kinart05 · 2 years
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karasu-sama · 4 months
Noches oscuras, donde mi oyente brilla en el cielo. Hablando con la luna. ¿Quieres oírme?
Algo que escribi ^^
¿Que hago acá? En el medio de la noche, donde no encuentro un momento para pensar en la razón del negro de mis uñas.
El negro de mis ojos,
El negro de mi piel,
El momento donde me miro en un espejo buscando mi reflejo y no sé que veo.
No logro ver nada o lo que veo no tiene forma, pero en el fondo, una sonrisa se asoma como la punta de una luna.
La imagen en mi cabeza me afirma que la risa que oigo es mía.
¿Pero por qué no me duele la mejilla? ¿Y por qué no siento el aire escapándose de mis pulmones?
Mi sonrisa esta pintada, pues mi realidad sigue oscura.
Necesito mostrar los colmillos y clavarlos, clavar mis uñas en una superficie que me sostenga.
Necesito dejar de ser neblina.
Necesito dejar de no tener existencia, en este mundo sólido donde me siento invisible.
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wanitabulan · 2 months
Belakangan usahaku melepasmu banyak tangisnya. Terlebih ketika aku menyetir mobil sendirian sambil memutar lagu I'd Like to Watch You Sleeping - Sal Priadi.
Bagian ini selalu mengagalkanku;
Aku banyak takutnya. Misalnya, kehilangan dirimu sekali lagi.
Hal yang paling kusuka di dekatmu, kau adalah orang favoritku nomor satu. Nomor dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam isinya namamu huruf besar semua.
Dan hitungan keseribu; seribu tahun lagi maksudku. Hiduplah terus, ada terus, seperti tokoh kartun di televisi itu.
Aku merangkum ketakutan-ketakutanku, juga rasa sakitku; namun kau serupa dengan bahagia itu sendiri. Mencintaimu seperti kehujanan anugerah-anugerah dari langit. Tak ada orang yang pernah berhasil menempati hatiku sepenuh tempatmu.
Membayangkan seratus, seribu tahun lagi denganmu selalu menjadi hal yang membuatku ingin hidup terus; dan aku berdoa kau hidup lebih lama dariku.
Aku selalu bilang, aku takut kalau tubuhmu sakit, atau kalau isi kepalamu tak segera kau rapihkan. Mungkin aku tak pandai membaca dirimu seperti orang lain yang kerap menyuruhku menyerah saja. Tapi, bagaimana caranya menyerah pada hal yang kau cintai sepenuh jiwamu?
Bagaimana caranya berhenti mencintai orang favorit nomor satu dengan huruf besar semua? Tidak kah menyerah dan mencintai sama-sama membunuhku? Aku hanya harus memilih cara mati dengan sedikit rasa sakit. Tapi entah, racun diantara kedua itu tak ada yang membunuhku lebih cepat; yang artinya aku tetap akan mati perlahan-lahan.
Melinda Risa
Bintaro, 16 Juli 2024
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discoknack · 2 months
Kikoru's Spirit Guy Part 1
For @sonicasura 's ghost!Kafka AU.
Kikoru is also 10-11 or so. Kafka's been haunting for several months, but he isn't always at the manor and can't see into every room at once.
I wanted to get this all down in one go but brain is a fickle creature. TBH most of this just feels like context for part 2.
The smallest mistake could set her off. A missed question here and there, even if she had an A overall, would have her fuming. She was polite to her teachers, but it was very clear how mad she'd be when one of their mistakes had to temporarily reflect on her scores. She had to know every detail and perform to utmost perfection. And every slip-up was the worst.
So, after she powered through her cold symptoms - including a splitting headache - to take a test that the teachers pumped up as pretty important, she saw the letter grade as it was handed back to her a few days later, and her breath caught in her throat...
There was no blaming the teachers this time.
She was able to set it aside for now. Except for the part where her friends, especially Risa, begged her to show her score.
Risa said, "No way! The amazing Kikoru finally flunked something? It's not like you to hide your score. Show us! Show us!"
"I didn't flunk anything!" Kikoru barked. Then she looked at her paper again, trying not to let the shame set in yet. "It's just. Well..." and she let the page droop as she pouted.
"Just a 'B'?" Risa was surprised. "Kikoru-chan~" she drew out the name, amused. She almost laughed, but reconsidered when she saw Kikoru's face. Instead, she said, "C'mere!"
Kikoru had to hold her paper with just one hand because Risa threw her arms around her neck.
"You're too hard on yourself," Risa asserted to Kikoru's ear. Then she pecked her on the cheek. "Muah! I wish I was as cool as you!"
Kikoru returned the hug, mainly out of habit. But her face flushed with embarrassment and flattery. "Risaa," she sounded mildly annoyed, "you're too old to be so huggy-kissy!"
Risa apologized, pulling away.
But Kikoru could smile a little, grabbing her own elbow with her other hand in a self-soothing gesture. "I am pretty cool, even still. Thank you."
Her situation was a little different when Sebasu picked her up from school. The fancy car, boxy and black, always smelled nice. But as comfortable as it was, it couldn't sooth her raw heart. How was she possibly going to tell Papa about her score?
Sebasu noticed her expression and inquired, "Kikoru-Sama, is everything alright at school?"
Sweating, she pulled her skirt taut and squeezed the hem of it. Staring down at her hands, she also squeezed the words out of her mouth in any way she could. "I... I got a 'B' on..."
Kikoru couldn't say more, gritting her teeth and furrowing her brow. She stretched the hem of her skirt over her knees.
Sebasu replied in a light, but not happy, tone, "I see."
The ride was quiet; Kikoru just morosely stared at her hands and the hem of her skirt.
But at one point, she blinked - startled, at a hand entering her field of vision (!) - and sat back. The car rested at a stoplight, and Sebasu had leaned over and twisted, reaching toward her (face? Shoulder?). He flinched at her flinch and pulled away, deciding that touching her might be a bad idea.
"Forgive me, forgive me. I... forgive me." Sebasu had straightened himself and rolled his shoulders, rubbing his neck and seeming old.
Kikoru saw his eyes in the central mirror, behind his spectacles: sad eyes in a sympathetic expression. His mustache barely disguised the solemn purse of his lips. Then the light turned green and he looked away.
He emitted some halting, half-started words that gave an impression of stilted gibberish. Like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. In the end, he said, "Some snacks have been prepared for you in the kitchen."
Kikoru nodded, grunting an affirmative.
The suspense was killing her, and the shame was beginning to really gnaw. She'd have to be fast, or else she wouldn't be able to tell Papa at all. Just keep holding on.
When they finally reached their destination, and Sebasu opened the door of the car, she jumped out and made a mad dash for the manor. She had to get it over with already. She opened the door and kept sprinting, ignoring Sebasu or anyone calling after her. She knew, for the most part, what would happen anyway. She spotted Papa walking between rooms and deliberately got in his way, standing widely with her fists at her sides. She had to do it fast and be done with it.
Papa raised an eyebrow and already become annoyed by the interruption and the fact that she had been running inside. "What has gotten into you?"
Just rip off the scab and bleed!
"I got a 'B'!" Kikoru shouted at him, color in her cheeks.
Papa was completely taken aback by the shout, the muscle in his jaw flexing as though she was challenging him.
Kikoru lost her vigor, beginning to shrink and close up her stance. "On... my test..." She folded her hands in front of her skirt and looked down at them.
Several moments passed, with Papa just blinking at her with that confused and angry look, like he was frustrated with her existence. Eventually, he said, "So it seems. You've disappointed me."
He brushed past her, and that was that.
Kikoru found herself in the kitchen, feeling lightheaded. What was it she scarfed down? She licked her lips. Something fruity...
Lightning struck the top of her head and shot all through her limbs. Her lungs burned for air, so she gasped and panted, face hot. How could she have screwed up so badly? She disappointed her Papa, her country, her Mama, everyone. Tears spilled from her eyes and sobs squeezed out of her chest. She failed.
She sobbed so hard, she couldn't breathe. Her headache came back and she felt like throwing up the sweet treat that was too good for her anyway. How could she dare to have even been born?
She heard her name called- something seized her shoulders and she finally gasped for air, shocked to her senses. Except her vision was obscured by tears and darkness- an enormous shadowy presence with neon green eyes that held her in a vice grip.
Whatever it was, it roared in her face, overwhelming her further. Already worked up and now fearing for her life, some funny things happened to her blood pressure. She maybe vaguely realized, too late as the ordinary darkness of unconsciousness consumed her, that the roaring was actually words.
Part 2
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madara-fate · 1 year
I remember seeing that post you made about your top 30 ships of all time. Have there been any ships you've come across since then that would break into that list?
Ah you're referring to this post from a while back, well I'm glad you asked this, because yes there has indeed been one that has broken into my top 30 ships since I made that post, but only one. There have been a few that came close though, and those include...
Loid and Yor (Spy x Family):
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Great show, but their relationship doesn't stand out as much as I'd like it to in the grand scheme of things.
Miyuki and Kaguya (Kaguya-sama: Love is War):
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I do like them together and they're really entertaining, but certain developments of their relationship, and the direction the show went in later on (I'm a manga reader) kinda soured me on them a little.
David and Lucy (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners):
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Amazing show, no issues with it winning AOTY for 2022, but honestly, I preferred Rebecca, and she deserved better.
But the one ship that did break into my top 30 of all time...
Is Wakana and Marin (My Dress-Up Darling):
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Those two have one of the most wholesome relationships I've ever seen, and never mind my top 30 ships, they broke into my top 10. That's how much I loved their dynamic. I haven't loved a relationship dynamic this much since Otani and Risa from Lovely Complex.
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thottybrucewayne · 8 months
Please RB for reach and put your reasoning for your answer in the tags if you want to <3
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issybee06 · 1 day
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Part V
Warnings: slow ass burn, cursing, drinking, smoking, discrimination against Uzumakis, discrimination against bastards, Danzo hate forever <3, politics, the council, angst, so slow
(n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.
Senju Risa was a bastard, with no real claim to the Senju name or any wealth or titles that came with it. Her mother, Uzumaki Kamiko ‘seduced’ the Nidaime hokage, her sensei, and got pregnant by him just before his death. After two days of labor, Kamiko died due to complications during the birth, leaving behind an orphan.
That was the claim of Shimura Danzo, and his reason onto why he did not send aid to Uzushiogakure when the sister village was under attack.
Three years ago; the council meeting regarding the inheritance of the Senju clan name and fortune.
Age: 17
I inhale sharply, unconsciously picking at the skin around my nails until it was raw as I sat amongst the clan heads. This was it, the day I would either be made head of the Senju clan or be cast to the side like my mother was. A bastard.
I was a bastard, I knew that from a very early age, and no one ever tried to correct me. “Your parents are not, and never were, married. You are illegitimate to the Takamori clan, your only chance is that the Leaf sees you as a Senju.”
It seemed like the past repeated itself, because years ago my mother was here in this seat at the same age, praying her caretaker and father figure would grant her permission to be the head of the Senju clan.
She was denied.
Inoichi clasped a hand over mine, halting my assault on my nail bed, “ You have no need to worry, (Y/n)-hime…they won’t make the same mistake twice.”
I inhale sharply again, and gulp down my fears. Sneaking a peak, I look up into the rafters of the council room and my heart rate relaxes at the sight of the painted dog mask. If he was here, I think I could handle this.
Hizuzen blew a large cloud of smoke, speaking lowly to the other elders. They were picking my life apart, unraveling the secrets and digging through my past, starting all the way at the beginning.
It was totally unnecessary, and only for show since the Daimyo was here as well. The elder knew everything about me already, but this went deeper than bastards claiming titles, this was about the succession of the Senju clan; the first Hokages clan and the creators of Mokuton:wood style.
I had his blood, and if bred right, my children could have it.
My mother didn’t have it, despite practicing and meditating and praying, she never was able to preform Mokuton. Tsunade never even tried, and now it was too late to find out if any potential children of her would have it. She had swore never to have children, so the fait of my clan was on me.
I…couldn’t do it. I had read the scrolls, done the handsigns, practiced practiced practiced…but no results. I had the roots of the jutsu, water and earth, but not the jutsu.
It was frustrating, knowing I was so close to it but ultimately failing. I had all the right tools, all the ingredients, but nothing came from it. I was my clans last hope, and I was already destined to fail.
My head snapped up, and I stood, “H-Hai, Hokage-sama?”
His wrinkled eyes creased, and he clasped his hands together in front of his face, “step forward.”
I nod, head to the elders table. I passed through the sitting clan heads, all people who grew up with my mother and/or knew her when she too was here, walking the same path as me.
I bowed to them when I approached and then to the Daimyo, remembering all the lessons the Senseis at finishing school in the capital taught me. If I couldn’t sway the council, I’ll sway the Daimyo.
“The council meeting will begin; the discussion of the succession of the Senju clan and the legitimacy of Senju (Y/n) and Senju Risa will begin.” The Hokage announced, and began going through my documents.
I froze. And Risa…?
I swallow as I began to pick at my thumbnail, I was not only representing my birthright…but my mothers aswell.
“(Y/n)-hime, though you are a direct descendent of Senju Tobirama, your mother was the product of a birth out of wedlock making her a bastard. You are also the product of wedlock, on top of that your father is of an enemy nation, and you were not born in this nation. Do you understand this?”
I nod, “Hai, i do Hokage-sama.”
He hums, “…you were brought here as a child, and became a shinobi to our village, showing your loyalty. You fought on our side in the war, receiving a large flesh wound, and have continued to serve the village well since. You have proven to the council to be of Konoha, despite your…background.”
He sighs, inhaling the tobacco from his pipe before exhaling the smoke, “…Tsunade-hime will never have children, and the bloodline of the Senju did not continue to boys, making you and your mother the last two Senju who can carry your bloodline…Your mother is getting older, making you the last.”
I nod, “I understand, Hokage-sama…”
He nods, “…you understand we can't simply ‘waste’ you're genes, correct? That is why the Daimyo has offered to marry his nephew to you. This will strengthen Konohas ties to the land of fire, and the reputation that befalls you now.”
I tighten my jaw, going over my notes again. None of this was making any sense, nothing was coming together or working. I drumb my fingers angrily on the table, scoffing.
“This is so frustrating.”
Genma looks over my shoulder, and winches, “hey, you chose this profession.”
I huff, leaning on my elbows with my face in my hands.
“I just don’t understanddddd~” I groan out, dragging my hands down my face, “it made sense two days ago!”
He hums, checking his hair out in the reflection of the microwave, “ you were also hungover and running on two hours of sleep two days ago.”
I scoff, looking over at him, “you act as if I’m an alcoholic.”
He raises a brow at me, “you are, and so am I.”
He turn to me, leaning forward slightly with his hands on his heart as he starts to speak slowly, “I. accept. you.”
I throw a pen at him, miss, and he smirks, “you really are off your game.”
“I hope you die.” he chuckles, and fixes his shirt one last time, “how do I look?”
I wrinkle my nose as I take in his appearance, “…you look fine. Got a date?”
“Yeah, you remember that girl from the bar two weeks ago right? Well, we're going to dinner.”
I hum, going back to reading my notes, “oh? Good for you.”
He nods, “yep. One of us has to have game in this house, of course it's me.”
“…im engaged.”
He rolls his eyes, “that doesn't count.”
I scoff, looking over at him again, “well apparently it does.”
“It doesn’t count! You only met him once!”
I roll my eyes, and stand up to stretch. I pick up my scattered notes and shove them into my notebook book, then go to pick up the lunch plate, “it counts, I’m engaged, so technically my game is better because you only have hookups.”
“I have a date tonight!” He yells, and gestures to his fixed up self. I look him over, and place my plate in the washing machine.
He glares, and huffs angrily before walking to the door, “I’m leaving.”
“Use protection, babes.”
I open my eyes, unclamping my hand in my kneeled position. I gaze sadly at the stone, and brush some frost off the name. The frost bit at my bare hands, but I couldn’t care less as I cleaned the grave.
I should have brought warm water to clean it properly.
“…happy birthday…” I whispered to the name, tracing the carved kanji in the stone. I pour a little Saké in a dish, placing it on the stone before pouring another. I raise my dish, then take a sip.
I felt a familiar chakra sit next to me, and I look over. Kakashi had his head bowed, paying respects to his deceased Sensei. When I was sure he was done, I offer my half drunk dish. He gives me a nod, and pulls his mask down to finish off the Saké. I pear over, noticing that his busted lip was healing.
“…how are you feeling?” I ask softly, almost a whisper. It felt like how it was when we were genin, whispering things on Kushina and Minatos couch after dinner as to not disturb the giggling couple. Back then things were simpler.
Dinner with Kushina was a everyday occurrence when I was in the academy, living with her half time, and when she began dating Minato the duo nights began to be trio. Later, when both adults became senseis, they'd invite their genin for group dinners.
That year after Rins death, and year before the Nine tails, was just Kakashi and I at group dinner.
“…better then I was two weeks ago…had to redo the stitches though.”
I wince, turn towards him fully as he pulls his mask on, “I told you, I didn’t know how-”
“You did fine, I reopened the wound a few days after.” He explained, handing me the dish back.
I frown, nodding in understanding before wiping the last little droplets of the alcohol on my sleave, “…I still think you should have gone to a hospital.”
“…I can’t stand the smell…” he spoke softly, and I nodded in understanding. Smells were more potent for him, even more so as he’s gotten older.
“…you don’t smell like smoke tonight.”
I scoff silently, “…Minato would roll in his grave if he caught me with cigarettes…I’m afraid he’d smite me if I even smell of it.”
He chuckled at that, a sad noise, and yet my heart squeezed slightly. I was glad I could at least amuse him, even on this solemn day.
“…I remember he was so angry the first time he caught you smoking with Asuma, I had never seen him so mad.”
I huff, smiling, “…wouldn’t stop scolding me…I can still picture his angry face.”
I could see the outline of his smile, and stood up. He offered he hand, and I took it. We both bowed to the grave, saying our farewells.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, walking next to me as we made our way out of the cemetery. I shivered slightly, wrapping my arms around myself as we walked. It was getting late, and the sun was just setting behind the tree tops.
I bite my lip, not wanting him to disappear yet. Kakashi was like a fleeting moment, his presence was scarce and you never know when you’d see him again.
He hums, looking over with his dark eye. I look to the side, and stop walking.
“…Genma is on a date tonight…and I was wondering if you’d want to grab some dinner…for Minatos memory.”
His jaw tightened lightly, and I felt my heart sink before he nodded.
“…why not?”
I smile in relief, “great!-I mean, great…how about Ichiraku?”
“I was thinking the BBQ place.”
The BBQ place…wasn’t anywhere Minato took us…I don’t think it was even built yet.
“Sure, we can do that…”
He nods, walking ahead. I jog a bit, catching up with him. I glare at him slightly, cursing how tall he had gotten. As children, he had been small and shrimpy. It was almost comical, this tiny silver haired kid scolding you as if his ego matched his height, but now it probably did.
He wasn’t as tall as Asuma, standing at a good 5’11, and wasn’t as built as Gai, but I could see why so many girls wanted him. He had always held an aura, an air of cool that both pissed me off as a kid and intrigued me.
Rounding the corner, the restaurant was in sight and I slowed my pace to a comfortable walk. When we step into the restaurant, we both silently agree to get a booth closer to the back away from the other people. More so for the quiet, and for Kakashi. His reputation, both good and bad, was starting to steadily climb and I had seen him get corned before by noisy civilians and shinobi alike.
I slide in ungratefully, and Kakashi calmly sits down. He turns the hot top on, and we wait for a serve to come round. I hover my hand over the heating top, trying to warm myself.
Kakashi leans into his seat, sighing as he rolls his shoulders back. I could hear a slight crack, but didn’t acknowledge it. When the server, a young man around our age, came round I laced my fingers and looked up at him politely.
He smiled, “what would you two like this evening?”
I side-eyed Kakashi, who looked over at me with his usual bored expression, and smiled to the server, “beef, tomato’s and eggplant if you have any.”
He nods, and writes it down before walking away.
Kakashi gives me a strange look, “eggplant?”
“I know you like it, I thought you’d appreciate the gesture.” I mumbled, picking at my fingers. His eye softens, almost unnoticeably, but I could see it. After years of only being able to read factual expressions by half his face, then a fourth, id learned to see every movement.
He nods, and looks down finding the table interesting all of a sudden. I wince, this was going great…
I couldn’t remember the last time Kakashi and I had gotten dinner just us two, after not speaking for a year after the nine tails then another two years after the arranged engagement was announced, we just never got around to talking…this year was truly interesting.
The food was placed on the table, and I pick up a piece of beef to cook with my chopsticks. I watch it cook, turning it when one side got too dark.
“…how’s the assignment going?” He asks so quietly I almost miss it.
I look up, noticing he was cooking eggplant.
“…we’ve figured out the ingredients…now we just need to make an anti poison…Ibiki is trying to figure out who created the poison.”
He nods, slipping his mask down just enough to pop the piece in his mouth, “…my team is traveling to the last known place in Kumo…we’re leaving this weekend.”
“Oh…good luck.”
He nods, and we both go silent again. This was…awkward. It was so hard to talk to Kakashi, he was so closed off and short with anyone and everyone. Even as kids he was distant, but at least he talked. He was a snippy child, always talking down to people and making himself look better. Over time, he just got quiet.
I continued to eat silently, every now and then looking up to see if he was still there or had disappeared. He was so quiet when he ate, when her breathed, when he moved, almost like I was imagining him in front of me. I was half convinced the server would come over and ask me why I was talking to myself.
Kakashi placed his chopsticks down, signaling that he was finished. He sat silently, waiting for me to finish my food with no rush. He closed his eye, resting in the booth with no worry or care.
He probably hasn’t been sleeping again, I thought frowning softly, and placed my chopsticks down as well. I laced my fingers, resting my mouth on my hands.
“Thank you…” I say softly, and he hums without opening his eye.
“…do you visit them often?”
I frown, looking up at him with confusion in my eyes. His eye was open now, sad and haunted, “…the graves.”
I lick my lips, feeling they were suddenly chapped, “…not as much as I’d like too…”
He nods, “…yeah…me too.”
I take the Saké out of my bag, taking a sip from the bottle. I raise it to him, and he takes it with a nod. He pulls his mask down a little, takes a sip and coughs, “w-what is this?”
I smile, “…it’s the good stuff from the capital.”
He makes a face, coughing again and handing it back to me, “gift?”
I nod, siping, “I’ve been saving it for Minato-senseis birthday.”
He nods, and shakes his head when I offer again, “ he’d like it.”
I hum and slip the bottle back into my bag when the server came with the check. I reach for it, completely prepared to pay after dragging him to dinner, but he beats me to it. I furrow my brows at him, and he pays me no mind as he leaves the money on the table.
I stand, still confused why he paid. I was the one who invited him, I should be the one to pay than right?
We walk out, and I wrap my arms around myself.
“Whyd you pay?”
He hummed, looking over at me, “was I not supposed to?”
“Yes! I asked you to dinner! I should have paid!” I stress, huffing at him. He scoffs, his hands slipping into his pockets, “just accept it as a show of good faith. I picked the place, I should pay anyway.”
I frown, my cheeks reddening from both frustration and embarrassment. He looks over and his jaw tightens slightly, and I could hear him swallow.
I go to protest at him again, but he just raises his hand.
“…we can just say you owe me next time.”
Then he's turning away, walking down the dark street leaving me with a flushed expression and my heart stuttering to make sense of his words.
Next time…
Kakashi and I were sitting on the couch in Minato and Kushinas apartment after a small group dinner. I was admiring how Minato would hug Kushina from behind, making her giggle as he whispered sweet things in her ear.
I sigh dreamily, my head resting on my chin. Kakashi scoffed, his arms crossed over his new anbu uniform as he sinks deeper into the couch.
“Why are you sighing like that?” he snapped, raising a brow at me. I look over at him, a soft smile on my lips, “its romantic…”
He rolls his visable eyes, looking away from me, “its sickening to watch.”
I glare, turning to face him, “sickening? They're in love!”
He looks back at me with a deeped expression, “really? I couldn't tell.”
I huff, raising my chin high, “I pity the person you marry, you clearly are not a romantic. If you were, you’d understand.”
He glares, and turns away, but I wasn't done, “when I get married, I want my spouse and I to be just as in love as Minato-sensei and Kushina-nee. I want to dance in the kitchen at 3 in the morning and giggle about inside jokes and talk with our eyes and have soft moments that are only meant for us. I don’t just want a spouse, I want a best friend. I think it’s more romantic if you fall for your best friend, then you know they want you cause they’ve seen all your flaws.”
I sigh dreamily again, as any 15-year-old girl would as she sillily dreams of a future of love, and go back to admiring the happy couple as they stay close to one another.
Unknown to me, Kakashi was also admiring something silently with the same love sick expression I wore…but back then I didn’t know it was me. 
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imasallstars · 10 months
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS U149 ANIMATION MASTER 07 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album has been released and the album is set to be released on December 20th 2022. This album features various CDs containing the full soundtrack of the U149 anime as well as the full version of Kozue Yusa's and Yukimi Sajo's solo songs from the OVA
Tr.01 U149 Main Theme (M00) Tr.02 Natsuyasumi (M01) Tr.03 Kickoff! (M02) Tr.04 Honkawa (M03) Tr.05 Enjoy Conversation (M04) Tr.06 Ukiuki (M05) Tr.07 Shiawase na Hirusagari (M06A) Tr.08 Ohirune (M06B) Tr.09 Genki Ippai ne (M07A) Tr.10 Waku Waku suru ne! (M07B) Tr.11 Kaerimichi (M08A) Tr.12 Kokoro no Naka (M08B) Tr.13 Choppiri Fuan (M09) Tr.14 Yume no Sekai(M10) Tr.15 Mukamuka (M11) Tr.16 Doki Doki… (M12) Tr.17 Seeno! (M13) Tr.18 Akogaer (M14) Tr.19 Dotabatabata (M15) Tr.20 Doshiyouka (M16) Tr.21 Masui… (M17A) Tr.22 Isoge! (M17B) Tr.23 to you for me-BGM ver.- (M18) Tr.24 Ai no Sanka-BGM ver.- (M19) Tr.25 GEMSTONE - BGM ver. - (M20) Tr.26 ACE - BGM ver. - (M21) Tr.27 I'm A Little Princess ~Ohoshi-sama no Negai~ -BGM ver.- (M22) Tr.28 Romantic Now - BGM ver. - (M23) Tr.29 Akogare Sketch-BGM ver.- (M24) Tr.30 Minna no Kimochii - BGM ver. - (M25) Tr.31 Himawari Mark wo Sagase! -BGM ver.- (M26)
Tr.01 Hontou no Kimochii (M27) Tr.02 Omoiyari (M28) Tr.03 Idol Debut e Omoi (M29) Tr.04 Gamushara ni (M30) Tr.05 Kanashimi no Oto (M31) Tr.06 Surechigai… (M32) Tr.07 Sabishiisa no Sono Saki ni (M33A) Tr.08 Wakuwaku no Sono Saki ni (M33B) Tr.09 Mune no Oku no Fuan, Katto (M34) Tr.10 Hitoribocchi (M35) Tr.11 Mezameyo! (M36) Tr.12 Main Theme -Balled Ver.- (M37) Tr.13 Kira Kira no Tsubu (M38) Tr.14 Takurami (M39) Tr.15 Aseri (M40) Tr.16 Egao de Bye Bye (M41) Tr.17 Shine In The Sky☆ - Piano Ver.- (EX1) Tr.18 Good Day, Good Night - Acoustic Guitar Ver - (EX2) BONUS TRACK Tr.19 Episode 1 Insert Song "Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.20 Episode 2 Insert Song "Kimi ni Ippai☆ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Nina Ichihara, Shiki Ichinose, Fredererica Miyamoto Tr.21 Episode 3 Insert Song "Decoboco Speedstar (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Miria Akagi, Nana Abe, Shin Sato Tr.22 Episode 4 Insert Song "Mujuryoku Shuttle (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Momoka Sakurai Tr.23 Episode 5 Insert Song "BEYOND THE STARLIGHT (GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Risa Matoba Tr.24 Episode 6 Insert Song "Tulip (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.25 Nightwear(GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.26 Episode 7 Insert Song "I’m A Little Princess ~Ohoshisama ni Negai wo~ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Koharu Koga Tr.27 Episode 8 Insert Song "Sing the Prologue♪ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu, Chie Sasaki Tr.28 Episode 8 Insert Song "Atashi ga Rule (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu Tr.29 Episode 9 Insert Song "SUN♡FLOWER (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana, Kaoru Ryuzaki, Haru Yuuki Tr.30 Episode 10 Insert Song "Zero to one (TV SIZE)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.31 Episode 10 Insert Song "Do-Re-Mi Factory! (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.32 Episode 11 Insert Song "in fact (TV VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.33 Episode 12 Insert Song "Kirameki☆ (TV VERSION)  Singer(s): U149 Tr.34 Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION) (off vocal)
Tr.01 Tokutoku...toku...  Lyrics,Music&Arrange: Ren Morimoto  Singer(s): Yukimi Sajo Tr.02 Omezamemeemee  Lyrics: Yuta Yashiro Music: Mayu Miyazaki (SUPA LOVE)  Arrange: Yasuhiro Gasa (SUPA LOVE)  Singer(s): Kozue Yusa Tr.03 Tokutoku...toku... (off vocal) Tr.04 Omezamemeemee (off vocal) Tr.05 Tokutoku...toku... (GAME VERSION) Tr.06 Omezamemeemee (GAME VERSION) BONUS TRACK U149 OPENNING&ENDING THEME Tr.07 Opening Song "Shine In The Sky☆ (TV SIZE)" Tr.08 Episode 1 ED Song "Yorimichi Little Star (TV SIZE)" Tr.09 Episode 2 ED Song "Minna no Kimochii (TV SIZE)" Tr.10 Episode 3 ED Song "Romantic Now (TV SIZE)" Tr.11 Episode 4 ED Song "Ai no Sanka (TV SIZE)" Tr.12 Episode 5 ED Song "GEMSTONE (TV SIZE)" Tr.13 Episode 6 ED Song "ACE (TV SIZE)" Tr.14 Episode 7 ED Song "Onegai! Cinderella (TV SIZE)" Tr.15 Episode 8 ED Song "Akogare Sketch (TV SIZE)" Tr.16 Episode 9 ED Song "Himawari Mark wo Sagase! (TV SIZE)" Tr.17 Episode 10&12 ED Song "Good Day, Good Night (TV SIZE)" Tr.18 Episode 11 ED Song "to you for me (TV SIZE)" Tr.19 Episode 13 ED Song1 "Tokutoku...toku... (TV SIZE)" Tr.20 Episode 13 ED Song2 "Omezamemeemee (TV SIZE)"
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felixcloud6288 · 5 months
Higurashi: Atonement Chapter 7
I'm getting a feeling that Keiichi is supposed to be the actual protagonist in this arc, but he's sharing that role with Rena because we'd otherwise have long expositions and flashbacks from Rena.
Consider what happens in this chapter. The first half is from Rena's perspective while she reads Takano's notes. Then the second half is from Keiichi's perspective. And during that half, Rena tells Keiichi everything she learned.
If this arc was entirely Keiichi's perspective, then we'd have to pause everything part way through to go over Rena's narration of what she did. Instead, we're just getting that directly from her and can skip over the part where she tells Keiichi everything.
Such horrible timing from Detective Delicious Ooishi. The only thing we don't know during Rena's part is whatever Ooishi called her about. All the info she says she got from Ooishi was in the car ride so she didn't share anything about whatever they may have talked about after.
Glad Keiichi is holding true to his promise. Unfortunately, Takano's false statement about the Sonozakis being behind everything is starting to infect the trust circle.
That's the same Toyoto van that nearly ran Keiichi over in Abducted by Demons chapter 5.
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Recognize this guy?
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This is one of the kidnappers in Time Killing.
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Let's connect a few dots this man's appearance suddenly creates.
This man works for some organization called "Tokyo". In 1978, he kidnapped the grandson of the dam construction manager. We can say with high certainty the Sonozakis had no involvement with the kidnapping so "Tokyo" is an entirely third party in all this.
And Irie is likely associated with "Tokyo" because we saw him with a group who came out of that white van in the final chapter of Abducted by Demons.
This could also mean Takano and Tomitake were involved with "Tokyo" as well. Takano's connection is more obvious. Tomitake's is subtle. In Curse Killing chapter 11, Irie mentioned a Risa-san had died as well as Takano. Tomitake is the only other person who had recently died, so that's who Irie is likely referring to. Also, Jirou Tomitake isn't his real name.
Then let's consider Tomitake and Takano's deaths in every arc as well as Irie's strange overdose suicide in Curse Killing. If the three of them are part of "Tokyo", then they were likely targeted because of that. Takano and Tomitake were killed either to perpetuate the myth of the curse, or the curse was used to hide the actual killers and then Irie was killed and made to look like a suicide over their deaths.
"Tokyo" probably was involved in the coverup for Satoshi murdering his aunt and disappearing as well.
So depending on how much Takano knew about "Tokyo's" involvement, she either is very mistaken or straight up lying about the village fanatics idea she told Rena.
And we end on a big reveal. Hinamizawa is home to a localized brain parasite that has infected all the villagers and are the cause to the symptoms of Oyashiro-sama's curse.
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Another typo...
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Spoiler Discussion
Nah. I've given enough info. Figure it out yourself.
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maeda-ai · 1 year
Ella es. . . --Bleach version-- C9
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Anime: Bleach
Rating: M
Pareja: Ichigo & Rukia
Sinopsis: Para él, ella es la mujer más hermosa, fría, pero fina y frágil al mismo tiempo, misteriosa e inalcanzable, única. Su amor imposible, ella es Kuchiki Rukia… ella es su todo. (Adaptación de mi fic de Shaman King).
Advertencia: Lemon (NFSW)
Por: Maeda Ai
.:: Capítulo 9: Mi todo ::.
No es que no lo hubiese pensado antes. Siempre lo hizo. . . pensar en Rukia y en sus sentimientos por ella.
""No he podido sacármela de la cabeza desde la primera vez que la ví.""
Recordaba el pelinaranja. . .
Él y su hermana se habían mudado a Tokyo para estudiar; Ichigo la universidad, Orihime el segundo año de preparatoria.
Aun recordaba, como si hubiese sido ayer, su primer día de clases. . .
Ichigo estaba exhausto, definitivamente ese había sido un mal día, nada que ver con su hermanita, cuya risa pudo escuchar aun antes de que la chica entrase a la casa. . . pero no venía sola.
* Ah, onii-chan, te presento a Rukia. *
El muchacho se había quedado paralizado, su hermana había traído a una amiga.
""¡ Y que amiga !.""
Pensó, pues la belleza de la joven en verdad lo había cautivado. Pero la pelinegra no parecía compartir el gusto, pues solo frunció el ceño, susurrando entre dientes, casi obligada, un simple "hola".
Esas fueron las únicas palabras que habían compartido en mucho tiempo. . . tiempo en que  Kurosaki se preguntaba cómo es que Orihime se había buscado una amiga tan distinta a ella. Fría y con aires de superioridad.
*Disculpe, majestad, por haber puesto mis necios ojos en usted.*
Era la frase que todas las noches se repetía el pelinaranja.
En definitiva, Kuchiki Rukia no era el tipo de mujer para Ichigo, así que no se explicaba cómo es que terminó enamorándose de ella.
Era cierto que su lista de defectos era grande. . . muy, muy grande. Pero esa jovencita tenía muchas cosas a su favor. Y esa lista era todavía más larga. . . Empezaba con su tremenda e inigualable belleza. A Ichigo le constaba que en el mundo no había mujer más hermosa que Rukia.
Y quiso olvidarla, en verdad lo intentó. Salió con cuantas mujeres pudo, pero ninguna lograba sacar a la ojivioleta de su cabeza, mucho menos de su necio corazón, que seguía perdidamente enamorado de ella, doliéndole de amor.
Ni siquiera la dulzura y ternura de Nell fueron suficientes para dejar de querer a Kuchiki.
""Creo que soy masoquista.""
Pensaba, nada alejado de la realidad, pues estaba totalmente consciente de que si le diesen a escoger entre la ternura y figura de infarto de la peliverde, y la frialdad y malos tratos de la ojivioleta, sin titubear elegiría ser el esclavo de Rukia.
A su corta edad, la pelinegra fue la protagonista de los sueños y fantasías de Kurosaki; pero solo eso, fantasías, pues la chica lo rechazó con la sola mirada.
Estaba bien mientras no tuviese novio, por eso odió a Renji por ser el primer hombre en la vida de la enana, pero ahora. . .
Él era el único, ahora y siempre, porque un buen día Kami-sama se apiadó de él y le concedió una oportunidad con Rukia y vaya que él la supo aprovechar, tanto así que ahora estaba aquí, viviendo su más loca fantasía y que creyó imposible, así como la mujer a su lado.
* Te ves hermosa vestida de blanco. *
Ichigo le susurró, haciendo sonrojar a la chica, quien fingía atención al hombre de sotana frente a ellos.
Pero llena de emoción, apenas podía creer que estaba aquí, con Kurosaki Ichigo, él último hombre que hubiese imaginado a su lado por el resto de su vida.
Rukia respondió sin titubear, la plena convicción plasmada en su rostro, más el pelinaranja guardó silencio al llegar su turno.
Ichigo sintió cómo la mujer a su lado le daba un codazo mientras le dedicaba una amenazante mirada.
""Te mataré si no contestas ya !.""
Pensaba la joven.
Y Kurosaki, lejos de ser presa del miedo, tomó la mano de la ojivioleta entre las suyas, depositando un suave beso.
El amplia sonrisa adornándole el rostro, decía todo lo que sentía y era suficiente, sin embargo, susurró. . .
* Acepto !. *
Y besó a su enana, tomándola entre sus brazos para no volver a soltarla jamás. Porque le dijo que la amaba, que se casara con él.
Es cierto que Kuchiki Rukia es una mujer fina y fría. . . su amor imposible. Pero también es bella, inteligente, a veces dulce. . . complaciente y exigente en la cama, la mejor de las amantes; la única. . .
Ella es su todo.
Me gustó este capítulo, porque hay boda ichiruki, pero especialmente porque es un momento en que Ichigo reflexiona todo lo que tuvo que esperar y sufrir para poder vivir ese momento con Rukia ^v^ .
¿Era mucho pedir un final así para el manga?. . . mmm, habría sido mucho mejor ¬¬' .
Pobre Tite, nadie lo supo orientar ^^' .
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai  y es material de "Paradise".
Totalizado el 03 de Junio de 2020.
Versión Shaman King: Totalizado el 03 de Julio de 2006.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
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kinart05 · 2 years
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yaninurhidayati · 2 years
Penantian Tak Berujung
Suara pintu rumah dibuka. Langkah kaki terdengar begitu terburu-buru. Ada beban berat yang ia tanggung, membuatnya berjalan lebih menekan sedikit dari biasanya. Sebuah kantong belanja berukuran besar, berisi berbagai macam sayuran mentah, ikan segar, dan beberapa bumbu dapur.
Sara segera mengeluarkan seluruhnya di dapur cantiknya. Ia mulai mengeluarkan thinwall bermerk yang ia simpan di laci bawah. Ia mulai memisahkan mana yang akan ia olah hari ini dan besok. Teg! Suara tutup thinwall berbunyi. Segera ia membuka kulkas dan menyimpan thinwall-thinwall itu.
Suara pisau memotong sayuran mulai terdengar. Artinya, Sara sudah mulai memasak. Kalau Sara sudah memasak, seluruh ruangan akan menjadi harum dengan rempah-rempah yang ia racik bersama bumbu lain. Sungguh menggiurkan. Entah, sejak kapan ia belajar memasak yang baunya aja sudah bikin kenyang.
Dua jam berselang. Appetizer, main course, dan dessert sudah siap dihidangkan. Dengan sigap ia menata meja makan sedemikian rupa. Sempurna!
"Wah! Masak apa, Sar?" tanya Risa yang baru saja menutup pintu rumah.
"Hei!" sapa Sara yang baru saja berselonjor di sofa.
"Kamu masak apa, Sar? Baunya sampai depan, lho! Aku jadi lapar," tanya Risa sekali lagi.
"Sekarang ulang tahunnya Rio. Aku masak kesukaannya. Semalam dia bilang sedang otewe pulang. Cuti," jawab Sara sambil memejamkan mata.
"Rio? Semalam?" tanya Risa heran.
"Iya. Rio. Semalam nelpon aku. Katanya dia sedang perjalanan pulang ke sini. Katanya tahun ini mau rayain ultahnya bareng aku. Dia udah dapat cuti yang susah itu," Sara menikmati relax time-nya.
"Are you okay?"
"I am okay, Risa."
"Rio... kan... sudah... meninggal..., Sar," ucap Risa hati-hati.
Mendengar perkataan Risa, sudut mata Sara basah. Nafasnya mulai berat. Tangannya mulai mengepal. Matanya membuka, "Risa. Harus berapa kali aku bilang, Rio masih hidup!"
Risa menggenggam tangan Sara, "Sara..."
Sara melepas paksa genggaman Risa. Bangkit dari duduknya. "Kenapa kamu sama dengan yang lainnya?! Nggak mama! Nggak ibu! Semua mengatakan kalau Rio udah meninggal!! Mana bukti kalau Rio sudah meninggal?! Mana?!" suara Sara meninggi. Emosi yang tak terkendali. Risa hanya bisa melihat amarah Sara. Ia sudah kehabisan amunisi untuk menyadarkan Sara.
Aku yang sedari tadi melihat dan mendengar percakapan mereka, sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk kemungkinan terburuk. Sebab orang yang Sara tunggu selama ini ada pada diriku. Sara mulai meraihku dengan tatapan nanar, mengelus-elusku, dan PRANG! Aku kembali pecah kesekian kalinya.
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suikyounamegami · 2 years
Ooe (大穢) | Folleto - Pt.5
Parte final del folleto de "Ooe" con las páginas que faltaban ^_^
(pueden ver las otras partes aquí → ① ② ③ ④)
Páginas 32-33
en estas páginas hay una reunión de los personajes principales (Ariake/Shinbashi/Aomi) para leer el perfil de Oosaki
la descripción de Oosaki dice:
un detective amable y poderoso 🏋️‍♂️ que en la isla finge ser el cliente (Daiba)
que es fácil que se convierta en el "saco de boxeo" de alguna persona "rara"…
pero que gracias a su "físico y mentalidad de acero" 🦾 solo siente un rasguño…
peeeero, que aún con todo y eso, es una "pobre" persona…
y las descripciones de los otros tres dicen:
Shinbashi: un "erizo de mar?" que duda de la identidad de Oosaki, es malhumorado/engreído en el exterior, pero "frágil" en el interior (se desmorona por cualquier cosa -_-)
Ariake: un santo que da caramelos a los niños que lloran... en el oeste/occidente?, quiere que Oosaki los trague coma también
Aomi: un profesor "flexible" que se voltearía a mirarte incluso si le llamas por error "Oume" (pues algo me dice que es mejor no hacerlo ¬_¬)
de la conversación entre los tres, esculcando el perfil de Oosaki, parece ser que Shinbashi es el único al que se le encienden las alarmas 🚨 con lo de que Oosaki es un "impostor", a los otros dos parece que les vale...
Shinbashi dice enojado que "después de todo el Señor Detective era un impostor" , y que como se atreve a pasearse frente a todo mundo haciéndose pasar por alguien más como si nada
(me gusta el sarcasmo de Shinbashi con su "Tantei-sama" 😅, y sí se nota que tenía dudas sobre la identidad de Oosaki)
mientras que Ariake está poseído absorto intentando despegar las columnas tachadas (█) del perfil repitiendo "la risa de Oosaki-san, la risa de Oosaki-san…"
Shinbashi se altera y le pregunta que qué está haciendo
Aomi le responde que está intentando despegar las columnas tachadas
Shinbashi le dice que se detenga porque es vergonzoso/da mal aspecto
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(por qué está sudando? que le importa a él lo que Ariake haga o deje de hacer, en que le afecta? 😁)
Ariake que responde que quiere saber como se ríe Oosaki (a toda costa) y continúa rasgando
Aomi que pregunta que qué significa el kanji (覆) que está debajo de Oosaki
Shinbashi le responde que es uno de los pecados llamados "diez ataduras", y que al parecer él también tiene un "pasado oscuro"
(十纏 como que es un termino budista, y no estoy segura de si esa traducción sea correcta 😩)
pero a Ariake le vale que sea un impostor/asesino/genocida o lo que sea y continúa rasgando las columnas
Shinbashi ya cabreado, le dice que está siendo muy ruidoso
Ariake que responde con que finalmente lo pudo ver (cómo se ríe Oosaki) y empieza a reír con su ejeje jeje…
a Aomi le pica la curiosidad y también empieza a tratar de conseguir "información confidencial" sobre Oosaki
Shinbashi que le pregunta que qué está haciendo él también
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(y vuelve a sudar 💦)
Aomi le responde que no se pierde nada con intentar averiguar
Shinbashi que finalmente se rinde y termina siguiéndoles la corriente...
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(admítelo, si te interesaba, pero no lo hacías para no verte patético 😅)
y al final los tres terminan escarbando para ver que información extraen del perfil de Oosaki
Páginas 34-35
Columna "muerte del favorito"
está página dice que los asistentes, aunque han cometido crímenes en el pasado, usualmente usan keigo y son personas "pacíficas" a las que no les gustan los conflictos innecesarios
(yo no creo que sean "pacíficos", pienso que más bien aparentan llevar esos estilos de vida para no llamar la atención [porque son asesinos 😑])
puedes desarrollar cariño por ellos viendo su "gentileza" al interactuar con los débiles, los niños y las "cosas" que no hablan su idioma, o que no entienden de cosas como un idioma (animales, naturaleza)
y que, a lo largo del juego los asistentes serán asesinados sin falta al menos una vez, no se limita sólo a Funeno
Ariake, Shinbashi, Aomi, y todos los demás personajes también, así que si se trata del personaje que nos gusta, entonces experimentaremos la llamada "muerte del favorito"
(pues algo muuuy malo tendrán que haber hecho para que a todos se los carguen sin falta ¬¬)
se eligió la "muerte del favorito" como uno de los temas para la creación del juego porque, según Rinko, las motivaciones del jugador van a ser mayormente el poder conocer a su "favorito" (el personaje que les gusta), por tanto si ese personaje "abandona el escenario" (muere), el jugador puede simplemente mandar todo a la mierd@ y no continuar (por estar haciendo berrinche 😩)
dice que hay que prestar atención a "el después" de la muerte del favorito, en cómo esto afectara a los otros asistentes, cómo heredaran sus secuelas, o si simplemente serán "desechados" cruelmente
y que quizá, podríamos conseguir a un nuevo "favorito" en otro personaje que no nos interesaba en lo más mínimo
Elementos extra
como los jugadores estaremos a merced de las "esplendidas" mentiras de los asistentes, el juego tendrá dos funciones extra llamadas "Archivos de Oosaki" y "Voces de los corazones de los criminales", como elemento de asistencia y organización de pensamientos, y estás se irán agregando cada vez que se complete una ruta
los "archivos de Oosaki" explicarán los incidentes que ocurran en el juego con comentarios de Oosaki, y "voces de los criminales" añadirá un breve mensaje de los asistentes en todas las CG (stills)
(si no me equivoco 🤔 esta función estaba en cocoon, el primer juego de Adelta)
y de último, dice que la historia se puede disfrutar más si se sigue desde el punto de vista del detective en la primera vuelta, y desde el punto de vista de los criminales en la segunda vuelta….
quiere decir que para completarlo al 100% hay que jugarlo dos veces??? ⊙_⊙
o que se entiende mejor si se juega una segunda vez pero ya conociendo las intenciones de los personajes??? 😧
Páginas 36-37
esta es una de mis partes favoritas del folleto 🤩
es una conversación entre Daiba y Oosaki antes(?) de partir a su eventual muerte al servicio conmemorativo
dice: "un cierto día de Agosto, 1955"
(tengo entendido que la historia principal se ubica en Setiembre, así como los otros juegos de Adelta [Hashihime - Junio, Urc - Marzo])
Daiba dice que un "amigo" de su padre asistirá al aniversario, pero que a él nadie lo conoce…
(y ya empiezo con mis sospechas 😅)
a ver, se supone que vas a ser el próximo presidente de una constructora, y resulta que NADIE te conoce...
al menos UNO de ellos podría haber escuchado tu apellido en alguna parte, no? 눈_눈
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(lo siento Shizuma pero ese cuento ni tú te lo crees 🤣)
Oosaki le pregunta sobre "el otro funeral", porque al parecer su hermano murió hace dos años
Daiba le responde "como era de esperarse de un detective" (como era de esperarse, ya le había encontrado trapos sucios 😄)
y que en efecto, él tenía un hermano llamado "Sukekiyo" (creo que así se pronuncia ーー;)
Oosaki le pregunta que si hay alguien que lo recuerde en el funeral de su hermano, a lo que Daiba responde con que su hermano fue enterrado "en secreto"…
el entierro de su padre fue algo sencillo porque él mismo lo pidió así, ya que era un inadaptado hombre que no podía hacer amigos, y que hasta dudaba de su propia familia...
(porque tanto "secretismo" y porque ese nivel de desconfianza??? algo no andaba bien con esta "familia" ಠ_ಠ)
pero que su hermano era lo opuesto, su hermano era una persona "amada y respetada", solo que su entierro se hizo así porque se sospechaba que hubiese sido un asesinato
y ya, pues empieza a contarle la "tragedia" de su vida, del día en que él, su prometida y la familia de su hermano andaban de parranda disfrutando las vacaciones de verano, que la cabaña daba a orillas de un lago, y su hermano estaba jugando con su hijo (sí, Daiba tenía un sobrino 🤨) pero que de repente comenzaron a hundirse frente a sus ojos, porque el bote era viejo...
Oosaki le pregunta que por qué un asesinato, y Daiba dice que no tiene idea, que la policía concluyó que fue un ahogamiento accidental (imagino que el niño también murió), pero que su cuñada (la esposa del hermano) su puso a chismorrear decirle a todo mundo que él era el culpable
y entonces Daiba dice que todavía lo lamenta, que si hubiera remado mas rápido hubiera podido agarrar sus manos bla bla bla, se empieza a limpiar sus lágrimas de cocodrilo, y ahí termina la conversación
simple y sencillamente no creo en nada de lo que dice 😅
está muy rara su historia 🤪
e imagino que Oosaki tuvo que aprenderse esta dizque historia para poder hacerse pasar por él en el evento, en caso de que alguno comenzara de chismoso a sonsacarle información 😁
Daiba y Oosaki tal vez no sean la misma persona, y quizás él no sea el asesino, pero tampoco creo que esté diciendo toda la verdad 😒, no creo que sea quién supuestamente dice ser
esa es mi opinion 😋
hay muchas teorías que podría comentar sobre los personajes, pero a fin de cuentas todas son especulaciones mías 😏
Página 38 y última
en esta página están los créditos, y también un texto que dice que: TODOS los asistentes tienen a alguien a quien no pueden dejar regresar con vida...
y... supongo que eso incluye a Oosaki, no? 🤔
todos tienen un "enemigo" al que no pueden dejar regresar con vida, y si se supone que los asistentes no se conocen, he de asumir que durante el transcurso de la historia X personaje(s) se enterará(n) de "cosas" que X personaje(s) no quiere(n) que salgan a la luz, y por eso tendrá(n) que eliminarlo(s) 🙄
como ya supimos por la página 34, todos los personajes serán asesinados SIN FALTA en al menos 1 ruta
con excepción de Oosaki, que es el único que tiene su contador de muertes en 0
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pero… el hecho de que no haya muerto en ninguna ruta, no significa que él no haya asesinado a alguno de los asistentes, no? ㆆ_ㆆ
ya nos han insinuado varias veces que Oosaki, como que también tiene un "pasado oscuro"
para empezar, el hecho de que termine "enamorándose" de estas personas, que son unos psycho killers, no da a entender como de que él tampoco es taaan buena persona?
alguien que no tiene derecho a juzgar a los demás, por decirlo?
Ahhhhh 😵 son tantas las preguntas (de momento) sin respuesta X﹏X
Pero bueno! esta fue toda la información que venia en el folleto ^^
me divertí mucho haciendo este resumen 😊
que será cierto y qué será mentira? solo lo podremos averiguar cuando salga el juego
y aunque en este folleto hubo bastante información para al menos darnos una idea, como mencione antes
los personajes de Rinko son demasiado complejos como para dar algo por sentado
ella explota magistralmente todo esto de la doble moral/doble cara de las personas
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es por eso que también da un poco de miedo pensar en cómo serán realmente los personajes 😟
me pregunto si alguno de los personajes morirá en la última ruta 🤔
(porque habrá una décima ruta 🤨 +?)
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ruta que me imagino, será la que "resuelva todos los misterios"
pero bueno, ya para finalizar
aunque se me están cayendo las babas por jugar este juego, todavía queda un largo camino de aquí hasta el otoño de 2023 😞
pero si eso permite que Rinko pueda terminarlo con calma y sin prisas, creo que podemos aguantar 😣 (esperamos 6 años por Slow Damage 😫), es mejor algo bien hecho que algo mal hecho solo por hacerlo rápido
va a ser mi primera vez jugando una novela visual BL con tantos intereses amorosos, pero los personajes se ven tan únicos, tan diferentes entre sí, no "estandarizados", así que no puedes evitar tener expectativa 🤤, además el juego también será igual de largo que Hashihime, o incluso hasta más largo 😲 (no de "rápido consumo")
solo esperemos que todo salga bien hasta el lanzamiento del juego 🙏
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losbigotesdegato · 2 days
Lagrimas Neón
Del rumor algunos lo sabíamos o en el mejor de los casos lo suponíamos: en el baño de la escuela había un pasaje multidimensional pero habría que estar justo en tiempo y forma para cuando este se abriera, no sabíamos nada más. Sucedió un día de esos que las clases están aburridas, los profesores demuestran la pereza sin enfado, de las escaleras bajó Sama, joven morena de pelo largo delgada cejas pobladas, justo cuando las miradas se cruzaron sonó “el ruido” adentro de los baños, una risa nerviosa salió por la comisura de los labios ¿escuchaste? Dijo ella. Debe ser un wey con indigestión, soltaron carcajadas, volvió “el ruido”, era momento de regresar a clases, el prefecto a lo lejos les recrimina el no estar dentro el aula, aun no es el receso les grita desde la esquina del edificio.
Play en el celular y suenan los audífonos, el movimiento de las piernas con la bicicleta crea el efecto de libertad, pedalea fuerte, corre como el viento, corre campo corre, ¿cuantos años han pasado desde que egresaron del bachillerato? ¿Habrán ya modificado los baños? ¿habrán borrados las letras de Sama? Los doors escuchamos carnal, metal brujería, pantera ya lo sabias, la ciudad era otra pequeña, caminable, dos adolescentes regresan a casa con uniforme por la cera, pudimos ser nosotros hace 25 años. Pero te perdiste, no saliste y no se pudo entrar, miedo, no lo creo, esperanza le fue(sigue) en su momento.
Dice la rola: No no estoy loco señor se lo puedo demostrar yo soy Fulano de tal y vivo en
laque lugar. Así dije a todos cuanto te perdiste en el túnel, nadie creyó ni a ti te
conocían, ¿Sama? ¿De hospitalidad? No we.
…también uso pantalones camisas y hasta zapatos. Esa tarde decidimos escondernos del prefecto y del guardia, creíamos que la hora justo al alba era el momento indicado por que era cuando “el ruido” aparecía, quitamos el candado y entramos al espacio que hay entre los baños donde están los contenedores de agua del lado derecho las tasas de las mujeres y del izquierdo el baño de hombres, a tu mano nunca hubo miedo, el espacio que debía tener unos dos metros de ancho por unos nueve de largo iluminado por una lampara de alógeno larga de esas de escuela.
Vamos pues ya estamos adentro al final había lo que parecía un cerrojo, una chapa, sin decir nada lo tiraste con fuerza y este abrió, la luz una ventisca nos empujo suavemente a ese mundo donde “el ruido” ahora eran melodías que estaban en nuestras mentes, salían lagrimas neón de nuestros ojos de alegría, la vi volverse nubes y árboles, me convertí en agua y tierra, nos dispersamos por el universo dejamos de ser cuerpo y materia, pero después vino la oscuridad y “el ruido”.
Podría explicar la resolución del ejercicio seis de la pagina tres de su libro de
calculo, pase al pizarrón. …y si acaso Usted no creé, le diré que eso es un cuadro aquello otro es una silla y más para allá esta un retablo.
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dayate · 1 month
Sudah lebih dua jam Risa berdiri di atas panggung menyalami setiap tamu yang datang silih berganti mengucapkan Happy Wedding untuknya. Daripada para tamu yang ramai sekali itu, sebenarnya ada satu sosok yang paling dia tunggu. Sesekali ia memicingkan mata ketika melihat orang yang posturnya mirip dengan seseorang yang ia tunggu. Di satu kesempatan, matanya bertemu dengan seorang teman sekolahnya dulu, namanya Vina. Vina langsung saja menggelengkan kepalanya seakan tau makna tatapan Risa itu. Sedangkan, Zaid, si mempelai pria yang sekaligus suami sah Risa, menangkap gelagat Risa yang seperti tengah mencari sesuatu di kerumunan tamu. Zaid tau siapa yang dicari itu, yang ditunggu Risa.
“Mungkin dia tidak akan datang. Jarang loh ada orang yang mau datang ke nikahan mantannya”,
kata Zaid sambil mengambil tangan kanan Risa, mengenggamnya. Risa menoleh, wajah cantiknya kini terlihat sayu. Sekalipun sudah sah menjadi suami Risa, Zaid tetap memaklumi kalau Risa sampai sekarang belum benar-benar sembuh dari masa lalunya itu karena pernah ditinggalkan tanpa penjelasan apa-apa.
Sebenarnya teman-teman Risa yang lain juga sudah sering menasihati Risa. Tentang supaya tidak usah memikirkan laki-laki brengsek itu lagi. Tentang supaya menjaga perasaan laki-laki baik seperti Zaid yang tetap mau menemaninya sembuh sekalipun Zaid tau sendiri itu akan menyakiti perasaannya sendiri.  Tidak jarang sewaktu PDKT dengan Zaid dulu, Risa menyebut-nyebut soal mantannya itu, sambil memaki-makinya. Tapi bagi Zaid, keberadaannya di sisi Risa layaknya seorang perawat terhadap pasiennya, ada di sana untuk mendengarkan semua keluhan-keluhan sakit si pasien, lalu kemudian mengobatinya. Ia tak masalah, yang terpenting adalah ia harus selalu ada untuk Risa.
Di tempat yang lain, ada seorang pria sedang mengenggam ponselnya, ada chat WA masuk di sana. “Aldi, jadi datang tidak ? Ini acaranya sudah mau selesai. Setidaknya kamu bisa jelaskan dulu ke Risa alasanmu pergi”. Alih-alih membalasnya, ia hanya menaruh ponsel itu ke saku celana bahan warna hitamnya. Lalu dari tas selempangnya ia buka sebuah undangan pernikahan berwarna merah jambu. Ada nama dua orang di sana. Clarissa Yunita, A.Md. RMIK & IPTU Al-Zaidin Faeyzi.
Pria itu, Aldi, hanya bisa menghela napas berat. Baiknya mungkin begini, tidak usah datang ke sana kalau nanti hanya membuat dia dan Risa semakin berat untuk saling melepas. Mungkin baiknya Risa tidak perlu tau bahwa beberapa bulan yang lalu orangtuanya mendatangi Aldi dan memintanya untuk memutuskan Risa dengan  alasan Aldi bukanlah orang yang tepat untuk Risa.
“Anakku harus hidup dengan laki-laki yang pekerjaannya jelas”, begitu kata ibunya Risa, mukanya seperti sedang menahan amarah dan kekesalan “Risa itu sudah hampir umur kepala tiga, dia harus segera menikah. Tidak akan cukup waktu jika harus menunggumu terus-terusan”
“Tapi saya cinta Risa, bu. Risa juga cinta sama saya”, balas Aldi menangis tersedu.
“Ah .. cinta itu Cuma ilusi orang-orang muda seperti kalian. Nanti juga kalian akan mengerti ada yang lebih penting daripada sekadar cinta. Lagipula kalau kamu memang cinta sama Risa, kamu harus membiarkan Risa memilih kehidupan yang baik untuknya”
“Kalau begitu, saya pengen ketemu sama Risa, bu. Biar saya tau dia memilih siapa”, pinta Aldi.
“Saya ibunya !”, suara ibu Risa meninggi. “Selagi saya masih ada, saya yang memilihkan yang terbaik untuk Risa”, ada suara getir di kata terakhirnya barusan.
“Kamu bisa tidak pergi saja dari kehidupan Risa ? Lupakan cinta cinta khayalan kalian itu. Risa sudah ada calon suami. Kami yang memilihkan. Dia berpangkat. Tidak seperti kamu”, kata ibunya Risa.
Aldi bergeming. Ada sejuta kalimat yang terputar-putar di kepalanya tapi tak bisa ia keluarkan. Apa memang harus begini ? Apakah memang ketika kita mencintai seseorang kita harus melepas ? Terdengar ambigu sekali untuk pikiran-pikiran muda seperti mereka.
Sejak hari itu, Aldi memutuskan untuk pergi dari kehidupan Risa. Tanpa memberi penjelasan apa-apa kepada gadis yang paling dicintainya itu. Setiap teman-teman menanyakan tentang mereka, Aldi enggan menjelaskan. Biarlah dia yang dianggap pihak yang salah atas keadaan mereka. Aldi tau Risa begitu mencintainya juga, ia takut kalau Risa tau alasan yang sebenarnya kenapa Aldi pegi, Risa akan mengejarnya lagi. Mungkin perkataan ibu Risa ada benarnya, bahwa jika kita mencintai seseorang kita harus memberikan yang terbaik untuk orang itu, bahkan kalaupun kita tidak cukup baik, kita harus melepasnya agar menemukan orang yang lebih baik dari kita.
Tamu-tamu sudah tinggal sedikit. Waktu menunjukkan hampir pukul 3 sore.
“Kamu memang pengecut, Aldi. Bahkan untuk datang memberi penjelasanpun kamu tidak pernah berani”, gumam Risa dalam hati. “Dulu katamu aku yang paling kamu usahakan. Katamu kamulah yang paling mencintaiku. Katamu kamulah yang akan mengucap ijab kabul kepadaku. Katamu kamulah yang akan selalu ada untukku. Kenyataannya, Aldi, bukan kamu orangnya. Tapi Zaid. Dia yang selalu ada untukku sekalipun dulu sedikitpun aku tidak mau melihat wajahnya. Dia selalu ada di setiap aku kembali tersiksa karena kehilangan kamu. Dia yang selalu menyeka air mataku ketika yang aku harap itu kamu. Katanya, dia tidak akan berjanji untuk selalu ada untukku, seperti kamu berjanji, tapi dia selalu ada. Dia mencintaiku, Aldi. Cintanya lebih nyata daripada kamu”
Risa semakin erat mengenggam tangan Zaid yang berada di samping kanannya. Ia menyadari satu hal; yang benar adalah menerima cinta seseorang yang kini tengah mengenggam tangannya juga, dibanding mengharapkan cinta seseorang yang pergi meninggalkannya.
Risa mengangkat kepalanya menatap wajah Zaid. Zaid membalas tatapannya.
“Masih nunggu dia ?”, tanya Zaid.
Risa menggeleng cepat. “Yang aku tunggu selama ini sudah ada di sini. Kamu”
Mereka saling melempar senyum. Jari-jari tangan mereka saling bersilangan. Hati mereka telah sempurna saling memiliki.
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gadisneptunus · 2 months
Hari yang aku takutkan ternyata benar terjadi juga. Sekedar untuk membayangkan hari² setelah ini, aku pun tak sanggup. Mungkin terdengar klise dan berlebihan, tapi nyata adanya. Pasti berat. Jika Rosulullah pernah mengalamai 'am huzn, rasanya hari ini juga menjadi hari terberat di tahun 2024.
Pada akhirnya kita harus saling melepas dan merelakan.
Kalau pun kita harus berlayar dengan kapal yang berbeda, semoga dermaga kita tetap sama, yaitu bermuara di syurga Nya.
Terimakasih banyak Ka Jihan, Ka Andi, Ka Tanti, Ka Bela, Ka Risa.. Selamat mengarungi samudera, berlayar lah yang jauh. cukup raga yang berjarak tapi doa dan rasa tetap berjejak.
Kenapa kita ngga kenal deket dari dulu aja😭😭😭
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