#Richtor rambles
thesigilwitch · 5 years
I was just about to spiral into a bad panic attack, and my boyfriend goes "Stick an ice cube in your mouth." I'm not really sure where he got the idea, and I kinda laughed at it because I didn't see how it would help, but he was insistent. So I did it.
And now I'm on my second cube, because it worked.
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sylvaetria · 2 years
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mon-omoide · 4 years
One (01) like and I'll post art here regularly
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shiiftgears-blog · 5 years
Because it's...about almost 9 in the morning and I still have an hour to kill, here are some random, but good ass Lucy Stark hcs
-Lucys a nervous rambler. The more anxious/nervous or even stressed she becomes, the more she rambles, switching from one subject to the next. Youre probably also gonna get a lot of jokes or references from her as she does her best to cover it up with laughter.
-She's creeped out by dolls, with a slight fear of them. Not like Barbie, but more the actual doll toys. Her grandpa let her watch Child's Play when she was 5 and ever since then she won't touch them or look at them.
-She almost lost her damn 12 year old mind when her dad crushed his shelby cobra while testing out parts of the mach 2. She got an identical one for her 18th birthday thats practically her baby and she keeps in the best condition possible.
-When shes had a long week and just need some relaxation away from the rush of her life, she likes to set up a stream and play stardew valley and play lofi music and just chill with whoevers in the chat.
-Her godson is the biggest fan of superheroes. Like, EVER. And his favorite thing in the world to go do is go see the Captain America exhibit in the Smithsonian. Lucy has gone with Sebastian and Nora to this particular exhibit maybe over 100, 150 times it feels like. I think she probably could recite to you verbatim every audio/video clip from how much shes been there, and its not even a conscious effort. It just spews out from her subconscious.
-She also will just show off any picture of Sebastian she has on her phone ever. This also goes double for pictures of her dogs.
-While the Extremis virus in her was stabilized, they noticed afterwords that her body temperature runs a little higher than it used to. Nothing dangerously so, thankfully, but shes probably the best source of heat you could get on a cold night.
-Her mother Kendalls favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffanys and it ended up becoming one of Lucys. Though, just about any Audrey Hepburn movie is when it comes down to it, but that's the one she holds closest to her heart. When she comes home to see her they always make sure they watch it together.
-She has a quilt her grandma made for her when she was a baby and it still lays on the foot of her bed for cold nights. The little stuffed teddy bear with all the patches on him her grandpa gave her also sits on a bookshelf in her room.
-Her main in SSB is typically Zelda/Sheik, but she's been enjoying the hell out of Isabelle, Lucina, Richtor and Incineroar.
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sigiliuvenum · 7 years
Hi there hope your day is going well! I just have a quick question regarding Sigils. I use the method crossing out the vowels and repeating letters to make my sigils. Is it possible to put in shapes that aren't in the left over letters? Like for example a sigil im working on is "I am successfully warded against negative influences" I was wondering if a straight line from the y could be bent to become a circle? Thanks for any unput and advice you can give! :D
Hello! Thanks for your question!
I literally just woke up, haven’t left bed yet, my day is splendid so far lol.
Yes, it is definitely possible to put other shapes in to your sigils. When it comes to sigil making, I am a firm believer of “do what you need to / feels right for your sigils.” Sometimes this includes adding shapes that you didn’t get from your statement of intent - sometimes it’s even removing shapes if you don’t feel they work right for what you’re trying to do. Regardless of adding or removing, I feel there is no problem as long as you are content with the method and the sigil.
If you think about it in a different light, you’ll see that a circle is just a curved line connecting itself. So, really, you’re just changing how the line looks, but it can still be that same line. ;)
Either way, I don’t view that as a problem, especially seeing as I do it all the time myself, too. I add and remove letter pieces and shapes at my discretion. Everyone used to be very confused by my sigils, because I had the “dots,” and they had no idea how I derived those from a statement of intent. I didn’t - they were added mostly just to balance the design, but I know the sigils I used them in wouldn’t be complete without them now. I did what I felt the sigil needed, and it turned out just fine.
I hope this helps you, sorry I went rambly there lol.
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thesigilwitch · 3 years
Sup witches ✌️
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thesigilwitch · 2 years
Low piccolo
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
Honestly, I am so impressed at people that can astral project accidentally. I can't even do it on purpose. 😂
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
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@asksecularwitch thanks for the great thoughts on making a deck of spell cards instead of using a traditional grimoire! My boyfriend thought I was gonna be making tarot cards, lmao. I even got a black box I can put them in for storage; I will likely cover it in hand drawn witchy stickers or something.
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
@asksecularwitch @traegorn
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
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The progress of a yawn
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
Today's Tale of Witchery
I went looking for birch branches today, which was a little silly of me since snow fell and stuck yesterday. But I went and did it anyway, since I need them for a spell. ("Shock! Gasp! You? Doing a spell? Inconceivable!" I know right?)
I used the iNaturalist app to locate birch trees in my area, and I was happy to find one tagged in a park a ten minute walk away! (P.S. Shoutout to @polar-solstice for suggesting the app to me!) The sun was going down as we left, which was pretty but not conductive for looking for sticks.
We found the tree with no issues, just a short walk away from the tag in the app. The problem was - he was just a baby tree, very small, about as thick as my arm and maybe 15 feet tall if he was lucky. Even if he had dropped branches for me to take, I wasn't sure I could take them.
My search continues.
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
Hmmm, maybe it's time for me to just gung ho myself into traditional witchcraft and become a local witch. Like, damn do I feel bad for the books I've collected over the years (and my wallet that mourned because of that), but that stuff isn't holding me like it once did. And maybe that's really the sign that I need to change what I'm doing and how I'm thinking about magic.
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
"Feels like 1°C (34°F)" is fucking HELL when you've been sitting still for an hour.
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
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thesigilwitch · 4 years
Ok Tumblr mobile has officially become unusable for me. Any time I add something to my queue or drafts, or try to back out of watching a video, it just shoots me way back up on my dash, like almost near the top where I last reloaded new posts. I have had this happen for the last few days, and I am peeved. I'm downloading an APK of an older version, screw this honestly.
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