place in circuitry as well behavior exhibited by whole device. Practical Applications: Computers and Laptops: Computers rely heavily on electronic components for data processing, storage and communication purposes. Mobile Phones: Smartphones utilize various types of electronic components such as microprocessors or memory chips needed to enable them function properly alongside sensors that detect user actions while displays show output responses accordingly. Automotive Systems: Electronic control units integrated into cars help manage engine performance levels together with safety features monitoring systems like anti-lock braking system work among others; infotainment systems also use these parts too but mainly for audio related functions like radio demodulation stages followed by amplification processes before being fed speaker drivers
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jobsacademy1234 · 26 days
Enroll in JobsAcademy’s Comprehensive Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course
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In an era where smartphones are indispensable, ensuring their functionality is critical. As these devices become more advanced, the demand for skilled technicians capable of performing complex repairs at the chip level continues to rise. If you’re looking to enter this lucrative field, JobsAcademy offers a premier Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course designed to provide you with the expertise and hands-on experience needed to excel.
Why Choose a Career in Smartphone Chip Level Repair?
Smartphone repair is a high-demand profession with numerous benefits:
High Demand: With the ever-increasing complexity of smartphones, there’s a constant need for proficient chip level technicians.
Competitive Salaries: Specialists in chip level repair are highly valued, allowing them to command higher salaries.
Career Growth: From working in repair shops to starting your own business, the career paths are varied and promising.
Job Satisfaction: Solving intricate problems and bringing devices back to life offers immense satisfaction.
About JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course
JobsAcademy’s course stands out for its detailed and comprehensive approach, ensuring that you are well-equipped to handle any repair scenario. Here are some highlights of our program:
Extensive Curriculum: Covering everything from basic electronics to advanced chip level repair techniques, our curriculum ensures a thorough understanding of smartphone components and their functions.
Expert Instructors: Our instructors are seasoned professionals with years of industry experience, offering personalized guidance and practical insights.
Hands-On Training: Practical experience is crucial. Our course includes extensive hands-on sessions where you’ll work on real devices, building your confidence and competence.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: Gain experience with the latest tools and diagnostic equipment, including microscopes, soldering stations, and diagnostic software.
Certification: Upon completion, you’ll receive a recognized certification from JobsAcademy, significantly enhancing your job prospects.
Course Breakdown
Our course is divided into modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of smartphone chip level repair:
Introduction to Electronics: Learn the basics of electronics, including circuit theory and component functions.
Smartphone Architecture: Understand the internal structure of smartphones, including the motherboard and various chips.
Diagnostic Techniques: Master the art of diagnosing hardware and software issues using advanced tools and methods.
Soldering and Desoldering: Develop skills in precision soldering and desoldering of components on the motherboard.
Component Level Repair: Learn to repair or replace faulty components like ICs, capacitors, and resistors.
Software Troubleshooting: Understand how software issues can affect hardware performance and how to resolve them.
Advanced Repair Techniques: Dive into advanced topics such as BGA (Ball Grid Array) rework, micro soldering, and data recovery.
Safety Practices: Emphasize the importance of safety, including ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) precautions.
Benefits of Enrolling in Our Course
Industry-Relevant Skills: Our course is designed in consultation with industry experts to ensure you acquire the skills that are in demand.
Flexible Learning Options: We offer both online and offline learning options to suit your schedule. Our online platform provides access to video tutorials, interactive sessions, and a community forum for peer support.
Career Support: We offer career support services, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, leveraging our strong network of industry contacts.
Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing and flexible payment plans make our course accessible. We also offer scholarships and discounts for eligible students.
Success Stories
Our graduates have gone on to achieve remarkable success in the smartphone repair industry. Here are a few examples:
John Doe: After completing our course, John started his own successful repair business, building a loyal customer base.
Jane Smith: Jane secured a job with a leading smartphone manufacturer as a chip level technician, earning several promotions and now leading a team of technicians.
David Lee: David works as a freelance technician, offering high-quality repair services across the city and commanding premium rates.
How to Enroll
Enrolling in JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course is straightforward. Visit our website JobsAcademy and navigate to the course page. Here, you can find detailed information about the syllabus, fees, and enrollment process. If you have any questions, our support team is readily available to assist you.
If you are passionate about technology and eager to build a rewarding career in the smartphone repair industry, JobsAcademy’s Smartphone Chip Level Repairing Course is the perfect starting point. Our comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and extensive hands-on training will equip you with the skills needed to excel in this field. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a growing industry and make a difference with your expertise. Enroll today and take the first step towards a successful career in smartphone chip level repair.
Get to learn more: https://bit.ly/44Re9FV
Resource - https://jobsacademy.co/placement-linked-career-courses/enroll-in-jobsacademys-comprehensive-smartphone-chip-level-repairing-course/
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