#Riecky Lu 瑞奇
fyeahcindie · 6 years
New from the little ball (莊鵑瑛 - 小球), it’s the title track from her new album, 巴斯特耳朵 Best Ear.  (KKBOX link)   =D
UPDATE: playback has been disabled by UNIVERSAL MUSIC TAIWAN 環球音樂, so watch at YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzHHTomenNc
Very dramatic sound to this song, with music by 廖偉傑 (Jie) (He also produced/arranged the track), and lyrics by ball. 
The MV is equally powerful, directed by 邱柏昶 BirdyNio and starring 饒星星 Cincin Jao.  Birdy did one more MV for the new ball album, and he also worked on recent clips from Vast & Hazy, Waa Wei, Kowen, Paige Su, Crispy, and MANY more going back several years. See the list at his Birdy Production Film site.   You can see Cincin Jao’s various MV, TV and Film credits at wikipedia.
Violin:Riecky Lu 瑞奇 (Nineteentael 十九兩樂團, 愛的養樂多 Yakult Psyche, Smokering 煙圈樂團)
Guitar:Eric Hsu 徐研培 (Peggy Hsu 許哲珮)
Backing Vocals arranged & sung by:Lisa Djaati 黃欽聖 (走下坡: Over The Hill, 靜物樂團 Nature Morte)
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Something a little bit different - Nineteentael 十九兩樂團 duo of Achino Han Chung Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) & Riecky Lu 瑞奇 played a 20 minute set before a long discussion panel on open government.  WATCH HERE.  =D
[政問 was live — with 林祖儀 and 唐鳳 at 華山烏梅劇院.]
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Short promo for the upcoming Nineteentael 十九兩樂團樂園 release: 
“十九兩首張專輯即將發行!!  DVD+CD 真心不換  請大家密切注意我們的粉絲專頁,感謝”
Riecky Lu 瑞奇 & Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) have so many other commitments and projects, it’s great to see them ready to release their own album!  =D  
Let’s go back a few years to hear their cover of the jazz/pop standard September in the Rain:
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Nineteentael 十九兩樂團  (Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) & Riecky Lu 瑞奇)
I’ve already begun begging for English subtitles or at least to have an English translation included with the lyrics.  =D
Alulu Kuo worked extensively with the band on the Video/DVD.  She sings/plays accordion with Riecky in 愛的養樂多 Yakult Psyche
This song, 探長馬提諾 Detective Martino, has been in their repertoire for a long time! We’ve posted this clip before, but this is a beautiful quality a/v from TheNextBigThingTW in 2012:
Everything that I loved about them from the beginning: their charming playing, Riecky’s story-telling, how much fun they have on stage.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
From Rock In Taichung last weekend, 紀露霞 feat.兒孫滿堂.  This is the combination posted by taiwantraditionalcharacters and FYCI  
The video is the opening of her set, and it starts with about 2 minutes of introductory chitchat.   Kidd Cheng  YT channel has the full set.   =D
陸伊潔 Riecky Lu 瑞奇- violin  (NineteenTael, Smokering, Yakult Psyche) 張家豪 /香蕉-trumpet  (瑪莉咬凱利 Mary Bites Kerry) Lo Zun-Long 羅尊龍-drums  (Sunset Rollercoaster, Forests) 吳雋然(嘟嘟) / DuDu-bass  (929, Miss Stocking, Smokering, Yakult Psyche) 陳威愷 (*Wei-Kai Chen)- keys   (*if I have that name correct, he plays guitar and sings in the blues/garage rock trio Wake Up!Explosion 威愷爆炸)
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Riecky Lu 瑞奇, violinist/vocalist/synth player from Nineteentael 十九兩, Smokering 煙圈樂團, etc., posted that she ‘finally updated’ her personal site -- looks like she added a bunch of audio files!  
Click the arrows on that thing that looks like a mixing console, 13 different songs.  Just listened to Lonely Flower.  Wish I could post it here, such a gorgeous instrumental blues, with multi-tracked violins to go with Achino’s piano & accordion.  Kind of a New Orleans vibe.  CLICK NOW  =D
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