#Ricardo Lopez law
andreyrecharles · 5 months
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agentcable · 5 months
Chicago Justice Season 1 Ep. 8 "Lily's Law"
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After a guilty verdict is delivered, a juror in the case is found dead in a lake. The team investigates and finds out that she committed suicide due to being cyberstalked and heavily harassed. Stone does everything in his power to bring the responsible person to justice.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Lily Spencer is expressing her exhaustion after five weeks of trial and now facing the pressure of jury deliberations. Peter Stone objects to starting deliberations over again, but the judge reminds them that serving on a jury is a duty, not a vacation. The defendant was found guilty by the jury and will be remanded until sentencing. After the court adjourns, Lily runs out of the jury box.
At a bar, Anna Valdez asks Stone about the wall in the office that displays clothing. Stone explains that when an ASA wins their first trial, a piece of their clothing is hung on the wall. She laughs at his bow tie. Stone receives a call to go to a crime scene.
Laura Nagel and Antonio Dawson reveal that Lily Spencer was found in the water with the summons for jury duty in her wallet. There are no visible bruises, and it appears she was dumped in the water while still alive. Stone kneels beside her corpse and says, "Maybe I should have let you go."
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Stone meets with Mark Jefferies at the ASA office. Jefferies warns that if jurors are being killed, they will never see another jury. Stone suggests bringing in CPD's Sergeant Hank Voight, but Jefferies wants him to lead the investigation. He also orders unmarked police cars to follow the other jurors until they solve the case.
Antonio and Laura visit Santiago Mendoza, the defendant's brother. After Antonio unplugs his saw, he informs them that Miguel Lopez is a sick person. They should investigate him because he went to extreme measures to ensure his brother, Ricardo, didn't testify against them at trial.
Miguel flees when Antonio arrives to see him. Antonio chases him, while Laura follows in their vehicle. They handcuff him and question him about threatening Mrs. Mendoza. When they show him a photo of Lily, he recognizes her as the juror.
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During a conversation with Antonio and Laura, Mr. Evans admits to consoling Lily during an argument in the parking lot. When Laura informs him of Lily's death, he immediately blames the punk kids. Despite his fear as the foreman of the jury, Antonio assures him that protection is already in place. According to Santiago, Lily was becoming increasingly agitated by her text messages. When they were asked to turn off their phones, Lily insisted on keeping hers on, claiming that there would be consequences if she didn't. Although he believed it was a private matter, it clearly was not. The final message read, "It's either the jury or your kid. Last chance!"
Antonio and Laura visit Jaxson Clark, with whom she shares a child. He learns that Lily passed away two days prior and he mentions they were the ones who coerced her into serving on the jury. Jaxson Clark asks if they have the guy in custody. Laura wonders why he didn't find it strange that he didn't receive a text from her in two days. He acknowledges that the text may have sounded bad, but they must understand that he is also busy and tired of explaining to his child, Sam, what jury duty entails. They find out that Jaxson has a boat and that he took it out two nights ago. Laura retrieves a hoodie from the boat and discovers that the keys in the pocket belong to Lily.
The keys are used to search Lily's apartment. Laura quickly finds a photo that proves the hoodie belongs to Sam. Antonio finds an eviction notice dated for the night Lily was killed.
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According to the manager, Lily was his favourite tenant, and the owners were evicting her because she was three months behind in rent. She only got the place because her sister, Sarah, co-signed.
Sarah's wife reveals that Sarah passed away three months ago. She promised to take care of Lily, who used to be an assistant professor until Jaxson Clark came into her life. She shares stories of visiting Jaxson and Lily. He was very controlling and refused to let her work while they were together. They learned that Jaxson was stalking her, and the last time he did so was just before the trial by the river where they scattered Sarah's ashes.
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Antonio and Laura walk along the riverside, but no one seems to have seen anything. They come across a fraternity that dresses up, drinks and runs while recording everything they do. In one of the videos, Laura and Stone watch as Lily takes a couple of steps and jumps into the freezing river, ultimately killing herself.
The next day, Anna informs Stone that the ME's report concluded that Lily drowned, with her lungs filled with river water and no signs of bruising. Stone is left wondering how Lily managed to duct tape her own hands and is eager to find any evidence to charge Jaxson Clark with stalking her.
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Anna commented that if she had an ex who took her to court as often as Jaxson did to Lily, she might consider drastic measures herself. Laura is furious because she feels Jaxson didn't even want the child, but he did it only so Lily didn't have him. He even filed five motions of abuse against her. Antonio said he will talk to Sam, while Laura goes to DCFS.
DCFS worker Chad Parker tells Laura that Lily is a good mother, but he cannot ignore complaints because it is his job to protect the child. He explains that during a safety check, Lily had a cast on her arm and claimed she had fallen down the stairs. Although he has no evidence that Jaxson caused the injury, he knows that Jaxson wanted full custody and Lily was not willing to give him up. Laura suggests that he should have taken action.
Laura vents to Anna about her situation with DCFS. Anna advises against marriage. Anna prioritizes a husband over having kids, surprising Laura. They drive tho Chicago Med.
Antonio wants to talk to Sam. Sam's dad is late as usual. Antonio asks Sam if his mother ever hit him, but before Sam can answer, Jaxson arrives and roughly grabs Sam, causing Antonio to react. Antonio drops Jaxson to the ground with his arm behind his back after Jaxson shoves him. Sam pleads with Antonio to stop.
At Chicago Med, they discover that Lily had drugs in her system and was fortunate that someone called 911 when they did. The nurse explains that Lily was pretty doped up and probably broke her arm falling out of the bath, but luckily, that was the only injury she sustained.
Anna returns to the office and shows Stone the information she gathered. She is visibly upset, stating that she feels harassed, and possibly even stalked. Stone wonders if Jaxson knew about her first suicide attempt. Anna believes that Jaxson's behaviour is unacceptable and that there are laws against stalking and harassment for a reason.
Laura and Antonio return to Jaxson's workplace to arrest him. He is very confident, telling his assistant that he will be back within the hour. At the ASA office, Jaxson's attorney, Miranda, jokes that she has discovered great restaurants through Jaxson's app and cannot have him sent to prison. Jaxson requests a find and the opportunity to return home to his child. He presents a video of Antonio forcing him to the ground, which appears to be an act of brutality. Stone suggests him to put the phone away. Stone offers Jaxson a plea deal of two years and anger management classes. Anna mentions the 1500 harassing and threatening texts in just three months. The person responsible denies fault for Lily's eventual suicide and even made fun of her. Stone reminds Jaxson that they should have taken the two-year sentence and now they are being charged with Lily's murder.
Jefferies asks Stone if he is out of his mind. Stone admits he is pushing it, but he believes he is the direct cause of her death. He knew she was suicidal, and it was like knowing she opened the exploding letter. Stone clarifies that he is not writing new law, he is just stretching the old ones.
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During the court proceedings, Stone presents an expert who testifies that emotional abuse could directly cause suicide. During the questioning by Jaxson's lawyer, the expert witness stated that Lily's suicide could have been caused by various factors in her life, and she could not definitively attribute it to Jaxson's behaviour.
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Later, Grace Kelman, the widow of Sarah, testified that Jaxson was responsible for Lily's first suicide attempt and had made derogatory comments about those who cannot even kill themselves. Lily sent a text to Grace, stating that she would not be able to continue living if her sister passed away.
Stone and Jefferies exit the office, with Stone expressing concern about the upcoming testimony of 9-year-old Sam. Despite not having complete legal support, Stone believes the jury is on his side. Jefferies advises him to be gentle with Sam.
During the court hearing, Sam showed a scar on his body and explained that it was caused by an incident at his father's house. However, his father prevented him from contacting his mother, claiming that she did not pay the phone bill. Sam constantly looked at his father when answering questions. Stone urged him to continue, and Sam mentioned that he did not have to pay for Snapchat. Miranda attempted to halt the questioning but her previous actions had already allowed the court to view Sam's phone. Sam was recorded screaming about how horrible his mother was and expressing a desire to live with his father. Although his father was present during the recording, Sam later admitted that he did not mean what he said. Stone stands between Sam and his father, obscuring Sam's view of him. Upon rewinding the video, Stone notices that Sam's arms were down at his side, Stone reassures Sam that he is not in trouble, but asks him to identify who was holding the phone. Sam breaks down and admits that his father forced him to send it, even though he didn't want to. He cries and asks if he is responsible for his mother's death. Stone reassures him that it is not his fault.
Jaxson Clark has been found guilty of murder. However, the judge stopped and accused the jury of making an emotional decision. Stone objected, but the judge told him to sit down. The judge stated that the jury ignored her instructions and forced her to disregard their decision. She explained that the prosecution failed to prove that Jaxson knew his actions would result in Lily's death. Therefore, she set aside the verdict and dismissed the jury. Jaxson appeared pleased, while Anna was furious.
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Stone is upset that Jaxson is getting a free pass. He recalls a similar situation with a college friend where he failed to act. He stands up and declares that laws must change. Jefferies challenges him to make the change.
Stone meets with senators to discuss the Illinois murder statute, specifically regarding emotional abuse leading to suicide. He also discusses the case of Lily Spencer. After the meeting, he visits Cora, his college friend from years ago, to apologize. She invites him insde.
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privilege-rpg · 2 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Santana Marie Lopez ☆ GENDER: Ciswoman ☆ PRONOUNS: She/Her/HBIC ☆ AGE: 31 (December 16th, 1992) ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, New York ☆ JOB: Defense attorney @ Lopez Law; adjunct part-time professor (Criminal Law 101) @ PSU ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Lesbian ☆ FACECLAIM: Adria Arjona
To say that Santana Lopez was born to be a nepo baby would be an understatement. From the moment she could walk and talk, she knew the world was her oyster and she acted like it. According to TMZ, at just five years old, she went viral for beating up some paparazzi and telling them to “eat her shit” while Maribel was promoting her latest movie — and if you ask Santana, she’s the reason why that movie was a box office hit. Anyone who said a bad word about her family was said to have been cursed by the small Latina, and you better believe that the older she got, the bitchier she got. The guy who wrote an article bad mouthing Ricardo while he was knee deep in a high profile criminal case? Car accident (he didn’t die). The SNL comedian who pretended to be Maribel and made a joke out of her acting? Hair mysteriously fell out (salon mishap?). Nobody can prove that the Santana curse is real but is it? The amount of people who’ve come for her parents and ended up scarred in one way or another would say yes.
When she wasn’t raising hell and was being forced to go to school and participate in activities, Santana thrived in almost every aspect of her life: school, dance, cheerleading, and being a great and protective big sister. There was rarely anything she tried that she wasn’t good at, which only stroked her ego more, but it was also the right encouragement to keep her pushing for the stars. However, the perks of being a nepo baby were too good to not indulge in, which is what led to her taking her friends on road trips just to get high and party so hard that they were constantly photographed getting half naked in clubs, drinking and smoking, hooking up with people they barely knew, the works. With her parents too busy to keep tabs on her, there was no one around to stop her — at least, not until her partying caught up with her. 
It was on a weeklong trip to North Carolina where Santana met one Noah Puckerman, son of some famous rockstar, and a few drunken hookups turned into her finding out she was pregnant weeks after getting back to NYC. She knew that she wasn’t ready to be a mother, or even fit to raise a child, and her parents couldn’t have that sort of scandal hanging over their heads either, so they came up with a solution. They told everyone that she’d signed up for a study abroad program, while she was really hiding out at home and being homeschooled to conceal her pregnancy. Her parents wanted her to either abort the baby or give it up for adoption, but Puck and his mother decided to take the baby, a daughter they named Maya, and raise her instead.
In wake of her giving birth, her parents finally stepped in and forced her to get her shit together, and she did. They whisked her off to PSU after she graduated high school, and she chose to follow in her father’s footsteps by studying law. She excelled at PSU, then got accepted into Stanford Law School, and then passed both the California and New York bar exams. With Ricardo expanding Lopez Law to have offices in both states, it was a no-brainer that he’d bring his own daughter in as a criminal defense attorney at the LA office. Santana Lopez excels at arguing, so it’s no surprise that her career has kicked off without a single loss to her name. Do some of the prosecutors think she’s cheating or using that damn curse of hers to stay on top? Yes. Can they prove it? No. With a record that impressive for someone her age, PSU wasted no time begging her to come back and fill an adjunct professor role that had just opened up, since they knew they couldn’t have her full time. She only agreed because she decided that someone should bless the new generation of lawyers, and who better than the one and only Santana Lopez?
After meeting in high school, Ricardo Lopez and Maribel Juárez fell madly in love — so in love that they were married right after graduation. While Ricardo went off to college, Maribel hit the ground running with her singing career. Within a couple years, she’d landed herself a few offers from record deals while her husband was swamped with law school, and then they found out she was pregnant with their first child. The pregnancy was rough, and after their daughter was born, they decided that they would only adopt the rest of their children, which worked best for Maribel as her career was now flourishing. Having finished at the top of his law school class, Ricardo’s was too, and once they adopted two more children, it was Alma Lopez that was stuck raising the kids while their parents worked and traveled all over the world. They were rather absent for the majority of their kids’ lives, but now Ricardo has opened his own law firm, Lopez Law, and Maribel has lessened her load so they can try to be active parents for once.
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Monreal prevails in the Senate and shakes the 'plan B' of the electoral reform
Monreal prevails in the Senate and shakes the ‘plan B’ of the electoral reform
Senator Ricardo Monreal, in the press room of the upper house, on November 15, 2022.Victoria Valtierra Ruvalcaba (Dark Room) The Senate is preparing an avalanche of changes to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s “plan B”. The president’s legislative package, which touches on secondary laws to reform the electoral system in the midst of the race for the presidential succession in 2024, has been stuck in…
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m00n-arin · 3 years
The Honduran government is implementing Zedes, which will destroy freedom if it gets approved. In other words it will put Honduras up for sale.
Zedes, short for employment and economic development zones in spanish, are zones that allow complete administrative, political, economical and judicial autonomy. They are completely independent states from the state of Honduras.
For this bill to pass three articles of the constitution were illegally changed: the 294, 304, and 329, violating the “principle of territorial application in the nation law” according to the Honduran law school.
The change made in Article 294 allows Honduras to apply a tripartite model this means that the territorial division will be departments, municipios, and model cities.
The change in Article 304 and 329 talk about the jurisdiction of the state to apply laws and justice in their own territory. These reforms give total autonomy to govern themselves.
The Zedes will be controlled by a technical secreta designated by the committee of better practices (CAMP) assigned by the actual president of the Republic Juan Orlando Hernandez.
Here is a list of honduran members of CAMP
Ebak Diaz Lupia
Octavio Ruben Sanchez Barrientos
Leonel Cardona Lopez
Ricardo Maduro Joest
Aditionally, there’s mention of 17 additional foreign members. Among them there are American and European entrepreneurs, activists, and founders of various investigation institutions. Most of them identify with conservaties and liberal ideas and principles.
Additionally, in the ZEDEs laws, article 28 expresses: The state of Honduras, through the ZEDEs can declare the expropriation for utility or public need cause of any goods they deem necessary for the development or expansion of this ones, having to pay an indemnification just appreciate that covers the cost of the reposition of the good i which cases it will be necessary the previous approval of CAMP. The opposition has to be made through the arbitration at the expense of the ZEDE. There cannot be precautionary measures that prevent or stop the process of expropriation.”
To show how bad this can be, allow me to illustrate an example.
Let’s say a garifuna/indigenous family who grew up in Santa Fe, Colon, and spent all of their life to the sale of food in their restaurant, receives a small visit form foreigners who like the place so they decide to go back to their country and organize a group of investment to buy the place they visited. A couple of weeks later they return to the restaurant and the people recieve them kindly but they are given the surprise of their plan of buying the place. The family immediately tells them it is not up for sale so the investors recur to the juridical power (the ZEDEs) and send a commission to communicate to this family that they have to vacate the land and they will be given a justified price. This price is never fair, being a poor amount of money, if any at all. This family tries to file a complaint but they can’t because that plot of land is now the property of a ZEDE.
The government tells them there is nothing they can do because the laws of the country don’t apply in that zone even if they are inside Honduras territory. The family doesn’t understand, but they have to vacate their house or else the state force will kick them out and give it to the new owners.
ZEDES do not help create more jobs, if that were the case they would concentrate in the places with most unemployment but it does not, but these zones do not interest them. Instead, they focus on the north zone, the part with the lowest unemployment rates, the want to own every beach, national park, forest reserve, and every enrichment in the north zone. ZEDEs WILL kill the Honduran economy, because they rob business owners to give to foreigners who can outbuy them.
How can you help? Spread this. Share it on social media, with your friends, with your family. Use the hashtag #HondurasIsNotUpForSale or #HondurasNoEstaALaVenta
(This post might be edited or changed to better fit the information at any point.)
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Star, May 3
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Shiloh Jolie-Pitt
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Page 1: Christina Aguilera at 40 -- she talks about child stardom, learning to love her body, and what she wants her daughter Summer to know
Page 2: Contents, Renee Zellweger, Phoebe Dynevor and James McAvoy at the BAFTAs in London
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Page 3: Mariska Hargitay and Law & Order: SVU co-star Ice-T take a selfie during a break from shooting the cop drama in NYC, Heather Graham at the beach in Mexico, stepping into the America's Got Talent studio Sofia Vergara elevated her casual cropped jeans with strappy platform sandals in L.A., Jason Momoa cutting a rug with an unidentified partner ahead of filming a scene for his upcoming fantasy film Slumberland in Toronto
Page 4: Colton Underwood comes out -- saying he's the happiest and healthiest he's ever been, the former Bachelor clarifies his orientation
Page 5: Lena Dunham is no stranger to controversy, so it comes as no surprise that her foray into fashion design has also come under fire as she partnered with a plus-size label to create the capsule collection 11 Honore x Lena Dunham, but the kicky line quickly came under fire as critics are calling it tone-deaf, mediocre and not inclusive at all since its largest size is a 26 and some are even going so far to call Lena a grifter who gained weight in order to make money off the plus-size community but Lena, who underwent a hysterectomy at 31, has pointed to early menopause as the cause of her straight-up gut -- while Lena refuses to be intimidated by bullies, she is listening to the complaints about sizes and is planning to address it
* Once a cautionary tale of the perils of child stardom, at age 40 Macaulay Culkin is a father himself as he and girlfriend Brenda Song welcomed a son, Dakota -- he's finally overcome his demons and Brenda has been a huge influence on his life and helped him get back on the straight and narrow and he's even pursuing acting again, shooting season 10 of American Horror Story; his life has taken such a positive turn
* A year after announcing her split from Jay Cutler, Kristin Cavallari is seeing the upside of divorce, saying it's made her a better mom in some ways because she has her kids half the time now so when she has them for her week, she is so incredibly present with her kids Camden, Jaxon and Saylor and she is not distracted by her phone or anything else; she is with them -- Jay and Kristin each have the kids 182.5 days a year and court papers also revealed that her ex is allowed two phone calls and two FaceTime or Skype calls a week and vice versa so now every moment is precious and if someone is having a temper tantrum or something, she remains calm because she knows that she is losing them in a few days
Page 6: Gwen Stefani is widely thought to have had some help in the nips and tucks department, and as her wedding to Blake Shelton approaches, he is starting to object to her constant tweaking of her face -- she's always messing with it by getting more fillers and Botox and Blake is afraid of what he'll see at the altar and he's freaking out at Gwen's increasingly extreme beauty routine which is becoming increasingly over-the-top; Gwen can barely move her face to smile at him anymore and it looks weird -- while he frets, he's trying to reassure his wife-to-be because Blake thinks she's beautiful just the way she is
* As an executive producer on the long-running Law & Order: SVU, Mariska Hargitay has tasked the writers to come up with more storylines featuring one of her favorite characters: defense attorney Trevor Langan, played by none other than her husband Peter Hermann -- Mariska and Peter originally met and fell in love when Peter guest-starred on the show and she loves to keep that magic alive by bringing him back to play Trevor but the trouble is he is busy with his own gigs as a series regular on Younger and his recurring role on Blue Bloods and Peter loves working with his wife, but he has his own acting career apart from Mariska -- still, he may soon have his day in court because Peter understands how Mariska feels and is trying to work his schedule to allow him some guest spots in the near future
Page 8: Star Shots -- Lenny Kravitz with a guitar flaunted his well-sculpted midsection during a stroll on the beach, Suki Waterhouse with her on-the-go grub on the set in Liverpool
Page 9: Louisa Jacobson and Taissa Farmiga and Denee Benton on the set of The Gilded Age in NYC, Conan O'Brien sipped on a soda at lunch in L.A., Katy Perry in the American Idol bathroom
Page 10: Kate Hudson with mom Goldie Hawn and kids Ryder and Rani, Kate Hudson twirled solo modeling in a pal's swimwear collection, Jude Law's daughter Iris Law who will make her acting debut in Danny Boyle's upcoming Sex Pistols biopic makes a call in London
Page 12: Kelly Osbourne handed out items at a food distribution event as the Islamic Center for Southern California, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in the gym, despite a no-social warning a cheeky Nicole Kidman shared a pic from the set of Aaron Sorkin's Being the Ricardos in which she portrays Lucille Ball
Page 13: Anabella Sciorra and Donnie Wahlberg gloved up for a Blue Bloods scene in NYC, Heidi Klum and husband Tom Kaulitz started their morning during a walk on the beach in L.A.
Page 14: Travis Barker showed off his body art stepping off a Hollywood tour bus shirtless after filming a music video, a cheerful Britney Spears gave a fun look into her wardrobe in a pink floral frock, Scott Disick and Amelia Hamlin color-coordinated for a walk near the beach in Miami
Page 16: Lamar Odom and Aaron Carter put up their dukes to promote their Celebrity Boxing Match in Philadelphia, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and husband Nick Jonas at the BAFTAs in London, Ellen DeGeneres on the phone during a stroll in her main hood of Montecito
Page 18: Normal or Not? A denim-on-denim clad Jay Leno scratched an itch while filming a project in Los Angeles -- not normal, dressed in a Siggi sweatshirt Katie Holmes picked up some seasonal blooms on Manhattan's Upper East Side -- normal, Kate Beckinsale multitasked during a car ride by applying undereye patches -- not normal
Page 19: Gavin Rossdale appeared to be pleased with his Kitson purchase by doing a little dance after leaving the popular L.A. store -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- stars wow in statement-making capes -- Gisele Bundchen, Charlize Theron, Zoey Deutch
Page 21: Greta Gerwig, Elle Fanning
Page 24: Justin Bieber: How Love Saved Me -- the formerly troubled pop singer gives praise for wife Hailey Bieber
Page 25: Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' romance has already cooled and the pair are giving each other space -- turns out Olivia and Harry don't actually have much in common -- the two jetted to London after wrapping Don't Worry Darling, but they were soon waylaid by their respective responsibilities as Olivia has been spending time with her kids Otis and Daisy while her ex Jason Sudeikis shoots Ted Lasso while Harry, who was spooked by how quickly intense things got, is gearing up for his role in My Policeman -- for now, the two have decided to reassess things when they're back in L.A., which leaves the window open for Jason, whose strategy was to let her and Harry fizzle out, then see where she is at, and it's going according to plan
* Jennifer Lopez calls off her relationship with Alex Rodriguez
* Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher are better than ever after overcoming a rough patch, one that had their inner circle convinced they were headed for divorce -- Mike had a serious roving eye that made Carrie anxious and she would treat him like he was Mr. Underwood and tensions between the two were at an all-time high when the pandemic hit, forcing the two into extra one-on-one time, but as it turns out, their new routine is just what they needed because they set boundaries, divided up tasks and put time aside for fun things and they prioritized romance, which has made all the difference -- Carrie and Mike are re-committed to their marriage and they've been through so much so much and neither wants to throw it away
Page 26: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's model kid -- Shiloh Jolie-Pitt the gorgeous teen is ready for her close up, but Brad and Angie are at odds about Shiloh's new passion -- Shiloh's been experimenting with girlier styles lately, including growing out her hair and she's at the age where she's starting to change things up -- Brad isn't thrilled about Shiloh's modeling dreams and idea of her walking into the lion's den gives him cause for concern -- Angelina began modeling at 16, just one year older than Shiloh and Shiloh knows that's what set her mom on her path to fame and Shiloh is constantly asking Angie about the pros and cons of the modeling world
Page 29: Model Kids -- these celeb offspring also know how to strike a pose -- Hailey Bieber, Sofia Richie, Amelia Hamlin, Lily-Rose Depp, Brooklyn Beckham, Paris Jackson, Kendall Jenner, Corinne Foxx, Ireland Baldwin, Margaret Qualley, Kaia Gerber, Leni Klum, Patrick Schwarzenegger
Page 30: Prince William and Prince Harry: Behind Closed Doors -- the estranged princes are forced to reckon with their rift as the royal family gathers for Prince Philip's funeral
Page 32: High Anxiety -- it's not so simple for celebs who struggle with panic attacks -- Emma Stone, Stephen Colbert, Amanda Seyfried
Page 33: Hugh Grant, Ryan Reynolds, Ariana Grande
Page 36: Beauty -- nail it -- self-care essentials to score the perfect at-home manicure and pedicure -- Kaley Cuoco
Page 38: Style -- cute cases -- step up your tech, and fashion, game this season with a trendy cellphone cover -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Page 40: Entertainment
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Corey Feldman embraced wife Courtney Anne Mitchell as the two ventured out for a romantic outing in L.A.
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AN: Patience Grace may be knee-deep in the Kool-Aid, but she’s a Kendra to Ingrid’s Michelle--giggly, sweet, and sometimes a little slow on the uptake. Not only is she not upset that her brother Camden eloped to marry a Calvinist, she does not catch on that Evy and her husband used birth control to delay the birth of a son until Evy was 23 (and had actually hoped to wait even longer than that! But these two are only having one more kid regardless). Things are calm right now because Patience and Jon only share three children, but chaos is on the horizon, as are a number of Gorman courtships. Which of Patience’s siblings will end up single forever? 
Also, I find it really interesting that both Ingrid and Patience seem to have more boys than girls. Patience is pregnant with #4, and it’s another boy. A similar pattern happened with Ingrid. It’s interesting to see!
The Fleming Family so far:
Jon Edward (26)
Patience Grace (22) 
Colton Jon (4, born shortly before Patience turned 19)
Claire Ingrid (2)
Christian Thomas (1) 
Whew! Adjusting to life as a family of five has been a challenge--but so worth it! Shifting from “man to man” parenting to being outnumbered certainly is crazy, but we’ve been loving this journey so far. Here’s a picture we took at church recently. Unfortunately it was a little cloudy outside, but I was still glad we got a nice photo in our Sunday best. Look how sweet Colton is! What an amazing big brotehr!
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We are so fortunate that our little ones get along so well! 
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The next Saturday, I went to visit my sister, Evangeline. Evy turned 24 a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to celebrate with her and just catch up! This season has been so busy for both of us, and it was nice to hear how she’s doing.
Her son, Cameron (named after her twin, Camden), is turning one soon and is close in age to our son, Christian. Evy and Auggie were married for almost five years before they had Cameron, so his birth is a real miracle! I said to Evy that she must have been praying for a child for years by the time she had him, and she laughed. She must have felt so overwhelmed by joy!
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Evy is finishing up her bachelor’s degree in piano performance and planning to obtain a master’s degree as well. Meanwhile Auggie is working as a concert pianist in the San Myshuno orchestra!
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My absolute favorite thing these days is just spending some quiet downtime with my littles. I love doing homeschooling and Bible study with them. 
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It’s also been a busy time for love in the Gorman family! Rylee Michelle is courting, and both John Brice and Camden Duggarson were married recently.
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Rylee is dating Ricardo Lopez of Willow Creek. He’s from a lovely family that shares our values, and comes from hardy stock--both his father and grandfather worked as commercial fishermen!
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John Brice married Lily Smyth recently. Lily is from a family that shares our beliefs, but has slightly different standards about makeup--the women in their family have felt convicted not to wear any! My Mama had to do some praying before coming around to the match, but she received great counsel from my brother, Ezekiel, and Jon, and now she loves Lily like her own!
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Camden surprised us a little by deciding to elope with his bride, Deja Castro. Only Evy and her family attended! However, I understood why he chose to elope--Deja is a slightly different denomination from us. I’ll always love my brother and wish him the best!
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Last but not least...I am expecting again! That’s right, our fourth baby (and third little boy!) is on the way. Stay tuned for a huge gender reveal party I threw with several of my sisters and sisters-in-law who are also expecting! What a blessing!
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silly-fox-in-sox · 4 years
Finnick the Fierce – Rey Hernandez – Martin Garcia (50-1)
Max Player – Steve Asmussen – Ricardo Santana, Jr. (30-1)
Enforceable – Mark Casse – Adam Beschizza (30-1)
Storm the Court – Peter Eurton – Julien Leparoux (50-1)
Major Fed – Greg Foley – James Graham (50-1)
King Guillermo – Juan Carlos Avila – Samy Camacho (20-1)
Money Moves – Todd Pletcher – Javier Castellano (30-1)
South Bend – Bill Mott – Tyler Gaffalione (50-1)
Mr. Big News – Bret Calhoun – Gabriel Saez (50-1)
Thousand Words – Bob Baffert – Florent Geroux (15-1)
Necker Island – Chris Hartman – Miguel Mena (50-1) *blinkers off
Sole Volante – Patrick Biancone – Luca Panici (30-1)
Attachment Rate – Dale Romans – Joe Talamo (50-1)
Winning Impression – Dallas Stewart – Joe Rocco, Jr. (50-1)
Ny Traffic – Saffie Joseph, Jr. – Paco Lopez (20-1)
Honor A. P. – John Shirreffs – Mike Smith (5-1)
Tiz the Law – Barclay Tagg – Manny Franco (3-5)
Authentic – Bob Baffert – John Velazquez (8-1)
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rad-vodka · 6 years
Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puch. (The Argentinian Death Angel)
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I would like to talk about Carlos Robledo Puch, I did not find much information about him here on Tumblr, so it seemed a good idea to give some information about this argentinian serial killer.
He was born on January 9, 1952, grew up in a middle class family, when he was 10 years old or so he moved with his parents (Víctor Robledo Puch and Josefa Aída Habendak) to Vicente Lopez.
Carlos Robledo Puch was shy like his mother. He was always very careful for her. The father worked all day.
Carlos played the "bolitas" and stickers (those round with soccer characters) with the neighborhood kids. He studied piano, which he did not like. When he started high school he went to Colegio Cervantes, in Florida, Vicente López.
The 11 murders of Robledo Puch (the first six were with his accomplice Jorge Ibáñez):
On March 15, 1971, they shot and killed the guard of a dance club alley in Olivos, Manuel Godoy, and also the manager of the premises, Pedro Mastronardi, whom they surprised asleep.
On May 3, 1971, José Bianchi, guard of a spare house of Vicente López was shot to death while his wife was shot and raped in the same act.
On May 24, 1971, Juan Scattone, guard of the Casa Tia supermarket, also of Olivos, was riddled with bullets and the murderers offered whiskey on his corpse.
On June 13, 1971, the young Virginia Rodriguez was kidnapped, raped and shot to the side of the Pan-American Highway.
On June 24, 1971, another young woman, Ana María Dinardo, was kidnapped from a dance club alley in Olivos and was also raped and shot to death in the same place as Rodríguez.
On August 5, 1971, Ibáñez died in an alleged automobile accident that also involved Robledo Puch.
On November 15, 1971, Robledo Puch and his new accomplice, Héctor Somoza, murdered Raúl Del Bene, guard of a supermarket in Boulogne.
On November 17, 1971, Juan Rozas, guard of a car dealership, was shot.
On November 25, 1971 they murdered another guard car agency, Bienvenido Ferrini.
On February 3, 1972, Manuel Acevedo was shot in a hardware store and after a fight Robledo Puch killed his accomplice Somoza, trying to hinder the task of recognition by the police investigators, he took a torch and burned the face of Somoza's body. After opening the casket with the same torch, he picked up the loot and fled the scene.
He was arrested on February 4, 1972, when his identity card was found in Somoza's pocket. He had just turned 20 years old.
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He was tried and sentenced in 1980 to life imprisonment for an indeterminate period, the maximum penalty in Argentina. His last words before the court of the 1st Chamber of the Appeals Chamber of San Isidro were: "This was a Roman circus and a farce, I am condemned and prejudged in advance."
Criminal Law of Sierra Chica. Since July 2000, he can request his conditional release. On May 27, 2008, after the home prison was granted to the dentist Ricardo Barreda, Robledo Puch requested his conditional release. The judge who answered his request was denied because he considers that he has not been reformed in a positive way in any of the sociological aspects necessary to live in freedom, as well as not having any direct family members who can contain him.
In November 2013 he asked for the sentence to be remitted or for him to be executed with a lethal injection, even though the death penalty can not be applied in Argentina. The request did not succeed, because the Supreme Court of Justice of the Province of Buenos Aires failed to deny such benefit. On March 27, 2015, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation rejected an appeal filed by Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puch (63), the largest multiple murderer in Argentine criminal history, against the aforementioned sentence that denied him parole.
On May 10, 2016, 44 years in prison, Robledo Puch left the Sierra Chica prison for a day. He was taken to the Expert Advice of San Isidro to be subjected to a series of medical examinations, due to his deteriorated health. He was escorted back and forth by a dozen troops.
On February 4, 2018, 46 years of his detention were completed.
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On August 9, 2018, the movie El Ángel was officially launched in Argentina, based on the criminal history of Carlos Robledo Puch.
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rlopezortiz · 8 years
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Instagram dump.
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Multiple students who attended the River View Christian Academy, which used to be called the Julian Youth Academy, told BuzzFeed News that they were punished for saying they were gay or bisexual. Three said they were placed on "no touch," which meant they were forbidden from having any physical contact with anyone. One said she was told her "flesh would burn off my skin repeatedly for eternity in hell because I was gay." After being on "no touch" for eight months, she said she screamed the first couple of times someone hugged her after she’d returned home. Another had to run laps for telling someone she might be bisexual.
"Nothing about that seems even remotely OK," said Carroll Schroeder, executive director of the California Alliance of Child and Family Services, who has been a social worker, run residential treatment programs, and worked with at-risk youth. When he learned of the "no talk" and "no touch" punishments, Schroeder told BuzzFeed News, "There is no recognized therapeutic intervention that includes either of those two things." It's a form of control, he said, and "it's kind of mean."
But River View’s rules, which former students and employees say have not changed much over the years, were not illegal. Even at a time of growing acceptance of LGBT individuals and a rejection of programs designed to change a child's sexual identity, schools like River View enjoy remarkable independence that lets them try controversial behavior-modification methods, which critics say can be damaging to kids of all sexual orientations.
"Whether they're straight, gay, it doesn't matter — these programs use the same methodologies on straight kids who are rebellious," said Jodi Hobbs, who runs Survivors of Institutional Abuse, a California-based advocacy group for people who’ve been enrolled in facilities for troubled teens. "And if we, as a society, choose to have them in operation, they must be regulated."
Two years ago, LGBT rights advocates in California propelled into law a bill that enhances state oversight of troubled teen facilities, which operate with no federal regulation. The law’s backer, Ricardo Lara, a Democratic state senator, was motivated to propose legislation after meeting with a former River View student named Rebecca Lopez. She was 14 years old when she was sent to the boarding school in 2011.
Lopez, who identified as gay, said she was barred for months from physical contact with anyone at the academy. No hugging, no high five, no helping her if she tripped. “Literally no human touch,” Lopez told BuzzFeed News. To this day, Lopez said she recoils if someone reaches out to touch her because she feels she’s “doing something wrong.”
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andreyrecharles · 5 months
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If you are looking for an expert Long Beach and Los Angeles sexual assault attorney, contact the law offices of Ricardo Lopez Law today for a free consultation. Visit Now:- https://ricardolopezlaw.com/practice-areas/sexual-harassment-attorney-long-beach/
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/26/mexico-president-presents-energy-bill-to-give-pemex-more-control/
Mexico President Presents Energy Bill to Give Pemex More Control
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Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Photographer: Alfredo Estrella/AFP/Getty Images
Photographer: Alfredo Estrella/AFP/Getty Images
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador sent a bill to congress Friday that seeks to give state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos greater control over fuel prices, distribution, imports and marketing, his spokesman said.
The proposal would modify the country’s hydrocarbon law to allow the Energy Ministry and main regulator to suspend permits “with the goal of guaranteeing the interests of the nation,” according to a draft seen by Bloomberg News.
It would also let the state oil company, known as Pemex, take control of facilities whose permits had been suspended.
The bill was sent to the lower house leadership Friday and will be discussed in the chamber next week, the president’s spokesman Jesus Ramirez said in a phone interview.
If it passes, the measure would be the biggest reversal yet to hydrocarbon reforms that ended the state’s oil monopoly in 2013 and 2014. Since taking office in 2018, the president has been seeking to dial back on the opening of Mexico’s energy industry to private-sector investments.
Read More: Mexico’s AMLO Pounces on Texas Freeze to Push Nationalist Agenda
The courts have thwarted Lopez Obrador’s previous attempts to reimpose the state’s dominance in the energy market. Earlier this month a judge suspended indefinitely a law that would give state companies priority over private firms in the electricity market.
The president said earlier this month he would seek to push through a constitutional reform if his efforts were blocked.
Read More: Mexico Judge Suspends Controversial Power Law Indefinitely
The arrival of competition has seen Pemex lose significant market share, with foreign companies importing more diesel than the state giant for the first time in June of last year. Pemex has also struggled under its debt burden and long-term production declines.
Spokespeople for the Energy Ministry and Pemex didn’t respond to requests for comment. Senate leader Ricardo Monreal’s office said they had not seen the bill.
— With assistance by Michael O’Boyle, Cyntia Aurora Barrera Diaz, and Amy Stillman
Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg Terminal.
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phgq · 4 years
SC suspends lawyer over notarial practice violation
#PHnews: SC suspends lawyer over notarial practice violation
MANILA – A lawyer who initiated a complaint against Manila Mayor Francisco "Isko Moreno" Domagoso when he was still the city's vice mayor has been sanctioned by the Supreme Court (SC) for violating rules on notarial practice.
In a seven-page decision dated Dec. 7 and made public Monday, the court's Second Division through Senior Associate Justice Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe found lawyer Socrates G. Maranan guilty of violating the 2004 Rules of Notarial Practice and suspended him from the practice of law for six months.
The SC also ruled that Maranan's notarial commission, if any, be immediately revoked and disqualified him from being commissioned as a notary public for a period of two years.
Associate Justices Alexander G. Gesmundo, Amy C. Lazaro-Javier Mario V. Lopez and Ricardo Rosario concurred in the decision.
Maranan had filed a criminal complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman against then vice mayor Domagoso, charging him with falsification of public documents and violation of Section 3 (e) of Republic Act No. 3019 for having signed, on behalf of the Manila City government, consultancy contracts with persons who were either deceased or out of the country for extended periods of time.
Domagoso claimed that he signed the contracts upon the assurance of his former secretary, Abraham Cabochan, that everything was in order and pointed out that it was Maranan who actually notarized the subject contracts.
After due proceedings, the Ombudsman dismissed the charges against Domagoso and referred the matter to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for determination of Maranan's administrative liability for having notarized the consultancy contracts.
In sanctioning the lawyer, the SC noted that he should have kept a closer watch on his notarial records.
"Instead of offering any plausible explanation as to how the consultancy contracts came to be stamped with his notarial seal, Atty. Maranan merely insisted that he never notarized nor authored said contracts, that his signatures therein were forgeries, and that said contracts were not included in his notarial reports," the court noted.
The court added that Maranan had been remiss in his obligation as a notary public.
"Had he been more vigilant in the performance of his notarial duties, his notarial seal would not have been affixed in the subject contracts. Indubitably, this failure on the part of Atty. Maranan constitutes a transgression of the 2004 Notarial Rules for which he must be held administratively liable." the court said. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "SC suspends lawyer over notarial practice violation." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126416 (accessed January 06, 2021 at 12:06AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "SC suspends lawyer over notarial practice violation." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126416 (archived).
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Is Mexico Really Going To Legalize Marijuana For Recreational Use?
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/is-mexico-really-going-to-legalize-marijuana-for-recreational-use/
Is Mexico Really Going To Legalize Marijuana For Recreational Use?
Outside the Mexico’s Senate building, Mexican marijuana activists have been camping and growing a … [] crop of marijuana plants Pending the approval of the legalization of marijuana. In January they filed a petition for the law to legalize marijuana, which has several medicinal benefits such as treating glaucoma, reversing carcinogenic effects, and treating nausea; Science is convinced that cannabis should be legal for medical uses and in response many countries around the world have already accepted its legalization. on June 18, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico- PHOTOGRAPH by Ricardo Castelan Cruz / Eyepix Group/Barcroft Media via Getty Images.
Mexico is potentially on track to become the third country in the world to legalize recreational-use cannabis. New laws currently under discussion might make Mexico the world’s largest legal market for marijuana. Following the examples set by Uruguay and Canada, Mexico’s Senate has already voted to approve a bill that would start the process for creating a legal framework for a licit market for marijuana. Up until now, the driving force behind the push to legalize marijuana in Mexico has been the Supreme Court, which ruled that marijuana use falls under protected modes of individual self-expression. Support from the MORENA party of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was essential for passing a legalization bill in Mexico’s Senate. President Lopez Obrador, a perplexing politician who promotes the values of individual liberty, rails against “conservatives” and yet also promotes traditional, family values and has strong ties to Mexico’s conservative religious groups, has not talked much about the issue of legalization. Up until now he has mostly stayed on the sidelines, letting Mexico’s courts interact with the legislative branch.
Overall, the potential opportunity to create a legal market for recreational-use marijuana is an important development in Mexico. Marijuana was once at the center of the business model for many organized crime groups in Mexico. But, with U.S. states such as California and Colorado now operating legal markets for locally-produced marijuana, Mexico’s cartels have already diversified into producing crystal meth and fentanyl and into other rackets such as extortion. It’s still not totally clear what effect marijuana legalization would have on organized crime and violence in Mexico. The U.S. has long backed marijuana eradication efforts in Mexico, but it’s unclear how the incoming Biden administration would react to Mexico creating a legal, nation-wide marketplace for marijuana.
The legislation is still be written and debated in Mexico, and lawmakers still have a lot of work to do to create a clear set of rules that will allow companies to invest and start operating cannabis producing operations in Mexico. Provisions requiring market participants to implement rigorous seed-to-sale tracing protocols might create hurdles for small companies and rural growers. But, in the near future it could be possible for cannabis companies operating in Mexico to send legal exports to the U.S. and Canada. While Mexico does appear to be moving towards legalizing marijuana, potential investors in the sector still need to wait to see the details of pending legislation and look at the structure and design of the institutions that will regulate the sector. Investors need a clear regulatory framework in place and will need to do serious due diligence and political risk analysis before financing projects in Mexico’s nascent legal cannabis sector. The details of the pending legislation are very important. Investors need to understand potential risks from any ambiguities in the regulatory code and also need to analyze security issues and political dynamics in the specific areas where they are considering operating. To get a sense of what’s ahead, I reached out to Elias Lisbona Jassan, a lawyer at Perez Ferrer Abogados, who works advising companies and investors interested in Mexico’s fledgling legal cannabis market.
Nathaniel Parish Flannery: What’s the current status of the push to legalize marijuana in Mexico?  
Elias Lisbona Jassan: Right now, Mexico’s Senate has approved a bill that permits industrial, own- use and cultivation, investigation and adult use sales of cannabis. Support from President Lopez Obrador’s MORENA party was key to passing the bill in the Senate. Now we’ll see if they can replicate the outcome in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies. There’s still a long process to approve the bill and legislators are under pressure because of a Supreme Court deadline, which is on December 15. Overall, there’s still a lot to be discussed and codified into clear policy proposals in order for Mexico to have a truly functional marijuana legalization bill. But, we are making progress towards building a legal marketplace for cannabis, and that’s an important achievement for Mexico.
Parish Flannery: How likely is it that Mexico will introduce a functioning legal market for cannabis by the end of 2021?
Lisbona Jassan: It’s quite possible that we will have some kind of basic medical marijuana market in the near future. We have pending regulations that will not take long to be implemented. Medical regulations are set to be published by the end of 2020 after being put on hold since 2017. But, lawmakers in Mexico still have a lot of work to do. They need to develop the Mexican Institute for Cannabis Regulation and Control, which is expected to start operating just six months after the law is enacted. We need to train public servants on how to regulate the sector. It’s a huge task. I think that in a best-case scenario for harvesting and processing non-psychoactive marijuana will be legal in Mexico by August or September of 2021. For adult use, the current draft of the legalization bill foresees an 18-month period to approve the licenses after the institute is created and the Law has full effect, so I wouldn’t bet on having an adult use legal market before 2022. I don’t think it’s likely that a legal market for recreational-use marijuana will exist in Mexico before the end of 2021. People can consume the day after the legalization law is passed, but we won’t have clear guidelines for the market for several more months. Right now, Mexico’s legislature has to work to develop a clear regulatory pathway for marijuana to be produced, sold, and consumed legally.
Parish Flannery: Is there a sense in Mexico that cannabis legalization is a priority for President Lopez Obrador and his MORENA party, or is it more smoke than fire?
Lisbona Jassan: Right now, we are seeing a lot of talk from lawmakers but we need to see more concrete steps for effectively implementing policy. Lawmakers have not made passing this legislation their top priority. Again and again legislators have declared that they are going to comply with the Supreme Court rulings mandating the creation of new regulations for legalized marijuana but then, when the deadlines come in, they opt to request more time rather than face the consequences of taking such an important decision. Mexico’s Senate took a huge step in passing the bill. But, the Chamber of Deputies now has just a few days left to discuss and analyze this law. Up until now the Supreme Court has opted to grant extensions rather than forcing the legislative branch to take action on creating functional regulations for the sector in a timely manner. So, we still have to see what happens.
Mexico’s government has a clear opportunity to create an operational legal market for medical and recreational cannabis. But too much time has passed, and we still don’t have solid results. We could already have a functioning legal cannabis market and we are still stuck in limbo because we don’t have a regulatory framework in place. We’ll see what happens by December 15 and after that we have to wait and see what happens in 2021. If lawmakers choose to do a fast-track vote instead of doing a serious and comprehensive analysis, we might end with a regulatory framework that is problematic and could lead to unnecessary legal battles in the future. So, I think there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the future of the cannabis market in Mexico. We still don’t know how soon we’ll have a functional regulatory structure in place or if producers and investors will have to struggle to understand and comply with a problematic or contradictory set of rules.
From Leadership Strategy in Perfectirishgifts
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marymosley · 4 years
Pennsylvania Judge Hits Lancaster Rioters With $1 Million Bails
There has been a controversy over the refusal of some in the media to use the word “rioters,” but one judge clearly does not see anything nuanced in the actions of those arrested rioting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania last week. Magisterial District Judge Bruce A. Roth set bail for nine of the defendants at $1 million a piece.  I personally view that bail as excessive under controlling case law.
Ricardo Munoz, 27, had a history of violence and mental illness, including past knife attacks. He was shot when he charged officers with a knife.  Rioting later broke out in Lancaster.
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Twelve adults were arrested – Jamal Shariff Newman, 24; Barry Jones, 30; Frank Gaston, 43; Yoshua Dwayne Montague, 23; Matthew Modderman, 31; Talia Gessner, 18; Kathryn Patterson, 20; Taylor Enterline, 20; T-Jay Fry, 28; Dylan Davis, 28; Lee Alexander Wise, 29; Jessica Marie Lopez, 32 – for crimes ranging from arson to rioting to institutional vandalism to criminal conspiracy. Montague was charged with illegal possession of a firearm.
Nine were hit with the $1 million bail.
The Eighth Amendment states “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”  The Court ruled in Stack v. Boyle, 342 U.S. 1 (1951), the Court ruled that bail cannot be set higher than an amount that is reasonably likely to ensure the defendant’s appearance at trial. Chief Justice Vinson stated:
“It is not denied that bail for each petitioner has been fixed in a sum much higher than that usually imposed for offenses with like penalties and yet there has been no factual showing to justify such action in this case…Such conduct would inject into our own system of government the very principles of totalitarianism which Congress was seeking to guard against in passing the statute under which petitioners have been indicted.”
I doubt that this bail would be found reasonable for all nine defendants, if any, on appeal.  The court was clearly sending a message but bail in not an appropriate vehicle for such messages.
Pennsylvania Judge Hits Lancaster Rioters With $1 Million Bails published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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