nocek · 2 years
Ok I know it's a little bit late but turns out my big Okoye rant just has to be written down or it will keep bothering me. So here we go. Screaming into the void.
The thing is I like Okoye and I think she had nice thing going on in Wakanda Forever. That is up until the point that her plot threads were axed midway and rest of it was given to Nakia of all people? Which sucks for both of them. So in this essay....
The first Black Panther movie build her up nicely as Lawful Neutral character. Which is rare and for me makes really interesting character. She dutifully followed the law when Killmonger took the throne and then just as dutifully was about to kill her husband when it was revealed the throne taking wasn't so lawful after all. Both of those choices were incredibly emotionally hard for her and actually quite rare storytelling wise. Which I loved. What is even better: on top of all that she wasn't punished by the narrative for being lawful instead of going after her heart.
Great! I really, really loved it. Especially when in the new movie they started to nicely build up on that to give her own little plot and character growth.
Well. Up to a point.
But lets focus on what they were clearly building up to.
Okoye loves Wakanda. It's her character virtue since she is Lawful Neutral. But at the same time loving it too much and too blindly is her character flaw.
Wakanda is the best and thus doesn't need to change.
First we saw it in Infinity War with a little side joke about opening Wakanda to the world meant maybe Starbucks and not, well... war.
In Wakanda Forever in one of the first scenes she tells Aneka to give back the daggers since spears are traditional weapon. Which, by virtue of being traditional, are better and it's not going to change on her watch.
For that, the obvious plot resolution would be that Okoye needs to open up to new things (particularly technology). Unfortunately, the thing is, they sort of did that in the movie but in the worst way possible (and I don't just mean that Midnight Angel armor is ugly, you are right sister. It's ugly af) but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Wakanda is the best and thus I'm the best.
Okoye is a bit full of herself, or to be more precise thinks others are not as good since they are not Wakandan. She assumes she can deal with Americans and duh, she is right. She can actually deal with them like nbd. So does it really count as being blinded by her own/ Wakandan awesomeness?
Yes. Yes it does. I love that she is confident in her skills and she has all the right to be but she also knew there is new unknown threat. It was overconfidence on her part to think she can deal with Talokans too.
And she got her ass handled to her in fair fight.
And she broke her promise to queen Ramonda and lost Shuri.
Consequences as plot resolution? It's more likely than you think.
Because yeah. That's where clearly her further plot was axed and given to Nakia (which could be whole other big rant but just so you know: she was done dirty here too). Because let's be real it would fit perfectly.
Classic plot. Hero gets overconfident. Fucks up. As consequence hero loses their privileges/status/whatever. So they go on a quest not to regain their privileges or prove themselves but to right their wrongs.
Often they initially want to prove themselves, but then they learn they need to fix their mistakes because it's a right thing to do. Just after that the narrative can reward them with actually-you-just-have-proven-yourself-plot-twist - here are your privileges back and then some.
In Okoye's sake we can even cut on the second part of that plot. She just goes on a quest to right her wrongs and to save the princess.
Rewrite of a rewritten plot?
So her first overall wrong was dismissal of new technology. Could be righted easily by going to Griot to ask it to help her locate Shuri. It's even still in the movie but instead it's Ramonda who talks with Griot. It shows Griot can locate Shuri, they just added little scene with Nakia doing spy stuff and talking to people because it's her forte.
It would even fit the underwater cave rescue scene better. Because the forceful solution of going in guns blazing would fit more Okoye's desperation. Nakia is a spy. She would be more level headed and just sneak in and out unnoticed. Moreover, since she is more caring people person she wouldn't just leave that one girl to die.
But hey. If they didn't do that they wouldn't have the excuse for war and to have whole second part of the movie and "big" action scene at the end. Which is sadly mandatory in Marvel movies.
But going back to Okoye before I get sidetracked too much.
Just a rewrite... please.
With that the last plot thread for her to resolve would be redo of the fight with Attuma.
And it could and SHOULD follow the classic plot of like Rocky and countless others:
Hero loses a fight
Hero trains some more/ learns new things
Hero wins second fight fair and square
but nooooooo
Instead of mixing it with with opening to new technologies plot - as in asking Griot to help her find weak spots of Talokans. Or even just upgrading her spear to be better in fight with another vibranium spear if you really need to go this way (and clearly don't have time for training montage in this bloated movie)...
nope. Instead we go sorry Okoye you are just too weak. Here, have an armor. Which ok ties to the same new technologies plot thread but at the same time is so damn insulting to Okoye and her skills.
Like really fucking insulting.
It's like going to Cap or Black Widow and saying you are cool with all the fancy kicks and all but lets be real here. You are to week to fight real super powered villains - here have an armor.
Would anyone do that? No. Because it's insulting and goes against what those characters are at their core. Even if they are "too weak" they still would win by their skill, their smarts, their cunning nature or just by their sheer stubbornness.
Because those are their cove virtues.
Because that's how storytelling works.
And just FYI I'm not shitting on characters actually using armors. Oh no. Tony or Riri would win by learning and then building smarter armor. Rhodey would win because he is a solider and for him the armor is just tool of the trade - it's just a tank he happens to wear. But for Okoye or Cap or Natasha or any other hand to hand badass fighter it would go against the very idea their character was built on. It would be plot breaking Deus Ex Machina solution. Everyone would be bitching that writers written themselves into a corner and found very unsatisfying plot resolution that doesn't work.
But since Okoye is a side character and this movie has way too much going on in general, it's just left as it is.
And I'm very salty about that.
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koreanstudybunny · 2 years
well today you will not learn too much
we will learn about hangul (korean writing systhem)
so if you already know it just skip to day
for the lesson u need pen and paper (ofc u can add colours if u want)
lesson 1
so today we start with basic easy sounds
ㄹ r or l
ㅎ h
ㅁ m
ㄴ n
ㅅ s
and some vowels
l i (like 'ee' in cheese)
ㅏ a
ㅓ eo (o'clock)
ㅜ u (like 'oo' in moon)
ㅗ o
so if u want to write just vowel u have to put ㅇ before(first three) or above it(last two)
so 이 아 어 우 오
now if u wanna for example write 'na' u just find 'a' sound (아) and instead of ㅇ u put ㄴ (n)
so ㄴ + ㅏ = 나 and some more enamples
ㅁ + ㅣ = 미 mi
ㄹ + ㅏ = 라 ra
ㅎ + ㅓ = 허 heo
ㄹ + ㅜ = 루 lu
ㅁ + ㅓ = 머 meo
ㅅ + ㅏ = 사 sa
ㄴ + ㅗ = 노 no (just no , not like in english word)
ㅎ + ㅜ = 후 hu \ hoo
ㅅ + ㅣ = 시 'she' not 'si'
as u can see its realy easy
무 shi
히 li
후 neo
너 su
시 mu
어 hu
리 hi
소 eo
2. write the words (expl. sa - i 사이)
no - shi
ra - ra - lu - seo
u - ri - su - hi
ho - shi - ru - a
li - u - seo - mu
mo - so - nu - i
i - u - su - ru
ro - o - u - ha
anddd thatss itt
well done
we have done much more than i thought
revrite all the things in your notebook
*also u can write bolded things on a paper and put it on your wall so u remind yourself till tomorow
byeeeee, love ya <333
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lunamothghost · 3 years
Dragon Age Inquisition deadass didn't load my previous games saves and im like halfway through im-
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jaquelinepants · 6 years
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Hi guys, long time no see! The university is hard but sure is also design all the characters. The first time I design Damian and Aradia I was drawing very basic characters with simple dress and story. BUT things change and i had to revrite the story and the characters and at first I was not happy with the dress, then the ships and...everything. So i had to restart to zero with the only thing i really loved about. The historical part. So i took my tablet and i change everything. Hopefully, this new content will be more intresting to work with.
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revrite · 8 years
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the end of the 2017 paintings from the University
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