#peek at the muse
grogusmum · 1 month
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Dieter Bravo x muse!f!Reader
A Xanadu inspired AU
A/N: Just a little proof that I am working on this idea threw out there earlier in the summer
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Prologue: Don’t Walk Away
“Dieter, I foolishly thought a loving person could…” Anika was past crying, but the sadness in her eyes would break anyone's heart. But Dieter was too angry, so instead, he spat -
“No,” she sighed, “help you. Fill the void that you had been filling with -”
“Fix me!?”
Dieter knew Anika loved him and didn't make a project of him, at least not on purpose. But he was feeling defensive -
“What, Anika?”
“Every excess. I was enough of a distraction for a little while. But my novelty has worn off, I guess.”
And that is when Dieter’s tears began to fall.
“I’m sorry, Dieter, this is goodbye.”
He wanted to yell, cover all his insecurity and pain with rage, but he could never do that to Anika. But he couldn’t bring himself to be magnanimous about it either. All he could muster was a broken ‘fine’.
The fire is dangerously high, but Dieter doesn't much care as he tosses another painting on the fire. They’re shit and only represent his manic despair. When he reaches the bottom of the pile, he shuffles back into his studio and pulls out his most recent sketch pad. It fights him a little, and when he gives it a forceful tug, some loose drawings float to the floor. He trains his eyes onto the one on his croc clad feet.
The Cliff Beasts Debacle was finally complete, with his wife walking out the door. The one and only good thing he said came from that ridiculous film, and the fucked up experience of making it. Dieter would love to say he just threw himself into his work, but parts began scarce ever since. (Shocker.) So he drowned himself in whatever mind altering substance was available and painted. It only reminded him more of the worst time of isolation while making that wretched movie. So, not helping.
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It’s you.
Eyes wide and a playful knowing smile; at some point, he had added color, and your eyes look so real. He looks around at the other drawings, some large sheets of good art paper, some torn scraps, all you. His muse. His beautiful muse. Now, if he was with anyone and described you as such, they may think he’s waxing poetic about a lover who supported and inspired him. Sure, you were his lover. And you did support and inspire him. But when he says you were “his muse”, he means it. Literally. A daughter of Zeus… and Mnemósine. Not that he can't pronounce her name, so he kind of forgets about the titan goddess of memory (to her vexation).
Dieter picks up the watercolor; his hands trembling. He looks out the picture window at his impulsive bonfire. He grabs a few items in his art studio, bursts out the door, rounds the pool, and places the portrait on a nearby table. Out of his pocket, his pulls a zippo lighter and a small bit of wood, lights it until the end is glowing, and sends off a sweet smoke.
“Terpsichore!” the actor intones. He’s only ever used the name one other time. Generally calling you by the name you gave him. But for this, he uses your greek name. The Official One. Trademarked and all that.
“I - I beg - I beseech you, return to me. You came to me once, and I squandered your gift and, um, yo-your favor. I have learned my lesson. Just let me prove it to you.”
The glow of the fire flickers on his face in the halflight, and he murmurs your name. The one you gave yourself, the one he moaned when you touched him - “Please come back to me.”
Suddenly, the Santa Ana winds kicked up, and his rendering of his lovely muse is pulled from his hand and flies up on the draft made by the fire. He can't see if it went into the blaze or not, only that it went up and over. Then the quiet but for the snap and pop of the flames was interrupted by the blare of a fire truck siren, called by a neighbor, no doubt.
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expectiations · 4 months
I feel shy saying this because this could be blown out of proportion but I am so grateful for the Space Wives Incident of 2024.
It has helped me shove down how they made Rogue a speed run of River's character and how everyone's now putting them side by side and begging for him to come back when Alex has been absolutely willing to drop everything back to pop back in the series.
"But River's story is done. There's no need for her to come back. We need new characters." Blah blah blah
First of all, I don't care. It's fucking Alex Kingston. Of course I want to see her on my screen.
And two, River's story ended in the episode where we met her. And it's Doctor Who. Anything is possible.
And three, with the way the Space Wives Incident of 2024 is still reigning on Twitter (and even here on Tumblr) is a testament of how much we missed out on not seeing Space Wives during 13's era.
Yes. Yes. "Big Finish is there." NO. I want Space Wives on my fucking screen. I wanna see Space Wives make out on my fucking screen. I wanna see River staring sappily at Thirteen while she happily yaps away about something she found. I wanna see an upset 13 because she wanted to kiss River but has to reach up on her tippy toes. I wanna see a flustered 13 because River just smooched her out of nowhere (she was in the middle of yapping happily about this planet of custard creams). I wanna see a sappy 13 proudly showing off her wife, the Professor River Song. I wanna see a hyper puppy 13 dragging River around, about to combust from the excitement and adrenaline.
Or you know, I just wanna see Space Wives in general on my fucking screen.
I mean, look at all these Space Wives fan art popping up barely even a day after!
mourns forever
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tervaneula · 4 months
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Guess who has yet another new WIP!!!!!! Yes it me. Anyway. Communication my beloved<3
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fenkko · 2 years
cant believe i reached 30 tags in prev post rambling about homestuck i didnt even know there was a limit
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lemurious · 1 month
being in a tiny fandom feels like i want to personally message all my (quite easy to count!) readers and say, guess what, i am working on another fic now, and i promise it is going to have strategy and heartbreak and complex moral choices (and war, and kisses, because it's me after all), but can i have some enrichment in the meantime, because you see it's been quite lonely, and there's this whole responsible adult life thing that comes with a lot of drama and a lot of duties and limited friendships.
getting into a large fandom from nothing feels like...there is so much of Everything and yes i am getting all the takes and thoughts and ideas (and tears and drafts), but i should probably hide in a corner instead because i am too old/weird/unworthy of attention.
how i managed to combine both just recently, who the hell knows, but at least the muse is visiting on the regular again...
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azsazz · 8 months
Love that she used his shampoo 🙊 wonder how Az is gonna feel about that if he ever finds out
we shall seeeeeeee...for now, here's a sneak peek at part 12 😏:
Anxiousness weighs on your body when you slip from the bed, looking around the room with the sun peeking its head through the windows. Cassian’s room is utterly Cassian. His bed dons navy colored bedding, matching comforter and all. You’d thought that he might have something quirkier, like cowboys or even a plaid pattern, but you remember just how much Cassian likes bringing ladies here and you figure they wouldn’t want to have sex on bed sheets that scream Wild Wild West.
Whatever happened to saving a cowboy and all that?
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moonlit-trolls · 9 months
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astrxlfinale · 3 months
After looking into the game mode of apocalyptic shadow, and how the background is just laced together with all those brands of screams and time ticking angles.
Not to mention the stuff Elegy comes to tell you.
Being the Aeon of Finality sucks ass. Your gateway to the past is literally every doomsday, cataclysmic event or even horrible occurrences to take a path in reverse time. How someone would proceed to not lose their mind in the process of that is beyond me.
It reminds me of that old excerpt in the SU that gave a telling of how one person saw hints of Finality's sayings, through a book drenched in sanguine.
Since Star Rail has made a lot of ~fun~ premises to get Game Over'd, that's nothing but the literal worse of what mankind has to offer to make due. One side, either in disasters or innocent life has to get decimated.
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heavenlyborne · 5 months
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It's been a long time coming but finally my girl makes an appearance in the latest chapter even if it's just one panel!
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mostly-marvel-musings · 7 months
wanna maybe idk give us a little sneak peak at the next chapter of typical stark? 👀 pretty please? 🥺
Why not!? I’m generous like that. Enjoy -
You weren’t even sure if you were following the music anymore, it seemed the world had faded away and it was just the two of you that mattered in the moment.
Tony’s fingers danced over the expanse of your back as you continued to dance, the lace fabric of your wedding gown soft and enticing against his nimble fingers. You could tell he was getting fidgety by the way they tapped against your skin, making you smile and raise your head from his shoulder.
“Want me to get you one of my special cocktails, dear husband?” You asked softly, making Tony chuckle as you both recalled your first date. The day you met the real Tony Stark, the man behind the Iron Man facade.
“How d’you know I’ve been wanting one of those?” He grinning, kissing the back of your hand as you dragged him towards the bar counter.
“I think it’s safe to say that I know when you’re distracted and restless.” You pointed out, gesturing to the bartender to make you your signature cocktail.
“All I can think about is getting you out of that dress, honey. Trust me, I am distracted.” He murmured against your ear, his honey-dripping voice traveling straight to your core.
“Do you think they would notice if we bail out?” You pondered, making Tony chuckle, glad that you were on the same tangent as him.
“I think Rhodey would have me by my neck if we don’t stay back for his grand speech. But after that, I’m all yours and you, Mrs. Stark, are all mine.”
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hiinamori · 6 months
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A private, independent, selective portrayal of Momo Hinamori from Tite Kubo's BLEACH. Please read guidelines before following. Penned by Alice / Velveteen. Main blog to @hakujahime. — [Established 09/04/2024]
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azsazz · 8 months
MM Part 14 Sneak Peek
(Since we're all obsessing over MM Cassian)
“Hey, man,” Cassian grins wildly, throwing his arm around his shoulder. The drink in his cup sloshes precariously close to the rim of his glass, and Azriel grimaces. His roommates eyes are blurry with drink, and he’s swaying a bit, leaning his body weight against him. Hopefully, he hasn’t tripped and crushed anyone with his sheer size, because it wouldn’t bode well for the person trapped beneath the behemoth. “Are you setting up tonight? There’s these two chicks that want to get tatted up. Underboob.” Cassian waggles his eyebrows and grins like he’s just caught a glimpse of heaven. “Matching.”
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m80495 · 5 months
|| OutOfCombat ;;
Real quick. I'm looking for a recommendation for a Google docs template, I guess for a multimuse document? Nothing fancy (please), just like, a yearbook-style(? not sure else how to describe it) list of characters with photos, names, and maybe space for like 3-4 sentences.
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spiderwarden · 6 months
So the sources always flip flop on whether Drow can sleep or they mediate, so I imagine it’s up to what the individual wants in terms their D&D Drow. However with that said I like the idea that they do and can choose not to as they age - especially since Drow seem to get better rest from it and it makes sense from an evolution standpoint via evolving underground.
And considering Minthara has a hammock and pillows, and a recorded snore. She does sleep.
BUT! When she’s dancing between conscious and unconsciousness if she chooses to can remain in that meditative state before actually falling asleep.
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inky-evergreen · 11 months
A little sneaky peeky
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astrxlfinale · 4 months
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I was today years old when I remembered that the Trailblazer's Destruction state had a party wide healing ability. The irony is very clear to me.
And it's clear I have to make an HC about that down the line. So far, my head is swirling around the idea of taking gathered damage, and inverting it into healing energy. More of a conceptual frame of healing, vs the ol' fashioned and the wonders of the Abundance.
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