evilgoosegoose · 2 months
TLKOE AU idea??
Just hear me out here, but imagine, an AU where Jack is Rezzoch, not related to them, not possessed, he IS Rezzoch, the being that that they see is another being, some cosmic terror looking to bring him back, and Jack/Rezzoch doesn't have bad intentions, he doesn't want to be this scary destroyer of worlds, who he's supposed to be, and he saw the humans and how kind they were due to their short lives and ran away, forming as a young child about 4 years old and is assumed to be an orphan, is given a name, and sent into the foster system, he doesn't remember that he's Rezzoch, and when the portals opened is when they finally found him and jumped the gun a bit opening portals everywhere, releasing a bunch of monsters, while Jack was off in the human dimension the cosmic terrors had appointed someone to act as Rezzoch to search for him while destroying and conquering dimensions, building up their own following and because they had conquered and destroyed so many dimensions they were assumed to be the strongest, meanwhile the actual Rezzoch is just eating stale Oreos and chips.
Just writing as I think here, I feel like this could be an amazing angst opportunity as well as a lot of silly stuff could happen too, so should this stay crack or should it become crack taken seriously?
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ohnoimonfire · 1 year
yoo yall rockin with discount percy jackson
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he's such a guy
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bunnyai · 2 years
"someone gets stabbed" bunny at least 3 people get stabbed. and jack's stabbed annie like. twice. AND ONE OF THOSE WAS ON PURPOSE.
i have no excuse i'm a terrible father and possessed jack is just stupid fun to write and i'm so sad that arc is over
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jackthemaniac · 1 month
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HI GUYS🔥jackthemaniac posts again not clickbait
this is a jack sketchbook page i did last month that i still love grrrr
the wheel thing spins and the quote is from rezzoch, the full thing says ‘you wear your weakness so plainly’
that’s rlly it😔
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peculiarpeace · 6 months
I feel like something that isn't talked about enough is the difference between how Jack and June survive the Apocalypse based on their own personalities.
Jack's response has always been clear to trauma and survival in general, whether with foster care, the zombies, or even Rezzoch. He has a clear goal his whole life, surviving himself, but it changed after the apocalypse started, and throughout the entire series after that, it stayed the same: Survive and help others do the same, and don't be alone. The only thing that changes is what he's willing to do to get there.
June, reinvents herself everytime a new situation comes up and changes the current one, even a miniscule amount. She's always focused on her goal, but it rearranges over and over again and she changes with it without getting to process it at all really.
Before the apocalypse, June had one set of goals her entire life, it didn't change. She was going to get good grades, get her perfect job young, support her parents, and be happy.
But in a matter of less than fifty days, June goes from headstrong and solid in her future, to giving up. The reason she lasted the first few weeks was her parents, and after that getting to safety. Eventually, right before Jack came, she was planning to just let the zombies have her.
Everytime something changes after she joins Jack, Quint, and Dirk, she ends up adjusting all of her life. (First it was surviving until the apocalypse ended, then defeating Rezzoch, then finding other humans, ect.) Each time something happened like finding the radio, or meeting Thrull, or literally anything else, she changed her goal and completely went head first into only that new one.
June's trauma response is reinvention, which helps explain a lot about why as her goals change, so does her identity and personality. Hence why sometimes you stop and realize, "Hey, June seems like a whole new person, in only two books!"
Jack's is to be protective of everyone over himself to the point of ignoring his own feelings, like when he dismissed them over and over again for an entire book instead of actually talking about them and working them out with his friends in book 3 so that he wouldn't hurt his friends feelings by being worried over his own. He wants to survive as a group, it's the only way he sees it as worth it to keep going, so his own life alone isn't as important.
Regardless of what others think, we can all agree on one thing: These books have amazing examples of trauma responses and situations.
Also, I'm thinking of starting a discord for TLKOE, would anyone be interested?
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My Tlkoe ocs backstory
Heart pounding, head spinning, the young boy ran toward the mossy pillar. The hunters were looking for him, and he needed a place to hide. Then, he remembered the spell his father gave to him before he and the boy's mother left this world. He set the circle down in between the pillars, and recited the words:
When the day turns into night,
Fear the spirit with no eyes
Her voice echoes through the trees
And she never hides, only seeks
I do not mind this evil posessor
Now Rezzoch may form the door
Then, there was a million rays of blue, nearly blinding the child. Lightning struck all around the door, thunder roaring louder than a lion. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with a purple blue portal. He walked through.
"What is this we have here?" a deep voice spoke. "Perhaps a new warrior to help us." The young boy opened his light brown eyes to find a man, although his skin was purple. He was really tall, and pretty old. "Who are you?" asked the boy. "I am Thrull, " he answered. "I used to be a hunter of evil servants of Rezzoch the Ancient, but now I need help. Would you like to hunt down some monsters?"
"Yes, that sounds cool!" exclaimed the boy. "Well, since you have a huge scar on your face, " said Thrull, "you're soldier name shall be Stitches." The soldier smiled, and got right to training.
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w0rped-moss · 2 years
happy pride month to rezzoch the ancient, destructor of worlds from the last kids on earth netflix show (rezzoch uses he/him pronouns in the books and she/her pronouns in the show)
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blahblahblahoohrottmnt · 11 months
Nightmare Jack AU (Last Kids on Earth)
J: Jack
Q: Quint
JN: June
D: Dirk
Chapter 1: Origins
J: ugh
Q: Hey Jack, you ok? We have some soda’s in the box…if you want
J: uh yeah..just some stings
Q: good thing we kinda got the town back…with the monsters….and the destruction…except for all that it seems that our town is exactly the same!
J: yeah, really proud about tha- HNG!
J: *gasp*
(In his head)
J: oh no…what do you want from me now, Rezzoch?
R: since you have proved yourself to be hero and you have changed your doomed future, I shall help you in your quest to help rebuild your home…
J: why? Are you tricking me again?
R: since you were technically my last hope to come into the real world, I shall help you instead of hurting you.
J: so what am I supposed to do?
R: take my hand and I shall transfer a part of my power to you
J: uh
R: i Must warn you, the transformation is long and painful but only at some moments shall it have the pain you are expecting
J: are you sure this isn’t a trick?
R: if it were a trick, I would be creating a nightmare
J: makes sense…ok. I’m trusting you this once but if you even dare to hurt me, my friends will end you
R: expecting the best
J: *holds her hand* this feels wrong
R: *talking gibberish*
J: uh *gasp*
(The real world)
J: *gasp* what was that-
Q: dude! You were in that nightmare state again
J: rezzoch she- *hiss* my hand
Q: why?
J: *takes off his glove* the sign of Rezzoch
JN: no way. Does that mean-
J: no….she won’t come after me it’s like- Agh-
JN: it’s glowing
J: *puts his glove back on* this is crazy! I saw Rezzoch and then she said I can have part of her power? This is so messed up- AAAAGGH!
(Jack’s eyes start glowing a blue, similar, almost identical to Rezzoch’s. His hair gains blueish highlights and his veins on his gloved hand start glowing blue, stretching among his arm. Next thing you know it, Jack felt better. Better than before even. Becoming more powerful than before, Jack floats above everyone and everything. Jack sighs in relief as he realizes that his gift, something of a curse, wasn’t a trick of Rezzoch)
J: hey! Look I’m flying!
Q: wha- HOW!?
JN: dude! Your arm and your eyes they-
J: they’re blue, I’m aware but wow, this feels…weird?
D: Sullivan got the powers? Oh come on!
J: this feels so weird. Hold on *trying to go into June’s head*
JN: uh- woah!
(In June’s head)
JN: where am I? Rezzoch?
J: hey juuuunneee
JN: JACK!? did you do this?
J: cool right?
JN: I wanna get out
J: oh right uh
(In Reality)
JN: that felt so weird
D: what happened?
J: i- i think i went into June’s head! That felt so we- ugh…my head
Q: friend, what’s going on?
J: I- mmmgh it just- my head is aching
Q: oh no. Is it a type of sickness or is it Rezzoch?
J: no it’s just a Normal headache
Q: phew, ok. You scared me there, friend
JN: hmm, your hair is a little…navy-er than before
J: huh? Oh…that’s…something
JN: eehhhh might be something else
J: these powers they feel…different
Q: of course they are, you’ve never had powers before
J: no it feels…
Q: feels what?
J: it feels good. Like really good.
Q: as in fearless good or like destroy the world good?
J: the first one
Q: ok good
JN: ok the word good is starting to not sound like a real word
D: agreed. Hold on, Jack, can I see your hand ‘gain?
J: yeah sure *takes off his glove*
D: hmm…Rezzoch is kind of like the embodiment of chaos as we know her but this…
J: what do you mean?
Q: Dirk’s right, yeah Rezzoch is blue but more turquoise-y. Yours is just…pure blue
J: what does that mean for me?
Q: I don’t kno…w
D: Jack, why are the stuff floating around our heads? Make it stop now
JN: Sullivan…
J: i- uh- the powers they’re not…part of the part of the power that Rezzoch gave me
Q: does that mean she’s back?
M: *barges in* Heyo!
(Mari, part of the squad trying to find other survivors. She is about the same age as June and is a self insert character)
M: Mari
M: Mari B. Part of the Finding Survivors Agency (The F.S.A)
Q: uh..hi…new friend?
M: new friend!
J: hi! I’m Jack, the girl who has a crystal bat is June. The blond guy is Dirk. And the person you just talked to is Quint, my best friend!
M: why hello there! As you know, I’m Mari. I come from…well..I’m based in the Philippines but me and my family took a trip to Florida at the worst time possible heh..but my family is safe and sound in the F.S.A’s base back in Connecticut
Q: Connecticut?
M: Uhuh!
Q: how did you get here? What was your form of transportation?
M:… Wretch!
All - Mari: A WRETCH!?
M: yup!
J: wha- HOW!?
M: it was easy! All I did was feed it some food and he trusted me!
Mari’s Wretch: *screeches and flies beside Mari*
M: his name is Stormfly! I named him after a dragon in a fandom I’m in!
Q: so…that’s all it took?
M: yup! I heard there was a uh…king wretch and a Rezzoch?
J: hi uh..I can tell you all about that…I kinda did uh…make Rezzoch posses the king wretch
M: oh that’s PERFECT!
J: wait what?
M: let me see your hand
J: wait wait wait- WOAH!
M: *grabs Jack’s hand and takes off his glove* yes! The sign of Rezzoch! So you got her power too?
J: wait what?
M: I made her posses something before and then I got some of her powers, I know, big deal
J: but…where’s your mark?
M: *takes down her scarf* here!
J: woah…
M: yeah! It’s been 7…8 months? Since I got her power
J: I just got mine today…
M: oh cool! *starts floating* I can teach you what I know. Do you guys mind if I take him for a bit?
JN: are we really gonna say yes to the girl we don’t even know that much about
D: we don’t mind
Q: only if he comes back safe
M: majority wins! Bye bye. Cmon I have so many things to show you
J: but how do I fly?
M: just…think of flying I guess
J: *Starts to float* ok! Lesson one-
M: complete! Now let’s go! *heads over to the old comic book store*
J: oh uh- *follows Mari*
Chapter 2: Just Getting Started
M: alright, focus all your energy on that one comic book. Just hold a finger out
J: uh *shoots a bolt of electricity through his finger* woah!
M: bullseye!
J: I-I just did that?
M: pretty cool right? Ok, so there’s a few you need to learn. Sniper, minigun, and revolver
J: uh those are all gun types
M: yeah, ok, so sniper is just rapid fire. Minigun, it has a rebound. Only use it when you get hit. And revolver is 6 in-a-row type of sitch. Sniper, you get the gist. But revolver…oh it’s just amazing! 6 in a row is the best that revolver can do. Revolver is uh…the heavy stuff
J: what do you mean by “heavy stuff”
M: Revolver is like this *shoots 6 in-a-row of heavy fire shots*
J: ok i see that now
M: see that? Ok try it
J: which one? Revolver?
M: yeah
J: uhm *pulls a 4 in-a-row of heavy shots* ugh..
M: drained?
J: guess you could say that
M: yeah…revolver takes the most energy out of us
J: *sigh*
M: ready?
J: yeah *pulls a revolver*
M: yes! Now a sniper
J: *sniper time*
M: minigun
J: *throws a minigun 3 in-a-row*
M: yes!
J: *snaps out of it* woah that felt
M: weird huh? It’s like your so focused but you’re also out of it
J: yeah..that’s so weird
M: yeah, wanna head back?
J: is that all?
M: you’re obviously tired…based on your veins
J: what? *looks at his veins* AHH!
M: yeah, they become bluer when your tired
J: yeah let’s go
M: alright!
(Back at the new built tree-house)
JN: hey! How was training number 1?
J: pretty good. Apparently, my fingers are like guns!
JN: no way!
J: yes way!
M: can I crash here for a bit?
JN: yeah sure, do whatever
M: thanks. Wow this place is stacked! You’ve got it good. My place certainly didn’t look like this the first time around
JN: yeah, this is Jack’s
M: cool! You know…I wish I were here when this all first started
JN: yeah? Me too…
M: I just *sigh* I wish I could’ve been here sooner! Then my family would’ve been safe
JN: I get it…but down worry you’ll be ok here
J: yeah…if we’ve been here since Rezzoch came, we can be here ‘till the end!
M: thanks guys
J: let’s get sleeping now
M: ditto
Chapter 3: Becoming Pt. 1
M: alright now just focus on that one x on the comic book aaannnnndd FIRE!
J: *shoots*
M: nice!
J: we’ve been doing finger guns for an hour now. Isn’t there anything else you know?
M: hmmm fighting?
J: I already got that down
M: fencing?
J: I’d say 80%
M: Fence-fighting?
J: oh heck yeah!
M: alright, fence-fighting is just a mix of fighting and fencing but more advanced
J: alright so I hold my bat like this aaanndd
M: swing. Block. Swing swing. Block. Kick. Swing. Stab. Left kick. Uppercut
J: alright!
M: stab. Stab. Swing. Block. Kick. Swing
J: *panting*
M: you’re tired already?
J: never *goes into hyper focus mode*
M: swing, swing, swing, stab, kick, kick, block, block, block, stab stab stab, uppercut (let’s throw in some finger guns) sniper, swing, kick, block block, stab, minigun. Yes! Alright I think we’re good
J: *snap back to reality* I- what happened?
M: you were fence-fighting. Added a few finger guns in the mix
J: I dont…remember that
J: hyperfocus? What do you mean?
M: you see, whenever we get tired after the few minutes of fighting, we go into this thing called hyperfocus mode. It’s like use in autopilot. Think of it as a defense mechanism but you’re zoning out
J: how often does it happen?
M: uh…quite rarely is some situations
J: can we train it?
M: as far as I know, we can’t
J: ugh, could’ve been so helpful if we could do it on command
M: right? I tried telling Rezzoch but she just won’t listen and she’s so moody all the ti-
J: I’m gonna stop you right there. “Telling Rezzoch”? You can communicate with her?
M: yeah, whenever I’m in my dreamscape, I can talk to her
J: why didn’t that happen last night?
M: it’s like lucid dreaming. Like all our powers, we need to train it
J: oh..
D: hey guuuuyyss!
M: hey dirk! April, quint!
Q: we thought we could use some training!
M: oh that’s very nice of you but I was training Jack
JN: oh come on! There needs to be something we can train with you!
M: I think there can be some
JN: great! Now, what are those things?
(End of session)
All - Mari, Jack: *panting for their life*
J: really? I feel fine!
M: just Rezzochs have more stamina than others
J: I mean, if Mari says it, then I guess so!
Q: (Rezzochs?) oh my god I think I’m gonna throw up
D: I feel…defeated…I’m heading back to the treehouse, byyyyeee!
M: wanna keep training?
J: yeah sure
(Back at the treehouse)
J: *panting*
M: hey Jack, you ok?
J: I- i- Ugh *faints*
M: *catches Jack* eeeuggh
JN: I heard something! *gasp* JACK!
M: he just fainted, you just have to let him rest
JN: wha-wha-wha- FAINTED!?
M: yup
JN: I-
M: I’m taking him to his..bed? Room? For him to rest
(In Jack’s room)
M: *sitting beside him*
J: *waking up* ugh…what- what happened?
M: you fainted once we got here
J: what why?
M: I….may or may not have overestimated your power soooo
J: heh…i get it
M: ….you know. I’ve always had a theory that when 2 people with Rezzoch’s power go into each others mind, they can connect even more there. They become more powerful and gain more of Rezzoch’s power.
J: what if we try that now?
M: I mean…what harm can that do?
They stare into each others eyes
(The dreamscape, none of their minds, none of their thoughts. More like a free park, an in between)
M: this is so weird
J: but yet so natural. *floating around* weeeeeee!
M: hey…
J: yeah?
M: our veins…they won’t stop getting bluer…
J: is this bad?
M: it doesn’t feel bad
J: this is worrying me
M: uuuhhmmmmmm
J: agh! It’s starting to feel tingly
M: was this a guh a bad idea?
J: most probably yes!
M: oh god oh god WHY DID I THEORIZE!?
They wake up
Both: *gasp*
M: oh my god…that felt…terrifying. I do NOT want to do this again
J: agreed
M: but that felt…uh…how do I say it? Pleasing? Oh god no uh…
J: fulfilling
M: yeah that. Uh- mmgh…my neck
J: hsss my hand
They take off their scarf and glove
Both: my marking…
M: are your veins spreading too?
J: yeah…a lot
Both of them go to the bathroom
J: jeez it stretched all the way to my shoulder
M: mine is until my upper chest…
J: do you think we’re gonna die?
M: not quite. Don’t feel any pain and from as far as I know, our pain receptors are alive and working
J: this is so weird
M: I have a bad feeling that we shouldn’t tell the others
J: for once, I think this bad idea might actually be something that would be if our benefit
M: i think we should go to the forest for a bit. Y’know…so they don’t find out
J: yeah, I agree with you
They head to the forest
Chapter 4: Becoming Pt. 2
M: what’s happening to us? This isn’t something that happened before
J: duh! This is because we invaded each other’s mind!
M: I mean, yeah but…I didn’t think THIS!
J: I know, I know…our veins seem to symbolize we’re tired but…I don’t feel tired
M: same…wait. What if this is the complete opposite! Beat ya to the tree house?
J: oh You’re ON!
(while running to the treehouse, both Jack and Mari see the world going slower, birds flapping their wings so slowly…like they were the only one in normal speed while the world was in 0.5 speed. But it was the complete opposite, as Mari says. They are in the fastest speed their town as ever seen. They move so fast that they get to the treehouse in record time of only 3 seconds)
M: hah! We got here so fast…or was the world just slow?
J: no matter what, i bet to the others, we got here in about i don’t know, a few seconds? Maybe a minute too.
M: huh…this is so weird
J: hey, our veins are going down
M: weird…
J: ugh
M: oh no…
Both of them faint just a few feet from the ladder to the treehouse
JN: *going down* MARI? JACK!? *shaking them to wake up* DIRK! HELP! CARRY THEM INTO THE HOUSE!
D: I HEARD MY NAME! oh no…SULLIVAN? MARI? *goes down the ladder*
JN: here…
D: *takes Jack and Mari one by one*
(In their room, alone)
M: *waking up* uuuuugghhh….. what- what happened? Oooohhhh….oh no
J: mmgh…
M: Jack?
M: *tries to get out of bed* agh! Ugh I feel like I broke my back on a rock! *heals herself and gets up* Jack…*sits besides Jack*
J: no no no no no no no no no no no no!
M: *gasp* oh no…*healing Jack* please please please….
J: *gasp* what the heck?
M: you were in a…supposed to be 9 month coma
M: I said supposed. Not that you were. I woke you up with my powers
J: woah woah woah woah….you can HEAL PEOPLE?
M: we may share the same powers but we have 2 very distinguishing powers that each of us have. As in my healing power, I also have telekinesis powers. You wont have them, you will have another 2 powers that I don’t have.
J: so like….fraternal twins?
M: technically
J: how do you know?
M: analytics
J: so…are all the things you taught me….are that all you know that we have the same thing with?
M: yeah
J: so you’re saying that there’s over a billion powers that I could have that you don’t?
M: uuuhm…yes?
J: oh god…this is terrifying
M: but in a good way….I think…for the most part
J: *lays back down* this is…gonna be an interesting year
M: Mind: i wanna have pizza
J: well we don’t have pizza but if you just want some toast and cheese we have that
M: how did you know?
J: did you not say anything?
J: I Wonder if i can…*makes fire* no wonder my hand felt so warm
M: *GAAASSP* my student has become the master…
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jalyssa007 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom.
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onlinegadget5 · 2 years
The Last Kids On Earth and the Staff of Doom - Nintendo Switch
The Last Kids On Earth and the Staff of Doom – Nintendo Switch
Price: (as of – Details) Time to Gear up as jack, quint, June and dirk in search for the missing pieces of the ultra-powerful staff of doom!  but beware… Malondre, Queen of the slime monsters, seeks the staff to Summon rezzoch the ancient, destructor of worlds. Upgrade your weapons and armour, cruise around wakefield in a post-apocalyptic pickup truck, fight through hordes of…
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probably-dead · 3 years
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Season 3 be like
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Diversity win! Ungodly horror trying to possess you and take over the universe is genderless!
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redhatmeg · 4 years
Rezzoch: I am your fan.
Jack: My fan? You threw Rover! You wanted to kill my friends!
Rezzoch: I wanted to have your attention.
Me: Well, that’s fandom alright.
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lonermemes · 3 years
Rezzoch: i woke up today and i’m going to make it EVERYONE'S   p r o b l e m
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nerdgul · 4 years
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not my cleanest work but here she is  humanized rezzoch from the last kids on earth netflix series 
Like my work? Check out my Art tag or Commissions me 
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