#Restaurant chimney cleaning
Restaurant Chimney Cleaning and Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Services by Advanced Tech Solutions
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Welcome to ATS Maintenance & Cleaning, a leading provider of professional restaurant chimney cleaning (تنظيف مداخن المطاعم) and kitchen exhaust cleaning (تنظيف مداخن المطابخ) services for restaurants and commercial kitchens. At ATS, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment in your food establishment. With our expertise and advanced cleaning techniques, we ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and fire safety compliance.
Our team of experienced and highly skilled professionals specializes in the thorough cleaning and degreasing of restaurant chimneys, kitchen exhaust systems, hoods, ducts, fans, and filters. We serve both commercial and residential customers, delivering reliable and efficient cleaning solutions that eliminate grease buildup and reduce fire risks.
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devirnis · 5 months
WIP Wednesday 💵
tagged by @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @eddiebabygirldiaz @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 for tuesday and wednesday things <3
more from the restaurant front au. love is stored in tenderly wiping blood off your crush's face or whatever
As loath as he is to interrupt, Chimney needs a stiff drink if he’s going to sit through whatever weird moment the two of them are having. He reaches for the discarded vodka bottle on the counter next to Eddie, and his movement seems to startle Eddie and Buck out of their intimate staring contest. Buck blushes furiously as he resumes thoroughly cleaning the blood off Eddie’s face, while Eddie goes ramrod straight and stares determinedly over Buck’s shoulder.  Chimney grabs three glasses and pours a generous amount of vodka into each one. “What are you doing here so late, Buckaroo?” “Oh, uh…” Buck wipes the last of the blood from Eddie’s skin and turns to toss the ruined towel in the sink. “I was just on my way back from campus and thought I’d see if you were still open.” He looks a little shifty, and Chimney can’t help but be charmed. Ever since Eddie finally caved to Buck’s golden retriever personality, Buck has been at the Tavern even more often, and whenever Eddie is around neither of them get very much work done. Chimney’s gaze flicks to Eddie, and he sees the man pressing his lips together like he’s trying to avoid smiling like a fool at the implication that Buck wanted to see him after being stuck on campus all day.
if you wanna @bigfootsmom @homerforsure @princessfbi @try-set-me-on-fire @shortsighted-owl @spaceprincessem @sibylsleaves @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @bvckandeddie @loserdiaz @eowon @messyhairdiaz @shitouttabuck @malewifediaz @lemonzestywrites @rainbow-nerdss @underwater-ninja-13 @thewolvesof1998 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @exhuastedpigeon 💜
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half-bakedboy · 2 months
please write established (maybe married) buddie on a call and oblivious buck getting hit on, jealous eddie "excuse me, he is married. to me"
loooove your fics
read on ao3
Eddie's barely paying attention to the patients he and Hen are caring for. They're both fine, really, and were sitting on the sidewalk when the 118 got there so Hen and Eddie went to work while Buck and Chimney dealt with the fire. He's too busy watching Buck fight each car flame with expert efficiency. He's laughing with Chimney, head thrown back as they spray the chemicals with the precision of two firefighters who had a bond like brothers-in-law.
It's times like these where Eddie remembers exactly why he fell in love with Buck. He finds joy in any situation, good or bad, whether it directly impacts him or not. Even the two patients seem amused by his carefree joy, and who is Eddie to blame them? Buck won him over that way.
"Since I'm all checked out, can I go take a closer look at the damage?" his patient asks. She's only got a small laceration on her arm, presumably from a piece of shattered glass, but is otherwise unscathed. She's fine to walk, but he's a little confused about what she thinks might be left.
"Yeah, sure. Buck!" he shouts. Buck turns around immediately, the smile widening on his lips. "She--"
"Beverly," his patient interrupts with her own shout.
"Beverly wants to take a look. You good?"
Buck nods his head and puts the fire extinguisher down onto the pavement. Eddie should notice the way Beverly practically rushes over, somewhere between a skip and a saunter, but he's hyper-aware of how close the end of their shift is.
He's got Abuela cooking dinner at home and three off-days in a row to spend with Buck, their first since they got married a few months ago.
(Eddie wanted to take a honeymoon but Buck wanted to take a page out of Bobby and Athena's book and wait a little while. Eddie had to nix the cruise idea almost immediately, even though he can't believe Buck even asked.)
He just wants to clean up, restock the ambulance for the next crew, then spend the next three days with his family.
But of course, nothing is ever easy for Eddie. Not with a husband like Buck.
"Ugh, this is just my luck. My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday and my friend was just trying to cheer me up with a drive." Eddie can practically hear a pout of her lips and makes eye contact with Hen who rolls her eyes playfully in return. "I can't believe I'm single and carless, now."
"I'm sorry, that really sucks," Buck says. He sounds so authentic, Eddie's heart clenches.
"You might be able to help me with one of those problems," she shamelessly says.
Buck, the beautiful man he is, barely notices the flirtation. "We have a phone in the ambulance you can use to call someone to pick you up!" He's like a puppy in his response, and Beverly deflates instead of praising him like he clearly deserves.
"I can find a way home." She pauses like she's trying to think of how to get him back on track. Eddie snorts because he's been trying to figure out how to do that for almost a decade now. "So, do you live around here? There's a lot of really cool restaurants I can recommend for when you're done with your shift."
Eddie has to give her credit for some really solid attempts.
"Our station is actually on the other side of town and I live in the opposite direction, but I'll keep that in mind if I ever find my way out here!"
Beverly sighs and glances at her friend for assistance, who is next to no help since she's still in shock, like Beverly really should be.
"So, you're at station 118 then?" he hears Beverly ask. Her voice is so obviously flirtatious that Buck has to have noticed.
"Uh, y-yeah. 118, that's us," Buck mutters, tone laced with nerves.
Eddie glances over at the stutter and sees Beverly much closer than even Eddie would be to him on a call. His eyes narrow but he stays put. Buck can take care of himself.
"I bet you can lift that much, too, huh?" Beverly makes a dire mistake, and that's to reach out toward Buck. "I'm only 115, so it'd be pretty easy for you to... you know, lift me, right?"
Hen mutters, "Uh oh." It's loud enough for her patient to ask what's going on, but Eddie doesn't wait for her answer. He does hear Chimney's practically diabolical laughter, and Buck's awkward throat clear.
"I just weighed in at 190 and most nights he lifts me with ease, isn't that right, Buck?"
Eddie almost wishes he'd been recording. Beverly's mouth drops comedically open before her hand slaps it back up, Chimney and Hen break into maniacal laughter that seems to break the other patient from her shock, and Buck blushes a deep red that disappears under his turnout and as far down as Eddie's sure Beverly was trying to get.
Just because he can, Eddie adds, “Though, I’m sure after we take our honeymoon, you’ll gain a lot of muscle during our… workouts.” 
“Jesus–” Buck breathes out. “It was great to meet you, Beverly. You said something about having a way to get home?” 
“Yeah, I’ve got a ride…” She turns to Eddie, a delightful smirk on her face. “Though, it’s not nearly as pretty as yours.” 
Buck’s a mess as Eddie bursts out in laughter, and he’s positive his team’s about to file a complaint to HR, but something about being able to stake his claim over Buck so openly now makes him giddy inside. 
Yeah, it's times just like these where Eddie remembers exactly why he fell in love with Buck. 
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jungle-angel · 3 months
Song Of The Misty Mountains (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett live for the nights in early spring when the family can be together
Warnings: Mentions of adoption, birth etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia @bradleybeachbabe
"Good God I hate cleaning the kitchen," you muttered, scraping the last of the dinner scraps into the garbage can next to the sink.
"At least ya'll don't have to clean the bathroom," Cecelia chuckled. "I swear I have to call a NEST team to come and fumigate every time one or both of those idiots in the living room eats at the Bakshis' restaurant."
"Hah! Better than eating Dad's chili," Joy laughed as she collected the dishes.
You made a face and feigned a gagging noise. The last time you had Art Hawk's chili was at a summer cookoff at Amy and Rose's school during the summer fair and the upstairs bathroom had never been the same since, but damn was it good with a big hunk of cornbread.
You, Cecelia, Joy, Martha, Beth, Monica and the others cleared away and cleaned up the rest of the dishes from dinner, hoping to be able to finally relax as you all filled each other in on the goings on in each others lives.
"Literally cannot wait for summer," Martha Hawk laughed as she helped you scrub the dishes in the sink. "First year Rosie gets to dance in the powwows and my mom's coming down from Idaho."
"And to boot, you get the summer off," you told her.
Martha laughed, an excited squeak making its way in. She was more than excited to be joining you at the school as your teaching assistant in the lower grades and excited at the prospects of finally having summers off again. As soon as Amy's case had officially closed when she turned a year old, Martha had decided a change of field was more than needed.
"Alright, time for a game of fridge tetris," Beth laughed.
You and the girls laughed and chattered away with Amy and Rose popping in and out of the kitchen every couple of minutes. You couldn't believe that the two of them would be starting kindergarten in September. It had seemed like yesterday that you and Rhett had brought Amy home with Rosie arriving barely three days later. Four years had gone by a little too fast and at the beginning of July, the girls would both be turning five.
Once everything was done and settled, the dishes washed, dried and put away, into the living room you went where the men of the family had already gathered and had gotten the fire going in the fireplace. The logs crackled, hissed, spit and snapped as sparks and embers flew up the chimney but the living room was as warm and cozy as ever. The grass outside was coated in the thinnest layer of hoarfrost, a sign that March would soon give way to April and the promise of spring that would soon be coming.
Everyone chattered away, shooting the shit between each other while John disappeared and came back every so often with a drink of choice. "God I live for these nights," he said, taking his spot next to Royal. "Fire crackling away, wind blowing outside and Manhattan in one hand."
The front door creaked open and shut with Billy and Shania Tillerson kicking off their shoes near the rack and joining everybody in the living room. "S'f-f'f-fuckin cold out," Billy shuddered.
"Well here ya big knucklehead, take this!" Cecelia said, tossing the wooly throw blanket his way.
"Thanks Cece," Shania said as soon as she caught it and put it around her and Billy.
Everyone went about their business until Rose and Amy came barreling in, begging for Royal or someone to read them a story.
"Alright, alright, ya'll get on over here," Royal said, finally giving in to their request.
Rose and Amy took their places on the living room rug, the others listening eagerly as Amy handed Royal her copy of "The Hobbit", a story that Rhett had loved growing up, second only to "The Indian In The Cupboard" of course.
Royal began to read aloud, both the girls and everyone in the room listening intently. You and Rhett huddled close together as he read, mesmerized by how well Royal could do the character voices. You had all nearly lost track of the time when his mother's grandfather clock in the hallway rang in the hour of 8:30.
"Alright you two, upstairs," Royal told them. "C'mon, it's bedtime."
Amy and Rose hurried upstairs on his orders, rushing to their room and leaving the others downstairs.
Royal threw another log onto the fire, hissing as it split open and released its sharp scent throughout the room. He hummed as he placed another one in there, low and droning as John joined in along with Thomas, Mo and Art and the rest of them. It wasn't long before you heard those familiar words filling the room, words that spoke of far off mountains, wizards, dwarves and hidden treasure deep in lands unexplored.
"Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold.
The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light."
Their voices were almost like that of the dwarves themselves, deep and droning in the night as they sang. You and the girls all joined in as the fire crackled away and the sky outside was tinted deep shades of red and pink. When it had all gone silenced, you and Rhett heard a pair of giggles coming from the stairs.
"Alright you two, bed! Now!" Rhett ordered.
The girls ran back upstairs, the two of you hoping that would be the only time you would have to say something.
"Think they'll be back down again?" you asked him.
"Only time will tell darlin," Rhett chuckled as he kissed you.
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morulezopelforever · 6 months
El Sopo & Friends - Dancing and Partying in Tbilisi
Here are some tidbits from my new ATWD fanfic, which is part of a series but which can be read as an individual story as well. It involves trick-or-treating at Halloween, a party at Sopo's restaurant (El Sopo, the only Tex-Mex eatery in the Caucasus) and some unexpected romantic enhancement for Merab, Mary and Irakli!
A Halloween charity run.
When they were back on the pavement Irakli, Merab and Ninutsa lit cigarettes and checked Sopo’s goodie bag. It was fairly full after dozens of visits at various houses. Most people had given dinner leftovers. ‘The boiled potatoes and the khinkali are all smushed,’ Sopo grumbled. ‘And they gave us gravy, too, without a Tupperware box…Yuck, those chocolates are fucked. It smells revolting.’
Aleko was the treasurer. He counted the pecuniary donations. ‘Five euros, seventeen lari and six hundred Austrian shillings.’ He frowned. ‘Oh damn, those are worthless. The currency was abolished over twenty years ago. But still, people give from the goodness of their hearts and we should all be grateful.’
Sopo flung the bag onto the pavement and trampled on it with her Mexican boots. ‘It’s nothing, bloody nothing!’ she growled. ‘Makes me wonder why I bothered to come along.’
Merab smiled at her. She had recently quit smoking and had been in a continuous state of PMS ever since, as David put it. But she smiled back at Merab. It’s because I’m looking so cute in my old corduroy coat and the tartan cap, he thought.
He had Doggie with him on a leash. She was wearing a pumpkin costume that looked absolutely adorable on her. It had earned her some dog treats from nice people earlier on. It was a pity that Sopo had devoured them. Now that Sopo no longer smoked she had the most outrageous food cravings.
Sopo is throwing a costume party dressed as Madame de Pompadour. Pity her friends aren't.
The environment and its first visitors where looking pleasant. David had shaved his upper lip and his chin clean, leaving only hair on his cheeks. He had donned a top hat, a black suit with a white collar and a cloak. Nino was dressed as a chimney sweeper with a cardboard ladder and a brush on a string attached to her jacket. She was a luck charm.
Mary was very Victorian. Her hair was parted and braided into buns over her ears. The plainness of her black dress suggested grateful servitude. Dear Mary. She had graduated with a master diploma from London Uni a few weeks ago, but she had come home for good and she did not like it. Her boyfriend Stanley was still in England. Sopo’s heart ached for her.
The ache turned into ire when Irakli entered the room from the kitchen. He had been working at his (her) pub next door and never bothered to change into fancy dress. In his wake was a yellow something – yes, something.
‘Why are you wearing an Ajax Amsterdam shirt?’ she snapped at him. ‘They plummeted in the Dutch National League last year. You’re supposed to look extravagant tonight, not embarrassing.’
Irakli shied away wordlessly, and then the yellow something stepped forward and kissed her exuberantly, nearly causing her to lose her wig. ‘Happy birthday, Sopo!’ he piped.
‘Merab, why the eff are you wearing a Pikachu suit?’ she fumed.
He shrugged. ‘Akh, the rental agency was all but cleaned out by the other guests. They only had this thing left, apart from Playboy bunny or dictator costumes.’
When Aleko walked in she lost it. He was wearing a chokha over a plain shirt and press-fold trousers, no fancy dress, just traditional Georgian garb. He must be getting senile.
‘Happy birthday!’ he said to her. ‘What a nice party this is…Oh hello Merab, hello Irakli!’
Her madness now took over. ‘Bow down and pay your respect to Madame de Sopodour!’ she shrieked at the three freaks. ‘Bow down and acknowledge my superior being!’
They obeyed and sank onto their knees before her. Merab instantly assumed the role of the poor citizen. ‘But milady, how could we? We can’t even afford bread! Akh, have mercy!’
‘If you can’t buy bread, have khachapuri,’ she snarled. ‘And begone, or else my faithful valet shall slay you!’
David is sorting out some clean washing.
David was sitting on a bench outside the kitchen porch of the restaurant with a large basket of washing beside him. When he heard the clicking of Irakli’s leather soles, he looked up with a bleary gaze. Irakli felt a pang of guilt, but he was going to make good for this morning’s success, so he clutched his gift bag and sat down on the bench. The basket was between them, creating a certain distance as had been custom ever since the pandemic, but he was still close enough to elicit a grumbled greeting from the other man.
‘Bro, you smell like a duty-free airport perfumery.’
Irakli sensed David’s unintentional hostility, fished a pack of Astras out of the bag and offered him a cigarette as a token of reconciliation.
They both lit up, blew out smoke and stared at the mess in the courtyard.
‘I-rak-li…!’ a venomous, high-pitched voice sounded from the flat over Mr. Beerakli’s Pub. ‘Did I tell you that you could take my car this morning to drop off Aleko at the airport and to meet your idiotic business partners? I didn’t, did I?’
‘It’s O.K., Merab, I’m only having a smoke with your brother!’ Irakli roared back. ‘I’ll be up in a sec.’
Merab now leaned over the railing of the veranda on the first floor. He was dressed in faded house clothes and wearing an old rag on his head like a bandanna. In his right hand he held a mop as if it were a spear. He looked at Irakli and David and then at his Mercedes, snorted and went back inside.
‘Merab has continuously suffered from PMS ever since he quit smoking,’ David observed. ‘I never knew that men could be like this…’ He sighed. ‘Well, Sopo has kicked the habit as well, and she’s in no better state, but it’s different with women.’
Irakli nodded, too confused to speak. He had been with women, he knew how they were, but all this had turned into a parallel universe ever since he had been in love with Merab. Love was supposed to be a ride in the sky, a fun fair of joy and bliss, but in Tbilisi, or rather in this little realm that was completely owned and ruled by Sopo, it was overtaken by everyday life, and everyday life in modern Tbilisi meant that men not only suffered when their lovers were doing major cleaning, but were also expected to help with household chores.
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infiniti-mall · 4 months
Indulge in Culinary Delights: Exploring the Best Indian Food Restaurants in Infiniti Mall Malad
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Nestled within the coronary heart of Malad, Infiniti Mall isn't a splendid search for haven but moreover a culinary paradise for meals enthusiasts. With an array of ingesting options to pick out from, together with famous Indian food ingesting locations, Infiniti Mall Malad gives a gastronomic adventure like no extraordinary. Let's take a higher test of some of the exquisite Indian food eating places that grace the meals court docket docket docket of Infiniti Mall Malad.
1. Mainland China Infiniti Mall Malad: A Taste of Authentic Chinese Cuisine
For lovers of Chinese delicacies, Mainland China at Infiniti Mall Malad is a must-see holiday spot. Renowned for its delectable dishes made from real substances and traditional cooking techniques, Mainland China guarantees a culinary enjoy that tantalizes the flavor buds. From flavorful stir-fries to succulent dim sums, every dish at Mainland China suggests the rich culinary records of China.
2. Bohoba Infiniti Mall Malad: Fusion Flavors and Contemporary Vibes
Bohoba, placed in Infiniti Mall Malad, gives a totally precise ingesting experience that combines fusion flavors with modern vibes. Specializing in present day dishes that mix Indian and international cuisines, Bohoba caters to discerning palates looking for ambitious and adventurous flavors. Whether you are craving a hearty burger, a clean salad, or a flavorful pasta, Bohoba has a few problem to fulfill each yearning.
3. Punjab Grill Infiniti at Infiniti Mall Malad: A Celebration of Authentic Punjabi Cuisine
For a taste of actual Punjabi cuisine in the heart of Malad, look no further than Punjab Grill at Infiniti Mall. Known for its wealthy and strong flavors, Punjab Grill offers a culinary journey through the colourful streets of Punjab. From succulent tandoori kebabs to creamy butter bird, every dish at Punjab Grill is a party of the culinary facts of Punjab.
4. Copper Chimney Infiniti Mall Malad: A Legacy of Flavors
With its wealthy legacy spanning a long term, Copper Chimney at Infiniti Mall Malad is synonymous with amazing Indian delicacies and impeccable hospitality. Offering a menu that showcases the severa flavors of India, Copper Chimney delights diners with its aromatic biryanis, indulgent kebabs, and decadent curries. Step into Copper Chimney and embark on a culinary voyage that celebrates the essence of Indian gastronomy.
5. Exploring the Food Court in Malad: A World of Culinary Diversity
In addition to the aforementioned Indian meals eating locations, the meals courtroom docket docket docket at Infiniti Mall Malad boasts a plethora of dining options to shape each palate and choice. From street food delights to global cuisines, the meals court docket docket docket offers a numerous culinary panorama that caters to meals fanatics of every age. Whether you're within the temper for desi chaat or gourmand burgers, the meals court docket docket docket docket in Malad has a few hassle for each person.
Conclusion: Embark on a Gastronomic Adventure at Infiniti Mall Malad
Infiniti Mall Malad isn't best a seeking out excursion spot however furthermore a culinary hub wherein food aficionados can take pleasure in a worldwide of flavors. With its diverse array of Indian food ingesting locations, at the side of Mainland China, Bohoba, Punjab Grill, and Copper Chimney, Infiniti Mall Malad guarantees a gastronomic journey like no virtually one among a kind. So, collect your buddies and circle of relatives, head to Infiniti Mall Malad, and embark on a culinary adventure a awesome way to tantalize your taste buds and depart your longing for added food!
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tatahousingmyst · 6 months
TATA Housing – MYST, Near Kasauli
Amenities inside a Studio/1BHK, 2BHK Apartment and 3,4 BHK Villas:
• Bathroom fittings, with Geyser.
• IPS flooring. (Flooring/tiles would be extra on personal expense)
• Heated flooring (Radiant coils would be installed on the IPS flooring. Flooring/tiles would be extra on personal expense). In Living room for Studio unit and in Bedroom for the 1BHK unit.
• Semi-Modular Kitchen: Lower counters, Kitchen sink, RO, Geyser & Exhaust Fan. Only provision given for Hob-Chimney.
Common Amenities in MYST:
1) Concierge services available for house cleaning needs, Daily Grocery items availability, Taxi bookings.
2) Fully functional Club House:
• Multi-cuisine restaurant
• Indoor/Outdoor swimming pools
• Gymnasium
• Guest Rooms
• Indoor/outdoor Party Hall
• Billiards Room
• Squash Court
• Viewing decks
• Open garden spaces
3) 24*7 Ambulance on site. Within the project availability of Clinic with doctor.
4) Temple, Amphitheatre, Garden areas, Kids Playing Area, Open Gym Area, Watch tower.
5) 24*7 Security team, with cameras installed at multiple locations throughout the project site.
Route 1:
Dharampur to Kumarhatti Junction. Take right towards Nahn Highway. Post 8-9KM will come across a Gurudwara, Joharjee, take right here. Reach Bhojnagar. Take left and from here climb up the hill for 4-5KM to MYST.
Route 2:
3KM post Timber Trail, take right at Chakki Mod. Reach Bhojnagar in 14KM. Take right, and climb up for 4-5KM to MYST.
SANA Associates
Jashpal Gusain Sales
Call and Whatsapp-
9560862417 / 8700804110
Thank you
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thenightling · 7 months
The Italian Woman version of Santa:
I freakin' love La Befana. She's who gives children gifts at Christmas (or more precisely at Epiphany, January 6th) in Italian tradition instead of Santa.
La Befana is also known as the Christmas Witch. She was supposed to have been a kind woman and friend of the three Magi who went to see the baby Jesus. She couldn't accompany them because she had too much cleaning to do.
Now on Epiphany Eve she flies around on her broomstick (Sometimes depicted with bristles facing front) and carries a great sack full of toys. She goes down the chimney of homes, and gives presents to good children. And she leaves coal in the stocking of bad children.
She loves milk and it's advised to leave milk out for her.
I love this adorable Woman-Santa. Someone should make a version where that's who Mrs. Claus is or divide your kids Christmas gifts in half so Santa can give half at Christmas and Belfana gives the rest on Epiphany (If you celebrate Epiphany).
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I love her. I definitely like her a lot more than Elf on the Shelf.
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biztrack · 7 months
How to Start a Maintenance Company in Dubai
 Dubai is home to millions of professionals who spend a major part of their day at the office. As a result, they have very little time to do household work. The majority of this population is not inclined towards keeping full-time help, and hence, they rely on maintenance services for taking care of their household and maintenance chores.
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Starting a maintenance company in Dubai is a profitable venture as many professionals in the UAE rely on the services of these companies. Furthermore, it’s a diverse sector that includes cleaning and sanitation works, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, installing and changing locks, flooring and roofing works, garden design, and the list goes on. You can launch your maintenance company in the UAE by getting in touch with the business consultants at BizTrack Business Consultant.
Types of business licenses for maintenance services in Dubai
The Department of Economic Development (DED) offers 3 types of licenses for maintenance services in the UAE, depending on the types of services offered by the company. All you need to do is choose the type of license that’s most suitable according to your company's business activities. The three categories of maintenance companies in the UAE are listed below: 
Residential maintenance services
As the name suggests, these types of companies serve residential properties such as individual houses, flats, and villas, and specialize in cleaning areas such as kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, and small gardens. They also offer repair of home appliances and other miscellaneous works. To operate such a company, basic cleaning supplies and equipment are required. 
Commercial maintenance services 
These are called in to sanitize and maintain commercial spaces such as malls, offices, restaurants, retail stores, etc. Since these spaces are comparatively bigger, they require heavy-duty equipment and machinery. Furthermore, you must have a skilled task force to acquire a cleaning company license in Dubai for the commercial sector.
Industrial maintenance services
The industrial maintenance services cater to industries, factories, and warehouses. They have a whole different kind of clientele as the requirements could be as specific as hazardous waste cleanup, industrial machinery repair, etc. Therefore, it requires industrial-grade cleaning machinery, chemicals, and other equipment. 
Business activities covered under a maintenance license in the UAE 
A maintenance services business typically has a lower start-up cost compared to other business setups. Moreover, this is one of the few businesses that can immediately go into operating mode after its launch because of the variety of services it provides. 
Listed below are some of the basic services offered by a maintenance services company in Dubai: 
Furniture assembly and substituting bulbs 
Silicon resealing of the bathroom, and/or kitchen floor and walls 
Installation and repair of home appliances such as air conditioners, chimneys, etc. 
Installation and fitting of all lights 
Gypsum streamers as well as decorations in offices, restaurants, and hotels 
Exterior and interior paint works 
All types of cleaning and sanitation works 
Steps to Obtain a Maintenance Company License in Dubai 
Starting a maintenance company in Dubai begins with obtaining a license from the concerned authority, which can be the DED or any of the free zone authorities. Given below are the steps that you need to follow to obtain a cleaning company license in Dubai: 
1. Choose the desired business activities that your business would cater to from the DED's list of activities. You’ll need to obtain additional approvals for activities that aren’t mentioned in the list maintained by the DED or the concerned jurisdiction. 
2. Select the company structure for your business. Choose whether it's going to be a sole proprietorship, an LLC (limited liability company), or a civil company. A free zone establishment offers 100% foreign business ownership whereas an LLC in the mainland region gives hassle-free access to the world-famous local market of Dubai. 
3. Get your trade name approval and keep its payment handy as you’ll need it to obtain the initial approval certificate. Ensure that the business name doesn’t include any derogatory terms and follows all the naming convention protocols maintained by the UAE’s government.
4. Get the initial approval for your business to start a maintenance company in Dubai. This approval is the legal confirmation that the UAE government has no objection to your enterprise being established in the country. 
5. Prepare and sign the LSA agreement (for professional license) and MOA (for commercial license). 
6. Rent an office space for your enterprise and submit the tenancy agreement along with the Ejari. It’s better to rent an office rather than invest hefty sums of money in real estate upfront as you can use this money for other growth-related activities. 
7. Submit the additional approvals listed by the DED, if any. It’s better to partner with the legal advisors at BizTrack Business Setup In Mainland as we help you acquire all the additional approvals at no extra cost. 
8. Make the necessary payments and obtain your maintenance company license. Once you have it with you, you can apply for visas and open a corporate bank account to manage all the monetary transactions. 
Benefits of Maintenance Services License in Dubai 
Listed below are some of the key benefits of starting a maintenance company in Dubai: 
A maintenance services business is a potentially profitable venture and requires less capital when compared to other businesses set up in Dubai. 
Acquiring a cleaning company license in Dubai is very affordable and involves minimal paperwork. Furthermore, once you have obtained the business license for your enterprise, you can conduct your activities in various regions depending on your company’s structure and location. 
This business has a minimal upfront cost, an absence of typical operating costs, and is very high in demand. Moreover, it’s an evergreen business that remains unaffected even after changes in consumer behavior. 
Most maintenance jobs would require the same products and skills needed to maintain a household hence allowing you to maintain a stable inventory of the products. This reduces investment risks to a significant extent and lets you focus on expanding your enterprise. 
Since most of your electrical equipment and machinery is going to be used at the customer's place, you can expect a handful of savings from your power consumption ultimately saving you a significant amount of money when you pay power bills. 
Documents required to register a maintenance company in the UAE
You must have the appropriate documents for starting a maintenance company in Dubai as you won’t be able to register your company or obtain the license without the required documents. Here’s a list of curated documents to make things easier for you: 
Duly filled application form 
Payment receipt of trade name reservation 
Photocopies of passports of all the shareholders in your company 
NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the current sponsor, if the shareholder has a residence visa 
Additional approvals, if any, listed by the DED 
Connect with BizTrack
Your decision to establish a cleaning company in the UAE is the right one. Your next step is to collaborate with BizTrack Business Setup. Our business experts provide end-to-end assistance to simplify company formation for our clients. Be it documentation, licensing, banking, or anything else related to starting a maintenance company in Dubai, we’re always there for you. Get in touch with BizTrack today!
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qualitystoneveneer234 · 8 months
The Beauty of Ledge Stone in Picturesque Reefton
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Nestled in the heart of Pennsylvania's countryside, the picturesque town of Reefton is where nature's beauty is woven into the fabric of everyday life. The homes and buildings in this charming locale often reflect the area's natural allure and the enduring appeal of materials like ledge stone. In this article on Ledge Stone in Picturesque Reefto, we'll delve into the captivating world of ledge stone in Reefton, exploring how this material adds to the town's aesthetic. 
A Natural Connection
Ledge stone, with its distinctive rugged appearance, forms a natural connection with the stunning landscapes of Reefton. It's as if the very essence of the town's surroundings is embodied in the stone itself. Ledge stone in P, earthy charm harmonizing with this Pennsylvania gem's lush greenery, rolling hills, and serene streams.
Rustic Beauty: Ledge stone is celebrated for its rustic charm, defined by its uneven, textured surfaces and earthy color variations. In Reefton, this characteristic adds to the organic beauty of the region, creating a harmonious connection between architecture and nature.
Adaptability to Nature: Reefton's picturesque surroundings often call for architectural designs that blend seamlessly with the environment. With its natural aesthetics, ledge stone becomes an integral part of this landscape, further enhancing the connection between the town's buildings and the great outdoors. Ledge Stone in Picturesque Reefto.
Ledge Stone in Reefton
Reefton's architectural landscape is dotted with inspiring examples of how ledge stone complements the town's aesthetic beauty. This natural building material has made its mark in various ways, from enhancing residential homes to adding character to commercial spaces.
Residential Charm: In many Reefton homes, ledge stone can be found gracing the exteriors, chimneys, and interior accent walls. The rugged yet elegant appeal of ledge stone creates a cozy, inviting atmosphere in these living spaces, serving as a reminder of the natural beauty surrounding the town.
Commercial Appeal: Even Reefton's commercial establishments are not immune to the allure of ledge stone. From shops to restaurants, ledge stone's presence adds a touch of rustic sophistication that resonates with the town's character and charm.
Landscape Integration: Ledge stone isn't limited to the walls of buildings; it is also used for landscape design. Retaining walls, garden borders, and decorative elements made from ledge stone serve practical and aesthetic purposes in Reefton's outdoor spaces.
The Timeless Allure
One of the critical reasons for the enduring appeal of ledge stone in Reefton is its timeless quality. As the years go by, ledge stone only becomes more beautiful. It is a material that ages gracefully, mirroring the everlasting beauty of Reefton's natural surroundings.
Durability: Ledge stone is renowned for its durability, making it a perfect choice for the changing seasons and weather conditions that Reefon experiences. It withstands the test of time, embodying the identical resilience as the town itself.
Low Maintenance: Ledge stone is relatively low-maintenance, requiring only periodic cleaning and minimal care to keep its appearance pristine. This quality aligns with the simplicity and ease of life that Reefton residents value.
A Stone That Tells a Story
In Reefton, ledge stone is more than just a building material; it's a part of the town's narrative. The stone tells a story of natural beauty, rugged charm, and enduring strength. It links the town's architecture and its serene, picturesque surroundings.
So, whether you're strolling down Reefton's quiet streets, admiring its architectural gems, or considering a home renovation, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of ledge stone. It's a material that has etched its mark into the town's history and has become a part of Reefton's story. It serves as a testament to the timelessness of nature's design and its harmonious integration with artificial beauty.
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ATS provides regular kitchen exhaust cleaning services in Saudi Arabia and restaurant chimney cleaning services. You can now remain safe and secure from unnecessary risks. Besides the fire hazard, grease is highly responsible for posing potential dangers, because it proliferates contaminated air leading to diseases, bacteria, mould, and fungus.
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devirnis · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
kicking it off early (for me) because I want to!
y’all seem to really like the restaurant front AU so have some more! previous snippet
They trudge up front to the bar and Chimney selects an unopened bottle. Eddie hops up onto the counter as Chimney soaks a clean rag in the vodka.
“Sorry about this,” he says regretfully.
Eddie grips the counter tightly. “Just get it over with.”
Chimney raises the rag to Eddie’s face, but just before he touches it to his skin, there’s a strangled noise of horror behind them and then Buck’s voice is shouting, “What the hell happened?!”
They both freeze, caught in an unfortunate tableau, before slowly turning their heads in the direction of Buck’s voice. Sure enough, Buck is standing in the doorway to Backdraft, bag over one shoulder, staring at them with wide eyes. Absurdly, Chimney feels almost like he’s been caught with a hand down Eddie’s pants, given the betrayed way Buck is looking at them.
Also, he really needs to talk to people about locking the goddamn doors.
“Uh,” Chimney says eloquently.
“Please tell me you aren’t disinfecting a wound with vodka,” Buck groans.
if you wanna @bigfootsmom @homerforsure @try-set-me-on-fire @princessfbi @prince-buck-diaz @alyxmastershipper @honestlydarkprincess @dijkstraspath @carnivalsofthecity @shortsighted-owl @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @spaceprincessem @eowon @jeeyuns @sibylsleaves @panbuckley 💜
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Building Trust With Your Cleaning Services Company
Cleaning services company provide sanitation and disinfection for homes, offices, restaurants, and other businesses. They can remove dust, dirt, and debris from surfaces, scrub floors, wash windows, and clean upholstery. They also provide specialized services such as chimney and fireplace cleaning and maintenance.
Maid Marines offers a 55-point cleaning checklist that ensures all areas are cleaned thoroughly. Their cleaners use a variety of tools and equipment, including colorcoded microfiber cloths, no-dip flat mops, and HEPA backpack vacuums.
Many cleaning services company require customers to sign contracts of varying lengths. This can be problematic for customers who may not be happy with the service or would like to try a different company. Customers should carefully consider the terms of the contract and make sure that all their questions are answered before signing it.
The size of the home: The larger a house, the more time it takes to clean. A one-time deep cleaning can take longer than a regular maintenance clean.
Location: If the client lives far from your business, you will need to charge more to cover travel expenses. You will also want to consider the cost of overhead and profit margins. You may need to use pricing tiers and discounts to increase profits.
A cleaning company is made up of cleaning professionals who are responsible for providing clients with professional and efficient services. Some of the services they offer include sweeping, mopping, dusting, washing floors and surfaces, vacuuming, cleaning windows and fixtures, and washing dishes. They also provide a variety of specialty cleaning services, such as floor buffing and furniture polishing.
Other tasks that a cleaning service company must perform include catering to client needs, stocking up on supplies, tracking employee schedules, and processing customer invoices. They also need to file paperwork and obtain business licenses. These documents may include a limited liability corporation, a sole proprietorship, or a DBA (doing business as) license. A clean workplace has been shown to lower sick days and improve productivity. It can also help reduce allergens, which can lead to respiratory issues in employees.
Getting janitorial contracts can be a great way to guarantee work and stabilize revenue streams for your cleaning company. The first step is to identify your target market and promote your services to them. A well-designed website is an effective tool for this. You can also use Facebook and Google ads to reach potential customers in your service area. You should also consult a small business lawyer to ensure that your contract agreements are legally sound.
A well-drafted cleaning service contract should clarify when the agreement begins and ends. It should also specify what happens when either party terminates the agreement early. In addition, the contract should outline procedures and protocols for resolving disputes between the parties. This can help prevent conflicts and disagreements.
A cleaning service guarantee is a great way to build trust with clients. This is because it shows that the company cares about the welfare of its customers. It also ensures that the customer is satisfied with the services they receive.
The best way to offer a guarantee is by adding it to the cleaning contract or service agreement. It should stipulate that if the client isn’t satisfied with the results, the company will return until they are happy.
Another way to make a cleaning service guarantee more appealing is by using real photos of the employees and including reviews from previous clients on your website and marketing materials. This will help to build trust with potential clients and increase sales. The office is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas Day.
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restoreworks · 1 year
Armor Masonry Restoration, Inc Basic Constructing Contractors Association
Also did an excellent job cleaning up and had been extremely cautious on our new deck. I would highly recommend Brickworks and can use them sooner or later. Older buildings and houses in New Jersey regularly face problems with deteriorating chimneys. A good masonry repair company will assess the roof, fireplace, and chimney and convey them again to code. Our masonry repair providers cowl all aspects of chimney maintenance and restore. We completely get pleasure from upkeep and restoration initiatives as much as we take pleasure in new building work.
Replacement stone was wanted for the Ritz Carlton Residences project at 690 Market - the original Chronicle Building. This stone was unusual, and nobody concerned knew what stone it was or where it originally came from. Our staff went to work on the matter and uncovered the long closed Sespe Quarry in a canyon on a personal ranch in southern California. We solid masonry restorations a relationship with the land owner and he agreed to sell us stone. We then identified suitable 15,000 to 30,000 pound boulders within the canyon that we may get to. Our fabricator re-created roughly 1,000 new items from the boulders - many hand carved to replicate lacking originals.
Our staff of professionals has over one hundred years of combined expertise, that means our information of restoration strategies is second to none... In addition to the exhausting work of tearing out the old masonry and replacing it with new materials, there could be the added challenge of maintaining the continuity of the building’s appearance. This eighteenth century springhouse has nearly no mortar left between the rocks.
Our capacity to grasp the properties of mortar and our ability to match and create a reproduction of mix design units us aside from other restoration contractors. A specialised masonry contractor will simply do a better job of masonry restoration as a outcome of they perceive the job better. You can trust that a contractor who focuses on masonry will do the very best job on your restoration as a end result of this is all they do. It is the distinction between ordering a steak at a nice steakhouse and ordering one at an off-the-cuff restaurant.
But they only obtained to be that old with concrete restore restoration projects. We carry out our work in an expert, safe manner that is part of our popularity. Our foremen and masons are extremely skilled which provides our company with a resume of many quality brick and block projects. How usually do you drive by a beautifully conventional or historic building—or a traditional house in an older neighborhood or city masonry restorations chicago center—and admire the intricate brick masonry work? Whatever the building could also be, there's a gravitas and grandeur to beautiful brick masonry, at the equal time as the fabric itself is rugged and long-lasting. Not only are correctly laid bricks timeless in appearance, but brick absorbs humidity extra efficiently than other lesser materials, in addition to minimizing the possibilities of widespread household annoyances, like mold and mildew.
Providing the highest-quality completed merchandise and unparalleled customer service is our prime precedence, which is why we work onerous to stay at the forefront of technology and practices in our trade.
There are several elements you should contemplate before masonry restoration contractors working with masonry restoration contractors. Choosing an professional team will assist save you time and cash and guarantee your property’s longevity. Unfortunately, in relation to repairing and restoring old concrete and masonry work, few concrete restoration contractors have the expertise and experience of Raider Painting. Because of the time and talent masonry restoration takes, it may possibly get costly.
When done proper, however, masonry restoration could have your constructing looking like it did when it was first built, making the restoration course of well worth the effort. The process can be lengthy and time-consuming because it requires masons skilled in restoration to repoint the wall and use materials which might be specific to the period by which the constructing was constructed. There is all kinds of tasks that a professional mason will handle. Commonly, their tasks include chimneys, patios, walls, and siding.
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Benefits of renting vacation condos
South Padre is a beautiful and organized resort town in Texas, TX. It is a famous tourist attraction well-known for its calm waters and serene beaches. It has pleasant weather and great surfing conditions. If you plan a holiday to the south padre islands, do check for its temperature and the condos available for a comfortable stay.
The condos in south padre island, TX are cozy, spacious, authentic, and rich in their feel. There is a myriad of benefits to hiring rental condos for your stay here. Although condos are generally located in posh areas, you can easily find them near the beach with all the basic amenities. Renting a condo benefits you with malls, supermarkets, restaurants, and other necessary tourist attractions nearby.
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It is beneficial as you don’t have to spend too much on traveling around the place as you are centrally located or near the favorable beach. You save time commuting to the beach and other central places. You enjoy your privacy.
You can enjoy all the amazing amenities such as a TV, hot and cold-water bath facility, refrigerator, pool, chimney, electric appliances, and many more. When the prices for a luxury stay at hotels seem daunting, these condos offer an extremely comfortable stay with all the grandeur and modern facilities at reasonable prices.
If you are traveling as a bunch of friends or a big family, staying together is always more fun than limiting yourself to different rooms. Moreover, the condos can fetch your internet, cooking, laundry, and other cleaning services. It all depends on how you want to plan.
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apexchimneyrepairs · 1 year
Family Restaurants In South Brunswick Township, New Jersey To Dine
South Brunswick Township in New Jersey is home to several fantastic family restaurants that offer great food and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're looking for a casual lunch or a romantic dinner, there's something for everyone. In this article, we'll explore some of the best family restaurants in South Brunswick Township that you can dine in.
The Frog and The Peach
The Frog and The Peach is a popular upscale restaurant that serves contemporary American cuisine. The menu features dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and the restaurant has a wide selection of wines and cocktails. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere, and the staff is friendly and knowledgeable. They also have a kids' menu for the little ones.
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Salt Creek Grille
Salt Creek Grille is an elegant restaurant that offers a menu that is a combination of classic American dishes and global flavors. They are known for their wood-fired steaks, fresh seafood, and innovative appetizers. The restaurant has a warm, inviting ambiance, and the staff is attentive and friendly.
Café Antonio
Café Antonio is a family-owned Italian restaurant that serves authentic Italian cuisine. The menu features classic dishes like pasta, pizza, and seafood, all made with fresh ingredients. The restaurant has a casual, welcoming atmosphere, and the staff is friendly and accommodating. They also have a kids' menu.
Bistro 365
Bistro 365 is a charming bistro that serves French-inspired cuisine. The menu features a range of dishes, from classic French onion soup to more modern dishes like chicken milanese. The restaurant has a cozy, intimate atmosphere, and the staff is knowledgeable and welcoming.
Malaga Spanish Cuisine
Malaga Spanish Cuisine is a restaurant that offers a taste of Spain in South Brunswick Township. The menu features classic Spanish dishes like paella, tapas, and sangria. The restaurant has a lively, vibrant atmosphere, and the staff is friendly and accommodating.
In conclusion, South Brunswick Township has a wide range of family restaurants to choose from, each with its own unique atmosphere and menu. Whether you're in the mood for Italian, French, Spanish, or American cuisine, there's a restaurant that will suit your tastes. So why not plan a family outing and try one of these fantastic restaurants today?
Contact us
Apex Air Duct Cleaning & Chimney Services
310 Ridge Rd, Dayton, NJ, 08810 USA
Phone: (732) 314-7171
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