#Rewinding Machine Rewinding Machine for Sale
rewindermachine · 2 years
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KEW ENGG & MFG. PVT. LTD. is biggest manufacturer, exporter & supplier of all types of Winding Unwinding Machine. Winder Unwinder Machine with high performance winding quality with an integral part of winding technology depending on stretch wrap film, cling film and many more. We are Winder Rewinder Machine offering premium quality range of Winding Unwinding Machine. Used in textile as well as various allied industries, offered unwinding machine is manufactured by our proficient professionals in line with industry norms by using the best quality components and sophisticated technology. We offer this unwinding machine in varied specifications and designs for our prestigious clients. For more information: 
Website: kew.net.in
Contact Us:  +91-7940085305
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_XuuJvF0jM
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KEW ENGG. & MFG. PVT. LTD.  Is a Leading Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter our product range includes Slitter Rewinder Unwinder such as Duplex Slitter Rewinder Machine, HDPE Slitter Rewinder Machine, Rubber Slitter Rewinder Machine, Lamitube Slitter Rewinder Machine, Thermoforming Sheeting Slitter Rewinder Machine, Mini Cantilever Slitter Rewinder Machine. For More Information:
Website: kew.net.in
Contact Us: +91-7940085305
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cubeghost · 8 months
While Palestine Action US is targeting Elbit systems to protest the ongoing genocide in Palestine, Elbit’s tools of occupation are also being deployed in the US. As Antony Loewenstein documents in his book, The Palestine Laboratory, Israeli defense contractors test their wares on Palestinians and then export their tools of surveillance and warfare around the world. Loewenstein highlights the connection between so-called border security in the US and the oppression of Palestinians, writing, “Israeli technology was sold as the solution to unwanted populations at the US–Mexico border where the Israeli company Elbit was a major player in repelling migrants.” In her book Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism, Harsha Walia describes how US Customs Enforcement officials impose the violence of bordering on Tohono O’odham lands, along the US Southern border. Walia wrote, “US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has contracted Israel’s largest private arms company, Elbit Systems, to construct ten surveillance towers, making Tohono O’odham one of the most militarized communities in the US.”  In 2017, members of the Tohono O’odham Hemajkam Rights Network (TOHRN), went to Palestine on a visit organized by the Palestinian group Stop the Wall. TOHRN member Amy Jaun told Antony Loewenstein that it was a relief to talk “with people who understand our fears … who are dealing with militarization and technology.” In 2022, after years of resistance from Tohono O’odham organizers, the construction of the contested surveillance towers was completed. As Will Parrish reported in The Intercept in 2019, each tower is outfitted with thermal sensors, high-definition cameras with night vision, and ground-sweeping radar. As Parrish noted, “The system will store an archive with the ability to rewind and track individuals’ movements across time — an ability known as ‘wide-area persistent surveillance.’” The  Tohono O’odham’s struggle against the construction of Elbit’s towers is just one example of how the company is exporting Israel’s tools of bordering and occupation. In The Palestine Laboratory, Loewenstein describes an event at the Paris Air Show in 2009, where Elbit screened drone footage for “an elite audience of global buyers.” The footage showcased the assassination of a Palestinian. A subsequent investigation by Andrew Feinstein, a global expert on the arms industry, who observed the sales video pitch in Paris, revealed that innocent Palestinians, including women and children, were killed during the drone attack that Elbit showcased at the Paris Air Show. Feinstein told Loewenstein, “This was my introduction to the Israeli arms industry and the way it markets itself. No other arms-producing country would dare show actual footage like that.” As evidenced by the construction of surveillance towers in Tohono O’odham lands, Elbit’s work extends beyond the bounds of war, but the lines between war-making, surveillance and what governments call “security” are murky, at best. When tools of war and subjugation are tested on a captive population, and marketed on the basis of how effectively those people are killed, how do we expect those tools to be deployed globally? 
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janzenv · 5 days
Disaster-Proof Your Sales: The ROI of Data Backup & Recovery 
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Ever had that heart-stopping moment when your computer crashes, your phone takes a swim, or your office loses power? Now, imagine that feeling amplified by a thousand—because you've just lost access to your entire sales database. Customer records, pipeline reports, revenue forecasts—all gone in a flash. It's the stuff of nightmares for any business owner, but it doesn't have to be. That's where the dynamic duo of data backup and recovery steps in to save the day, and more importantly, your sales figures. 
The Invisible Hand of Data Loss on Your Sales: A Grim Reality 
Let's be honest, data loss is like a silent assassin, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when you least expect it. It's not just about hardware failures or natural disasters; it can creep up on you through accidental deletions, software glitches, a cyberattack, or even a rogue employee with a grudge. 
But what does this mean for your sales team? It's not just a minor inconvenience—it's a full-blown disaster that can send shockwaves through your entire operation. Think about the cascading effects: 
Leads Vanish into Thin Air: Your meticulously built prospect list, complete with contact information, preferences, and engagement history—gone. You're back to square one, frantically trying to rebuild your pipeline from scratch, wasting precious time and resources. 
Sales Pipeline in Shambles: All those deals in progress, the carefully nurtured relationships with potential clients, the revenue forecasts you were banking on—all gone. It's like a domino effect, with each lost deal causing a ripple of financial setbacks that can cripple your growth. 
Customer Relationships on Ice: Your existing customers trust you to keep their information safe. If you lose their data, you lose their trust. This can lead to a mass exodus of customers, cancelled orders, scathing online reviews, and a tarnished reputation that can take years to rebuild. 
Reporting Goes Dark: How can you make informed decisions about your sales strategy if you're operating in the dark? Lost data means lost insights, making it impossible to track your progress, identify bottlenecks, or optimize your sales efforts. It's like driving a car with a broken speedometer—you're moving, but you have no idea how fast or in what direction. 
The Superpowers of Backup and Recovery: Your Sales Team's Secret Weapon 
But fear not, because data backup and recovery are here to rescue your sales from the clutches of disaster. Think of them as your superhero sidekicks, always ready to swoop in and save the day (or your quarter!). 
Here's how this dynamic duo works their magic: 
Data Backup: Your Safety Net: It's like having a time machine for your data. Regular backups create copies of your critical sales data, storing them securely in a separate location—whether it's an external hard drive, a cloud-based service, or even better, both. This redundancy ensures that even if your primary system fails, your data is safe and sound. 
Data Recovery: Your Time Machine: If disaster strikes and your original data is lost or damaged, data recovery swoops in to restore it. It's like hitting the rewind button and getting everything back to normal in a matter of hours or even minutes, minimizing the impact on your sales team and your bottom line. 
Minimized Downtime = Maximized Sales: The faster you can recover your data, the less downtime your sales team experiences. This means they can quickly get back to what they do best—selling, closing deals, and generating revenue—instead of wasting precious time trying to recreate lost information or scramble to recover lost leads. 
Customer Confidence Booster: Knowing that their data is safe and sound gives your customers peace of mind. They'll appreciate your commitment to protecting their information, which can lead to stronger relationships, increased loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. 
The ROI of Data Backup & Recovery: More Than Just Insurance 
Sure, data backup and recovery might seem like just another expense, but they're actually an investment that can yield significant returns, both in the short and long term. Here's how: 
Revenue Protection: By preventing data loss, you're essentially protecting your revenue stream. Every lost sale due to data loss is a direct hit to your bottom line. Data backup and recovery act as a shield, preventing those losses and ensuring a steady flow of income. 
Cost Savings: The cost of recovering lost data can be astronomical, especially if you have to hire specialists or rebuild your systems from scratch. Investing in a proactive backup and recovery solution is far cheaper than trying to salvage data after the fact. 
Improved Productivity: With quick data recovery, your sales team can get back to work faster, maximizing their productivity and minimizing lost opportunities. This means more deals closed, more revenue generated, and a happier, more efficient sales team. 
Enhanced Reputation: Protecting your customers' data demonstrates that you value their trust and are committed to providing excellent service. This can lead to positive reviews, referrals, and increased brand loyalty, all of which contribute to your bottom line. 
Choosing Your Data Backup & Recovery Dream Team 
Choosing the right backup and recovery solution is crucial for the success of your sales team and your business as a whole. Here's what to look for: 
Ease of Use: The solution should be user-friendly and intuitive, so your team can easily perform backups and restore data without needing a tech degree. 
Scalability: Your business is growing, and your data needs will grow with it. Choose a solution that can scale to accommodate your changing needs without requiring a major overhaul. 
Security: Your data is sensitive, so make sure the solution offers robust security features, such as encryption, access controls, and regular vulnerability assessments. Don't leave your data vulnerable to unauthorized access or theft. 
Reliability: You need a solution you can count on, especially in a crisis. Look for a provider with a proven track record of successful data recoveries and a reliable infrastructure that can withstand any challenge. 
Cost-Effectiveness: Data backup and recovery are essential, but they shouldn't break the bank. Choose a solution that fits your budget and offers a good return on investment, ensuring that you get the most bang for your buck. 
Don't Let Data Loss Derail Your Sales 
Data loss is a serious threat to any business, but it doesn't have to be your downfall. By investing in a reliable data backup and recovery solution, you can disaster-proof your sales, protect your customers, and ensure the continued growth of your business. 
Remember, your data isn't just a collection of files—it's the heart and soul of your sales operation. Don't leave it to chance. Protect it, back it up, and recover it quickly if needed. Your sales team (and your bottom line) will thank you for it. 
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machinedalal · 25 days
Used Slitter Rewinders Machine for SALE
Newtag - 106 TRT
Buy Directly from SELLER -
Manufacturer: Newtag
Year: 2005
Machine Availability: Immediately
Price: On Request
Location: Italy
#print #press #machinedalal
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superiorvacuumsblogg · 2 months
Upgrade Your Cleaning Routine with High-Quality Canister Vacuum Cleaners and Central Vacuums for Sal
In the relentless pursuit of cleanliness and hygiene, homeowners and cleaning enthusiasts alike are constantly seeking the most efficient tools to maintain pristine living spaces. Amidst the myriad of options available in the market, canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums stand out as top contenders, offering unparalleled cleaning power and convenience. If you're in search of high-quality cleaning solutions, look no further than the array of canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums for sale, designed to revolutionize your cleaning routine.
Canister vacuum cleaners have emerged as indispensable tools for households and commercial spaces alike. Renowned for their versatility and maneuverability, these sleek machines boast powerful suction capabilities packaged in a compact design. Equipped with a canister housing the motor and dust collection system, these vacuums excel in reaching tight spaces and navigating around furniture with ease. Whether you're tackling hardwood floors, carpets, or upholstery, a high-quality canister vacuum cleaner ensures thorough cleaning without the hassle of dragging around a bulky unit.
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When it comes to selecting the perfect canister vacuum cleaner, prioritizing quality is paramount. Opting for a model crafted by reputable brands ensures durability, efficiency, and superior performance. Look for features such as adjustable suction settings, HEPA filtration systems, and specialized attachments for tailored cleaning experiences. With advancements in technology, modern canister vacuum cleaners boast innovative features such as automatic cord rewind, ergonomic handles, and noise reduction technology, elevating the user experience to unprecedented levels of comfort and convenience.
Similarly, central vacuums offer a sophisticated cleaning solution that transcends traditional vacuuming methods. Engineered to be integrated directly into the infrastructure of your home or commercial space, central vacuum systems eliminate the need for cumbersome portable units, providing unparalleled cleaning power with minimal effort. By strategically placing inlet valves throughout the premises, central vacuums enable seamless cleaning across multiple rooms and levels, enhancing efficiency and reducing cleaning time.
Investing in a central vacuum system represents a long-term commitment to superior cleaning performance and indoor air quality. Engineered for whisper-quiet operation and equipped with high-efficiency filtration systems, these systems effectively remove dust, allergens, and debris, ensuring a healthier living environment for occupants. With a diverse range of models available, homeowners can customize their central vacuum system to suit their specific needs, whether it's a compact unit for condominiums or a robust system for sprawling estates.
The benefits of incorporating high-quality canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums into your cleaning regimen extend far beyond mere convenience. By utilizing cutting-edge technology and superior craftsmanship, these cleaning solutions deliver immaculate results while minimizing strain on the user. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional vacuuming methods and embrace the efficiency and effectiveness of modern cleaning appliances.
In addition to enhancing cleanliness, investing in high-quality cleaning equipment contributes to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Many manufacturers prioritize eco-friendly design principles, incorporating energy-efficient motors and recyclable materials into their products. By opting for sustainable cleaning solutions, consumers can minimize their carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of our planet for future generations.
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As you embark on your quest for the perfect cleaning companion, consider the wide selection of canister vacuum cleaners and Central Vacuum For Sale for sale, each offering unparalleled quality and performance. Whether you're a discerning homeowner, a meticulous cleaner, or a facilities manager seeking commercial-grade solutions, there's a perfect match awaiting you in the world of high-quality cleaning appliances.
In conclusion, the acquisition of high-quality canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums represents a transformative step towards elevating your cleaning routine to new heights of efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental responsibility. Embrace the power of innovation and invest in cleaning solutions that prioritize quality, convenience, and sustainability. With the right tools at your disposal, maintaining a pristine living space has never been easier or more rewarding.
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csmlovekaren · 6 months
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Six new Universal Bonnets were finished today and added to the items for sale.
These are a mix of single and dual ended at Circular Sock Machine Cast On Bonnets with included worldwide not-tracked shipping.
HELPFUL TIP: When you have two cast on bonnets (or even single DUAL ended Bonnet) you can leave the scrap yarn on the cast on bonnet and use the opposite side to cast on again (if needed) and use scrap directly from the bonnet (instead of rewinding it to reuse the scrap yarn).
A DUAL ended cast on bonnet has twice the longevity as both ends can be used.
If you prefer a Cast On Bonnet with a single large ring on the bottom simply purchase a Dual Ended version and add a removable ring yourself to use a Cast On Bonnet without a buckle.
For easy info see my website STORE page https://www.csmlove.com/store
Not sure where to get more info? Email or message! Orders received only via email csmloveinfo @ gmail.com
(Don’t wanna buy? Make your own is shared on my website)
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ambassadoralexa77 · 7 months
@FFS Beauty Erase & Rewind: Collagen Boosting Hydrating Moisturiser
Sale price
⏱️ Turn Back Time: Turn back the clock with me! My fabulous vegetable collagen is like a time machine for your skin, promoting a youthful, radiant glow.
🌿 Vegan Glow-Up: 100% Vegan formula that doesn't just complement your skin's pH balance but throws a party for it! Vegan-friendly and fabulously planet-conscious.
🌍 Eco-Glam Moisture Magic: Reduce lines and wrinkles the eco-glam way. I outshine those old-school animal collagen products, proving that being planet-friendly can also be glamorous!
💧 Deep Hydration: I bring superior moisturising vibes to the party, promoting youthful skin by reducing lines and wrinkles and filling your skin with wonderful hydration.
🎉 Elasticity Extravaganza: Infused with 7 tested ingredients that throw an elasticity party on your skin, slowing down the ageing process by 1.8 years in just one month.
🇬🇧 Made in the UK: Why settle for anything less than a moisturiser made in the UK? Reducing carbon footprint and
🌈 For All Skin Types: Perfect for all skin types, including you sensitive darlings. Because skincare should feel like a party, not a chore!
Don’t forget to use my code at checkout for a great saving: ALEXA
Direct link to product: https://tidd.ly/3SMM3Y7
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senor-plume · 9 months
    Henry throws on his favorite shirt, a tie dye that he got at an Arlo Guthrie concert some years back.  Pulling the shirt over his head he eye’s the bottle of ale that sits on the kitchen table.  Reaching out with his left hand he grabs the bottle and takes a long pull from it. Friday night and not a thing going on. Luckily.  With the drink in his hand he walks over the living room window and takes a peak at the great outdoors. Folks arriving for a CYO event at the school across the street.  Looks like a basketball game as he spies on the young girls showing up in their cheerleader outfits. Some adults walking in and a young man about 20 has his head stuck into his cell phone, texting as he moves straight ahead. Henry closes the curtain tight and walks away quite glad that he is not playing a game of basketball tonight. As much as he complains about the loneliness of his life, he has adapted to it and some nights, such as tonight, he is glad for his solitude lifestyle.
     The television is on but thankfully muted while the record player spins the vinyl album around at 33 and a third.  A collector of sorts, he stops and stares at his records. A massive amount that must be well into the thousands. His father started him out young to the pleasures of music and he never looked back. His dad left him his old records from the 40’s to the 70’s when he passed away.  Alphabetized, he goes down to one knee to look through the Z’s. Pulling out Frank Zappa’s first album he takes the record from its sleeve and stares at the grooves that the needle reads. Henry can, and will spend hours now gazing at his collection with pride bursting up through his soul. Nothing can or will make him as happy as rummaging through these records and trips to the Salvation Army for more is a true joy in his life.
     Stopping only to gather up a plate of nacho’s and a few beers, Henry has just spent the complete Friday night alone with his records.  He plans to leave the house tomorrow morning for a trip to the local hotel where a huge record sale will be going down.  Once a month there is a gathering of all types of people selling off their albums and other music related items. Henry looks forward to this with unbridled glee.  He takes to the computer and after seeing there was not one email waiting for him he begins to compile a list of albums that he must have and hopefully he will be able to find them there. Some records he just never stops looking for. Years and years he has waited for somebody to sell them off. A Beatles record nicknamed the Butcher Album due to the cover showing the Fab Four dressed as butchers covered in raw meat and doll parts. A true and rare collector’s item. He saw one once when he was visiting his sister in California.  He had it in his hands and as he always does, he smelled the inside of the cover. There really is nothing finer than the scent of an old record Henry believed.  The asking price for the album was a hefty 1000 bucks which he did not have at the time. He has saved up for the day it would appear to him again. He would not miss out on it again.  
       With the need to take a piss Henry, drunk now, as he always is on the weekends, he stumbles to the bathroom. Holding his cock he lets out a long sigh and out of the blue the telephone rings. He usually unplugs the fucking thing on the weekends but he must have forgotten. Shaking his dick he hears the answering machine pick up. It is a woman’s voice and it is unfamiliar. Without washing his hands, Henry walks to the bedroom to hear the voice say goodbye and then the tape rewinds. Who the fuck could that be? Henry presses play and he listens in carefully.
“I’m looking for Henry Coda. If this is the wrong number I apologize but I really want to find him. This is Anna Baez. I went to school with Henry back in the 80’s and I would like to invite him to our schools 25th anniversary.   It’s this upcoming weekend…seven days from now and it will be a ball. So Henry, please if you could join us at the school at 7 in the gymnasium… I would be thrilled to see you again. We all would. It will be a blast. I hope this is the right number. Call me at 722-5733 to let me know if you can come. Thanks and goodbye.”
    Christ. Anna Baez. Henry takes a long drink from the bottle…killing it and he heads to the bookshelf to pull out his senior yearbook. The cover says Binghamton Central High School.  It has been years since he has looked at this thing. He takes a seat on his bed and opens the book. He flips through the pages with a bored look on his face until he comes to the page he wants. Under his nose is a picture of Anna. A blonde beauty who was quite popular in school. Unlike Henry she excelled in school, running for class president and winning. A cheerleader and if he remembered correctly, she was crowned prom queen…a prom in which Henry did not attend.  His book was signed a few times and he reads a few.
“Have a great summer Henry…see you at the college.”
“Henry, keep playing that guitar and I am certain you’ll be top of the pops in no time.”
“You are one weird fella man. Don’t change.”
   Henry never ended up going to the local community college and he never made it to the top of the charts. He was still weird and he has barely changed since the 80’s.  He closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. He remained on the bed thinking of school. How he hated it and most of the kids there…except for one girl…Nancy...or Nan for short. Nan, he had the biggest teenage crush on. She was always friendly with him but she was dating the same guy from their freshman year right up to the senior year. They were friends...she was kind to him and although her boyfriend hated him she didn’t care. She was nice. Rising from the bed he began to think about her. Nan, I wonder if you are even still alive and if you are I bet you have fourteen kids and a beefcake husband. He wandered out of his room and made it to the kitchen to grab a fresh beer. Cracking it open he heard the needle hit the label on the record he was playing and he knew it was time to flip it over.
    Playing the Stones now he could not get his mind off of that girl. Nan. Henry hardly left his house for any kind of social event. Skipping family reunions and the like.  But this...this could be...interesting. He wanted to see Nan and that was the only thing that made him pick up the phone to call Anna back.
   She answered right away and sounded genuinely pleased to hear from him. She told him that he was all set. That it was to be a casual party and that he could bring a friend or spouse if he wanted to. Henry asked how many people have signed up to go and she told him that it will be a packed event.
“Expect at least a hundred kids to be there. It will be lots of fun. And Henry, feel free to bring some of those records of yours with you. I bet we would all like to hear them.”
  After saying goodbye and hanging up Henry crawled into bed and found himself...drunk and daydreaming about Nan and just what he could say to her. It made him nervous just thinking about it and soon he blocked it out and fell asleep with the full bottle of beer next to his head.
            After about four beers Henry was ready to leave for the reunion. Dressed in khakis and a seersucker shirt he bent down to tie his shoes when he felt the urge to throw up come over him. He ran to the kitchen sink and made it just in time. Four beers down the drain, all sudsy and wiping tears from his eyes he went to swig some mouthwash around in the bathroom.
       Outside now Henry tucked the cuffs of his pants into his socks and jumped onto his bicycle. The school was only a few blocks away and it was a pleasant night. He had no intention of trying to impress anyone there. His bike was fine and he enjoyed riding it more than driving anyway.
  Along the way there his nerves grew worse and he checked the time on the side of the bank on the corners. 7:15. He was late and he did not care. He toyed with the idea of not showing...no one would miss him anyway but Nan…he was dying to see what became of her. He stopped his bike in front of the tavern Rocco’s and parking his bike on the side of the building. He went in.
     “Henry! Long time no see my friend. How goes it?”
 Rocco extended his hand and Henry shook it with a weak smile on his face.
“Get me a cold on please Rocco. Lord knows I need one tonight”
“What’s the big occasion? You got a hot date tonight? If you do, bring her here. I’d love to see the kind of girl you could pick up Henry.”
  The bartender, a black guy with muscles that would put Schwarzenegger to shame cracked the top off the bottle of Bud and handed it to Henry. He took hold of it and brought it to his mouth and drained half of it in a mere two seconds. His eyes darted around but he found himself slowly calming down. The television above the bar was on showing some soccer match and the jukebox was playing the old Turtles tune.. .’Happy Together.’
    “Henry, it’s been a while, a few days now perhaps since you last walked into my establishment. What’s been happening to you? You depressed? A fire destroy your record collection or something?”
 “No. Just been busy is all. Listen Rocco, I need your advice here. I’m now headed to my 25th reunion at school and I am rather nervous about it all. There is a girl there...or a woman now and I really want to talk to her but I am a social dud. I have no idea what to say to her. What’s a good ice breaker? Something that won’t
 make me look like a total dick head. Just a little dick head.”
 Rocco smiled and said “ Ah Henry, you seeing an old flame tonight? Some girl who used to give you hand jobs in the basement? Something like that eh?”
 “No...not at all. Just a girl who I was friendly with. Though I have to admit that I dreamed of her and those hands giving me some pleasure. I don’t know. I can’t think of what to say to her when I see her. I need your help here.”
  Rocco pulled up a stool and thought for a while. “What did you guys used to talk about in school? Back then. What did you talk about?”
Henry thought for a while and he said ‘music.’
“Ok, then you talk about that. Just say that you heard an old song on the radio and that it made you think of her. She’ll be pleased to hear this…hopefully and there you go. You’ll be off to the races.”
“But I never listen to the radio...all those commercials and that terrible hip hop music they play now a days...It gives me a head…”
“ Then, forget the radio part..just say you heard a song…somewhere… and it made you think of her. Just wing it from there. She’ll want to know what song and then you’ll be in a real conversation and I bet it will be the first one with a woman for quite some time. Am I right?”
 Henry sighed and took a drink from the bottle.
“Yeah, music, that’s kinda what I had planned on anyway.”
“That’s all you ever talk about actually Henry.  This is the first conversation we’ve had that wasn’t about music or music related.  You must really be nervous.”
 “Yeah, I am. What time is it Rocco?”
 “Shit, I gotta go. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it man.”
Rocco wished him good luck and said that if he gets lucky with the girl to bring her over to the bar so he could see what all this nervousness was all about. Henry killed his beer and slammed the bottle down on the bar with a determined thud. He stood and with a wave left the bar and found his bike waiting for him. He climbed aboard and began his trek to the school.
    Inside the gymnasium it was sweltering. He was informed at the front desk, where old Anna Baez was sitting that the air conditioners were on the fritz and to expect it to be a little warm in there.  Warm? It was horrible. Henry went immediately to the bar and ordered a beer. A nice cold beer would really hit the spot and maybe calm his nerves a bit.
  Drinking, he looked down to his name tag. Henry. Who the hell is going to remember me anyway? This is a mistake. He had maybe three friends in high school and they all went to universities and left him in his hometown alone and friendless. Sure, he knew some of the guys and gals at the record conventions but he wouldn’t be able to really cal them friends. He was a lonely guy who simply loved his records and beer. He looked up and watched all the people milling around and some dancing.  A few guys whom he recognized as old jocks   were standing at the bar, drinking and laughing, without a care in the world. Henry felt the sweat dripping down his back and he flapped his shirt a few times to get some air in there. His ears pricked up when he heard a Duran Duran song playing and he was just about to head over to the DJ booth to talk to the guy about his CD’s when he saw Nan walk in. The light from the gym was weak at best but he knew it was her although he could not read her name tag. My goodness…there she is he thought to himself. I’ll just wait for a while to let her mingle with the people that she really wanted to see and then, then he would walk up to her and reintroduce himself to her.
     Henry wiped his brow with the back of his hand and struck up a conversation with the DJ. They shot the shit for a few minutes when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned around and saw Nan smiling ear to ear.
“Henry Coda...my God…you look exactly the same.  You really do. My goodness...how are you?”
 Henry’s shirt was sopped with sweat as he opened his mouth to return her greeting when a group of guys walked up to Nan and began to talk excitedly to her. Henry shrunk back to the DJ booth and just stood there watching them enjoying themselves. I wish I was normal he thought to himself. I wish I could talk and feel carefree with others. Instead I am a sweating fool all alone with a paid employee of this fiasco. He took a swig from his plastic cup and turned around to stare at the wall.
   A few minutes passed while a Van Halen song played. Henry began to recall the time he had bought the album which this song came from when he heard a woman’s voice say something. He turned around to see Nan staring at him.
“Hello...anyone home? I’ve been trying to get your attention for a minute now silly. Daydreaming about music I bet. This Van Halen song sure brings back the memories don’t you think?”
“I was just playing this song a few days ago actually. All in all it’s a great album with very little filler. Sure, a few of the songs aren’t all that great on it but not many records from that period were masterpieces. You know what I mean?”
  Nan smiled at him and told him that he has not changed all that much from 25 years ago. Henry smiled and tried hard to think of something to say to her. He decided to ask her about her life now but she spoke first.
“So tell me Henry...tell me about your life. Are you married? Is your rock and roll wife around here somewhere?”
 “Wife? Ha, no...no wife. Never. Never was married. You?”
“Well, remember Davey? My boyfriend in school? We married after college and 10 months later we were divorced. Still to this day I have no idea what went wrong but that band of gold on my finger just cursed us. It was something else, I’ll tell you, I won’t be walking down the aisle again, you can count on that.”
 Henry looked down at her finger and even in the bad light he could see that she was ring less.
“Gee, I’m sorry about that Nan. Geeze…will he be here tonight? Davey?”
“No, he moved to Washington State after our divorce was finalized. I haven’t seen him in years now. No kids...thank God.”
“Oh...well that’s good I guess...divorce can really be hard on kids; at least that’s what I’ve read in magazines and all. So…you live around here?”
 Nan answered his questions and boy was there a lot of them. Henry at times felt like he was interviewing the poor girl but he really had nothing else to say to her so he asked questions. Query after query but she didn’t seem to mind at all. They talked for a while when he realized he was in dire need of a drink.  He tried to back step a bit to get closer to the bar hoping that she would follow him...slowly but two steps back into his plan she stood right there, not moving an inch. He would have to ask her if she would like a refill on her wine...or what appeared to be wine. Maybe it was punch. It was red and that was all he could tell. In a break in the conversation he asked her if she would like a refill and that he could really go for a cold beer in this stifling heat.
“I know! It’s so hot in here...I can’t stand it. Want to go outside for a bit? I could use some fresh air and besides...and don’t tell anyone but I am dying for a cigarette.”
“Outside? Certainly. I’d like that. I’m beginning to melt in here. Please just let me refill my beer here. Can you wait?”
She nodded her head and Henry went to get a beer. Turning to Nan he asked her if she was good. She replied that another cup of wine would be great and she handed him her now empty cup.
“..and a wine please Jerry.”
 The bartender filled up the two glasses and they headed outside. On the way to the front doors Nan was greeted with many hellos. Henry couldn’t remember her being so popular in school. It was mighty crowded and Nan grabbed his arm and pulled him along and he was happy to be lead away out of there.
         Outside the cool air was a Godsend. They both needed the cool night air on their hot skin.
“Now this is much better, don’t you think Henry? So, tell me now…back in school you loved music more than anyone I’ve
ever known. You ever made a career of it? You in a band or anything?”
  He felt like he was letting her down as he went on to say that not only was he not in a band but that as a career he chose media marketing.
“What exactly is that Henry?”
“You know those jingles you hear on the radio? I write them. I make commercials for the radio and television.”
“Oh my, how interesting...anything I would know?”
“You know Champs Fried Chicken? The chain of chicken places? Well that one ad..the one that goes
‘Champs...is the place to be
when your down and hungry,
a dollar 99 is all you got?
you’ll dig our chicken, you’ll dig it a lot.’
I wrote that.”
“Holy shit Henry, I know that song! It’s the catchiest tune like ever! Wow...I’m with a celebrity here!”
“Ha…well...it pays the bills. It’s not going to get me a gold record but I suppose I can’t complain.”
“Well, I think it’s awesome...simply awesome Henry.  I’m not as famous as you but I guess my job is ok...I sell real estate in North Carolina. I’m not rich or anything but like you, I can pay the bills.”
 Henry found himself relaxing a bit. The cool night air did him well and he found that he could keep up his end of the conversation. He went in a few time to refill their drinks. He was feeling alright by the time of his 9th beer of the night and Nan was really knocking the wine back. They talked about many things and a few people even recognized him as they made their way out of the gym to return home.
  Around the time of Nan’s fifth cup of wine she realized that the party inside was dying down.
“I should really go back inside and mingle a bit more. You wanna come along with me? There has to be other people you want to see besides me.”
“Not really Nan...in fact the only reason why I came to this high school heat wave was to see you. You were always so nice to me...don’t think I’ve forgotten it these many years later.”
”Oh Henry, that’s so nice of you to say. Shoot...I should go back though. You sure you don’t want to come with me? I’ll buy you another drink.”
Henry thought about it and decided not to go in.
“I’m sorry Nan but it’s really too hot for me in there. I’m going to head to Rocco’s for a nice air conditioned beer.”
“Sounds splendid. Ok…I understand.
  “It was nice to see you again Nan...really. Take care now.”
“I will. Thanks for visiting with me. I had a ball. Enjoy Rocco’s”
And with that they hugged each other goodbye and went their separate ways.
Around 1AM Rocco was placing the chairs up on the table when there was a knock at his front door. He checked the time on his wrist and went to tell them he was closed. Through the door he saw a woman standing there.
“I’m sorry Ma’am but I’m closed now. I open at 9 if you still need a drink in the morning.”
The girl was swaying a bit but managed to steady herself.
“Is Henry there? Henry Coda? I’m a friend of his.”
Rocco opened the door and told her that she just missed him.
“He left about 10 minutes ago. You don’t happen to be Nan are you?”
“Oh boy was he going on and on about you. You made quite the impression on him tonight. He usually only talks about music but not tonight. It was Nan this and Nan that. Sorry you missed him.”
“Yeah, me too. Please tell him I stopped by ok?”
“I will. Goodnight.”
And with that she turned away and headed back to her taxi.
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psatalk · 1 year
Naph Graphics focuses on providing cost-effective machinery
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Naph Graphics, a web offset manufacturer that still makes these presses for newspaper and book printing, however, received a good response for the turret slitter-rewinder it launched at the recent PlastIndia in Delhi. Its earlier slitter-rewinder that was very high-end has been made cost-effective claims Mohit Bansal, the assistant director-marketing of the Noida company.
Bansal said, “The sales inquiries have been frequent since January and till February we closed around 7 deals, but March was relatively slower. Our participation in PlastIndia was quite last minute so our machine was held off from display, but our launch was still successful. One turret slitter-rewinder is already in transit to a customer, another is being set up to be dispatched. March had holidays such as Holi and it was also the month for year-end financial closings so slower business is the result. Our web offset market has been stagnant for a while within India but is doing better in neighboring markets such as Bangladesh, Nepal, and Burma.”
Exhibitions and launches
According to Bansal, although the company’s last-minute participation in the plastics exhibition was good it could have been better. “We did bag several orders in February, but at the exhibition, we were located at such an obscure location that the desired footfalls couldn’t be achieved. Although many visitors found our booth in Pragati Maidan, including those we invited and the response was good, we had higher expectations, and we remain optimistic of more business in the upcoming months.”
With its diversification to flexible packaging, Naph Graphics is targeting rotogravure customers with its stack flexo press. Bansal notes, “When it comes to rotogravure the quality is what should matter, and we feel that with the currently available technology in the Indian market users don’t get the desired results. At the last PrintPack exhibition, we launched a 4-color stack flexo press and we can say that the technology, if not the best, is many times better than what many customers are currently using. Our machine runs at a production speed of 120 meters per minute.”
Pandemic made possible
Bansal says that before the pandemic, printing and packaging were not something talked about by the general population, “After the pandemic consumers started realizing the significance of the right choice of products, and the focus was shifted from cheap and readily available to quality and cost-effectiveness. The industry also became more customer-centric and focussed more on retaining customers than targeting new customers.”
“I cannot comment if the industry is truly booming but there is progress, and it is more tangible than before. We are in the process of learning, and one thing we learned is that the ups and downs are what keep the industry running. No one is the boss of everything and that is the best part – sustainability, and innovation are the leading drivers of change in today’s economy, and the better solution a company provides in turn motivates another to work on something more interesting”, he adds.
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kanewarner · 1 year
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machinedalal · 3 months
Used Slitter Rewinders Machine for SALE
Buy Directly from SELLER -
Manufacturer: DCM
Year: 1993
Machine Availability: Immediately
Price: On Request
Location: France
#print #press #machinedalal
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havesino · 1 year
Are you looking for a slitter rewinder machine to help you with your business? Look no further! We have a wide range of slitter rewinder machines for sale at competitive prices. Our machines are designed to provide efficient and reliable performance, so you can be sure that your business will benefit from using them.
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nirmaltexim · 2 years
Avail SS Slitting Machine at Nirmal Texim Private Limited
Nirmal Texim Private Limited slitting lines unwind the coils, slit the coils into strips by circular cutters positioned at certain intervals and rewind these strips. , is designed to provide the best slot width tolerance and finest cut for cold and hot rolled carbon steel, galvanizing, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper and different special alloy steel coils of different widths and weights between 0.3 mm and 10 mm thick.
The economical slitting line is mainly used for slitting coils such as tinplate, galvanized iron, silicon steel sheet, cold rolled steel strip, stainless steel strip, strip aluminum, steel strip, etc. It involves cutting the metal coil into strips of different required widths and then collecting the strip into small coils for the next process. It is necessary equipment for precision cutting of transformer, automotive industry and other metal strips.
This economical slitting line adopts continuous production technology. The device incorporates advanced digital control technology and hydraulic integration. It is made of high quality stainless steel with good strength and excellent resistance to corrosion and rust. Moreover, our economical slitting line features advanced design concept, reasonable molding process, wide versatility, high strength, high performance and stable cold bending forming. It is also durable, can give long service life with stable working performance.
Classification of Stainless Steel Slitting Machine
1. Small stainless steel slitting machine (it can be divided into manual steel slitter and semi-automatic steel slitter)
The small steel cutter is the most ideal and convenient sawmill for cutting metal profiles. It has a wide cutting range, small volume, convenient operation, low noise, no dust, no burr inside and outside the incision, and various angle characteristics. The structure is simple and the manufacturing cost is low, so the price is much cheaper than others.
Automatic Ss Slitting Machine
The automatic steel cutting machine has three advantages: 1) it can set 5 different cutting lengths and numbers at the same time without discontinuous cutting; 2) the cutting length error is in the range of plus or minus 0.1; 3) PLC touch screen control, low-speed rotating high-speed hacksaw blades are suitable for cutting various metal pipes without burrs.
The automatic steel cutting machine is the most widely used cutting equipment for all kinds of stainless steel pipes and metal pipes. It can be divided into hydraulic steel slitting machine and servo steel slitting machine, which is high precision automatic profile cutting machine.
A wide selection of Ss Cut to Length Line is available, depending on the thickness of the sheet metal, to meet our customers' requirements. By offering a quality selection, we promise to deliver the best solutions for the customer's needs. Contact us to get the best quality Ss Cut to Length Machine.
Investing in the machine gives you a custom-designed and engineered machine to meet your needs. All our machines are designed and engineered for durability and productivity. They guarantee finished products without compromise. The machine enables your business to make a profit. Our designs are essential to this goal. Call us or send us an email! Nirmal Texim Private Limited, integrates research and development, production, sales, and technical service, and provides customers with suitable slitting machines using different cutting materials Welcome your visit.
For more information -+91 9871667238
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zhangqinbo · 2 years
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Used 3800mm single wire paper machine for sale: 1. Wire section: Bottom wire length: 21.5m, 1 set air cushion headbox 2. Press section: Two jumbo roll press (Ø1350/1350mm), One vacuum press (Ø650/700mm) 3. Drying section: 30sets dryer 4. Sizing press 5. Scanner frame 6. Pope reel 7. Bottom feeding rewinder Include ABB AC frequenty, motor, reducer, vacuum pump system, Control system. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWgfWPp-2i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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