#Rezar and Tasha Fic
kayah16 · 4 years
Visitor (Before Ardian) (Before they start dating)
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Despite herself, Tasha found herself thinking about Rezar a lot. She hated it. She hated him. She didn't hate him but he got to her. He wouldn't leave her damn head. He was just stuck there.
He would text her every morning wishing her a good day. She respond with a thank you and you have a good day too. Afternoon came and he would text her about wanting to have lunch, she would ignore him. Night would come and he would text her about wanting dinner with her. She would ignore him.
She needed to keep him at a safe distance. The more distance between them better off it be for her. Hearing her phone go off she picked it up and seen it was a message from him. Nope. She quickly put her phone back on the table faced down. Wasn't about to do this, she needed to get out the house.
Before she could slide her feet in her shoes there was a knock at her door. Her parents wasn't visiting her and neither was her brothers. She didn't order nothing, who could it be? Going to the door she asked who it was but didn't get an answer. That didn't sit well with her.
She quickly went and grabbed her gun slowly making her way back to the door. She counted to twenty before opening the door keeping her gun behind her back. She frowned seeing a smiling Rezar standing in front of her.
Rezar greeted with a wide smile. Tasha stared at him shaking her head. Good thing her gun wasn't loaded.
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"Rezar, what the hell are you doing here? How the hell did you know where I lived?"
"I got the address from your co workers. You didn't answer my call or text me back. I got concerned."
Tasha continued to stare at the big teddy bear in front of her. She shook her head letting out an annoyed breath. She was gonna fuss her co workers out when she got to work Monday.
"I'm okay, Rezar. Why you out so late?"
Rezar shrugged stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Going to get me a frozen dinner then to my house."
"Wait, that's not even a proper dinner. Come in I cooked and made dessert. Don't say anything smart and wipe that smirk off your face."
Rezar stepped inside the smirk off his face for now. Tasha closed and locked the door behind her. The annoyed woman took her gun back upstairs putting it back in it's spot and came back down to see Rezar looking at her pictures. She stood back folding her arms across her chest.
"These are my in laws?"
"No, Rezar they are not. Put my pictures down."
"You not going to tell me who they are?"
Tasha let out another annoyed breath going to stand by him.
"The first picture you grabbed, I don't know why you grabbed them those are my parents, John and Matilda Jones."
Rezar smiled softly looking at the picture.
"You look like your Mom. These two men?"
"One with the long ass hair is my ugly ass brother Tyrell and the one looking mean as a snake is my brother Raymond. They both older than me."
"You the baby?"
"Yes, I am the baby and the only girl. Can you put my pictures down now?"
"I wasn't done looking at them."
Tasha snatched the pictures out of his hand and grabbed both his hands bringing him to the sofa.
"I'm going to fix our plates. Don't touch.... Matter of fact, you come in the kitchen with me."
Rezar followed behind her an amused smile on his face.
"We are having jerk chicken, red beans, and rice. A nice Jamaican meal, sweet tea, and red velvet cheesecake."
"Sounds good. Thank you."
"Thank me by leaving me alone for about a week."
"No. Why do you cook so much if you by yourself?"
Tasha shrugged as she passed him his plate. She focused on fixing her plate ignoring him. When she was done she grabbed two cups and went to grab the freshly made sweet tea. She poured the beverage in the cups passing Rezar his cup.
The big man waited for her to grab her cup and they walked back in the living room together. Tasha sat on the far end of the sofa and Rezar sat on the other end amused. They ate their dinner in silence the only sound coming from the television. When Rezar was done with his first plate he went back for a second and third plate.
"I'll make you a to go plate so you don't have to eat another frozen dinner. I'm glad you like it."
"I think you like me that's why you fed me this good meal."
"Say thank you or I will let you starve."
"No you won't but thank you."
Despite herself Tasha smiled which made Rezar smile. As she promised when Rezar was ready to go home he had a to go plate. Tasha was about to go clean the kitchen when she heard her phone go off. Going to check it she seen it was a message from him. Opening it she laughed softly.
"Thank you for the dinner date. I owe you. See you soon."
Tasha put her phone down and went to the kitchen to start cleaning it. Rezar seemed determined and she was determined she was gonna fight him and the butterflies he gave her.
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iamknicole · 2 years
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melaninmarvel · 5 years
melaninmarvel wrestlers fic recs
Jey  Uso 
Bloodline Family Series by @queenreignsempire and @kayah16
Finn Balor 
Hurting Your So in the Worst Way Possible by @writinglionqueen
Holy Accents by @theworldofotps
Daddy Needs a Girlfriend by @theworldofotps
Jimmy Uso
Bloodline Family Series by @queenreignsempire and @kayah16
Roman Reigns
Bloodline Family Series by @queenreignsempire and @kayah16
What’s the Matter by @jerseygirl1290
Mine by @wldthoughtz
Ask and You Shall Receive by @stripper-patrick
Babygirl by @ladycynthia
*He Belongs with Me by @biforrollynch
*Submissive by @writing-reigns
Braun Strowman
Don’t I Know You by @hardcorewwetrash
*Pierced by @hardcorewwetrash
A Beauty, a Beast, and a Champ by @hardcorewwetrash
*Playmate by @stripper-patrick
Leave Him Alone by @kayah16
Rezar Comes Home by @kayah16
Tasha and Rezar Series by @kayah16
Drew Mcintyre
Fluff Alphabet by @puttingtheklrinkiller
*Workout by @writing-reigns
Holy Accents by @theworldofotps
Seth Rollins
You have Pretty Eyes by @mondaynightrollins
Please Don’t Cry by @mondaynightrollins
NSFW Alphabet @mondaynightrollins
Becky Lynch 
Being Nervous for You by @seventrent
Adam Page 
Hair Tie by @wwesmutdonedirtcheap 
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kayah16 · 5 years
Valentines Day (Before Ardian)
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"You could be with that fine ass Rezar but you sitting in this raggedy diner."
Tasha's coworker Kenya spoke up. Tasha rolled her eyes as she ignored her. Her and Rezar was just friends. Well in her head they was just friends and in Rezars head she was his woman. She just wants to know when did that happen?
Did she sleep with him? Yes. Was it good? Yes. Was she waiting at his house like he asked? Yes. That don't mean they together. A lot of people sleep together and it don't mean anything. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that it did mean something.
She did make him her special pancakes. He did leave her good tips every time he came to the diner even if it was a cup of tea or coffee he left her a good tip. Tasha snapped out of her memory fog when Kenya pinched her thigh.
"Kenya, my thighs hurt. Don't pinch me no more."
"That big ass man must have had you in 10 positions."
"I don't even remember if we went to sleep."
Kenya laughed as Tasha hid her face in her hands. Hearing the diner door open Kenya turned her head to see Rezar walking in. He had flowers, a teddy bear, and chocolate in his hands along with a lot of bags. Her and Rezar looked at each briefly and she motioned for him to come to where her and Tasha was sitting.
"He must be good then?"
Kenya asked.
"I see why he's a wrestler. He can go. As big as he is I expected him to be rough but he's gentle."
Rezar had quietly snuck behind Tasha sitting next to her.
"ik kan ruw zijn."
Tasha sent a glare to Kenya's way as she heard Rezar. His voice when he spoke Dutch. Him speaking Dutch. He was doing this on purpose. Rezar waited for Tasha to turn around and greet him. Kenya held her pointer finger up and did a church exit leaving Tasha and Rezar alone.
After talking to herself she turned around to see a smirking Rezar. She took the time to admire him. His beard was growing. He got a haircut which made his ears stand out. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and white air forces. He looked good. Meanwhile she was sitting in this hot ass diner looking a hot ass mess she thought to herself.
"Hi Rezar."
"Hi beautiful. You left before I can give you your gifts."
"Rezar, you didn't have to."
Kenya peeked her head out from where she was at.
"Yes he did!"
Rezar laughed as Tasha turned around to glare at Kenya. Rezar turned Tasha around so she was looking at him.
"Why did you leave?"
"I have work."
"I told you, I take care of you. You don't have to work here."
Kenya yelled from where she was at. Tasha laughed despite herself. Rezar loved hearing Tasha laugh.
"Where's your boss?"
Rezar asked once her laughter died down. Tasha tilted her head staring at Rezar funny.
"You taking the day off. I'll talk to him for you."
Before Tasha could argue her boss came out from the back looking unhappy.
"Tasha are you dumb or stupid?"
At that Rezar stood up to his full height standing Tasha up and pulling her behind him. He frowned at her boss as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Tasha noticed how his demeanor changed and she placed a gentle hand on his arm.
"Don't you ever in your life talk to her like that again!"
Rezar had raised his voice which made Tasha jump a little. His accent came out thick and heavy as his brown eyes became a shade darker. Tasha went to stand in front of him. She grabbed his face with both her hands making her look at him.
"Baby, calm down. I know he's an ass but calm down."
Rezar's eyes softened hearing Tasha call him baby and feeling her hands on his face.
"She's taking the rest of the day off. Don't call her if she's needed."
"And who the hell are you?"
Tasha glared at her boss. He wasn't smart.
"I'm her boyfriend. Talk like that to her again I'm throwing you against this wall!"
The boss jumped and hurried to the back. Rezar continued to glare his jaw clenching. After he calmed down slightly he looked down at Tasha.
"You're not working here no more."
"Tasha. I will break his neck. I'm giving you your 2 weeks notice that you not working here no more. You are going to give him your two weeks notice."
"I guess he told you. Shit, you wouldn't have to tell me twice."
Kenya went back to being quiet watching everything unfold.
"How about you show me what you planned for me for Valentine's day."
At that Rezar beamed brightly and grabbed the teddy bear and flowers handing it to Tasha. Tasha was confused as hell one minute soft spoken teddy bear next minute look like he could commit a murder.
"Your beard is growing nicely."
"Probably cause he been eating good."
Kenya remarked. Tasha blushed as Rezar gave a cocky smile.
"Kenya, shouldn't you be working?"
"No. We don't have no customers. Where you taking her Rezar?"
"She's getting her hair and nails done and she has a few things I had delivered to her apartment. Nice dinner by the water."
"Girl if you don't go head and get pregnant by this man!"
"I'm just saying. I gotta be here until closing and he signing you out early."
Rezar went in his pocket and took out his money clip. He counted his money until he reached the amount he wanted and handed it to Kenya. Kenya took the money counting it and gasped at Rezar.
"Do you know how much is here?"
Rezar nodded. Kenya put the money in her pocket with a wide smile.
"Ready beautiful?"
"Yes, I'm ready. Do I need bring a changing bag?"
"No, I have some changing clothes for you."
"Girl you won't be able walk after he done with you!"
Tasha laughed as Rezar grabbed her Valentine's day gift bags. He held his big hand out for her to grab. Tasha grabbed his hand and they walked out the diner to enjoy their first Valentine's day. They wasn't a couple in Tasha's head but to Rezar they were. They had to talk about that.
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Before Ardian lol. Rezar 😊😊😊😊
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kayah16 · 5 years
A Chance?
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Rezar stood over 6 feet and over 200 pounds. Yet, here he sat with his twin daughters in his arms scared as hell. He was waiting on his wife to come home to talk to her. His Mother got in contact with him wanting to know if she can meet her Grandkids. Was Rezar shocked? Yes, he was. Besides being shocked he was happy.
He wanted her to meet her Grandkids and have a relationship with them. Last time he seen his Mother, she didnt want nothing to do with him because he was with Tasha. That meeting didn't go well. He had faith that his Mom was going to like Tasha.
The big man kept reassuring his girlfriend that everything was going to be okay. Boy was he wrong. As soon as his Mother laid eyes on Tasha, she started yelling at Rezar in Albanian. Tasha stared at her boyfriend and his Mother confused.
"You got this gold digger pregnant?"
Rezar opened his mouth to refute what hid mother just said but Tasha stopped him. She had to count to 40 to calm herself down and calm down Ardian.
"Number one I'm not no damn gold digger. Number two you don't even know me to make such a judgement."
Rezar went over to his girlfriend his brown eyes showing how sorry he was for not listening. Using one big hand he placed it on her stomach.
"He's not happy. He keeps kicking."
Tasha smiled softly.
"Is the baby yours?"
Rezar's mother asked out the blue. Tasha stared at her boyfriend and moved his hand walking out the living room. Rezar turned around to glare at his Mother who wasn't even sorry.
"Get out!"
"Is that how you talk to your Mother?"
"When you disrespect my girlfriend and the mother of my children. Yes. Get out!"
Rezar stared at his Mother waiting for her to argue but she just continued to talk to him in Albanian as she walked out. Rezar hated hearing his girlfriend cry. He hated it even more when she told him to sleep on the sofa. Rezar remembered that day and he hated that his Mom was disrespectful.
Maybe now she would have a different attitude. He was so into his thoughts he didn't hear his wife walk in nor hear her call him. Until he felt a soft hand on his face. Somehow she had taken Nova out his lap.
"Hoi schoonheid."
Tasha shook her head laughing softly.
"No sir. You speaking Dutch is how we ended up with children. What's wrong? You seem out of it."
Rezar took a deep breath knowing he had to tell his wife about his Mother wanting to come back.
"My Mother texted me."
Tasha almost rolled her eyes at the mention of her Mother in Law.
"When you leaving for Albania?"
"I'm not. She's coming here. She wants to meet her Grandkids."
"She's coming where?"
"Here to Florida."
"And she wants to meet our children? Our children? Hell no."
Rezar knew she was going to say that.
"I know she said some mean things and I know she pissed you off. I'm asking you as my wife and my best friend to please give it a chance?"
Rezar looked at his wife with hopeful eyes which made her roll her eyes.
"Fine. Only for you and our children. But in all honestly she can stay her ass in Albania. I'm only doing this for y'all."
"That's all I'm asking. Thank you."
"But let me make myself clear she disrespects me or our children. The cursing out she should have gotten when we first met she will get it this time around."
Rezar knew his wife was serious. That's why he texted his Mother in Law to let her know. He may text Apryl for help as well. She was willing to give it another chance and that's all he could ask for.
"Did y'all eat lunch?"
"I'll cook. I love you, Rezar."
"Love you, too."
AN: A quick flashback. Angst. Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Before Ardian lol
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kayah16 · 5 years
Before Ardian 😂😂😂😂😂
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kayah16 · 5 years
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kayah16 · 5 years
Wanted This (AU)
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Tasha chuckled sadly as she put her phone down on the coffee table. The house was quiet and she wasn't used to that. She was also alone and she wasn't used to that either. Whenever Rezar went back to work she could always count on Ardian being right there with her.
Now she didn't have that. She was regretting her attitude towards her son and Haleigh. Slowly getting up she headed upstairs and stood in the doorway of Ardians empty bedroom. During this time Ardian have four cupcakes on a plate while working on his homework and listening to music. He had a appetite on him which made her laugh.
She messed up big time and it cost her the relationship she had with her son. Cost her missing out on precious moments with King. Rezar had just walked in the quiet house and put his bags on the floor. His body was sore as hell and all he wanted to do was lay up with his wife.
Rezar didn't like how quiet his house was. He knew all four of them had a part in the kids leaving with King. He was happy they still was a able to be apart of Kings life. He gingerly made his way upstairs and stood behind his wife.
"Miss him?"
"Yeah, I didn't think he would move."
Rezar raised a brow at his wife.
"This is what you wanted Tasha."
"No its not and you know its not!"
"I know what your actions showed. Don't raise your voice at me again Tash."
Tasha sighed still looking inside their sons empty room.
"I love you Tasha, but your actions pushed our son away. Let me rephrase that all of our actions caused us our children and grandchild. You and Kandice took it far."
"You think I can fix this?"
"It might be a while before our kids actually forgive y'all but slowly it can be fixed. I'm take a shower."
Rezar kissed her on the cheek then walked away. Tasha knew her husband was right but wasn't going to tell him. Apologizing wasn't enough and she knew it wasn't. She take it one day at a time.
AN: Angst. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
What I do Wrong?
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Rezar was cooking dinner when Tasha walked in the house smiling. He was making fish, a regular salad, and corn. He hoped this wasn't too heavy on her stomach and she could keep it down. If she couldn't he got her some peppermint tea, ginger tea, ginger candy, and gingerale. Walking in the kitchen, Tasha placed her bag on the table and went and sat on the counter. She ruined her sons night and she was very happy about it.
"Where did you go?"
Rezar asked softly as he turned the corn off.
"Your sons house. Haleigh was there."
Rezar frowned looking at the wide smile on his wifes face.
"Tell me you did not...."
"I damn sure did. I seen him push her off him too."
"They are grown.... They not little and they not in High School. What else did you do?"
"Sat my ass on his sofa next to Haleigh, she tried to leave but I told her no it was a family affair. I also sent Ardian to 7-11 he didn't have enough snacks for all three of us."
"Is that why Ardian called me and said if I don't keep you in the house he signing you away?"
"Maybe I should make another visit since he wanna sign me away."
"Tasha... Hes grown. He was a good kid. We raised him right. I think you can relax a little bit."
"Nope. He acts Mannish on television before long he gonna think he can act mannish with me cause he getting some. Not happening. Besides what did I do wrong?"
Rezar scratched his beard as his wife continued to smile.
"You interrupted them. Thats what you did wrong."
Shrugging Tasha got off the counter.
"We had a family night. He used to invite us to watch movies with him and Haleigh when they were 14. I figured we continued the tradition. I'm get washed up for dinner. Love you."
Rezar watched as his wife skipped out the kitchen humming to herself.
AN: Poor Ardian 😂😂😂😂 Tasha 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Rezar the only one with sense fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 5 years
Happy Mother's Day
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Each year Mothers Day came around Rezar wanted to make it a special week for Tasha. Not just the day but the whole week. She was basically a single Mom to Ardian when he was a little boy. She never complained. She never whined.
Then when they had Arabella she was a single Mom to two children. There wasn't enough thank you's in the world for Rezar. Despite how mean she was Rezar knew he made the right decision with making Tasha his wife. The week of Mothers Day Rezar had different things planned for Tasha.
That Monday she had a spa day. This pregnancy was taking a lot out of her and he didn't like to see her like that. The spa day was to make her feel better, when she got home she looked relaxed. Her hair was done, he still didn't know what the different hairstyles were but she looked beautiful.
Her feet and hands were done and he smiled seeing she got his favorite color on them. Rezars eyes then drifted down to hher growing belly and he approached her touching her stomach.
"Thank you Rezar. I needed this day."
Tasha replied standing on her tip toes to kiss him softly.
"I made us dinner."
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"I know how your cooking goes Rezar. Nothing good comes out of it."
"It's an Albanian Dish."
"No y'all like to use too many damn onions and I'm not in the mood to be picking at my food. You did think enough of me to make dinner and let me have a day to myself so I can eat your cooking."
Rezar smiled widely at his wife and held his finger up to Tasha and headed upstairs. He grabbed her four teddy bears, her four mother days cards, and other gifts he brought her. Tasha had sat on the sofa and stretched her feet out waiting on her husband. When Rezar returned he handed her the four teddy bears to a confused Tasha.
"You gave me four kids. Each bear is from them. One is from Ardian. One is from Arabella. One is from our twins."
Tasha became teary eyed at her husbands explanation. Even though Ardian was grown and had his own family he still included him in it. Rezar then handed her the four Mothers Day cards. Tasha read each one and smiled at all of them. Locking eyes with her husband she let out a small laugh.
"You get on my damn nerves at times. Mothers Day isn't until Sunday."
"I know but you do so much for us before Mothers Day I wanted you to know I appreciate you. Our children appreciate you. We can't function without you."
"You right y'all can't function without me. What else you have planned for me?"
"That's a surprise my queen. Was my babies good today?"
Tasha motioned for Rezar to come sit next to her and when he did she placed his hands on her stomach. As if they knew Rezar was there they started to kick.
"That feeling never gets old."
Rezar replied chuckling. Tasha placed her small hands on top of his and started to hum. Rezar started to speak Dutch to her stomach which caused Tasha to shake her head no. Rezar laughed at his wife's frown and continued to speak Dutch.
"Happy Mother's Day Tasha."
Rezar replied lovingly to his wife.
AN: Fluff. In my drafts. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
40.“The kids, they ambushed me.” Rezar, Ardian, and Tasha 😂😂😂
Tasha thought she could trust her husband to watch Ardian. He was 4, how much hell could he cause? She underestimated her son. When she got back from the spa day Rezar had planned for her the house was tore up. The kitchen had flour all over the floor and dishes everywhere.
The living room the pillows were scattered all over the floor. Then she heard a loud yell followed by a "Ardian." Heading upstairs to her and Rezars room she took a deep breath as she watched Ardian jump up and down on the bed. Rezar was on the floor, next thing she knew Ardian jumped off the bed to Rezar who caught him.
"What are y'all two doing?"
Ardian looked up smiling widely and got off his Daddy to run to her. He looked a mess, he had flour all over him and his clothes were a mess."
"Mommy, me and Daddy play."
Tasha stared at her husband who had the nerve to look down.
"And Daddy say not tell you. But me tell you cause me love you. Me had candy and cupcakes."
Tasha continued to stare at her husband who had the nerve to smile.
"He ambushed me."
"Rezar, you are 6'4 and over 200 pounds. How he ambush you?"
"He caught me off guard when I was watching UFC. He jumped on me and then all hell broke loose."
Tasha looked down at her son who was still smiling.
"Me love you."
As pissed off as Tasha was her heart melted at her little boy.
"I love you too. Go to your room and get some fresh clothes."
Ardian ran out the room yelling loudly.
"You are a horrible babysitter. How the hell you let him do that?"
"Hes cute?"
Rezar said with a shrug. Tasha rolled her eyes and put her purse down.
"You gonna clean that kitchen and that living room. I can't even leave y'all alone without a mess being made."
AN: Lawd 😂😂😂😂😂 Lil Ardian
Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Rezar taking care of Tasha while Sick 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
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Tasha she's her 😫😫😫😫😫😫😕
Rezar don't know about all the medicine America has so he goes to his Albanian/Dutch ways.
He brings her a whole onion to eat.
"What the hell is that?"
"A onion. I want you to eat it. It help you feel better.
"Rezar get out my face."
Rezar has a heart of gold but he doesn't know better.
Tasha gets out of bed to help him.
"I like chicken soup extra broth."
"You want juice too?"
"No, juice. Keep watching the pot so the broth don't stick. Thank you Rezar."
Big mean ass Rezar smiles.
He tries to speak Dutch while she sick but she not having it.
"Rezar, keep that Dutch to yourself. Matter fact speak it again and I'm throw up on you."
Rezar leaves a single red rose by Tashas pillow.
He also leaves store brought cake in kitchen for her.
He tries his hand at baking but caused the smoke detector to go off.
Rezar let's Tasha sleep in his Tank Tops since they look like a dress on her.
AN: Something quick lol. Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 6 years
10 “I know you don’t want to, but you’re going to have to wake up soon.” (Before Ardian) (Before they started dating)
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The sound of snoring woke Tasha up from her peaceful slumber. Slowly opening her eyes she had to adjust to the lighting from the television. Another episode of Criminal Minds was about to come on. Hearing another snore, she tried to remember who was in her house.
Slowly turning her head she breathed a sigh of relief seeing Rezar sleeping peacefully. She felt little butterflies in her stomach just looking at the bigger man. Shaking her head she tried to move his arm from around her, but his grip got tighter.
Deciding that he wasn't going to get up anytime soon she got comfortable again. True to Rezars word he helped her pay her rent and took her food shopping. The woman was so grateful for the bigger man. He didn't have to help her, but he did and he didn't want anything in return.
Looking at the time on her TV she once again tried to move his arm, but he just ended up mumbling she was moving too much. She started to play with his beard causing him to open his eyes.
"You going to be late for your meet and greet."
Rezar grumbled as he pulled Tashas body closer to his. Tasha giggled as she once again tried to move.
"Time get up. I made you some lunch."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, you do. Come on. I left a washcloth and a toothbrush in the bathroom for you."
Rezar finally let Tasha go. Placing her feet on the floor she stretched a little bit before getting up to get his lunch from the kitchen. During that time Rezar took the time to brush his teeth and freshen up. Once he was done, Tasha was in the living room waiting for him.
"Thank you Rezar."
"You welcome brown eyes. Make sure you text me."
Tasha blushed at the nickname he gave her.
"I will text you. Have fun and be safe."
Rezar took his lunch and gave Tasha a small smile before leaving. When Tasha closed the door she let out the breath she was holding as she went to start her day.
AN: Sucks. Fluff. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 6 years
Grandparents Day with Carlito
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It was Grandparents Day at Carlitos Daycare and he was excited. Tasha and Kandice baked some cupcakes for the class. Tasha baked Chocolate cupckaes and Kandice baked Vanilla cupcakes. Carlito sat in his seat anxiously waiting for his grandparents. The four adults was still trying wrap their heads around the fact they were grandparents.
Especially Tasha and Kandice, they didn't look like they were grandmothers that's why Carlito calls one Mama and one Nonna. As for Rezar and Roman they loved it. They loved bonding with him. Loved buying whatever he wanted, despite arguments from the kids it made them happy. It reminded them of when Koda and Ardian was little.
Also reminded Roman of him with the boys Messiah and Micah just spoiled rotten by him. Carlito watched the door waiting to see it open and all four adults walked in. So far, in the little boys mind he had the better grandparents.
The door opened and Carlitos hazel eyes got big seeing Roman, Kandice, Rezar, and Tasha walk through the door with cupcakes. Carlito got out his seat and ran to the women first who smiled at the little boy.
"Cupcakes for me?"
The four adults laughed as Rezar picked the little boy up tickling him.
"You gotta share with your class."
Roman spoke up as he grabbed the little boy and hugged him. Carlito pouted as he glared at his classmates.
"But Mama and I made something special for you. For when you get out of daycare.
Tasha spoke up. Carlitos daycare teacher approached the four adults and little child hesitantly. Most little kids didn't know better and she was coughing it up to that.
"This my Mama and Papa."
Carlito acknowledged pointing to Kandice and Roman.
"And this my Nonna and Nonno."
He said as he pointed to Rezar and Tasha. The teacher smiled at the four couples still confused. Roman put the little boy down who ran to his seat.
"Are you guys sure you are his grandparents?"
"Yes, we are sure. If we wasn't he wouldn't have introduced us as such."
Kandice spoke up with attitude in her voice.
"Do you ask stupid ass questions on a daily basis? We are his grandparents. Are we questioning whether or not you an actual teacher?"
Tasha asked as she rolled her eyes at the teacher. Tasha shoved the small dessert plates in the teachers hands.
"Go hand these out. Think of a logical ass question to ask next time."
The teacher did as she was told much to the amusement of the other three adults. The four adults went to sit by Carlito who was smiling brightly at all of them. All the other little kids came up to Carlito and the four adults wanting to play with him and them.
The little boy pouted and glared at all of them. Bad enough he had to share his cupcakes but to share his grandparents. A big NO!
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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iamknicole · 3 years
It's that time of year again @kayah2395
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