#Roland Guerin
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Three Men Arraigned After Police Chase," Montreal Star. July 26, 1943. Page 3. --- Preliminary inquiry into charges against three men arrested while allegedly attempting to steal an automobile at St. Catherine and Aylwin streets early yesterday, was fixed for August 3, following their arraignment before Judge C. E. Guerin today.
The three accused, Charles Archambault, 21; Gerard Ellenberg, 21, and Roland Ouimet, were arrested by Constables Gerard Soucy and Emile Filiatrault, of the radio police, who spotted the trio allegedly attempting to break into a parked auto, the property of Alex Huneault, of 1401 Aylwin street. Ouimet and Ellenberg were arrested on the scene, while Archambault, who tried to escape, stopped after two bullets fired in his direction by the police.
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americanahighways · 1 year
REVIEW: Gregg Hill “Bayou St. John”
REVIEW: Gregg Hill “Bayou St. John” #gregghill #bayoustjohn #americanahighways #johnapice #newmusic2023
Gregg Hill – Bayou St. John This comes with a nice John Prine-Guy Clark feeling lyrically & musically. Hill’s vocal is gentle & disciplined with 8 tracks from his 6th CD. Produced by Greg (vocals/guitars/piano) & Roland Guerin (bass/vocals) on Bayou St. John (Drops Sept 15–Skippy Records) features fine work by Doug Belote (drums), Joy Clark, Lynn Drury & Jesse Hill (vocals) & it was all recorded…
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thejazzblues · 4 years
【マルサリス・ファミリー】 Struttin' With Some Barbecue - The Marsalis Family: A Jazz Celebration
Piano:     Ellis Marsalis Saxophones     Branford Marsalis Trombone     Delfeayo Marsalis Drums     Jason Marsalis Trumpet     Wynton Marsalis Bass     Roland Guerin
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zemerluani · 7 years
Marcus Roberts Trio
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Marcus Roberts – piano Roland Guerin – bass Jason Marsalis – drums
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microcosme11 · 4 years
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The painter Jean-Urbain Guérin (1760–1836) by Louis-Roland Trinquesse. Guerin painted miniatures. He painted many Napoleonic personalities: Murat, Kleber, Napoleon, Nansouty, Desaix, Gouvion St. Cyr, and more.
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kameliendame · 4 years
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Roland Petit, Carmen
Isabelle Guerin and Laurent Hilaire
ph. Daniel Cande
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readingloveswounds · 4 years
My Great Big Reading List
Here it is! These are the books that I’m trying to read this summer - in the future, some of them could be part of an exam reading list, but that is to be fully and officially built at a later date. I do not necessarily anticipate finishing this list in its entirety, but it’s got a whole lot of fairly different works on it.
I made it along a couple themes, just to narrow down my choices - very generally they were violence, war, bodies, and identity. I also added some that I was just interested in (see a few in the 18th and 19th centuries).
Not all of these have been easy to find online or in paper!
A final warning because Saint-Cyr and de Sade are both on there - be careful with those two books and be sure you want to read them prior to doing so - looking at their descriptions and being aware of de Sade, they deal with a lot of brutality. These aren’t really the kind of thing you’d read on a whim.
***Note that while reading over the summer before grad school is great, there is no actual requirement for doing so in most cases (in the US, at least as far as I know).***
La Chanson de Roland Lancelot (Charrette) - Chretien de Troyes La Folie d'Oxford - Béroul Erec et Enide - Chretien de Troyes La Mort le roi Artur - (from the Vulgate-Grail, I think?) Aucassin et Nicolette Le Livre du voir dit - Guillaume de Machaut La Prison amoureuse - Jehan Froissart Le Livre de la cité des dames - Christine de Pizan Le Petit Jehan de Saintré - Antoine de la Sale Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles Le Charroi de Nimes
16th Century
Les Tragiques - Agrippa d'Aubigné Discours des misères de ce temps - Pierre de Ronsard Histoires tragiques - Francois de Belleforest Abraham sacrifiant - Théodore de Bèze Lepante - Guillaume de Salluste du Bartas la "Monomachie de David et de Goliath" - Joachim du Bellay Porcie - Robert Garnier La Rochelleide - Jean de la Gessée Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troie - Jean Lemaire de Belges Discours de la servitude volontaire - Etienne de la Boétie Médée - Jean de La Péruse Pantagruel - Francois Rabelais
17th Century
Oeuvres poétiques - Theophile de Viau Le cid - Corneille Andromaque, Phèdre, et Britannicus - Racine Contes - Charles Perrault Les Aventures de Télémaque - Fénelon La Mort d’Achille, La Mort d'Alexandre, Coriolan - Alexandre Hardy Dom Juan - Molière
18th Century
Le Diable amoureux - Jacques Cazotte Le Paradox sur le comedien - Denis Diderot La dispute - Pierre de Marivaux L'Esprit des lois - Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu Pauliska, ou la Perversité moderne - Jacques-Antoine de Reveroni Saint-Cyr* Aline et Valcour - Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade* L'emigré - Gabriel Senac de Meilhan Paul et Virginie - Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Memoires du Comte de Comminge - Claudine-Alexandrine Guerin Tencin Traité sur la tolerance - Voltaire
19th Century
Atala - Chateaubriand La Chartreuse de Parme - Stendhal La fille aux yeux d'or - Balzac Lorenzaccio - Musset Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné - Victor Hugo La Sorcière - Michelet Carmen - Merimée La Morte Amoureuse - Gautier Les fleurs du mal - Baudelaire Les Diaboliques - Barbey d'Aurevilly Boule-de-Suif / Mademoiselle Fifi - Maupassant Les Chants de Maldoror - Leautreamont Igitur - Mallarme
20th Century
Cahier d'un retour au pays natal - Césaire Traversée de la mangrove - Condé Les Bonnes - Jean Genet Antigone - Anouilh La femme de Job - Chedid Nedjma - Kateb Yacine Le Cimetiere marin - Valéry La route des Flandres - Simon Stèles - Segalen La condition humaine - Malraux La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu - Giradoux Le dimanche de la vie - Queneau
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jazztidbits · 5 years
Struttin' With Some Barbecue - The Marsalis Family
Piano:     Ellis Marsalis Saxophones     Branford Marsalis Trombone     Delfeayo Marsalis Drums     Jason Marsalis Trumpet     Wynton Marsalis Bass     Roland Guerin August 4th, 2001 Kiefer UNO Lakefront Arena, New Orleans, LA
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pauseandplay · 5 years
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UPDATES / ADDITIONS: Sleater-Kinney • Chelsea Wolfe • Alex Cameron • Status Quo • Bat for Lashes • Eilen Jewell • Amy Speace • Roland Guerin • Paul Cauthen • etc. ⇒ https://www.pauseandplay.com/updates-additions-sleater-kinney-chelsea-wolfe-etc
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lavotha · 5 years
Prestigious Monegasque dance institution 
The spectacular traditional Gala of the Princess Grace Academy took place at the splendid Salle Garnier from June 21-23, 2019.  This highly anticipated event is the perfect opportunity to admire the Academy’s incredibly talented students and high-quality teaching of this prestigious Monegasque institution. Under the direction of the highly accomplished Luca Masala, professors and staff members are committed to providing dancers with a rigorous and multi-faceted education, while offering an overall life experience to these young students under their care, who are away from their families. Excellence and diversity are the cornerstones of the academy, whose mission is to train the next generation of dancers and prepare them for their professional life, increasing their opportunities to join international dance companies.
The 2019 graduates who will soon be leaving to join their companies, were honored during the Gala:
Cristiano La Bozzetta– Compagnie Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Jun Masuda– Compagnie Tulsa Ballet
Keigo Muto– West Australian Ballet Company
This year’s Academy Gala was performed in three acts: Autour de Glazounov, choreographed by Michel Rahn, Francesco Nappa, Julien Guerin, Eugenio Buratti, Roland Vogel, L. Ferro, O. Tweedy, J. Klein and A.C. Meyer; Les Horizons Suspendus, a creation for the Princess Grace Academy and choreographed by Claude Brumachon; and Traverseschoreographed by Jean-Christophe Maillot.
Princess Grace Dance Academy Gala 2019 (1)@Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (2) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (9) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (8) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (7) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (6) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (5) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (4) @Alice Blangero
Princess Grace Academy Gala 2019 (3) @Alice Blangero
Students were grooving on the dance floor to a series of stunning variations, on their way one day to their upcoming débuts on the professional scene. The diverse pieces in the program allowed dancers to perform different styles, from classical to contemporary and other individual approaches. This was also an opportunity to acknowledge and thank their professors, families, and supporters who have watched them grow and thrive year after year.
The Gala culminated with a vibrant, colorful and exhilarating performance by all the students that draw the loud cheers and applause of the audience, in a festive celebration.
Today’s Quote
« If you look at a dancer in silence, his or her body will be the music. If you turn the music on, that body will become an extension of what you’re hearing. » Judith Jamison
Princess Grace Academy Gala exhilarating finale by talented students Prestigious Monegasque dance institution  The spectacular traditional Gala of the Princess Grace Academy took place at the splendid Salle Garnier from June 21-23, 2019.  
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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“Communist Jailed As Church Robber,” Montreal Gazette. October 18, 1938. Page 10.  --- R. Lepage Gets Seven Years After Pleading Guilty to Over 20 Charges --- Pleading guilty yesterday to more than 20 charges of theft from churches in Montreal and surrounding districts, Roland Lepage, 28, alias Fred Way, self-styled Communist, will serve the next seven years in St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary as the result of sentences imposed upon him in Police Court. The accused objected to being charged with breaking and entering the churches, telling the court ‘that when the door is open and you walk in that is not breaking.’ The charges were amended to read plain theft and the accused pleaded guilty.
Lepage was given three five-year-terms by Judge Maurice Tetreau on three charges of theft, the three sentences to run concurrently. Brought before Judge Guerin, he was given two years on each of 21 charges of theft, the sentences to run concurrently but he will begin to serve these sentences only after he has completed the five-year term.
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americanahighways · 1 year
Song Premiere: Gregg Hill “Places in Between”
Song Premiere: Gregg Hill “Places in Between” #gregghill @gregghillmusic #americanahighways #newmusic2023 #buymusic #placesinbetween
Gregg Hill – “Places In Between” Americana Highways brings you this premiere of Gregg Hill’s song “Places in Between” from his forthcoming album Bayou St John, scheduled for release on September 15. The album was produced by Roland Guerin and Gregg Hill; mixed and mastered by Roland Guerin.  It was recorded and pre-mixed by Marc Hewitt with additional recording by Jack Miele. “Places in…
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wetagconsulting · 6 years
34th edition of JazzAscona Time to fully immerse in jazz, blues & New Orleans on the shores of Lake Maggiore
Ascona is always worth the trip, but during the 10-day jazz festival it’s almosta must! Here one of the major world events dedicated to jazz and New Orleans Beat takes place - and JazzAscona proposes an enthusiastic New Orleans experience with over 180 concerts, jam sessions and events, the best musical productions from the delta city and a culinary taste of Louisiana specialities. The Mississippi on the shores of Lake Maggiore!
A true celebration of jazz to which Ascona invites you for the 34th time from 21 to 30 June 2018. Buzzing with excitement, the 2018 edition offers no fewer than 180 concerts, 40 bands, around 300 artists and a varied programme of quality entertainment, ranging from jazz to swing, blues, gospel, and from R&B to funk and bossa nova.
Some of the highlights
The festival opens with the popular Swiss bluesman Philipp Fankhauser, who will give a unique and long-awaited concert on Thursday 21 June - with the presentation of his latest album recorded at the legendary Malaco Studios in Jackson, Mississippi. Entrance is free.
The following day, Friday 22 June, the Paolo Tomelleri Big Band recall the historic concert that Benny Goodman gave at the Carnegie Hall in New York in 1938; which largely contributed to having jazz viewed as a "respectable" kind of music.
Sunday 24 June sees another highlight, when the festival hosts the famous Ticino-born trumpeter Franco Ambrosetti, who will be awarded the Swiss Jazz Award 2018, in recognition of a career that from the 60s on saw him a world star. And with him on stage a quartet with Dado Moroni on the piano.
Friday 29 June the eagerly awaited gospel concert in the Church of Papio this year stars the English singer Denise Gordon; an artist who has established herself as one of the most popular female voices in European circles of classical and traditional jazz.
Saturday 30 June the Ascona Jazz Award 2018 - a coveted prize that the festival awards to grand personalities in the music world- will be awarded to the legendary American drummer Bernard Pretty Purdie; a master of the funk and soul drums who has worked together with the grandest of names from Louis Armstrong to Aretha Franklin, and from Miles Davis to James Brown. Bernard Purdie will be in Ascona with his group from 26 to 30 June.
The New Orleans musicians
As always, JazzAscona proposes a great selection of bands from New Orleans, featured exclusively at the festival for several days. And expected, amongst others, are Jeff Tyson & the Ka-Nection Band, the most popular and longest running Bourbon Street band; The Andrews Family Brass Band, largely formed by young members of the Andrews family, one of the leading musical dynasties of the delta city; the young singer Meschiya Lake who’s been repeatedly awarded best female vocalist at the "Best of the Beat Awards;the rising star of vocal jazz Quiana Lynell, 2017 winner of the prestigious Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition, and the band of the acclaimed bassist Roland Guerin consisting of young musicians from New Orleans, such as the trumpeter Ashlin Parker, the pianist Kyle Roussel and the Cuban percussionist Alexey Marti, who in turn bring alive diverse formations.
Two recording projects will be presented on June 29 and 30: the Swiss organist Frank Salis and Michael Watson, trombonist and singer from New Orleans, follow up thecollaboration born at last year’s festival with the presentation of an album recorded in NewOrleans yet to be released - "Frank Salis meets Michael Watson"; and the Apulia- born singer Serena Brancale presents "Serena", her second album still to be released, produced by the artistic director of JazzAscona, Nicolas Gilliet.
And ...
More notable appearances include the famous James Brown saxophonist Pee Wee Ellis (28 -30.6), the acoustic trio of the Brazilian guitarist and vocalist Luiz Meira (26-30.6) - an important bossa nova figure also known for his long collaboration with singer Gal Costa; the young New York band Bryan Carter & the Young Swangers, who with unrelenting energy and creative force are winning audiences with sold-out shows all over the world (23.6 -1.7); public award winner in 2017, the London-born singer Randolph Matthews, who returns to explore arrays of black music with his Afro Blues Project (22- 25.6).
Additional appearances include many Swiss and European bands. From Geneva for example, and not to be missed, a tribute to Fats Waller by the Fats Boys; from Italy the beloved Sugarpie & the Candymen and an homage to Joe Venuti and Stuff Smith by the duo Mauro Porro and Martino Pellegrini; from France the singer JJ Thames, and the amusing Austrian proposal by Marina & the Kats.
Among the special events to take note of are the jam sessions every night at the Cambüsa; an opportunity to see some of the best festival musicians at work in an informal setting, along with ever-returning JazzAscona guests: from guitarist David Blenkhorn to the clarinettist Thomas L’Etienne, trumpeter Patrick Artero and the inexhaustible David Paquette.
Concerts in the dark and graphic design by Paul Bacon
“Concerti al buio”- literally concerts in the dark, is a new proposal with the guitarist Sandro Schneebeli, saxophonist Max Pizio and various guest artists. And listening to music in a tent in the pitch-dark is both a novel and most out-of-the-ordinary experience for all the senses.
Another interesting 2018 novelty is the exhibition organised by the municipality of Ascona and the municipal museum of modern art in the Casa Serodine; with the presentation of around 200 vinyl record covers created between 1954 and 1964 by the renowned graphic designer Paul Bacon for the American Riverside record label.
And last but not least worth taking note of are again the many spots dotted along the Ascona lakeside where you can get a taste of typical Louisiana and Creole style cooking.
Finally, the RSI (Swiss radio & television in the Italian language) will ensure great coverage of the JazzAscona event with over 60 hours of interviews and live music moments on Rete Uno and Rete Due.
Tickets & Info
The evening concerts on the lakefront are free during weekdays, except on June 28 (pre festive). Paying nights Fr, Sa and June 28. Adults 20 CHF – Students and apprentices 10 CHF – Younger than 14 years old free. The tickets can be purchased directly at the box office from 6 p.m. or online on tickercorner.ch.
Gospel Concert June 29 at Collegio Papio Church -Admission fee 10 CHF. Tickets only available at the tourist office in Ascona.
Official website www.jazzascona.ch Infoline Phone +41 (0)848 091 091 - @ [email protected]
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cratesofjr · 7 years
Multi-Instrumentalist Morgan Guerin Wields Power & Grace On "The Saga"
The Saga II by Morgan Guerin
"I am happy to present to you, "The Saga." After almost one year of work, I’m relieved that this body of work has finally come to fruition. Making this album was a journey – and I am so thankful for the knowledge received in the process. Since I was a young boy, it has been my dream to fully pursue my passion for music. And here it is. A “saga” is said to be a long, detailed, series of stories. This album is an autobiography of my life – beginning from the moment I started playing the drums (at just a few months old) to now, where my instrumental repertoire consists of a myriad of instruments. Throughout my life, I've been blessed to have many mentors who have taught me to play a variety of instruments. For that, I am very thankful. The songs on this album have all been written by me; they are the result of hard work and meditation. These songs honestly describe my life from birth to this very moment. For example, the tracks "Sharynwood Drive" and "Madeira" are both named after streets in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where I grew up. I lived on Sharynwood Drive for many years. To date, my grandmother still lives on Madeira Drive. Those are my two of my happy places and I wrote exactly what I felt in my heart. This goes for every single song on the album." - Morgan Guerin
The Saga by Morgan Guerin
Morgan Guerin - Tenor Sax (tracks 1, 2, 4, 5, 8) Alto Sax (tracks 1, 2) EWI (tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 8) EWI Vocoder (track 4) Piano, Fender Rhodes, Drums, Percussion (all tracks) Organ (track 3, 8) Flute (tracks 1, 4) Moog Bass (track 2) • Patrick Arthur - Electric Guitar (tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Acoustic Guitar (track 8) • Curtis Olawumi - Flugelhorn (track 8) • Danny Wytanis - Trombone (track 8) • Grace Sommer - Cello (track 8) • Julius Rodriguez - Organ (track 1) • Roland Guerin - Electric Bass (track 8) • Paul Johnson - Electric Bass (track 1) • Brandon Boone - Electric Bass (tracks 3 & 4) & Upright Bass (tracks 5, 6, 7) • Risa Pearl - Vocals (tracks 6 & 7) • Allana Hudson - Spoken Word (track 2) • Dashill Smith - Rap (track 2) • Recording & Mixing - Morgan Guerin at Morgan Guerin Studios • Producer - Morgan Guerin • Mastering - Marlon Patton at Oak Avenue Recording • Cover Art - Catherine Mayer • Album Design - Brianna Williams, Morgan Guerin, and Chase Guerin • All Songs © 2016 Morgan Guerin Music (BMI) via Blogger http://ift.tt/2t7ueEd
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Found this collage on my laptop! So happy to have met some of my stars and heros and other suprisingly inspiring people on my way!!!!
Billy Cobham, Roland Guerin, Gary Willis, Kai Eckhardt, Lars Danielsson, Stanley Clarke, Omar Hakim, Victor Wooten, Murat Yatmaz, Anthony Wellington, Marcus Miller, Dominique di Piazzia, Jonas Hellborg!!!
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blewnotes · 10 years
Jazziversaries November 15th
Jerome Richardson(reeds) 1920 - 2000 :: Jerome Richardson was an American jazz musician, tenor saxophonist, and flute player, who also played alto sax, baritone sax, clarinet and piccolo. He played with Charles Mingus, Lionel Hampton, the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Big Band, and later with Earl Hines’ small band.
Jerome Richardson’s ability to double on a number of instruments in the reed/woodwind family kept him in steady employment for half a century. A first-call reed player in New York and Hollywood, Richardson’s work on saxophones and flute have enhanced literally thousands of recording sessions. Always a very valuable musician to have on a session, he excelled on tenor, alto, flute, baritone, and soprano, as if each one were his main instrument. He tended to be underrated or passed over because he was a studio musician who was often mostly in the ensembles, but Richardson was a fine soloist too.
Richardson did not lead many recording dates in his career but he headed two for New Jazz, (then Prestige) during 1958-1959. “Midnight Oil,” has Richardson mostly on flute, forming an unusual front line with trombonist Jimmy Cleveland. They are joined by a four-piece rhythm section with pianist Hank Jones and guitarist Kenny Burrell, performing cool-toned bop. “Roamin’ with Richardson,” is a quartet outing with pianist Richard Wyands, bassist George Tucker, and drummer Charlie Persip. The leader plays baritone on three songs, two on tenor, and one on flute, swinging on each of his horns. He also put out; “Going to the Movies with Jerome Richardson,” on United Artists and one of the very first jazz-rock records ever made on Verve called “The Groove Merchant.”
Kevin Eubanks(guitar) 1957 :: Happy birthday to guitarist Kevin Eubanks. Kevin Tyrone Eubanks is an American jazz and fusion guitarist and composer who was the leader of The Tonight Show Band with host Jay Leno from 1995 to 2010. He also led The Primetime Band on the short-lived The Jay Leno Show.
After Eubanks moved to New York, he began performing with noted jazzmen such as Art Blakey (1980–81), Roy Haynes, Slide Hampton and Sam Rivers. Like his brother Robin, he has played on record with double bassist Bill Dryden and Dave Holland. In 1983, while continuing to perform with others, he formed his own quartet, playing gigs in Jordan, Pakistan, and India on a tour sponsored by the U.S. State Department.
His first recording as a leader, Guitarist, was released on the Elektra label when Eubanks was 25 years old. It led to a seven-album contract with the GRP label and four albums for Blue Note. In total, Eubanks has appeared on over 100 albums. In 2001, he founded the label Insoul Music on which he has released six albums.
In 1992, Eubanks moved to the West Coast to assume the guitar spot in The Tonight Show Band. At this time, he composed The Tonight Show with Jay Leno's closing theme music, “Kevin's Country”. In 1995, Eubanks replaced Branford Marsalis to become the leader of The Tonight Show Band. He served in this capacity from 1995 to 2010.
When NBC moved Leno’s show from late night to primetime (10PM in the Eastern time zone), Eubanks moved with the band to continue conducting the music for the short-lived The Jay Leno Show. Eubanks appeared on the new show as The Primetime Band. It was announced on February 16, 2010 that Eubanks would only be returning for a short time as band leader when Jay Leno began his second tenure on The Tonight Show.
On April 12, 2010, Eubanks announced on the show that he would be leaving The Tonight Show following its 18th season. His last show was on Friday, May 28, 2010. Eubanks indicated in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer that he wanted to refocus on music, adding that his leaving was not provoked by any problems with Leno or NBC. Following his departure from The Tonight Show, Eubanks began touring with band mate Marvin “Smitty” Smith on drums and Bill Pierce on sax.
Gus Johnson(drums) 1913 - 2000:: Gus Johnson proved the vital drum impetus for a succession of the most famous names in jazz over a long career in the music. His satisfied employers included Count Basie, Woody Herman, Gerry Mulligan, Ella Fitzgerald and Lena Horne, but his resourceful, swinging style was entirely at home in any setting in which he was featured. That versatility, and his sensitive use of dynamic contrasts, from gentle accompaniment behind a vocalist through to powerhouse big band swing, allowed him to play equally effectively in a wide range of contexts. He took up music in earnest as a young child, studying piano, bass and drums in school, and made his public debut at the age of 9 in Houston. He formed his own vocal group, the Four Rhythm Aces, after graduating from high school in Kansas City, but subsequently decided to concentrate on drums. He began working with bandleaders like Jo Jones, Lloyd Hunter and Ernest Redd in the mid-1930s, then joined the band led by pianist Jay McShann in Kansas City in 1938, a band which included the youthful Charlie Parker. He remained with McShann’s band until 1943, and made his recording debut with the pianist. He entered the US Army in 1943, but returned to playing after the war, initially working for McShann again, then in bands led by pianist Earl Hines, saxophonist Eddie ‘Cleanhead’ Vinson, and trumpeter Cootie Williams. He joined the Count Basie Orchestra in 1949, and played with the pianist in his subsequent slimmed-down sextet, a move forced upon the leader by the harsh economics of the period. He was a key member of the new big band which Basie launched in the early-1950s, powering the music in his typically fluid fashion, and played an important role in reestablishing Basie as a major force. He left Basie in 1954, and worked as a freelance in New York, where he accompanied singers Lena Horne and Ella Fitzgerald (the latter for nine years), recorded with Billie Holiday, and played on many live dates and recording sessions. He had spells as a member of bands led by trumpeter Buck Clayton (1955-57) and saxophonist Woody Herman (1959-60) during this period, played frequently with baritone saxophonist Gerry Mulligan, and also recorded with saxophonists Coleman Hawkins, Johnny Hodges, Zoot Sims and Al Cohn. In 1969, he joined the World’s Greatest Jazz Band, a traditional and mainstream group which had grown out of the celebrated Colorado Jazz Parties run by Dick Gibson. The band was co-led by Yank Lawson and Bob Haggart, and enjoyed considerable success on the festival circuit. He remained with the band until 1974, and also recorded with pianists Ralph Sutton and Jay McShann and saxophonist Eddie ‘Lockjaws’ Davis in that period.
Joe Hinton  (vocalist) 1929 -1968 ::  Joe Hinton  was an American soul singer. He began as a gospel singer with the Chosen Gospel Quartet and the Spirit of Memphis Quartet. Producer Don Robey asked the singer to try doing secular tunes, and Hinton began recording for Robey’s record label, Peacock Records, in 1958.
It was not until 1963, with his fifth single on the label, that he managed to chart with “You Know It Ain’t Right”; the next single, “Better to Give Than to Receive”, also hit the lower regions of the charts. His biggest hit was 1964’s “Funny How Time Slips Away”, written by Willie Nelson; the tune (simply credited as “Funny” on the original record label) peaked at #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 that year.Cash Box magazine listed “Funny How Time Slips Away” as #1 for four weeks on their R&B chart. The track sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc. “I Want a Little Girl”, the next single, also charted, but it was his last hit.
Hinton died of skin cancer in 1968 in Boston, Massachusetts, at the age of 38, while still in the prime of his recording career.
Roland Guerin (bass) 1968 :: Happy birthday to bass player Roland Guerin.
Roland grew up in a musical family. He first learned music from his mother, a bass player who taught him that you can’t make it in music without a strong groove and feeling. Guerin studied at Southern University in Baton Rouge, where he joined legendary jazz educator Alvin Batiste’s Band, the Jazztronauts. He later began to tour the world as a member of jazz guitarist Mark Whitfield's Band. During this time Guerin explored the jazz genre; which ultimately proved to be an avenue toward success. He had the opportunity to perform with such greats as George Benson, Jimmy Scott, Frank Morgan, Vernel Fournier, and Gerry Mulligan.
In the meantime, he also participated to the recording of several albums with other artists including Ellis Marsalis, Marcus Roberts, and Allen Toussaint. Guerin also explored his spiritual side, as he was given a vision to build a new instrument. The result: a one-of-a-kind acoustic hollow bodied, arched top and back, six string bass guitar. With this instrument, Guerin began to write music for an entire spectrum of genres including pop, rock, R&B, classical, folk, and country.
Roland made his debut as a bandleader in 1998, collaborating with trumpeter Nicholas Payton
, guitarist Mark Whitfield, pianist Peter Martin, and drummer Donald Edwards. Guerin's first release, The Winds of the New Land, showcased his innovative style of composition and arrangement. Shortly after its release, he was chosen as a 1998 Contemporary Jazz All Star by New Orleans Magazine and by Jazz Review as a member of their Fantasy Jazz Band.
Guerin recorded his second album on the Half Note Record label, Roland Guerin Sextet Live at the Blue Note. This album combines Roland's original compositions along with two classic jazz standards. A third album, You Don't Have to See It to Believe It was released in 2000 to rave reviews worldwide.
His forth album, Groove Swing and Harmony, was a real success that led to a second volume, Groove Swing and Harmony II, showcasing a lot of the artist's personality and composing skills.
When he is not performing with his band, Roland Guerin continues to tour, perform, and record with Marcus Roberts. He also enjoys performing with Allen Toussaint and the Brian Blade Fellowship Band.
Seldon Powell(tenor) 1928-1997 :: Seldon Powellwas an American soul jazz, swing and R&B tenor saxophonist and flautist born in Lawrenceville, Virginia, probably best remembered for his early work with musicians like Tab Smith (1949), Lucky Millinder 1949-51), Neal Hefti or Louis Bellson. During the 1960s he ventured into the soul jazz idiom and worked with musicians like Clark Terry, Lou Donaldson, Johnny Hammond Smith and Buddy Rich.
A veteran tenor saxophonist and flutist, Seldon Powell adjusted and honed his style over the years, being flexible enough to play anything from swing to hard bop and in between. He wasn’t the greatest soloist, most ambitious composer, or most spectacular arranger; he was simply a good, consistent player who survived many changes and trends to remain active from the late ’40s until the ’90s. Powell was classically trained in New York, then worked briefly with Tab Smith in 1949 before joining Lucky Millinder and recording with him in 1950.
Powell was in the military in 1950 and 1951, then became a studio musician in New York. He worked and recorded with Louis Bellson, Neal Hefti, Friedrich Gulda, Johnny Richards, and Billy Ver Planck in the mid- and late ’50s. Powell also played with Sy Oliver and Erskine Hawkins, and studied at Juilliard. He traveled to Europe with Benny Goodman's band in 1958, and worked briefly with Woody Herman.
Powell was a staff player for ABC television in the ’60s, and also played and recorded with Buddy Rich, Bellson, Clark Terry, and Ahmed Abdul-Malik. He did a number of soul-jazz and pop dates in the late ’60s and early ’70s, among them a session with Groove Holmes and big-band dates backing Gato Barbieri and Dizzy Gillespie. Powell was principal soloist in Gerry Mulligan's 16-piece band at the JVC Jazz Festival in New York in 1987. He recorded as a leader for Roost and Epic
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