And a random one: Romida ❦ Geisha as a silly goofy random
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CC: Ah... Used to think of her as a thorn in m->y side. Still don't particularly like her, but I suppose she's becom->e irrelevant to m->e long ago...
I hate you || You’re awful || How can anyone like you || I want to hurt you || You should go die || I wish we never had met || I want to fight you || I don’t know who you are || I have no opinion of you || You seem nice || You’re cute || You’re attractive || You’re a god/goddess || You seem like a decent person || You seem like an awful person || I want to get to know you more || I want you to stay away from me || I’m embarrassed around you || I’m shy around you || I wish you’d kiss me || I would kiss you || I want you to fuck me || I want to fuck you || I want to protect you || I like you || I have a crush on you || I love you ||
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
Shin fav: YES. yes. (Aitreo, Orvear, Rodi, Lyz, Alfadi.. Elraik..Anudal... Luxsol.. Dulcie.. Viz..Romida.. Salvis. Tiri.. Bunbun... Stryxe.. My dad.. Cife etc.....)
Lee fav: AGAIN. YES (Hagvin, Zevire, Velina, Vee and Tricky..... Triete... Kivude.. Kio... clock.. Vaniee Jollie..etc.)
Cadaver fav: YES YES.. AGAIN.. (Sangria, Cretel, Vivici, Luke, Tyorom, Mezika, Daphne, Missy, orange, sinful..Tras.. babsetc..)
Nort fav: YES .. (Lutark, Cupid, Miss K, Kam, Dan, Jee, Caines, Miami, Aginis, lottie.... Shantl..sophia.. camila.)
Yomi fav: //GRABS wall// (Yuki, Avi, Kyun, Vyk...Shu.. Gyu.. Lisa..Yieun..Sen!! Khari!! Jb.. Sunni <33 ETC)
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Character/Ship Tags
For Easy access
Character Tags
Airiss (Indigo Idol/Streamer)
Aitreo (Fuchsia Special Agent)
Alfadi (Teal Personal Assistant)
Amalia (Violet WIP)
Anthea (Pink Child Princess)
Anudal (Purple Businessman)
Artiri (Violet Ballet Student)
Athokk (Violet Special Officer)
Audrey (Purple Ringleader)
Balton (Lime WIP)
Bazani (Violet Gaming Streamer)
Cernos (Anon Oracle)
Chepre (Jade Secretary)
Crovin (Teal WIP)
Dulcie (Gold Ballet Student)
Ecifed (Jade WIP)
Edvari (Gold Influencer)
Elraik (Fuchsia Fashion Student)
Elyzia (Cerulean Nutritionist)
Escovi (Red WIP)
Etatio (Violet Band Bassist)
Ghalen (Red Art Student)
Hespar (Red Monster Hunter)
Ithora (Red Ranger)
Ivitas (Bronze DJ)
Kazmir (Indigo Unemployed)
Kiethe (Red Biker)
Kionya (Red Fashion Student)
Kuvani (Purple Security)
Luxsol (Bronze Chef)
Lyonel (Bronze Barbarian)
Magnit (Indigo Wizard)
Mlanee (Fuchsia Singer)
Myelee (Fuchsia Dancer)
Namkor (Teal Bard)
Niaell (Olive Band Guitarist)
Orvear (Purple Artist)
Praeda (Forensic Student)
Revenn (Anon Child Knight)
Ritrie (Indigo WIP)
Rodisa (Blue Actress)
Romida (Blue Slaver)
Rothan (Violet Barkeeper)
Salvis (Jade Builder)
Sintai (Gold Unemployed)
Skafio (Fuchsia Hemopunk)
Somera (Olive Slave)
Somnee (Olive Barista/Student)
Stives (Bronze Chocolatier)
Striga (Jade Druid)
Stryxe (Jade Druid)
Temero (Lime Chemist)
Tricia (Fuchsia Stripper)
Tybalt (Teal Cafe Owner)
Umbsol (Cerulean Security)
Untego (Purple Ticket Seller)
Veltin (Violet Child Prince)
Vincez (Bronze Art Student)
Vizlei (Jade Veterinary Student)
Xantia (Violet WIP)
Xiento (Violet Estate Manager)
Ship Tags
Me & GG (the brosties)
General Ship Tag (ship things I like in general)
Artistic Muse (Navika+Orvear)
Commitment Issues (Elraik+Ialvah+Salhus)
Contract in Red (Ecifed+Kiraro)
Disciplines of Friendship (Elraik Friend Group)
Fairy Melody (Alfadi+Nobayo)
Fish to Fish Communication (Aitreo+Lammek)
Friends till the End (Big Ass Nakaou Friend Group)
Heavenly Contract (Elyzia+Wicata)
Love and Desire (Elyzia+Milo)
Monsters and Fae (Alfadi+Vanmit)
Mourning Sun (Anudal+Travix)
Nuhbis Family (all Anudal+Travix kids)
Nuhbis Twins (Anudal+Travix Twins)
Obsessive Possessive (Akiira+Romida)
Pitch in a Ditch (Aitreo+Raenna)
Power and Control (Paeoni+Xiento)
Sniper Target (Aitreo+Ketana)
Starstrukk (Lammek+Rodisa)
The Red Undead (Aitreo+Nakaou)
Thread of Love (Athokk+Rocsi)
Tiny Queendom (Anthea+Revenn+Veltin)
Twinned Stars (Salvis+Travix)
Veterinary Assistance (Vizlei+Yani)
Water Lilies (Kazuki+Stryxe)
Wild Moons (Salvis+Tayashi)
Winged Waves (Etatio+Somnee)
Xahara Clan (all Salvis+Tayashi kids)
Xahara Twins (Salvis+Tayashi Twins)
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mrlolay · 7 years
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เครื่องร่อน โรมิด้า #romida
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acousticguitar999 · 5 years
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^^#@! Kremona Romida RD-S Acoustic Classical Guitar, Nylon String, With Case https://ift.tt/2pWn4Xs
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Refugee smiles. Romida is 5 years old and ... New publication in StubFeed.com/activism from instagram.com/refugees Come to see more... stubfeed.com • #stubfeed #stubfeedactivism #activism #activist #humanright #humanrights * stubfeed.com/instagram.com/refugees http://bit.ly/2SeU5Ln
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blogtintonghop24h · 7 years
Nơi phụ nữ phải bán dâm để sống qua ngày ở Bangladesh
Một người phụ nữ Rohingya kể lại câu chuyện của mình.
Theo Reuters, cộng đồng người thiểu số Rohingya sống tại các trại tập trung ở Bangladesh phải đối mặt với muôn vàn khó khăn.
Nhiều phụ nữ không được đáp ứng những nhu cầu tối thiểu như lương thực, nước uống tại các trại tập trung vốn đã quá tải, buộc họ phải đổi tình dục lấy tiền trong hoàn cảnh tuyệt vọng.
Phóng viên Reuters đặt câu hỏi với 4 phụ nữ sống tại một trại tập trung, nhưng đều chỉ nhận được sự im lặng. Sau vài tách trà, những người phụ nữ nhìn nhau, đóng cửa và kéo rèm lại phủ bóng tối lên căn phòng.
“Nếu có ai phát hiện ra điều chúng tôi làm, họ sẽ giết chúng tôi”, một người phụ nữ 26 tuổi nói.
Hơn 600.000 người Rohinya – người Hồi giáo thiểu số ở Myanmar đã phải sơ tán sang Bangladesh từ tháng 8 vì làn sóng bạo lực gia tăng.
Ở Kutupalong, một trong những khu trại lớn nhất, nhiều gái mại dâm là cư dân sống lâu năm ở đây. Nhưng điều đáng lo ngại là làn sóng người di cư sẽ khiến con số này càng gia tăng.
“Có ít nhất 500 gái mại dâm Rohingya ở Kutupalong”, một người môi giới tên Noor nói. “Nhiều người hoạt động trong nghề còn giới thiệu thêm những phụ nữ mới đến”.
600.000 người Hồi giáo Rohingya phải sơ tán từ Myanmar sang Bangladesh.
“Mọi người sống ở đây đều coi như tình trạng này chưa từng xảy ra”, Noor nói. “Những cô gái gặp khách hàng Bangladesh ở bên ngoài khu trại. Họ có những quy tắc riêng như không tiếp khách cùng là người Rohingya”.
Nhiều trẻ em trở thành gái mại dâm bởi chúng sống trong điều kiện nghèo khổ, chỉ được ăn một bữa mỗi ngày và không được đi học. Những trẻ em này hoạt động một cách bí mật mà gia đình không hề hay biết.
Rena, 18 tuổi, người sống tại khu trại trong nhiều năm, buộc phải lấy một kẻ nghiện rượu hai năm trước.
“Anh ta thường xuyên đánh đập, đối xử tàn tệ với tôi”, Rena nói. Người chồng tệ bạc bỏ đi sau khi Rena sinh hạ một đứa con. Việc nuôi con trở thành nhiệm vụ bất khả thi, khiến Rena nghĩ đến chuyện bán dâm.
“Tôi bước chân vào nghề này khi mới 16 tuổi, nhưng không còn cách nào khác vì tôi cần tiền để sống”, Rena nói.
Một thiếu nữ 14 tuổi tên Kamru, nói rằng mình không được đi học vì gia đình quá nghèo. “Cháu lớn lên ở đây và luôn cảm thấy đói vì ở nhà luôn thiếu ăn”.
Những người phụ nữ Rohingya bị buộc trở thành gái mại dâm vì những lý do quen thuộc như nghèo đói, bị ngược đãi, khiến họ dễ sa vào đường dây mại dâm.
Một người phụ nữ tên Romida nói con đường này là cách duy nhất để sống sót. “Tôi tự nói với bản thân rằng mình sẽ làm mọi việc. Không còn cách nào khác”.
Khách hàng đầu tiên của Romida là một người bạn Bangladesh, người này thuyết phục cô quan hệ với anh ta để lấy số tiền tương đương 12 USD.
Trẻ em Hồi giáo Rohingya thả diều bên ngoài khu trại tập trung ở Bangladesh.
“Anh ta luôn trả tiền sòng phẳng”, Romida nhớ lại. Nếu có người môi giới, họ luôn lấy một nửa số tiền.
Trung bình, Romida chỉ tiếp 3 khách mỗi tuần, vì lo ngại người thân sẽ phát hiện ra việc cô làm. “Có những lúc tôi phải đi xa tới một thành phố cách hai giờ lái xe. Mỗi khi rời khu trại, tôi luôn phải tìm ra lý do thỏa đáng”.
Theo Reuters, những người phụ nữ Rohingya nói họ gặp đàn ông với nhiều thành phần khác nhau, từ sinh viên cho đến các chính trị gia địa phương.
Trong một cuộc phỏng vấn qua điện thoại, Ali, một sinh viên Bangladesh 23 tuổi nói anh ta thường xuyên tìm đến loại hình dịch vụ này, nhưng khi cưới vợ, anh ta muốn người vợ mình phải còn trinh.
Romida cho biết, đa số khách hàng đều không sử dụng bao cao su. “Tôi có sử dụng biện pháp ngừa thai, nhưng điều lo ngại là khả năng nhiễm HIV”. Romida thừa nhận cô chưa từng đi xét nghiệm xem mình có mắc bệnh lây qua đường tình dục hay không.
Kết thúc cuộc trò truyện, người phụ nữ Rohingya rời khu nhà, đeo mạng che kín mặt, chỉ để hở đôi mắt.
“Tôi phải bỏ mạng che mặt khi tiếp khách. Nhưng ở khu trại, đó là cách để che giấu thân phận”, một người phụ nữ nói.
Nhà thổ búp bê tình dục đầu tiên mở cửa ở Đức nhập khẩu 11 búp bê từ châu Á và cho thuê với giá 93 euro một giờ
Nguồn http://ift.tt/2h86b4z
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3 kepribadian yang saling menguatkan. Saat ini tinggal di 3 kota yang berbeda. Yang sedang menuliskan kisah perjuangan hidup versi masing-masing, demi menjadi anak kebanggaan dari Bapak Lapiston Sinaga dan Ibu Romida Sitanggang #brothernsister
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tintwistlecc · 13 years
Romida Janaury sale code
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Romida have a January Sale on at the moment and are offering an extra 10% off. At Checkout enter the code SIDDY10 to get an extra 10% off their already unbeatable prices.
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Obsessive possessive 5, 17, 18, 40 and 78
5 - What do they like the most about each other? The unwavering loyalty they have for each other. Or perhaps obsession would be a much better word for whatever the fuck they have going.
They get rough with each other at times, and jealousy is definitely something that's ever present in their relationship, even if it's not necessarily because they fear losing one another to a different troll. It's about control, about possession. It's about forcing one another to have only time for each other, attention for each other. Something like that...
17 - Do they ever trade clothes? I highly doubt that Akiira would ever wear Romida's clothing. Mostly because his build (and probably pride) wouldn't allow it lmao, but I can definitely see Romida wearing some of his clothes just to get his attention.
18 - Do they ever go swimming together? Yes. Weirdly enough, I get the sense that this is one of the few activities they do together that are not work related or nasty in some kind of way.
40 - Thoughts on kids? Useful, little things, no? And you do need to leave behind a legacy when you eventually grow old and die, right? Plus, they do have the perfect looks from their ever so perfect ancestors!
I think that both view their descendants & progeny more as tools than they see actual people with wishes of their own. Any kids these two have are an extension of them, to some degree, and that's how they are treated.
78 - What is their favorite photo of them two together? I suspect it might be a picture that was actually taken by a traitor trying to snoop around them and Oyabun, wishing to bring an end to all of their atrocities. The troll managed to get a couple really good pictures while attempting to gather evidence and intel on them.
Of course they got caught and it didn't end well for that rebel, but Romida thought that some of the photos looked too good to throw out. Plus, it makes for a good trophy after taking care of that rat...
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
💝 Deadeye
->The estate seems rather empty.. what's up with that?
Ok. Realistically. I know Akiira would not give a single thought to something as frivolous as that but I think for just this day- he changes his tune a little bit. He probably treats the day as a serious affair as he pampers his wife.. which is a surprising turn of events that's only meant to be seen in private. He devoted himself.. so might as well show it properly.
Incredibly soft with Romida, it's honestly a little startling to see how kind he's being for his usual rough and aggressive demeanor he has. He will however be saving that for later of course. He is almost... almost.. Waiting on her hand and foot. If she wants him to run her a bath- he's going to treat this as her own personal spa. Massage.. Wine..
Later he cooks for them both. He remembers her favorite dish from time out..
After dinner.. he would love to deliver some interesting news. He might have caught wind of a child of theirs... Interesting pieces added to the board
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Akiira ❦ Romida
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".. I believe you need to keep your thoughts awway from wwhats mine."
I hate you || You’re awful || How can anyone like you || I want to hurt you || You should go die || I wish we never had met || I want to fight you || I don’t know who you are || I have no opinion of you || You seem nice || You’re cute || You’re attractive || You’re a god/goddess || You seem like a decent person || You seem like an awful person || I want to get to know you more || I want you to stay away from me || I’m embarrassed around you || I’m shy around you || I wish you’d kiss me || I would kiss you || I want you to fuck me || I want to fuck you || I want to protect you || I like you || I have a crush on you || I love you || Mine
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👀 ... For my abhorred Romida... (don't let her hear I said that LOL)
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The woman is sitting at a vanity admiring her looks while she applies a minimal amount of makeup. She'd always been blessed with fantastic skin and looks, and despite slowly aging out of what one might consider her "prime" sweeps, her looks definitely didn't seem to reflect that. The world is unfair, isn't it? Making somebody as heartless and selfish as this woman look this goddamn gorgeous. Though if you were to ask her, she'd probably say it was well deserved...
Get a secret peek at one of my muses
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Troll WIPs
Mostly for myself so I don’t forget all the ideas I’ve been gathering and working on, because I’m an easily excitable dude who’s also very easy to distract and awfully tired and forgetful... so you might see how that might affect what the hell im doing on this blog...
However, if you were ever interested in shippin with me in any kind of capacity and find my current roster lacking, ya can of course check out what I have on the backburner.
This is going to be a very long post, because I'll probably add some visuals here and there and because yeah... I have a lot of ideas, so it's going into a readmore!
Basically done!
Elyzia - just gotta finish those talksprites! <3
Xiento Ethuri - needs some talksprites <3
Romida Gartho - could probably use a talksprite
Stryxe Sangui - talksprite? :3c
Well underway, solid ideas
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Vizlei Alvear - Male - He/Him + A very friendly fella, maybe not the smartest though? + Student studying to become a veterinary! Loves animals! Childhood friends with Elraik, friends with Ghalen + Study buddies with Salhus and Ialvah :D
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Elraik Maarvi (Left) Transfem Nonbinary - They/Them + Design by @8bit-mau5 + A Business and Fashion Student who has commitment issues, but enjoys being desired by others, is childhood friends with Vizlei and enjoys doing pole dancing as a hobby, a bit sassy this one
Ghalen Centin (Right) Male - He/Him + Design by @8bit-mau5 + A chronically tired fella that's kinda friends with Elraik and Vizlei, also a Student, a bit of a mutant, tends to be chill most of the time, likes snacks... feed him snacks please...
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3 literal troll children who are kinda some feel good characters for me, who have nothing bad happen to them besides regular ass lil kid troubles (literally all 3 of them are mutants in some ways) + Revenn Spirav (Left) - 1 hemoanon baby duck nonbinary knight that likes to go on adventures and be the protector of their friends! adopted Striga as their parent + Veltin Airlin (Right) - 1 shy violet prince boy, "giant seabunny" parent, very timid and a lil clingy, wants to be a good boy, Design by @goddesstrolls + Anthea Cornis - 1 pink super sparkly unicorn princess who wants to be the bestest empress when she grows up! Is surprisingly level headed for her age... will still put makeup on you and try to pretty you up with sparkly clothing though
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Kazmir Lycant (Left) Male - He/Him + An indigo werewolf shifter, that's kind of chaotic evil, that's a pretty rough design idea, used to be a really nice guy until he got fucked over so much that he just went apeshit at some point, though he's mellowed out some since + Used to hate Hespar, because the guy almost got him killed when they were both younger, but at this point he's kind of gotten attached to the old fool and they might manage to bond with one another yet...
Hespar Laetum (Right) Male - He/Him + Old man Monster Hunter Cowboy Wizard! He's a design trade I got from @goddesstrolls + He hunts the undead and other creatures that are dangerous to most regular trolls - he started hunting Kazmir many years ago when the guy started to go apeshit and almost killed him, but got away + Kazmir has since become Hespar's white whale of sorts, always trying to find him and take him down, though he's starting to get old enough where even his magic can't help offset his waning strength and skills anymore
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Anudal Nubihs (Left) Neutral - He/Him + A Businessman, if you will... Not quite a troll this one, is he? + What business? You're not sure, though if you'd ask him he'd probably say he was in the business of death, which is why the Alternian Empire is so lucrative + He's far above most petty, mortal things, but he indulges occasionally to alleviate potential boredom
Orvear Retrix (Right) Male - He/Him + Rainbowdrinker artist, chaotic evil, a wee lil bit insane! A design trade I got from @goldenguillotines + Orvear is... a lil fucked up in the head, he's obsessed with beauty (or at the very least what he himself defines as beauty), he's always looking for models for his paintings and sculptures and might become obsessive with what he thinks is a beautiful troll + he will seduce trolls he thinks are attractive enough for his taste, get them to pail with him and then drink their blood, because that's how feeding works best for him
Crovin Thonyz - Male - He/Him + a drunk ass teal who can't get his shit together ever since his matesprit died quite a few sweeps ago, he loved him too much and can't seem to move past it
Temero Rargym - Male - He/Him + a lime chemist that hates the world and hates being alive but would never let you kill him because that would be doing you a favor after all + he finances himself by selling designer drugs - as in specifically designed for your wants/needs, he's ridiculously good at it
Rough ideas, working on it
Balton - Pokemon Based silly boy for Sylvie <3
A specialized team for Athokk, he needs some coworkers other than Aitreo
Masc Enby Guitar Player in a band with Etatio
A Sexy GNC dude, singer in a band with Etatio
Gonna have to figure out a drummer for that band too
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Amalia Ashado - Genderfluid - She/Xe + Design by @8bit-mau5 + Originally wanted to put her into the Venturia gang, but I changed my mind in the meantime + Wanna put xem on Alternia with some of the others, a noble lady
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Mlanee (Left), a GNC boy - He/They + a popstar with creepy cute vibes, may or may not be evil/insane, rough design idea
Myelee (Right) - She/They + a feel good dancer, making choreographies and videos for youtube, but also has their own studio where they teach, rough design idea
Adopts I love but really need to figure out
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Purple (Left) + Design by @cherrytrolls (wanna edit the look a lil) + potentially ditzy, airheaded idol, cute and well meaning?
Indigo (Right) + Design by @cherrytrolls (wanna edit the look a lil) + maybe a pit fighter, kinda tough gal?
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Lil Miss Bloodthorne (Left) + Design by @clown-fuckers-r-us (wanna edit the look a lil) + seriously gotta think about this one, probably a demon of sorts
Pastel Goth (TBA) + adopt by (TBA) highblood, probably a former friend of Etatio's
The Venturia Gang
It's an entirely different planet (Venturia) where technology doesn't really work the same way it does in the rest of the Empire. + Imagine it a bit like DnD themed, leaning more on the fantasy than the sci-fi side. It's got kingdoms and various forms of ruling castes, mutations, flora, fauna, gods etc. + Trolls originally came to the planet to colonize it, but found they couldn't leave anymore. If ya land on the planet, yer stranded there for the rest of your life and find that pretty much all your tech is useless. + Ya gotta adapt, bro! Become one with the fantasy setting! + I gotta figure out more about this quite literal homebrew im doing
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Ithora Khaave (Left) Nonbinary - They/Them + Ranger Design by @8bit-mau5 + generally unfriendly, kinda dislikes other trolls, adventurer
Namkor Argean (Right) Genderqueer - He/They + Bard Design by @8bit-mau5 + gay ass disaster
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Lyonel - Male - He/Him + Himbo Supreme Barbarian, rough design ideas - Lion hearted, stupid but friendly, courageous or maybe too stupid to be scared + heart full of love and ass full of dumb
A sexy sexy rogue bastard <3 abs out whore dude + only really have some visual ideas so far
I kinda want more DnD/fantasy trolls
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
World building Masayo <:)
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full name: Masayo Desmus
gender: Masc
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Orphaner Deadeye/Akiira Desmus (Ancestor), Affliction (Deceased/Ancestor), The Rivetess/Romida Gartho (Ancestor), Ketana Desmus (Younger brother), Rodisa Gartho (Younger sister), Riyyao Desmus (Younger Brother) and Somnee Gryffs (Half sister)
birthplace: Alternia
job: Professional fighter and Bouncer
phobias: Toxiphobia
guilty pleasures: Spa day! He uh.. doesn’t like talking about that kinda stuff ngl
morality alignment?: Lawful neutral
sins - lust/pride/wrath
virtues - charity/kindness/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extroverted
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: Closed minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable
cautious/reckless: Reckless
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Traditional
hard-working/lazy: Hardworking
otp: Vaniee ❤️ Masayo (Made with love)
ot3: Masayo + Elyzia ♦️ Wicata
brotp: Jollie ♦️♠️ Masayo (Blood in the water)
notp: //gestures to the family mess// .. Skeuno line
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Rodisa for World building?
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full name: Rodisa Gartho
gender: female/fem
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Ancestor Romida Gartho, Progenitor Somera Gryffs, Progenitor Akiira Desmus, Halfbrother Masayo Desmus, Brother Ketana Desmus, Sister Somnee Gryffs, Brother Riyyao Desmus
birthplace: Alternia
job: Actress / Photo Model
phobias: Being Found by Mother dearest, Germaphobia
guilty pleasures: Sneaking away for some Boba
morality alignment?: Lawful Good
sins -  pride
virtues -  charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Organized mostly
close minded/open-minded: Open minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Very Cautious
patient/impatient: Patient Lean
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathic lean
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic Lean
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard Working!
otp: Rodisa ♥ Lammek (Starstrukk)
ot3: none yet
notp: any of the Desmus line
Send Me a Troll for World Building Wednesday Saturday
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