#Ronald Wayne Apple Story
avelera · 1 year
So I spent the weekend watching “For All Mankind” on Apple TV with my love, and had a few thoughts:
- I think I would have watched it much sooner if I’d known it was created by Ronald D. Moore of “Battlestar Galactica” (reboot), “Outlander” (though I haven’t seen it), and DS9 fame. It definitely made the fact that Apple made this particular show make more sense.
- I somehow completely missed what the premise of the show actually was from the little marketing I saw for it. I think I clocked it as some sort of atomic age sci-fi adventure story but really it’s about the Space Race and it’s a whole alternate US history of what would have happened if the USSR got to the moon first and made the US spiteful enough to keep competing with them there.
- It’s basically a whole alternate history of the 1960s-90s (so far) and does a fair number of interesting and plausible alterations of the timeline.
- IMO the story is at its best when it cleaves closest to reality and makes you go, “Oh yeah, sure, that could easily have happened!” If only because then when they do make bigger leaps you can see how they’re grounded.
- The story is also at its best with its character stories. In particular Margo, Aleida, Molly (and Wayne, my beloved), and even surprisingly Karen after the first season arc really deal in a lot of pathos and I got choked up over them more than once.
- The show does a good job of showing the personal things going on in a character’s life and the struggles they’re going through before and during major history-altering decisions they make. In that sense, it’s a very empathic show AND it builds a good causal chain for why some of these events happen. You almost always at least understand why a certain decision was made.
- That doesn’t mean you AGREE with every decision. By the time we got to S3, my chorusing cries of, “GURRRRLL NO” and “OH BUDDY, NO” respectively had become a familiar chant.
- There were one or two plotlines and decisions I disliked (mostly because they struck me as cliche, like Kelly’s in S3, or a bit culturally questionable even if they made sense thematically, like lauding the US pilgrims in one of the S3 voiceover monologues which makes SENSE because the show’s about exploration but also… no. Eh. Maybe pick a group a little less steeped in religious zealotry and colonialism, much as I understand their mythological place in the broader American zeitgeist, and how colonialism and exploration ARE hard to extricate when addressing broader themes AND since no life has been discovered there (yet), space exploration doesn’t carry the same controversy around those aspects of colonialism, and I get how as a writer of a space exploration show, you’re trying to address the spirit of daring and all but…. Yeah. It’s tough to find good parallels to wax poetic about without stumbling upon some complex legacies, shall we say)…
- BUT I will say as a writer that they made up maybe 10% at most of the show which is an objectively very small part of such a sweeping and ambitious narratives and I liked a lot more than I disliked.
- I don’t know if EVERYONE will like it but I do think it’s a solid sci-fi show that I find much more enjoyable and solidly written than, say, “Silo” and one with a great answer to the “so what?” of the story with its couching in the great events of the latter half of the 20th c and it’s intimate focus on well-depicted and complex characters.
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legofanguy · 1 month
Dark knight eldritch AU
A Eldritch AU of my character Itzachu, whose is a expy of Batman in my regular stories of him, so I wanted to make a story for @klayr-de-gall event AU-gust 2024 day 19 Eldritch/Cryptid of him being a spirit that take the bodies of people.
Over the course of the 20th century, there has been a mysterious figure in American history of a man wearing black armor and a cape whose attack criminals at night, which earn him the name of Dark Knight. This story is quite bizzare as men said that they were possession by a unnatural force to take on this identity.
The first sightings of this Dark Knight was in Gotham City during the 30s and 40s, attacking criminals and causing fear to both criminals and citizens of this city. Witness calm that this dark knight look like a giant bat, while other calm that he was wearing armor, but yet the armor seem light on him. On March 7th, 1943, a young man named Jason Todd shot what seems to be the Dark Knight in self defense as he was attempting to steal tires off a car he find. After the Dark Knight was taken to the hospital, he was discover to be Bruce Wayne, whose calmed during his recovering that a voice speak to him awhile after he saw his parents Thomas and Martha Wayne killed when Bruce was just a seven years old boy and tell him to accept it as its host. Bruce also calmed that the spirit left him as it could hurt someone so young as Jason Todd.
In Chicago during the 50s and the 60s, the Dark Knight reappear again and fighting both criminals and the corrupt racism police. On September 20 1968, ten years after Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr was stabbed and a few months after his assassination on April 4th, the Dark Knight turn himself to African American police officers and, to their shock, his armor disappear in a blue flame. The Dark Knight was soon found out to be a African American war veteran named Alistair Simmons whose said that the spirit of a Native American warrior that request Simmons allow it to take his body as well this warrior was the same one that take over Bruce Wayne.
In Washington D.C. during 1969 to 1974, the Dark Knight was seen patrolling the states capitol and bringing attention of himself. When President Richard Nixon resigned on August 8, 1974, as a result of the Watergate scandal, the Dark Knight suddenly storm the White House, demanding to bring Nixon in for justice. The Dark Knight was soon shot and killed by Secret Services agents Dan Dreiberg and Walter Kovacs, whose unmasked him as Richard Grayson. Dan Dreiberg did noticed that Walter starting to act strange before he left a few weeks later.
In New York City during the latter 70s and 80s, the Dark Knight return to terrorize the criminals of the Big Apple, which cause both New York City Police and the FBI to work together to capture the masked man, while the Dark Knight has capture David Berkowitz, saved the life of Ex-Beatle John Lennon, and bring down the Gambino crime family. While Walter Kovacs was the prime suspect, the Dark Knight seems to appear one time when Water was brought in for questioning. On August 30, 1989, a few days after the Dark Knight saved black student Yusuf Hawkins from a white mob, the police track him down to a hotel, where they find that the Dark Knight appear to be the shared idenity of Walter, and four other people named Kate Duquesne, Rick Ballantine, Sam Alcana, and Ronald Montor, which confused the people when Kate calmed about the nights of when she was the Dark Knight, but yet witness calmed that the Dark Knight never shown around female features.
The public wonder about how these people would take on the same identity while there are more sightings of the Dark Knight across the county.
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notasfilosoficas · 3 months
“Si tú no trabajas por tus sueños, alguien te contratará para que trabajes por los suyos”
Steve Jobs
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Steven Paul Jobs, nació en San Francisco California en febrero de 1955, fue un empresario, y magnate de los negocios en el sector informático y de la industria del entretenimiento estadounidense.
Cofundador y presidente ejecutivo de Apple y máximo accionista individual de Walt Disney Company.
Fue fundador de Apple en 1976 junto con su amigo de la adolescencia Steve Wozniak y el apoyo de un excompañero de Atari, Ronald Wayne, en un garage de su casa.
A los 26 años ya era millonario gracias a la exitosa salida a bolsa de la compañía a finales de 1981.
En una era en donde las computadoras personales iniciaban una guerra comercial y de innovaciones contra compañías como IBM y Microsoft. Macintosh 128 K fue el primer ordenador personal que se comercializó exitosamente y que usaba interfaz gráfica de usuario, ademas de un ratón en lugar de lineas de comandos.
Prácticamente obligado a renunciar a su propia compañía por problemas con la cúpula empresarial y socios accionistas, recuperó la misma de 1997 hasta 2011 superando a Exxon como la empresa con mayor capitalización en el mundo.
En los años 90, transformó una empresa subsidiada de Lucas Film, y revolucionó la industria de la animación con el lanzamiento de la película infantil “Toy Story”, animada por computadora, primer largometraje de la compañía Pixar, además de la primera cinta animada completamente con efectos digitales en la historia del cine.
En la segunda etapa de Apple, innovó el modelo de negocio musical con el lanzamiento del iPod en 2001, y la tienda en linea de música iTunes en 2003.
Steve Jobs fallece en su casa de California en octubre de 2011 a los 56 años, debido a secuelas derivadas de una metástasis por cáncer pancreático descubierto en 2004.
Admirado por su inteligencia, visión, tenacidad y capacidad de trabajo, Steve Jobs también fue criticado por su insensibilidad hacia las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores en sus empresas, mostrando gran hostilidad hacia la clase trabajadora.
Una fuente cercana añadió que no tenía vida personal por su narcisismo y superficialidad, así como su tendencia a distorsionar la realidad.
Fuente: Wikipedia
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usanewsdesired · 2 years
The Incredible History of Apple: Garage Startup to a Global Powerhouse in 1976
Apple is a multinational technology company with a long and storied history. Apple was founded on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, and it has since become one of the largest and most successful technology companies in the world. Read More...
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sagorika · 6 months
Who are the Top software companies by revenue?
The Top Software companies by revenue:- Apple The company was founded on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. It’s the story of a company that went from a private garage in Cupertino, California, to a multi-billion-dollar corporation. In 1984, Apple introduced the most groundbreaking personal computer with a graphical user interface, the Macintosh. The iPod was…
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theeverydaydiana · 7 months
The Story of Apple
Apple was started in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in a garage in California. They wanted to change how people use computers. In 1977, they made the Apple II, one of the first popular personal computers. It was easy to use and had pictures on the screen, which was new. Then, in 1984, they made the Macintosh. It had a new way to use computers and a famous commercial. Apple had some hard times in the 1990s, but when Steve Jobs came back in 1997, things turned around. They made lots of cool products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
Now, Apple is one of the biggest and most important companies in the world. They are known for making great designs, new technology, and products that work well together. From starting in a garage to becoming a global tech giant, Apple's story shows how having a big idea and working hard can lead to success.
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ashbelizario04 · 8 months
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Stories of my Favorite Brands
Chanel's legacy begins with its founder, Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, who revolutionized women's fashion in the early 20th century. Coco Chanel challenged the restrictive and elaborate fashions of her time, introducing elegant, simple designs that emphasized comfort without sacrificing style. Her innovations include the iconic little black dress, the Chanel suit, and the introduction of Chanel No. 5, the first perfume to bear a designer's name. Chanel's philosophy was grounded in the belief that women's fashion should be both beautiful and practical, a radical idea that propelled the brand to global recognition. Over the years, Chanel has remained at the forefront of fashion, consistently associated with luxury, innovation, and timeless style. The brand has successfully navigated changes in leadership and fashion trends, always staying true to its core identity of elegance and sophistication.
Relating Chanel to Ashley Belizario
Chanel's journey mirrors Ashley Belizario's own path of resilience, creativity, and pursuit of excellence. Like Coco Chanel's breakthroughs in fashion, Ashley pushes boundaries in her academic and professional life, embracing innovation and personal growth. Both Chanel and Ashley share a commitment to authenticity and style, standing out in their fields through leadership and a unique vision. Chanel's adaptability and enduring appeal reflect Ashley's dynamic approach to marketing and design, underscoring a shared legacy of making an impactful, lasting impression.
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Apple: A Story of Innovation and Vision
Apple's brand story is one of innovation, vision, and the relentless pursuit of excellence, closely mirroring the personal brand and aspirations of Ashley Belizario. Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple began with the revolutionary idea of making computing personal and accessible. Over the years, Apple has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology and design, with iconic products like the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. These innovations have not only transformed the technology industry but also how people interact with the world around them. Apple's success is rooted in its commitment to simplicity, creativity, and designing products that enhance people's lives.
How Apple's Story Relates to Ashley Belizario
Apple's journey shares several key similarities with Ashley Belizario's personal brand, especially in their shared focus on innovation, creativity, and making a meaningful impact. Like Apple's approach to technology, Ashley combines her knowledge of marketing management with her passion for social media, digital marketing, and graphic design to create engaging, innovative content and strategies. Both Apple and Ashley are defined by their ability to see beyond the present, envisioning and working towards a future that is better and brighter.
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iconcept-chandigarh · 8 months
Apple Store in Chandigarh – A Direction
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India is a culturally rich and diverse country with many languages, religions, regions and food. But yet everyone in India feels connected through the various electronic devices, they help people to stay connected including the smartphones, and the laptops. Whereas now because of the social media sites people are more connected with their known friends and family and even with the unknown. It is because of smartphones and an internet connection that people can get every information and facts about every corner of India. They are no more unknown to the secret recipes of any state/city, hidden facts about many mythological places, to the breaking news because they get a notification of it, even now people can even pray in the live aarti’s of various temples.
Well, it doesn’t stop here, in the era of digitalization, people are also digitalised. Smartwatches have come into action, they enable people to count their steps, and hours of sleep. People can get their heart rate and blood sugar tested through the smartwatch, without even visiting any doctor. Many brands have made these things possible, who develop and sell smartphones, smartwatches and many other electronic devices. One of them is the most popular and lifestyle maintenance brand Apple. Apple runs many authorised stores in various places, they have Apple store in Chandigarh, Delhi, Lucknow, Patna and in many more places.
Today, we have come up with an interesting topic about the Authorised Apple Store in Chandigarh. But before jumping onto the main topic, we will go through various other concepts related to this topic.
About the Brand Apple
Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Woznaik and Ronald Wayne. Apple is one of the iconic brands, it started its journey from a garage which is kind of a classic tech origin story. Apple is known for its sleek and innovative products like iPhone, iPad, Mac Computers, and the Apple Watch. Apple has a cult following, with people eagerly waiting for its new products to launch.
Apple has a strong ecosystem with services like iCloud, Apple Music and the App store. One of the most important aspects of Apple is their Design Philosophy, because their products are not only functional but they are also aesthetically appealing. The logo of Apple is just not a symbol of a brand but it is a symbol of Status and Style.
Each product of Apple is designed to work together to enhance the overall user experience. There are various products of Apple are available in the market including the iPhone (Apple’s Flagship Product), iPad (made for the personal and the professional use), Mac Computers, Apple Watch, Air Pods, Apple TV, iPod Touch (portable media player), Mac Mini, HomePad (smart Speakers) and the Accessories.
Apple Authorised Reseller
The resellers are authorised by Apple to sell their products and provide a certain level of customer services. These authorised resellers play an important role in distributing the Apple products. When a user purchases any Apple product, Apple recommends the user to buy it from any authorised reseller to ensure the authenticity of the products and receive full benefits of the warranty and customer services.
The process of becoming a Apple Authorised Reseller includes –
Authorization Process — it includes a typical application process from Apple, and this process ensures that the reseller meets the standards of Apple in terms of customer services, product knowledge and the adherence of Apple’s policies.
Product Range — The Apple Authorised Stores have access to a variety of Apple Products and the Apple Accessories including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, MacBooks, etc.
Brand Trust — Being the Apple Authorised Reseller, they have to develop a trust with the customers. So when an individual purchases any product they feel confident and happy.
Service and Support — Apple Stores are meant to provide excellent services to the customers. This also includes the product knowledge, technical assistance, and the assistance of warranty claims or repairs.
Training and Standards — Authorised Resellers often undergo training programs provided by the Apple to ensure that their staff is knowledgeable about apple products and the services. This helps them in delivering a consistent and positive customer experience.
Online and Physical Stores — Apple Authorised Reseller can operate their stores both Physically and on Online Platforms, so that it can expand the reach of Apple Products and also create a broader audience reach.
Apple Store in Chandigarh
To become an Apple Authorised Reseller, it needs a long Application to be completed. This involves a long series of steps including –
Visiting the Apple Authorised Reseller Program Website
View Eligibility Criteria
Contact Apple’s Reseller Program Department
Application Submission
Wait for Approval
Training and Certification
Business setup
Legal Compliance
Build and Maintain a positive Relationship with Apple
Launch and Marketing
Customer Services
The process of becoming an Authorised Reseller may vary, so it’s essential to directly contact Apple for the most accurate and current information.
Apple has numerous authorised stores in India, Chandigarh, the capital of Haryana and Punjab and it is known for its greenery and cleanliness. If you are willing to purchase any Apple product in Chandigarh, then you can visit the iConcept store (The Authorised Apple Store in Chandigarh). They have all the Apple Products and Accessories, as well as they have excellence in customer service.
Buying an Apple product from iConcept Chandigarh guarantees you the positive customer experience.
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santong · 2 years
The 3rd Apple Co-founder!
The 3rd Apple Co-founder!
Did you know there was a 3rd Apple co-founder? Well… this is the story of Ronald Wayne, the 3rd Apple Co-founder. (more…)
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Esquire Singapore Dec 2019 - Joel Kinnaman Interview
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Editor-in-Chief: Norman Tan Photography: Michael Schwartz Stylist: Chloe Hartstein Groomer: Kristan Serafino Story: Wayne Cheong
Instead of a rooftop shoot that we had planned, we’re indoors at Dune Studios on Water Street. Outside, the weather is every writer’s dream: “It is an ash-streaked sky that portents a downpour.” “Like a warning, steel wool hangs overhead.” “A dishevelled blanket of grey that drifts languidly like detritus in a muddied pond.” A wet weather doth not a good shoot make.
When Joel Kinnaman arrives, the first thing you notice is how large he is. Bigger than life, broad-chested, he sometimes stands astride, like he’s about to break the spirit of a wild stallion. Then, there’s that presence; a sort of aura that’s quiet but still strong-arms you for your attention.
Just as the fashion shoot is about to start, Kinnaman asks if he could put on his own playlist for the shoot. He brings up his Spotify playlist, titled ‘For some of mankind’. ‘What Becomes of the Brokenhearted’ by Jimmy Ruffin plays.
“The playlists are just for fun,” Kinnaman tells me. “I’ve made a playlist for every project that I’ve been in.”
The project that this particular playlist was made for is For All Mankind, now playing on Apple TV+. It’s a show that puts forth the idea: what if America lost the space race to Russia?
Created and written by Ronald D Moore, the visionary behind the reimagined Battlestar Galactica and Outlander, For All Mankind stars Kinnaman as Edward Baldwin, a NASA astronaut who works alongside Buzz Aldrin (Chris Agos) and Neil Armstrong (Jeff Branson). Kinnaman’s character isn’t based on a particular historical figure, instead he is a composite or a representative of the ‘all-American’ astronauts of that era.
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“I’m half-American and half-Swedish,” Kinnaman says. “I’ve lived in Sweden and America so, in a way, I’ve a split identity. My favourite part of the American spirit is not giving up. If they get knocked down, it is a national honour in getting back up and continuing the fight. In reality, when the US got to the moon, it concluded the space race. We didn’t get the continuation in space exploration that everyone was promised.”
Kinnaman is drawn to the science-fiction genre, fantasising of what could have been (though it can be said that the broad field of fiction can also put forward, ‘ what if’). Growing up, he watched the Star Wars movies, he loved the cyberpunk feel when he shot Altered Carbon. He is a fan of Blade Runner due to its dystopian future.
Do you think that sci-fi’s dystopian trope is becoming a reality? Kinnaman muses on that. “We’ve a president who is a national and international embarrassment. He’s immoral, a compulsive liar, a narcissist who doesn’t respect or appreciate democracy. I pray and hope that this nightmare would soon come to an end.
“But I believe we have the potential to overcome this. If we change paths and realign our focus in coming together as a human family, we can solve whatever problems that come our way together.”
This sentiment is echoed in For All Mankind, although the loss wasn’t the be-all and end-all for America. According to Moore, in losing the space race, America ends up the winner in the long run because of the continual effort into space exploration.
“Art can be a little lazy in pointing out the negatives. In many instances, the role that art and the artist play is showing us what’s wrong: that’s important but showcasing the positives is equally important. For All Mankind shows us how we should be operating if we are guided by our better angels.”
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Physicist and theoretical biologist, Erwin Schrödinger, came up with a thought experiment. Imagine, if you will, a cat that’s sealed in a box. And inside that box is a device that might or might not kill the cat. Quantum theory states that quantum particles can exist in a superposition of states at the same time. Some even theorise that the quantum particles will collapse to a single state when it’s observed. When applied to Schrödinger’s cat, the feline is both dead and alive until you open the box.
Schrödinger came up with this thought experiment to explain that “misinterpreted simplification of quantum theory can lead to absurd results which don’t match real world quantum physics”. In the real world, it’s absurd that the cat is both dead and alive at the same time.
But one can also see this as an example of how the scientific theory works. Nobody really knows if a theory is right or wrong until it can be tested and proved. It’s like asking someone out on a date, you don’t know if that cute girl or guy will go out with you until you ask; the possibilities of rejection and acceptance remain in co-existence.
That is before you open the box.
Observe: Joel Kinnaman wouldn’t have existed if his father, Steve, had not defected from the US Army. An Indianapolis native, the elder Kinnaman was drafted and stationed in Bangkok, Thailand during the Vietnam War. While he was there, he started spending time with European backpackers, who have a different perspective of the war. A seed was planted. It finally blossomed when he attended a friend’s wedding in Laos. “It turned out that the woman’s family was half Laotian and half Vietnamese,” Kinnaman says. “It was an emotional moment for my dad. He asked himself if these were the people that he was going to kill.”
Still reeling from the love he had witnessed, the elder Kinnaman returned to his base. It was then that he was given the news that he was being reassigned to the battlefront in Vietnam.
In the history of war, the common punishment for desertion is death. According to the US Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 85, it is meted out “by death of other such punishment as a court-martial may direct”. (Since the Civil War, only one American serviceman was executed for desertion: Private Eddie Slovik in 1945.)
Knowing the penalties for desertion, the elder Kinnaman made the decision that night to leave camp. He hitchhiked his way up into northern Thailand and into Laos. He burned his passport, changed his name and passed off as Canadian. For the next four years, he lived life among the Laotians doing odd jobs. Then, he found out that Sweden grants asylum to Vietnam deserters. Since moving to Sweden, President Jimmy Carter eventually issued an amnesty in 1977. The elder Kinnaman continues to reside in Sweden. After his first marriage ended, he was involved with Bitte, a therapist. This relationship yielded Joel.
“I’ve been working on the script about his life,” Kinnaman says. “The idea would be that I’d play my dad but I’m getting a little old.” It’s a story to be told, one about the dangers of blind patriotism; a tool that’s often exploited by governments. “We need to be critical individuals who should make up our own minds.”
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Observe: Kinnaman had his first taste of acting when he was 10. He played Felix Lundström on Storstad, a soap opera that looks at the lives of the residents living in the fictional town of Malmtorget. Back then, Sweden had only two TV channels so even if it’s a secondary or even tertiary role on an ensemble piece, people will recognise you. “I didn’t understand it,” Kinnaman says. “There was something thrilling about being famous but there was something I didn’t like about it either.” His whole experience as a child actor was underwhelming.
In fact, taking a page from ‘history repeating itself ’, observe as Kinnaman could have been a soldier in the Swedish army.
“It was mandatory for the men to be conscripted for a year in the army and it was during my time when the rules for enlistment started to relax,” Kinnaman says. “If you didn’t want to enlist, all you have to do is purposely fail the proficiency tests.”
Alas, Kinnaman was so caught up in the competition that he aced it. His results showed potential to be a company leader. He was enlisted and assigned to an 18-month tour in the Arctic Circle but Kinnaman plum forgot about it. When he moved to Oslo, Norway, to be a bartender, he received a call from his mother, informing him that there was a government notice stating that he was supposed to enlist in three days.
He called the army to tell them that he was no longer in the country. “They said, this is a serious offence and I could get prison time for this. But if I were to write a letter to explain the situation, I could get out of this.” And then he forgot to write the letter. Kinnaman continued working odd jobs but he was always haunted by the thought that if he were ever to be arrested by the police for anything, they might discover his draft dodge from his records and he would be sent to prison.
“I ended up at this fight outside a night club and got taken in by the police.” Kinnaman says. Observe: Kinnaman could have ended up serving his sentence for draft dodging but nothing came of it.
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Acting was calling out to him once more. His friend, Gustaf Skarsgård (famously known for his role as Floki in History Channel’s Vikings), was on track to becoming an actor and advised Kinnaman to apply for theatre school. After several applications, Kinnaman finally got into what he describes as “Sweden’s second-best acting school” and would go on to film two movies during his enrolment.
After graduation, he continued acting in Sweden before moving to America. He kept himself busy. He made an appearance in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; starred as Governor Will Conway in House of Cards; made people notice with his portrayal as the homicide detective, Stephen Holder; scored the lead role in the Robocop remake; was cast as Rick Flag in Suicide Squad.
The one genre that Kinnaman can’t seem to appear in is comedy. Yes, he has a stern demeanour but the man is also funny. “Sometimes, Hollywood sees you in a certain way and it’s much easier to get cast for it. And the next is similar to that and so on. I haven’t made an effort to dissuade people’s opinion. The lighter side is probably more me.”
The closest he has gotten to doing comedy is the shooting of the Suicide Squad sequel. Helmed by James Gunn, Kinnaman said in another interview that it feels like he’s “shooting his first comedy”.
“I’ve been around tough people with issues before,” Kinnaman continues. “I’ve had some bad times so those kind of environments were natural to be in. It’s a survival mechanism too. A way for me to cope as I grew up. At the time, you’re figuring out about your identity. I felt insecure, powerless and didn’t know what to do in life.
“It was a period of my life that was pretty negative. But one of the beauties of acting is that those dark periods become a mother lode that you can mine from. Maybe I’ve drawn a little bit too much from it by playing too many tough guys.”
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In May 2016, Kinnaman was one of the delegates and personalities from Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland and Sweden who was invited to one of President Obama’s final state dinners. Kinnaman, dressed in a sharp tuxedo, attended the dinner with his then-wife, Cleo Wattenström.
He overheard that the Obamas were fans of House of Cards and was looking forward to being introduced to them. At the reception, he and the other representatives stood in a row as President Obama made his way down the line, shaking hands and posing for a photo op. By Kinnaman’s admission, his mind wandered as he imagined what he’d say when President Obama came up to him. “Maybe I’d say, ‘Mr President’, and then he’ll say ‘Governor Conway’, and then we’ll laugh. And we’ll end it with a cool handshake.”
And all of a sudden, the president stood before him and Kinnaman muttered, “Mr President…” There was an awkward pause. Kinnaman would recount that it’s very possible that either the Obamas hadn’t watched the episode that he was in or if they did, his presence made zero impact. Before the silence could prolong, Kinnaman ended with, “thanks… for everything”. President Obama said something along the lines of, “Surely but surely, we cannot lose hope” and Kinnaman was ushered off.
He would retell this story when he introduced President Obama at Brilliant Minds, a conference of creative individuals who embody the forward-thinking spirit of Sweden, in June 2019. After the introduction, he returned backstage, where President Obama was waiting for his cue to go up. “He had this huge smile on his face and he said to me, ‘bring it in for a cool handshake.’ We hugged, we talked for about five minutes. He was super friendly. I’ll always remember that moment.”
Kinnaman isn’t shy about his politics. He voiced support for the #metoo movement; he had championed the environmental cause by one of his fellow Swedes, Greta Thunberg; he does not hide his disdain for the Trump administration.
“I think the last UN report stated that we have about eight years to turn back our carbon expenditure into the atmosphere,” Kinnaman says about where we’re heading as a species. “You don’t have to be a prophet to see that the world is heading towards the wrong direction. The oceans are heating up, the glaciers are melting. These natural disasters will be more frequent and that’s gonna lead to more tensions among countries.
“Politically, we’re moving towards a more nativist direction; people are pulling away from international cooperation. There’s the rise in disinformation campaigns, which will threaten democracy.”
But Kinnaman, ever the optimist, still believes in the human spirit, that we can innovate our way out of this quagmire.
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Observe: Kinnaman, who was born with pectus excavatum, chose to correct the disorder instead of living with it.
Pectus excavatum is a chest-wall deformity that affects roughly one in 400. Instead of the breastbone being flush against the chest, it sinks in. Measured on a scale called the Haller index, anything above an index of 3.2 is considered severe. Kinnaman’s index was a seven or an eight.
“It’s something that’s survivable,” Kinnaman explains. “But it’s a condition that grows worse over time: your posture becomes worse; your stamina worsens as your heart is not given room to pump. By correcting it you can add years to your life.”
For a condition this severe, doctors had to insert two curved metal bars across his chest. Then the bars are turned to force the chest out and then the bars are wired to his ribs. The operation changed his life for the better. He doesn’t feel self-conscious whenever he removes his top. Six weeks after his surgery, he had to do reshoots for Suicide Squad. It was a fight sequence but Kinnaman sucked it up. “Would you like to feel it?” He asked.
He raised his arm like an invitation. I reached out and felt the spot, where the metal bars are, beneath the fabric and skin.
That’s an interesting party trick, I say. Kinnaman could only chuckle in response.
“It’s funny, if you ask me to say a line from a movie that I’ve been in before, I can’t. Not one line from any movie that I’ve done but I once did a monologue that was one hour and 30 minutes and I knew it by heart after 10 days.”
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Kinnaman used to opine that as a Swedish American, growing up with dual cultures gives him a better perspective of the world but that also left him feeling like he doesn’t belong. He jumps from place to place, leading a nomadic existence.
“But I think,” he says as though he had stumbled upon some great truth a long time back, “I don’t wanna travel so much any more. Home. That’s where I’d like to be. I have two bases: one in Venice, LA and the other, an hour outside Stockholm.
“Growing up, my family didn’t have any money. We lived in this tiny little cottage that was in the middle of the woods. Now, I have this piece of land, where my family lives. This past midsummer was the first midsummer that we all spent together.
“That’s my new happy place.”
Joel Kinnaman looks like a man who has placed the final piece in that mystery of his life. He has stopped worrying about how he’s perceived by the public. He has exorcised people who have “struggled with jealousy, who don’t have a natural inclination towards generosity”. He has zero tolerance against bullshit. He likes how his career is shaping up—aside from Suicide Squad 2, For All Mankind is now filming a second season, and Kinnaman has three films coming out: The Informer; The Sound of Philadelphia and The Secrets We Keep; the last two, he avers, are his best work. “People who have watched me for a long time, it will remind them of my early career and for people who recently followed me, they will see a new side of me.
“I have goals that I’d like to achieve. Actor awards are such bullshit… until you get one. But yeah, that would be great. In future, I’d definitely want to be in a producing role and at some point, I’d like to also direct.
“I’ve said that I’d direct in five years time for about 10 years now.” That might change. His life is still a long and open road ahead.
Schrodinger’s cat posits two states that the creature can be in—dead or alive. But what if there’s a third option. That within the confines of the box, the cat is not there. It’s escaped. Unburdened from the stipulations of a thought experiment, free to do what it wants.
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im-long-blog · 4 years
Apple’s Vision
Introduction: Technology continues to expand and change the way humans interact with the world around them. As technology advances, so does the desire to implement that technology into one’s life. A leading company that excels at creating life-changing innovations is Apple. From simply starting on basic phones and music players, all the way to watches and laptops, Apple has set the standards for how technology should look and feel in one’s life. The Apple logo was originally designed by Ronald Wayne which displayed Isaac Newton, a leading founder of science and findings with gravity, sitting under an apple tree with an apple hanging above him. This original logo soon became obsolete according to Steve Jobs who wished for something more modern. He soon hired Rob Janoff who was a graphic designer who created what the world saw as the first iconic logo to represent the Apple corporation. The logo featured rainbow horizontal lines that made up the inside of the apple logo to show that it was the first company to have a computer with a color display. The bite mark was also meant to show that the logo was an apple (Think Marketing, 2012). From everything Janoff, created to the different designs that are being seen now demonstrate that Apple has the ingenuity to create a pleasant and eye-catching visual representation to initially capture the attention of its customers.
Apple’s ideology was first started around June 2007, after many rumors about a new upcoming phone on the market. At the time, this phone was the pinnacle of technology. According to Steve Jobs, “Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything” (Mingis & Kossovsky, 2009) The iPhone featured a “three-in-one” piece of hardware that allowed a user to have a music player, mobile phone and internet device.
The ambition of Apple continues to grow as they as a company start developing more interesting and life changing products. As the technology progresses, so does the capabilities of making the products more simplified and compact for travel. On January 29, 2008 the newest MacBook was announced. The MacBook Air claimed to be the world’s thinnest notebook at the time. According to Sean Moreau, 2019, he states that, “because of its thinness, the MacBook Air was the first Mac to remove the optical Super drive and feature a multitouch trackpad with gestures and included a 13-inch LED display with a full-size backlit keyboard.” This laptop was more favorable among students as it was on the lower cost end and allowed students to accomplish their work in an effective manner. The continued innovation of Apple was allowed its customer base to expand dramatically as more people wanted to have Apple products.
Eight years later, Apple continues to create more advancements. Through the years, Apple has tuned and perfected security measures such as Touch ID and has continued to change the different camera pixels to take more vivid and eye-catching photos. Around this time, Apple wants to target a more sophisticated audience by releasing the MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. This laptop was released Mid-December in 2016 and had a new change to its hardware. Apple removed the standard USB and HDMI ports and replaced them with a couple Thunderbolt 3 ports which allowed for data transfer, charging, display outputs and many more all within one port. The laptop was favored by designers, editors, producers of digital content and others. It had the hardware to take many strenuous tasks and was able to edit videos more easily than previous generations.
A year later, the technology in the iPhone changes along with the new look. Apple removes the circular home button and instead allows the screen to cover more of the phone. People were skeptical at first but after the unveiling, individuals started to take a liking to the new design. When Apple removed the home button and replaced it with Face ID, many critics were questioning the security of people and whether or not it was reliable. Apple responded by saying that Face ID was more secured than Touch ID. Face ID had several components that worked together to project 30,000 infrared dots on an individual’s face. After the initial setup, the phone will compare new faces to the previous saved one and when there is a match, it will unlock. All the processing happens in milliseconds.
One of the newest upgrades Apple has implemented into its devices is the Electrocardiogram (ECG) which allowed users to indicate if their heart rhythm was showing signs of atrial fibrillation (AFib), also known as a stroke. This is one of the steps Apple has taken into branching into the medical field and seamlessly integrating it into their technology. All this technology is packed into a small device that is used as a watch. According to Danielle Kosecki, 2019, the Apple Watch is “able to check your heart rhythms, or the electrical impluses that coordinate your hearteat, for any irregularities.” Technology for Apple has been reaching different heights and lengths to improve upon new or old technology to make it better and more efficient for use by society. The Apple Watch Series 4 also features having built in GPS and Cellular connection that can be independent from one’s phone.
With all of the technology Apple has accomplished, has it finally reached a point where there is nothing to improve? According to an article by Larry Ramer, he references PC Magazine and they say that “as the smartphone market stalls and iPhone sales stagnate, Apple needs a breakthrough technological innovation the likes of which we haven’t seen much of during the Tim Cook era and the company knows it.” This quote summarizes the culmination of what Apple has accomplished but are now running out of improvements for their next generation iPhones. They are charging more expensive price tags for a new phone that seems to only get a few hardware upgrades and a few qualities of life changes.
In conclusion, Apple has had many technological advancements. From the first iPhone and MacBook, to Face ID on phones and ECG on watches, Apple has advanced in many ways that help contribute to modern society. As the advances continue and competition in the Smart device industry continues to rise, will Apple be able to maintain its place as one of the leading producers?
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notasfilosoficas · 3 years
“Si trabajas en algo que te importa, no necesitas que te empujen, porque la visión te impulsará.”
Steve Jobs
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Steven Paul Jobs, nació en San Francisco California en febrero de 1955, fue un empresario, y magnate de los negocios en el sector informático y de la industria del entretenimiento estadounidense. Cofundador y presidente ejecutivo de Apple y máximo accionista individual de Walt Disney Company.
Fue fundador de Apple en 1976 junto con su amigo de la adolescencia Steve Wozniak y el apoyo de un excompañero de Atari, Ronald Wayne, en un garage de su casa.
A los 26 años ya era millonario gracias a la exitosa salida a bolsa de la compañía a finales de 1981.
En una era en donde las computadoras personales iniciaban una guerra comercial y de innovaciones contra compañías como IBM y Microsoft. Macintosh 128 K fue el primer ordenador personal que se comercializó exitosamente y que usaba interfaz gráfica de usuario, ademas de un ratón en lugar de lineas de comandos.
Prácticamente obligado a renunciar a su propia compañía por problemas con la cúpula empresarial y socios accionistas, recuperó la misma de 1997 hasta 2011 superando a Exxon como la empresa con mayor capitalización en el mundo.
En los años 90, transformó una empresa subsidiada de Lucas Film, y revolucionó la industria de la animación con el lanzamiento de la película infantil “Toy Story”, animada por computadora, primer largometraje de la compañía Pixar, además de la primera cinta animada completamente con efectos digitales en la historia del cine.
En la segunda etapa de Apple, innovó el modelo de negocio musical con el lanzamiento del iPod en 2001, y la tienda en linea de música iTunes en 2003.
Steve Jobs fallece en su casa de California en octubre de 2011 a los 56 años, debido a secuelas derivadas de una metástasis por cáncer pancreático descubierto en 2004.
Admirado por su inteligencia, visión, tenacidad y capacidad de trabajo, Steve Jobs también fue criticado por su insensibilidad hacia las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores en sus empresas, mostrando gran hostilidad hacia la clase trabajadora. Una fuente cercana añadió que no tenia vida personal por su narcisismo y superficialidad, así como su tendencia a distorsionar la realidad.
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amplesalty · 5 years
Day 24 - Killer Legends (2014)
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From mockumentary to straight up documentary...
There was a time when I would throw in a documentary every year for a bit of variety but that feel by the wayside for a bit. Probably because that was more in the infancy of this horror kick and I was using that as a way to pick up potential viewing material. They were normally centered around looking at the history of horror movies, exploring different periods and how styles shifted as the years passed.
This one though is looking at urban legends, specifically ones that revolve around a horror aspect. Namely; The Hook Man, The Candyman, The Killer and the Man Upstairs and The Killer Clown.
The Hook Man isn’t quite as literal because it branches off to talk about the real life Texarkana Moonlight Murders, inspiration for The Town That Dreaded Sundown. There is a comparison that is drawn to how the real life murderer used his gun as part of his sexual assault on one of his victims, so there’s a link between the penetration with a foreign, metal object there and the killers hook. As I mentioned in that post and the When a Stranger Calls ones, it’s all really about a scare tactic for young lovers. It’s interesting to see them going around talking to people in the town and hear how they were scared away from going to these lovers lane sites because of the murders.
It serves as a neat companion piece to watching the movie, seeing these real life locations and talking to people involved in the original investigation. They also talk to the promoter of the yearly screening they have of Sundown and they acknowledge this strange scenario they have where the town is becoming this extension of an urban legend. Like, kids will tell these exaggerated tales of urban legends but the town itself is doing that by showing this movie which is an exaggerated version of these real life events.
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I don’t know where they sourced these illustrations for hook killers though. It looks like a Wikihow article on how to get murdered.
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The second story is on tainted candy. You know, razor blades in an apple, pins in a candy bar...stuff like that. They show examples of the hysteria around it, talking heads of people who say they will check through all their kids candy, news pieces on local hospitals giving free x-rays to candy. Firstly, what hospital has time to just do that? Secondly, that just strikes me as weird that you have parents worried about foreign bodies snuck into these sweets but are fine with shooting radiation at them? I would imagine it’s going to be pretty low level but still, just seems odd.
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There doesn’t seem to be many actual examples of this happening in real life, the major ones you’ve having to go back decades to find. They cover one quite majorly, Ronald Clark O’Bryan giving tainted Pixy Stix to his own kids as well as some neighbour kids who they were trick or treating with. This resulted in the death of his son but the other children survived. He originally try to pin this on the old urban legend about twisted individuals giving out poison to kids but eventually it came out that it was him, seemingly as some sort of insurance scam as he had taken out life insurance on his kids very recently. Apparently he opened the Pixy Stix, poured in the poison and resealed them before handing them out.
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Again, they explore the local town talking to people to find out what they know about the incident, including going to the old O’Bryan house, hesitant to reveal to the current occupant just what had gone down there all those years ago. They even interview the former Assistant District Attorney who worked on the case and it’s almost funny at first as he looks at a picture of O’Bryan and says ‘Look at that lying son of a bitch’. But as they talk to him, it’s clear that it’s still something that shakes him up like 30 years later and that’s really understandable. It really boggles the mind to think that someone would do that to their own children.
The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs is another that they struggle to find any real evidence of, save for going back to the 1950’s. Again though, it’s still something that’s very prevalent today and they touch upon the various movies that will use this concept. Hell, like I said in the Stranger Calls post, they’re doing another Black Christmas remake this year.
This looks into the case in the 50’s that seems to have sparked this whole legend, as well as some similar killings around that time that they suspect could be linked. At the time, an Africa American man was convicted and executed for the crime but people in the town speak of a prejudice present in the town at the time, suggesting that this conviction was just a case of trying to appease the public.
The Killer Clown is one they figure can be easily traced to the 80’s when you had things like Poltergeist and IT that very much pushed the idea of the scary clown to the forefront but they found stuff that pre-dated that. A lot of talk about clowns being used to try and lure kids away.
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They focus a lot on John Wayne Gacy who had his clown persona but he is a case where they suspect that he’s actually not doing it to lure victims. On the contrary, someone mentions that his makeup will feature these pointed edges and triangular eyes which can actually be quite offputting for kids.
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Clearly this is true, just look at that creepy bastard in Spawn. All sorts of pointed edges going on there.
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I think it definitely helps that I’ve just watched some of the movies they mention here so it’s cool to see the real life stories behind them. The one nitpick I would have with it is that they do a lot of their location visits in the middle of the night which seems a little sensationalist to me. They’ll have music start up suddenly or one of the pair will scream, only to find it was them walking into a spiders web...it’s just odd that they’re trying to go for these cheap scares in the middle of this documentary.
Maybe there’s some method to that madness though. The movie in general seems to carry this idea that urban legends actually seem to be covering up truths that are much more horrifying than the stories themselves which is interesting because the legends are what are meant to be scaring the kids. In the podcast I listened to with the director, Josh Zeman, he mentioned that these urban legends almost have to be dressed up in order to really get through to the kids because they’re just uninstrested otherwise. “Hey kids, don’t go into those woods, there’s a mad man around.” Whatever. “Don’t go into those woods, there’s an escaped mental patient with a hook for a hand.” Fuck that noise, I’m going nowhere near those woods. Still, especially the Babysitter section talking about the potential that this town was just falsely convicting people that made it easy for it’s Confederate leaning public to swallow is very worrying.
Zeman also references one of his earlier works, 2009’s Cropsey, that looks at a specific urban legend from his own childhood in Staten Island. Another one for the future.
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tyonayoniisblog · 2 years
Chapt 1 Fieldwork- Tyona Bryant
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The Iphone 13 pro max idea has developed over the years. As time went by the consultation of this iphone has been discussed carefully to make it different from the other generations of iphones. The history of it starts with 3 men. Steve Jobs,Steve Wozniak,and Ronald Wayne. Apple was founded in Los Altos CA in the year of 1976. However the current CEO is Timothy Donald Cook who was recently recruited by Steve Jobs to be a part of Apple. “Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple and serves on its board of directors”(Apple 1). The 1st apple product created was the Apple computer 1. “It was designed and hand-built by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak…[and] went on sale in July 1976 priced at $666.66 selling around 175 units in 10 months”(Gibbs 1). Apple has tremendously developed from 1976 to now. For example, the Iphone 13 pro max has made a “solid growth of 8% and 56.5 million units shipped”(Gallager 1).
Where was the Iphone 13 Pro Max  manufactured 
According to Reuters, the Iphone 13 Pro Max was manufactured “at a local plant of Apple's Taiwanese contract manufacturer…[ where it was] situated in the town of Sriperumbudur in Southern Tamil Nadu state”(Segar 1). The top selling of the iphone 13 is coming from India according to an article written by Ben Lovejoy. This author says,“Iphone production in India grew 50% year on year in the first quarter of 2022”. Sources say the reason for Apple to manufacture the Iphone 13 in India was because of local customers(Business Today 1). According to this article called Business Today, “Apple began manufacturing iPhones in India in 2017 with iPhone SE and currently manufactures models including iPhone 11, iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. Experts feel that Apple may surpass its existing record of iPhone sales in India with iPhone 13 production and iPhone 12 production at Pegatron”(Business Today 1). 
What impact does the item have on your life
The impact that the Iphone has on my life is positive and negative. The negative aspect of it is that I have gotten so caught up in my phone that I didn't realize what the world was offering me. Studies show that a person can develop Phantom vibration syndrome which is basically hearing your phone buzz when it isn't(Allen 1). I have developed that in a way and it has affected my attention task. The positive impact is that it is a way of my communication, organizing my life, and storing memories that can't be erased. Having this phone allows me to work from home or even take on college classes which is beneficial to my scheduling. The Iphone has programmed apps that help organize events and important stuff that needs to get done in my life and lastly the camera. One shot can tell a whole story. Having a high quality camera like the Iphone 13 helps me remember the fun and meaningful things I've done in my life.
Who is involved in making the iphone and what is life for them
The Iphone 13 Pro Max was created by Apple. It was designed and marketed by Apple Inc. However the face of Apple Inc. is Tim Cook who is the current CEO of Apple. He is currently the board of directors for Apple. In a article it explains that , “ Cook doesn't like engaging with the media unless it's on official Apple business….[and]  and claims to get out of bed at 3:45 am each morning. After waking, he likes to get into it straight away. He'll sit down and start going through the 700+ emails in his inbox before hitting the gym at 5 am”(Finty 1). Tim has worked hard to keep Apple alive and productive and one of his main concerns is that he “ worries that a slow loss of privacy in today's world will gradually train people and coerce them into acting differently as they adjust to a new normal”(Boxberger 1). Overall time life is very productive and is motivated to come up with new ideas to sell to his customers. 
 “Apple Leadership - Tim Cook.” Apple, https://www.apple.com/leadership/tim-cook/. 
Gibbs, Samuel. “Apple's Six Defining Products - in Pictures.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 2 Aug. 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/technology/gallery/2018/aug/02/apples-six-defining-products-in-pictures. 
Gallagher, William. “Only IPhone Sales Rose Last Quarter, All Other Smartphones Fell.” AppleInsider, AppleInsider, 29 Apr. 2022, 
Person. “Apple Starts Manufacturing IPhone 13 in India.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 11 Apr. 2022, 
Lovejoy, Ben. “IPhone Production in India Grows by 50% as IPhone 13 Joins Lineup.” 9to5Mac, 27 Apr. 2022, 
“Apple IPhone 13 Manufacturing Begins in India: All You Need to Know.” Business Today, 11 Apr. 2022, 
“What Is Phantom Vibration Syndrome?” Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.
“Tim Cook – the Daily Routine of the Apple CEO.” Finty
Boxberger, Darryl. “Tim Cook Is Concerned That Slow Erosion of Privacy Is a Big Danger.” AppleInsider, AppleInsider, 7 June 2022 
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saletancy · 2 years
How Apple Marketed their Products…
Apple was founded by Steve Jobs on April 1, 1976. It was incorporated by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne as Apple Computer, Inc. in 1977 and the company’s next computer, the Apple II became the Best Seller.
As the market and need for Personal Computers expanded and evolved throughout the 1990s, Apple lost considerable market share to the lower- price duopoly of the Microsoft Windows operating system on the Intel -powered PC clones ( also known as “Wintel”). Over Several decades Jobs guided Apple back to profitability through a number of tactics including introducing the Mac, Ipod, Iphone to critical acclaim, launching “Think Different” and other memorable advertising campaigns.
Marketing Strategies Used By Apple1.Simplicity
A great appealing design is the top most priority of the customers when they are buying a smartphone or a laptop. Many smartphone and laptop manufacturing brands thinks that a loud and flashy design attracts customers, but apple proved otherwise.
Apple products are clean, basic and uncomplicated. Clean and basic lines are employed throughout, from the logo to the shape, button design. Apple also has a plus point which is Packaging, apple packaging is also very simple and basic.
2. Target Market
According to The Strategy Watch, 1/3 of Apple users had a family income of $100,000 or more. Furthermore, a user’s average individual income is roughly $98,000, much higher than typical device owner demographics.
Finding the right demographic can fuel profits: Apple Insider reports that U.S. iPhone users spent an average of $138 on apps alone in 2020.
The company considers customer profiles and buying capacity. These Apple products do not come at low prices, but the corporation does not need to compete with other companies.
As a business owner, you must consider the needs of your audience as you’re developing your marketing strategy. It’s essential for you to establish your brand. Once you do, customers will be prepared to pay whatever price you set.
If you have time ,do visit Apple’s Youtube Channel and watch their videos and try to find out the commonality in their videos.
Most of the times other smartphone manufacturing brands try to convince you to buy their product. But on the other hand apple tells a story and it stirs the inner curiosity and desire of the clients compelling them to act and satisfy their needs.
Apple stories are powerful and leave a long lasting impact on their audience.
4. Product Quality: USP
Another Strategy that Apple uses is it’s Unique Value Proposition.
Apple’s UVP is that it offers a unique experience to its users. To appreciate the product, you have to experience its features even from the moment you purchase and unbox it. It makes you want to dive in and buy the product because you feel the need for it.
5. Leveraging Reviews
Being around for decades, Apple has made a name for itself. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of reviews, ratings, and testimonials from the users. Customer satisfaction or frustration is translated by its users into reviews and testimonials.
Reviews are not always good, in any case. Without a doubt, Apple must have encountered negative ones. However, with Apple constantly innovating and updating its products and services, it seems to have gained the populace’s trust.
With an 82% customer satisfaction rating for Mac and iPad users, Apple remains on top in terms of the customer satisfaction survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index in 2020.
Because the company has built this strong customer loyalty through their quality products and services, they could leverage the positive reviews to further promote the products in the market without doing so much.
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vaibhavmittal · 3 years
Do you know what is “ Electronic Brain ” is? I bet you do! here we are with 10 fun facts ABOUT TECHNOLOGY you might be interested in.
 my blog https://vaibhavmittal.in
  1. Did you know that PCs used to go by the name“Electronic Brain” in the 1950s? Computers were called “Electronic Brains” in the 1950s. The computer called the UNIVAC 1101 was invented in the United States in 1950. These computers are considered to be the first computers that were capable of storing and running a program from memory and hence were called “Electronic Brains.”
 2. Did you know that Emails has been around longer than the World Wide Web? E-mails have been around for a longer time than the World Wide Web. E-mail or Electronic mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson and was first used in the 1960s on a limited basis. On the other hand, WWW, or the World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
3. Do you know what does HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple all have in common? HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple all these technology giants have only one thing in common that all of these IT companies were started in a garage.
 4. Do you know what Technophobia is? Technophobia is the fear of advanced and complex technologies. Technophobia began to gain attention with the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in England. With the invention of new machines that we're able to do the work of skilled craftsmen, the unemployment rate was steadily rising along with the strong dislike for new technology.
  5. Do you know how old is the Internet? The Internet is 11190 days* old and counting. The origins of the Internet date back to the research conducted by the US federal government in the 1960s to create strong communication with computer networks. However, in the year 1989 the Internet we know and use today was born.
  6. Did you know NASA once pranked the entire world? On 1st April 2005, NASA pranked the entire world by claiming that they had found water on Mars. This just shows that jokes and pranks can happen in every field even if it is the “ever serious” field of science.
 7. Did you know that the animal in the logo of Firefox is not a Fox? Firefox is the English word for Red panda, a protected species in Asia. So the browser’s logo is a Red panda, not a Fox! Mozilla Firefox or simply Firefox intended to use a Red panda as their logo but unfortunately, people misunderstood the logo and thought that it was a Fox due to the name “Firefox”.
 8. Do you know what the very first logo of apple was? The very first logo of Apple featured Isaac Newton sitting underneath a tree with an apple about to fall on his head. It was drawn by Ronald Wayne, the third founder of Apple besides Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Jobs have asserted that the logo was inspired by the story of his childhood.
9. Did you know that almost 86% of people plug their USB device upside down in the first attempt? A study suggests that almost 86% of people try to plug their USB devices upside down. However, a new version of the USB connector called the USB Type C has been introduced to relieve the users of their frustration. USB-C features a new smaller and reversible connector shape so it is much easier to plug in the USB device.
 10. Did you know that the name ‘Google was created accidentally? Back in the late ’90s when Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google were brainstorming for a name for their search engine, their friend Sean suggested the name “Googolplex”. Larry agreed to use a shorter version of the name and decided to use “Googol”. However, it was misspelled and thus they accidentally came up with the name “Google”.
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