#Rook is cupid and he love potioned these two last valentines
twistedtalking · 10 months
Hi! assuming that the 50 follower celebration is still open i offer my Yuusona! (if not please ignore this and i apologize)
Yuuki is a female with short hair not much longer than her neck with one of her eye being covered by said hair.She has to use a prosthetic eye to fit in with the norm (not that she cares that much) due to a chikdhood accident that lost her an eyeShe has a fem boy appearance but she doesnt mind any gender assumptions. A pretty teasing little fellow who doesnt exactly play pranks as to her there is no humor to cheap stuff like this. Says the most unhinged stuff casually. She is super confident and doesnt care what other ppl think due to having dealth and overcoming bullying. Personality-wise she is cheery and seen as optimistic. Tends to sass others around her and is physically affectionate with ppl she deems close. Has great memory but hellishly stubborn. Will argue with someone for fun even if she knows shes wrong.
I think that would be all- and for her, i would like for it to be Riddle (romantic)
format: fic
trigger warning: slightly out of character
You Look in the Mirror, aBridge to Another World
An unusual sight was found in the library of Night Raven College.
Riddle Rosehearts was studying in advance...the DAY AFTER THE EXAMS.
Not that that was anything out of the ordinary.
Yuuki was studying as well.
A bit peculiar, but only slightly out of the ordinary.
They were HOLDING HANDS. Very out of the ordinary.
"Number 5, Look into each other's eyes.", Riddle recites, having already memorised the article.
"You mean "eye", Riddle.", Yuuki laughs, giggling at the absurdness of the situation.
Never in her life (in twised wonderland, at least) had she imagined Riddle and her would ever get along, much less date.
And here they were, holding hands. What a far cry from their not-so-pretty arguments during the unbirthday party last year.
Yes. Riddle Rosehearts was now her boyfriend. The strict, smart, and so fun to tease dormleader of Heartslabyul had finally accepted her heartfelt confession...
"Yuuki, Keep your eyes on me; not the window." Says Riddle, snapping yuuki from her trance.
"Aww, is my beloved jealous of a window?" Teased Yuuki. "Besides, it's "eye", Riddle. Not eyes. Remember?"
"Ah. Right. My...apologies." Says Riddle, ears a slight shade of red.
Riddle focused on something else, anything else. The relationship book seemed an easy victim. The rose-red book cover could've had holes in them, for Riddle's stare was so strong.
Yet his mind was somewhere else.
A more embarassing somewhere else.
Aww, he's embarassed.
"Such a cutie~" Yuuki coos, causing Riddle's already red face to go even redder (for a different reason this time).
As cute as her boyfriend's scrunched face is, Yuuki didn't want Riddle to suffer so much. She has something she got to do.
...Maybe just a few more minutes.
After basking in Riddle's cute pout, (It is truth, as much as he himself denies it)Yuuki excuses herself.
...by standing up. Riddle, whose hand was still intertwined with hers, jumped at the sudden movement.
"Where are you going?" Asked Riddle, confused...or perhaps mad. I cannot tell from this far. "We have not finished yet".
"Just trust me", Yuuki replied, giving Riddle what she hoped was a reassuring smile. Riddle seemed unsure, but he reluctantly let go of her hand, letting his own hang limp.
When Yuuki returned, his face lightened up like the stars in the Sunset Savannah night sky at summer. Riddle ran to her(well as much as one is allowed to run in the library).
Yet at the sight before him, he stops.
Yuuki was there, yes.
The same beautiful nose placed perfectly on her face.
The same small dimples on her smile.
The same luscious hair, the same addictive laugh, the same teasing eye.
The eye was not the same.
Where a tuft of her hair was usually seen, another eye was found.
Yuuki had two eyes.
Unnerving, the most fiting term.
The eye itself was not scary.
On the contrary, it was beautiful.
But it felt wrong.
It could never compare to the real thing, found on the right side of her face.
It was unsettling.
But he couldn't keep his eyes of it.
"Is there dirt on my face? Or are you just too in love to look away?" Yuuki teases, breaking the awkward silence.
Riddle, who was about to respond to the first question (he was about to say no), proceeded to choked on air. He looked away, face as red as his hair.
(That's fine, cause it rhymes)
"Let us continue with our activity." Said Riddle after a while, trying to act composed.
Emphasis on "trying".
Riddle was not able to completely conceal his embarrassment, and Yuuki could read him like an open book.
Which meant he was also teased relentlessly.
Unfortunately, another obstacle stood in Riddle's path. One eye moved this way, the other looked that.
And Riddle, being the overachiever he is, tried to make eye contact with both.
At the same time.
Causing the nickname "goldfish" to fit Riddle more than ever.
"Riddle, you don't have to." Said Yuuki, which left Riddle a bit enraged.
Is yuuki implying that they should skip a step?
Does she not want him to express his love for her?
Has she grown tired of him?
Did he do something wrong?
What mistake had he made?
Was it how strict he was on her, even though he promised he'd loosen up?
Riddle was afraid.
He didn't have much information about love.
He hasn't read much on romance and relationships, since his mother did not see it a necessary subject. He has not even memorised 25 articles on it.
This is his first hands-on experience.
In short, he was out of his field of expertise.
Had he messed up?
"Nonsense, eye contact is necessary for showcasing romantic intentions."
Riddle would've replied, had Yuuki not interrupted him.
"Riddle, whatever you think I mean, It is not that. I do not hate you. I have not grown tired of you, and I love you with all my heart. You didn't do anything wrong. Everything is all right.
All I mean is that you don't have to force your eyes to focus on both of them. " ,Yuuki replied quickly, not wanting a repeat of what happened last friday night.
From her previous experiences, Yuuki had learned that Riddle would often avoid eye contact when he felt he wasn't being enough in the relationship. They had discussed this last friday, after their not-so-pretty fight.
And they discussed this maturely, No tears were shed.
Maybe a few tears were shed.
But Yuuki was a really good hugger, okay!
"I am capable of multitasking" said Riddle at last, trying to sound annoyed.
Though the redness of his cheeks lessens the effectiveness of his anger.
In truth, Riddle was a bit upset. The last sentence did hurt his pride a little. Does she imply that he was not able to!? He very well can!
But his lover did say she "loved him with all her heart".
He supposed he could let it pass, if she apologised sincerely. But he will still maintain eye contact with both!
"Riddle, my dear, you looked like a goldfish when you do that."
He chose to focus on her right eye.
Her real eye.
Her beautiful eye, Shining like a gem.
He stared at her cheeks, rose-red from their "arrangement."
He stared at the little chip on her front teeth, one he once deemed imperfection, now something endearing.
He stared at her sweet smile as she looked at him, as if he was the most precious thing in the world.
Then, Riddle's eyes drifted to her lips.
Her red juicy lips, (which is in dire need of a chapstick, but Riddle took no notice).
Instead, he noticed how kissable they were. How he so desired to touch them with his own.
Riddle averted his gaze.
Instead he stared at her rough hands, from her diligence in the handicrafts club.
He stared at her hands, intertwined with his own. Hands that had comforted him, tickled him, once even slapped him (though that was when he had overblotted).
...Hey, wait a minute.
When did she get so close?!
Riddle's eyes widened.
Yuuki was so close, their noses almost touched. So close, that he can feel her breath.
And Riddle panicked.
He pushed himself away.
But in his rush, he made the chair next to him fall. Luckily, Yuuki was able to grab the chair before it could slam to the ground and break.
Yet even at a tense scenario, Yuuki was in the mood to joke around. Or perhaps, it was because of it.
"Oh? Not gonna kiss me?" Asked Yuuki. "guess i misread the signs, huh? ...Sorry about that."
Yuuki was sincerely apologetic, but she did not know how to express without teasing.
"I mean, kissing's probably not in your to-do list anyways.", Yuuki said cheekily, not able to stay serious for long.
Yet As Yuuki was pulling away, Riddle grabbed her arm. Yuuki was surprised, Riddle's grip was tight.
"I would quite like kissing you." Said Riddle.
It would've seemed quite assertive, had not he averted his eyes a second later.
Yet it still made Yuuki's heart flutter.
"But not right now, of course! We have many steps ahead of us before we reach that level! Plus, I must make sure our first kiss goes perfectly. I shall allow no obstacles to get in the way."
Riddle rambled on and on, though it did no good at hiding his embarrassment.
Oh why had he let such words slip into reality!? Couldn't he hold it in until he was alone?? It was a mistake on his part. He must practice keeping the odd thoughts out of his mind.
Or at least, not out of his mouth.
Instead of telling Riddle it need not be perfect, which she so wanted to tell him (but if she did, she'd never hear the end of it), yuuki pouted.
An intentional pout.
Now that she knows that the only main thing holding Riddle back was that lovers guide, she could find a way to work around that.
"Aww.", She started, making her eyes look as big and sad as possible. "No kisses? Not even a kiss on the hand? It wouldn't exactly be a lovers thing, since it was a greeting back in the day, wasn't it?"
(-yuuki rolled for persuasion-)
Riddle pondered on this for a while.
What Yuuki said was true; After all, they learnt this at Professor Trein's class just last year.
"Well, I suppose so. Alright. I shall allow it."
(-she rolled a natural 20-)
Hearing this, Yuuki grinned, lowering her lips to Riddle's fingers.
...Unfortunately, Riddle had the same idea.
And a comical scene ensues.
The pair bended over at the same time, causing their foreheads to bump.
And as they had both rushed to kiss their partner, the foreheads bumped with great force.
Which led to many yelps of pain.
Yet even with the pain pinching her forehead, Yuuki laughed.
"I see we were thinking the same thing". (We're practically soulmates!, she also thought, but did not say out loud)".
At the realization, Riddle laughed as well, though his was definitely softer compared to Yuuki. But it was undoubtedly genuine.
And their laughs echoed across the room. (A few weeks later, Riddle recalled this incident and scolded Yuuki profusely for laughing so loud in the library. At 3 am. HE CALLED AT 3 AM. FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED WEEKS AGO!)
Riddle placed his hand on the injured spot, massaging it carefully.
One would think Yuuki had learned her lesson. After all, she might get her head hurt again.
Unfortunately, Yuuki was as impulsive as she was witty.
Seizing the opportunity, Yuuki kissed Riddle's hand...which was placed on his forehead, (and kissed his forehead as well, albeit very slightly).
Riddle's cheeks darkened like a rose. He was a mix of madly in love and just plain mad."HOW DARE YOU KISS ME!", Shouted he.
"You said I could kiss your hand.", said Yuuki defensively, Though, she knew she had no right to be. She was stubborn that way, unfortunately.
"Not on the forehead!" Replied Riddle, face red and steam coming out of his ears.
"I didn't kissed the forehead, I kissed the hand on the forehead" defended Yuuki.
Riddle was not able to make a comeback, since he found nothing wrong with what Yuuki said.
Moral lesson: Sometimes, stubbornness does pay off.
Only with Riddle though.
It was at this moment when the two individuals realised this was their first kiss.
(Indeed. Both parties remembered this as their first kiss, even though neither would admit it)
And now, the two lovebirds blush, averting their eyes.
Absolutely magnifique.
Riddle and Yuuki, perfectly matched for each other.
So very different thought processes and personality, yet whwn together, they make an unlikely pair. Like Honey and lemon.
This was the thoughts of Rook Hunt, Thy Narrator, who have been watching the youthful couple since the first buds of romance! Even adding a bit òf fertilizer to help it bloom.
Rook checked off the words trickster and Roi de Roses from his notebook, nodding to himself. And off he went, down the tree! Weeeee!
As Rook was jumping down, Idia had just returned from his walk (touch grass, Ortho had said). Surprisingly, he was actually quite alright. There were almost no one outside, and the cloudy sky protected him from the painful sun. He even saw Lucius taking a nap! It wasn't as bad as he expected, the tiniest of smiles even resting on his face.
Unfortunately for him, Idia was soon found rushing back to his dorm, silently cursing this world. Idia took back all the good stuff he said about the walk (it was literally just two sentences, but still!).
Soon, A rumor had spread through all Night Raven College, about an almost-completely-naked dove beastman roaming the courtyards with the hearts of his enemies on his arrows, and only a loincloth to cover his...y'know.
author's note:
I am not a writer, I am merely reporting to you what i see. Sometimes I report really crappily.
this took so long. The 1st draft was like i was writing a Sebek x Yuuki fic instead. I had to rewrite it a couple of times. And with every rewrite, Yuuki changed her personality, which led to multiple rewrites. And that's not counting the amount of possibilities I could've written. My first idea was them fighting at a heartslabyul unbirthday party and kissing. Unfortunately, it did not come together.
What was I saying again? Oh right! Please be more specific in the scenario you want too! Or I will cry again. Thank you.
Oh! Did you enjoy the plot twist? Hope you did. Thanks for requesting, by the way. Also, I blame Rook for all inaccuracies. I took some artistic liberties, to make it flow better.
“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years;the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child;the one who fails to reach[a] a hundred will be considered accursed."
Isaiah 65:20
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