#Rock and Jada
jackoshadows · 2 years
I really don’t understand how people can laugh at, praise and like Chris Rock’s sexist bullying of Jada Pinkett Smith under the guise of ‘stand-up Comedy’. It’s vile and disgusting. Came across it on twitter and stopped, I couldn’t even finish the clip.
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Madagascar in Nickelodeon Magazine (part 1 of 4)
Madagascar was first featured in Nick Mag in the June/July 2005 issue, shortly after the film's May 2005 release.
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Here we have the cover of the magazine, featuring Alex, Gloria and the Penguins
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Next we have an ad for the tie-in video game
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Finally we have a two-page spread featuring an interview with the main cast. Full transcription of the interview under the read more!
We talked to the stars of the new animated movie Madagascar. The film is about some animals from New York City's Central Park Zoo who suddenly find themselves stranded in the wilds of Madagascar, an island of the coast of southern Africa.
On-screen best friends and real-life pals Ben Stiller (near right, who plays Alex the lion) and Chris Rock (far right, who plays Marty the zebra) talked to us about their characters.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? Ben Stiller: Alex is sort of the king of the Central Park Zoo. He enjoys being the main attraction and would be happy for things to always stay the same. Chris Rock: Marty is the adventurer of the group. He's not content in the zoo. He's the guy who asks, "What more could we be doing with ourselves?"
Nick Mag: Are you at all like your character? Ben: A little bit. [Like Alex,] I'm a New Yorker and a creature of habit. I like the comforts of home. And Alex is sort of an actor. He's a performer who has the self-delusional, self-involved thing that I think every actor can identify with. Chris: [Like Marty,] I always wanted to get away from where I grew up.
Nick Mag: What was the hardest thing about recording your lines? Ben: The time frame was crazy. It was like, "Wow, we're still doing this? They were serious about [this taking] four years?" At one point, I felt like all I ever said was "Marty!" Literally, for years. Chris: "Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?" How many times did I say that?
Nick Mag: Do you ever feel caged up, like you're in a zoo? Ben: Sometimes, when you're not happy on a movie set, it can be like that. Chris: Yeah, movies can be like that. Ben: I remember doing a movie once where, on the first day of rehearsals, I realized, "Uh-oh, this is not good." And I had four months to go.
Nick Mag: Did you do research for your role? Ben: I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes because of Tony the Tiger, and then I realized I was playing a lion and that I was really off.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? Ben: I'm a big M&M's guy—peanut or plain. Chris: Popcorn and Raisinettes, but I wish they served banana cream pie!
We got the skinny on Jada Pinkett Smith's big character, Gloria the hippo.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? Jada Pinkett Smith: She's like the mother of the gang. She wants to make sure that everybody is happy and taken care of.
Nick Mag: Are you anything like her? Jada: I have a real loyalty to my friends, just like Gloria does.
Nick Mag: Was the recording process hard? Jada: It was pretty challenging. You have to be really patient. You don't have the other actors there, there are no props, and you don't know what the scene looks like. It's just you and some paper with words on it.
Nick Mag: Do you have any pets? Jada: I have three dogs and a cat. And I'm about to get three more dogs!
Nick Mag: Do you like the outdoors? Jada: You have to be very cautious, but I love the wild. My intention for the next couple of years is to do more camping and go whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon.
Nick Mag: Are you freaked out by nature at all? Jada: Not at all. Insects are the only things that kind of freak me out, but I can get used to them.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? Jada: I usually do a mixture of popcorn and Goobers. Now I want some!
David Schwimmer talked to us about his character, Melman the giraffe.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? David Schwimmer: Melman is a hypochondriac. he's afraid of almost everything and needs a lot of attention.
Nick Mag: Are you at all like him? David: I'm the opposite. My character couldn't be happier having bars around him so that nothing can get in. Personally, I'd go crazy. I'm low maintenance. I like not having a routine. Also [unlike Melman], I have to be forced to go to the doctor.
Nick Mag: What other kind of animal would you like to play? David: A black panther. There's something powerful and mysterious about it. It's got those green eyes and the sleek black coat. It would also be fun to be a water creature, like a dolphin. [Zelda the roving reporter: You're already a good Schwimmer.]
Nick Mag: Do you ever feel like you're in a zoo? David: I waited tables for seven years at restaurants where I felt like that. I also had a crummy job working in a tiny room in the business center of a hotel in Chicago in a suit and tie from six AM to six PM.
Nick Mag: Do you have any pets? David: I don't. I travel too much. But I had many animals growing up—dogs, a lizard, turtles. I love turtles. Their only protection is hiding—I love that about turtles.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? David: There's no substitute for good, fresh popcorn.
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moremoremovies · 1 year
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shewasashowgirl · 10 months
Normal people reading Jada Pinkett Smith’s memoir: Wow, The Slap™ was crazier than I thought
Dreamworks fans reading Jada Pinkett Smith’s memoir: Omg she mentioned Madagascar :D
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ratsalad · 2 years
i love that house md is like a time capsule of 2000s music. bands that were small at the time bands that have since broken up they're all there it's so nostalgic
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sugarandspite05 · 3 months
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Wicked Wisdom is actually so based
just an appreciation post, but also,
it’s important to note the backlash she faced as a black woman in progressive music
“I had so many strikes against me. I was a woman, first of all, because even as a white woman, you have a hard time in that job. Then I’m a Black woman. And then I’m a woman from Hollywood, which is the antithesis of rock & roll. I was the representation of the machine itself”
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shewhotellsstories · 2 years
Someone really should examine the fact that so many usually male comedians like Chris Rock hem and haw about how they were bullied as children, but instead of processing that pain in therapy they turn around build careers taking cheap shots by mocking the most marginalized among us.
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melaninpov · 1 year
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90s Crime/Drama Films
Menace ll Society
Boyz N the Hood
New Jack City
Above the Rim
King of New York
Higher Learning
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twixnmix · 2 years
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Chris Rock, executive producer of Everybody Hates Chris, and Jada Pinkett Smith, executive producer of All of Us, during The CW's Television Critics Association press conference in Pasadena on July 17, 2006. 
Photos by Lucas Jackson
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via Will Smith “Embarrassed and Hurt” by Chris Rock’s Low Blow Jokes in Netflix Special: Report | Decider)
According to Entertainment Tonight, Smith didn’t watch the special but is “embarrassed and hurt by what Chris said about him and his family.”
The ET source added, “Will apologized to Chris and would like for Chris to let it go.”
During the (now edited) comedy special, Rock proclaimed, “She [Pinkett Smith] started this shit. She said that me, a fucking grown ass man, should quit his job because ‘My husband didn’t get nominated for Concussion.'”
she wanted Rock to resign from hosting the oscars because Little Will didnt get nominated...
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Madagascar in Nickelodeon Magazine (part 2 of 4)
The second time Madagascar was featured in Nick Mag was in their November 2008 issue, highlighting the film's release that month.
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The cover features a conga line of several characters through the reserve, led of course by King Julien.
Madagascar got quite a good treatment in this issue; the rest is under the read more!
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Included were nine punch-out trading cards. The pictures on the backs, when put together properly, form the film's poster. The Internet Archive does have a version of the website noted, but nothing loads on it, so we will never know what you call four penguins in the desert.
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Next we have a small ad for the film's website, featuring King Julien. This site can be accessed on the Internet Archive here (the games are still playable!).
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Next we have an ad for the film's tie-in video game. It has a board game path you could play on with a coin and any small objects as tokens.
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These next three are the main articles for the film. To prep viewers for the sequel, we have a quiz about the first film. Full transcript below.
The Beasts Are Back! in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
In Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, the animals get stuck in Africa when their plan to return to New York City falls apart, and they discover an even wilder world than the one they left behind in Madagascar. Paw through the following pages to get ready for the new movie.
Ready for Part 2?
Prepare for Madagascar 2 by taking this quiz to see how much you remember about the first movie. Answers on page 79.
The animals leave New York City because: a. they want to join the circus. b. they escape from their zoo and get shipped off to a wildlife park. c. they can't afford the rent in New York City anymore.
Where is the crew headed? a. Mount Everest b. Kenya c. A zoo in Washington, D.C.
Their ship goes off course when: a. the penguins take it over and head to Antarctica. b. they hit an iceberg. c. a tidal wave pushes them towards Madagascar.
When crates containing Melman, Alex, Gloria, and Marty wash up on Madagascar, the animals find: a. a kingdom of small, furry creatures. b. that the penguins are running the country. c. an animal-friendly spa.
What do the lemurs call Marty, Alex, Gloria, and Melman? a. The wrecking crew b. The Tennessee Titans c. The New York Giants
Julien is so annoyed by Mort the lemur that he suggests: a. sending him to Chicago. b. feeding him to Alex. c. selling him to a tourist as a hamster.
Alex is banished by his friends because: a. he can't help but see them as juicy steaks. b. they got tired of his constant practical jokes. c. he farts way too much.
At the end of the movie, Alex: a. eats every last animal. b. scares away the Foosa, the lemurs' natural enemy. c. swims back to New York City.
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Next we have an interview with the main cast. Full transcript below.
Talking Animals
We chatted with the actors who voice the four main characters.
What is your character like? Ben Stiller (Alex): Alex is a performer. He's used to being the center of attention. He's a good friend, and the camaraderie with the other animals is really important to him. Chris Rock (Marty): He gets bored easily, and he pushes the whole crew. Everybody else wants to stay in the zoo and he's like, "Hey, there's a whole world out there." Jada Pinkett Smith (Gloria): Gloria is very loyal. She's pretty strong-willed, but most of all, she's really fun. She's kind of the mama of the group. David Schwimmer (Melman): Nervous, a hypochondriac, loyal, intelligent, and generous.
How are you like your character? Ben: Alex is comfortable in the city. When he gets into the countryside, he's not used to the quiet. I was like that growing up. Chris: It doesn't take much for me to be bored. Jada: I'm a lot of fun, but I definitely tend to take on the mother role in a lot of the circles that I'm in. David: I'm fairly tall with long eyelashes.
What is your least favorite thing about your character? Ben: The amount of hair that he has. It's a lot of hair care. It's like an hour every morning with a blow-dryer. Chris: Uh, just that's he a zebra. Jada: She could probably exercise a little bit. Not too much—just a little bit. David: His fear of heights.
What advice would you give your character? Ben: Even though we get set in our ways, change is important. Let life happen because then great new things can happen that you would never expect. Chris: I'd tell him to try to appreciate the things he has. Don't go too fast because you can miss some great things while trying to get to the next thing. Jada: I know Gloria likes to eat, which is fine. I would just tell her to make sure she's eating all the right things. David: Have a massage once a week to help you relax.
What would you want to have if you were stuck in the wilderness? Ben: Hopefully, food. And probably a couple of good books—big, thick ones. Chris: A BlackBerry, a Kindle e-book reader, an iPod, and a generator. Jada: A good book and some matches. David: The complete works of Shakespeare, food, fresh water, my girlfriends, and a limitless supply of paper.
What was your favorite line or scene from the movie? Ben: When the lead penguin says, "It's gonna take six to nine months [to fix the plane]," and Alex goes, "Sixty-nine months?" That always makes me laugh. Chris: All the [scenes] with Marty and the other zebras are rally good. Jada: My favorite scene is when Gloria falls in love with this other hippo, named Moto Moto. He asks her out and it's a really cute, flirtatious scene. David: My favorite line is "Aaaaaargh!!!!" My favorite scene is when Gloria saves Melman from falling into the volcano.
Which do you like better, the chimps or the penguins? Ben: The chimps. I've always liked monkeys a lot better. Chris: The penguins are funny. Jada: I like both. [Zelda the roving reporter: I like whoever has the best snacks.] David: Penguins!
Next year, Madagascar's penguins will star in their own TV show on Nickelodeon. We asked Jada, Ben, David, and Chris what kind of TV show their characters should have.
GLORIA "Her show would be called How to Be Fabulous, and she would show viewers how she does it," says Jada. ALEX "Alex would have a variety show," says Ben. "He'd do some singing and dancing, and then have a guest on along with one of his friends." MELMAN "In Melman's show, called What Was That?, he would play a superhero who has the power to fly and become invisible," says David. MARTY Chris says, "Marty would host his own talk show and do a monologue every night about what's going on in the world."
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Finally, we have a tutorial on how to draw a penguin. The instructions say that this penguin is supposed to be Skipper, but clearly no one told this to the artist.
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boricuacherry-blog · 7 months
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*And Chris Rock's joke wasn't even insulting is what's so crazy. Like, I could maybe understand (maybe) if the joke was an actual insult, but even then, that's still ridiculous to assault someone or have that kind of outburst at an awards show. He wasn't defending anything but his own ego. Probably from gay rumors, but I honestly don't know. I think he was using his acting chops to try and portray Tupac. Or maybe since Chris called Jada 'G.I. Jane' he wanted to be G.I. Joe. Either way Will Smith is too grown to be doing all that. And he only further highlighted that she's bald by doing all that. So he completely defeated the whole purpose. He also made her look bad (to the point where ppl are blaming HER for HIS actions). A husband protecting his wife is suppose to be for real threats, not delusions.
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whether you like Jada or not, it's still harsh for Chris Rock to still make fun of her and Will in his live Netflix special
I've never been mad at Jada and like I've been watching her since Set It Off. But its crazy how acceptable it is to hate Jada you know? Like there's no sympathy for her at all. And I've never really been a fan of Chris truly since like the only thing of his I liked was Good Hair and he basically stole that from another Black woman.
mod ali
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theslythernmage · 1 year
me accidentally tripping into controversy/scandal around a celebrity when i only interact with their media and never them or their life:
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shewhotellsstories · 2 years
Every time Chris Rock opens his misogynoir ridden mouth he reminds us that Will’s only mistake was not buying us months of peace and quiet by wiring that jag off’s jaw.
And on the subject of whatever Jada’s flaws may be Mr. Porn Addict cheated on his own wife so [insert saying about glass houses here].
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