#Rory pond
malevolent-muse · 2 days
🌀 😍 🌀
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victoriawaterfield · 1 month
difficult thing about the one who waits is that figuring out is impossible because EVERYONE in this show waits . amy & rory? waited. susan? waited. jack? waited. THE MASTER?? waited. running theory that tye one who waits is just gonna be like a melted together monster of everyone in the show
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ynnu-64 · 4 months
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They are one of my faves…..
My comfort T4T ship
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brekkerholmes · 5 months
sometimes a marriage is you, your husband and your emotional support time-travelling alien
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(i'm on episode 9 season 5, so no spoilers pls!)
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sooooupyraisin · 6 months
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third wheel king
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the-idiot-fox · 16 days
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i was on an art nouveau kick for a while there, and it lined up with a brief hyperfixation on Doctor Who
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corallapis · 11 months
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thekingofspin · 9 months
How often do you think of the roman empire?
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kcchameleon17 · 3 months
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate how many bags he is carrying while Amy is walking ahead not carrying a single one? And we know those are all her bags. This is such a blink-and-you-miss-it moment but it's so funny and so in character lol I love them so much
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batsyvie · 6 months
14 staying on Earth has SO many opportunities for angst. He needs to visit the companion support group! He needs to reunite with them all! Making amends with Martha and Mickey, his old face returning to Jack, apologising to Rory’s father for failing to bring the Ponds back, meeting Yaz again and telling her that yes, he still loves her, and he’s sorry that it’s not enough.
I need him to find the families of those he couldn’t save and to give them closure! i need him to wake up in a cold sweat and let thousands of years worth of hurt spill out so that he can be looked after!
i need him to look at Rose Temple-Noble and be haunted by how her smile and enthusiasm is all too similar to Rose Tyler. For him to look at Donna and mistake her for another red-headed best friend he once had. For him to feel a gaping hole where Clara Oswald had once made herself at home during his past lives whenever he passes a brunette. To see a puddle of water and be unable to restrain himself from peering in and praying he sees a glimpse of Bill in there. 14 visiting a museum and remembering there was a time where he would just point and laugh at archaeologists. now he just hurts.
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bekowsky111 · 6 months
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rory and 11 ... clown to clown communication
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fanonical · 6 months
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expectiations · 4 months
River: you know, Rory gives Amy flowers every day. I wish you'd do that too the Doctor: okay
the next day
the Doctor: gives Amy flowers Amy: ?????? the Doctor: I don't know. I'm confused as well
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lord-save-me · 25 days
Be Jack Harkness
- man ❌
- the tardis travelled to the ends of the universe just to get rid of him ❌
- uses pretty privilege for evil ❌
- mission resulted in boyfriend's death ❌
- time defiance results in turning into big head ❌
-lame fake name stolen off soldier ❌
-family all gone ❌
Be River Song
- mother ✅
- married the Doctor (Jack Harkness wishes) ✅
- uses pretty privilege for mischief ✅
- mission resulted in saving the doctor and marrying him ✅
-time defiance results in fun journal exchanges with the doctor ✅
- cool new name given by an alien language ✅
-got to spend time with her parents and her new husband ✅
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the-autistic-spider · 3 months
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my dad just sent me this
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dontbelasagne · 7 months
so im rewatching the start of Elevens era and it hit me how hot headed and simply angry Eleven was in those early days travelling with Amy. it made me wonder how quick the timeline was from the events in the Waters of Mars to their regeneration in the End of Time without ever being able to fully comprehend the loss or grief that blanketed them to turn into the Time Lord Victorious. i dont think Eleven was able to run away from that until River had to spell it out. if they carried on like they did, what more would "Doctor" be known as? a warrior is one thing, but to be lorded like some victimless God over the laws of time and space would simply corrupt. it's why the companions care so much. it's why Amy was so quick to remind Eleven how all that pain and old age can simply make you kind in the beast below. it's why Eleven needed the Ponds and to feel like they were allowed to love like that again, to have people who they could call home and not just have that word remain a point of heartbreak. it's why i hold the Twelfth Doctor so close to my heart, because they continually try every waking moment to just be kind, to know if they can be good after everything they have witnessed and done ("am I a good man?"). the universe shouldn't need to reward you for that kindness, but it also definitely does not deserve to be the victim of your heartbreak and anger. The Doctor is as much a tragic character as they are hopeful, and it's one of the best sort of reminders as humans ourselves who go through so much pain. we can remain kind, without witness, without reward. The Doctor reminds us how much love can remain, even if you fall so low.
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