#Achino Chang 張瀚中
fyeahcindie · 2 years
Let’s hear some new tunes!   =D
First up, a new singalong single from team P!SCO, good vibes on this tune!
Music & Lyrics: CatLun 張維倫 Arrangement: P!SCO Producer: 賴世凱 NiceGuy 配唱製作 Vocal Producer: 李雅微 Shivia Lee Backing Vocals: 李雅微 Shivia Lee & 張維倫 CatLun
P!SCO Links:   Official,  Twitter,  YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram
Next, some breezy bossa pop from 張仁與 Jewel Chang, a song on her new EP, they could have made this twice as long, it’s so nice:
Music/Lyrics: 張仁與 Jewel Chang Producer/Mix/Mastering: Yuchain Wang 王昱辰 (at Morisound Studio​) Arranger: 王昱辰 Yuchain Wang, 雷擎 L8ching Nylon Guitar: Kevin Lin 林建文, 王昱辰 Yuchain Wang Bass: 陳弘禮 Hung-li Chen (fr. PUMPKINney Fan Club 南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部, Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車) Drums & Percussions: 雷擎 L8ching Flute: YenTing Lo 羅妍婷 Wurlitzer: 王昱辰 Yuchain Wang Chorus Arranger: 王昱辰 Yuchain Wang Chorus: 張仁與 Jewel Chang, 王昱辰 Yuchain Wang Full credits and lyrics at YT.  Links: StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram   Spotify
Finally, here is a tender ballad from Crowd Lu 盧廣仲’s 2021 勵志論 (healism) album, the MV came out in mid-November:
Lyrics; 盧廣仲 Crowd Lu Music: 盧廣仲 Crowd Lu, Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) (Nineteentael 十九兩樂團, Waa Wei 魏如萱) Production Director: Tiger Chung 鍾成虎 (添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC) Producer: Crowd Lu, Shao Yong Huang Arrangement: Crowd Lu,  Liv Wang, Shao Yong Huang, Achino Chang, Dawson Chien 簡道生, 米奇林 MCKY Vocal: 盧廣仲 Crowd Lu Synth / Beats / Effects: Shao-Yong Huang 黃少雍 (派樂黛唱片 Dark Paradise Records) Electric Piano / Strings Arrangement: 王韻筑 Liv Wang Violin: 蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai, 駱思云 Lo Ssu Yun Viola: 甘威鵬 Weapon Gan Cello: Hang Liu 劉涵 (隱分子 Infancy Band)
Crowd Lu links: Instagram,  Spotify,  TEAM EAR YouTube playlist
Full credits and lyrics at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
A bunch of live clips have been released from Waa Wei 魏如萱’s HAVE A NICE :DAY 巡迴演唱會 concert at Taipei Arena.  The Have A Nice Day album came out in June, 021, and this concert video is from last summer. (?) 
I think the last 3 MVs from this show all feature Waa and most of the band on an auxiliary stage in the center of the venue.  Drums and Keys are back on the main stage.
Producer: 陳建騏 George Chen Arrangement: 張瀚中 Achino Chang, 柯遵毓 Jack Ko, 賴聖文 Peter Lai, 徐平 Hsu Ping, 韓立康 HLK Waa-Vocal/Songwriter Ukulele: 韓立康 Likang Han Bass: Jack Ko 柯遵毓 Keyboard & Accordion: Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) Drums: 賴聖文 Peter Lai Guitar: 徐平 Ping Hsu Horn Section: 哈管幫 LaBa LaVa: Saxophone/Horn Arrangement: 吳智暉 WaCiaoCool Trumpet: 許晨晞 Nicole Hsu Trombone: 胡世漢 Thomas Hu Backing Vocal: 布蘭地 Brandy Tien, Hang Liu 劉涵 (fr. 隱分子 Infancy Band)
Waa loves to rearrange her humorous tunes from older albums. If you listen on YT or Spotify, you can hear how the songs have evolved over the years.
This is how 吼呦 sounded on the 2011 不允許哭泣的場合 (No Crying) album:
Waa Links: Instagram,  Spotify,  YouTube,  forgoodmusic YouTube,  添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC YT playlist,  weibo
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
This is an older track from Waa Wei 魏如萱’s 優雅的刺蝟 Graceful Porcupine album.  Cool and quirky tune!  =D
It’s interesting that forgoodmusic YT (Waa’s record label since 2016) is now posting MVs from when she was on 亞神音樂 Asia Muse.   I wonder if that is a new mutually beneficial agreement between producer 陳建騏 George Chen / forgood music 好多音樂 and Asia Muse?
Music/Lyrics: waa wei Producer: George Chen Production Assistant: 陳以霖 (Yi Lin Chen) Arranger: George Chen, Achino Chang 張瀚中, 程杰 Jay Cheng, 賴聖文 Peter Lai Piano: Achino, George Bass: Jay Drums: Peter
MV Directed by 張博智
Anyway, I love that these older MVs are being reposted.  At least some of them include 陳建騏’s recollections of the song/recording.  Here’s what he wrote earlier today in the comments about Question Mark: 
記得錄賴聖文的鼓和程杰的 bass 的時候,我要求他們不要照大家印象中的音樂類型演奏,能隨性,能即興,能玩耍(充滿問號地!)。
記得,混音的時候,刻意把鋼琴放極左,bass 放極右。
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
This starts out a quiet ballad and really builds in intensity. A powerful new single from 好樂團 GoodBand!  =D
許瓊文 Wen Hsu-Vocal, 張子慶 Ching-Acoustic guitar.  The song was written by Ching and produced by 林易祺 LNiCH aka Yi-Chi Lin from Vast & Hazy.
Arranged by LNiCH and 張瀚中 Han Chung Chang aka Achino Chang (fr. Waa Wei and Nineteentael 十九兩樂團)
Electric Guitar: LNiCH, Electric Bass: Jack Ko 柯遵毓 
Drums: 曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng (fr. 東波 EastWave). Accordion/Keys: Achino
Good links: GoodBand YT,  張子慶  YT,  Instagram,  Spotify
EastWave also has a new single, this posted last week, and it’s another LNiCH production:
EastWave are: 郭子恆 Jemmy Kou-Voc/Gtr, 夏敬淳 (Frankie Hsia)-Gtr, 鄧凱文 Kevin Deng-Bass, 卞宗仁 John Pien-Keys, 曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng (aka 阿崧)-Drums.  
Kevin wrote the song, arranged by the band.  Full credits at YT.  
EW links: Instagram,  Spotify,  YouTube,  Jemmy Kuo YouTube
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
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Just read on 黃少雍 Huang Shao yong’s fb that he did a lo-fi arrangement for Waa Wei 魏如萱, I think it is part of a larger compilation, but the song and instrumental is listed as a new single on her Spotify.  (The link Shao-yong posted is for YouTube Music, not regular YT, so I couldn’t embed it here)
Shao-yong played bass in Waa’s band for years, and has also done some electronic arrangements for her recent releases.  He is also part of the electronic band 林瑪黛 matelin, and arranger/producer/head of Dark Paradise Records.
His post from earlier today:
Producer/Arrangement|黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong Assistant Producer|林志龍 Lin Linz Trumpet/Drums|Achino Chang 張瀚中  (Waa, Nineteentael) Electric Guitar|Eric Hsu 徐研培
  (Peggy Hsu, etc.) Violin|Daphne Su 蘇子茵
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林志龍Lin Linz 陳以霖 Yi Lin Chen 錄音室 Recording Studio| Coop Studio 大小眼錄音室Twin Eyes Studio 混音師 Mix Engineer|黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong 混音錄音室 Mixing Studio|Coop Studio 母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|黃文萱 Ziya Huang 母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|Purring Sound
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Brilliant composition & arrangement on this one from the recent Peggy Hsu 許哲珮 album, 失物之城 Hypnocity. =D
This is too good not to give everyone involved their due, so I’ll include the full credits. Some familiar names here, but it’s also interesting to note the various studios where recording/production took place:
Producers: Owen Wang 王希文 & Peggy Hsu Arrangement: 張瀚中 Achino Chang & Owen Wang Accordion: Achino Chang (Nineteentael 十九兩樂團, Waa Wei and Lovely Baby) Bass Flute: 張家瑋 Chia-Wei Chang First Violin: Daphne Su 蘇子茵 Second Violin: 駱思云 Lo Ssu Yun Viola: 黎芷晴 Chih-Ching Li Cello: 唐鶯綺 Ying-Chi Tang (?) Backing Vocals Arranged / Sung: Peggy Hsu String Quartet Recording: 林尚伯 Shang-Po Lin @ 玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Studio Accordion Recording: 左興 Hsing Tso @ ff Studio Bass Flute Recording: 蘇賢緯 Lugia Su @ Wonder Studio Vocal Recording: Peggy Hsu @ Ice Peggy Studio Mixing: 黃文萱 Ziya Huang @ Purring Sound Studio Production Assistant: 朱彩蓁 Cai-Jhen Jhu
Official Audio Graphic Design: @littleoil (小油画 / Little Oil Art) Official Audio Animation: Ms Lee
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
魏如萱 waa wei and Lovely Baby band (Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞)-keys/accordion, 韓立康 Likang Han-guitar/synth, 賴聖文 Peter Lai-drums, Jack Ko 柯遵毓-bass, supplemented by cellist Hang Liu 劉涵, and that is 徐平 Lobby Boy on guitar. I think that is a new nickname for 徐皮 Lazybody aka Lazy Hsu.) 
This song (lyrics by Waa, music by Likang Han) is a imaginative new arrangement (by 徐平 Lobby Boy) of the original from 2011, which just goes to show you the versatility of a great song:
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fyeahcindie · 3 years
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Take 25 minutes and go to Instagram and enjoy a very informal rehearsal of Waa Wei and Lovely Baby Band. =D
That gorgeous voice, that infectious laugh... And wow, she is more beautiful than ever. Just turned 39 earlier this month. 0_0
Kinda interesting that they use a click track for part of a couple of the tunes. *blip-blip-blip-blip-blip-blip* Just getting used to playing at the correct tempo for the tunes.
Also, no drummer or bassist at this rehearsal, maybe they are getting ready for a short set somewhere, not a full concert.
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
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魏如萱 waa wei is about to open up her 花室 maison de waa store/showroom, directly across the lane from her cafe (forgood 好多咖啡)  Very convenient!  =D
(Previously, she only sold her maison de waa goods at an online store)
FB announcement with Bing translation:
[Opening notice.]​ ​ 我們準備好了,​ 明天要與你相見,​ 小小規定大家一起遵守。​ ​ 06.10 13:00-18:00​ ​ *僅提供現金付款​ *響應環保請自備購物袋,如需紙袋另收取費用​ *開幕日為確保店內選購品質,將視人潮控管入內人數​ *入內配戴口罩,門口將實施體溫測量及手部消毒​ *入內需脫鞋,請盡量穿著襪子​ *為維持居民生活品質,交談請降低您的音量​ *巷弄內請勿吸菸
[Opening notice.]​
We are ready,
I will meet you tomorrow,
A small rule is followed by everyone.
06.10 13:00-18:00​
* to respond to environmentally friendly, please keep your own shopping bag and charge for paper bags
* open day to ensure the quality of in-Store Purchase, the number of people will be controlled depending on the crowd
* wear masks inside, body temperature measurements and hand sterilization will be carried out at the door
* take off your shoes in, please try to wear socks
* to maintain residents' quality of life, please lower your volume for conversations
* don't smoke in the lane
Maybe some of you will recall this set Waa and Lovely Baby band played at the cafe, back in 2015, this is Part 1:
Waa Wei Ruxuan 魏如萱 - Voc
韓立康 LiKang Han - Gtr
賴聖文 Peter Lai - Drums
黃少雍 Huang Shao-Yong - Bass/Keyboard
Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) - Accordion/Percussion
Part 2 is HERE.  There is an occasional live series at the cafe called  forgood live 好多聲活, you can see many clips at that YT channel.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Something a little bit different - Nineteentael 十九兩樂團 duo of Achino Han Chung Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) & Riecky Lu 瑞奇 played a 20 minute set before a long discussion panel on open government.  WATCH HERE.  =D
[政問 was live — with 林祖儀 and 唐鳳 at 華山烏梅劇院.]
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Nineteentael 十九兩樂團  (Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) & Riecky Lu 瑞奇)
I’ve already begun begging for English subtitles or at least to have an English translation included with the lyrics.  =D
Alulu Kuo worked extensively with the band on the Video/DVD.  She sings/plays accordion with Riecky in 愛的養樂多 Yakult Psyche
This song, 探長馬提諾 Detective Martino, has been in their repertoire for a long time! We’ve posted this clip before, but this is a beautiful quality a/v from TheNextBigThingTW in 2012:
Everything that I loved about them from the beginning: their charming playing, Riecky’s story-telling, how much fun they have on stage.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Short promo for the upcoming Nineteentael 十九兩樂團樂園 release: 
“十九兩首張專輯即將發行!!  DVD+CD 真心不換  請大家密切注意我們的粉絲專頁,感謝”
Riecky Lu 瑞奇 & Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) have so many other commitments and projects, it’s great to see them ready to release their own album!  =D  
Let’s go back a few years to hear their cover of the jazz/pop standard September in the Rain:
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