#Rien a foutre
sundaynightfilms · 2 years
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Zero Fucks Given, 2021
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a-different-stroke · 3 months
Open Pinch Hit -- French
If you can and want to take up any of these fandoms, please contact us:
Dix pour cent | Call My Agent! (TV): Andréa Martel/Camille Valentini (Dix pour cent)
Rien à Foutre | Zero Fucks Given (2021): any
Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Picard: Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi, William Riker/Deanna Troi, Jean-Luc Picard/Q Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine, Laris/Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher/Laris/Jean-Luc Picard, Raffi Musiker & Cristóbal Rios
For All Mankind (TV 2019): Margo Madison/Aleida Rosales (For All Mankind), Margo Madison/Sergei Nikulov (For All Mankind), Margo Madison & Aleida Rosales (For All Mankind)
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denizeyuruyen · 8 months
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🎬 Rien à foutre (Zero Fucks Given), 2021
"Duygu durumunun kontrol edilmesi gerektiği bir iş, kariyer basamakları-kapitalizm girdabında geçen hayatlar, mobbing, rekabet..."
"Bir havayolu şirketinde kabin amirliği görevini yerine getiren Cassandre'nin iç hesaplaşmaları... Seyir zevkinin en önemli sebebi gerçekçiliği. Çekimlerin de doğalı bozmayacak şekilde dikkat edildiği, dram türünde bir film." "İş ortamında nasıl robotik bir yaşam varsa özel hayat da bir o kadar savruk, bağımsız, boşvermiş, tek gecelik ilişkilerle bezeli. Nam-ı diğer ıssız adam/kadın ya da kaçıngan kişilik, kısaca bağlanamayan. Dışarıdan görünen çok renkli yaşamın içeride ne kadar kaotik olduğu çarpıcı bir şekilde işlenmiş." "İnsanın eksik yanına dair..."
Alıntı Kaynağı: https://eksisozluk111.com/entry/135742066
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rrrauschen · 9 months
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Julie Lecoustre & Emmanuel Marre, {2021} Rien à foutre (Zero fucks given)
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perduedansmatete · 28 days
Chut ? Et la Palestine c'est rien aussi ? Aussitôt follow Aussitôt unfollow on suit pas les soutiens de nazi et de génocide ici
sorry girl j’aime juste profondément la musique de lana del rey, je ne suis pas parfaite et je n’ai jamais prétendu l’être, on a tous nos incohérences, aussi merdiques soient-elles
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 months
Soooo the people from Benj's family have left our house.
For fuck's sake. I spoke more with the kiddos than the parents, who were:
being overall unhappy and not chatty at all except for complaining about money the whole time (they were coming back from their two weeks holidays in the Alps at the foot of the Mont Blanc as a family of four)(Benj is for them the cousin who's rolling in money. We aren't poor. We have fucking horses we aren't poor. You know how we manage? We never go on holidays. Ever. This is a life choice. A conscious one. Because we used to be poor and never/rarely went on holidays when we were kids and we had great childhoods nonetheless)
letting their dog poop in the street, not pick it up
their dog also peed in our fucking house, and they cleaned, but our own dog is very dominant and that has prompted him to quickly pee in the house too, which he HAS NEVER DONE BEFORE because he is well trained
reminder their dog is a 6kg Jack Russel and ours is a 45kg lab/beauceron cross. Think about the amount of pee I had to clean off
I'd spent the week cleaning the house. Yay
we'd offered to make BBQ and salad. They didn't like the BBQ. Nor the salad (Benj had warned me. Whatever you do. They won't eat it. Make pasta. They ate pasta. Without any sauce. Because they didn't like the ones we had. THE KIDS. 8 AND 14. ATE MORE FOOD THAN THEIR PARENTS (go kids. Please don't be corrupted by your parents. don't care about the food, see below)
we took them on a little tour, they were bored af, and complained that they had to be back at 7:30 to feed the cat (yeah they also had their cat). Your cat can survive an hour of delay.
they've left, and I noticed they broke something in the room we gave them, without telling us. Thanks? You could have told us? We're not an Airbnb?
of course we had to stir the conversation away from any topic that vaguely approached politics because we know they're fervent fascist voters and we're cowards and don't want to have to deal with that - yet they still managed to spew racist shit out of the blue. Luckily they also change subjects when they realized we were just staring at them not saying anything.
Anyway. Yay for family. We really don't live in the same fucking world. I don't want them in my house ever again thanks and yeah Benj doesn't want them back either. EUUURGHHHHHH
Benj is the godfather of the eldest kid. And the kid adores him. He's trying to make him understand his parents view of the world suck. This is why he still sees them. He feels some responsibility towards the kid. I hope it works.
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winckler · 1 year
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a-room-of-my-own · 11 months
Au fait, il y a eu 40 morts français en Israël suite aux attaques du Hamas. Vous avez vu un hommage quelconque passer?
Bah non.
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kalincka · 2 years
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obsédée par ce thread twitter
bonus :
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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Zero Fucks Given (Julie Lecoustre & Emmanuel Marre, 2021).
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scenephile · 1 year
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Come on, it’s the drug
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kelthoumrambles · 1 month
Un soir, j'étais dans un cool bar avec ma pote. Puis, ce gars assez def assez excentrique assez kiki vient un peu nous draguer. Il me raconte qu'il est dj. J'en avais rien à foutre en vrai mais je savais qu'il avait de la coke donc je reste un minimum (bare minimum) sympa pour en profiter (horrible je sais). Bref je termine la soirée chez lui dans une magnifique maison. Il met de la musique c'était vachement pas mal en vrai. Le lendemain matin, j'étais tellement dans le maaaal. J'ai regardé des dessins animés jusqu'à 14h en totale léthargie jusqu'à ce qu'il m'appelle un uber. En rentrant, ma pote me dit "K! T'as recherché son profil?? C'est vraiment un dj connu, regarde!" Ah ouais.... il m'a demandé mon numéro au moins 3 x et j'étais en mode "nah ya pas moyen djadja". Pas grave je reste fidèle à moi même (cold bitch)
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plaidetchocolatchaud · 11 months
Si ça vous manque (je suppose que non) que je parle de patinage : il y a le grand prix de France en ce moment (j'ai loupé la première journée que je rattrape ce soir oui) et les entrées c'est une petite dinguerie : Boyang Jim, Adam Siao Him Fa (qui fait des chorés de dingue, Yuma Kagiyama (vice champion olympique) Ilia Malinin (qui fait les sauts les plus difficiles et qui enchaîne les records), Mone Chiba, Wakaba Higuchi qui revient en compétition après un an de pause, Haein Lee (vice championne du monde et ma favorite) et Isabeau Levito (championne du monde junior j'aime pas sa technique de saut mais elle est adorable à regarder).
Pour une fois je vais pouvoir en profiter sans avoir à avancer/finir un mémoire sur le dos.
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adelakilina-capture · 7 months
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linear9 · 1 year
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A shot from Rien à foutre (2021)
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Zero Fucks Given (Rien à foutre) (2021) Emmanuel Marre and Julie Lecoustre
July 30th 2023
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